SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by K. A. Pital »

K-378 submarine "Leopard", 10 knots, 40 m below surface, 1 hour after the explosion
- Comrade Kaperang,* - the first officer showed several pictures from aerial recon. - This is where the target ship would most likely dock. The last attack we conducted was not very productive, but it sure allowed to take a lot of shots...

- Look here, - he pointed to another place. - These ships are in a separate dock across a small bay. They will be safe from the explosion. During the last strike they likewise were unharmed.
- Yes, we programmed those targets when preparing the submarine. The RK-55s terrain correction should be good enough. Order a launch of all 12 payloads. Then submerge to as deep as you can and cruise away until we get far out enough. And change the munition to USGT for all tubes except one, reserve it for the Shkval.

Several minutes later, Astarian harbor

* - kaperang - acronym from "capitan pervogo ranga", 1st rank captain
Last edited by K. A. Pital on 2008-10-18 04:35am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by MKSheppard »

RSS Permit, 25 minutes after the CSR Launch

"Oh bloody hell, the Commies have gone and attacked the Astarians, blowing deniablity out the window," muttered the Permit's captain.

"Oh hell, since they've started it, we miht as well finish it. Signal the Leopard of our intentions via Dolphin Phone and ready the 21 inch tubes..."

"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by MKSheppard »

At a Dacha somewhere in the CSR...

General Sheppard stared at the man across the fireplace from him.


Sighing, he lifted a thick folder titled "OPERATION: EVERYONE DIES" and tossed it towards President Stas. Everything in there, with the exception of a few key items, was legimitate; the MESS would kill to have it.

As the President skimmed through the material, his eyes widened a notch. Even for someone as "cold" as he was reputed to be, the Shepistani plan for total war was breathtaking in it's brilliance, cruelty and ruthlessness. The use of widespread biological weapons in the event of total war, with delivery systems ranging from artillery shells, rockets, all the way down to agent cannisters to be delivered by special operatives to cities around the world.

The use of Shroombola, Shroompox, Shroomthrax, Shroomburg Hemmorhagic Fever, Polio, Shroomtheria, all in one lethal cocktail to overwhelm public health systems.


"I would like to open a personal dialogue between Shepistan and the Crimson Star Republic on many items of importance to our countries," began General Sheppard.

"That folder is proof that I'm serious about a dialogue, and this is not a bullshit play."
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

Senate Session

The Senators and the ministers shifted uneasily as the Military Exarch Selenov read out the military budget for the financial year 2010 to the Senate. The research and procurement budget had fallen from 120 billion solidi to 110 billion solidi. It was still a hefty sum, and it fell largely because of the slightly reduced bomber production, a completed F-15 Active upgrade program, and the completion of the F-22A procurement. Training and military pay have risen to 60 billion, because of the intensified training and recruitment, All in all, the budget was kept around 8% of GDP. One Senator rose after the Military Exarch was finished. "Honorable Exarch, would you please attempt to justify this huge procurement bill?" asked Senator Leachus.

All eyes were on Selenov. Selenov was however expected the assault. Leachus represented the faction of Senators who opposed the military buildup. Of the three main political parties in the Senate, the Liberal Democrats were steadfast liberals who once nearly went into a "war" with the Emperor some decades ago, only to be 'duly chastised' when the Emperor humbly reminded them that the army is loyal to him. The Conservatives were pro-monarchs and often rallied around the Emperor's policies and they support economic measures that not only ensured the country's dominance on the Old Continent. The Conservatives were largely moderate when it came to economic policies, versus the Liberals' liberal stance. The Green Party is fairly new but also the weakest.

Selenov smiled, and replied, "To begin with, the military has decided that their main focus in the interim is to maintain our sea offensive capabilities, and its Anti-submarine capabilities It also seeks to maintain an edge in submarine warfare as well. Further, air defence remains an important issue and we are steadily making progress on ensuring our air defence is top notch."

But the Senator was not done, "Why are we pursuing the military route and not the diplomatic route?"

"We are pursuing the diplomatic route senator. We did not get ourselves involved in MESS-Shepistan war, since we were wary of the Japanistanis. As it is, the Japanistanis maintain an embassy in Constantinople. While relations aren't altogether friendly, we do allow some measure of trade between both nations, so long as it doesn't involve anything ... that would compromise security."

"Do you plan to bankrupt the state?" the Senator was turning quite red by now.

