The Idea of A Space Fortress

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The Idea of A Space Fortress

Post by Chirios »

I was reading a book by George Friedman called: "The Next Hundred Years". In it he attempts to predict geopolitical and technological events using current trends in both areas for the next 100 years. It's an interesting read even if it is a bit implausible, e.g. Japan going to war with America. Again. But one thing he said really bothered me. He suggested that advances in satellite and rocket technology would lead to space based solar power(SSP) by 2050. And that America, as one of the technological centres of the world, would be at the forefront of this technology. Fine, that I can believe. He then posits that eventually SSP would provide the majority of power for industrially advanced countries in the world. Again, that I can believe. But he then suggests that to protect their SSP satellites, the US would build essentially a Space Fortress/Colony thing; which would have in it radar and spy satellite capabilities, plus a few hundred supersonic drone aircraft which they could launch at any country (from space) and a shit load of missiles etc.

That I can't believe.

The space fortress is a pretty ubiquitous idea in Sci-fi, but it's problem is that it just doesn't work. My major problem is that it's too big for one. Massive easily identifiable target than can pretty much be destroyed just by launching a missile.

But I'm not an engineer, nor an expert or even a layman in space technology. What do you guys think? Let's say there are several space elevators spread across ideal locations in North America; could a space fortress be built?