Answers to questions on other threds that are now locked.

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Post by El Moose Monstero »

The Dude wrote:You are truly a wonder of the modern world. A wealthy dean of a prestigious consulting institute, an expert marksman and martial artist, educated world traveller, in-demand weapons analyst. Yet, you are completely unable to prove a single iota of it. Just... can't... get... that.. damn... scanner.. working. How very... convenient.
Or indeed, spell Tae Kwon Do right, which, if you took any serious martial arts at a recognisable level, you would have a World Tae Kwon Do Federation license (or other license), which would at least demonstrate how to spell it properly.
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Post by El Moose Monstero »

Stewie, not The Dude, apologies for the lack of clarity.
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Post by SirNitram »

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Post by Stewart at SDI »

Every one here has seen the film (probably dozens of times). We have seen Mike's screen caps. We have seen Dr. Saxton's screencaps. The burden to show that the glowing asteroid remnants aren't actually glowing is yours.
My argument does not depend on the gas glowing or not. Just that it does not expand enough over three fraims (<100%) to equate to that kind of energy reliece.
1. IF the asteroid IS vaporised in fraim 2, then why does it (the gas cloud) not expand in fraim three? Don't try thr "Ionised" gas does not neccessarily glow in space BS. If it glows in fraims two and three why not in four and why is it not expanding in fraim three, when we can plainly see it?
2. Laking said expansion, the yeald of the explosion is clerly in the KILOGRAM class not the kiloton class.


Sincerely, Stewart.
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Post by The Kernel »

Two responses from Stewart and no answer to my challenge. Wow what a fucking surprise. :roll:

Hey Stewart,

I fucking DARE you to answer my challenge. If you do not then everyone will have definitive proof of your cowardice (not that they didn't know this anyways).
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Re: Answers to questions on other threds that are now locked

Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Stewart at SDI wrote: No, I just can't find my cert and am not inclined to look threw the 3,000SF stack of stuff in the basement for it. But if any of you are willing to come over you are wellcome to try.
I'll call your bluff. Where's the facility located? Let's have a member of the board who lives near there go to the nonexistant address and prove you're a lying sack of shit.

You obviously do not understand. As the inventor/owner and OEO of the SDI organization, I can do just about aything that I want.
Except spell, purchase mundane items, utilize basic computer functions, and back up your claims.
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Post by Phil Skayhan »

Not to one-up Kernel but....
Stewart at SDI wrote: I have found my Heart cert. will post when someone gives me a hand. Forgot the rest of the dates as they did not meen that much to me at the time. I would look it up but my DD-214 is silent as to the times and places you seek. Again I will send copies to anyone willing to post them for me.
Send it here:
I'd also like a scan of any recent utilites bill such as water, electricity, or heating (not cable or phone). Since you've already given us your address, there should be no problem with this.

Also, in order to verify your service, I'd like you to fill out SF 180 front and back and have them send the info to:

ASVS Headline News
402 Orchard Rd
Newark, De 19711

Upon verification of your history, I will pay you $500.00 via my certified PayPal account (you have an email address so you can recieve it). You pay nothing either way save the cost of a stamp which I will gladly reimburse you for.

So there it is, Stewart. You have nothing to lose here. Put up or shut up.
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Re: Answers to questions on other threds that are now locked

Post by The Dude »

Ugh.. your incompetence clearly extends to your tagging.
Stewart at SDI wrote:You are absolutely correct. But my contention is that the event depicted can not possably show the asteroid being "Vaporised" since there is so little expansion of the resulting cloud of "icandesant gas"! Not a single reply has addressed this point correctly. Period.
Wrong. There is no reason for the gas to remain incandescent as it expands when the original temperature is only a couple thousand K. Moreover, there is no alternate explanation for why the asteroid ISN'T THERE AFTERWARDS.
I have offered numerious times, but no one there is willing to help me post the evidence. I assume that is because it would show that, maby I do know what I am talking about. AND that would just blow all kinds of holes in your little fantasy.
Your bluster; your burden of proof. Put up or shut up.
No, I just can't find my cert and am not inclined to look threw the 3,000SF stack of stuff in the basement for it. But if any of you are willing to come over you are wellcome to try.
Random excuse for lack of evidence #1.
You obviously do not understand. As the inventor/owner and OEO of the SDI organization, I can do just about aything that I want.
Got it. So you gave yourself that laughably pompous title.

