Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

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Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the entire Democratic leadership on Monday condemned Rep. Ilhan Omar for suggesting that Israel’s allies in American politics were motivated by money rather than principle, an extraordinary rebuke of a House freshman in the vanguard of the party’s left flank.

The Minnesota congresswoman’s Sunday evening tweet — “It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” a reference to $100 bills — drew immediate denunciations from Republicans and fellow Democrats, especially Jewish members of Congress. Within hours, Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the leadership issued a joint statement calling Omar’s “use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters” deeply offensive and insisted on an apology.

In response, Omar said her intention was never to offend “my constituents or Jewish Americans as a whole. . . . This is why I unequivocally apologize.”

The firestorm exposed deep divisions within the Democratic Party over the unquestioned U.S. support of Israel, pitting long-standing Democratic backers of the Jewish state against the party’s newest lawmakers and several 2020 presidential candidates who have spoken out in favor of Palestinian rights.

The episode sparked recriminations inside the party at a moment when Republicans are seeking to use unequivocal support for Israel as a political litmus test. It also comes as Pelosi seeks to keep her caucus united against President Trump and the GOP while hard-left lawmakers try to push the party away from the center on foreign policy, climate change, immigration and other issues.

In a sign of potential clashes, Omar said she would not change her views of the “problematic role of lobbyists in our politics” after the backlash to her tweets. “It’s gone on too long and we must be willing to address it,” she said.

While some left-wing policies have gotten a sympathetic hearing from Democrats, including many of the party’s 2020 presidential candidates, skepticism toward Israel has proved a much thornier issue. Many Democrats have struggled to reconcile their frustration with the conservative government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, one closely allied with Trump and Republicans, with their support for the Jewish homeland.

[Republicans attack Jewish candidates across the U.S. with an age-old caricature: Fistfuls of cash]

But for most Democrats on Monday, Omar’s tweets crossed the line by playing into ancient stereotypes about wealthy Jews — forcing action from party leaders who had brushed off earlier accusations of anti-Semitism against Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), the only two Muslim women in Congress.

“Legitimate criticism of Israel’s policies is protected by the values of free speech and democratic debate that the United States and Israel share,” Pelosi said in a joint statement with five other House Democratic leaders, adding that Omar’s use of anti-Semitic tropes was deeply offensive.

Omar wrote that she thinks the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, the influential lobbying group, is paying American politicians to take pro-Israel stances.

AIPAC, which is not a political action committee, does not make campaign contributions to politicians, but its individual members can make donations, and the organization spends millions on lobbying efforts for pro-Israel legislation every year.

Moments before the Democratic leaders issued the statement, Pelosi phoned Omar to tell her what it would say, according to a senior Democratic aide not authorized to speak publicly about the matter. Afterward, Pelosi issued a brief statement saying the two “agreed that we must use this moment to move forward as we reject anti-Semitism in all forms.”

About two hours later, Omar issued her apology. The Democratic aide declined to discuss whether Pelosi told Omar to take any particular action.

The furor over anti-Semitism comes at a moment in which Democrats have been riven over matters of race, gender and identity, with many staking out a position of near-zero tolerance for party officials who have been accused of sexual misconduct and racial insensitivity — even decades ago.

Some Jewish groups questioned the kid-glove treatment for Omar and Tlaib as Democrats have issued a flurry of resignation demands for two top state officials in Virginia who admitted to wearing blackface, as well as another who is accused of two sexual assaults.

[McCarthy pressures Democrats to rebuke two Muslim lawmakers over alleged anti-Semitism]

“Vigilance against anti-Semitism has to be as strong and as solid as the rejection of racism and other forms of discrimination,” said Nathan Diament, public policy director for the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. “For those who are going to say we have to be sensitive and uphold diversity, you shouldn’t pick and choose which ethnic and religious groups you’re going to defend against discrimination and which ones you are going to let slide.”

For many Democrats, the notion that they are suddenly on the defensive over anti-Semitism is bewildering, if not infuriating.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) last year faced criticism after a tweet accusing Jewish billionaires of trying to “buy” the midterm elections. Republican leaders for years dismissed racially charged statements by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) and did not respond after he used a congressional trip last year to meet with members of a far-right Austrian party with historical Nazi ties. Only after King seemed to defend white supremacy last month did they act.

And that, Democrats say, is to say nothing of Trump’s equivocation after the August 2017 white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville.

“If you ask me, if there’s any rhetoric that has to be criticized, it would be that of Donald Trump,” Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) said Friday, before Omar’s latest tweets. “That has emboldened people who now can say out loud any kind of anti-Semitic and racist [remark].”

On Monday, Schakowsky put out a statement repudiating Omar’s tweets — “STOP IT!” she said — while also pointing out McCarthy’s tweet.

[Analysis | Rep. Omar’s latest tweets expose the thin line between criticizing Israel and being labeled anti-Semitic]

Speaking Monday night aboard Air Force One, Trump said Omar “should be ashamed of herself” and that her apology was inadequate.

Asked what she should say, he replied, “She knows what to say.”

It remained to be seen late Monday whether Omar’s apology would quell the furor. A few Republicans, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), applauded Pelosi for her public repudiation of anti-Semitism. But other Republicans and some anti-discrimination advocacy groups suggested that the apology might not be enough. McCarthy, in a statement, said the GOP would “take action this week to ensure the House speaks out against this hatred.”

