SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »


Comona Island, Space City

The flight surgeon and his team walked out of their little conference room wearing extremely serious looks. All of them carried thick folders full of medical documentation of the primary Soyuz 4 crew - Alan Shroompard and Miranda Moonbeam.

The astronauts rose as they approached, Shroompard in his impeccable SAF uniform, and Miranda wearing FASTA-standard training garb. Alan shot her a disapproving look when he noticed her barely contained excitement.

The flight surgeon adjusted his glasses and slowly opened his little leatherbound notepad. Two small pieces of paper lay there - Miranda decided that if he approved her for the flight, she'd make out with him on the spot.

"You are both approved for the mission.", came the earth-shattering statement, "Here are your docume...what the hell are you doing, miss?"

"Uh, sorry", Miranda released the flight surgeon's head when she met his disapproving stare, Stuck-up Russians..., she thought.

"As I was saying, here are your documents. Good luck up there."

"Thank you, sir!", Shroompard saluted calmly, while Miranda squealed like a little girl. The medical team shot her one last disapproving look and walked away.

"Yay! We're flying! We're finally flying into space! WHEEEE!", Miranda grabbed Shroompard and kissed him, before running off through the corridor, waving her approval papers.



Half an hour later, Deke Slayton's office

"Holy shit, Alan. I never thought you'd be one to make such a request..."

"She ran off squealing like a little girl. Don't you think that's a bit, umm..."


"I was gonna say 'odd', but yeah, 'crazy' works,too."

"She's qualified for the flight, Alan. She's the first civilian the qualify, so it's understandable that..."

"Yeah, yeah. You know she qualified by spending days and nights in the simulator. Have you actually talked to Svetlana? She has to run a dozen times through scenarious most people get in two,three rounds tops."

"Alan...let me put it this way. She meets all criteria,the flight surgeon okayed her, she passed all qualifications..."

"Barely", Shroompard interrupted

"...don't interrupt me. She passed all qualifications, her psych evaluation found no problems. And you want me to strike her out of the flight list? How would that make me look?"

"At least trade her with someone. She's a poor personality match, you said that yourself."

Slayton sighed. What was it about that girl that made everyone hate her so much?

"She's a bit impulsive, which is why you're in command of the ship. She's also a rookie, which is another reason why you're in command of the ship."

"She tried to hit on Svetlana..."

"First, that's a rumor. Second, that's not a crime, and I got no repeat reports on this. Third, she's not flying with Svetlana. Fourth, if you won't fly on Soyuz 4, you won't fly on Selene, and that means you don't walk on the Moon. Understood?"

Both men looked at each other in silence for a few seconds, before Shroompard nodded and put on his cap.

"Understood, sir."

"Good. Dismissed."

When Shroompard left, Slayton sighed and grabbed his coffee. Some days, the astronauts act ed like real primadonnas.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

High Stakes


Tower of Commerce, downtown San Dorado

The Sprawl was burning. From the executive boardroom on the 80th floor of the Tower it was impossible not to see the plumes of black smoke rising from Ozone Hill and Shell Beach. There, Sidney Hank knew, only a few miles away as the crow flies, soldiers were fighting and killing because he’d ordered them to. And this time it wasn’t rebels in some Fortune-forsaken central-Frequesuan shithole, they were killing his own people. In his own city. All because some damned bug got loose.

“Sir.” At the sound of a voice the President tore his attention from the billowing clouds of black smoke and turned it back to the boardroom. “Sir, I think we’ve run out of time. We have to tell the world what’s going on.” Helena Skye, executive director of DEPICOR, sounded pleadingly.

“Really.” The President absent-mindedly ruffled through his hair, then downed his whisky in a single swig. It was only three o’clock and he was already on his fifth glass. And yet, he felt completely sober. He hadn’t slept in days.

“Really. Too many people know what’s really going on already. I’ve had calls – polite calls, but calls nonetheless – from people from Wilkonia, from PeZookia, from the Old Dominion, inquiring what’s going on. And lately they’ve become quite insistent that they know what’s happening. Sooner or later one of them is going to come clean. How do you think we’ll look if someone other than us breaks the bad news to the world press?”

“Bad”, the President mumbled somewhat incoherently. His headache was killing him. “We’re going to take a bloody hit from this, aren’t we?”

Iago Morgan, executive director of DIFEI and financial genius behind Morgan Finance International, shrugged lightly. “Some would say we already have. Certainly the Mid-Cap has been tumbling. Still, we expected as much- and knowing of this bloody clutter” he gestured to the clouds of smoke outside the window “before anybody else did we were in the unusual position of being in the best place to play the market. We diverted a lot of funds to MESS markets before anybody else did and made a killing off energy futures. Our real production will probably take a hit over the coming year, but financially we are doing better than you might expect.”

“At least that’s something then. How goes the crisis?”

Daphne Sinclair and Sam Ralson eyed each other. Finally it was Sinclair who spoke up. “We think we’re through the worst of it. Half of the quarantined area has been secured. The rest will take at most another week.”


“Two and a half thousand and rising.” Sinclair shrugged. “Might end up as high as six or seven thousand.”

“What’s the impact of that going to be?”

Daphne smiled wryly. “That’s perhaps the crowning irony of it all- in the end, not much. Both Shell Beach and Ozone Hill are… Were urban wastelands. No-one who lived there meant much of anything to anyone.”

“So no-one is going to miss them”, the President pondered that briefly. He was unsure whether he should be glad or deeply saddened by that news. “Alright, here’s what we’ll do. Prepare a statement to be sent to BIOCON and all its member nations. Explain to them what has happened here. Don’t leave anything out, but ask them to keep it quiet. And tell the agency we’ll need help figuring out where this thing came from, to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else.”

“But we can handle-” Sinclair began.

“Yes, Daphne, I’m sure we can. But they can do it faster, and besides, we’re paying for this service already, so we’re damned well going to use it. Meanwhile, we’re going to clean up the mess in the Sprawl and announce a massive urban renewal project in the affected areas. That ought to appease the unruly masses at least somewhat.”

“What do we do with the economy?” asked Morgan.

“Hell I don’t know Iago. That’s your job, figure it out. Anything else?”

“I’ve some good news for you sire”, Ralson injected sardonically. “Our friends in PeZookia have decided to buy six F-161 Spectres. Hopefully that’ll appease Mr. Gero a bit- I heard he was all kinds of pissed when you refused to pick up the phone.”

“Yeah, yeah. Good job Sam.”

“Also, we’ve postponed the next Silver Streak flight until after the crisis. The flight might prove a good distraction from the aftermath of the crisis.”

