SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Colombia, May 1925

Overall expenditure: 374.2/550 IBP

Colombian Navy

Nine Valiente-class monitors under construction from January 1925. (72.0 IBP)

Seven Vindicador-class cruisers laid down. (94.5 IBP)

Nine Valiente-class monitors undergoing sea trials from January 1925. (3.6 IBP)

Six Vindicador-class cruisers commencing sea trials. (4.1 IBP)

Active fleet maintenance. (5.0 IBP)

Grand Army of Colombia

Ranger Recon Aircraft project. (Recon aircraft development for Colombian Ranger Corps) (100.0 IBP)

Ranger Combat Aircraft project. (Close-air support plane development Colombian Ranger Corps) (100.0 IBP)

Overall force maintenance. (21.0 IBP)
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Coyote »

The Yishuv

Yearly Stipend: 200 IBPs (Industry of 2) = 200 IBPs per year.
Military cost per year: 86 IBPs.
Remaining IBPs for year: 144
IBPs divided into quarterly allocations: 36 per quarter

Current Projects: 2nd Quarter of FY 1925
Coastal Railroad, 10 IBPs for 2Q 1925 (8 quarters projected: 1 spent; 7 remain)

Ship purchases from Germany: 18 this quarter for 1 ship; 18 next quarter for the other.

Remaining 8 IBPs: purchase of infantry small arms from Germany (Gewehr-98s, MG-15s, etc)
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Norade »

School requires more work than I remember it taking...
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by RogueIce »

United States of America - Q2 FY1925

Total: 550 IBPs (5 IND/5 ECON)

National Projects
100 IBPs to Air Tech 4
100 IBPs to Army Tech 4

United States Army Air Service
4 Prototype PW-5 [Boeing Model 15]: 4 (Complete SEP 1925)
40 GA-1 [Airco DH.4]: 4 (Complete SEP 1925)
60 PW-4 [Thomas-More MB-3A]: 6 (Complete NOV 1925)
10 NBS-1 [Martin NBS-1]: 1 (Complete JUL 1925)

United States Navy
Fitting out South Dakota class BB (43200t): 2.16 (Complete AUG 1925)
Building South Dakota class BB (43200t): 43.2 (Construction complete AUG 1925; Fitting out complete AUG 1926)
Building South Dakota class BB (43200t): 43.2 (Construction complete FEB 1927; Fitting out complete FEB 1928)
Building South Dakota class BB (43200t): 43.2 (Construction complete FEB 1927; Fitting out complete FEB 1928)
Converting Lexington class CV (36000t): 18 (Construction complete JAN 1927; Fitting out complete JAN 1928)
Converting Lexington class CV (36000t): 18 (Construction complete JAN 1927; Fitting out complete JAN 1928)
4 Prototype FB [Boeing Model 15]: 4 (Complete SEP 1925)
30 FU [Vought VE-7]: 3 (Complete AUG 1925)

TOTAL: 389.76 / 550
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Raesene »

Tuscan Kingdom, Q3 1925:

Infrastructure: 20 General improvement to railways, harbours, roads etc
Economy: 20 focus on promoting Tuscan products in Europe and abroad
total 40pts
(Purpose is of course to increase the point value after some time; 40 spent in the last two Quarters in Inf and Econ)

Mesoamerican Canal Project 20 pts


towards Air focus 3: 20
towards Army focus 4: 20
total 40pts; 40 points spent in the last two quarter on each

type |# building |pts/ship |pts/class |Q in construction/ of total time

BB |1x Patria |50 | 50 |Quarter 3/8 | Patria-class under construction
BB |1x Africa |50 | 50 |Quarter 3/8 | Patria-class under construction
BB |1x Tasmania |50 | 50 |Quarter 2/8 |Patria-class under construction

CA |1x ? |17 |17 |quarter 2/5 |1 Tevere-class new ld under construction
CA |1x ? |17 |17 |quarter 2/5 |1 Tevere-class new ld under construction

CV |1x Cigno |22 |22 |quarter 3/5 |1 as HMS Courageous under construction
CV |1x Albatro |22 |22 |quarter 3/5 |1 as HMS Courageous under construction

DD |14x Lantanoidi | 3 | 42 |quarter 1/3 | repeat Alkalini DDs; under construction; laid down July 1925, available April 1926 [copy/paste error :oops: ]

SS |7 x long range |3 |21 |quarter 2/3 new Submarines, Surcouf-type (3000 ts) under construction

BB |1x Oceano |48 | 2.4 |Quarter 8/8 |1 Il Principe-class fitting out, available September 1925
DD |12x Alkalini et… | 3 | 1.8 |quarter 3/3 |new DDs fitting out; available October 1925
SS |14x long range | 1 | 0.7|quarter 3/3 fitting out

20 pts for civilian freighters, tankers and passenger ships ready for conversion to troop transport or roles as Royal Fleet Auxiliary.

Expansion of three 25-40kt slip to a 55-70kt slip 3x 2.5 IP/Quarter, finished End of Q2/1927
two of the slips to be extended are in Livorno, the other in Tasmania.

Long-range plane prototype 1 pt Farreacher
Protoype medium bomber 2 points Sidestrand
3 protoype fighters Hawker Nimrod
4 Squadrons of Horsly bombers (prototype testing finished) 8 pts, one Squadron available end of august, the others end of september to reflect changes from prototype models to final product plane.

2 points for weapons research.

419.4 points spent in total for Q3
Last edited by Raesene on 2009-12-08 12:31pm, edited 1 time in total.

"In view of the circumstances, Britannia waives the rules."

