[Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

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K. A. Pital
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by K. A. Pital »

Sixth Circle of Hell, Armories of Dis. Former Sword Warehouses, now Prison Block 078. Theta Zone.

Hey, cab driver! Turn to Hell! Through a new road we'll drive home!
Hey, cab driver! Turn to Hell! This forest is foreign and not our own!

The sound of Garik Sukachev's rough voice and folk motives in the Russian soldier's Chinese-built clone of an iPod was deafening - just about right level of "loud" for a tanksman though. Constantly experiencing loud noises took a toll on those who served in the tank forces for a long time. And with this war, thought Oleg, it will be a long time before the sound of gunfire fades. Maybe... never? His commander's red banner - the symbol of the SRD - was around his face, and his worn black glasses offered at least some protection against the winds of Hell. He was looking out of the tank's hatch - looking out for the enemy.

A minor demon was tied to the tank's barrel, with his head looking straight into the barrel. His constant cries of fear and pleas for help, as the tank rode forth, were to make the rioting demons - and those inclined to help demon riots, or any human foes of the Soviet Republic of Dis - feel the fear of imminent death.

The Extraordinary Commitee of the Soviet Republic of Dis managed to get quite a few Russian servicemen from the Hell War, initially assigned by Theta Command as "military advisors" to work for Voroshilov... through persuasion by relatives. The First Marshall was not a fool. One of the examples here riding a tank had his own story. Vassily Nesterovich Chelobanov, the grandfather of Oleg who died in 1941, was here. He asked Oleg to join the Eta Brigade along with his tank crew, and the grandson, who was a "Russia-SRD cooperation liason", agreed. The Eta Brigade was still fighting demons - a task Oleg was eager to do - instead of what the Earth armies were now consigned to, protecting the demons from other humans.

The Eta Brigade was controlled directly by the SRD's Extraordinary Commitee, and patrolled the Armories of Dis - one of the the largest demon prison camps in the Theta Zone. The Etas' were the SRD's best combat forces which held all incursions into the Seventh Circle and crushed any heavy demonic resistance in the Armories, or attempts by demon rebels from the Seventh to break in. The Seventh Circle was cut off from the Armories with a large wall - also broken by the human assault in a few places - but unlike the external Great Wall of Dis, the Earth militaries, even were they at their projected peak strength of over 40 million, would have a hard time patrolling it consistently. Phlegethon's stream which was used by the demons to create another barrier inside Dis, a huge canal surrounding the Seventh Circle on the inside of the wall, was all gone. But it's inhabitants have not. It's in this place where large groups of Germans were reported to be... and large groups of demons. Those demons who were in the Sixth Circle were lucky to escape through the broken wall out of Dis into the vast plains of Hell and get lost like a needle in the hay, but those in the Seventh Circle and further down were pinned down and subject to extermination. The inhabitants of the Seventh Circle were especially ruthless and effective in demon slaughter, many of them were soldiers after all, placed there for "violence" - and it meant groups of demons often tried to break into the Sixth.

Now the Eta Brigade's "Doom Horse of Duke Oleg" as Oleg's T-64 was informally called by peers, went to crush a demonic riot in Prison Block 078, one of the numerous buildings which were prior part of the Armories, where the liberated people of Dis locked down demons for future interrogation. The days of demonocide were mostly gone, demons were now considered valuable targets since their ability to determine the location of various humans in Hell was pretty damn handy for any human occupier. After all, most human self-proclaimed "nations" inside hell had very little but naked human survivors - which meant the chain of command and organization was largely medieval, with by-ear transmission of information, on-foot courier travel... unless it was about the military. And the demons had a lot of experience in organizing large groups the medieval way. The SRD interrogators found out a lot about setting civilian communications and command networks in Dis, often from demons who held administrative positions... now those were imprisoned in the Block 000, and Oleg could not think of a worse fate - probably death itself was superior to that.

The broken down walls of Prison Block 078 - formerly a large bronze warehouse - were right past the small village through which people with makeshift weapons fled away, pursued by small group of demons.

The rioting demons must have killed the gunners at the machine gun nest somehow, thought Oleg, looking at a building which looked like a church in the middle of a village center (yeah, they worshipped Satan all right, recalled Oleg). This means they must have harpies who took out the human guards which manned the machine gun nest on top of the church.

- Fire at the demons. Keep an eye on the sky, - spoke Oleg into the tank, stopping the music for a moment.

- Sure thing, comrade. Should we blast that church and the bell tower? Harpies may be looking out from it. They already learned to use machine guns.

- Yeah, blast it, - Oleg switched the music back on.

The barrel of the tank moved along with the tower. The demon tied to the it did not stop screaming - Oleg thanked his mother for the Chinese music player given as a present upon his return from the army in 2004... otherwise he'd be forced to hear the cries of that thing.

The T-64 stopped for a moment to take a better aim at the chuch. The demon's cries became so loud they easily overshadowed the music in Oleg's earphones.

- Fire!

The tank shook, and a burst of flame ended the screeching demon's life. The lifeless and headless body now hanged on the barrel like a sack of kolbasa.

The church went down in a cloud of dust, and Oleg noticed two harpy bodies flying down in flames after the blast. Awesome. Now, let's be fast.

The "Doom Horse" rolled on, crushing some of the stones on the paved road, and it was soon close enough to machine gun the lesser demons who started running away into the village.

The tank was faster, however. It overtook them and started methodically killing them with tracks. The fear among the group was almost palpable, and their cries were probably heard far away, carried by the fast winds of Hell. At least, they were heard by the rioteer demon POWs who occupied the Prison Block 078 now. The tank reached the village - by that time it's tracks were covered in blood, and no living demon was seen in the fields, or on the streets. The large warehouse stood before them right beyond the village town square and the destroyed chapel.

- You hear me, demons? This is Duke Oleg, - Chelobanov took a loudspeaker hastily handed by one of his crew and put away the music player. - This is what happens to those who riot and kill humans. Human life is scared and we will protect it. As for you, your choices are simple. Surrender - I need you all to come out and stand before the warehouse wall in front of my tank, no closer than five hundred meters - or face horrific death from the Doom Horse of Duke Oleg. Not a few of your brothers I have slain in combat.

The warehouse remained quiet. Then, slowly, the demons started coming out. Some of them had blood on their claws... they devoured the guards, understood Oleg.

As soon as all of them went out - a total of ten, one of them a harpy - Oleg slowly took off his glasses.

- Comrade Oleg, what shall we do? - asked one of the soldiers from the tank's belly.

- Murder the fuckers, - Oleg spoke quietly, but with clenched fists. - But not before we find out who instigated the riot.

The demons were large - one of them was especially huge, probably one of the Guardians... or their relatives. He may have instigated the riot - he looked bullet ridden and heavily wounded. Perhaps he distracted the guards until the harpies managed to overtake the machine gun nest.

- You! - Oleg pointed at him. - You are their leader?

- Yes, Duke Oleg, - roared the demon.

- Name.

- Chiargothnak, - he hissed.

- Why did you do it?

- You kill us, we kill you. Kill or be killed, - the demon roared. - You want to wipe us out.

- How did you kill the guard?

- She did the job, - he pointed to the harpy. - I merely broke the warehouse wall to amaze them for a moment. I shall not speak with you, dirt. Dirt you were, dirt you are and as dirt you shall die. Now do what you will do anyway.

Oleg stood silent for a moment.

- No, Chiargothnak. Step away, to the right. Do it! - the demon stepped away a few meters with hesitation. - Good.

Everyone was lined along the wall except the leader. Good. Oleg waved his hand to the people inside the tank. It's machine gun came alive, cutting down the last nine demon rioteers... but sparing Chiargothnak.

He roared as he saw the others die and ran towards the tank.

- Cut him down.

The large demon felt the machine gun bullets piercing it's legs. He stopped a hundred meters away from the tank, falling on the ground and still trying to press onward, crawling on his arms.

- It's pointless, demon, - Oleg spoke the word with growing hatred. - You live by devouring humans. You found your joy in killing and torturing us for centuries. You tortured my relatives and thought we are but cattle, and after our victory you still murder people. Your death will not be easy for that. We shall bring you to the Seat of the Soviets for trial. There you shall be judged and sentenced to what is the fate of all rioteers... know life in the Block 000. You will regret ever thinking about this riot.

As soon as Chiargothnak passed out, the tank crew tied him to the rear of the T-64. They drove the tank around and inside the destroyed warehouse, looking out for any surviving demons or humans, but there were none to be found, and so the Doom Horse set on it's long way back to the center of the large domain.

- Folks, try to waste as little fuel as possible, - Oleg said. - Remember, every raid like this costs us over 200 liters of fuel... and that is in very short supply.

- Sure. Mind if we all hear some music, comrade?

- Yeah, let's take this stress off.

Then Oleg turned his player back on, but this time he plugged it into the tank radio. Garik Sukachev was finishing the song. Oleg thought that if Garik ever comes to do a Hell tour, he should try to get a ticket.

Hey, give me a cigarette! I shall have a smoke,
Oh, what a smoke that would be! What a road,
But we made it to Hell! We made it to Hell!

The dusty trail behind the roaring tank could be seen from afar until everything faded in the darkness of the coming night.

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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by Sidewinder »

Is Chiargothnak going to suffer brain damage or fall into a coma from carbon monoxide poisoning? Or is a T-64's engine in the front?
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by K. A. Pital »


Okay, attempt one at mapping out Hell. I'm using some assumptions here, though it's rather conflicting.

For example, Hell continent being Pangaea-size - I made something roughly the scale of Pangaea, but it may be too small for the real Hell.

Second, Stuart's canonical info about Dis indicate a circumference of the Great Wall (Wall of Dis, between Rings 5th and 6th) of ~21000 km, and a radius of ~3300 km. At least, if Dagon's calculations of the gigantic wall are correct (we have no reason to presume they are not). That's one hell of a giant city, even if only parts of it are inhabited.
Stuart wrote:Dagon had 243 legions, of whom 24 were Krakens and 16 cavalry. That left him with 203 legions of foot soldiers, 1,350,000 in total. That meant he had one soldier for every 50 feet of wall
67 500 000 feet, or 20 574 kilometers, and ~3200+ km radius. It's also in line with Rahab's statement that the City of Dis is what occupies most of Hell (if it's that large, it indeed occupies a large fraction of the Pangaea sized landmass).

