Darkstar Poll

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Does Darkstar contribute anything useful to this board?

Yes. He contributes intelligent, thoughtful analysis
Sort of. He's a good source of amusement and he helps remind us all of how stupid Trekkie fanatics can be
Not really. He refuses to admit defeat on even the smallest point, so every thread invariably degenerates into him ignoring rebuttals and everyone else getting fed up and resorting to flames.
No. He's a worthless fucking idiot.
Total votes: 91

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Darkstar Poll

Post by Darth Wong »

Does Darkstar contribute anything useful to this board? I'm particularly interested in what other Trekkies think.

Editor's note: The legendary "huge, gaping vagina" remark is at the bottom of page 8.
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Post by Mr Bean »

He used to be funny but funny gets old

Now he just clogs up the board and wastes space

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Post by RedImperator »

I got into ST v. SW by lurking and watching the flames fly. Without someone to set everybody else off, what the hell kind of fun would a web board be?
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Post by Mr Bean »

oh we have plently of flamers left the problem is Darkstar adds nothing to the board besides extra posts, If when people AGREE with him he does not notice let alone somone-point out an error he's made

IF you want somthing like Dark-star arpund just right a random phrase generator in java slap it on the board and make it post once a day

Probably be smarter to

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Post by Cpt_Frank »

He shall stay, but with a special title.
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Post by DarkStar »

Are there any other pro-Trek debaters here?
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Post by Master of Ossus »

DarkStar, apparently trying to rally support for his cause, wrote:Are there any other pro-Trek debaters here?
Depends on what you mean by that. No one is still as fanatically stupid as you are. There are many people, though, who don't think that SW weapons are as good as many of us believe, or that Trek ships and technology is as poor as many of us believe. Regardless, you are not rational and add nothing to these debates. You are just irritating.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

DarkStar wrote:Are there any other pro-Trek debaters here?



Romulan Nemesis (where's he gone to, anyway?)

Not that you've paid any attention.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Hmmm not alot but lets seee

TheDarkling-Very Pro Treky, creater of many stratgams that might acutal work VS SW
Romuan Nemisis- Not seen in awhile but also another Pro Trek Debator
Hmmm lets see now
SVCN ... somthing- I can't remeber his number but he is also pro-trek
Thats three of the top of my head, there are a few more here

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Post by Mr Bean »

Few more
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Sothis (my favorite) who admitted defeat shortly ago.
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Post by Cromag »

I'd say "sort of", insofar as he seems to be very good at hunting down information for his arguments. While not all of it is relevant to whatever debate he's involved in, he comes up with a couple gems.

However, it doesn't seem to matter whether you approach debates with him with open hand or a flamethrower, he just don't change his mind.
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Post by DasBastard »

He's a worthless waste of time and bandwidth, and the solution is Don't Feed the Troll.

I suspect that the people like Partick Degan, Master of Ossus, Cromag, SPOOFE, Nitram, etc. who invest large amounts of time in dissecting his bullshit fear that he will claim victory unless they publically reduce his arguments to smouldering ruin, but face it: he claims victory anyway. He uses lies and fallacy like sword and shield and his ignorance is truly invincible. You will never convince him, and you don't need to convince anyone else - he has so poisoned his own reputation that everything he says is assumed to be bullshit by default (even by other Trekkies).
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Post by Ender »

The problem with banning him is that it results in him getting to whine about it on his site.

Same reason doing a "Darkstar" is wrong paper doesn't work; it still gives him the attention he craves.
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Post by Stravo »

It used to be funny to watch the debates that degenerated into wanton flames. Let's not forget that these debates led to Master of Ossus' creation of the LOTR parody of Darkstar which I found HILARIOUS. However, after that masterpiece it really has become rather frustrating. It becomes a thouroughly annoying proposition to read the threads where Dstar just IGNORES the masterful rebuttals and keeps on repeating his points, liberally sprinkling ad hominen attacks and personal insults. It is AWFUL to have to slug through the threads where he "contributes" and poor Master of Ossus has been dealing with this since the beginning, he should be given some kind of award for his patience and diligence.

Unfortunately I would have liked at least once for that walll of ignorance to have been broken down on even ONE SMALL POINT. Even the most rabid warsies have conceded points here and there.