“In that vein” injected Morgan, “Blues Bros have scored a deal with Constantinople Shipyards.” He eyed Ralson, then the President. “I, that is to say we, took the liberty of telling Victor and Vincent that we’d be buying a few of their new boats.”

“Excellent”, the President muttered, and poured himself another whisky “Since it appears you can do my job for me now, if there isn’t anything else to discuss I really would like for you to leave now.”

The executive directors filed out of the room one by one, until only the President and Sinclair remained. She smiled at him and shook her head. “Take a break, Sidney. You look worse than dead.”

“Considering the circumstances”, the President threw a glance out the window, “that’s hardly an appropriate phrasing to use.”

Results * All BIOCON members are informed exactly of what has happened (which is that the Astarian EAS virus has somehow popped up in San Dorado: we are not researching this virus, this isn't some mistake in a biolab. All our biolabs are way outside the city anyway.)

* San Dorado asks for the agency’s help in determining the cause of the outbreak. We also ask them to hush it up so the world economy won’t take a hit.

* President Hank is updated on all the goings-on in the world.

* President Hank is also pretty exhausted by the crisis.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Bidders for the Convention center project advised to showcase their plans for judging

Bidders for the Convention center project in Arabiapolis are advised to showcase their designs for judging by a committee. The decision to award to the tender will be made by the end of the year.


Imperial Chronicles

Communique from the Exarch of Foreign Affairs

Dear Mr President,

I have heard of much of the chaos in your capital. I would like to inquire if you would mind I pay you a visit and to discover the true gravity of the situation. The rest of the world is very worried about the developing situation, and you may have to face some hard choices beyond the methods you have employed.

Yours sincerely,
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Lonestar »

Virginia Pilot-Register

Bioweapons set loose in San Dorado capital?
The Virginia Pilot-Register has learned that the Army Center for Disease Control(ACDC) and it's counterparts in other MESS nations believes that the recent rioting in the San Dorado capital is a result of a biological agent.

"Samples secured from unburned specimens confirms that many of the rioters are infected with a fast-acting virus that heightens aggression dramatically and removes all semblance of sanity from the victim." A ACDC Memo notes. The memo goes on to say that due to the fast-acting nature of the virus, it is unlikely it could have lasted long in the "wild" without burning out. Neither ACDC, the Foriegn Ministry or the San Dorado embassy would comment on the memo.

Most of the infected came from the ghettos of Ozone Hill and Shell Beach, communities considered "Urban Blights" by the elite ruling class of San Dorado...[More]
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »


FROM: Universal Construction
TO: Arabiapolis Convention Center Design Committee

For your perusal, our proposal for the Arabiapolis convention center design:


The convention center is to be constructed on an artificial island in the harbor, making the building into a prominent city landmark. It features (among other things) a birdlike roof, a dedicated ferry dock, five exhibition halls, two convention halls, 2 theaters, 7 restaurants, an underground parking garage with room for 1,300 cars, and a capacity of 140,000 visitors per day.



State Visit
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Communique from the Exarch of Foreign Affairs

Dear Mr President,

I have heard of much of the chaos in your capital. I would like to inquire if you would mind I pay you a visit and to discover the true gravity of the situation. The rest of the world is very worried about the developing situation, and you may have to face some hard choices beyond the methods you have employed.

Yours sincerely,
My good Mr. Exarch,

As always you are most welcome in our fine city. I assure you that the situation in the Sprawl is quite under control, and we are quite willing to furnish you with answers to whatever questions you may have regarding the matter. Let me know when you intend to arrive, and I will have the Sheraton prepare the executive suite for you.

Yours cordially,

Sidney Hank
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by CmdrWilkens »

BIOCOM Announces second round of inspections

With rumors fueling news that there may have been a potential bioweapons leak in San Dorado BIOCOM has added that nation to the next round of inspections to be carried out during the second half of the year. Officials at BIOCOM indicated that the first round of inspections earlier this year, which briefly toured a defensive weapons lab well outside San Dorado City proper, were all reported to the signatory nations and none have indicated an issue with any facility.

"At this time we regard the rumors about San Dorado as being just that," Dr Albert Hirch a Deputy Field Director for BIOCOM stated. "Due to requests by the member nations we are adding a re-tour of San Dorado to the next round of inspections which will include several snap inspections throughout the entirety of Frequesque."

-Result: BIOCOM launches second round of announced inspections and snap inspections. They will also be sending a forensic evaluation team to San Dorado though, for now, that has not been announced except in private comunique with the relvant officials in all member nations.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »

Seaside Palace, Canissia


King Arik Coyotus of Canissia awoke, late, and crawled gently out of bed so as not to disturb the lovely ladies that still rested within. Shawna and Samira stirred but quieted, and Arik padded out of the room on bare feet, pausing only to grab a robe.

Arik didn't think about the oddities of the new world much, but sometimes it did, in fact, strike him as unusual. His wives were the same, and Jia remembered being held hostage by the enviro-nut terrorist just like before, except here she was held hostage at Veleria instead. He knew that there were some odd tensions between Rufus and King Paul's aide, Kamila, which he understood perfectly-- he remembered them being happily married for years, himself. But it was easier for him to not say anything and remain aloof.

So it was with some curiosity that he saw the footnote in his daily files to check the tabloid headline about Paul going to visit Kamila late at night. Arik frowned, wondering what could possibly have gone on, and since he knew Paul for far longer than the few years they'd been on Terranova-- had known hims for decades on Novaterra, in fact-- he knew there were forces at work that went beyond the babblings of a money-grubbing tabloid.

Sometimes, Arik realized to himself, as he sipped at his coffee, Sometimes I see it. Odd looks in the faces of people from before. On rare occassions, those embarassed smiles and hand waves, mutterings of deja vu... I see it. I've used that excuse myself, at times... He saw it a couple of times in the eyes of Karl Tigh, his chief of the SPS, he saw it a couple of times in Myra Foxglove, when talking with Jia... One day, Nafrini even expressed an interest to go to temple and asked about becoming a priestess, he recalled. Even she seemed wierded out by it. His little daughter had never before expressed any such desire; did she 'remember' that she conducted burial rites over him herself, previously?

Arik had played it completely aloof from day one. He rarely spoke with anyone about previous events unless he knew for sure he was talking with one of his own, with one of the Displaced. Talk about past lives and past events as possible futures, controlled by godlike aliens, would be a quick trip to impeachment, he was sure. Or whatever it is they do to Kings around here, he thought.

He sipped at his coffee and forced the whole thing from his mind.