Third, the references to gates between Fifth and Fourth circles being in plain sight are in error, as is Rahab's claim that the Ring is "10 miles across" - she may be referring to the sub-Rings or something. That would make more sense than the 6th circle being merely 10 miles across, but the 7th and 8th totally gigantic with a multi-thousand km radius. We know that the 9th circle is relatively small.
Stuart wrote:As they waded through the mud, she spoke back over her shoulder: “You're lucky they put you here in this part of the Styx. This ring is ten miles across; you could have been walking for several days to get to Dis.”
Either Hell's dimension is Lovecraftian and totally non-Euclidian, or one of those statements is in clear error.
Stuart wrote:I've just finished a two-month walk from Dis down to Cocytus, up to the first ring, and back.
Rahab could've walked from Cocytus to the Sixth Ring, but I doubt she'd be able to make over 3000 km (and probably twice that) - even not eating and sleeping, she would lose time when hiding from guards, searching for gates, etc.
Stuart wrote:It was open, and a steady stream of Baldricks was pouring out of the Sixth Ring, and setting off across the Fifth to where a distant set of gates offered access to the Fourth Ring.
First of all, as far as I gathered the walls around other rings were either incomplete or even nonexistent (in Dante at least). Next... the scaling problem again.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by Edward Yee »

The ten miles line, isn't that Rahab's? I'm not sure that she would be a credible source insofar as measurements, considering when she died.
"Yee's proposal is exactly the sort of thing I would expect some Washington legal eagle to do. In fact, it could even be argued it would be unrealistic to not have a scene in the next book of, say, a Congressman Yee submit the Yee Act for consideration. :D" - bcoogler on this

"My crystal ball is filled with smoke, and my hovercraft is full of eels." - Bayonet

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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by K. A. Pital »

Yeah, as I said, it could refer to Sub-rings inside a greater Fourth Ring.

Also, the targeteer's idea to nuclearize Dis seems blatant scaremongering considering it's size and the amount of dead humans it should encompass (especially "heretics" and "violent" which will include lots and lots of normal XX century humans). If Abigor had a better understanding of humans, he would've laughed the targeteer in the face, "So what, wanna nuclearize billions of your human brothers? Go on."

There's also a bit about Kim hearing the Russian artillery working at Phlegethon, and Belial hearing it as well; I solved it by having Phlegethon and Styx intersect on an area close to the Wall. It could also mean there's a different Russian unit engaging someone in vinicity of Styx.
Stuart wrote:ninety billion people in the Pit alone, and the surveying flights had shown that Free Hell controlled little more than a mere millionth of the surface area of the Pit.
90 billion, that's a lot. Though I think Dis would account for ~20-30 billion, not more... it's still gigantic. As Free Hell is ridiculously small, I simply didn't bother to show it on the map.

Also, there's inconsistency in where Tartarus is. Belial first flies south of Phlegethon suggesting the south of the continent, but later it's Northern part of Hell... I went with the South version, but I can't really make the two reconcile.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Edward Yee wrote:The ten miles line, isn't that Rahab's? I'm not sure that she would be a credible source insofar as measurements, considering when she died.

We do know, however, the measurements she would have known. The Babylonian Mile equals seven English miles, so her ten miles was actually seventy miles, which is still doable at a stiff military march over several days, so it makes sense.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by K. A. Pital »

Sixth Circle of Hell, City of Dis. Nominally "controlled" territories.

The road led through a large swamp. The foul stench was everywhere. His Majesty's riflemen did not have even simple gas masks, but it meant little. Hell's humans were incredibly durable and regenerated any damage fast enough for the smell to be their least worry. Simple "arafat hats", as people from the XX century would've called the towels wrapped around one's head, covering nose and mouth, were enough to prevent most unpleasant experiences.

Guillaume Emmanuel Guignard carefully watched the road. Large crosses decorated it, with demon bodies stabbed thoroughly to the cross.

The sight of crucified monsters left and right was meant to scare off lesser demons who were still running amok in the giant pit that was known as the demonic capital of Dis or Lower Hell - and send a message to other humans. Demons are not welcome in here.

Isolated inside the Sixth Circle, a lone castle that they moved towards, has served it's prior masters long enough, but now it had other inhabitants - the most adept people, imperial soldiers from the Great War. Or so rumors told. And, of course, whispers - mere whispers - of the Tsar...

- We have determined that the demons have filled the various regions of Dis not at random, but according to the passing eras of humanity, - the regiment's leader was speaking to the female nephilim sitting right across the vehicle's hatch. - This place is rumored to have... ah... soldiers of the Empire in great numbers. I see they did not waste their time to purge this place of the foul creatures.

- Be careful, my lord, - the one-eyed woman warned. - As you know, the beasts are insidious; they are the masters of treachery and lies. It might be an ambush for unsuspecting children of men, lured by the sight of dead demons into false security.

- We are not lowering our weapons, - he smiled. - I see that you like our company, and your will is exceptional for a woman.

She did not reply, being deeply immersed in her thoughts. This man, this soldier... he was loyal to a person that was - in his view - superior to others. By what right? By the right of birth. It's not that he had really been different - from what she gathered, he was just another human, not much more competent than the rest. But the system of revering those higher than you certainly made sense to her. In fact, for the first time she did not feel human beliefs extracted from someone's head were not completely alien to her own worldview. But so far, he was so very useful... and it meant she had to take great care when investigating his mind. Damaging Gillaume permanently was unacceptable when she just received those modest means of transportation and protection.

- My lord, how perceptive you are, - she smiled with a "noble" smile - the kind of smiles she saw on the face of "noble" Inquisitors...

- Perceptive?

- My current appearance may not speak of much, but I am one of the queens of an empire so ancient that no trace of it remains.

- I should take it.. I am speaking to an empress?! - the noble was somewhat amazed and distrustful at the same time.

- The title of the Empress was not existing back then, but I would have surely taken it shall I have lived to see the new age, - she smiled again.

- It is my honour, then, your highness, to offer you protection and transport, - he said, - why have you not spoken of your high ancestry when we first met?

- I have a reason to believe there are many people who may seek my death, - she said, - All powerful people have many enemies. I could not have known before I got accustomed with you and your men, what you may prepare for me.

Gillaume went silent. She was right. What was he? A refugee from the current human "administration", if it could be called that way, a perpetrator of "demon genocide" as he heard people were saying - he could hardly grasp what the term meant, much less why it implied that one should have any mercy on those who tormented him for eternity.

The swamp around them finally dissappeared, and the massive castle silhouette became visible in the ever-present toxic fog. Truly, Guillaume thought, this place is a perfect hideout. Providence has led him here.

- Who is approaching! - a cry from the watch tower barely reached the BMP column through the thick mist.

- His Majesty's 1st Jaegers! - one of the soldiers sitting on the armor shouted in reply. - We come in peace, brothers!

- Very well. Open the gate! - the cries on the castle wall faded.

Now the approaching Russian soldiers could see the massive bridge of the castle lowering down over a maw filled with some substance, the stench of which quickly told everyone that investigating it's chemical composition is not needed. How did his fellow countrymen manage to take it intact, wondered Gillaume? Revolt?

The convoy of dirty, dust-and-blood covered vehicles entered the castle gate and rolled into the main yard. There, people in primitive clothes - and often without them - walked freely, holding whatever weapons they had. Some had large-caliber machine guns, noted Gillaume. Must be the aviation drops that the Earth-men did from time to time, flying high over Dis in their metallic weapons, and dropping weaponry in crates.

The problem with clothes was apparent in this isolated enclave far more than in places which accepted the command, and help of the humans on an official basis. Guillaume noted a naked man, who brazenly walked to a nearby naked woman and said... wait? The scene was hardly something the prude nobles were used to seeing, but then during their life in Hell, they lost most of that attitude.

Far more important was what the woman said... "Yes, your Majesty".

- Excuse me, - Guillaume jumped off the BMP and walked towards the group of armed humans, but two of them - probably guards? - armed with some sort of weapon Guillaume could not name - stopped him.

- Wait, stranger. You have entered the Castle, but what business do you have with His Majesty? - spoke one of the guards, whose cloth was apparently made from demon skin.

- His Majesty? - Guillaume looked at the man whom they tried to protect.

- Naturally, - the man let the naked woman go.

He did not experience any sort of shame.

- I am His Majesty, Tsar and Emperor of Russia, Peter the First. Well, that's who I was before those ages of pain. And you, stranger with many machines of death?
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by Mayabird »

Something I had wondered is with all the old kings and empresses and whatnot all being in hell, there's going to be some big crises for people who are loyal to "the [title]" but now they have a dozen or more legitimate claimants. Are they going to be digging up any more Tsars?
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by Edward Yee »

Stas Bush wrote:- I am His Majesty, Tsar and Emperor of Russia, Peter the First. Well, that's who I was before those ages of pain. And you, stranger with many machines of death?
Now here's something of interest to me -- why is it that Peter the First/Great describes the 1st Jaegers so, considering that Guillaume's own terminology is rather contemporary to us with only a relatively short time between when they lived and died? (Emphasis on relatively, I'm aware of cultural evolution.)