"All you have to do is to look at Northern Ireland, [...] to see how seriously the religious folks take "thou shall not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable." George Carlin

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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Steve »

July 1925 Construction Queue

Total IBPs: 500 (5 Industry) + 10% (5 Economy) = 550

National Projects:

Air Tech 4 = 10 IBPs
Upgrading 2 25-40kT Slipways to 55-70kT capacity = 40 IBPs (Completion Date March 1927)
Infrastructure Upgrades - Northern Australia Rail lines = 10 IBPs
Upgrading 2 40-55kT Slipways to 55-70kT capacity = 30 IBPs (Completion Date April 1927)
Building new 55-70kT Slipway = 25 IBPs (Completion Date April 1927)
Nicaragua Canal Project = 20 IBPs

Total Cost: 135 IBPs


10 Activations of Reserve Infantry Divisions for Regular service = 10 IBPs, complete in August 1925
Upgrading 3rd Australian Guards to Motorized Status = 9 IBPs, complete in February 1926, full effectiveness reduced until November 1926
5 Reserve Infantry Divisions = 10 IBPs (Cost Date Completed 1 August 1925, unit effectiveness full in 1 August 1926)
3 Motorized Infantry Divisions w/ Armored Recon Battalion = 33 IBPs (Cost Date completed February 1926, unit effectiveness 1 February 1927)
1 Motorized Artillery Brigade = 6 IBPs, complete in February 1926, max effectiveness in February 1927

Total Cost: 68 IBPs


10 6 Nez Perce-class (14,300t) = 85.8 IBPs (construction phase complete June-August 1925, full completion in February-April of 1926)
4 Nez Perce-class (14,300t) = 2.86 IBPs (fitting out phase, completion in February-April of 1926)
6 Sovereign-class (50,428t) = 15.12 IBPs (fitting out phase, completion in March-April 1926)
3 4 Defiant-class (55,000t) = 220 IBPs (construction phase complete in March 1927, full completion in March 1928)

Total Cost: 323.78 IBPs

Air Force

4 prototype PF-4 biplane fighters = 4 IBPs(Completion July 1925)
4 prototype BF-3 biplane bombers = 4 IBPs(Completion July 1925)
40 PF-3 biplane fighters = 4 IBPs (Completion July 1925)
8 T-1 transport aircraft = 4 IBPs(completion July 1925)
10 RC-2 coastal patrol flying boats = 5 IBPs (completion July 1925)

Total Cost: 0 IBPs

Overall Expenditures: 526.78/550 IBPs
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Raj Ahten »

Chilitina, Q3 1925

Total IBP's: 525 (500 base +5% economy)

National Projects:
Infrastructure Upgrades: 20 IBP's for better highway connections to the borders and better roads in general.
Fortifications: 10 IBP's for Alpha Line.
Aerospace Research: 10 IBP's for joint fund with Spain.


Upgrade of 13 Artillery Brigades to Motorized: 39 IBP's, complete January 1926.
Upgrade of 39 Infantry/Marine Brigades to Motorized: 117 IBP's, complete October 1925.
Building 6 armored Recon Batts to augment Cavalry: 12 IBP's, complete January 1926.


17 Fubuki class Destroyers (1780t), 28.48 IBP's. Complete October 1925.
7 Aoba class Heavy Cruisers (7100t), 49.7 IBP's. Complete Janaury 1926.
4 South Dakota class Battleships (43200t), 172.8 IBP's. Complete January 1927.
1 Lexington conversion New build (38746t), 38.75 IBP's. Complete January 1927
3 V class (Barracuda) Submarines (6600t), 7 IBP's

Total Naval IBP's: 298.51 rounded up to 299.

Air Force
36 Large Float-planes, 18 IBP's

Total Air Force IBP's: 18

Total spending:525/525 points.
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by loomer »

Afghanistan, Q3 1925
Available: 212.5

Infantry Weapon Design: 10 points
Artillery Design: 20 points
Modernization Program (to Tech 3): 20 points
Reserve Activation:
7 divisions of Horse drawn artillery: 7 points
10 divisions horse-mounted infantry: 10 points
New Troops:
Reserve Recruitment:
8 divisions horse-mounted infantry. 16 points.

Fort Maintenance and Construction:
10 points for continuing construction of both Shepistani border forts
4.5 points maintenance for border outposts and older fortifications.

Continuing railroad expansion: 10 points
Expansion of power grid in significant areas: 5 points

Generalized government subsidies: 30 points

Continuing industrial improvements: 60 points

Army Recruitment Incentives (for Army Focus: 2): 30 points
"Doctors keep their scalpels and other instruments handy, for emergencies. Keep your philosophy ready too—ready to understand heaven and earth. In everything you do, even the smallest thing, remember the chain that links them. Nothing earthly succeeds by ignoring heaven, nothing heavenly by ignoring the earth." M.A.A.A
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Bluewolf »

IBP Costs Q1:

Total IBP: 410


275 for 4 BC's and 2 BB's (2 years)

57 for 5 divisions to be motarized (1 year)

10 for 5 Armored Recon Battllions (1 year)

8 for 80 Fighters (1 month)

National Projects:

Industry Development Project: 20 (2 years)

Air Force Development: 20 (? time to Air Tech Score 4)

Northen Chinese Infastructure Development: 10

Total: 410
IBP Costs Q2:

Total IBP: 410


275 for 4 BC's and 2 BB's (2 years)

57 for 5 divisions to be motarized (1 year)

10 for 5 Armored Recon Battllions (1 year)

8 for 80 Fighters (1 month)

National Projects:

Industry Development Project: 20 (2 years)

Air Force Development: 20 (? time to Air Tech Score 4)

Northen Chinese Infastructure Development: 10

Total: 410
IBP Costs Q3:

Total IBP: 410


275 for 4 Battlecruisers (40k) and 2 Battleships (54k) (2 years)

57 for 5 divisions to be motarized (1 year)

10 for 5 Armored Recon Battllions (1 year)

6 points for 1 Motarized Arty Brigade (6 months)

2 for 20 Fighters

National Projects:

Industry Development Project: 20 (2 years)

Air Force Development: 20 (? time to Air Tech Score 4)

Northen Chinese Infastructure Development: 10

Total: 410
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Thanas »

German construction Queue up till Q3 1925

Note: May change if the rules for industry improvement change once more. I am currently operating on the assumption that 20 IBPs per four quarters generate 20 IBps at the end, the maximum allowed. If that is incorrect, expect this queue to change a lot.