Let's see... hmmmm... Rage virus in San Dorado continues to spread, fires, pillaging... The Royal Canissian Border Guards had stopped no less than five ships coming from San Dorado since the mess started, and held them offshore in indefinite quarantine. He'd even taken perverse pleasure in doing the same to a Zorian ship that had visited San Dorado six months prior. When the Zorain crew complained, he'd heard from Karl Tigh that the RCBG captain had shrugged and said, "Hey, sorry, but our police force is inefficient and ineffective, so it may take awhile to clear quarantine". The ship had only been held up a few days before being allowed to pass, but the San Doradan ships were still waiting.

"Papa!" he heard one of the kids shout. It was his pack of little Coyotus-lings, on the prowl for fun and adventure through the Palce in their footy-pajamas.
"Shhh," he said, smiling and putting Chyou and Antony on his lap as the other kids tore around --way too much energy-- in the Royal Morning Room. "Mamas Shawna and Samira are asleep," he said. The kids quieted down slightly. "Shouldn't you kids be watching cartoons?"

"Cartoons these days are boring," Nafrina said, her face a study in mature disdain, "They're for, you know, little kids these days."
"Well, we can't have you watching little kid cartoons, now, can we?" he asked.
"Can you fire them?" Anton asked suddenly.

"Fire who?" Arik asked.
"The cartoon guys," Anton asked. "If they're making bad cartoons, can't you fire them?"
"I'll give them a very stern talking too," he promised.
"Make 'em sit in the corner!" Cailin urged, her fiery red hair a mop of unkempt horror.

"You'll make a fine chief of the SPS someday," Arik said, somewhat seriously.
"What's SPS?" Chyou asked.
"It's what Uncle Karl does," Aitan said, speaking up for the first time as he paused to quit chasing Tristan. "He's the chief of police. He beats people up when they bother Daddy."
"Cool," Cailin said, her eyes wide.

"I'm creating monsters," Arik muttered.
"Boo!" Tristan said, leaping forward and spreading his arms wide. Arik jumped back in mock surprise.
"Don't do that," he said, making an exaggerated clutch at his heart.
"Oh, Daddy, it didn't scare you. You're King."
"He'll send Uncle Karl to beat you up," Aitan warned.
"Likely, I'll just put you in the corner myself."
"Do it!" Cailin squealed with glee.

"Bloodthirsty," Arik muttered.
"What's going on?" Shawna asked, mumbling and squinting, her robe bundled tight againsther.
"MAMA!" the kids yelled, and ganged up at her feet.
"Now you've done it," Arik remarked. Shawna shot him a dirty look and kneeled to hug the kids, Samira stumbling out for her morning ritual as well.

"Anything new?" Shawna asked as Samira took over with 'the pack'.
"Always something new," Arik said, "The Army's winding down some of the biggest land exercises ever done," he said, "I think I might contact President Stas about the idea of doing some sort of big joint exercise with the Slavic union. Get the Air Forc einvolved, all that."

"Not a bad idea," Shawna said, pulling the already-read parts of the paper over towards herself. The Palace staff was serving them coffee, and pouring cereal for the kids.
"Choco Puffs!" Tristan shouted, "Yaaay!"
"Only one bowl of that garbage!" Samira warned, sitting down and getting a cup of coffee herself. The kids had convinced the staff that multiple bowls of Choco Puffs were a Royal Decree from His Majesty at one point, until Samira had caught on.

"Gods, last thing we need is more sugar for them," Shawna said, "And to think we were actually considering Ritalin for awhile." The others came up from where they'd been staying with the kids.
"Mornin', sweeties," Arik greeted them as they took their places around the table and started with the coffee rituals.
"Hrmph," Siobhan said. She hated mornings more than Arik did, which was a difficult feat under the best of circumstances.

"Can we... sedate them?" Jia asked, smiling, "Is that... legal?" Arik suppressed a grin.
"I will make it legal," he said, quoting Darth Sidious in The Phantom Menace. They women didn't get the reference, but they thought the voice and theatrically sinister tomes were amusing. One nice thing, Arik thought to himself, There's a whole lifetime of pop culture references I can make that they've never heard of... makes me sound quite quick on the uptake.

"You sound like that guy in that movie," Siobhan ssaid, "Dark Slytherin, from... what was it? The Star Warriors," she said.
"The prequels," Isabelle said, "They weren't as good as the first ones, with Hans, Lucas and Lena."
Damn, Arik remiembered, They have their own, slightly one-off versions of everything here. Not so damn clever after all.

"So what is on the agenda for today?" Katerin asked.
"Well, I had an idea that we should get the space program going with some remote-piloted tests of the Eagle," Arik said. "I want to have manned piloting at altitude by the end of the year."

"At altitude?" Shawna asked, "What do you mean?"
"I want to be testing it at over a kilometer," he said, "And start doing altitude tests with one of the Zeppelins carrying it up to the top of the stratosphere and testing all the pressure seals. So fare it hasn't gone more than a couple hundred feet up."

"So I need to make calls for airspace," Katerin said, "I'll call the PeZookians after breakfast."
"What is breakfast today?" Isabelle asked.

"Friday," Arik said with a smile, "Picon-style crepes with fruit filling."
"At least something will go right today," Siobhan muttered, reaching for her second cup of coffee already.

"I think we should take the kids on a Royal trip to Wallyworld today," he said. "The world's problems, at least for now, aren't involving us," he said, motioning to his pile of briefing folders. "Look-- most of my folders are plain manila folders; only a couple of yellows, and just one red for the San Dorado situation, which is being dealt with. No other red folders-- how often does that happen? Let's enjoy it while we can..."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Serenity Sentinel

Tachibana Heavy Industries Launches Sounding Rocket


While the Blue Sun has yet to launch its last Rising Sun, Tachibana Heavy Industries launched its first sounding rocket, the TS-1.

The TS-1 is a two-stage sounding rocket with the capability of reaching 1000 Km of altitude. The rocket carried three pieces of equipment from the Serenity University and the Miskatonic University involving atmosphere observation and biological research. The rocket itself also served as a platform for the THI to test some of its future projects. "While the Blue Sun has the headstart, we have the momentum," said Miho Tachibana, director of the R&D department in the press announcement. Officials from the Blue Sun have yet to comment on this launch.


Royal Palace, Serenity

"Politics." Yenchin complained as he read the results from the Legislative Hall. The debate over a space agency was getting ridiculous. With a "good" reason: the election was near. "Shouldn't have left it to the Legs," he sighed.

"The military, especially the Hall of Tigers already have various big budget projects in their pockets," said Yuki, "the Good Mountain Project, entering its 5th year, is seemingly pointless at this time, not to mention its sister project, the Taoist Port. The Greens have been opposing them for awhile. A new space agency under the Tigers would definitely raise brows."