Oh, and just as a curious inquiry, what are His Majesty's guards wielding for Guillaume to not be able to classify the weapons whereas he understands machine guns and airdrops?
Stas Bush wrote:The problem with clothes was apparent in this isolated enclave far more than in places which accepted the command, and help of the humans on an official basis. Guillaume noted a naked man, who brazenly walked to a nearby naked woman and said... wait? The scene was hardly something the prude nobles were used to seeing, but then during their life in Hell, they lost most of that attitude.
Doesn't mind walking around naked (in a manner seen in Japanese public baths according to records of the Perry expedition), but can't stand a peasant calling him bratva... :lol:
"Yee's proposal is exactly the sort of thing I would expect some Washington legal eagle to do. In fact, it could even be argued it would be unrealistic to not have a scene in the next book of, say, a Congressman Yee submit the Yee Act for consideration. :D" - bcoogler on this

"My crystal ball is filled with smoke, and my hovercraft is full of eels." - Bayonet

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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by K. A. Pital »

Reasoning is fairly simple. Gillaume is already more or less accustomed to human technology; Peter the Great is not, for the most part, and he's unaware of proper designations of human machinery; he has seen it in action obviously. As for Peter not knowing who Gillaume and the regiment are and referring to them as strangers, that is fairly simple. The 1st Jaegers as a unit was formed over half a century after his death, during the rule of Paul the First. Peter's age is 100 years before Guillaume's, so the technical progress is also not inconsiderable.
Edward Yee wrote:Oh, and just as a curious inquiry, what are His Majesty's guards wielding for Guillaume to not be able to classify the weapons
You'll see. ;) One of the ironic implications of human victory over the demons.
Mayabird wrote:Are they going to be digging up any more Tsars?
The Tsars arent morons either. Guillaume may be simply a loyal monarchist seeking a resemblance of the aristocratic order, but the Tsars as we'll see aren't really all that eager to take power and rule after all their posthumous experience. At least, most of them. ;)
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Edward Yee
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by Edward Yee »

Stas Bush wrote:Reasoning is fairly simple. Gillaume is already more or less accustomed to human technology; Peter the Great is not, for the most part, and he's unaware of proper designations of human machinery; he has seen it in action obviously. As for Peter not knowing who Gillaume and the regiment are and referring to them as strangers, that is fairly simple. The 1st Jaegers as a unit was formed over half a century after his death, during the rule of Paul the First. Peter's age is 100 years before Guillaume's, so the technical progress is also not inconsiderable.
Hmm, so Peter the Great is that recently liberated? Would explain why he's chosen to still call himself Peter the First...

Thank you for clarifying the time differences between Peter the Great's lifespan and that of Guillaume and the 1st Jaegers.
You'll see. ;) One of the ironic implications of human victory over the demons.
Oh, I can only imagine! :lol:
Mayabird wrote:Are they going to be digging up any more Tsars?
The Tsars arent morons either. Guillaume may be simply a loyal monarchist seeking a resemblance of the aristocratic order, but the Tsars as we'll see aren't really all that eager to take power and rule after all their posthumous experience. At least, most of them. ;)
Makes sense; I would expect that previously liberated czars (and I suppose at least one czarina) would have found out soon enough that Earth-Russia isn't interested in being ruled by them again, and they simply not have had the power base to carve out a fiefdom in Hell, especially when there's other just-as-legitimate claimants.
"Yee's proposal is exactly the sort of thing I would expect some Washington legal eagle to do. In fact, it could even be argued it would be unrealistic to not have a scene in the next book of, say, a Congressman Yee submit the Yee Act for consideration. :D" - bcoogler on this

"My crystal ball is filled with smoke, and my hovercraft is full of eels." - Bayonet

Stark: "You can't even GET to heaven. You don't even know where it is, or even if it still exists."
SirNitram: "So storm Hell." - From the legendary thread
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by K. A. Pital »

Hell. Camp-Alpha. Phelan Plain. First Human Expeditionary Army HQ.

The video was probably the most damning evidence of the fact that even after Hell has been successfully occupied - if a force of several dozen million could "effectively" occupy an Earth-size dimension with almost thirty times the population of Earth at all - there was still so much left unknown.

Taken from a recon plane overflying the northern oceans of "Planet Hell", the images were undeniable proof that the demons were not the greatest threat of this world; and probably, indeed, the least threatening part of it.

A gigantic body, over a dozen miles in diameter and probably over a few hundred miles in length... and it was a living being. It was not clear if that was the total size of the thing, or where it's vital organs were. The megafauna of Hell was something rather unpleasant for humanity, for it proved rather resilient to weapons, and required expenditure of precious munitions to slay.

- And what did you think? - hummed Abigor. - Truly, you could probably slay the great lord of the oceans... if you ever knew where it's heart or head lie. With your weapons, even he is not immune.

- He? - General Petraeus was still looking at the last frame of the video in a mix of shock and interest.

- Leviathan. The mighty. The beast of legend. They were a pair, but long ago, before even the Celestial War, Yahweh managed to kill one of them and expunge it's offspring...

- How does a being that large sustain itself?

- This is Hell. It does not need to feed, even if it can... - Abigor shrugged.

- If you let me speak, sir, - Dr. Surlethe was not present, but even the transmission's distortions could not hide the interest in his voice. - It may be that this predator indeed comes from another dimension, perhaps a "higher" dimension than either our universe, Hell or Heaven. Indeed, it could have been some freak accident or experiment of the Heaven-dwellers or Yahweh personally, which caused this enormous being to arrive here. It seems that the legend is true enough, and it's arrival caused a lot of problems, so one of them was slain and the other, well... the other is here. It would be a great chance to study a specimen which is probably from a world even more foreign than Hell, were it not so gigantic and therefore dangerous even to our most modern ships. It is very interesting... some parts of Hell look engineered, but things like that add more to the now-prevailing theory that Yahweh is not, despite the claims, the creator of either Hell, Heaven or Earth.

- I'm sure, but these questions are the questions of science. We have a few questions as well. Is it under control of a sentient entity? Is anyone able to direct such a large animal? - the General's voice became sharp, any conversation between him and Abigor could easily turn into an interrogation within mere minutes.

- You are asking me if the Leviathan poses a threat to your forces, - Abigor has learned a lot of human speech figures during his stay with the Earth armies. - Sadly not much is known about it... Yahweh put them in Heaven in the ages so ancient you cannot fathom them, and ages passed as he "played" with them - or, should I rather say, subjected his underlings to executions for treason, which he found lifted up his mood. But they multiplied, and proved to be too strong and hard to keep under heel. One of the Leviathans was thus slain, and it's smaller offspring were expunged to Earth, where they quickly died of hunger, not able to sustain their great bodies, the other was thrown in Hell after the Celestial War as a sign of Yahweh's anger. From that age onward it resides in the depths of the North, and kills those who dare to near it's lair.

- Thank you, - Petraeus re-winded the video and started watching the colossal organic armor plates again - clearly, it would take a massive expenditure of ordnance to kill the animal, and perhaps only nuclear weapons had a shot at wiping it out swiftly. Hell might have been primitive, but some of the things here amazed with sheer scale.

- You probably know already of the wild things in the plains, - said Abigor. - I have asked myself, why would beasts be a concern to you, with all your might, but now I understand. You mistook the walls of Dis as a defense against Heaven and other demonic armies. Verily, that was a part of their destiny, but a part only. The wild things here are rare, but very dangerous. And your assault left the Wall broken in many places. The beasts of the Plains might not exactly need a "predatorial existence" as you say, but that's what their instincts tell them. You are now forced to expend munitions and weapons to slaughter wildlife when the war with Yahweh would be looming ahead. You expend your "modern weapons" to man the breaches of the Wall of Dis with liberated humans, but that's fewer weapons left to be used in your own army. You make errors as well.

- Whatever our errors, we are the ultimate authority in Hell and nothing can change that, - said Petraeus slowly.

- It would sound far stronger, were everyone in Hell of the same opinion, - the demon turned away and grinned. - But as always, I offer my advice to you, for I know your strength is unrivaled.

Hell, City of Dis. Nominally controlled territories. Peter the Great's Castle.

The woman stood in a corner of the castle's inner yard, and her eyes saw a black dot rapidly rising in size. Soon, a characteristic machine noise could be heard. A helicopter?

The machine circled over the castle, observing the humans inside it. Then it started lowering to land inside the walls.

A Mi-8, thought Likho - similar to the one she used during her earlier rampage through the human ranks. The machine slowly touched down.

- Who is your leader? - a man in a worn Soviet uniform, armed with an assault rifle, jumped out of the helicopter's belly with two guards. - I am lieutenant-general Kovpak, I come as a representative of the Theta Administration.

- His Majesty Emperor Peter the Great, - answered the castle's guard, throwing a crude wooden maquette of a machine gun away. - I am his aide, Lefort. We commend the efforts of Russia to liberate Hell.

The "commend the efforts" was a common phrase that was distributed in the leaflets among the human population, it was used to determine whether the human group is willing to aid the resistance or not during the war... now it became a test for loyalty to the Theta Zone administration. The messenger seemed to be impressed by the names.

- Nice weapons there, - Kovpak pointed at the maquette. - I see more and more of us figure out the beasts are becoming scared of anything even vaguely resembling a human weapon. In any case, Theta Zone has sent me after several fleeing mutineers...

- Mutineers? - Lefort smiled. - Yes, the "mutineers", as you call them, have arrived here and already joined our small outpost. What are their grave transgressions, killing demons?

- Killing humans.

- Humans who were guarding demons from retribution, - Lefort seemed to be pretty knowledgeable about what transpired.

Kovpak noted that he didn't really want to counter that with anything, or at least not in the presence of his men.

- However, they have stolen equipment...

- This equipment has been given to them to run a war, - countered Lefort. - Of course, it would not be hard for you to kill our entire outpost, simply report to Theta Command that the "mutineers" are hiding in some castle with a bunch of crazy monarchists, and it's done, right? But do you really want to kill us? What evil has our outpost done? The French which were killed now live again, and we know Earth-comers retrieve all their dead. And the machines the "mutineers" brought are out of fuel. Surely you know they are little more than armored guns now?

- I do, - Kovpak sighed uneasily. - To be fair, none of us really wanted to take part in this dispute between countrymen.