<Snip more lame-ass excuses for no evidence.>
How is the above an A/B question? The certainly refers to my willingness to admit when I am wrong. Something noone here seems willing to do. So far, I havent been wrong.


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Post by The Dude »

Stewart at SDI wrote:My argument does not depend on the gas glowing or not. Just that it does not expand enough over three fraims (<100%) to equate to that kind of energy reliece.
Jesus H Fucking Christ. Fraims? Reliece? :roll: This is clearly not typos nor dyslexia, but bog-standard sub-literacy.

Anyway, you have assumed inanely that the gas does not expand; when all we observe it that the zone of incandescence does not expand. It stands to reason that escaping gas (with its obscenely high surface area to mass ratio) will reach equilibrium with the surrounding space virtually instantaneously.
1. IF the asteroid IS vaporised in fraim 2, then why does it (the gas cloud) not expand in fraim three? Don't try thr "Ionised" gas does not neccessarily glow in space BS. If it glows in fraims two and three why not in four and why is it not expanding in fraim three, when we can plainly see it?
See above. Escaping gas will drop below the density/temperature required for visible incandescence in nanoseconds.
2. Laking said expansion, the yeald of the explosion is clerly in the KILOGRAM class not the kiloton class.

How shameful for the Dean of Technology to be quoting energy in kilograms. :lol: Anyway, the liberated energy of a kilogram is on the order of 1e17J, so you're a little on the high side.
Dealt with.
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Post by BoredShirtless »

Will someone PLEASE offer to host his scans for fucks sakes?
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Post by Vympel »

BoredShirtless wrote:Will someone PLEASE offer to host his scans for fucks sakes?
What, you don't think they actually ... exist?
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Post by BoredShirtless »

Vympel wrote:
BoredShirtless wrote:Will someone PLEASE offer to host his scans for fucks sakes?
What, you don't think they actually ... exist?
Actually most of his bragging strikes me as being true, still haven't decided though.
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Post by Tribun »

Seems I am not the only one here who can't spell.
Have you even bothered to check my profile Steward?
I'm no native Engilish speaker.

So suck my cock, dumbass!
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Post by Tribun »

Oh, and before you jump at the "stupid not-native-English-speaking", Steward. My keyboard isn't the best model, so sometimes typos just happen. But in your case you already said, that you are to limited to write gramatically correct.
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Re: Answers to questions on other threds that are now locked

Post by GySgt. Hartman »

Stewart at SDI wrote:4. Not Ninja. Took lessons in Ti Qwon Do from Cpt. Kim of the ROK Army. ( Later their Olympic Competiter.) Learned the "real" H2H skills in the Army Security Agency. Enlisted directly into that Org. on 18 Aug. 1967.
Taek Won Do was a demonstration sport for the first time at the 1988 Olympics, and is a regular competition sport since the 2000 games.
Even if your "Cpt. Kim" was at the 1988 games, he would have been over 39. When did you take these lessons? Can't be later than '67, and Kim would have to be at least 18 to be in the ROKA, and even that is extremely young for a MA teacher. Competitors older than 30 are rare, but I never heard of anyone aged 40+. Do you? Can you provide sources?
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Re: Answers to questions on other threds that are now locked

Post by Stewart at SDI »

Someone has to get out to a range two hundred miles from your home, fucktard- Wilkens would have paid for you. You know how easy it is to just photocopy some damn form and forge a signature to claim you did it of we're not watching? Not that you'd go to all that trouble- like everything with you, you claim it and have no evidence.
One of your number lives in Barrington and I offered to pick them up and supply everything but their range fees and the ammo they shoot. No cost at all to witness. Also if any of you live just 200 miles from me as you
apparently claim above, I would certainly drive that far to proove my point.

As a second thought, is your mental capasity so low that you could not think of even a single way to independantly verrify the range session without the trip? Just of the top of my head; phone the range, phone the range master, use information to get the phone numbers of the witnesses then call them for a discription of events if you tink that I would stoop to lieing on such a trivial thing. Get a life, rent a Brain and then use it for a change!
I had to guess at your age in the service, retard- you're not forthcoming with details.
Again you failed to read it all.
Wow- you mean either A, someone is typing this for you, or B, you're using a program to transfer speech into letters. Spellcheck is free, retard, assuming you're using Windows 98 or higher at this "Instatute".
Again your lack of knowledge, perception and comprehension are showing. If you had read all of the dialogue, you would know that I oly use the service when I am working. Writing to you does not count.

