How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

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How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by mr friendly guy » ... enophobia/
November 24, 2012, 12:00 PM ET
How ‘Red Dawn’ Could Have Been Remade Without the Xenophobia

During the Thanksgiving season, we offer our gratitude to Providence for the things that make life bearable and occasionally awesome. Me, I gave thanks for my wonderful family. For the grace of a home, a job, reasonable good health and moderate financial security. For having gotten through Horrorcane Sandy mostly untouched, and learning in the process some valuable lessons about the underappreciated modern wonder that is electricity.

I’m also thankful for not having to singlehandedly defend the Northwestern United States from marauding communists! That would totally suck. Especially if I were an untrained high school kid with raging hormones and Walmart-grade munitions, as is the conceit in the movie “Red Dawn,” which opened this week in theaters across not-yet-occupied America.

For those of you who lived through the Eighties, the movie is a pumped-up remake of the kitsch-classic 1984 original of the same name, written and directed by Hollywood red-meat specialist John Milius. (Besides “Red Dawn,” Milius is notable for having co-written “Apocalypse Now” and penning many of Clint Eastwood’s most famous Dirty Harry lines, including the immortal “Go ahead, make my day.”)

Like the original, the new “Red Dawn” stars a gaggle of young Hollywood hunks and hotties as a group of footballers and cheerleaders — I originally wrote “ragtag,” but these kids never look less than Hollister-model-perfect even when they’re climbing out of dumpsters — led by my favorite Hemsworth, Chris, who has proved he can charm his way through preposterous films in the past (“Snow White and the Huntsman”), and who capably fills the late Patrick Swayze’s combat boots here as Jed Eckert, “Red Dawn’s” main man with the guerrilla-resistance plan. (This remake’s Jed can at least claim the benefit of Marine Corps training as he sends his Wolverines to war against heavily-armed adult invaders. Also, the hammer of Thor.)

Hemsworth is joined by Joshes Peck (of Nickelodeon’s “Drake and Josh,” looking to make the tough pivot from tweenstar status) and Hutcherson (lad-in-distress Peeta Mellark from “Hunger Games”), as well as Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman’s son Connor, making his major motion-picture debut. There are also girls, who are pretty and don’t get much to do. Anyway, these kids are the last remaining resistance to a surprise whirlwind invasion of the continental U.S.

What makes this attack particularly surprising is that the nation behind it is North Korea, whose geographical location and general starvation-related discombobulation put it very far down on the ladder of potential threats to the American homeland. And what makes this surprise particularly awkward is that the nation staging the assault on the Starbucks-spangled landscape of the Pacific Northwest wasn’t supposed to be North Korea at all — in the remake’s original script, the invading forces were Chinese.

According to “Red Dawn” producer Tripp Vinson, the reasons for the switch were practical. “We had to make the change because the studio that originally financed the movie, MGM, went into bankruptcy, and came out of it without a distribution arm,” he says. “And to make a long story short, no one would distribute the film if the enemy was China. This was the reality we encountered. So we made changes to the opening sequence, did some slight editing and visual effects work, and changed the invading army from Chinese to North Koreans.”

There are fun, escapist moments in “Red Dawn” for those able to suspend their disbelief at its ludicrous setup, traverse around its gaping plot holes and swallow its manipulative, horse-pill jingoism. There are quotable zingers, some overcharged action (including a tour-de-force chase sequence early in the film that probably burned off a good chunk of the remake’s $80 million budget) and the girls are pretty, as is Chris Hemsworth.

But none of this is enough to offset the brain-punching reality of what the filmmakers had to do to make this movie releasable — reskinning its central Asian invasion to swap out China for North Korea.

It’s not surprising that China’s consumer clout is large enough to make distributors flinch at picking up a movie that would be unreleasable in that market — the second-largest in the world, and one with an endless appetite for Hollywood films, especially those that boast over-the-top action and eye-popping special effects.