- Not to mention the fact that Emperor Peter has good relations with President Voroshilov, who sometimes supplies us, - added Lefort. - We are a small outpost and we do not interfere in the affairs of others. Face it, it's a long time before Dis is pacified and becomes safe. Humans fighting against humans? That's the last thing we need. We are covering the road from the Armories into the Seventh Circle, a Circle still chock-full of enraged demons. Some of them we slayed in battle, others were executed for "crimes against humanity".

Crimes against humanity. Kovpak smiled to himself. Lefort sure became quite adept in political speech. The castle dwellers even adopted the phrase modern Earth humans would use to describe the entire policy of the demonic world.

- The "mutineers" are of no great importance. Our outpost is a great service to mankind. We offer a place to rest for the patrols of SRD, and never rejected a demand for help from the Theta Force. Is that assistance not good enough to forgive our archaic ways? - Lefort finished his plea.

- You are saying SRD representatives sometimes arrive here? - Kovpak decided to change the topic, and his guards nodded in agreement. - We have came a long way, from the Theta Gate. My people and I have only heard of the S.R.D...

- Yes, they do arrive here, - interrupted Lefort. - We can offer you shelter and fellowship, as our brothers-in-arms, and you can wait until they arrive, - Lefort smiled. - I see in your eyes doubt about the Theta Command. You want more freedom. Defecting to the SRD, eh, general-lieutenant?

- Us who have but one last shot at life, unlike our fellow men from Earth, need to stick together, - said Kovpak, slowly, thinking about the implications of this sentence. - We might have different views. I might find you and the Tsar archaic. But we share a thing - we have our own goals in Hell.

- What of your report to Theta Command?

- Our group is small enough to vanish in these endless plains, and no one will ever find us, - Kovpak smiled. - But I do want to speak to your superior... and to the mutiny leader, Guillaume.

The woman watched the group out of the shadows. Skimming a little over their thoughts, she leeched some knowledge. Ah... so she should not have been so brazen about killing humans to gather basic information. It called the attention of the human administration of these territories, and their powers were overwhelming. A massacre of this castle and it's inhabitants could've been easily done by Theta Command if it wanted to do so; it was sheer luck that the investigation group sent here felt uneasy about the Earth humans and for some personal reasons decided not to report their findings.

However, if she understood the thoughts correctly, even the group sent here doubted that Theta Command really trusted them. There could have been spies, informers and other investigation groups following Guillaume. Oh, the humans were once again resourceful and entertaining, but it seems they made advances in the art of spying.

Well, this created new problems for her, but perhaps new opportunities opened as well.

Hell, Northern Ocean shores, some thousand kilometers away from the nearest human outpost.

The Leviathan was her friend. Subject to her overwhelming mind powers, the great beast slowly rose from it's deep lair. She felt his mind even at a large distance, she trained herself to communicate with the beast for many years.

She, an outcast thrown by Yahweh and his minions into Hell to "play" with Leviathan, or rather make it kill demons who tried fishing or travelling off the northern coast from time to time, hated humans with a passion. Of course, neither did she love demons, but after all, it was humans who were at fault. For their evil deeds she was exiled her back to Hell. Their torture caused one of Yahweh's angels to take her away before any of Hell's inhabitants took notice, and train her in the mastery of wild beasts.

For they found it amusing to see how she sent beasts to murder demons and humans. And she found it amusing to kill the beings responsible for ages of her torment, the death of her father and the loss of her mother.

- Ah, man, - she smiled. - How proud they are, aren't they, Leshack? They killed Satan. Your former master. They are stronger than ever now.

- Indeed, Mistress Marah, - spoke a large demonic figure beside her. - They are.

- The more of them come here, the stronger is my hatred, - the woman reached out to the mind of a pack of wild bipedal beasts some hundred miles away. - I will show them that breaking Mekratrig and ending the torment of those who well deserved it is not as easy as they thought. I will become their new tormentor. Divine justice cannot exist without punishment.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by Junghalli »

A dozen miles in diameter and a hundred miles long? Damn. That thing's like a small country made out of flesh. That thing would have trouble physically fitting under the ocean, assuming they're the same depth as Earth's (5-6 km) and it doesn't have a really flat body.

Damn. That thing must need some serious magic just to keep from instantly collapsing under is own weight, to say nothing of the problems of circulation, nutrient absorption, and nerve conduction in such an incredibly vast body.

Or is it like the Millistoma in Robert L Forward's Saturn Rukh, i.e. a really huge colonial organism that's more like a coral reef that can move?
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by Edward Yee »

Even allowing that Kovpak himself was already leaning in that direction, that was an oddly "well-prepared" speech that the guard had... :?

P.S. Guillaume can stand Peter, but will Peter (and Kovpak, although he claims he can) stand Guillaume? :lol:
"Yee's proposal is exactly the sort of thing I would expect some Washington legal eagle to do. In fact, it could even be argued it would be unrealistic to not have a scene in the next book of, say, a Congressman Yee submit the Yee Act for consideration. :D" - bcoogler on this

"My crystal ball is filled with smoke, and my hovercraft is full of eels." - Bayonet

Stark: "You can't even GET to heaven. You don't even know where it is, or even if it still exists."
SirNitram: "So storm Hell." - From the legendary thread
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Franz Lefort is no mere guard.
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In 1966 the Soviets find something on the dark side of the Moon. In 2104 they come back. -- Red Banner / White Star, a nBSG continuation story. Updated to Chapter 4.0 -- 14 January 2013.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by K. A. Pital »

Or is it like the Millistoma in Robert L Forward's Saturn Rukh, i.e. a really huge colonial organism that's more like a coral reef that can move?
It's more like a huge Hydrozoan colony-like organism, hardly any vital organs and a very primitive nervous system to sustain enormous amounts of damage. I envisioned it as some sort of other world megafauna shipped to Hell in a freak accident. Some sort of a real biological hydra, but gigantic.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by K. A. Pital »

I'm finishing this with a short, but quite epic confrontation which shall tie all the loose ends. :) Finale 1/2
Hell, City of Dis. Nominally controlled territories. Peter the Great's Castle. Guillaume's apartments.

She woke up because she felt something wrong was going on in the vast energy field that the daemonic seed used for their manipulations with the minds of the less fortunate. Something definetely not natural - large perturbations somewhere far away.

The last week she thought she knew everything of the humans, but at the same tike their behaviour truly amazed her. Some held completely different views on life and death, yet were together. Others held views such as, for example, torture being intolerable or as they said, "illegal". This was the first time she came into contact with a civilization so advanced. During her roamings in Hell, she never thought she would find the humans so different from those of old, those who tortured her and her family in many unspeakable ways, so brutally and painfully that she considered them no better than her daemonic tormentors.

Was she really of a higher race? She found out that humans not only had weapons which could free Nichyipar. They had weapons which could render Dis a barren wasteland not to be inhabited for years, kill everything alive in the blast zone and destroy any fortress.

During this week, she slowly siphoned knowledge - something she was so hungry for, always, probably some result Nichypar's breeding policy - knowledge of modern humanity. She saw it in the minds of the Tsar Peter, in the mind of Guillaume and in the mind of that new commander who arrived to the outpost in pursuit of her rescuer, but remained for a while to wait for another convoy from the Soviet Republic of Dis.

So often she stood in the shadows behind Guillaume, posing as a harmed survivor of daemonic experiments (she found this explanation for her eye absence sufficient for the humans, and it also freed her from spending energy on maintaining a costly illusion), while the nobleman was staying on the watchtower, accompanied by Kovpak, or sometimes by other castle inhabitants. What heated discussions did they have! So many words she didn't even understand: mechanization, metallurgy, urbanization... But during these long debates, she saw the worlds that humans envisioned during the talk. Peter the Great's world was the oldest. Guillaume's world was apparently a little later - but even it didn't have all the fantastic technology which Kovpak's world braved itself with, it didn't have that horrible thing called... what, "atomic bomb"? Yet still all those human epochs were extremely superior to the order of the demons here in Dis, which remained unchanged for centuries, and resembled the human order of five centuries ago that she knew.

Who was she to consider that this new civilization, born out of struggle of humans, would not simply crush her no matter what she tried - a futile rebellion or the like? They had these large steel machines flying in the air which could drop another flying machine many thousand verst away... A machine which had no humans in it, only the "payload" - a deadly explosive that would kill everything upon reaching it's target. Humans had the means to kill such dead "hunter machines", but Hell's civilization? No, no, not ever...

Only now Likho understood how lucky she was that the humans didn't simply send a missile towards Peter the Great's castle upon learning that the mutineers are here. Only now she truly understood that the humans are now the superior race, even if their frail bodies did not evolve. She was a child of something the humans called "artificial evolution", "artificial selection". The humans applied the same "selection" to their technology, and so they did not need better bodies to be superior. She shaked her head.

He best chance would be cooperating with them, not alienating them. Her mind powers were slowly working in the castle - she spent hours on slowly inserting empathic thoughts about her to the inhabitants of this outpost. Here, she was protected, but it was far from sufficient. She needed to find the human government - the higher officials - and ask them for protection, while at the same time using her powers to pressure them to agree. In this new society of Earth, a being like her could achieve much.

- My lady, - Guillaume slowly rose from the large stone bed, barely covered by some hastily made clothes... probably made out of dried-out daemonic fur and skin, but such things did not really concern humans at all. - Something is bothering your soul?

Ah, one more thing, she thought. She chose Guillaume as her partner. The bond between them grew ever stronger, despite her promising herself after that demon killed her husband, that she shall never be with a man again. She thought of the times she repeated this simple promise to herself. It was so painfully hard to be close with a human yet again.

- Something is happening, not here, my lord. Fear not, - she gave him a slow, very icy kiss, but due to her mind-warping influence, Guillaume probably thought it was a pure display of love.

Hell, Northern Ocean shores. RFS "Admiral Lazarev"

The RFS "Admiral Lazarev", as a nuclear ship, was perfect for the task of guarding nuclear oceanographic vessels - converted nuclear icebreakers, which the humans transferred here. Main tasks for such a unit were long-term mapping missions. They were considered armed heavily enough to deal with anything Hell might offer, but the recent warning to change course came completely unexpected to both captains of the "Admiral Lazarev" and "50 years of the Great Victory" - the largest icebreaker in the world, converted to Hellography, as people jokingly named the task.

