SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Soontir C'boath »

My weight is a roller coaster. I am back at my high of 220 pounds (I'm 5' 8") having been 195 last Spring. Now that I have a goal again (becoming a LEO), I've been dieting and exercising again. I hope to bring it down to 185 or so and keep it around there. Only thing I want going up is muscle mass.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Akkleptos »

Dalton wrote:Is that a joke, Akkleptos, or are you trolling this thread?
Good question. I just wanted to say it works for me.

But, as of late, my metabolism seems to have slowed down a lot.
So what I do now is eating half a portion of whatever I used to eat before
(e.g. instead of two full plates, I eat only one)
And also, walk my dogs more.

No trolling intended. This thread is for people who watch their weight, and I do. Unless someone wanted to discriminate against those with faster metabolisms, which I would surely find less than fair.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Dalton »

This is a thread for people trying to help and support each other in their weight loss goals, not brag about how much greasy shit you cram down your gullet.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Sriad »

I fell well short of my goals last year but managed not to actually GAIN any weight, staying steady at 180-185 lb and ~22% body fat which is moderately overweight for my height of 5' 8". Since New Year's resolutions fail so often this time around I decided to wait until the start of February to get my act together. ;) I've been biking when weather permits and lifting weights otherwise, drinking 0 calorie energy drinks instead of the More Sugar Than Mountain Dew versions, and controlling my food portions. Weighing in at the same time of day (first thing in the morning) I'm down about 8 pounds so far... that "easy part" that tricks one into a false sense of accomplishment so often.

I'll be working hard to stick to my guns though; one goal is to wear all my cool 32 inch shorts by the end of summer and look decent in a swim suit.
Dalton wrote:This is a thread for people trying to help and support each other in their weight loss goals, not brag about how much greasy shit you cram down your gullet.
If my translator worked correctly, that's almost a Ketogenic Diet, which is a step (or two) further down the road from Atkins. A very high percentage of calories from fat and few from protein or carbs forces your body to metabolize fat as a higher priority; it's highly effective for 1/2 to 1/3 of people who do it right. The fact that his metabolism "seems to have slowed down" supports this.

OTOH it will give you TERRIBLE cholesterol problems if you don't pay close attention to what kind of fats you're consuming, so it's a double edged sword to say the least.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Chardok »

Riiiise from you grave.

So, after falling to 18X pounds (about 8X Kg), And after a...period of personal...issues (about one years' worth to be exact, plus 6 months of "Eh, whatever") I've ballooned back up to 256 pounds (115ish Kg) (For those who have been around long enough to remember, you read that right. I went from 250 to 185ish in 6 months, then over the course of 1.5 years, gained it all back.)

I'm officially a fatty nerd.

But not to worry. I've not forgotten how to diet, and for a mere 6 days now, have been back on what I term the "Super" (read: Semi-starvation) diet. I've reduced my caloric intake from Whatever an energy drink, a hamburger, french fries, four slices of frozen pizza, and 48-96 ounces of american beer per day is *prepost edit - quick calculation on tells me that's about 3500 calories+/day) to the sub-1500 calorie a day range. It's not a difficult thing to do for me, fortunately, since I've a relatively short memory, Which means as of right now, I have forgotten how it even feels to be ludicrously satisfied in my tum tum tummy and feeling empty in my gut is now the norm.

So, that said, My body is very firmly in the "ZOMG YOU ARE DEFINITELY STRAVING AND GOING TO DIE MUST UTILIZE FAT RESERVES IMMEDIATELY" stage, and have dropped about 4 pounds in just 6 days simply by restricting calories, eliminating sugar/HFCS, increasing fiber, yadda yadda yadda. (go back and read my previous dissertations if you're really interested.)

That said - For everyone out there who struggles to keep your weight under control, I am the POSTER CHILD for why diets fail. you lose it, you gain it all back and then some, or you lose some, get discouraged about how long it's taking, then quit. Don't. I am giving myself just 24 weeks to drop to 190 pounds, and as a further challenge, I must do it without exercise. (My work schedule simply will not allow it.) as of yesterday (250 pounds), This means I must lose a whopping 60 pounds in just six months. an average loss of 2.5 lbs. per week.