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) said that Omar should be removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, a post she sought to defend human rights and advocate on behalf of refugees like herself. Omar fled Somalia in 1991, and she has been vocally critical of Islamic regimes, including Saudi Arabia’s.

The senior Democratic aide said there is no discussion of removing Omar from the panel. And while some Democratic aides discussed holding a House vote on a ceremonial resolution condemning anti-Semitism, there were no plans as of Monday evening to consider one.

Republicans are weighing trying to force the House to consider a resolution by Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) rejecting “anti-Israel and anti-Semitic hatred in the United States and around the world.” That resolution, filed before Monday’s uproar, mentions Omar and Tlaib alongside the 2017 neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville and last year’s mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue.

Zeldin on Monday commended Pelosi for speaking out but said more needed to be done to admonish Omar. “You can’t just take multiple apologies for multiple acts over the course of time and call it a day,” he said. “This isn’t the NBA, where you get six fouls and then you’re out.”

The anti-Semitism accusations against Omar predate her short political career, which began with a 2016 successful run for a state legislative seat. Before Sunday, her accusers pointed most squarely at a 2012 tweet claiming that “Israel has hypnotized the world” — prompting her to apologize this month. She has also expressed sympathies with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, or BDS, which aims to apply economic pressure to change Israeli policy toward the Palestinian population — a movement that pro-Israel forces say is rooted in anti-Semitism.

Jewish lawmakers in recent weeks have huddled privately to discuss what they should do about their new colleagues, who openly criticize Israel and have made insensitive comments about Jews and Jewish Americans.

McCarthy slams Omar, Tlaib over Israel comments

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Feb. 8 slammed comments about Israel from Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.). (Reuters)
But the tweets Sunday night — suggesting that McCarthy supported Israel only for campaign donations — proved the last straw.

Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) and Elaine Luria (D-Va.) started gathering signatures for a letter asking Pelosi, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (Md.) and other senior Democrats to confirm “our rejection of anti-Semitism and our continued support for the State of Israel.”

Although the letter did not name Omar and Tlaib, its intention was clear — citing “recent rhetoric from certain members within our Caucus, including just last night, that has disparaged us and called into question our loyalty to our nation.”

[A Jewish Republican called Ilhan Omar anti-Semitic. She suggested he’s Islamophobic. Then came a voice mail.]

“We must speak out when any member — Democrat or Republican — uses harmful tropes and stereotypes, levels accusations of dual loyalty, or makes reckless statements like those yesterday,” the two wrote. “All members of Congress should reject anti-Semitism, just as we reject all forms of hatred, bigotry, and intolerance, and must denounce those who deny Israel’s right to exist, including terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas.”

Meanwhile on Monday, numerous advocacy groups, including the Anti-Defamation League, pressured House Democrats to act against Omar, while some of the most ardent pro-Israel Democratic members of the House condemned the tweets, including House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Nita M. Lowey (N.Y.) and Florida Rep. Ted Deutch.

Nadler called the tweets “deeply disappointing and disturbing” and said Omar “appears to traffic in old anti-Semitic tropes about Jews and money.” Lawmakers can debate the influence of any particular group on policymaking, he said, but they must “be extremely careful not to tread into the waters of anti-Semitism or any other form of prejudice or hate.”
Given the history of anti-semitic stereotypes and conspiracy theories about wealthy Jews controlling the world, I certainly understand why many people would have reason to be concerned about Rep. Omar's remarks. Its also important, as I've noted before, to call out mistakes and misconduct on our own side (though the Republicans have been using this shamelessly for Whataboutism over white nationalist Rep. Steve King regardless).

However, it should also be noted that stating that pro-Israel lobbies contribute a lot of money to push their views (like any other lobbyists) is not in and of itself racist- its a statement of fact. And if we are going to take on the influence of lobbyists and big money in politics, I do not see why the Israel lobby alone should get a free pass. Yet already we see people rushing forward, predictably to use this incident to equate any criticism of Israeli government policy with anti-Semitism, as though it alone of all governments on Earth is entitled to immunity from dissent or criticism. Then again, I also heard one woman on CNN tonight use the opportunity to jump on Rep. Omar for her criticisms of US actions in Venezuela, which leads me to suspect that some people are opportunistically using this as an opportunity to try to muzzle a Left-wing voice and silence any criticism of US foreign policy.

I also think that there is more than one kind of prejudice we should be concerned about here: because there is no doubt in my mind that Rep. Omar is being subjected to heightened scrutiny on this issue because she is a Muslim. Certainly I sense the ugly spectre of Islamophobia behind much of the Republican outrage. In any case, the shrill show of indignation from Republicans is contemptible, given their own party's frequent condoning and incitement of anti-semitic and other racist sentiment for political gain. This is pure Whataboutism, and its disgusting.