And if anything, the change actually lends some ironic verisimilitude to the casting: Many of the actors playing the film’s primary enemy roles — most notably Will Yun Lee, who plays still-Chinese-named enemy commander Captain Lo — are in fact Korean American.

No, the bemusing thing is that this simple solution the producers arrived at is one that plays readily into classical stereotypes: Those that depict Asia as a Mordor-like alien netherland where every hand wields a weapon and every weapon points at the throat of the civilized West — and those that treat Asians as an interchangeable, all-same mass. Can’t offend these Asians? Well, let’s just say they’re those Asians instead. A little cosmetic adjustment to flags and uniforms, and we’re off to the races.

We’ve seen the extreme results of this phenomenon: Chinese Americans wearing “I’M NO JAP” badges during World War II to avoid by-blow hostility directed at Japanese; the murder of Vincent Chin in 1982 at the hands of Detroit autoworkers looking to get revenge on Toyota and Honda; the undifferentiated attacks on Sikhs mistaken for Muslims and Arabs. Xenophobia is bad. Blurry xenophobia is, arguably, worse — at a minimum, because it enlarges the potential target pool.

It’s obvious that “Red Dawn”’s producers were primarily motivated by Gen X’er nostalgia, not a particular desire to milk — or feed — geopolitical anxiety. “Look, our focus was to create a story that people would enjoy, and that would avoid disappointing everyone who, like us, were fans of the original,” Vinson says. “To me, the movie is about these kids stepping up in an impossible situation — the ultimate underdog story. We make it clear in the very beginning that this is an alternate world, it’s a different America. So it’s not about who the enemy is. The enemy could be anybody.”

But if this isn’t our America, and if enemy could be anybody — and given that the film’s appeal is inextricably rooted in us-versus-them jingoism — why bow to the darkest fringe-element xenophobes and conspiracists by making them Asian? Why even make them human? (As versifier Beau Sia put it in a somewhat epic Twitterpoem on the subject, “Why not centaurs invade Maine? / Just as probable.”)

Given the appeal of the fantastic in contemporary cinema, I think Vinson and his fellow producers missed a huge opportunity — especially given that we no longer live in a time when people associate the color red with the threat of global communism.

Why not aliens instead of Asians? Extraterrestrial invaders, attacking from a staging base on the red planet Mars! At least advanced technology would provide an explanation for some of the plot’s obvious gaffes — an EMP attack that knocks out nukes and radar but does nothing to cars, consumer electronics and the power grid?

Or why not go with Beau’s sarcastic suggestion, and depict an assault from the mythical creatures of faery — elves and trolls and goblins, spirits of fire and creatures of darkness, wielders of the red metal copper due to their fear of deadly iron?

Hell, why not an uprising of the undead, an invasion of vampires, who have decided to make their unlives easier by rounding up and lobotomizing humans and keeping them in camps like cattle, milking them for fresh, red blood?

Of course, these decisions would’ve had to have been made when the film was in development — and they would’ve required a producing team willing to make a clean creative break with the source material they loved. But remakes that acknowledge how times and tastes change are a more sophisticated form of homage than mirror-image reflection, and while they’re riskier, they also stand a better chance of breakout success.

Wolverines against nosferatu! “Red Dawn” meets “Breaking Dawn”! Don’t tell me that wouldn’t be huge! Every underdog trope, every patriotic theme, every soul-stirring rally-to-the-flag moment could remain intact, without the potential to inflame hate — unless, that is, hating Twihards is a crime…and if so?

Guilty as charged, officer.
Sniped the rest of the article as thats less related to Red Dawn.

In an earlier thread some right wing hacks whines that its racist to change the Chinese to Koreans as if Asians are interchangeable (in reality he most probably wanted a China bashing story). IIRC it was Hongi that pointed out some of those actors are most probably Koreans anyway, and it turns out he was right.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by ryacko »

Red Dawn as a remake is pointless.

In the eighties, we were afraid of world war three.
Now, we are afraid of explosive articles of clothing, as if we are in a James Bond film.