"Well Honourable Senator, we don't intend to bankrupt the state. We have been rather judicious in our expenditure and minimizing waste at every turn. As far as I am concerned, the 5 year defence plan laid out by the military and the Emperor has been quite reasonable. As you have noticed, we are slowly reducing our procurement to more manageable levels. Even our Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche IV replacement will take place over the course of 4 years. So will our military build up as well. As it is, we are being modest in the catch up game. If the military would have its way, they'd have the frigate/destroyer replacement program brought to the fore. But they decided to wait another year to evaluate the new MESS destroyers and frigates before doing a 6 year long replacement program. As it is, we are focusing on what is necessary and what isn't. Bearing in mind, that Japanistan has a military more than double the size of ours. It will take years to match even half his strength."

Out of words, the Senate sat back on the chain, clearly irritated he couldn't find some kind of attack to use. Another Senator, that of the Conservative Party, came forward. "Honourable Exarch, I noticed that you use both MESS and CSR weapons. Won't there be issues in interoperability?"

"That is indeed a fair question. Rest assured, all MESS and CSR weapons have their electronics reconfigured, or replaced to ensure that they can operate with any of our aircraft. Our local industry takes great pride in the fact that they have decades of integration expertise in integrating weapons from both sides. Of course, that makes our equipment cost more, but it ensures we can do our job well."

Accepting the Exarch's reply, the Senator sat down.

"Shall we take a vote?" Selenov asked the Speaker of the Senate. The Speaker nodded, and a vote was taken. 80 versus 40. "The ayes have it," said the Speaker. "Next item on the agenda is foreign policy."

A Senator, named Bermanus, of the Green Party came forth, and asked, "Could the Honourable Exarch Decius explain to us why the CSR is so belligerent against Astaria? I mean, Astaria is just some.. tin pot human resource rich country hardly worth caring about. As much as I sympathise with the CSR and PeZookia over their kidnapped citizens, is it worth going too far?"

Decius took a deep breath, and took the stand and replied," Honoured Senator, from our perspective, CSR's actions, while in some ways rash, has some degree of just cause. While the Emperor doesn't altogether approve of the actions of the CSR, we believe there is little we could say that would sway President Stansilav from not taking further action against Astaria. It does not help really that Astaria still allows slavery on its own lands. The Emperor does agree with your stand Senator that there is little point pursuing action against a recalcitrant and backward state. We are monitoring the situation closely to be assured."

The Senator proceeded with his next question, "Honourable Exarch, would you also explain how goes our ties with the FTO?"

"Our ties are reasonably excellent. Trade between both nations is brisk, particularly in the high technology sector where Byzantine technology is valued. Agricultural trade is another bright spot. San Dorado rum is reasonably popular, from what I am told. The Emperor's recent visit to San Dorado has smoothed much of the friction between the two nations. We have also agreed to send a business delegation to the Kingdom of the Vineyard to explore trade and investment opportunities."

"Thank you, Honourable Exarch."

"You are welcome, Honourable Senator."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Beowulf »


In a record breaking flight, a Tian Xia R-1C has flown around the world, supported by aerial refueling. It's around the world flight sets a speed record for a flight circumnavigating the world.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Sea Skimmer »

South Japanistani
Bugo-Fu Missile Range

After months of frantic work, and already past the start of production, it had come time for the final validation of the Brilliant Blossom Standalone and Networked Low Level Defence Sub System. Consisting of a Seer Eye Mobile Synthetic Aperture Array Radar Aerostat, Hunto Miniature Ground Launched Interceptor, and the Category II Brilliant Blossom Mobile Command Node. The system had one primary purpose, countering attacks by large numbers of subsonic or low supersonic targets over a wide area, and with the cheapest possible interceptor weapons.

Filled with hydrogen which could easily be generated in the field, the Seer Eye rose to 15,000 feet on a heavy duty cable, able to withstand strong winds and the weight of significant rainfall, a vital requirement for operations in Monsoon territory. The SAR was mounted on the bottom of the Aerosat, providing optimal look down capability, as well as making it extremely difficult for anti radar missiles to achieve a lock on from long range. Maximum detection range was 175 miles against a 20 foot altitude target with no ground clutter, and Seer Eye could also track moving surface targets, as well as providing radar mapping capabilities should they be desired.

The exercise began as two Air Force Maple Highlifter transports began releasing several types of target drones from 250 miles, twelve of them in total . The transports, and each drone release were counted and tracked by a circling JAEW-89 Fox Seer AWACS plane, the aircrafts datalinks feeding the tracks into the Mobile Command Node. At once the SAM system responded, calculating intercept points, and requesting authority to fire its weapons to be command guided to the target area by AWACS radar. Authority was granted to shoot three in this phase of the validation.