Now, 2.5 pounds per week may not sound like much, but keep in mind that a pound of fat is ~3500 calories and a sedentary body uses only 2000 calories just breathing and I work in an office sitting on my behind all day. That means that somehow, I have to figure out how to eliminate 8750 calories from my diet per 7 day period and just to maintain my weight I have to consume 12000 calories a week. These are, of course, ludicrously general numbers, but I know that my metabolism is pretty damn close to "normal" levels, and these calcs have worked for me in the past, so....

All that stupid rambling basically boils down to this: If I can set a ridiculously high goal like this, and stay on track to get there, then you can set yourself a perfectly reasonable goal and hit it. I am going to do this, I must do this, and you - you, dear reader, will do this with me. You will not do it using some RAR! Atkins or weight watchers or carb killers or soup diet or whatever. You will listen to your body - but also ignore it. When it says that you need a hambuger, you will question it - Do I really need a hamburger? When it's 11 o'clock at night, and you think "I could go for a ham sandwich" You will ask yourself "Could I? Could I really?" You, who read to the end of this post will remember how ol' Chardz lost 70 pounds before, how he is on the road to doing it again and ask "Hmm, I wonder if silly ol chadz is eating a burger right now." Remember, there are alternatives to almost anything! Doesn't matter the lifestyle. I have precisely one hour of free time per day working the amount of time that I work, so convenience food is about all I'll be able to shove down my stupid, fat face. The choices of what food is what's important. Find something you know is healthy and that you like and treat yourself to that more! (I happen to like artichokes, for isntance, and will be eating quite a lot more of it) remember your mineral needs, and DRINK WATERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (also diet pepsi) and I'll see you all on the beach.

Chardok out.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by hongi »

Mmm...I've gained a bit of weight.

Last time I checked in, which was Jan of last year, I was 56 kgs. I'm now about 61 kgs (135 pounds). I was mostly sedentary for last year. I also started to get an appetite. This a very unusual occurence for me, since I've been a perpetual small eater for my entire life. So I just figured, "Okay. Well my metabolism should take care of that like it always has...". It hasn't. So I've had to look at my body differently this last year. Definitely a weird sensation to have your body change on you like that.

So yeah, I'm watching what I eat from now on. Not in the sense that I plan out my meals. Too lazy for that. I just physically look at my food before I put it in my gob. Being aware of what I'm eating and eating it slowly seems to cut down on my portions and discourages gorging. We're going to do this together SDN.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Chardok »

So...yeah, scary thing just happened. Well, not so much scary as, well, I'm not sure the word. Anyway - Preface - I like to do before and afters sometimes when I go to the potty. I did that this morning.

Before - 252lbs (114kg) (confirmed w/2 measurements)

After - 245lbs (111kg) (again, confirmed w/2 measurements)

Is that possible? That I had 3 freaking kg of just...gross all up in my guts? That seems crazy.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Chardok »

Yo Mangs - anyone ever tried Boca Burgers? Are they like cafeteria hamburgers that I remember from my youth? I got me a powerful hankerin' for a beef-like thing that isn't beef. Is the original vegan boca close to what I would look for if I wanted to toss some montreal steak seasoning on it to get the semi authentic hamburger experience?
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Bradbury »

I wouldn't try to fulfill a hankering for a hamburger with vegan/vegetarian substitutes. Boca hamburgers aren't that great (though their chicken patties are passable). I think it's better to look at those substitutes as alternatives to meat rather than imitations.

If you're trying to cut calories, try using ground turkey meat instead. Or make a part-beef part-black bean burger (the internet has recipes). Both are delicious regardless of your dieting status and satisfy the burger cravings.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Chardok »

More than anything else, I'm eliminating saturated fat (I have very serious cholesterol/triglyceride issues - namely, my triglycerides are so high that it's impossible to get an accurate reading of my (bad) cholesterol)
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Chardok »

245 (~111KG) as of today, officially. Believe the previous 245 reading to be a fluke of gravity. 245 today makes waaaay more sense.

