The Open Door (megacrossover)

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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by consequences »

Potential options from the Buffyverse include Glorificus(I don't think so), Illyria, or Dawn. Remember, the entire purpose of all of this setup is some kind of smash and grab in the confusion from Buffyverse.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Skyfox120 »

Robo Jesus wrote:
Academia Nut wrote:They do sort of have time travel, the problem is that it will tend to cause branching out into other timelines that can make it difficult to actually get anything done properly, because different timelines count as different universes to the control system and thus you have to use a Hub to move between them despite the fact that they might be right next to each other. Since they want to protect the Haruhiverse as their 'backdoor' they have to use Buffyverse. Each time they move through it though they have to go up and down a temporal differential, and Buffyverse doesn't allow time travel so if they don't want to chew up the window of opportunity for what they want to do, they have to limit the amount of time they spend there, and thus the number of trips they take.
Does that mean that the Buffy-verse doesn't have any alternate timelines within itself then?
Judging by Nut's explanation of things, I'd say even discounting wishverse that Buffy-verse does have alternate timelines. Remember the whole thing with Buffy and co' halloween costumes being 40k flavored was caused by Tzintchi sending Ethan Rayne back in time....

andone must wonder what the Temporally displaced Ethan (Keeping in mind there is two Ethan Raynes sent back in time, and the native one) has been up to
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by bobnik »

Skyfox120 wrote:(snip) and one must wonder what the Temporally displaced Ethan (Keeping in mind there is two Ethan Raynes sent back in time, and the native one) has been up to
Still only one. The native one got blown up when his spell went off with more power than anticipated, and the N!C Ethan is laying low because his enemies think he's dead. My guess is that he is now a sleeper agent, ready for missions when the black water line gets crossed with the air circulation. He'd be just the bloke to ensure everyone is in the mood for "shoot first and don't bother asking questions".

Not that canon!40k generally needs much help with that. :twisted:
English is truly a Chaotic language; it will mutate at the drop of a hat, unmercifully rend words from other languages, spreads like the fabled plagues of old and has bastard children with any other dialect it can get its grubby little syntax on.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Jaeger »

I knew whatever they had their sights on had to be big...but does this mean they are looking to recruit a 5th NeoChaos god?
We already have a fifth NeoChaos God: Gunnhild, daughter of Lars and Skuld. She has the potential to become the most powerful of all the Chaos gods but lacks the energy and experience needed to “edit reality” like Skuld or her maternal grandfather, Odin All-father.

Non-human members of Chaos Undivided:
Native: Penguin, daemon, cyborgs.
Star Trek: +5,000 slaves (Cardassian and Klingon), 20 million Syracusians
Star Wars: Verpine, Talz, and assorted races freed from the Yuuzhan Vong
BattlestarGalactica: several Cylon and human/Cylon hybrids
SG-1: Converted agricultural humans who aided in Eva construction.
Faerun (Noctis/Nesme): drow elves, orc, half-orc, druegar, kobold, goblin, bugbear, Think's harem of giant spiders, eight Erinyes/daemon hybrids, assorted "monsters"
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by EarthScorpion »

Jaeger wrote:
I knew whatever they had their sights on had to be big...but does this mean they are looking to recruit a 5th NeoChaos god?
We already have a fifth NeoChaos God: Gunnhild, daughter of Lars and Skuld. She has the potential to become the most powerful of all the Chaos gods but lacks the energy and experience needed to “edit reality” like Skuld or her maternal grandfather, Odin All-father.
Not really. She's closest in principle to the Greater Daemons such as Kali and any other children that the gang have banged out in the time since Third Impact. Lars was a lot weaker than any of the Gods at her "conception" (I really should be putting a "" around "her", too, as as a pure daemon without a dominant human part, but, dammit, "she" acts as a she and doesn't object to the title, and that's all that really matters. We need Mairan (or however you spell the Culture language) to deal with this kind of situation), and thus Gunnhild is weaker. If we look at her, she's a coalesceced mass of sentience, like a standard daemon (namely, the emotions given off in OMG hell), edited by Lars to not make her a complete monster, with the external contaminating force of a little bit of Skuld. Thus, as an example she's mostly like a Daemon, and as we already have examples of "bred" daemons, that's probably what she resembles the most.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by WillowBee »

It’s heavily implied that all greater daemon can ascend to godhood under the right circumstances. Born from fragments of Skuld’s divine essence, Gunnhild is sort of a demi-goddess already, albeit a dormant one, so it shouldn’t take as much for her to become a full-fledged deity: instead of half a billion souls, it might only take a few million or an equal energy equivalent.