Q1 1925:
525 base points
+ 32 from profit of arms sales to Spain
+ 10 profit of arms sales to Egypt
+ 10 profit of arms slaes to France
+ 45 profit arms sales to China
= 622
- 50 reconstruction
- 72 for two Lexington class CV
- 20 Aircraft tech level 4
- fitting out of ships = 12,8
- 300 for construction of Bismarck class
- 50 for construction of 2 new 55-70kt yards (complete Q1 1927)
- 1 for 1 Dornier Do-H prototypes (bought from Spain at cost)
- 1 for 1 Fokker D.XIII prototype
- 2 for 2 Fokker D. XIV prototypes
- 4 for 4 prototype bomber aircraft (2 torpedo aircraft, 2 bomber aircraft)
- 20 for industry improvements
- 0.2 for 2 more transports. (used to start postal service to the Yishuv)
- raising 20 infantry divisions to active = 60
- 10 for miscellaneous research
- 30 new infantry divisions with Horse transport = 60
left: 0

Q2 1925:
525 base points
+ 32 from profit of arms sales to Spain
+ 10 profit of arms sales to Egypt
+ 10 profit of arms sales to France
+ 45 profit arms sales to China
+ 18 ship sales to Yishuw
= 640
- 50 reconstruction
- 72 for two Lexington class CV
- 20 Aircraft tech level 4
- 15 for fitting out Bismarck class
- 220 for new construction (2 Imperator, 2 Scharnhorst class BC)
- 50 for construction of 2 new 55-70kt yards (complete Q1 1927)
- 30 for upgrade of 2 55kt yards to 55-70kt yards (complete Q2 1927)
- 3 for 30 carrier aircraft (15 fighters, 15 torpedo/bombers - 10 fighters, 10 torp bombers to Carrier, left based on land for replacement)
- 20 for industry improvement
- 20 for 200 Fokker DXIII
- 20 for 200 FOkker DXIV
- 40 for 200 Gotha GXI bomber
- raising 20 infantry divisions to active = 20
- 30 new infantry divisions with Horse transport = 60
left: 0
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Czechmate »

*snipped - gotta redo in light of some stuff Steve mentioned*
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Evincer »

Q3 Construction Queue
Q1-1925 projects that are now complete

Construction and Research

190 pts of Construction and Research


Accelerated production of Model-1918 submachinegun - 15 pt


Amstrong Whitworth Siskin - 100 [10 pts]
Supermarine Southhampton - 10 [5 pts]
Torpedo Bomber - 80 [8 pts]
Constructing Vickers Victoria Prototype Airframe - 2 [10 pts]
Constructing Autogyro Prototypes - 4 [4 pts]
F8C Prototypes - 4 [4 pts]

Total Air Construction: 40 pts
Q2 Projects that are now complete

Construction and Research

The following 6-month projects are now complete

60 pts for construction of "Phase 2" Inka habitats [now moving into finishing stage]
40 pts for expansion of telegraph and telephone lines and radio towers to every small community
-1000 km of telephone and telegraph wire
-5 100km radio transmitters and 10 50km radio transmitters

30 pts for television research
-called out for international experts
-assembled design team
-caught up to Japanese innovations


Armstrong Whitworth Siskin - 100 - [10 pts]
Torpedo Bomber - 40 [4 pts]
Supermarine Southampton - 4 [2 pts]
Foreign prototype - 5 pts
Evaluation of Vickers Victoria Prototype Airframes - 1 pt
Evaluation of F8C Prototypes - 1 pt
Constructing further Autogyro Prototypes - 4 [4 pts]
Fighter replacements - 1 pt
Larger aircraft replacements - 2 pts

Total = 30 pts


Continued acceleration of submachinegun production - 10 pts
Acceleration of Model 1897 trench shotgun production - 5 pts
Funding and contribution of engineers to foreign prototype - 5 pts
Initiating improved anti-tank mine research - 5 pts

Total = 25 pts
Q3 Spending

Research and Construction

Q1 - 30 pts for conversion to all-metal aircraft production
(In Q3 that figure becomes 20 pts)
Q1 - 30 pts for construction of redundant subway tunnels
New in Q3 - 15 pts for 50 Megawatts of rural power generation stations

New 3rd Quarter 6-month Projects
45 pts for finishing and furnishing of "Phase 2" Inka habitats [6 months]
20 pts for television research
10 pts for 500 km of rural electrical wire
4 pts for 200 km of rural telegraph and telephone wire
4 pts for 4 50km radio transmitters

148 pts


55 pts ongoing construction


F8C Falcon production-line prototypes (production to begin Q1 1926) - 2 [2 pts]
Amstrong Whitworth Siskin - 80 [8 pts]
Supermarine Southhampton - 2 [1 pts]
Supermarine Southhampton foreign order - 36 [12 pts from foreign country + 1 pt profit]
Victoria Transports - 2 [1 pts]
Torpedo Bomber - 80 [8 pts]
Fighter replacements - 2 pts
Larger aircraft replacements - 4 pts
Evaluation of autogyro prototypes - 4 pts
Monoplane design studies - 20 pts
Purchase of Browning 1919 and M2 aircraft machine guns from Cascadia - 10 pts to Cascadia