Tell you what, assholes: we'll kick Rep. Omar off her committees when you kick off every Republican who has ever expressed sympathy for white supremacists, repeated racist tropes about immigrants or Muslims or black people, or defended the racism of Donald Trump. I honestly wonder if you'll have a single Rep. left.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by houser2112 »

It's really irritating that you can't criticize the State of Israel without drawing accusations of anti-Semitism.
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

I mean, I'm all for calling out racism on our own side- God knows we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard than the Republicans. But the response here has gotten frankly absurd- you have commentator after commentator mentioning Rep. Omar in the same breath as Charlottsville and the synagogue shooting in Pennsylvania, as though suggesting that support for Israel is motivated by lobbyist dollars is morally equivalent to actual literal terrorist attacks that killed people.

Edit: And here goes Dickless Donald, calling for her to resign from Congress. Okay Mr. "There are good people on both sides", you think racists should resign from government office? Fine, I agree. Resign.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by Elfdart »

How on earth can it be "anti-Semitic" to point out that AIPAC either bribes or bullies Democrats when M.J. Rosenberg, who used to work for AIPAC, said as much 18 months ago?
Sorry, Democrats: Your NRA Is Spelled AIPAC
Bought is bought.

Congressional Democrats really hate the National Rifle Association and its success in shutting down debate on gun policy through intimidation — from cutting off campaign contributions, to funding opponents, to launching primaries, to simply making legislators’ lives miserable through harassment.

Leading gun control Democrats, like Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), rightly understand that, in his words, “we must break the grip of the NRA” if we are ever going to see Congressional action on guns.

Meanwhile Blumenthal, and most of his Democratic colleagues in both Houses, are in the grip of a foreign policy lobby as powerful as the NRA, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee or AIPAC. (Republicans, who come to their militant support for Israeli policies instinctively, don’t warrant AIPAC arm-twisting but Democrats, invariably dovish on all foreign policy issues except Israel, certainly do.)

AIPAC uses the same tactics as the NRA to ensure that the United States never deviates from support for whatever policy the Israeli government is pushing at the moment. These days those policies are: undermining President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, suppressing efforts by Americans to use selective boycotts to end the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza, and, as always, to prevent any pressure on Israel to advance peace with the Palestinians despite the fact that the United States provides more aid to Israel than to any other country.

Having worked in the House and Senate for 20 years, I saw all of AIPAC’s tactics first hand. I also worked at AIPAC itself where, in the very office in which I sat, I watched my colleagues working hard and effectively to end the careers of politicians who deviated from the AIPAC line. (In the interests of honesty I should admit that I had no problems with AIPAC when I worked there. It was only years later, while working on Capitol Hill, that I came to understand that the policy of undeviating support for the Israeli government was not in American interests and that AIPAC sustained that support through rather scary intimidation).

Ilhan Omar is clearly a political novice. There is one way and ONLY one way to deal with a band of political thugs like AIPAC and their lackeys in Congress and the media while maintaining one's dignity: Tell them in no uncertain terms that they can fuck right off. Back in 2006, AIPAC tried this same kind bullfuckery on Rep. Bett McCollum, who was (and still is) a Congresswoman from Minnesota, like Omar. Unlike Omar, she didn't back down or beg forgiveness -she barred AIPAC from her office and forbade any contacts between her staff and their lobbyists. Party big-shots tried to lean on her to grovel but she refused and that was that.

The truly revolting part of this was how quickly the leadership of the Democratic Party not only threw Omar under the bus, but put the bus in reverse, ran her over a second time, then squealed the tires over the mangled corpse of her reputation. The smug, racist condescension is so thick that their fatuous line that Trump, King, Pence and other Republicans have no room to smear Omar ("You can't call her a Jew-hater -that's OUR job!") could just as easily be turned on its head: Since Dems were so eager to pull a train on a black Muslim woman who did nothing wrong, they have no room to condemn Republicans on the subject of racism.
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

While I do believe that much of the Democratic leadership badly overreacted in this case, the Democrats have a long way to go before they're on the level of Republicans when it comes to race.

But yeah, I don't think she'd be being attacked this savagely if she wasn't a Muslim.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by Dominus Atheos »

Elfdart wrote: 2019-02-13 12:52amThe truly revolting part of this was how quickly the leadership of the Democratic Party not only threw Omar under the bus, but put the bus in reverse, ran her over a second time, then squealed the tires over the mangled corpse of her reputation. The smug, racist condescension is so thick that their fatuous line that Trump, King, Pence and other Republicans have no room to smear Omar ("You can't call her a Jew-hater -that's OUR job!") could just as easily be turned on its head: Since Dems were so eager to pull a train on a black Muslim woman who did nothing wrong, they have no room to condemn Republicans on the subject of racism.
The good news is that this incident and the Democratic leadership's response has seemed to crystallize the left flanks' position of opposition to Israel's apartheid policies. Before, only a few people had solid positions on that issue, now a bunch more have come out to defend Omar and it's triggering discussions of Israel and AIPAC, and they are not winning those discussions.

That ridiculous anti-BDS bill that is so strongly supported by the dem leadership is coming up for more votes soon, and incident may indirectly lead to it's defeat. That would be a huge symbolic rebuke of Israel's policies, and could hopefully signal a turning point on that issue.
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by Darth Yan » ... 02/14/2019

I understand that this whole thing is absurd but Omar has made blunders before regarding anti semitism.