In the eighties, the specter of Communism was an insidious and cancerous threat.
Now, nuclear proliferation is an insidious and cancerous threat.

Personally, I think they ought to have a spine and write off China as a market. Or do a reverse, have China be invaded by white devils. As long as it's actually logical.

Although the fantasy Red Dawn idea is rather good.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Flagg »

ryacko wrote:Red Dawn as a remake is pointless.

In the eighties, we were afraid of world war three.
Now, we are afraid of explosive articles of clothing, as if we are in a James Bond film.

In the eighties, the specter of Communism was an insidious and cancerous threat.
Now, nuclear proliferation is an insidious and cancerous threat.

Personally, I think they ought to have a spine and write off China as a market. Or do a reverse, have China be invaded by white devils. As long as it's actually logical.

Although the fantasy Red Dawn idea is rather good.
The originial piece of crap movie was an allegory for the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. This one is just milking nostalgic nerds.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Korto »

Read a couple of days ago in the paper that the local little cinema was playing "Red Dawn", and what the plot was. Had an incredulous laugh. North Korea invade the US :shock: Fuck, I don't think even the US could conventionally invade the US. Certainly not if they had to cross a decent body of water to do so. You know, if there happened to be a second US, with identical capabilities and gear, etc.
About the only way to do it I think may be possible would be a massive anti-military nuclear strike, and hope the retaliation leaves you still capable enough to invade.
That may have made a more decent story, but you'd need someone with enough nukes.

Hey, here's an idea! Yellowstone super-volcano goes off, and then Mexico invades! Makes more sense than NK.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by ArmorPierce »

The premise of this movie from the commercial seems to be that of the video game homefront.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Scottish Ninja »

Flagg wrote:The originial piece of crap movie was an allegory for the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. This one is just milking nostalgic nerds.
As I said to my friends in the theater, post-milking (no illusions, we knew it was going to be crap), it actually would have been conceptually very simple to make this one brilliant: as the original was an allegory for the occupation of Afghanistan... just let this one be, too. There's an infinitesimal taste of that when Jed talks about how in Iraq, he was one of the good guys - and now they need to be the bad guys, but it has no vigor behind it; that idea doesn't drive the movie. In fact, no ideas drive the movie; it's just brainless, when it doesn't have to be.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Stark »

ryacko wrote:Personally, I think they ought to have a spine and write off China as a market. Or do a reverse, have China be invaded by white devils. As long as it's actually logical.

It doesn't have to be logical - but changing it to China will lose the entire appeal to the film. The core of the original was playing to the sad fears Americans have that one day, what goes around will come around and someone will do to them what they have done all over the world. Like Scottish Ninja said, this could have been interesting if it was an examination of the freedom fighter/terrorist faux distinction, but otherwise it needs the jingoism to even exist.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Mr Bean »

There's another bit from the original that the new one lost. That being in the original almost everyone is dead at the end and their efforts while a useful moral lesson are ultimately pointless in the end. The Wolverines in Red Dawn lose. In the new movie they win, not only does the hero get the girl but they apparently gain spec-ops training via playing enough Call of Duty before hand.

Also removed from the re-make, America getting nuked, and us pissing of every single one of our allies so the invasion was possible to begin with.

No seriously I re-watched the movie ahead of the 2012 remake to remind myself. Red Dawn is about the plucky American teenagers with spirit getting the shit kicked out of them by Cubans. Where's that bit in the new movie?

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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Irbis »

Korto wrote:Fuck, I don't think even the US could conventionally invade the US. Certainly not if they had to cross a decent body of water to do so. You know, if there happened to be a second US, with identical capabilities and gear, etc.
Would the rest of the planet be capable of invading US, even? :|
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Korto »

Well, you could get the other nuclear powers to nuke the fuck out of it, and then that should spread the retaliation enough that you'd have enough conventional forces left spread around to do the job, particularly with pre-planning; but conventionally, no.
I listened to a terrorism expert guy give a talk a few years ago, and one of his points was the power of the US military was greater than the rest of the world's major militaries combined.