Hunto was in essence an anti cruise missile cruise missile, the Bomarc concept scaled down to a smaller then FVRAAM class weapon. Powered by a 120lb thrust turbofan, each missile was thrown into the air by a small rocket booster, unfolding its wings and transiting to cruise mode. The small turbofans could sustain the missiles at mach 1.1, with an afterburner that could push the weapon past 1.4 for terminal intercept. Warhead was minimal to keep the total missile weight below 250lbs, just a 20lb directional preformed fragmentation warhead but this was more then ample for inflicting lethal damage on a cruise missile. Range with high altitude cruise exceeded 300 miles, but this was primary for when the weapon was air launched, and for final validation the interceptors climbed to only 10,000 feet.

As the interceptors cruised out, the test moved into its second phase, and the AWACS shutdown its data links, simulating the need to ‘go cold’ to avoid enemy attack. The radar remained active, but only to record further test results. Two JF-90 Violet Lightning fighters swept in to take its place, entering supercruise and activating there own radars to takeover mid course guidance. The changeover worked flawlessly, but then it had been one of the most heavily tested and technologically challenging aspects of development already. With up to sixteen air to air missiles each the Violet Lightning’s could have dealt with the drone swarm on there own, but the test had them serving only as control platforms.

Terminal intercepts approached, and each Hunto switched on its infrared imaging seeker, all three interceptors coordinating flight paths and scan sectors to ensure that nothing escaped them. Two scored hit on kills, while the remaining missile missed, but executed a reserve in course and began a tail chase on one of the target drones.

Phase three began as the target drones entered Seer Eye acquisition range, trigging a new wave of interceptor commitments. Nine more Hunto missiles roared into the air as several of the drones engaged simulated jamming. The command system prioritized them as targets, and cued several attached S-300, S-200 and Bomarc batteries with much higher speed SAMs to engage them as quickly as possible, but for test purposes Seer Eye was on its own for shooting. The jamming interfered with tracking several drones, and so the interceptors were commanded to go active early, the networked focal plane arrays could detect targets at more then 20km and together provided extended eyes for Seer Eye. The second wave scored seven of nine possible kills, with both leakers having used the jamming to avoid engagement, and now were coming directly at Seer Eye and its ground station.

With the full scale Brilliant Blossom several battery defence weapons would be available, as well as automatic cuing of fighters and other SAM batteries to engage priority self defence targets, but for the moment, all Seer Eye had was more Hunto SAMs. Indeed, it could have fired many salves during the more then twenty minutes it took even a high subsonic missile to cross its radar range, but firing rates had been artificially restricted to ensure a most robust test.

After waiting until the target drones had closed within 20 miles, the system was again allowed to engage, and immediate rippled four interceptors off the rails self defence mode, in which the engines went to burner as the booster dropped away, and the seekers activated as soon as the battery was cleared. Both remaining targets were splashed just short of the coastline.

Results since I don’t feel like writing characters talking: The first sub peice of Brilliant Blossom is now validated for combat deployment, Production has already commenced for training, and Japanistan expects to eventually cover its entire territory with Seer Eye aerosats, and a projected 60,000 foot altitude Super Seer Eye ultra sized aerosat. Sales to Shepistan and Astria have already been made, and certain pieces of equipment delivered for training purposes as well. A larger reusable drone interceptor is also under consideration, but considered a low priority compared to developing and validating the more conventional portions of Brilliant Blossom. Note also that datalink coding and certain radar and jamming parameters were made unrealistic (simplified) for the purpose of this test to confuse anyone’s various snooping ELINT planes or subs)
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

8 years ago, a debate over whether the Byzantium should continue to adopt both MESS and CSR weapons between the army and air force air defence chiefs drew a draw between the pro-CSR and pro-MESS officers. The policy then was to continue procuring weapons from both sides and to somehow integrate them both together.

The challenge has been difficult. One solution devised was such that the two radar systems could communicate to each other indirectly via the use of locally designed computer system which would would fuse all the data from both radar systems and to process the data and identify threats. This meant however, doing away with the command and control systems that were initially supplied with the weapons. This also increased costs as the computing power required as to mitigate the reaction time problem. However, the experience acquired was invaluable. 4 years after the debate, a command and control system was produced and tested to see if it would work. At the test trial, the system worked successfully; issuing orders to both S-300PMU-2 batteries and Patriot batteries and using a common datalink transmitter that emitted the necessary control signals to the missiles. The use of more powerful electronics also mitigated the reaction time problem.

The system was continually upgraded and improved as new systems were introduced and to link up more CSR and MESS air defence batteries. A debate of course raged over whether they should decide on a common system instead, especially when Kontos and Icarus together broached the the use of a new Aster range of missiles that included a missile with up to 400km range and engagement profile matching that of the S-400 missiles. The debate continues, and the air force and army air defence chiefs collectively agreed to acquire a full Aster missile system (some 4 missles, Aster-15, Aster-30, Aster-45, Aster-60, the last two designed for long range engagement and to deal with hypersonic threats) which will be developed to completion and delivered in 3-5 years for evaluation. Not least was the proposal to evaluate the MESS mobile LAS-ER system. As it is, Byzantium employs its own land based Aegis system and interest in the LAS-ER naturally arose.