"Even if all the weapons in this world are dismantled or destroyed by some mysterious means, I'm not giving up those projects." said Yenchin, "But yes, there is some point on the complaining. Call General Wu and see if we can find an alternative..."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Travelers and cargo from San Dorado are quietly put on quarantine for observation

Authorities have quietly imposed a quarantine on incoming travelers and cargo from San Dorado. The authorities did not comment on the reasons for the decision but rumours are abound that this is related to recent rumours about a rage virus in San Dorado. Sources say that because of the great amount of Byzantine investment that pours into San Dorado yearly, authorities are taking care that the economy isn't affected.


Imperial Chronicles

Decius arrived in San Dorado and sighed. He had seen some of the fires in the ghetto areas of the San Dorado capital and then he wondered why the San Dorado government was moving this slowly. He walked towards the waiting cab that took him to meet President Hank.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Zor »

Union Press

Safe Zones designated for Egsa Tribals

Port Adria, Zorian Veleria-Today, an agreement for designated safezones has been reached with the bulk of the Egsa leaders, designating zones of habitation which will not be developed on with native Velerian Tribals, as well as prodiving some $10,000,000 worth of aid and assistance to the various groups of Egsa, including providing medical aid, food and supplying radios and other technical non combat related equipment. Efforts with the Malip tribals have been less productive, the groups have been convinced that Zorian presence in Veleria is an affornt to Allah and must be destroyed. Several groups have accused the Zorian Military of Religious Bigotry against the Islamic Malips, a claim which RZMC Triumvirate Adam Abizaid (a praticing Muslim, affiliated with the Zorian League of Mosques) has stated "Blatently false and insulting" and that the actions against the Malip People are soully aimed at neutralizing the threat posed by what he has discribed as "craven fanatics with no regard for human life".

Cascadian Scientist killed in Dragonsnake Basin

Port Adria Airfield, Zorian Veleria-Today was a mornful day for Port Adria as Honorguard of Royal Zorian Army Soldiers fired off a salvo of riflefire and as the forests of Veleria as the Casket, drapped was loaded aboard a Z-130 Transport plane, containing the body of 29 Cascadian Botanist Sarah McNeil to be returned to her family. The young woman and recent graduate of Seattle Universities' biological science's department had spent the last two years at Port Adria documenting the local species of Orcids and evaulating potential medical properties. Yesterday, she was on an expedition to gather plant samples when they were attacked by a group of Malip Tribals, and was shot several times by Kalashnikov fire.

Quarentine imposed on San Doradoan Travelers and Goods

Ministry of Trade and Commerce Head office, Port Adria-With Parliamentry consent, Trade Minister Michelle Dawkins has officially announced a quarantine on all travellers and Cargo for San Dorodo in light of the Rage Virus outbreak.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

The Palace


Presidential Palace, downtown San Dorado

President Hank briefly allowed himself to simply enjoy the warmth of the sunlight that fell through the massive five-meter high windows of the Foursquare Office. Through them, he was treated to a breathtaking view of the maze of man-made spires that formed the central districts of San Dorado City. And beyond, the Sprawl. The fires had finally gone out. AIP and the army were mopping up the last few infection clusters. Reconstruction crews were moving in. Small businesses were already squabbling over who got to rebuild what.

From the godlike vantage of the Presidential Palace’s topmost floors, Sidney Hank could feel the pulse of the city slowly settling back into its customary rhythm. All that remains now, the President thought to himself, is to convince the world.

He turned his attention back to the cherry-wood presidential desk and the reports strewn across it. Death tolls, damage assessments, proposed reconstruction plans, munitions expended, a list of nations that had imposed a quarantine of San Dorado citizens.

As if customs could possibly miss the Infected, the President wryly mused. Still, it’s understandable. I suppose they feel they must do something.

Most of the reports required little more than his signature, and he soon enough had made his way through the stack. He was enjoying a cup of hot coffee with a touch of brandy when the imager in his desk came to life.

“Sir”, his pretty secretary announced, “your chopper just landed. Mr. Decius is here.”

“Excellent, Sandy. Show him in if you please.”

President Sidney Hank smiled briefly as he considered the Byzantine Exarch. Four agents of the Presidential Security Service had intercepted him on the airport just as he’d readied to board a cab.

A cab! the Hank thought to himself. The man is either more unassuming than I thought, or he doesn’t know a thing about traffic in San Dorado. By taxi it would almost certainly have taken him hours to get to the Palace. Not to mention the dangers inherent in entering the chaotic ground traffic in the city. In San Dorado City, sensible people travelled by helicopter. In fact, the President wasn’t altogether sure the residential sections of the Palace even had a ground entrance.

There was no more time to ponder the eccentricities of the Byzantine envoy however, as the doors to the Foursquare Office opened and his personal secretary showed in the Exarch. The President rose from his padded leather chair to greet him, an honest smile on his face.

“Mr. Decius, it’s been too long! Please, sit down. I hope you had a pleasant flight- can I get you something to drink?”
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

SiegeTank wrote:The Palace
There was no more time to ponder the eccentricities of the Byzantine envoy however, as the doors to the Foursquare Office opened and his personal secretary showed in the Exarch. The President rose from his padded leather chair to greet him, an honest smile on his face.

“Mr. Decius, it’s been too long! Please, sit down. I hope you had a pleasant flight- can I get you something to drink?”
"Good Morning Mr President. It has been a while. Perhaps some coffee?" Decius smiled and sat down. Taking the coffee, Decius began, "Mr President, as I understand it, you have been fighting some pestilence of sorts, in the slums. While Byzantine scientists have taken pains to.. study the virus in question obtained through other discrete source, they have indicated that the virus is quite.. resilient and there is no true cure that affects all strains of the virus. Could I possibly know of the measures taken to wipe it out for good? I do however have to caution you, that firebombing areas affected by the pestilence might be the only way to ensure the virus is gone for good, and the people involved in the fighting of the outbreak might have to be screened to ensure they didn't get infected in the midst of the fighting."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:"Mr President, as I understand it, you have been fighting some pestilence of sorts, in the slums. While Byzantine scientists have taken pains to.. study the virus in question obtained through other discrete source, they have indicated that the virus is quite.. resilient and there is no true cure that affects all strains of the virus. Could I possibly know of the measures taken to wipe it out for good? I do however have to caution you, that firebombing areas affected by the pestilence might be the only way to ensure the virus is gone for good, and the people involved in the fighting of the outbreak might have to be screened to ensure they didn't get infected in the midst of the fighting."
The President nodded. "Briefly summarizing the report we have filed with BIOCON: From what we've gathered, the EAS virus is highly contagious, but infection can only occur by the transfer of blood, semen, saliva and other such bodily fluids. On average infected persons will display symptoms within five days. These symptoms include extreme aggression, causing a person to become savage, brutal and primal - although contrary to earlier reports the Infected do seem to retain some level of higher intelligence, acting purposefully in groups, setting traps, and raiding.