Canada and Mexico have an advantage that they don't have to cross water, and they're right there, poised to strike, but they don't have the force to do it, and the US would probably notice most of the world's armed forces suddenly deciding to vacation in Canada, Mexico, and going fishing off the coast of Florida.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Stark »

Irbis wrote:Would the rest of the planet be capable of invading US, even? :|
No. America just has a culture of fear. When people talk about America being 'threatened', they don't mean it in the way they do when they talk about other countries. They mean 'the massive lead America has might increase slightly slower' or 'the huge advantage America has might only be maintained over 75% of the planet rather than 80%'.

You could argue that this fear needs to be inculated because its useful to the powers that be to justify their policies.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by xthetenth »

Sometimes when I'm not listening to the TV properly my mind starts to fill in those speeches with "and we need to build more battleships to hold off those Germans and maintain the Two Power Standard."

The worst thing is that it's usually less overt and stupid than what's actually being said and the Two Power Standard would be a huge decrease.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by ryacko »

xthetenth wrote:Sometimes when I'm not listening to the TV properly my mind starts to fill in those speeches with "and we need to build more battleships to hold off those Germans and maintain the Two Power Standard."

The worst thing is that it's usually less overt and stupid than what's actually being said and the Two Power Standard would be a huge decrease.
Actually it's worse then the two power standard.

It really more like subsidize the protection of western security interests, and maintain enough ships to protect Taiwan or support two simultaneous wars.

No really, we are one of the largest military spenders by % of GDP, while the rest of the western world can swim in their welfare policies (except for Greece, who proportionately spends more militarily then the US).
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Irbis »

Here's how current "two" power standard really looks:


USA would outweight rest of the world with AASs alone...

Of course, some naysayers tried to counter the picture by saying China might put two new carriers on the sea in the next two decades. Never mind the fact that USA by then will have three most modern, largest carriers on seas added to US Navy, and anyway, pathetic 70-80 planes Chinese carriers will have is less than one US Carrier can take. Plus, the fact US Carriers aren't fully loaded with planes and USA can easily add more better aircraft to US Navy by putting a bit more of them on decks in a year than rest of the world will add in next two decades by building actual Carriers.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by ryacko »

that USA by then will have three most modern, largest carriers on seas added to US Navy
We are going to decommission a couple carriers by then as well. Current US carrier construction efforts are at the rate of replacement.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Aaron MkII »

And China will have three, precisely the number it needs to have a single carrier on operation all the time. Wow, some threat.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Stark »

From the perspective of TOTAL FORCE OVERMATCH anyone who can even try to have a fair fight for even three seconds is worth avoiding. Much better if the rest of the world is essentially prostrate before the ludicrous US military.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by xthetenth »

ryacko wrote:
xthetenth wrote:Sometimes when I'm not listening to the TV properly my mind starts to fill in those speeches with "and we need to build more battleships to hold off those Germans and maintain the Two Power Standard."

The worst thing is that it's usually less overt and stupid than what's actually being said and the Two Power Standard would be a huge decrease.
Actually it's worse then the two power standard.
Hence the huge decrease bit.
No really, we are one of the largest military spenders by % of GDP, while the rest of the western world can swim in their welfare policies (except for Greece, who proportionately spends more militarily then the US).
Well aware, although out and saying Europe spends on welfare while the US spends on warfare makes a nice soundbyte.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Sea Skimmer »

Aaron MkII wrote:And China will have three, precisely the number it needs to have a single carrier on operation all the time. Wow, some threat.
Its the US policy of maintaining carriers on the far side of the world all the time, but only basing one, in Japan, outside of the lower 48 states that does it. If you can hop back into port for short repair and leave periods all the time its going to be more like a 1:1 operational-in port ratio, and if your planning a war no real reason exists why you couldn't prepare and surge almost everything at once and keep them out for months. The USN has already moved away from its highly inflexible 1990s deployment methods. And all of this doesn't matter one bit when US and Chinese nuclear weapons vaporize the carriers, the naval bases and everything else.