=59 pts


Continued submachinegun surplus production - 5 pts
Continued Model 1897 trench shotgun surplus production - 5 pts
Funding and contribution of engineers to foreign prototype - 10 pts
Continuing improved anti-tank mine research - 10 pts
Observer mission to Soviet Union - 2 pts
Cost of supporting observer mission (sent to USSR) - 5 pts

Total = 37 pts

Total = 299 pts
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Thanas »

War Budget Q3 1925:

(will change if Karmic surrenders)

525 base points
+ 32 from profit of arms sales to Spain
+ 10 profit of arms sales to Egypt
+ 10 profit of arms sales to France
+ 45 profit arms sales to China
+ 18 ship sales to Yishuw
War economy: + 500
= 1140
- 50 reconstruction
- 72 for two Lexington class CV
- 20 Aircraft tech level 4
- 15 for fitting out Bismarck class
- 220 for new construction (2 Imperator, 2 Scharnhorst class BC)
- 50 for construction of 2 new 55-70kt yards (complete Q1 1927)
- 30 for upgrade of 2 55kt yards to 55-70kt yards (complete Q2 1927)
- 20 for industry improvement
- 20 for canal building project
- activating 161 artillery brigades = 181
- activating 9 siege artillery brigades = 9
- activating 50 cavalry divisions = 150
- activating 300 infantry brigades = 100
- raising 45 new infantry divisions = 90
- 400 fighters = 40
- 390 bomber = 68
- 140 torpedo bomber = 14
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Slacker »

Poland-Lithuanian Expenditures for 1925
440 ICPs Available

Convert 12 assault infantry divisions to mechanised infantry divisions: 120 points
Build 12 Armored Brigades: 120 points
Build 180 F-4 Fighters organized into 10 wings: 180
"I'm sorry, you seem to be under the mistaken impression that your inability to use the brain evolution granted you is any of my fucking concern."
"You. Stupid. Shit." Victor desperately wished he knew enough Japanese to curse properly. "Davions take alot of killing." -Grave Covenant
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Lascaris »

Cisplatine republic Quarter 1 1925

Infrastracture: 80 IBP to increase of industrial capacity

Army: 178

Creation of 1 armoured bde: 10 (complete January 1926)
Motorize 6 artillery bde: 18 (complete January 1926)
Motorize 8 infantry divisions: 72 (complete January 1926)
Create 2 cavalry bde: 2 (complete July 1925)
Create 12 Reserve infantry divisions: 24 (complete July 1925)
Create 10 Reserve artillery bde: 30 (complete January 1926)
Create 2 siege artillery bde: 10 (complete January 1926)
Create 6 Armor recon btn: 12 (complete January 1926)

Navy: Total 242

Trials of 2 Plan 1923 BB: 4.87 (complete Oct 1925)
Construction of 2 Plan 1925 BB (55000t): 110 (complete January 1927)
Construction of 4 LC25 cruisers (11000t): 44 (complete April 1926)
Construction of 16 Fubuki class clones (1750t): 28 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 8 Type A submarines (J1 class 1970t): 15.76 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 8 Type B submarines (Redoutable 1378t) 11.02 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 32 Type C submarines (U115 evolution 882t) 28.35 (complete October 1925)

Air Force: Total 25

1 Valk 1B prototype (Bernard 12 with 480hp engine) 1 (complete April 1925)
36 carrier fighters: 3.6 (complete April 1925)
24 Blackburn Velos: 2.4 (complete April 1925)
40 Valk 1A (Bernard 12): 4 (complete April 1925)
80 NiD 42: 8
60 Breguet XIX B2: 6
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Lascaris »

Cisplatine republic Quarter 2 1925

Infrastracture: 80 IBP to increase of industrial capacity

Army: 178

Creation of 1 armoured bde: 10 (complete January 1926)
Motorize 6 artillery bde: 18 (complete January 1926)
Motorize 8 infantry divisions: 72 (complete January 1926)
Create 2 cavalry bde: 2 (complete July 1925)
Create 12 Reserve infantry divisions: 24 (complete July 1925)
Create 10 Reserve artillery bde: 30 (complete January 1926)
Create 2 siege artillery bde: 10 (complete January 1926)
Create 6 Armor recon btn: 12 (complete January 1926)

Navy: Total 242

Trials of 2 Plan 1923 BB: 4.87 (complete Oct 1925)
Construction of 2 Plan 1925 BB (55000t): 110 (complete January 1927)
Construction of 4 LC25 cruisers (11000t): 44 (complete April 1926)
Construction of 16 Fubuki class clones (1750t): 28 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 8 Type A submarines (J1 class 1970t): 15.76 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 8 Type B submarines (Redoutable 1378t) 11.02 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 32 Type C submarines (U115 evolution 882t) 28.35 (complete October 1925)

Air Force: Total 25

50 Valk 1A (Bernard 12): 5 (complete April 1925)
100 NiD 42: 10
100 Breguet XIX B2: 10


1 Valk 1B prototype (Bernard 12 with 480hp engine) 1
36 carrier fighters: 3.6 (complete April 1925)
24 Blackburn Velos: 2.4 (complete April 1925)
40 Valk 1A (Bernard 12): 4 (complete April 1925)
80 NiD 42: 8
60 Breguet XIX B2: 6
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Lascaris »