In order to contain the virus, we have hermetically sealed off the areas in which infection occurred. AIP and army units then worked their way in until the infection clusters were isolated. These were then rooted out. All infected bodies were disposed of with mobile incinerators. The waste product was then ferried in chemical waste containers to the Power Tower and dumped in one of its magma chambers. Right now our forces are working to fully sterilize the environment using flamethrowers and chemical agents- needless to say, troops involved in the reclamation of Ozone Hill and Shell Beach are under extreme scrutiny to ensure they do not become infected themselves. Luckily for us however it appears the virus cannot survive outside the human body for prolonged periods of time, minimizing the risk of infection of anyone not directly involved with the Infected.

Concerning the rooting-out of the syndrome... As we reported to BIOCON earlier we have managed to take a number of Infected prisoner. These have been quarantined in a SinTEK biolab off the coast. Our efforts to find a way to reverse their, ah, condition have thus far yielded little result, although I'm told that certain antiretroviral treatments seems to have some positive effect. We now await the arrival of the BIOCON team we've requested; hopefully with international help we'll find a way to eliminate the virus... Although I'm personally not holding my breath. Also, I feel it is important to point out again that this virus did not originate in San Dorado. In our estimation the point of origin is Astaria- an estimation corroborated by several disconcerting reports we've received from the Shroomanian military units stationed on the edges of that island. And as long as the virus lingers on Astaria, the world can never be totally safe for another outbreak."
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

SiegeTank wrote:The President nodded. "Briefly summarizing the report we have filed with BIOCON: From what we've gathered, the EAS virus is highly contagious, but infection can only occur by the transfer of blood, semen, saliva and other such bodily fluids. On average infected persons will display symptoms within five days. These symptoms include extreme aggression, causing a person to become savage, brutal and primal - although contrary to earlier reports the Infected do seem to retain some level of higher intelligence, acting purposefully in groups, setting traps, and raiding.

In order to contain the virus, we have hermetically sealed off the areas in which infection occurred. AIP and army units then worked their way in until the infection clusters were isolated. These were then rooted out. All infected bodies were disposed of with mobile incinerators. The waste product was then ferried in chemical waste containers to the Power Tower and dumped in one of its magma chambers. Right now our forces are working to fully sterilize the environment using flamethrowers and chemical agents- needless to say, troops involved in the reclamation of Ozone Hill and Shell Beach are under extreme scrutiny to ensure they do not become infected themselves. Luckily for us however it appears the virus cannot survive outside the human body for prolonged periods of time, minimizing the risk of infection of anyone not directly involved with the Infected.

Concerning the rooting-out of the syndrome... As we reported to BIOCON earlier we have managed to take a number of Infected prisoner. These have been quarantined in a SinTEK biolab off the coast. Our efforts to find a way to reverse their, ah, condition have thus far yielded little result, although I'm told that certain antiretroviral treatments seems to have some positive effect. We now await the arrival of the BIOCON team we've requested; hopefully with international help we'll find a way to eliminate the virus... Although I'm personally not holding my breath. Also, I feel it is important to point out again that this virus did not originate in San Dorado. In our estimation the point of origin is Astaria- an estimation corroborated by several disconcerting reports we've received from the Shroomanian military units stationed on the edges of that island. And as long as the virus lingers on Astaria, the world can never be totally safe for another outbreak."
Decius nodded. "Indeed it is fortunate that the virus cannot survive outside the human body for too long. Though if I were to err on the side of caution, I'd just firebomb the area to ensure that the virus is gone for good. Although, Shroomanian tendencies to .. overreact aside, I think those troops ought to be called back eventually. God knows what's been going on for the years with then.

I do have a question however. The FTO has, for the last few months gone around.. killing one insurgent force after another, and including a bunch of good for nothing pirates, but stability is the prerequisite for stable trade. How do you plan to deal with the random rabble that appears every now and then? Insurance costs are spiraling upwards, and Constantinople Shipping was reporting that their container ships were spitting machine gun fire from to time at pirates. While it seems that you have brought the situation is under control, stability is the key word here."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

Decius nodded. "Indeed it is fortunate that the virus cannot survive outside the human body for too long. Though if I were to err on the side of caution, I'd just firebomb the area to ensure that the virus is gone for good. Although, Shroomanian tendencies to .. overreact aside, I think those troops ought to be called back eventually. God knows what's been going on for the years with then.
“As much as I don’t like the Sprawl”, Hank grimaced, “firebombing is really quite out of the question. I hesitate to imagine what would happen to our stock prices, and my approval rating for that matter, if I were seen to drop napalm on my own capital city. But if it’s any reassurance, AIP will keep a close eye on the reconstruction effort. Should the virus re-emerge through some unforeseen vector, they won’t hesitate to… deal with it.

Concerning the Shroomanians- from a humanitarian point of view I applaud the efforts of the FUN to stabilize Astaria, but I fear they are wasting their time and resources. That island and everything on it is a lost cause. It should be quarantined until the virus burns itself out. And until it does, I frankly think it should be one of the global community’s main concerns to ensure that no-one else sets foot on there. We think that the virus was carried here by looters plundering Astarian valuables left ownerless after the holocaust- and now five thousand people are dead. What would’ve happened if it’d spread farther? Make no mistake: this could’ve happened to any nation.”
I do have a question however. The FTO has, for the last few months gone around.. killing one insurgent force after another, and including a bunch of good for nothing pirates, but stability is the prerequisite for stable trade. How do you plan to deal with the random rabble that appears every now and then? Insurance costs are spiraling upwards, and Constantinople Shipping was reporting that their container ships were spitting machine gun fire from to time at pirates. While it seems that you have brought the situation is under control, stability is the key word here."
Now the President leaned back in his seat and smiled. “Ah, stability! The most prized and most elusive commodity of our continent. Well, for what it’s worth Decius I agree with you, and you’ll be pleased to know that for some time now we’ve been working with the Sabikan government to stabilize their country, providing economic stimuli, developing their industries, and so on. We’ve taken apart most of the Sons of Sabika, though that seems to have had the unintended side-effect of encouraging some of their former commanders to take up the profitable hobby of piracy.

Unfortunately Sabika doesn’t have much in the way of a navy… Coilerburg made sure of that in the last series of wars. But the FTO has ships off the coast now, they’re doing a decent enough job. Still…” the President winked. “If your ships feel that the north-eastern coast is no longer safe, they are always welcome to drop their cargoes in San Dorado!