What could possibly threaten their unit? The transmission mentioned some sort of monstrous being a hundred kilometers long which started moving - or rather, growing - in their direction, but maybe that was a mistake? Maybe they mistook a coral reef for a beast?

- Captain, what do you think we should do? - the voice of the executive officer rang through the bridge.

- I suppose you are positively sure this is the lifeform we have been warned about? - the captain grabbed the microphone. - Kasatka-one, acknowledge.

The Ka-60 crew acknowledged that visually, they saw lots of truly colossal tentacles that looked as if they were assembled from cartoonishly large organic cells.

- In that case, it means this thing moves faster than the comrades in the Stavka expected, - the captain murmured. - And it also means it's true that such giant lifeforms exist. Please, Fyodor, our warheads' yield is several hundred kilotons, right? We might do a service to the naval traffic here and clear this zone out for everyone.

- Correct, sir.

- In that case, launch. Kasatka-one, guidance ready? - the captain asked, but he knew the reply would be positive even before he put the microphone down. You couldn't miss such a large target even on inertial. - Prepare protective goggles, everyone, and "50 years Victory" as well, - the captain put his own pair on. The other ship confirmed readiness of the crew.

The large seven-ton missile left the vertical launch tube of the "Admiral Lazarev" with an unmistakable roar. Smoky trail rose from the ship, and Now all the helicopter had to do was to record the situation.

In several dozen seconds they were observing a fireball and then the characteristic cloud rising from the sea.

- Kasatka-one acknowledges, target hit, - the bridge was silent, paying attention to the reports of the helicopter which circled around the blast zone on a safe distance, - Wait... it's still alive. It's... still growing, comrade captain! You should take a look!

- You are taping it, Kasatka-one?

- Sure we are, comrade captain. We are in no immediate danger, but that thing is really growing fast. The blast took out a large part of it breaking the body, but the two portions seem to be relatively unfazed and continue their growth. It might close off the approaches to the northern shores. We are returning, and make sure these tapes get to the Theta Headquarters withing the next day...

Hell, Theta Zone Headquarters.

- Comrades, please, look at this, - Boldyrev sighed heavily. - This enormous being, which was noticed by reconaissance planes several months ago, started rapidly growing and moving towards the Northern Shores. It is our discretion zone. This prompted us to issue a warning to all oceanographic groups operating there. However, the captain of "Admiral Lazarev" was close enough during the time of the warning, and decided out of his own initiative, to launch a nuclear warhead and wound the organism.

Boldyrev took another set of photos.

- These are from our Tu-22 recon planes, taken days ago. Remember the tapes which were transferred from the "Lazarev"? Well, here's the outcome. A week passed, and now this organism, or should I say - many organisms? - are far larger than they were initially. Our scientists presumed that the being was limited by the amount of oxygen it consumed, creating a dead zone around itself, which contained it's growth, but radiation-induced mutation created anaerobic cells that are capable of fast reproduction in Hell's environment, basically removing the natural restraint to it's growth. Another hypothesis is that the being's natural tolerance of radiation is far higher than one would think, it might have come from a profoundly irradiated dimension, and can actually feed on radiation, kinda like some fungi from Chernobyl. We do not know fully, but it's clear that beyond the immediate blast zone and the zone where the pressure was crushing it's cells, the radiation and light basically prompted more growth. More than that, it is now enroaching on the shores. We don't know for sure, but it might have a main body hidden somewhere very deep under the sea. The size of that is hard to guess, but it might be extremely large.

- And the problem? - asked Baluevsky, the VVS chief.

- The being seems to be moving ashore, like I said. The rapid growth of new cells allows it to move with a speed of several kilometers per hour - new cells are growing every minute, and the rate of growth is accelerating - probably due to the blast energy consumed by the organism. We had to evacuate the shore outposts, and it seems that this thing is heading deep into Hell. Water for the tentacles is supplied through it's intestines which are also pretty simple, much like a large hydra. We also noticed that it simply crushes all wildlife it meets, but some wildlife gathers around it, as if it were unnaturally drawn to it... and starts following it. See these dots on the photo? It's the animals, various Hell fauna, gathered in front of the Leviathan.

- Leviathan?

- That's what the daemons call it. Apparently, slaying it was a problem even for Yahweh.

- So the animals are falling under it's mind tricks, sort of like humans fall under daemonic mind control? - interjected Premier Putin, who so far has been silent.

- Not really, - Boldyrev shrugged. - Our scientists, and the D.I.M.O.(N) think this is a primitive colonial organism with a very simple nervous system. It is hardly sentient. And the demons also note that they did not encounter mind-altering fauna. It is more possible that some demon, or other being, controls it.

- For what purpose? - interjected Putin again. - I think comrade Baluevsky has something to say, am I right?

- We sent our recon planes there, and the bad news is we lost one of them. It fell right after passing over the beasts, - the VVS commander was displeased with that, but he had no choice but to speak. - The current theory... the theory is a psychic strike. And someone didn't just strike them... the pilots cried like they were tortured until the plane hit the ground.

- The planes offer very good shielding, but the radios were on, and the escorts overheard the strange talk of the pilots. Maybe there are more powerful telepaths here than we perviously thought. This is very unwelcome. My proposal would be an immediate nuclear bombardment, were it not shown that the results might be unpredictable and quite bad for us, - Boldyrev finished for his colleague.

- So what are the gentlemans' thoughts?

- We received a strange message from Dis, - said one of the men present, Korabelnikov - chief of the GRU. - The message not that eloquent, but it comes from Premier Voroshilov. He says that they have come in contact with an unusually powerful nephilim... which wants to negotiate with the headquarters.

Valencia. XV century.

They were truly inventive, these humans! The same inquisitor never came into their cells again. Inquisitors also never had the keys to their chamber. The torturers could only operate the mechanisms of torture. They all were covered in iron-covere leather costumes - oh, they were not stupid at all. They knew how much threat the demon seed posed. Michael was amazed that they managed to capture these two at all.

Michael-Lan smiled as he looked upon the doors of the Holy Inquisition. Perhaps the Inquisition was the humans' last chance to redeem humanity in Yahweh's eyes. Maybe not. But he was more interested in the women who were captured.

So he broke into the prison - as easily as any angel could, slaying all humans inside - and saw the two bodies, tortured almost to senselesness, in isolated rooms. But which should be chosen?

- Who... are you? - one of them spoke directly into the mind of the angel.

- Messenger of the Allmighty, - the angel smiled. - We are interested in your talents, demon-seed, but rejoice not. Your task shall be mundane, and shall you resist, we will swiftly find and kill you. The Leviathan in the Northern Seas of Hell takes a horde to pacify him, lest he be growing. Yet you, freaks, have the power to do it alone. I had came down to hell and spoke to your former master in his prison... We found your abilities useful. Verily, you are the only survivors of your kin. And I need only one of you.

- Damn you, - hissed one of the women. - Damn you...

- I can't bear it, mother, - suddenly cried the other. - Take me!

- Very well, - the angel smiled. - As for you, demon-seed... I am leaving you to the humans. Maybe you will find salvation in your torment, - he laughed.

And then he left, taking Mara away. Maybe he thought that the inquisitors will find Likho before she leaves, but he truly underestimated her domination abilities. In a few minutes, people from the street whom she called with all her remaining strength of will, broke her shackles...

In a few days, Likho managed to find an entrance to Hell. It took much blood to do it, but she returned back into the place she hated, because Earth and humans were the same as Hell. If not worse. She never thought humans would earnestly start torturing people for Yahweh's glory as if they were daemons doing it for the glory of Mekratig, but such was the fate of human society.

Truly they were a lower race, evil, cruel beasts. Cattle. That is probably the only thing that the daemons were right about.

Soviet Republic of Dis. Voroshilov's cabinet. Several weeks before the Theta Command Council on the Leviathan problem.

Marshall Kliment Voroshilov spoke with someone from the Theta Zone - probably a messenger. "Liaison", someone in the same position Oleg Chelobanov used to be in.

The doors were not properly closed, and so Oleg overheard pfrt of the conversation while waiting for audience.

- ...comrade, we are doing everything we can. The factories are assembled in record tempoes. Daemon labour from blocks 001 to 066 is helping a lot, but we need more engineers, - said Voroshilov. - Output of pig iron is rising. As for steel, I do not believe the facilities are advanced enough...

- I hope you understand the problems of sending engineers here, - the liaison said. - The Theta Command is quite alarmed by the recent developments in the zone. Daemons are learning fast. Worse yet, there are rumors that some foe from the North is rapidly accumulating human knowledge. Some sort of beast, hundreds of kilometers long. Theta administration are quite worried.

- Hell, as if I wouldn't know, - Voroshilov pointed out the tower window. The Armories of Dis were filled with large moving armor columns, cars and horse carts, all moving to the North through his territory, - Theta is redeploying a large portion of it's forces, formerly used to explore deeper Dis territories, towards the coasts of the continent. That's what I heard from the soldiers.

- There's more, but these are rumors, - the liaison said with an uncertain tone. - Consider this more of a friendly sharing than official speech.

- I understand, - the Marshall spoke. Oleg could not see his face, but it seemed that Voroshilov is genuinely concerned. He did understand the modern technology and it's limits quite well; if he was concerned, then so should be every other man in this Hell pit. -Some of it I knew, from my sources... daemons say that many scattered daemon groups in the plains are gathering around this beast. Whatever this is, it's hostile quite apparently.

- Yes, and there's much confirmation. That beast is rapidly going through the plains, but it seems it downed a few recon planes by psychic attacks. Heard that on the VVS radio waves when servicing the Armories' airstrip. But worse yet, the pilots say, some strange things started occuring afterwards. It seems that beast is practicing artillery strikes.

- Artillery strikes?