Saying that lobbying groups influence politicians to get what they want ain’t the same as saying the j00s wanna take over the world
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Dominus Atheos wrote: 2019-02-14 10:42am
Elfdart wrote: 2019-02-13 12:52amThe truly revolting part of this was how quickly the leadership of the Democratic Party not only threw Omar under the bus, but put the bus in reverse, ran her over a second time, then squealed the tires over the mangled corpse of her reputation. The smug, racist condescension is so thick that their fatuous line that Trump, King, Pence and other Republicans have no room to smear Omar ("You can't call her a Jew-hater -that's OUR job!") could just as easily be turned on its head: Since Dems were so eager to pull a train on a black Muslim woman who did nothing wrong, they have no room to condemn Republicans on the subject of racism.
The good news is that this incident and the Democratic leadership's response has seemed to crystallize the left flanks' position of opposition to Israel's apartheid policies. Before, only a few people had solid positions on that issue, now a bunch more have come out to defend Omar and it's triggering discussions of Israel and AIPAC, and they are not winning those discussions.

That ridiculous anti-BDS bill that is so strongly supported by the dem leadership is coming up for more votes soon, and incident may indirectly lead to it's defeat. That would be a huge symbolic rebuke of Israel's policies, and could hopefully signal a turning point on that issue.
Its a conversation that needed to happen in the Democratic Party certainly, even if this isn't the optimal way for it to happen. We need to sort out, as a party, where we stand on this issue going into 2020.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by Elfdart »

Darth Yan wrote: 2019-02-14 11:35am ... 02/14/2019

I understand that this whole thing is absurd but Omar has made blunders before regarding anti semitism.
Her only "blunder" was to take at face value (and in good faith) the bullshit claims of two incredibly dishonest scribblers who do their scribbling for two incredibly disreputable publications.

First was Bari Weiss of the New York Times, where throwing bogus charges on anti-Semitism is such common practice that you almost wonder if it's a job requirement to work there. Back when William Safire wrote for the Times' Op-Ed section, he was somewhat sparing in his use of this kind of smear, but Bari Weiss, Bret Stephens and others who write for the NYT nowadays toss charges of Jew-hatred around as casually as Rip Taylor throws confetti. Weiss is probably best known for falsely accusing professors at Columbia University of being anti-Semites and trying to get those professors fired even after an independent investigation cleared them. Glennzilla has the details:

NYT’s Bari Weiss Falsely Denies Her Years of Attacks on the Academic Freedom of Arab Scholars Who Criticize Israel

Ilhan Omar had only just been sworn in a couple of weeks, but then word got out that she was going to be on the House Foreign Relations Committee, which must have caused alarm among IDF camp followers in general and Bari Weiss in particular. So Weiss took to Twitter, dug up a post from 2012 and pretended that Omar was doing a Cliff's Notes version of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. How did she arrive at this conclusion? By using some of the most deranged "logic" since the witch trial in Monty Python And The Holy Grail:

1) Omar mentions hypnotism and Israel.
2) Weiss mentions that Jews were accused of using occult power to enact their evil schemes.
3) Therefore, Omar was accusing Jews of using occult power to enact their evil schemes.

If Bari Weiss were half as clever as she is dishonest, she might have made her game of Three-Card Monte more convincing. But Omar was clearly unfamiliar with Weiss and her record of bullshitting and made the mistake of taking this huckster at her word -and apologized when she would have been better off telling Weiss to go play in traffic.

If you want a good idea of just how scummy Weiss' hit-job was, take a look at the dates on the Twitter posts: first the one Bari Weiss posted a month ago, then look at the comments under the tweet by Ilhan Omar that Weiss linked to from 2012. Then look at the comments under Omar's post. Even for an open sewer like Twitter, the flagrant, crude racism and Islamophobia is shocking. Omar is not just treated to one bigoted insult after another, she's also accused of incest and fucking animals. None of these comments offended Bari Weiss because she was going to assassinate the character of Ilhan Omar herself. It's rather telling that after looking through Omar's Twitter history, the only evidence for Omar's "anti-Semitism" consists of a seven year-old Twitter post -and that had to be twisted like a pretzel to make the smear job work.

Loathsome as she is, Bari Weiss isn't the only miscreant at work here. The other charlatan is Batya Ungar-Sargon of The Forward, who joined the lynch mob with real glee -until other writers at The Forward caught the whiff of racism and tried to distance themselves from it. Another contributor quit the publication over this despicable smear job. Unfortunately for them, The Forward was caught trying to raise money by painting themselves as the victim of the ruckus.

If this whole song-and-dance number seems familiar, it should: Back in 2010, serial hucksters Andrew Breitbart and James O'Keefe successfully smeared Shirley Sherrod, a black woman in government office, by deliberately twisting her words to paint her as a bigot. This smear campaign was so grotesque that Ann Fucking Coulter denounced it, but like the spineless Democrats who just fed Ilhan Omar to the sharks, Obama and Tom Vilsack (Sherrod's boss at the Department of Agriculture) chose to join in the hatchet job with rusty axes of their own. Sherrod was fired, her reputation ruined and the racist assholes took a victory lap. Eventually, Shirley Sherrod got some satisfaction when she sued Breitbart and once the tape they used was shown to have been doctored, they had to write her a hefty check (oh, and Andrew Breitbart dropped dead 8).