Also, speaking of business… I hope you’ll forgive me the impertinence, but earlier today I received a call from Adrian Skye, the CEO of Universal Motors… Apparently he was aware that you’d be visiting, and he asked me to tell you that it would, ah, really mean a lot to him if your government were to grant his subsidiary that contract for the Arabiapolis convention centre.” Sidney Hank grinned roguishly. “If you know what I mean. More coffee?”
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by CmdrWilkens »

Markets continue to settle as capital moves away from FTO
James Whibley, special business correspondent for the Panama Post-Dispatch

While domestic markets throughout the Americas and Old Continent have continued to chug along with rebuilding from the One Week and Pathogen Wars the foreign markets, in paticular mid and small-cap funds investing in FTO stocks, have taken a sound beating over the past few months. In Wikonia, the IRT, Byzantium, and a half dozen other major exchanges funds that heavily targeted the developing industries of the FTO have been hit hard by investor panic.

Most observeers have noted that very little in the last two quarters has affected the underpinnigns of any of the FTO membership economies. In paticualr world tin and copper exports fueld by booms throughout Frequesque have remained steady despite the pirate scare, the resistance movement the FTO sought to crush and the latest unrest in San Dorado. Put more bluntly the flight of investment capital has been entirely irrational. At the same tiem where the money has landed has been suprisingly rational.

The growth of the Arabiopolis market, and companies who are betting heavily on it, is already fueling a surge in investment that has soaked up, as a conservative estiamte, a good quarter of the dollars that fled form FTO based securities and mercantile investments. this is truthfully good news for all concerned because we now have a trifecta of potential good news on the horizon.

Firstly as the Frequesque situation continues to stabalize, and hopefully with a clean bill of health from the coming BIOCOM visits, investors should be able to find bargin stocks all throughout the continent. Moreover this should cause the temporary bubble in world copper prices to burst making a whole host of other industries thankful.

Secondly the Arabiopolis mini-boom looks to be a solid investment of its own.Thus a win-win develops for overseas mutual funds in that if they keep their money in Frequesque assets they will likely see growth in the near future and if they bailed out and moved into the Byzantium and other Arabiopolis connected securities they stand to make back their money within the next five years and then some.

Lastly the general positive note from the stabalizing foreign investment market gives general investor confidence to everyone and that should help fuel the neccessarry monies needed by the full economic recovery programs virtually every nation banked on in the wake of the Pathogen Wars. The challenge will be for fund managers not to get too greedy. Arabiopolis in paticualr is ahuge specualtive bubble with only so much firm goodness to go around. Dozen of firms have claimed an inside track so as to boost their own profile hwoever only some will end up gettng a slive of the pie. Fund managers will need to be truly alert to who is actually getting in on the ground floor and who is waving misdirection.
Last edited by CmdrWilkens on 2009-01-02 10:42am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Ashford Times Headlines in Brief

Additional Frigates Commissioned in Langley Navy
Six Formidables, two F100s to be in active service by year's end

Travel Advisory for San Dorado Continues
Civil unrest still ongoing in San Dorado City

Travelers and Cargo from San Dorado Quarantined
Rumors of viral outbreak in San Dorado City taken under consideration

I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

SiegeTank wrote:“As much as I don’t like the Sprawl”, Hank grimaced, “firebombing is really quite out of the question. I hesitate to imagine what would happen to our stock prices, and my approval rating for that matter, if I were seen to drop napalm on my own capital city. But if it’s any reassurance, AIP will keep a close eye on the reconstruction effort. Should the virus re-emerge through some unforeseen vector, they won’t hesitate to… deal with it.
"You are taking a lot of risk with this. What if there's some people infected with the plague and are hiding in the sewers? It also worries me that the virus might have the capacity to mutate. While the probability of that I am told is low, we should be careful."
Concerning the Shroomanians- from a humanitarian point of view I applaud the efforts of the FUN to stabilize Astaria, but I fear they are wasting their time and resources. That island and everything on it is a lost cause. It should be quarantined until the virus burns itself out. And until it does, I frankly think it should be one of the global community’s main concerns to ensure that no-one else sets foot on there. We think that the virus was carried here by looters plundering Astarian valuables left ownerless after the holocaust- and now five thousand people are dead. What would’ve happened if it’d spread farther? Make no mistake: this could’ve happened to any nation.”
The only way to be absolutely certain that Astaria is purged of any contagions, is to firebomb the area centimeter by centimeter. The trouble is that every body, dead or not, can serve as a host to any contagion. Then it will past on to the local animal population, if any of it survived. Yes, it is indeed a waste of time and resources. No nation wants to expand the prodigious effort to clean Astaria of any contagions. We can thank the Shepistanis for that.
Now the President leaned back in his seat and smiled. “Ah, stability! The most prized and most elusive commodity of our continent. Well, for what it’s worth Decius I agree with you, and you’ll be pleased to know that for some time now we’ve been working with the Sabikan government to stabilize their country, providing economic stimuli, developing their industries, and so on. We’ve taken apart most of the Sons of Sabika, though that seems to have had the unintended side-effect of encouraging some of their former commanders to take up the profitable hobby of piracy.