- Yes. It's cells are like clay, which it uses to build large barrels, then hardens them. Then it uses water or, possibly, vapour pressure to shoot out rock projectiles which it absorbs with it's body and makes them somehow into strangely ballistic shapes. Looking just like our bullets or gun shells, each weighs up to several tons. Do you understand what this means? If this beast nears Dis, the casualties will be extreme. It's size allows it to plow out hundreds of such stone projectiles. They were primitive at first, but observers see that it's learning. This is why the forces are re-deployed. The rumors also speak that a nuclear bombardment was tried and was ineffective... The Stavka is going to assemble a meeting in several weeks, once the shipment of weapons of mass destruction for deployment in Hell will be complete. Stocks of chemical shells for artillery batteries around Theta Zone are already arriving. This is why the movements are so huge. A lot of stuff to carry around. We ask of your men to call a hightened alert state. If this thing reaches the settlements, everyone will have to fight.

- This is bad, - Voroshilov murmured. - And the effect of chemicals?

- The being is so large that dissolving it's body even with the most deadly chemicals would take a lot of time. As for biological weapons, it's biology is not known and so their use remains dubious. Scientists are breaking their brains on that.

Oleg didn't like the news either. He tried to move closer to the door, but it was shut right before his nose. In several minutes it opened again, and the liaison left Voroshilov's cabinet.

- Next, please, enter.

- Captain Oleg Chelobanov reporting!

- Ah, Oleg, - the Marshall walked towards his stone table and took a small medal, probably made out of bronze. - You are hereby awarded the Order of the Red Star, for the brave actions in riot supression in Prison Block 078. The riot instigators have been dealt a harsh lesson, and we received a good chunk of information from one of them in Block 000. Important information.

Oleg shivered a bit. He didn't mind the daemons being tortured allright, but working in Block 000 was surely a dirty job.

- I serve the Soviet Republic of Dis! - he answered with a clear formula.

- Very good, - the Marshall nodded. - Now go, comrade. I expect to hear more of your feats.

Hell. Vinicity of Peter the Great's castle.

In several hours, Oleg was already quite far away from Voroshilov's tower. His T-64 was assigned to a special convoy that brought new weapons to remote outposts around the Soviet Republic of Dis - the policy that has been enacted by the Theta administration, apparently because of the looming threat of the megafauna reaching the borders of Dis. Though to be fair he hardly imagined how one could do much to stop a being as large as several hundred kilometers in size, if the liaison did not lie...

The massive Ural trucks went behind his tank as the roaring column slowly reached a lone castle on the border. He heard that this castle harbored some really nasty daemon hunters, people who spent entire ages being tortured by demons. Some also spread rumors of Tsar Peter the Great commanding it, but many dismissed that as ridiculous gossip. After all, the Earth humans were roaming through Dis trying to capture historical personalities for their own goals. But the rumors might have been true as well - the forces of Earth are spread very thin. Even hunting known criminals, like for example the SS-men which were rarely caught by SRD raids into Deep Dis, would be hard. Hunting other people - might be impossible outright.

The castle seemed to be relatively untouched by the war. It was not beautiful as some of these Hell castles were, in late-Medieval style and various decor. No, this was a brutal, early-Medieval style castle, pretty functional. It seems humans took over it without using heavy weaponry. But maybe they used the threat of heavy weapons? Oleg smiled. Not a few times he knew that SRD troops went into patrols with just one real machine gun, while all other men carried wooden props of machine guns. Daemons were stupid enough to confuse the two - after all, they had no understanding of "human magic", and simple shape association made them fear.

Foul stench was everywhere along the road, and daemon corpses were here and there crucified on huge trees. Nice, nice... Oleg's tank was approaching the gates.

- Who is approaching? - he heard a cry from one of the watchtowers, magnified by a simple steel reproductor.

- Captain Oleg Chelobanov, armed forces of the Soviet Republic of Dis! Supplies for this outpost! - he shouted back.

- Open the gates!

Hell. Peter the Great's castle.

- So you are Emperor Peter? - Oleg shook his head while sitting in the assembly hall. The smoke would've made this place hard to breathe in, were it not Hell - people here cared for extreme pain, not for mild discomfort. And since the need to eat was gone, smoking during conversations, especially pipe smoking as pipe and some local plants were available for smoking industry without needing rare stuff like Earth-brought cigarettes - became a quite common habit, especially for leaders.

- Yes, I am. I want to thank you once again for the arms, - the Emperor made a gesture that represented respect. Lefort, who stood at his side, filled in the papers and then gave them to the Emperor so that he would sign the receipt.

- You are welcome, so as long as this zone is well-policed, no daemons enter into the Soviet Republic of Dis from this direction and through these roads, and you stay loyal to the Theta Zone administration, - Oleg spoke the routine formula to reinforce the spontaneously created social contract between the various factions in Dis - the older era humans were the lowest part of this hierarchy.

- Very well. I shall order my people to unpack the crates, - Tsar Peter nodded, giving the papers to Oleg. - Now, my guests wish to speak to you. I will leave you.

The Emperor and Lefort walked out of the room. Oleg had no doubts that Tsar Peter was quite happy. Soon the mock machine guns in the watchtowers will be replaced with quite real guns. Accelerated arms shipments to create a militia shall heavy masses of troops be necessary indicated bad things, but Oleg doubted Peter knew anything of the Leviathan rumors. They were spreading in the Theta Zone, but so far only through the higher officer ranks.

The castle's bleak stone interiors were quite impacting Oleg's already grim mood. The man in front of him was Sidyr Kovpak, a legendary war hero. Heh, would be amazing to sit across the table with the hero you read about in books, Oleg thought, but after a few such encounters in Hell you stop being amazed any longer and take it as something self-evident...

- Captain Chelobanov, - Kovpak said slowly. - I would like to discuss the prospects of my squad entering the armed forces of the Soviet Republic of Dis.

- Defecting from Theta? - Oleg looked at him. - So did I. But what are your reasons?

- You see, comrade, my squad consists of loyal people. Communists, many of them - and if not, they still share the dream of a place where all are comrades and man never exploits man. But this is only part of the picture. Theta sent us to clear out some mutineers...

Oleg became alert immediately. If this was a priority task for Theta, and Kovpak failed it and was seeking some sort of asylum...

- No, no, comrade, clearly you can see we need no help. We have supplies and weapons. Our squad alone killed over a hundred daemons, and great ones as well, - Kovpak continued. - We could simply get lost in this wilderness, hiding in this castle or some similar place nigh forever. But we thought our professionalism would be of use to the Soviet Republic and comrade First Marshall. It is also quite evident that Theta is solving it's own petty tasks with our help - these undead mutineers' only crime has been killing his opressors the daemons, and the people who protected them. They happened to be Earth-borne. That is all. But for us, death is final. We don't want to die doing Theta's dirty job to placate their allies, and kill our compatriots for such a ridiculous goal. That's what I wanted to say, - Kovpak saw that Oleg's thoughts were somewhere far away as he seemed to lose track of the conversation. - Comrade, are you listening to me?

- Yes, yes, I am. Just a strain of bad news lately, - Oleg gave him a confused look. - Actually, I'm not sure if I should share with you...

Likho was shaken by the images which Oleg's mind was unwillingly repeating inside. Very recent memories, so she had easy access. It was just a talk he caught somewhere, but she immediately understood what happened. And she knew what the humans would do next. Overwhelming, brutal force to kill the Leviathan. And such force would also kill Mara. her daughter, the last of her kind that she searched for through centuries, wandering the plains of Hell, to no result. And now, if she would not do something, Mara would be killed. Not to mention that humans will have to use truly dreadful weapons here in Hell - she knew already what "nuclear fallout" and "acid rains" meant, and the memories of Oleg distinctly repeated the words "nuclear" and "chemical"...

Likho slowly came out of the shadows near the door to the courtyard and spoke to Oleg.

- Yes, you should, comrade Oleg Chelobanov. I want you to listen to me very carefully now...
Last edited by K. A. Pital on 2009-07-14 02:48am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by Stuart »

This is a great story Stat, If its OK with you, I'd like to include it as one of the multiple threads of the last book in the trilogy (The Salvation War: The Lords Of War) since it deals with many of the issues I was going to bring up there. I've downloaded the first parts to my computer so I can get it integrated properly.

By the way, do you know what the current Russian military phonetic alphabet is (NATO is Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo etc but I've no idea what the one used by the current Russian armed forces is.

I'll try and get an accurate map of Dis and the Hell-Pit drawn for you. Dis is built on the rim of the the super-volcano caldera surrounding the hellpit.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by K. A. Pital »

Stuart wrote:If its OK with you, I'd like to include it as one of the multiple threads of the last book in the trilogy (The Salvation War: The Lords Of War) since it deals with many of the issues I was going to bring up there
Sure thing, thanks for noting my humble work. The basic ending premise would be a combined effort by the humans and the converted nephilim - chemical weapons plus nerve control to make the thing finally die, and still an unwelcome end for some characters (some plotlines suffer from a high ending, a bleak one would work better here in my view).
Stuart wrote:By the way, do you know what the current Russian military phonetic alphabet is
Russian aviation, military aviation and radiotranslation official phonetic alphabet
A Anna
B Boris
V Vasiliy
G Grigoriy
D Dmitriy
E Elena
Ё (Yo) yolka
Ж (Zh) Zhenya
Z Zinaida
I Ivan
Й (I shortened) Ivan shortened (Ivan krat'kiy)
K Konstantin
L Leonid
M Mikhail
N Nikolai
O Olga
P Pavel
R Roman
S Semyon
T Tatyana
U Ulyana
F Fyodor
H Hariton
Ц (Ts) tsaplya
Ч (Ch) chelovek
Ш (Sh) Shura
Щ (Sch) schuka
Ъ hard sign (tverdy znak)
Ы (y) igrek
Ь sign (znak) [S.B. soft sign is abbreviated to simply "sign" in the radio]
Э (ae) echo
Ю (yu) Yuri
Я (ya) Yakov
Stuart wrote:I'll try and get an accurate map of Dis and the Hell-Pit drawn for you.
Thanks. I might correct some geographical mistakes if there'd be some sort of a crude Hellmap to work on.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by Stuart »

Many thanks Stas. I can name the Russian Hellgates properly now.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by dragon »

Yay update. Looks like they better start manufacturing LOX and other such super cold stuff in massive quantitives to drop on the beasty. But beside the update when the invasion of heaven supposed to kick off.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by K. A. Pital »

Hell. Soviet Republic of Dis. Administration building.