The thing that makes my blood boil is that like the bullshit claims that Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite, this smear works because the victim shows too much forbearance when dealing with liars who have no fucking shame.
Saying that lobbying groups influence politicians to get what they want ain’t the same as saying the j00s wanna take over the world
It is when people who know better play along with a slanderous hoax.
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by mr friendly guy »

Ah Bari Weiss. Now I remember where I heard the name before. This was the lady who described opponents as toadies for the Assad regime on the Joe Rogan show, and then admitted she didn't know what the word toady meant. Yes she is that stupid, not because she doesn't know what toady meant, not even because she uses words where she had no idea what they mean, but because she is dumb enough to admit that instead of pretending.
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by Elfdart »

mr friendly guy wrote: 2019-02-21 09:52pm Ah Bari Weiss. Now I remember where I heard the name before. This was the lady who described opponents as toadies for the Assad regime on the Joe Rogan show, and then admitted she didn't know what the word toady meant. Yes she is that stupid, not because she doesn't know what toady meant, not even because she uses words where she had no idea what they mean, but because she is dumb enough to admit that instead of pretending.
That reminded me of the scene from SOB where Cully (William Holden) is trying to give his friend Felix (Richard Mulligan) a pep talk after he tried to kill himself:
Cully: Felix, as far as you know, have I ever lied to you?

Felix: Never!

Cully: Well I have, once or twice -about nothing nothing that was too important. But now, the fact that I've admitted that on occasion, I've lied to you should convince you that I'm a fairly honest man. And when it comes to the crunch, that I can handle myself with an acceptable degree of integrity. Do you agree?

Felix: Wholeheartedly!
Seriously though, I can't imagine anything more humiliating than getting clowned repeatedly by a goofball like Joe Rogan.

Anyway, M.J. Rosenberg has more at The Nation. Money quote:
The bottom line is that despite all the congressional denunciations of Omar and the hysterical denials that AIPAC buys support for Israel with its “Benjamins,” the times are changing. On February 5, when AIPAC’s “Combating BDS” bill passed the Senate, 22 Democrats voted against it. That is a decent number, but the real sign that AIPAC’s power is on the wane is that every Democratic senator who is a candidate for president (except Amy Klobuchar) voted No. They voted No because they are seeking to win support from the Democratic grassroots, which, naturally enough, skews younger and younger, more and more progressive, and less and less white, leading naturally enough to more sympathy for Palestinians and less for Netanyahu’s Israel. That wouldn’t have happened before 2016, when Bernie Sanders embraced Palestinians and their cause as part of his coalition and not only did not lose support because of it but gained it. By 2020, it will be close to impossible for any Democrat to claim the progressive mantle while aligning with AIPAC.

For now, with the Baby Boomers still the most influential segment of the population, AIPAC is holding its own, even happily raising money over the whole Omar incident. But its future looks dim, especially its post-Trump future. And that is very good news.
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Another way in which, despite losing, Bernie has helped fundamentally shift the Democratic Party to the Left. Its not all to his credit, of course- these trends were there already, or he wouldn't have done as well as he did. But he helped crystallize it, focus it, energize it, and bring it into the spotlight.

History may well show that (leaving aside the question of whether he will win the Presidency this time around) Bernie lost the battle but won the war.

Edit: Granted, that depends on preventing the neo-fascists from consolidating their control, which right now must be the number one priority.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by mr friendly guy »

Elfdart wrote: 2019-02-22 07:36pm Seriously though, I can't imagine anything more humiliating than getting clowned repeatedly by a goofball like Joe Rogan.

Found it, although this youtuber interjects with his own commentary

If this was cinema sins, lets count them.

1. Accuses Tulsi Gabbard of being an Assad toady without knowing what toady means.

2. Can't spell toady. She spells it like toadie. For fuck's sake, its toady or toadies (plural form).

3. When she finally figures out what toady means, she says she was using it correctly (how could she be using it correctly when she doesn't know what it means).

4. When Joe Rogan asked her why Gabbard is a toady, now that both Joe Rogan and Weiss now know the definition, she can't remember a specific incident that made her think of that, even though she is supposedly using the definition correctly.

5. Says she did read what Tulsi said (so she just doesn't remember what Tulsi said).

6. Rips off Sam Harris with the "motherload of bad ideas." Sorry, Harris can articulate his ideas. Bari Weiss is just using talking points.

And she writes for the NYT. LOL. But if we criticise journalists are having no fucking clue, we would be accused of siding with Trump or being overly cynical.

Fun fact. There is an X-men mutant character, called Toad, who has toad like powers, and I swear Cyclops called him Magneto's toady. Maybe Weiss should read x-men comics. :D If I didn't, I wouldn't know what toady meant. LOL.
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

To be fair, she's not wrong about Gabbard being a toady of Assad*, or at any rate politically sympathetic to him. And as someone who's often been mocked for their spelling as a way of indirectly attacking my arguments, I'm not going to go too hard on her for that (even if a professional journalist should aim for a higher standard).

*Mark my words, if one Democratic office holder at the national level ever turns out to be in the Kremlin's pay, it'll be Gabbard.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by Elfdart »

The Romulan Republic wrote: 2019-02-24 09:59pm To be fair, she's not wrong about Gabbard being a toady of Assad*, or at any rate politically sympathetic to him.