Unfortunately Sabika doesn’t have much in the way of a navy… Coilerburg made sure of that in the last series of wars. But the FTO has ships off the coast now, they’re doing a decent enough job. Still…” the President winked. “If your ships feel that the north-eastern coast is no longer safe, they are always welcome to drop their cargoes in San Dorado!
Certainly, San Dorado is the preferred port of call, but it is sometimes cheaper to deposit the cargo at the nation in question. It might be advisable to disarm the rebels altogether for good and hopefully destroy all sources of possible black market trade of weapons that is still somewhat rampant in the wilder parts of the continent.
Also, speaking of business… I hope you’ll forgive me the impertinence, but earlier today I received a call from Adrian Skye, the CEO of Universal Motors… Apparently he was aware that you’d be visiting, and he asked me to tell you that it would, ah, really mean a lot to him if your government were to grant his subsidiary that contract for the Arabiapolis convention centre.” Sidney Hank grinned roguishly. “If you know what I mean. More coffee?”
Perhaps... though the government still awaits the Zorian proposal. They have a month or so before we close the books on them. But I am willing to meet him, in the interest of discussing other things beyond just... the Arabiapolis convention center.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:"You are taking a lot of risk with this. What if there's some people infected with the plague and are hiding in the sewers? It also worries me that the virus might have the capacity to mutate. While the probability of that I am told is low, we should be careful."
"I know. I know! But firebombing is not an answer. You could carpet-bomb the area for days and you still wouldn't reach the sewers with that, they're far too deep- those areas of the Sprawl are old, there's literally dozens of old underground tunnels, sewers, bunkers, roadways and cable trenches running underneath. And some of it is tunneled directly into the bedrock. We've monitored all the underground roadways that we know of, and we have people down there, but our maps are incomplete. In the end we'll just have to hope for the best- luckily it's not in the nature of the Infected to hide for very long."
The only way to be absolutely certain that Astaria is purged of any contagions, is to firebomb the area centimeter by centimeter. The trouble is that every body, dead or not, can serve as a host to any contagion. Then it will past on to the local animal population, if any of it survived. Yes, it is indeed a waste of time and resources. No nation wants to expand the prodigious effort to clean Astaria of any contagions. We can thank the Shepistanis for that.
"And whoever else decided to drop shit on the island", murmured the President. "Who knows what mutations might have occurred by exposure to chemicals and other agents."
Certainly, San Dorado is the preferred port of call, but it is sometimes cheaper to deposit the cargo at the nation in question. It might be advisable to disarm the rebels altogether for good and hopefully destroy all sources of possible black market trade of weapons that is still somewhat rampant in the wilder parts of the continent.
"Indeed", nodded Hank. "But it's hard to track down every cache of weapons in countries that have been stockpiling guns for years, or decades even. And with Sabika's past, I can't even blame them- not to mention that frankly it's been good business for us. But yes, the times have changed, and it's time for them to let go of their guns. Now we only have to convince the Sabikan government of that. There is still a fair bit of resentment over the last war with Coilerburg, and considering the... flippant nature of that state, I can't say it isn't prudent of them to stave off total disarmament for a while longer."
Perhaps... though the government still awaits the Zorian proposal. They have a month or so before we close the books on them. But I am willing to meet him, in the interest of discussing other things beyond just... the Arabiapolis convention center.
The President's grin widened. "Oh, I'm quite sure Adrian would be most thrilled to discuss all kinds of matters. Shall I ask him to join us, or would you prefer to set up a meeting later today? I'm sure he'll gladly take the time."
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

SiegeTank wrote:"Indeed", nodded Hank. "But it's hard to track down every cache of weapons in countries that have been stockpiling guns for years, or decades even. And with Sabika's past, I can't even blame them- not to mention that frankly it's been good business for us. But yes, the times have changed, and it's time for them to let go of their guns. Now we only have to convince the Sabikan government of that. There is still a fair bit of resentment over the last war with Coilerburg, and considering the... flippant nature of that state, I can't say it isn't prudent of them to stave off total disarmament for a while longer."
"Distrust and resentment are toxic mixtures that often lead to other.. problems. Security guarantees are .. perhaps the best solution to prevent future.. flare-ups."
The President's grin widened. "Oh, I'm quite sure Adrian would be most thrilled to discuss all kinds of matters. Shall I ask him to join us, or would you prefer to set up a meeting later today? I'm sure he'll gladly take the time."
Certainly. Anytime would be good.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Byzantine Military Journal

BAM begins test flights of the A400M


BAM has began test flights of the A400M. The transport craft is aimed at users of the C130 who plan to replace their transport fleets in the next decade. The Byzantine military is said to be interested in the aircraft, and reports say that the army and air force are getting ready to order new transports soon.

A350XWB certified by civilian aviation authorities in Shroomania and Byzantium.

The A350XWB has been certified by Shroomanian and Byzantine aviation authorities. BAM will begin deliveries of the aircraft to customers from next year onwards.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »

"Eagle" A Popular Draw at Space Expo


A recent Space Exposition featured a working model of the Eagle, or EGL/Exo-Gravity Lander at the Jerusalem Space Center. The spacecraft was shipped to the JSC by ship, rather than flown under its own power, but researchers at Canissian Aerospace say that live flight tests are only a matter of securing the right environmental permits.

"The Eagle is a very advanced ship," said Science & Industry Minister Mark Reebo (Libertarian Party, Gemenon) "But flying in a gravity well such as Novaterra taxes it's systems considerably. It can hold itself up with its rockets, but the main powerplant is nuclear, so it's exhaust is radioactive. We need to be very careful when we undergo flight tests. It really is meant to be flown in space."

The biggets obstacles for the EGL are currently centere don getting the heavy vessl to space. At 112 tons, it is no lightweight. Currently, there is nothing that can carry the Eagle into orbit, however, there are plans to find an alternative launch system.

"One of the things we're contemplating is an EHAZE launch," said Minister Reebo. EHAZE is a Canissian project similar to the Shroomanian Stratellite concept. EHAZE stands for Extreme High Altitude Zeppelin/Experimental. Zeppelins in the EHAZE program are designed to operate at the thinnest extremes of the atmosphere, almost in space themselves.

"We're working on a feasability project that will take an EGL up in the cargo racks of an EHAZE platform and test if for seals and leaks," Reebo said, "We can park a EHAZE Zeppelin up there for days at a time and run pressure tests on the ship, seeing where there may be weak spots. If it works, we may look for a way to coordinate a launch from a Zeppelin."

The Eagle's first tests would involve the pressure seal tests, then the ability of the onboard computers to interface with ground-control systems.

Later tests would involve controlled burns of the rockets, and perhaps a hover test under its own power while tethered to the Zeppelin for safety. If the Eagle performs these tests well, then a powered flight on automatic from the EHAZE platform to the ground would be attempted before a manned Zeppelin-to-ground landing would be tried.

"If all these things work, we'll then do some remote-controlled tests where we launch from the Zeppelin and go into low orbit and back," Reebo said, "Eventually, we'll pilot it by remote for some orbits, then around the moon of Selene and back, and then we'll attempt a manned flight."

The plans for these extensive Eagle tests will span many months or even years, depending on how successful they are. Environmental groups, including many in Canissia's own Parliament, are vehemently against these tests due to the nature of the nuclear rocket engines.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:"Distrust and resentment are toxic mixtures that often lead to other.. problems. Security guarantees are .. perhaps the best solution to prevent future.. flare-ups."
"I think", the President smiled, "that after decades of internecine warfare, our continent is just finding out that this is so. This is why San Dorado is a major proponent of Sabika's entry into the FTO. It won't be today or tomorrow when that happens, but once it does, it's another guarantee for stability in the continent's northern regions."
Certainly. Anytime would be good.
By the time that Adrian Skye, CEO of Universal Motors, arrived at the Palace the conversation between the Exarch and the President had moved from the Foursquare Office to the more casual ambiance of the Smoking Room. Although it was traditionally called that, the current President didn't smoke, and so the room served as an informal audience chamber. A soft carpet covered the floor. The walls were lined with book cases, black-and-white photographs of city landmarks and one impressive painting of a storm-battered 6-gun bark sailing toward a distant coastline: Bannon's The Arrival of Sir Siegfried. Through a series of large glass windows in the wall one looked down into the Presidential Library, one palace floor below.