- We're done setting the cameras in the isolated room up,- the computer specialist from Earth reported to Voroshilov as he went around the room for the last time.

- Thank you, - the Marshall nodded slightly, - that would be all. You may return to Earth.

He knew that the latest string of Russia's experiments with the portals included "pinpoint insertions" into the various new domains of Hell, used for rapidly transferring trained specialists in such fields which were not present in Hell in sufficient numbers, such as IT crowd, or late-XX century special forces members which were still a fairly rare occurence among the undead. Installing portable diesel electricity generators to operate advanced machinery in Hell's command points like the Soviet Republic of Dis towers, was one of the key tasks.

Voroshilov walked towards his laptop. The crash course given to him by Earth advisors didn't help much - he still didn't understand the principles of the machine's work, even if he was able to operate some of it's less advanced functions. The so-called "video conference" was the most oft-used function, of course.

He switched the program on, exactly following an instruction hastily laid out on a sheet of paper and sticked right next to the computer.

- Hello, comrade Marshall! Do you see me? - the face of Boldyrev from Theta command filled one of the small screens on the display. - We gathered you have something important to tell us?

- Yes, quite so, - Voroshilov switched a second display on, which transmitted the image from the isolated room downstairs, where a woman operated a similar computer. - This is the nephilim who has contacted us recently. The Eta Brigade have arrested her and brought here - apparently out of her own will. She has been cooperative, but we gathered from the ... behaviour of some of our soldiers, that her mind swaying powers are excessive and, I would even say, overwhelming, so we had to isolate her. According to her own explanations, she is a result of a genetic engineering program centuries old. Oh, and a peculiar thing - she says her real name is "Likho".

- Have you interrogated her? - Boldyrev's face did not display much interest.

- Yes, but since she has been very cooperative, we ceased the interrogation in favour of informing you, - the Marshall shrugged as if he were in charge of the Russian Hell zone. - We sincerely hope you will spend time to discuss this issue. The information she has relayed is rather alarming. Those psychic attacks...

- Comrade Marshall, this is classified information! - Boldyrev's face went red.

- I know, - Voroshilov looked completely calm. - I have my channels. Regardless of the rumors, the nephilim here says that she is capable of very powerful psychic attacks - of course, mostly in open air, because all obstacles are making her influence wane. She said that in exchange for protection and transfer to modern Earth, she could offer critical information on the Leviathan. Apparently, a nephilim trained in a similar fashion to her own, maybe even from the same group, is controlling it. It is also possible that this nephilim is a servant of Yahweh in Hell.

- That is interesting indeed, - Boldyrev noted dryly. - But why would you tell me that? Would it not be better for me to communicate with her directly?

- I will offer you the opportunity, - Voroshilov turned the isolator microphone on. - Prisoner number 401897, you can speak now. This is comrade Boldyrev, the chief of staff of the Theta Zone armed forces headquarters.

The one-eyed woman seemed very tired. Boldyrev didn't know what kind of interrogation techniques Voroshilov's men used - he just hoped he didn't go overboard. Wait... if she's so psychically powerful, he thought, they should've just isolated her and not allowed anyone inside. Not many opportunities for interrogation. Well, that only means he has to be extra careful with what she says.

- Do you hear me, prisoner?

- Yes, - she replied with a calm voice. - Do you hear me, comrade commander?

- Yes, - he acknowledged. - Now, would you mind me asking a few questions?

- I don't mind.

- In that case, question number one: how can we trust you not to be an agent of Heaven or some rogue Hell faction?

- You cannot trust me, not any more than I can trust you, - she answered. - I would like to be assured that you would offer me the best possible protection inside Hell, or preferrably move me to Earth in exchange for my cooperation.

- Very well, I will do all I can, - Boldyrev wrote something down. - Now, question number two: I've been informed that you suspect another nephilim is pushing the animals across the Northern Hell plains towards our territories. Who is that, and why are you so sure about it?

- It is a member of my group, - the woman answered once again, without a trace of emotion. - One who has defected to Yahweh's cause during the time which is known as the "Dark Ages" on Earth. I am well aware of my own abilities, and so I understand what this being is capable of.

Boldyrev hummed something, waved his hand - probably to drive someone away from the room he was in, someone not visible in the screen - and continued asking.

- What do you know about the Leviathan? Any particular ways to defeat it?

- Not much, aside from the fact that I can control the primitive mind of such a being. I would know more if I could come in contact with it's mind.

- What do you know about the goals of the presumed Yahweh's agent driving it and other animals?

- I cannot be sure. It may be simple anger or revenge for ruining Yahweh's plans, in case the agent is still loyal to him, - she said, - or, it could be the hatred of humanity who have tortured that person in the past.

- Very well, very well, - Boldyrev wrote something down again. - Thank you for your cooperation. We might need your abilities. Now, comrade Voroshilov, I would like to speak with you...

Hell. Theta Zone headquarters.

- We have told our Chinese allies in the region to prepare, - Baluevsky displayed the movement of the Leviathan on the crude map of Hell. - It has already obliterated several ancient castles with very little effort, and it's... how did you call that?

- Hydrants, comrade, hydrants, - doctor Kuznetzova, the biology expert for the Theta command, supplied the answer which the Air Force chief so often forgot. - These hydrants depend on constant water pumping by the main body, and that in turn depends on the commands that are given by the being's nervous system.

- Yes, it's hydrants are growing. The important information which we received recently from one of our civil administrators indicates a powerful nephilim is controlling this being. The airforce would have directed a strike against it, but our own nephilim apparently cannot locate the enemy. Sending airplanes for overflight would be excessively dangerous - the enemy has already shown the ability to take them out. Losing bombers and other long-range aircraft is simply unacceptable.

- However, we have an idea, - interjected Kuznetzova. - This nephilim which has been taken prisoner in Dis said that it could withstand the psychic attacks and more than that - eliminate the threat alltogether by showing us where that other nephilim is. We will send one fighter plane without ammunition towards the Leviathan, with UCAV escorts and several fighter escorts in ranged pursuit. Nephilim shall be controlling the escorting planes. If they would feel the prisoner is attempting an escape through a portal - say, to take our technology to Yahweh or any other goal that we don't know of - they will fire missiles and take the craft down. If they fall under enemy influence, the UCAVs will do the job.

- You are sure the nephilim will be able to control the plane? - Baluevsky looked suspicious.

- She is able to gather information from the minds of people at an alarming pace. The whole airfield which she is currently placed on is considered expendable - we will destroy it in case we feel something goes wrong, - said Boldyrev.

Hell. Northern Plains.

Mara did not know how exactly the humans managed to wound the Leviathan so deeply, but thanks to the extreme light from their weapon, it was now growing much, much faster. She did rip everything she could out of the bodies of the dying humans in the great steel birds which she crashed down several times, but it was still not much - fragmentary knowledge of modern weapons however, she put to good use.

She fully understood that staying by the gigantic body of the Leviathan was not safe, and so she always followed it on a distance of around a hundred miles, sitting on top of Leshack's furry neck - her daemonic servant was after all these years nothing but an empty shell, filled only with admiration for her and only capable of controlling primitive movements of his own body. All capacity for thought has been erased - now she had to control him even for such things as hiding and attacking - but she grew fond of that old puppet of hers and did not want to let go.

Suddenly she felt a strong voice coming into her mind.

- Mara!

- Mother, - she gasped, looking into the sky, where several airplanes were rapidly approaching her hiding place. - Mother, you are alive! So many years....

- What are you doing? - the voice said. - Stop. The humans will kill you if you do not. They sent me to try and stop you. Are you still serving Yahweh? This is foolish, - the voice tried now to relay pictures of unimaginable power, a colossal industrial machine crushing the image of the Heaven, ripping angels apart and destroying the Holy city. - Yahweh's days are numbered. I understood that when I came into contact with humans...

- Yahweh is at least more merciful than these beasts! - Mara cried out, trying to shield herself from the messages slamming into her brain.

- Please, Mara! - the voice changed from a demand into a plea. - We do not have much time...

But at this very moment, a cloud of fire erupted below, erasing Mara and her daemonic steed from existence. The humans somehow did it! She should've never believed them!

Likho tried to steer the plane so that she would at least see the planes who escorted her - they were quite far away, but she was closing in. At least she'll have some revenge. But she did not know that her pursuers weren't all human at all.

Hell. Armories of Dis.

A couple of T-64 tanks stood around the hill, creating a defense perimeter. There was a Shilka as well - the Armories were well-policed, but occasional harpy flights from the prison blocks did happen - controlling the harpies was hard, especially for Hell humans who did not have protective wear and industrial machinery to properly cage them. Often chained flying beasts freed themselves with disastrous consequences. And this defence perimeter was very important - this is why the best forces of the Soviet Republic of Dis accompanied the Theta-sent machines. The Eta Brigade here was tasked with guarding a group of mobile Iskander-M ballistic missile launchers.

Oleg Chelobanov was glad to have a few words with the servicemen from Earth - even if he chose to serve Hell's leaders, he still missed the planet which he knew there'd be no way to return to. He leaned on the hull of the MZKT-7930 launcher chassis, taking out a smoke.

- Tobacco bosses sure aren't idiots, - Oleg laughed, looking at the pack of smokes given to him by officer Timiryazev. - Look at this, bro, it says "Hell safe! Smoking totally safe for Hell citizens!". Ha-ha-ha.

The vehicle driver, lieutenant Timiryazev, was a nice fellow. Not only did he have smokes for Oleg - he told him all the recent Earth news, including the power change in Russia. He probably felt pity for the fallen comrade, because he knew - all Russians, even those who died, would give everything to come back to the Motherland, even for one day.