Also, Spell Check does not come with Windows 98. ( I called just to make shure that I was not ripped off when I up graded. You have to buy the word processor to get any spell checker from Microsoft.)
By 'retired', I assume you mean 'born'. You currently pay secretaries to impress people already so impressed with you that they're willing to pay for your insight?
See above.
More than two sites? I'm floored. Timmy's treehouse next door, then? If you have more than two computers and you're getting a scanner for one argument as you have already claimed, you're stupid. You survivied with no scanner this long, Stewie, why get two for the sake of one already lost debate?
If I decide that I needed the ability to scan things, then why would I not want to do that at my convienience no matter were I was?
Check what? if you sound liek a moron or not? Give it up, get a spell checker.
Liek? Is that Latvian, Polish or just poor spelling on your part? Personaly I think it's a typo and you, like so many of your compaitriates, did not take the time to proof read your own work.

How about it, what is your postal address? I will send you the stuff and you can post it for me.

Sincerely, Stewart.
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Re: Answers to questions on other threds that are now locked

Post by BoredShirtless »

Stewart at SDI wrote:How about it, what is your postal address? I will send you the stuff and you can post it for me.

Sincerely, Stewart.
No, a better idea is you scan your stuff, then email it to someone who is willing to host the scans.
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Post by General Zod »

Stewie wrote:Get a life, rent a Brain and then use it for a change!
this coming from someone willing to spend supposedly $800.00 to win a star wars argument?
Also, Spell Check does not come with Windows 98. ( I called just to make shure that I was not ripped off when I up graded. You have to buy the word processor to get any spell checker from Microsoft.)
or download one of the numerous free office programs available from a simple google search.
Liek? Is that Latvian, Polish or just poor spelling on your part? Personaly I think it's a typo and you, like so many of your compaitriates, did not take the time to proof read your own work.
i believe it's called being sarcastic. apparently this concept seems to fly right over your head.
How about it, what is your postal address? I will send you the stuff and you can post it for me.
why is it so difficult to scan something and then email it to someone as an attachment, as so many people have asked you to do?
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Post by The Kernel »

*sniff sniff*

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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

Stewarts logic, or more like that lack of it, is amazing. He claims that he will certainly drive 200 miles to pick someone up to prove his point in shooting, but then he refuses to travel some few hundred miles via plane to prove his point, even when all his expenses are paid for. And on top of that he isnt willing to prove his point to a marine who would pay his expenses.

Now, Stewart seriously. Drop the fucking shooting bolstering because no-one believes you on it anymore. After you flat out ignored Wilken's challenge, you showed that you can talk the talk but cant walk the walk, as in you're a fucking chickenshit.

In regards to your military service, martial arts skills, credentials etc. now that you have a scanner, scan the appropriate documents that prove your claims in these areas. Do this or shut the fuck up, we really dont have the slightest interest in your baseless bolstering bullshit jackass, prove some of your claims for a change instead.
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Post by The Dude »

Stewart at SDI wrote:Got you going though, didn't it? Have you ever in your life made anything like that kind of money? Ever? In an adversarial relationship, it's good to give the opponent something to dream about, if you want to get him started and envious.
Perhaps you should concentrate on producing a defensible argument rather than ineptly trying to get your opponents "started and envious" with fictional personal details. The reality is: your arguments have been shredded by your intellectual betters. We have moved on to mocking your childish bragging, and the continuing lack of any evidence to back any of it up.
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Post by BoredShirtless »

Stewart. You have an email account and you have a scanner. So why do you insist on sending shit via snail mail?
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Post by CRUCIBLE »

Well, i didnt followed the whole thing across all threads, but nonetheless i got curios.

Stewart, some little questions about the Marksman part.

With what rifle did you shot/still shoot? What trigger group? How much wheight on the trigger? What Ammo do you use with it(details please and dont come with just 7.65mm)? What Scope do you use with it(exact name again please)?
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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

CRUCIBLE, you dont understand, he claims he can do it with a .45 cal pistol, not a rifle.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:CRUCIBLE, you dont understand, he claims he can do it with a .45 cal pistol, not a rifle.
He also claims he can use a pistol to outshoot military marksmen with rifles.
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