Coffee had been replaced by a glass of expensive red wine and President and Exarch were engaged in an animated discussion concerning the Formula One season, and the dominant position of the Byzantine teams, when with a single note of warning the wall-mounted imager came to life. "Sirs, I hate to interrupt, but Mr. Skye is here", President Hank's assistant announced.

"Show him in please."

Doors swung open and in came Adrian Skye. The CEO couldn't avoid looking vaguely flustered, most likely he had not anticipated speaking with the President and the Byzantine envoy this quickly. "Mr. Skye, how good of you to join us", the President began, beckoning Skye to take a seat. "I was just explaining to Decius how your F1 team is going to destroy Ferraroi on the Death Ring next month."

"Ah, did you now?" the CEO grimaced. "We'll certainly give it our best shot."

"I shan't have to take this talk of shots and destroying on something called a 'Death Ring' too literally, I hope", the Exarch leered. "Otherwise I might have to have a talk with Kontos Munitions next."

"Decius", the President tactfully changed the subject, "has indicated that he wishes to discuss some things beyond the Arabiapolis convention center." He gave the CEO what he called his 'you-owe-me-look'. "I figured you might be interested in what he has to say."

Adrian Skye raised an eyebrow in faint surprise. "Indeed I am. What would you like us to talk about, Mr. Exarch?"
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
The folks at CNN, they won't believe their eyes
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Sith Marauder
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

This is Worldwide One, news and entertainment straight from the heart of San Dorado

Third Silver Streak Flies Into Orbit
The third Silver Streak launch has become fact with the take-off of Majors Ellen Yale and Richard Moore this morning from Camp Kitthawk. The goal of this third mission is to test the endurance of the orbiter. The two intrepid astronauts are to stay in space for five days, to which end they have been equipped with FASTA-licensed life support gear.


And another Streak orbiter also travelled around the world, this time by ship: the first San Doradan orbiter to ever reach into space was displayed at the Canissian Space Exposition earlier this week. The vehicle drew much attention: “It’s not as big as our Eagle”, one enthusiast was quoted as saying, “but on the other hand, this thing actually flies.”

Markets Tumble As Credit Flees
In the wake of massive capital flight caused by the recent unrest in the Sprawl, local hedge funds are moving in to pick up stock at dirt-cheap prices. Fiscal giant Morgan Finance International in particular has bought big this week on the SDSE, scooping up billions of dollars worth of crumpled stock at rock-bottom prices. “It’s quite simple really”, Iago Morgan explained on a press conference, “nearly all major MESS funds have switched from Frequesue to Messican markets, causing prices to drop here and soar over there. So, we’ve sold about half of our assets there, and invested the proceeds over here. Elementary? Perhaps, but I fully intend to make a killing.”

Sinclair Refuses to Deny Romantic Liaison
Executive Director Sinclair, here seen in a commercial for a SinTEK-owned perfume line.

Executive Director Daphne Sinclair of the Directorate for Education, Law Enforcement and Justice (DELEJ) has again refused to deny being involved in a romantic relationship with President Hank. “And once again, I won’t confirm it either. It is, frankly, none of your damn business.” Rumors of a liaison between the President and the number two of the Board have been doing the rounds since the two were spotted together at the launch of the first Mercury flight in Jerusalem. “I mean, he had his arm around her waist!” comments Board-watcher Steve Turturro. “That right there tells me they’re more than just good colleagues. Man, I should run for President, those politicos get all the chicks- and she’s hot!

Elections Announced in Eastern Occidental
The provisional government of the Eastern-Occidental Free State in the east of the CFR has announced today that it plans to hold free elections in two months. The elections are a first in the San Dorado-supported enclave, as it has been ruled by an emergency government ever since the SDA stepped in to stabilize the region. A spokesperson for DEPICOR has confirmed that San Dorado will send supervisors to ensure the elections will be free and fair. If successful, Eastern Occidental will be the first area of the CFR to hold popular elections since the 1950s.

CNFN Tests Universal Missile

The destroyer Queen Asphixia’s Revenge today conducted a first test-launch of the Universal Missile 1, the next-generation air defense missile that is to replace both the SM-2 and SM-3 as well as the S-300 and S-400 surface to air missiles. The mission was a test of the first and second stage of the UM-1, and was according to the Combined North Frequesuan Navy a success. Asked if the new missile is ultimately designed to compete with the Wilkonian SM-4 series missile, Executive Director Sam Ralson of CORDEF replied thusly: “Ha! Nothing so fancy, I’m afraid. Unlike those darned Messicans we don’t have tens of billions to waste on a fancy AA rocket. It’ll work just fine, but we don’t intend to play Major League just yet.” UM-1 is a project of several FTO industries.

Result: An update on random goings-on in San Dorado. An orbiter is launched, a missile is tested, there is some gossip, that sort of thing.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
The folks at CNN, they won't believe their eyes
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Karmic Knight
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Karmic Knight »

Cloud Ruler Temple

“Sire, the Byzantine Representative, has begun his meeting with the President of San Dorado.”

Brandon rolled his eyes at his phone, “Any other reason you are calling me?”

“Of course, I have a full report in front of me,” the Director of VEIL, Roger Shrubber, cleared his throat before continuing, “Our operations in the Mountains have shown to be fruitless, on both fronts. The operation with the Miratans to find the terrorists that caused the gas station explosion have stalled due to a lack of subsequent attacks, all of the normal suspects, Daedric Cultists, Commonwealth Ultranationalists, we even checked up on our old friends the Mining Country Separatists, all of them seem to be quiet.”

“And our other operation?”

“Utterly useless on infiltrating the Miratan Intelligence community, none of my people have found an opening into the community via normal means, nor any abnormal means. As for infiltrating their civilian and military, both are succeeding rather slowly, Mirata’s current quasi-status in the FTO is a real bane to any work, as the borders are less open to my people, and foreigners aren’t as ubiquitous, as in say, La Palma, so it is a difficult grind. The military even more so.

“Now, onto the AFSR, the Crimsons infusion of cash has weakened the Committees power, while strengthening the pro-Crimson factions in the larger legislature, and our plants in either body are starting to get nervous that they can overturn the decision to follow through on the various proposals we made last year. I don’t see it, but it has our people on the inside jumping.”

The Joint Vinish-Miratan Intelligence Operations in the Mountains of Valour bear no fruit.
VEIL is having trouble infiltrating the Miratans.
AFSR Update, skewed.
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.