After eating three gods’ bodies and souls, Lars might also count as a “low-level” greater daemon, weaker than Kali but stronger than Hikari or Khemnu. The fact that he shuns such power means that he’ll never willingly assume the mantle of true godhood.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by holyknight »

Garlak wrote:Well... if you're talking about a "Third Impact-like event," would the Jedi massacre count? Not only were there many, many death in the galactic war, but the massacre of the Jedi would generate a lot of power. Hundreds, if not thousands, "psykers" getting knocked off that fast?

The Dark Side seemed to gain influence and power at that time too--so maybe knock off Palpatine as well and you've got even *more* power to work with.

But... still, there are better opportunities and places to draw power from. The Starforge, the Valley of the Jedi, the remnants of ancient Sith... It just... doesn't quite FIT for NeoChaos to try and forge a fifth god out of *this* particular time-period. Maybe they're trying to gain control of the galaxy--wait till Palpatine goes through with his plan, then replace him and rule in his stead. But that also doesn't seem to be it.

Sometimes, isn't about gaining power now. Sometimes, Its about throwing a piece of Mythril into the well oiled, fragile and working plan's cogs, in order to generate Chaos, in such an scale, extension and width that it would dwarf anything. Could the death of the Jedi Order, barely compare, to Palpatine being discovered publicly, then triggering Order 66, while the entire , leaderless, and highly questioned Republic dissolves on madness, as the Jedi barely survive the murder attempt from the Clones....Some Jedi going dark on the process.....some Clones fighting the mind-programming and fighting their fellow Clones, The Alliance of Separatist Systems jumps into recovering all the lost ground as the Republic its on a turmoil.....And Palpatine still on the loose....the Death Toll? One would think on likely around 40-70% of the Jedi either dying, or going Dark-Side, and a billion or more on deaths all across the Galaxy.......

Now, imagine that extending for 5-10 years more........ :angelic: :mrgreen:

PS: Of all the stuff on the SW-Verse's history, the Star-Forge would be the most likely thing to seek, as it would enable to spam-produce war materials at an rate more than acceptable for Neo-Chaos Earth....
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by JGregory32 »

the Star-Forge would be the most likely thing to seek
Except that at the end of KOTOR Spoiler
you crash the forge into a sun
Thus the starforge is no longer available. The shield the Rakatan use to protect their homeworld is much more interesting as it drains the energy of any ships that come near it. A perfect tool for NewChaos warshin warships for a few false flag operations.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by D1398342003 »

WillowBee wrote:After eating three gods’ bodies and souls, Lars might also count as a “low-level” greater daemon, weaker than Kali but stronger than Hikari or Khemnu. The fact that he shuns such power means that he’ll never willingly assume the mantle of true godhood.
Lars only rejected the divine powers/portfolios of his kills because they are a form of control. It's probable that Ao would holding the other end of the leash. It's also possible that FR/OMG deities are limited by their system status, so Lars could have been limited by Ao or by the system in general.

It's also possible that ascension to godhood takes a lot of souls, all at approximately the same time, in a similar way to nuclear bombs. There has to be enough radioactive material (souls) very close together, and the conditions have to be right or you have a lightly irradiated wasteland (really powerful daemon) instead of a heavily irradiated crater (god).
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Valorie »

JGregory32 wrote:Except that at the end of KOTOR Spoiler
you crash the forge into a sun
Thus the starforge is no longer available. The shield the Rakatan use to protect their homeworld is much more interesting as it drains the energy of any ships that come near it. A perfect tool for NewChaos warshin warships for a few false flag operations.
An often overlooked psychic power is Retrocognition, the ability to receive visions of past events. Rather than use time-travel, a ship full of properly-prepared Psykers could gleam knowledge of the Rakatan's Force-based machinery, as well as a wide variety of technologies that have been lost to the annals of time.
Another option is to rip Force ghosts out of the Force and interrogate them. The Rakatan were a Force-sensitive race, so it's possible that atleast a few "one with the Force" at some point in the distant past.
D1398342003 wrote:It's also possible that ascension to godhood takes a lot of souls, all at approximately the same time, in a similar way to nuclear bombs. There has to be enough radioactive material (souls) very close together, and the conditions have to be right or you have a lightly irradiated wasteland (really powerful daemon) instead of a heavily irradiated crater (god).
Countless soul fragments existed within Mystra's Weave, so if Lars really wanted to, he could do something similar and store the souls of Skuld's worshippers within the Shadow Weave, saving them in case of an emergency where he or Gunnhild would need to become a full god but without the restrictions placed upon local deities by Lord Ao's portfolio system. Thus, by slowly gathering souls over the millenia, the Shadow Weave would act like a pressure cooker and when it reaches critical mass the spiritual energy would channeled into Lars or Gunnhild, all within coming genocide or destroying a planet.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by holyknight »