They should have just remade the movie with Soviets and Cubans in the first place, explicitly in the modern day. It'd make no less sense, and it could be much funnier. Ideally with direct reference to the Simpsons 'Soviet Union, but I thought you guys broke up' line. But that would have required actual effort.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by PainRack »

Aaron MkII wrote:And China will have three, precisely the number it needs to have a single carrier on operation all the time. Wow, some threat.
As Skimmer, noted, not really. Although the fact remains that China is attempting to develop a carrier arm and a blue water navy, so for the next decade or so, expect to see those carriers and air-wings out earning training runs as opposed to contributing anything useful.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Coop D'etat »

PainRack wrote:
Aaron MkII wrote:And China will have three, precisely the number it needs to have a single carrier on operation all the time. Wow, some threat.
As Skimmer, noted, not really. Although the fact remains that China is attempting to develop a carrier arm and a blue water navy, so for the next decade or so, expect to see those carriers and air-wings out earning training runs as opposed to contributing anything useful.

That goes to a larger point on naval matters doesn't it? That just counting the advantage in hulls or planes or tonnage doesn't even factor in the qualitative advantage the Americans have in terms of training and institutional strength from carrier task forces being something the deploy routinely in combat operations to a degree unlike any of the other powers that own one.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Aaron MkII »

Exactly. Even in peacetime America has far more institutional experiance then any other nation.

China and America won't be going to war anytime soon anyways. And the reaction from the Americans is far more interesting to watch then watching China develop naval aviation.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by KhorneFlakes »

It amuses me that what most paranoid/crazies fail to realize is that America could cut down a large percentage of it's fleet and still be capable of fucking over everyone else. Like Aaron mentioned above, institutional experience means a lot as well, not just sheer numbers.

Really, this is probably America's greatest problem related to politics - America not only has a culture of fear as Stark mentioned, but is also so obsessed with being more powerful than is reasonable that it would not even tolerate a minor reduction in military spending, despite the fact that the re-appropriated funds could go to establishing new/helping the current medical and scientific fields.

It's really why I laugh and want to go get drunk each time someone goes "but murca will get taken over by those damn dirty Communists/Jews/Homobortionists/Athiests!111". It's idiotic enough to be just as entertaining as it is depressing.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by Sea Skimmer »

A pretty large chunk of funding for medical research in the US actually comes out of the DoD budget, even before the global war on terror snowball commenced, and on a very diverse range of subjects. But the issue being, the US depends on the world, and doesn't trust the world to defend itself from bullshit like Iran, because for the most part it can't, and someone has to ensure the trade lanes stay open. China could actually be a major aid in ensuring this happens, except the Chinese are currently trying to claim vast areas of international waters, and other peoples waters, as sovereign territory which is completely at odds with the concept.
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Re: How Yellow Dawn, er I mean Red Dawn should have gone

Post by KhorneFlakes »

Oh, and I forgot about that, too. Good point. I'm mostly referring to building new ships and crewing them, tanks, planes, guns... that sort of stuff. The medical research coming out of DoD part is true. I guess I'm what I'm trying to say is that the DoD budget is often excessively focused on keeping America more numerous/powerful/give them more destroyers/carriers then other nations/etc, so while the US's defense budget goes into research, it's used way too much on doing the aforementioned.

So yeah, what I'm saying is the US doesn't really even need half of it's military, in regards to infantry/tanks/ships, and could quite easily still be the most powerful country in terms of military. So rather than having 11 carriers, go to having 6 of them and keep up the same idea of gradually building new ones to replace the existing ones after they're retired from service, and removing unnecessary units and/or ships which drive up maintenance costs.

This is what I think I meant when talking about the refusing to reallocate/reappropriate funding. The US could take this out of the most expensive stuff, and use it to help fund research/medical functions, maybe help revitalize their economy. Thing is though, I've forgotten the point of what I was trying to say earlier, so I'll have a think about that and see if I can figure what my point was.
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