Contribution: I voted for fucking moron, you do the math :D
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Post by Darth Wong »

I put the poll up because I'm starting to get fed up with the way every conversation in this forum eventually revolves around him. This was precipitated by my most recent thread in which I posted notification of my latest addition to my canon database. There has been almost no discussion of the original subject matter; it has become yet another one of Darkstar's "I'm right and everybody else is wrong" threads.

There reaches a point when someone's contributions to a forum are almost "poisonous" in nature; constructive conversation cannot take place because the Monopolizer crashes into every conversation and leaves it a barren wasteland. Have we reached that point with Darkstar?
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

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Post by SirNitram »

I personally think it's time to get rid of him. It's not of the same volume as his last foray into ASVS as Guardian 2000... Where he generated some 3000 posts about how his opinion was superior to Official sources, Canon sources, and Paramount employees, but he is certainly not doing anything productive or new. While he might not have adapted the *emphasis* of Jones(Thundercrash), he certainly has the same mentality and inability to actually debate intelligently. Luckily, banning someone is just as powerful as executing the FS...
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Post by Sothis »

Cpt_Frank wrote:Sothis (my favorite) who admitted defeat shortly ago.
Emperor Voice: I will rise again, I have foreseen it (falls down a shaft).

I am constantly having to argue down other Trekkies on various webboards. Sometimes with a degree of success. With Darkstar, I fear no such success is possible.
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Post by jegs2 »

Darth Wong wrote:There reaches a point when someone's contributions to a forum are almost "poisonous" in nature; constructive conversation cannot take place because the Monopolizer crashes into every conversation and leaves it a barren wasteland. Have we reached that point with Darkstar?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is your website, so if you wish to expel DarkStar, that is completely up to you. Whether or not that adds to or subtracts from the debate (the purpose for these boards) is a relative issue, as the impact on other Trekkies due to such a move remains to be seen.

In my opinion, you should allow him to continue posting, because (at least for me) his posts are a source of amusement.
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Post by Sothis »

Speaking as another Trekkie, I think I can speak for the other Trekkies here when I say we'd lose nothing from Darkstar being banned, save for perhaps amusement.
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Post by TheDarkling »

Hmm I am of two minds about this.

On the one hand he does have some valid points and provides evidence, he also seems to know what hes talking about for th most part.

On the other hand his debating style isnt that great, while this is somewhat understandable when you have about 10 posts to your every post, he does often end up missing rebuttals or simply stating he has already covered something (which in some cases he has).

He does seem to have an inability to admit defeat however on the flip side I dont think a pro wars guy has ever admitted defeat to him (they have conceded points however which I dont believe he has).

On the whole I think he raise's some valid points but that those debates simply end up as a giant pit of flame (for which he doesnt have sole responsibility) and im also kind of curious to see if he can be made to admit defeat on any point.
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Post by Nobody »

I voted "Amusement", But they're right, It really is getting old...
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Post by Ender »

TheDarkling wrote:On the one hand he does have some valid points and provides evidence, he also seems to know what hes talking about for the most part.
Like what? He claims Darth Vader is not a Human and that there exists a "Low-hyperspace", something flat out contradicted by canon visuals in ROTJ. He claims Corvettes are not capital ships. He argued that Kamino limited the size of the Republic, then completely ignored the fact that the map shows it in the Unknown regions. He claims to only accept canon information, but goes to the EU sections of the sw databank if it will weaken the Wars side while using bits from TOS to strengthen TNG. He claims that an OOC quote from Lucas disproves the EU, even though thgere has been no change in policy, yet ignores the GR quote that says the same deal about TOS. HE deliberatly decieves by linking to the LTL page when dealing with HTLs on his site. Hell, even SB was glad to see him gone.

Darkling, if I could find that he had even a scrap of evidence to what you say, I wouldn't treat him with the complete and utter disgust I do. But there isn't.

Frankly I'd rather deal with E1701.
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Post by thecreech »

"10 posts, 10 pages each rebuttals." Yeah that is getting old
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Post by Asdeed »

I voted for fucking idiot, personally i'm tired of reading about an interesting subject and having that fuckwad come along and drag it off on an ego trip.