Cisplatine republic Quarter 3 1925

Base: 500
Economy bonus: 25
Gran Colombian exports: 13
Total: 538

Infrastracture: 80 IBP to increase of industrial capacity

Army: 189

Creation of 1 armoured bde: 10 (complete January 1926)
Motorize 6 artillery bde: 18 (complete January 1926)
Motorize 8 infantry divisions: 72 (complete January 1926)
Create 12 Reserve infantry divisions: 24 (complete January 1926)
Create 10 Reserve artillery bde: 30 (complete January 1926)
Create 2 siege artillery bde: 10 (complete January 1926)
Create 6 Armor recon btn: 12 (complete January 1926)
Create 1 armoured brigade: 10 (complete July 1926)
Create 1 motorized brigade: 3 (complete July 1926)

Navy: Total 242

Trials of 2 Plan 1923 BB: 4.87 (complete Oct 1925)
Construction of 2 Plan 1925 BB (55000t): 110 (complete January 1927)
Construction of 4 LC25 cruisers (11000t): 44 (complete April 1926)
Construction of 16 Fubuki class clones (1750t): 28 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 8 Type A submarines (J1 class 1970t): 15.76 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 8 Type B submarines (Redoutable 1378t) 11.02 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 32 Type C submarines (U115 evolution 882t) 28.35 (complete October 1925)

Air Force: Total 27

30 Valk 1A (Bernard 12): 3
100 NiD 42: 10
100 Breguet XIX B2: 10
40 Breguet XIX CN2: 4


Create 2 cavalry bde: 2 (complete July 1925)
Create 12 Reserve infantry divisions: 24 (complete July 1925)
50 Valk 1A (Bernard 12): 5
100 NiD 42: 10
100 Breguet XIX B2: 10
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Steve »

August 1925 Construction Queue

Total IBPs: 500 (5 Industry) + 10% (5 Economy) = 550

National Projects:

Air Tech 4 = 20 IBPs
Upgrading 2 25-40kT Slipways to 55-70kT capacity = 40 IBPs (Completion Date March 1927)
Infrastructure Upgrades - Northern Australia Rail lines = 10 IBPs
Upgrading 2 40-55kT Slipways to 55-70kT capacity = 30 IBPs (Completion Date April 1927)
Building new 55-70kT Slipway = 25 IBPs (Completion Date April 1927)
Nicaragua Canal Project = 20 IBPs
Industrial Expansion = 60 IBPs for gain of 15 IBPs (Started August 1925: Completion August 1926)

Total Cost: 185 IBPs


10 Activations of Reserve Infantry Divisions for Regular service = 10 IBPs, complete in August 1925
Upgrading 3rd Australian Guards to Motorized Status = 9 IBPs, complete in February 1926, full effectiveness reduced until November 1926
5 Reserve Infantry Divisions = 10 IBPs (Cost Date Completed 1 August 1925, unit effectiveness full in 1 August 1926)
3 Motorized Infantry Divisions w/ Armored Recon Battalion = 33 IBPs (Cost Date completed February 1926, unit effectiveness 1 February 1927)
1 Motorized Artillery Brigade = 6 IBPs, complete in February 1926, max effectiveness in February 1927

Total Cost: 48 IBPs


6 2 Nez Perce-class (14,300t) = 28.6 IBPs (construction phase complete June-August 1925, full completion in February-April of 1926)
4 8 Nez Perce-class (14,300t) = 5.72 IBPs (fitting out phase, completion in February-April of 1926)
6 Sovereign-class (50,428t) = 15.12 IBPs (fitting out phase, completion in March-April 1926)
4 Defiant-class (55,000t) = 220 IBPs (construction phase complete in March 1927, full completion in March 1928)

Total Cost: 269.44 IBPs

Air Force

4 prototype PF-4 biplane fighters = 4 IBPs(Completion July 1925)
4 prototype BF-3 biplane bombers = 4 IBPs(Completion July 1925)
40 PF-3 biplane fighters = 4 IBPs (Completion July 1925)
8 T-1 transport aircraft = 4 IBPs(completion July 1925)
10 RC-2 coastal patrol flying boats = 5 IBPs (completion July 1925)

Total Cost: 0 IBPs

Overall Expenditures: 522.44/550 IBPs
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Colombia, Q3 1925

Overall expenditure: 1 125.0/1125.0 IBP

Colombian Navy

6 Vindicador-class cruisers under construction from May 1925; 94.5 IBP

9 Valiente-class gunboats undergoing sea trials from January 1925; 3.6 IBP

6 Vindicador-class cruisers undergoing sea trials from May 1925; 4.1 IBP

76 Sirene-class submarines bought from Cisplatina; 42 IBP

Grand Army of Colombia

Create 18 armoured brigades and 36 motor infantry brigades; 288 IBP

Create 1 siege artillery brigade; 5 IBP

300 NiD-42 bought from Cisplatina; 30 IBP

100 Potez XXV bought from Cisplatina; 10 IBP

100 LeO-20 bought from Cisplatina; 50 IBP

500 trainer aircraft bought from Cisplatina; 50 IBP

250 Blackburn Dart bought from Cisplatina for Brazil; 25 IBP

1200 NiD-42 licence produced by Brazil with Colombian financing; 120 IBP

800 Potez XXV licence produced by Brazil with Colombian financing; 80 IBP

275 LeO-20 bought from Cisplatina for Brazil; 137.5 IBP


Finance Brazilian acquisition of Dutch ships; 106.8 IBP

Additional ships; 65.5 IBP

Cisplatine profits; 13 IBP
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by RogueIce »

United States of America - Q3 FY1925 (September)

Total: 550 IBPs (5 IND/5 ECON)

National Projects
Air Tech 4: 50
Army Tech 4: 50
Upgrade 40-55kt Slipway to 55-70kt Slipway: 15 (Complete AUG 1927)
Upgrade 40-55kt Slipway to 55-70kt Slipway: 15 (Complete AUG 1927)
Build 40-55kt Slipway: 20 (Complete AUG 1927)
Build 40-55kt Slipway: 20 (Complete AUG 1927)