- Power change? - Oleg shook his head. - I thought Medvedev is still in charge.

- There's been an extraordinary referenda, - Timiryazev laughed. - The President is Sergey Ivanov.

- The Minister of Defense? - Oleg was not surprised, because the defense lobby became almost god-like in political power after the Message, and putting it's own man in charge was probably nothing out of order in post-Message Russia. - Well, that's good for us. More metal - more weapons, - he jokingly repeated an old Soviet poster slogan.

- Yeah, our defense guys sure are getting all the laurels recently, - Timiryazev smiled. - All those industrial cities in Siberia and the Urals are coming back to life, lots of defense plants are working full-time. Mobilization has run more or less smoothly. The problem is the people and the stocks...

- Don't worry, - Oleg smiled. - The Army now is growing, and in a while it will be very experienced.

- Heard your Soviet Republic is sending armored units into parts of Hell where the most recently deceased engineers and such are found, - Timiryazev let out a long trail of smoke. - Playing your own game, huh? We're giving you the fuel, and you're wasting it, people say.

- We're using that fuel to good ends, - countered Oleg. - Even if we waste it getting engineers, this will pay back - do you know that we have set up several small arms production plants in these Armories already? And thousands of people are toiling there without the need for food or shelter. Why? Because we have a common enemy. And we are helping you.

- Yes, but it's different for us, - Timiryazev sighed. - You probably know as well as I do that the Army's supply train is in an abysmal situation. Were it not for American transport capabilities, we'd be stuck here dead in our tracks. And we're running dry on ammunition - at the same time when all these "New Hellyki" are asking for more and more weapons for their men - to guard territory, to fight rogue beasts and daemons. To prepare for a possible Heavenly retaliation - after all, we heard that Heaven is screwing up Earth, so it may screw Hell up as well. Of course, to you all your needs seem completely right... but at the same time, look at the bigger picture. The arsenals are looted dry.

- I know. The last party of AKs supplied to the SRD Armed Forces were Chinese, - Oleg waved his hand. - I still think we'll make it. We endured too much to fail right now. Hell is free.

Suddenly, the missile targeteer screamed out of the cabin.

- We've got the order! Prepare for launch!!

Oleg ran towards his tank while Timiryazev returned into the MAZ cabin.

In several seconds, one of the missiles in the launcher went up in flames and dissappeared over the horizon. The orange glow made the already hellish landscape look even more grim, with rough shadows from tanks stretching downward from the Hill - and finally everything returned back to as it was. Dusty wind quickly erased the missile's smoke trail.

Hell. Soviet Republic of Dis. Several months later.

Sydir Artemovich Kovpak did not sleep easy. He felt that he betrayed his own conscience when he reported the mutineers to Theta Headquarters - he did it to save his own group. After that Chelobanov recommended him for the Soviet Republic of Dis.

Soon after Kovpak arrived to the Republic, he proposed an idea for Voroshilov and others...

He thought of this solution only after he and his squad were safe inside the SRD territories, and only reported it personally to the First Marshall. He knew that Voroshilov relayed his proposal to Baluevsky and all the people at Theta Command. He also knew that this proposal was looked upon quite well, and it was executed without further delay.

From rumors he heard that the Leviathan problem was adequately solved quite according to his recommendations - the beast rolled back into the sea, it's huge tentacles died from lack of water and soon there was a huge rotten mess, looking like a riverbed from above, which stretched from the shore deep inside the plains of Hell.

The solution, of course, wasn't something which tormented him - it was quite easy and well-thought out. The nephilim in control of the airplane of course had very sharp senses and could feel the other one from an altitude of several kilometers. But the precise location was not known. This was solved by launching a tactical ballistic missile into the zone, armed with a vacuum bomb. It quickly burned the frail body of that nephilim which they could not detect in the huge wasteland around the Leviathan. The other nephilim was taken out by escorting UCAVs - it still managed to down the manned escorts by a psychic strike, or so he heard.

It wasn't bad at all, but he was troubled by the fate of Guillaume and Peter the Great's caslte inhabitants, who were immediately incarcerated along with all the mutineers. Not only were they denied any semblance of a trial - after they were apprehended by Earth soldiers, any trace of news about them evaporated. Kovpak knew all too well what that meant - and he sincerely hoped he was wrong about his feeling.

- Sydir Artemovich, - a young secretary girl opened the door of his cabinet. - The Supreme Soviet meeting will be at 3:00. I've put the topic list on your table...

- Thank you, thank you Irina, - the old man sighed.

- Ah, don't bother, comrade vice President, - she smiled. - Oh, and the Marshall would like to meet you at seven, after the meeting.

- Tell him I'll come, - Kovpak nodded. The girl's face dissappeared.

Kovpak raised his pen to continue writing.

A small pile of papers which he wrote this month were carefully stored on the right side of his table. The title read "Undead Manifesto". The russian letters below told the reader about the interests of the undead, the new possibilities of life in Hell, the necessity to stand up for the rights of Hell inhabitants, their sovereignity, and the explanation of how the Earth, which liberated Hell, is turning into an overclass which, unless checked by popular resistance, would simply turn Hell into a giant resource plant for the war with Heaven. It was writted in very simple terms - after all, Kovpak was a soldier, not a lawyer - and was short enough to be memorized.

Hell. Theta Command Zone, trial chamber. Several months later.

- Final words?

Guillaume raised his head.

- I admit to the charge of killing daemons, even though that is no crime, and to killing some guards with the first death. This was a war. I was a soldier.

- You are hereby sentenced to 10 years in prison, - spoke the judge, a mildly full woman, who would've even been nice if not for a strange scar stretching through her forehead. - However, with the Laws of Wartime which have been put in effect by President Ivanov from the onset of 2009, your sentence is changed to frontline service draft for the war with Heaven. You will be assigned to a penal battalion for the official duration of the conflict.

Guillaume didn't believe his ears.

- No execution?

- Current laws have no death sentence, in case you did not know, citizen Guillaume de... - she stopped, apparently the name was too complex, and simply skipped on it. - I repeat, the process finished. Everyone shall leave the court now.

Hell. Peter the Great's castle. Several months later.

Emperor Peter oversaw the huge plains from a watchtower. He learned operating the machinegun, and now tried hunting beasts which crossed the plains from time to time as leisure. He now had his imperial attire - or at least, a very well done copy of it, and all others in his castle were likewise clothed in costumes, many had historical dresses.

- I still don't understand why these people from "Japan Tobacco" bailed us out, - the Emperor murmured, looking towards his aide. - All they asked of was a...

- Video shoot, - Franz Lefort reminded. - Just a video shoot, your majesty.

- Yes. With their ... cigarettes, - the Emperor laughed, looking at the pack of smokes he was holding in his hand. The pack inscription read "Peter the First". - Fair enough, we were not knowledgeable enough about the crime, so a simple bail was enough. You are quite smart, Franz.

- Yeah. By the way, your majesty, they will make a lot of money from this "video". Do you know that modern Russia is one of the main tobacco markets? And soon they are planning to sell cigarettes here as well, as soon as the Theta make some sort of money for these lands... their own roubles and paper monies are apparently too frail to be used here, so they are planning metallic coins. And you see that our castle also received some furniture from the tobacco dealers. Clearly they are expecting to make money on us.

- I need another shot with you on the wall, your majesty! - cried a cameraman from the tower ladder.

- Let them have it, - the Emperor smiled again. - After all, they helped us out.

Theta Command, interrogation chamber. Several months later.

The men walked into the chamber, where a huge daemon was bound.

- Nichyipar, I presume, - one of the men, a general according to his insignia, sat on a chair in front of the glass which separated them from the daemon. - We have found some of your experiments of great interest. Will you cooperate?

The End.

Side note: anything here can be rearranged, changed and otherwise modified for the sake of publication in the overall continuity. I do not have much time now, and so I barely managed to conclude the story - this is just a canvas of a story. Characters can be inserted and removed, and the plotline can be changed in any way one wants. The darker end is something necessary; I tried to make it coherent to the best of my abilities, but condensing a story which was initially intended as a large novel into a smaller form was quite hard.
Last edited by K. A. Pital on 2009-06-05 03:38am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by Pelranius »

Very good job. Personally I feel that Guillaume is too dangerous to be trusted with any sort of front line responsibility, but that's just me.
Turns out that a five way cross over between It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the Ali G Show, Fargo, Idiocracy and Veep is a lot less funny when you're actually living in it.
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by K. A. Pital »

Some of it is my own fantasy. I just figured out that:
1) citizens of Hell automatically fall under the judicial system of the nation which liberated their zone. Inventing something else would be too time consuming and complex for Earth humans who are already running a very hard occupation.

2) Sergey Ivanov (former MoD) would be President, not Medvedev. Putin considered both for President (at one time), but Ivanov was dropped as the military-industrial lobby waned in power. In Armag-verse, it would be different.

3) Laws of War allow formation of penal units from criminals - that makes a lot of sense given manpower shortage of modern societies which is evident (and was mentioned by Stuart).

4) Guillaume may have breaken the law and killed a bunch of people and daemons, but since he wasn't officially a member of the Russian Army, he couldn't have been court-martialled; and a civilian trial would probably yield the results I think it did.

5) I'm not exactly satisfied with this end, I hope Stuart manages to shape this thing up for publication. I am truly sorry I couldn't dedicate more time to it, but I think it's a good portrayal of the Russian occupation zone.

6) In case people wonder why "Japan Tobacco" bailed out Peter the Great, it's because they own "Peter the Great" trademark of cigarettes and I think they'd be enormously interested in utilizing Peter for ad purposes :D
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Re: [Armageddon] Don't wake me while I'm quiet

Post by Zor »

This is a very interesting look into occupied hell Stas, and i am quite impressed with your writing abilities. However just as a pointer, this should be re-named "The Salvation War: Don't wake me while i'm quiet". And i am putting this in the Wiki.

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