JGregory32 wrote:
the Star-Forge would be the most likely thing to seek
Except that at the end of KOTOR Spoiler
you crash the forge into a sun
Thus the starforge is no longer available. The shield the Rakatan use to protect their homeworld is much more interesting as it drains the energy of any ships that come near it. A perfect tool for NewChaos warshin warships for a few false flag operations.
Pfft, like if that small detail would halt Neo-Chaos. What part of "Time Travel" you didn't got it? :mrgreen: :angelic:
A devoted follower of the Chaos Goddess and her way.....

Buck Murdock: Oh, cut the bleeding heart crap, will ya? We've all got our switches, lights, and knobs to deal with, Striker. I mean, down here there are literally hundreds and thousands of blinking, beeping, and flashing lights, blinking and beeping and flashing - they're *flashing* and they're *beeping*. I can't stand it anymore! They're *blinking* and *beeping* and *flashing*! Why doesn't somebody pull the plug!
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by JGregory32 »

All this star wars talk has me thinking what a great idea it would be to pair wookies and chain swords.
How much cooler would that scene would have been if the wookies had charged the droids while waving chain swords and screaming "Blood for the Blood GOD!!"

Also I'm sorry, but the Ewoks should get equiped with mini-bolters. :twisted:
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by barricade »

Just curious, but what pray tell might just occur if an avatar of Tzintchi, doing some exploration of different dimensions (thanks to the Haruhiverse) stumbles across...

The Death Note universe.

And gets his/it's hands on a Death Note.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by barricade »

JGregory32 wrote:All this star wars talk has me thinking what a great idea it would be to pair wookies and chain swords.
How much cooler would that scene would have been if the wookies had charged the droids while waving chain swords and screaming "Blood for the Blood GOD!!"

Also I'm sorry, but the Ewoks should get equiped with mini-bolters. :twisted:
Ewoks as Squats. 'Nuff said.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by FLCNPNCH »

I only have one thing to contribute to this right now.

Asukhon needs to recruit Kharn. It shouldn't be that hard.

KHARN: ITS LIKE ALL MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE AT ONCE! HEY GUYS, WE'RE LEAVING! *Leaves oldChaos with about a third of the World Eaters in tow*

Sure, it'd probably tip of oldChaos, but it's Kharn, damnit. He's worth it.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by rodon »

FLCNPNCH wrote:Asukhon needs to recruit Kharn. It shouldn't be that hard.

KHARN: ITS LIKE ALL MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE AT ONCE! HEY GUYS, WE'RE LEAVING! *Leaves oldChaos with about a third of the World Eaters in tow*
If your going to do that, don't forget to bring Kharn's 'partners'. The traitor guards man and that sister. After all, Kharn is a great guy. :angelic: :twisted:
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by MichaelAwesome »

Meh. I think Fabius Bile and Urien Rakarth would make more worthwhile recruits for newChaos, but it depends on if Tzintchi wants to trick the Emperor of Mankind into becoming a Chaos god like Tzeentch wanted. Who in the Imperium would want their Emperor to “take his rightful place” as a true god?