United States Army
Converting 10th Division (Reserve) to active duty: 1 (Effective MAR 1926)
Converting 11th Division (Reserve) to active duty: 1 (Effective MAR 1926)
Converting 3rd Cavalry Division (Reserve) to active duty: 2 (Effective MAR 1926)

United States Army Air Service
4 Prototype PW-5 [Boeing Model 15]: 4 (Complete SEP 1925)
40 GA-1 [Airco DH.4]: 4 (Complete SEP 1925)
60 20 PW-4 [Thomas-More MB-3A]: 6 2 (Complete NOV 1925)
10 NBS-1 [Martin NBS-1]: 1 (Complete JUL 1925)

United States Navy
Fitting out South Dakota class BB (43200t): 2.16 (Complete AUG 1925)
Fitting out South Dakota class BB (43200t): 2.16 (Construction complete AUG 1925; Fitting out complete AUG 1926)
Building South Dakota class BB (43200t): 43.2 (Construction complete FEB 1927; Fitting out complete FEB 1928)
Building South Dakota class BB (43200t): 43.2 (Construction complete FEB 1927; Fitting out complete FEB 1928)
Converting Lexington class CV (36000t): 18 (Construction complete JAN 1927; Fitting out complete JAN 1928)
Converting Lexington class CV (36000t): 18 (Construction complete JAN 1927; Fitting out complete JAN 1928)
15x Bainbridge DD (1400t): 21 (Construction complete MAY 1926; Fitting out complete AUG 1926)
4 Prototype FB [Boeing Model 15]: 4 (Complete SEP 1925)
30 FU [Vought VE-7]: 3 (Complete AUG 1925)

TOTAL: 321.56 / 550
Last edited by RogueIce on 2009-12-30 05:42pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Beowulf »


1000 pts available

National projects:
48pts economy improvement

Activation of:
1st - 9th Reserve Infantry Corps, Heilongjiang province 4 pts/Corps = 36 pts
3nd Fortress Corps, Heilongjiang province 3pt/Div * 5 Div = 15 pts
51 pts

5th Infantry Corps - Motorized Infantry Corps conversion (Army of Korea)
Artillery Brigade motorization - 3 points 1/4
3 Infantry division motorization - 9 points ea - 27 points 1/4
+1 Armor Regiment - 10 points 1/4
40 points

4 Armored Brigades (for upgrade of secondary reserve Corps) 2/4
40 pts

4 Motorized Corps
Motor Artillery Brigade - 6 points 1/4
3 Motor Infantry division - 9 points ea - 27 points 1/4
+1 Armor Regiment - 10 points 1/4
172 pts

4 Infantry Corps
Artillery Brigade - 3 points 1/4
3 Infantry division - 2 points ea - 27 points 1/2
+1 Armor Regiment - 10 points 1/4
76 pts

4 Motorized Corps
Motor Artillery Brigade - 6 points 0/4
3 Motor Infantry division - 9 points ea - 27 points 0/4
+1 Armor Regiment - 10 points 0/4
172 pts

4 Infantry Corps
Artillery Brigade - 3 points 0/4
3 Infantry division - 2 points ea - 27 points 0/2
+1 Armor Regiment - 10 points 0/4
76 pts

International Volunteer Division - 3 pts 1/2

517 pts total

270 J-2 - 27 points
270 Q-2 - 27 points
Metal aircraft development - 7
Wasp Radial engine development - 3 pts
64 pts

Defense line Yat densification
Hailar He/Heilongjiang Section - 43 Fortress division = 2 Artillery Brigade + Siege Artillery BDE equivalent - 11 pts ea = 4433 pts 2/4 complete (1 div cancelled)

Heilongjiang-Waihsinganling Section - 1 Fort Div - 11 pts 2/4 complete
44pts total

Slipway improvements:
1 new 70kton slips - 25 points, 2/8 complete Winter 1927 - Lushunko Naval Shipyard
1 40kton slip upgrade - 10 points, 2/8 complete Winter 1927- Incheon Naval Shipyard
35pts total

4 CA1923 - 2.5pts/qtr ea 8/8 complete 2/4 fitting out
2 BB1925 - 40 pts/qtr ea 2/8 complete
2 CA1925 - 53 pts/qtr ea 2/8 complete
4 CS1923 - 12.1 pts/qtr ea 2/5.33 complete
4 DD1923 - 1.2 pts/qtr 2/3 complete
12 DD1923 - 1.2pts/qtr 0/3 complete

270.6pts total


Remaining 3.4 pts
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Brazilian Construction Queues Q1-Q3 1925

Post by Norseman »

Brazil Q1 Total points 525

Infrastracture: 80 IBP to increase of industrial capacity
Research Air Tech 4 = 20 IBPs

Army: 58

Creation of 2 armoured bde: 20 (complete January 1926)
Create 4 Marine divisions: 8 (complete July 1925)
Create 6 reserve infantry divisions: 12 (complete July 1925)
Create 6 reserve artillery brigades: 18 (complete January 1926)

Navy: Total 345.05

Trials of 3 Model 1923 BB: 6.825 (complete January 1926)
Trials of 2 Model 1923 CB: 4 (complete January 1926)
Construction of 3 Plan 1925 BB (54715t): 164,145 (complete January 1927)
Construction of 6 Myoko class cruisers (10000t): 60 (complete April 1926)
Construction of 24 Turbine class clones (1070t): 25,68 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 20 J1 class submarines (1970t): 39.4 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 50 evolved Mittel U (900t): 45 (complete October 1925)

Air Force: Total 21.95

4 airships: 20
19.5 NiD 29: 1.95

Brazil Q2 Total points 525

Infrastracture: 80 IBP to increase of industrial capacity
Research Air Tech 4 = 20 IBPs