She is wrong -about Gabbard and every other subject she writes about.
*Mark my words, if one Democratic office holder at the national level ever turns out to be in the Kremlin's pay, it'll be Gabbard.
I'm surprised you're not more fond of Trump, since both of you are big fans of Roy Cohn's smear tactics. :wanker:

Back on topic: Ilhan Omar is now targeted for another tidal wave of untreated racist sewage from Islamophobes.
During a Republican celebratory event at the West Virginia capitol on Friday hostilities rose after a poster was displayed that pictured Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) along with an image of the fiery World Trade Center on 9/11.

The poster was displayed in the capitol’s rotunda during a Republican event called “WV GOP Day,” and read, “‘Never forget’ – you said…” over the Trade Center and “I am the proof you have forgotten” over a photo of Omar.
The only thing missing is Sam Harris' cumstains on the poster.

Seriously though, after that Coast Guard Nazi included Omar on his kill list, it's only fair to point out that if Ilhan Omar is to be branded a Jew-hater for denouncing AIPAC and lumped in with anti-Semites and outright Nazis because many of them have their own axes to grind against the Lobby, then logically every opinion-maker in the government and media who have led the latest Two Minutes Hate against Omar should be lumped in with the racist fucktards who call for her to be assassinated. The only difference is that creeps like Bret Stephens and Bari Weiss want to assassinate Omar's character while Christopher Paul Hassan wants to assassinate her bodily.
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Elfdart wrote: 2019-03-04 02:30amShe is wrong -about Gabbard and every other subject she writes about.
Yeah yeah, Gabbard is against the "establishment", and therefore she gets carte blanch on being a bigot and supporter of dictators.

By the way, saying that she's sympathetic to Assad is simply a statement of fact, and denying it makes you either an imbecile or, more probably a liar. Or both, you can always be both.
I'm surprised you're not more fond of Trump, since both of you are big fans of Roy Cohn's smear tactics. :wanker:
I don't like Tulsi Gabbard because she's a bigot and an apologist for dictators, rather than being a mindless tribalist who will excuse anything as long as the offender is on "my team", so I must be just like Trump?* Kiss my ass, you worthless Both Sides shill.

*The irony is that my view of Gabbard is the opposite of how Trumpers behave, which is defending anything and everything if "their team" does it. Like you're doing. Moron.
Back on topic: Ilhan Omar is now targeted for another tidal wave of untreated racist sewage from Islamophobes.
During a Republican celebratory event at the West Virginia capitol on Friday hostilities rose after a poster was displayed that pictured Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) along with an image of the fiery World Trade Center on 9/11.

The poster was displayed in the capitol’s rotunda during a Republican event called “WV GOP Day,” and read, “‘Never forget’ – you said…” over the Trade Center and “I am the proof you have forgotten” over a photo of Omar.
The only thing missing is Sam Harris' cumstains on the poster.

Seriously though, after that Coast Guard Nazi included Omar on his kill list, it's only fair to point out that if Ilhan Omar is to be branded a Jew-hater for denouncing AIPAC and lumped in with anti-Semites and outright Nazis because many of them have their own axes to grind against the Lobby, then logically every opinion-maker in the government and media who have led the latest Two Minutes Hate against Omar should be lumped in with the racist fucktards who call for her to be assassinated. The only difference is that creeps like Bret Stephens and Bari Weiss want to assassinate Omar's character while Christopher Paul Hassan wants to assassinate her bodily.
Republicans gonna Republican.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

This whole thing with Omar is why I fucking hate liberals, the Fash are complaining about Omar saying "AIPAC is too powerful" calling it anti-semitic while they're taking pictures with the likes of Richard Spencer and inspiring literal anti-semitic terrorist attacks every couple months and the Dems are looking to sanction her but not ask "HEY WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T Y'ALL REOPENED THE NAZI DE-RADICALIZATION PROGRAM, HUH?!" Fucking idiots.
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by Eulogy »

Ritterin Sophia wrote: 2019-03-07 12:51am This whole thing with Omar is why I fucking hate liberals, the Fash are complaining about Omar saying "AIPAC is too powerful" calling it anti-semitic while they're taking pictures with the likes of Richard Spencer and inspiring literal anti-semitic terrorist attacks every couple months and the Dems are looking to sanction her but not ask "HEY WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T Y'ALL REOPENED THE NAZI DE-RADICALIZATION PROGRAM, HUH?!" Fucking idiots.
You do realize that these failed abortions are not liberals, right?
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