Off Topic:
To help organize the creative writing process, would it be easier if Academia Nut subdivided “Open Door” by arc or several arcs clumped together? Tolken’s original “Lord of the Rings” was a single book but was published as a trilogy. For example, naming subchapters something like 'Threshold,' 'Foothold,' and 'Stranglehold' would be a great symbolic referrence to neoChaos as an unknown force slowly conquering or infecting entire realities now that The Door has Been Opened.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Jonen C »

Random Capitalization of Letters makes My Head Hurt.
Wait. It is not so random... *Goes Mad from the Revelation*

More on topic - The Misfits from said story, mayhap? "Chaos is all things", but neoChaos is actually a smidgen less tolerant than old Chaos, in a good way.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by barricade »

EarthScorpion wrote:Not really. She's closest in principle to the Greater Daemons such as Kali and any other children that the gang have banged out in the time since Third Impact. Lars was a lot weaker than any of the Gods at her "conception" (I really should be putting a "" around "her", too, as as a pure daemon without a dominant human part, but, dammit, "she" acts as a she and doesn't object to the title, and that's all that really matters. We need Mairan (or however you spell the Culture language) to deal with this kind of situation), and thus Gunnhild is weaker. If we look at her, she's a coalesced mass of sentience, like a standard daemon (namely, the emotions given off in OMG hell), edited by Lars to not make her a complete monster, with the external contaminating force of a little bit of Skuld. Thus, as an example she's mostly like a Daemon, and as we already have examples of "bred" daemons, that's probably what she resembles the most.
Actually I'd argue that. Considering that while Gunnhild was birthed from Lars, part of her make-up is directly from Skuld. That is as much a 'donation of genes' parallel as you'll likely find. Lars basically siphoned off a small piece of Skuld's (original) divinity and this was injected into the 'egg' that would eventually become Gunnhild. Now of course there's another issue as well. Skuld, even before she became mistress of the Shadow Weave, was -still- a goddess as far as Faerun's 'rules' are concerned. Especially considering the fact that Ao is basically a Norse god as well, if nothing more then a glorified desk clerk/REMF. Only in Skuld's case as she didn't have a means to 'anchor' her magic, and get an outside source of it, she was literally self-cannibalizing her own internal magics which would kill her.

Gunnhild on the other hand was -born- on the Faerun plane of existance and the rules that exist there. And is very obviously either a major demigod, or a minor god, again, by Faerun standards. Now add to that her 'father' is a full (unbound) Daemon. Originally quite weak but considering how many levels of Awesome he's been grinding away, he'd be a LOT stronger by the time Gunnhild was born. So its likely she's at least a Greater Daemon as well (good job Lars! Its always good when the child surpasses the parent!). For the coup de grace, there's the very good chance, as she bears the FULL facial marks of the AMGverse gods, that if she were to be able to move to the AMGverse, that she'd be able to 'jack in' to Yggdrasil and get power from there as well. And while this is less likely, considering Lars was able to spend time in the AMG Hell, there is a very slim chance Gunnhild might be like Urd. Able to call upon both Yggdrasil AND the Nifihelm computer (forgot the name) if forced to. Although she'd still likely have to 'earn' her licenses in order to get the appropriate power-ups. Still, considering Skuld was only a 3rd Class Limited and could likely vaporize a good 2-3 city blocks (tac nuke range), while Urd could likely vape a city, and Belldandy, once her limiter is down, could vaporize a whole planet, those are some -seriously- powerful potential 'upgrades'.

So there is a good chance Gunnhild might eventually become one of -the- most powerful deities so far mentioned in the story outside of Haruhi/Kyon. I could easily see her on par with the other 4 NewChaos gods and her Grandfather. She'd likely be able to all but completely run roughshod over all the different Faerun pantheons, including the Over-Pantheon (that has Ao at the top). While not having it nearly as easy, could likely give oldChaos some truly enormous headaches & just as likely to be a pain in the sides of NewChaos. Although she'd likely side with them more then likely.

Oh and here's a scary one for all involved (and libel to cause cerebral hemorrhaging from the sheer number of the cries of 'HERESY!!!' in the IoM)...
Gunnhild ends up in the 40kverse and meets the GEoM while he's stuck on his throne, and due to her rather...squick mentality towards skulls and half-rotten corpses, falls heads over heels for him.
Macross Daedalus Attack: Because nothing says "Frak You" like punching them in the face with an aircraft carrier.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by FLCNPNCH »

rodon wrote:
FLCNPNCH wrote:Asukhon needs to recruit Kharn. It shouldn't be that hard.

KHARN: ITS LIKE ALL MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE AT ONCE! HEY GUYS, WE'RE LEAVING! *Leaves oldChaos with about a third of the World Eaters in tow*
If your going to do that, don't forget to bring Kharn's 'partners'. The traitor guards man and that sister. After all, Kharn is a great guy. :angelic: :twisted:
I think he got turned into a Chaos Marine or something. Then left Chaos entirely because of Abbadon and became a Cadian Guardsman.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Jaeger »

1) If a daemon proves to be incompetent, disruptive, or outlives their usefulness, will he/she/it be devoured by the Chaos gods? It’s more energy efficient to eat daemon than “un-creating” them execution-style, and you can’t punish a daemon by sending it to the Hall of Torment as that’d only make the daemon stronger and irredeemably evil.