Army: 58

Creation of 2 armoured bde: 20 (complete January 1926)
Create 4 Marine divisions: 8 (complete July 1925)
Create 6 reserve infantry divisions: 12 (complete July 1925)
Create 6 reserve artillery brigades: 18 (complete January 1926)

Navy: Total 345.05

Trials of 3 Model 1923 BB: 6.825 (complete January 1926)
Trials of 2 Model 1923 CB: 4 (complete January 1926)
Construction of 3 Plan 1925 BB (54715t): 164,145 (complete January 1927)
Construction of 6 Myoko class cruisers (10000t): 60 (complete April 1926)
Construction of 24 Turbine class clones (1070t): 25,68 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 20 J1 class submarines (1970t): 39.4 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 50 evolved Mittel U (900t): 45 (complete October 1925)

Air Force: Total 21.95

4 airships: 20 (July 1925)
19.5 NiD 29: 1.95 (July 1925)


19.5 NiD 29: 1.95 (April 1925)

Brazil Q3 Total points 525

Infrastracture: 80 IBP to increase of industrial capacity
Research Air Tech 4 = 20 IBPs

Army: 50

Creation of 2 armoured bde: 20 (complete January 1926)
Create 6 reserve infantry divisions: 12 (complete January 1926)
Create 6 reserve artillery brigades: 18 (complete January 1926)

Navy: Total 345.05

Trials of 3 Model 1923 BB: 6.825 (complete January 1926)
Trials of 2 Model 1923 CB: 4 (complete January 1926)
Construction of 3 Plan 1925 BB (54715t): 164,145 (complete January 1927)
Construction of 6 Myoko class cruisers (10000t): 60 (complete April 1926)
Construction of 24 Turbine class clones (1070t): 25,68 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 20 J1 class submarines (1970t): 39.4 (complete October 1925)
Construction of 50 evolved Mittel U (900t): 45 (complete October 1925)

Air Force: Total 29.95

4 airships: 20 (January 1926)
99.5 NiD 29: 9.95 (October 1925)


Create 4 Marine divisions: 8 (complete July 1925)
Create 6 reserve infantry divisions: 12 (complete July 1925)
4 airships: 20 (July 1925)
19.5 NiD 29: 1.95 (July 1925)
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »


Miscellaneous Research Projects (Television, Radar, Fundamental Science etc.): 79 points
Air Force Tech 3 to 4 upgrade: 20 points
Upgrading 2 25-40kT Slipways to 40-55kT capacity = 20 points (Completion Date January 1927, both at the Constantinople Naval Arsenal)
Construction of 3 55-70kT Slipways: 75 points (2 at Constantinople Naval Arsenal, 1 at the Athenian Naval Arsenal)
General Improvement: 20 points
Infrastructural Improvement: 20 points
Economic Improvement: 20 points
Industrial Improvement: 20 points
Fortifications in Persia: 20 points
Nicaragauo Canal Project: 20 points

Total: 314 points


Motorization: 7 infantry divisions till end Q4 1925 = 7 * 7 = 49 points
Motorization: 2 infantry divisions till end Q2 1926 = 7 * 2 = 14
Motorization: 4 artillery brigades till end Q4 1925 = 4 * 3 = 12 points
6 motorized artillery brigades raised till end Q4 1925 = 6 * 6 = 36
BT tank analogue prototype = 1 point
T-26 analogue single turret prototype = 1 point
T-28 analogue prototype = 1 point
Self-Propelled Artillery Prototype in T-35 chassis = 1 point
General research = 10 points (e.g. guns, vehicle suspension etc.)

Total = 125 points

Note: These tanks are long term projects. No expectation for ordering and deployment until 1929.

Air Force

4 Fairey Fox analogue prototypes = 4*1 = 4 points
4 bomber prototypes = 4*1 = 4 points (type to be determined)
4 heavy bomber prototypes = 4*1 = 4 points (type to be determined)
4 reconnaissance fighter prototypes = 4 points (type to be determined)

General research = 10 points (e.g. jet fighter, rotary aircraft etc.)

Total: 10 points


4 carrier fighter bomber prototypes = 4 points
4 carrier scout fighter prototypes = 4 points
4 carrier pursuit fighter prototypes = 4 points

4 Justinian-class Battleships in trials till end of end Q4 1925 - 0.05*50*4 = 10 points (Construction beginning in Jan 1923)
4 Sparta-class Heavy Cruisers in trials till end Q4 1925 - 0.05*16.9*4 = 3.38 points (Construction beginning in Jun 1924)
16 minelayers/minesweepers (1kt each) in construction till end Q3 1925 = 16 points
12 destroyers laid down (Chacal class) in construction till end Q4 1925 = 16 * 2.12 = 24.44
4 light cruisers laid down (Pensacola class) in construction till end Q1 1926 = 4 * 9.1 = 36.4
General research = 10 points (e.g. torpedoes, guns etc.)

Total points: 100.22 points

Total: 549.22 points
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2010-02-08 10:41am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Thanas »

Note: updated Q3 budget as war bonus did not take hold, since war was over very quickly. Only bonus of 40 points to budget as rest of Dutch Industry is busy with integration, modernizing etc. The army will also not expand any further as it is to busy with integration aspects as well.

EDITED: Once more updated due to ships not being scrapped but instead sold to Brasil.