PS - Boca Burgers are actually very "High school cafeteria hamburger"-esque and so, are not only palatable, but DELICIOUS! Just toss some olive oil mayo on there, maybe a bit of mustard, some spinach, pico, and montreal steak seasoning, and BOOM! Meal on a bun! all of the delicious, none of the crap.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Chardok »

243 today after my morning pee.

Yeah, you'd be surprised how much weight you can shed by taking a nice, long whizzbang.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Dalton »

Can I suggest bison burgers? Tastes like beef, healthier than turkey.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by doomboy536 »

I've shed the best part of 25 kilos over the past year and eight months, and now I'm down to roughly 97 kilos (214 lbs I think). I have a pretty damn sedentary lifestyle, and despite my efforts to get more exercise my work routine simply doesn't allow it (looking at changing work hours but that's a thing for a few months from now.) Diet is pretty simple - cut out carbs as much as possible, lots of protein, fruit and veggies, nothing fried and no drinks that aren't water or natural fruit juice. Sure there are time when I miss pizza, burgers, chocolate and all of that but then I think about how much happier I am now that I'm not such a fat bastard.

Losing weight can be a bitch, but it's totally worth it.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by The Grim Squeaker »

I started gaining weight again during the first semester's exam period (I lacked mental energy to focus on it alongside the exams). But since then it's gotten much worse. I'm the fattest I've been in 5 years.
Crappy timing, the exams start again now and time is short, but fuck, 88kg?
Time to be hungry after every meal. And to find some sort of sport that isn't running, and preferably conducive to 43c weather..
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Dillon »

Ok, so after being really active in this thread for a while two years ago, I've been letting go more and more, and I'm now at a staggering ~235 lbs, up from my ideal of 185 lbs. That's 50 lbs in two years and it is completely unacceptable.

Starting today, my girlfriend and I have made a pact to both get back into shape. My bike is still in the shop until the end of the week unfortunately, but tomorrow I will be starting calisthenics (push ups, dips, and chin ups and pull ups too when I can do them again) which I will be doing 5 days a week. Once I get my bike back, I want to try to get at least 150 km in per week. That, in addition to a strict diet which will consist of the following:

Breakfast: Oatmeal boiled in water with sugarless jam and ground flax seed added.

Snack: Broccoli with hummus.

Lunch: Chicken breast or canned tuna (this will be my protein intake after my calisthenics).

Snack: Banana or other fruit.

Dinner: Two peanut butter and sugarless jam sandwiches on whole wheat flax bread.

Things I will avoid like the plague: Sugarkane, dairy, excess sodium.

I will consume at least 2 litres of water throughout the day.

My goal is a weight of 185-190 lbs, and to fit into size 32 pants again. My current size 36 pants are starting to get uncomfortably tight. I hope to achieve this target by September.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Todeswind »

Just checked today, I lost 60lbs this year. Woot.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by The Grim Squeaker »

Current goals: Try to eat about as much as my dad (who's skinny, and enjoys the same foods as me [meatwise, etc']). Also, trying to reduce portions. Exercise desirable too, but having difficulty fitting it in.
Weight as of Today: 86.7kg. (As opposed to 88.7kg when I made the earlier post, and 88.1kg as of last week). Odd. I weighed myself now right after lunch, but I've definetly not done anything to explain a kg weight drop. I must have weighed myself after dinner last time maychance?

I sadly remember when my weight loss goal was to get below 70kg :(.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Faqa »

When it says that you need a hambuger, you will question it - Do I really need a hamburger?
Having just sinned with one today, I find this hilarious. :P

I'm not exactly a 'serious' dieter - 80.5 kg spread over 181 cm is actually fairly decent - but I view this as building healthy habits for the future. I KNOW it'll be a bitch and a half to stick to a diet when I'm ALREADY fat and have years more practice at it. I'm not sure I'll be able to. Best to cut slowly now to avoid that.

I already started this a few years back when I quit Coke - best fucking thing I ever did for my health and weight. I was amazed at the amount of calories you save just by making a habit of drinking water.

Now, being blessed with a GF who loves to cook and is currently investing in a diet for herself, I don't even have to do the work - I just have to stick to the food. Fish, salads, fruit snacks, measuring cereal in the mornings, that sort of thing.