2) What function does a holy beast serve? I was skimming “Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil,” and rather than making more holy beasts, the Chaos gods could use their daemonic essence to create Elementals. Mutations and psychic powers are determined by pre-conceived Jungian-like archetypes, so chaos worshippers actively associating each Element with a particular Chaos god would allow them to become more diverse.

Earth (Reigle)- enduring as the mountain, stoic, calm
Water (Tzintchi)- dynamic and ever-changing
Fire (Askulon)- burning emotion, wild, reckless
Air (Mislaato)- uninhibited, fickle, free-spirited

“Pyro for the Pyro Throne! Mosh for the Mosh God!”

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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by MichaelAwesome »

Jaeger wrote:If a daemon proves to be incompetent, disruptive, or outlives their usefulness, will he/she/it be devoured by the Chaos gods?
Possibly, it's a good way to re-acquire the souls used to make the daemon, conversing energy and resources.
Jaeger wrote: Earth (Reigle)- enduring as the mountain, stoic, calm
Water (Tzintchi)- dynamic and ever-changing
Fire (Askulon)- burning emotion, wild, reckless
Air (Mislaato)- uninhibited, fickle, free-spirited
Giving Reigle an earth-affinity might make her more appealing to potential worshippers who aren't to keen on the whole "harbinger of disease" theme. It'd rather be a rock monster like Thing from the Fantastic Four than be covered with pimples and open sores.

Sounds a bit like the “Elemental Savant” from D&D where an arcane spellcaster slowly turns into an elemental. Sadly, from a social point of view, transformational prestige classes aren’t too common simply because they tend to be ostracized for their unusual appearance and philosophical outlook, as villagers tend to be a superstitious and close-minded lot.

A few transformational prestige classes: Acolyte of the Skin, Alienist, Auspician, Chameleon, Contemplative, Cyrokineticist, Dragon Disciple, Fleshwarper, Frost Mage, Geomancer, Green Star Adept, Master of Many Forms (previously known as Shifters), Master Transmogrifist, Oozemaster (worshippers of Ghaunadaur), Pale Master, Verdant Lord, etc.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by WillowBee »

In Star Trek, most Trill can host a symbiote but their government prevents this knowledge from going public, lest the symbiotes become a commodity to be bought, sold, and fought over rather than being treated as a sacred living repository of memories and life experience.

With that in mind, it’d be ironic if a few entrepreneuring members of Chaos Undivided stole a few Goa’uld from the SG-1 universe, purged the snakes of their genetic memories, and sold them on the free market back in Earth Prime’s home dimension.

Imagine the mighty Goa’uld being breed and sold as a high-end commodity, being fought over by people wanting to benefit from the greatest of those who came before them or hoping to preserve a copy of their consciousness as a type of pseudo-immortality.

The most passionate buyers and traders of such symbiotes would be the Tzintchians, who value knowledge above all else, particularly if it means controlling who knows what.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Valorie »

WillowBee wrote:it’d be ironic if a few entrepreneuring members of Chaos Undivided stole a few Goa’uld from the SG-1 universe, purged the snakes of their genetic memories, and sold them on the free market back in Earth Prime’s home dimension.
I’d buy one if I could, although afterwards I’d probably end up spending a lot of resources trying to ensure that symbiote would survive even if I get killed, like implanting a one-time-use teleporter beacon into my body. I’m sure inheritance laws wouldn’t apply to symbiotes and that the government would heavily regulate their assignment to new hosts. Instead of rich snobs showing off their cars, they’d brag about which symbiote they’d managed to purchase, much in the same way some people like to bid on historical memorabilia, or how dog or horse breeders try to get specimen from a specific lineage of heredity.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Setesh »

Since the 'Queens' can produce thousands to millions of larve (according to the stargate wiki) making them more expensive as they got older is certainly a possibility but there would never really be a shortage. Lower class people might even benefit be undergoing primta and incubating the larve until they become Goa'uld at little to no charge. Something like this would be a godsend to a planet with low population and birth rates.
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