Eulogy wrote: 2019-03-07 01:42am
Ritterin Sophia wrote: 2019-03-07 12:51am This whole thing with Omar is why I fucking hate liberals, the Fash are complaining about Omar saying "AIPAC is too powerful" calling it anti-semitic while they're taking pictures with the likes of Richard Spencer and inspiring literal anti-semitic terrorist attacks every couple months and the Dems are looking to sanction her but not ask "HEY WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T Y'ALL REOPENED THE NAZI DE-RADICALIZATION PROGRAM, HUH?!" Fucking idiots.
You do realize that these failed abortions are not liberals, right?
Unless you're going to argue the Dems are reactionaries or Socialists now then they're still Liberals. ... 2c38c0cf6d
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Ritterin Sophia wrote: 2019-03-07 01:46am
Eulogy wrote: 2019-03-07 01:42am
Ritterin Sophia wrote: 2019-03-07 12:51am This whole thing with Omar is why I fucking hate liberals, the Fash are complaining about Omar saying "AIPAC is too powerful" calling it anti-semitic while they're taking pictures with the likes of Richard Spencer and inspiring literal anti-semitic terrorist attacks every couple months and the Dems are looking to sanction her but not ask "HEY WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T Y'ALL REOPENED THE NAZI DE-RADICALIZATION PROGRAM, HUH?!" Fucking idiots.
You do realize that these failed abortions are not liberals, right?
Unless you're going to argue the Dems are reactionaries or Socialists now then they're still Liberals. ... 2c38c0cf6d
The Democratic Party is a big tent party ranging from moderate Republican DINOs like Manchin to outright socialists, and individuals may be further Left on some issues than others.

Judging all liberals or Democrats by the most conservative examples is just furthering the idiotic "Both Sides" narrative that did so much to normalize Trump and divide the opposition to him in 2016.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

House has passed a resolution condemning anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry, by a vote of 407 to 23. Though seen as a response to the controversy over Omar's statements, the resolution was broadened to a more comprehensive condemnation of bigotry rather than focusing just on anti-Semitism (including specific condemnations of bigotry against Latinos and Muslims being added), and does not mention Omar by name. ... ar-pelosi/

Pelosi has now said that she doesn't think that Omar's remarks were motivated by anti-Semitism, and that the intent of the resolution is not to "police" the speech of Congressmembers. And other leading Democrats appear to be trying to take a middle ground, criticizing the remarks without going after Omar personally or condemning all criticism of Israel.

To be honest, though the resolution passed in a landslide, the changes, and the moderate tone that the leadership appears to be taking now, makes it looks to me like the progressive wing has won some ground here, showing the more conservative members of the party leadership that they cannot simply brand all criticism of Israel or pro-Israel lobbyists as anti-Semitic in order to silence the topic. Another indication that the progressive wing is, slowly but surely, taking control of the party's direction and platform and forcing the old guard to at least partially bend in their direction in order to retain the support of the base.

Edit: I'll also say that its actually a damn good thing to see Congress pass a resolution condemning bigotry in this time. I'll just agree with those the article referenced who feel that its a shame it was done only in response to Omar's comments, rather than the myriad of far worse things the sitting President of the United States and his supporters have said. But then, we've had a red House for most of his Presidency, so maybe this is also a product of the change in leadership.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

The Romulan Republic wrote: 2019-03-07 07:58pmThe Democratic Party is a big tent party ranging from moderate Republican DINOs like Manchin to outright socialists, and individuals may be further Left on some issues than others.

Judging all liberals or Democrats by the most conservative examples is just furthering the idiotic "Both Sides" narrative that did so much to normalize Trump and divide the opposition to him in 2016.
The socialists aren't the party establishment and they're relegated to the DSA, and none of the national level DSA members are actually Socialists. There was a huge influx of Sanders-esque SocDem liberals who had no platform who used DSA as a vehicle for entry. Tell me when Democrats start arguing for democratically controlled workplaces.

And I'm sorry to say, it is both sides. One is less terrible about it than the other, but they're both contributing to the overall system that creates these issues. America has two pro-business parties and no pro-labor party. Both are tied to the interest to capitalist interests. This is why you see Democrats coming out in defense of AIPAC, because they get paid by their affiliates too.
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Ritterin Sophia wrote: 2019-03-08 06:34am
The Romulan Republic wrote: 2019-03-07 07:58pmThe Democratic Party is a big tent party ranging from moderate Republican DINOs like Manchin to outright socialists, and individuals may be further Left on some issues than others.

Judging all liberals or Democrats by the most conservative examples is just furthering the idiotic "Both Sides" narrative that did so much to normalize Trump and divide the opposition to him in 2016.
The socialists aren't the party establishment and they're relegated to the DSA, and none of the national level DSA members are actually Socialists. There was a huge influx of Sanders-esque SocDem liberals who had no platform who used DSA as a vehicle for entry. Tell me when Democrats start arguing for democratically controlled workplaces.
Not having the exact platform you want does not equal not having a platform. And you are not the one who decides who is and isn't a real socialist.

But what is your point? That any progress made doesn't really count? Because it isn't 100% of what you want right away? Or because it undermines the trite, simplistic "Both Sides" narrative which somehow only ever seems to be used to attack Democrats?* You'd think that people would have learned the consequences of this thinking two years ago, when the Bernie or Busters and third partiers helped Make America Great Again.

The Democratic party isn't perfect, not by a long shot, but it is a hell of a lot better than the literal fascists and fascist enablers they are running against by almost any measurable criteria, and the party has been moving steadily further to the Left. And while pushing the Democrats further to the Left may be an uphill fight at times, it is a hell of a lot less steep a slope than trying to create a viable third party. To ignore these facts, or dismiss them as irrelevant, is to refuse to honestly address the issues facing the world today.
And I'm sorry to say, it is both sides. One is less terrible about it than the other, but they're both contributing to the overall system that creates these issues. America has two pro-business parties and no pro-labor party. Both are tied to the interest to capitalist interests.
Both major parties have strong pro-business elements, but the Democrats also have reform-minded elements. In any case, if given a choice between a pro-business party that hates women and minorities for existing, and one that does not, the choice is obvious.