What I've found helpful is to cut things SLOWLY - ie, when I stopped with Coke, I was still stuffing my face with the same greasy shit I had earlier. This made it tons easier to drop the habit, since it was just removing one layer of enjoyment from meals instead of all of them at once. Later on, when I moved in with my GF, we just dropped things to eating meat once a week, but going out whenever we wanted (going out is ridiculously cheap in university towns).

NOW, we're in the hard-core calorie-counting phase of things. Hopefully we'll be able to keep it up, but just by having to adjust considerably less of my lifestyle than I would have even 3 years ago, I feel I can keep to it.

A tip I don't think has been mentioned in this thread - Miso soup is ridiculously easy to make and relatively healthy. And it has a "savoury" flavor that can actually quell meat cravings. Toss in some tofu and green onions and you're good to go.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by PainRack »

And I'm back to being a fat slob again......

While my fitness regime was having a roller coaster of the ride(up one month, down another) for the last year or so, things were generally getting better until the last two months.

Now, I can't fit into most of my pants. Amazingly, my weight remains marginally higher, at only 2kg. Dumb weighing scale. Methink its time for me to invest in a heart pacer and some other stuff to give my flagging determination a mild boost.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by The Grim Squeaker »

Well, starting to take my weight seriously (Yet again) as of today.
Starting a diet (Same one I had back in 2005 :P). Food every 3 hours, and exercise (hopefully) up to ~4 times a week (That'll be the hardest part in temrs of finding and fitting the time).
Start weight 86.5 kg.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Xisiqomelir »

Did a search and couldn't find this, so I'm posting in case some people find it interesting/helpful.

This is my story of how I plan on going from being obsessed with being fit, to fat in 6 months and how I plan on showing everyone how to get back to fit again in 6 more months. My diet will be unrestricted and I will refrain from any exercise during my fat stage. I plan on putting on around 50-60 pounds. After those 6 months, I will be teaching people how to get back in shape by allowing everyone to follow my specific meal plans and workout plans on this site. I will be documenting my progress every step of the way and blogging about it, from weekly pics, measurements, and even allowing people to decide what fatty foods I should partake of during my fat stage.
I’ve always had a passion for fitness. My love of fitness began at an early age and through sports it became an addiction. Throughout college I gained more experience through not only sports, but college courses as well. This inspired me to become a certified personal trainer through NASM. I began training clients on both proper nutrition and workout plans as a side job that I still continue to do. I’ve had great success in working with people on their meal plans and workout plans that have helped them achieve their fitness goals.
My goal is to inspire people to get fit, teach them how to do it and give them hope that it IS possible to get fit and stay fit. I want to share my comprehensive fitness knowledge with my followers so that they can know how to lose weight successfully, even though for many it’s going to be a struggle. People that are overweight have to overcome both physical and emotional barriers when it comes to losing weight. I hope to have a better understanding of this through my experience over the next year.
Also, I hope to better gain an understanding of how hard it really is to be overweight. I know it’s only going to be for 6 months, but at least it’ll give me a small window of the physical and emotional issues that come with being overweight.

The blog is the best part imho. Drew writes about the insane food cravings that he's developed after only 6 months of the Fit2Fat lifestyle in a very honest way. If he pulls this off I'm pretty sure his personal trainer career will be eternal success.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by FaxModem1 »

I decided to give Lent a try, to see if I could do it without faith. I gave up junk food and soda for 40 days. I'll happily note that I lost 10 pounds.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Col. Crackpot »

245 lbs my ass. In the words of Picard 'the line is drawn here! this far, no further.'
Half an hour on the bike this morning. Third day in a row. The beach is beautiful at 6 am. I plan on seeing it every day.
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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Soontir C'boath »

It's been awhile since I posted here. I've stopped buying the 10+ oz bags of M&M's and Starbursts since money is tight and their price is increasing, shrunk my soda intake (unrealistic to stop completely), and I've went down to 195 pounds from 210 in the past couple months. I've started to do push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks again and this morning with my new pair of running shoes, I jogged for 2/5ths of a mile. It is not bad considering the last time I jogged a couple years ago, I fought to even get that far in one sitting. I can run more than that, but I really need to increase my lung capacity; stupid asthma.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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