Q3 1925:
541 IBP points (-25 for Alsace Lorraine territory lost + 40 for Dutch conquest = 515 base points, + 5% (economy of 4) = 541)
+ 32 from profit of arms sales to Spain
+ 10 profit of arms sales to Egypt
+ 10 profit of arms sales to France
+ 45 profit arms sales to China
+ 18 ship sales to Yishuw
= 656

National projects:
- 50 reconstruction in Austria
- 20 Aircraft tech level 4
- 50 for construction of 2 new 55-70kt yards (complete Q1 1927)
- 30 for upgrade of 2 55kt yards to 55-70kt yards (complete Q2 1927)
- 20 for industry improvement
- 20 for canal project
- 50 for construction of 2 new 55-70 kt (complete Q3 1927)
- 30 for upgrade of 2 55kt yards to 55-70kt yards (complete Q3 1927)

- 72 for two Lexington class CV
- 15 for fitting out Bismarck class
- 220 for new construction (2 Imperator, 2 Scharnhorst class BC)
- 15 for liner to design of RMS Aquitania (45kt liner) (launch Q 3 1927, finished Q 3 1928)
- 5 for purchase of french Ile de France design
- 5 for purchase of British Aquitania design
- 14 for liner to design of SS Ile de France (43kt liner) (launch Q3 1927, finished Q3 1928)
- 105 for 60 ZD class destroyers (Fubuki-class analogues) (50*1,75) (launched Q1 1926, finished Q2 1926)

Air force
- 5 for 50 Fokker DXIII
- 5 for 50 Fokker DXIV
- 6 for 60 Dornier - Do H
- 6 for 60 Torpedo Bomber
- 8 for 40 Gotha GXI
- 0,7 for 7 transport planes

selling Dutch ships, first payment: 106,8

0 left

Q4 1925:
Base points:
+ 32 from profit of arms sales to Spain
+ 10 profit of arms sales to Egypt
+ 10 profit of arms slaes to France
+ 45 profit arms sales to China
+ 75 for sale of 4 cruisers to Chiletina
= 713

National Projects
- 50 reconstruction
- 50 for construction of 2 new 55-70kt yards (complete Q1 1927)
- 30 for upgrade of 2 55kt yards to 55-70kt yards (complete Q2 1927)
- 20 Aircraft tech level 4
- 20 for industrial improvements
- 20 for canal project
- 50 for construction of 2 new 55-70 kt (complete Q3 1927)
- 30 for upgrade of 2 55kt yards to 55-70kt yards (complete Q3 1927)

- 72 for two Lexington class CV
- 15 for fitting out Bismarck class
- 220 for new construction (2 Imperator, 2 Scharnhorst class BC)
- 15 for liner to design of RMS Aquitania (45kt liner) (launch Q 3 1927, finished Q 3 1928)
- 14 for liner to design of SS Ile de France (43kt liner) (launch Q3 1927, finished Q3 1928)
- 80 for 4 new Heavy cruisers (launch Q4 1926, finished Q3 1927)
- 105 for 60 ZD class destroyers (Fubuki-class analogues) (50*1,75) (launched Q1 1926, finished Q2 1926)
- 7 points for coastal guns

Air Force:

- 2,5 points for 25 transport planes

selling dutch ships, payment 2: +87,5

left: 0 points
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: SDN World 3 Construction Queue Thread

Post by Steve »

October 1925 Construction Queue

Total IBPs: 500 (5 Industry) + 10% (5 Economy) = 550

National Projects:

Air Tech 4 = 20 IBPs
Upgrading 2 25-40kT Slipways to 55-70kT capacity = 40 IBPs (Completion Date March 1927)
Infrastructure Upgrades - Northern Australia Rail lines = 5 IBPs
Upgrading 2 40-55kT Slipways to 55-70kT capacity = 30 IBPs (Completion Date April 1927)
Building new 55-70kT Slipway = 25 IBPs (Completion Date April 1927)
Nicaragua Canal Project = 20 IBPs
Industrial Expansion = 60 IBPs for gain of 15 IBPs (Started August 1925: Completion August 1926)
Automatic Intermediary Rifle Designs = 10 IBPs
Amphibious Landing Boat Designs = 10 IBPs

Total Cost: 200 IBPs


Upgrading 3rd Australian Guards to Motorized Status = 9 IBPs, complete in February 1926, full effectiveness reduced until November 1926
3 Motorized Infantry Divisions w/ Armored Recon Battalion = 33 IBPs (Cost Date completed February 1926, unit effectiveness 1 February 1927)
1 Motorized Artillery Brigade = 6 IBPs, complete in February 1926, max effectiveness in February 1927
1 Infantry Division = 2 IBPs, complete in April 1926, max effectiveness in October 1927

Total Cost: 50 IBPs


2 Nez Perce-class (14,300t) = 0 IBPs (construction phase complete June-August 1925, full completion in February-April of 1926)
8 10 Nez Perce-class (14,300t) = 7.15 IBPs (fitting out phase, completion in February-April of 1926)
1 Eagle-class (12,933t) = 12.9 IBPs (construction phase complete February 1927, completion in October 1927)
10 Horton-class (1,800t) = 18 IBPs (construction phase complete July 1926, completion in October 1926)
6 Sovereign-class (50,428t) = 15.12 IBPs (fitting out phase, completion in March-April 1926)
4 Defiant-class (55,000t) = 220 IBPs (construction phase complete in March-July 1927, full completion in March-July 1928)

Total Cost: 273.2 IBPs

Air Force

40 PF-4 biplane fighters = 4 IBPs (Completion January 1926)
60 BF-3 biplane bombers = 6 IBPs(Completion January 1926)
3 prototype 1924-model transport aicraft = 3 IBPs (completion January 1926)
3 prototype 1924-model heavy bomber aircraft = 3 IBPs (completion January 1926)
20 RC-2 coastal patrol flying boats = 10 IBPs (completion January 1926)

Total Cost: 26 IBPs

Overall Expenditures: 549.2/550 IBPs
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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