What purpose does "Both Sides" rhetoric serve? To futily vent your anger? To let you pat yourself on the back for your purity while the world burns? To every American voter, my message is this: you have the freedom to vote for whoever you wish (for now, if you're not disenfranchised by voter suppression laws generally pushed by Republicans). But we are also responsible for the consequences of our choices. If you choose not to vote Democrat in the general election, knowing what the alternative is and having see what has happened for the last two years, then you share in the blame for everything that follows. You share in the blame when journalists are targeted by violent extremists egged on by the President. You share in the blame when little children are taken from their parents and locked in cages as a "deterrent". You share in the blame when health care gets stripped from millions of people, and when rapists get put on the Supreme Court. And if the lives that will be destroyed are a price you are willing to pay for your crusade against the Democratic establishment, then have the guts to own it, and don't cry and complain when history judges you along side the rest of the collaborators.

*It is always striking to me how the "Both Sides" crowd claims to condemn both parties- but invariably reserves their most vitriolic attacks for the Democrats.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

What it comes down to is this: Whatever your intentions, whatever you claim your sympathies may be, collective attacks on the Democrats, dismissing the party's progressive and socialist elements and condemning the entire party for its worst positions and members, ultimately serve the interests of the Republican Party, and the global neo-fascist movement of which it is a part. You may say that is not your intent. You may even be telling the truth. But that is the consequence, whether you care to admit it or not. It is also factually, objectively inaccurate.

The Democratic Party should absolutely be subject to criticism. We should absolutely demand that it continue to move further to the Left. But those criticisms need to be specific, on point, not sweeping, cliched generalizations and false equivalencies.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Ritterin Sophia
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Re: Rep. Omar accused of anti-semitism, apologizes.

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

The Romulan Republic wrote: 2019-03-08 07:06amNot having the exact platform you want does not equal not having a platform. And you are not the one who decides who is and isn't a real socialist.
No, you're right I don't. Thankfully neither do dumbfuck liberals like you who've never read about socialism academically in your life and I can pull the actual definition out.

"Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management"

If they're not pushing those, they're not fucking Socialists. Socialism is "not when the government does things and the more things it does the Socialister it is."
But what is your point? That any progress made doesn't really count? Because it isn't 100% of what you want right away? Or because it undermines the trite, simplistic "Both Sides" narrative which somehow only ever seems to be used to attack Democrats?* You'd think that people would have learned the consequences of this thinking two years ago, when the Bernie or Busters and third partiers helped Make America Great Again.
Bernie's not my guy, idiot, he's a liberal too. Perhaps, not as bad as the neoliberals, but he's still a fucking liberal.
The Democratic party isn't perfect, not by a long shot, but it is a hell of a lot better than the literal fascists and fascist enablers they are running against by almost any measurable criteria, and the party has been moving steadily further to the Left. And while pushing the Democrats further to the Left may be an uphill fight at times, it is a hell of a lot less steep a slope than trying to create a viable third party. To ignore these facts, or dismiss them as irrelevant, is to refuse to honestly address the issues facing the world today.
Oh, yes, you're so much better than the Fascists, you're only literally killing the planet
Both major parties have strong pro-business elements, but the Democrats also have reform-minded elements. In any case, if given a choice between a pro-business party that hates women and minorities for existing, and one that does not, the choice is obvious.
Yeah, "Blow the whole thing the fuck up."
What purpose does "Both Sides" rhetoric serve? To futily vent your anger? To let you pat yourself on the back for your purity while the world burns? To every American voter, my message is this: you have the freedom to vote for whoever you wish (for now, if you're not disenfranchised by voter suppression laws generally pushed by Republicans). But we are also responsible for the consequences of our choices. If you choose not to vote Democrat in the general election, knowing what the alternative is and having see what has happened for the last two years, then you share in the blame for everything that follows. You share in the blame when journalists are targeted by violent extremists egged on by the President. You share in the blame when little children are taken from their parents and locked in cages as a "deterrent". You share in the blame when health care gets stripped from millions of people, and when rapists get put on the Supreme Court. And if the lives that will be destroyed are a price you are willing to pay for your crusade against the Democratic establishment, then have the guts to own it, and don't cry and complain when history judges you along side the rest of the collaborators.
No I'm sorry, I don't share in that blame. You're the one who supported a corporate suite who lacked any kind of relatable policy, you're the one who backs a party that defends the choice not to castigate a rape apologist like Manchin because he might leave the party, you're the one backing a party that thinks yelling at the monsters who inter children in concentration camps when they try to eat in public is "too extreme", you're the one who every day you're not calling for a general strike you are facilitating the normalization of a Fascist president. You are the one backing a capitalist system that in it's inherent search for maximized profits to commodify every aspect of our existence.
*It is always striking to me how the "Both Sides" crowd claims to condemn both parties- but invariably reserves their most vitriolic attacks for the Democrats.
Pictured, My Crowd:

We don't think the Fascists have any value in a conversation, of course we save the vitriol for you pieces of shit, the Nazis don't even rate deserving being talked to.
A Certain Clique, HAB, The Chroniclers
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