In the mean time, the investment in the S-500 will continue and the mobile LAS-ER will be evaluated, especially in the light of the introduction of the SPY-3 system. The debate over CSR and MESS systems will no doubt continue. Whether or not a successful end to the debate will arrive, remains to be seen.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

At a meeting between PeZookian, USSR, Byzantine and Shroomanian admirals

The Byzantine Admiral sat up and spoke, "So gentlemen, this is what we propose:
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:We build a series of buoys anchored to the ocean floor. The buoy would be one long thick segmented cylinder. (each segment is linked by a chain) The buoy is subdivided in 4 sections (or more really). Each section will have acoustic hearing equipment located not only on the body but also 4 point cable arrays stretching out from buoy itself.

The buoy might extend up to the sea surface with a solar panel at the tip. I'm not sure if this would be done, because I don't want a ship to go over it and destroy the panel or get entangled with the buoy. Alternatively, the buoy would be 50meters below surface.

Planting these buoys would take years. For starters the seafloor must be thoroughly mapped. If we assume that it is mapped, we can plant all the buoys within 2-3 years. Byzantium has done its best to map out the seafloor with its own equipment, but we might need a new map.

For communication to the outside world, I think we need to lay cables on the seafloor to receiver stations. Like Comona, Crete.
What do you think?
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Shroomanian Stories

(Fingolfin :P :D)

(SRSLY, I'm too lazy to cock up anything sillier)

The Byzantine Admiral sat down, and then Admiral Arcturus Achtung took his turn to stand up and speak:

"Gentlemen, instead of solar panels, we could look into nuclear power sources - such as radioisotope thermoelectric generators. Shroomania has already implemented a view of the devices, for evaluation purposes, ever since the severing of the Shroomcable and the sinking of the Shroom Viking...

"We've been keeping our ears in the water, so to speak, listening for any more impolite intruders infringing our internal integrity," Admiral Arcturus Achtung winked at the Byzantine Admiral, hoping that the guy would realize the alliterative reference. "Anyway, we have pictures.


"The radioisotope thermoelectric generator is based on designs the Atomic Shroomanian Research Experiment (ARSE) has proposed for FASTA's satellites... but don't tell anyone that."

Blueprints and datasheets were passed around, and the various head honchos were "oohing" and "aaahing" at the design specs. While they did so, Admiral Achtung approached his Byzantine counterpart.

"Augustus," Achtung began. "My protege, Commodore Cornelius Coot, has told me of the competency and skill of your Navy's seamen. He was most impressed with their performance at the exercises, and doubly so afterwards... during the shore leave. I wonder if we could do it again, only bigger next time."
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by K. A. Pital »

Presidential Dacha, CSR

- The Old Continent's approach to strategic deterrents is different for we have access to superior military technologies, - Stanislav didn't miss the ability to remind General Sheppard that by the will of Q, he was stripped of the necessary infrastructure to develop nuclear weapons. - However, you are right that we have much to talk about.

He handed a black-leather folder to Sheppard.

- This is, essentially, the definitive PCIA outlook on the future goals of the Crimson Star Republic in the various regions of the world, - the CSR President paused. - The strategic arsenal one can stockpile is rather worthless without means of delivery. Military airfields and naval yards capable of taking in your nation's forces any time are paramount to national security. Being locked on a remote island isn't exactly productive to your retaliation abilities, as some have already found out.

He then pointed to the large map behind him.

- My goals for the latest months are pretty straightforward. Astaria should be denied naval shipping - the route which is used for slave traffic from and to Astaria - by any means possible. That would prevent danger to foreign citizens, including mine, operating in Veleria, the former Border states, Frequesque and other lawless shitholes of this world.

Stanislav's eyes became narrow.

- Shepistan's assistance is welcome, whether covert or open. But betraying my trust would be the most unwise thing to do. As would be informing the japs of any deals that go between us. We in the Old Continent have zero sympathies for Japanistan, because unlike you, they are close enough to us to deliver lots of pain in case of conflict.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

Admiral Augustus replied, "Byzantium is exploring other uses for RTG as well, though we are exploring it for submarine AIP purposes. I propose a dual power system; an RTG to run the system sporadically, while charging a set of batteries, and a thermocouple generator to make use of the temperature differences in the varying depths of the sea which will charge the batteries as well. That way the buoys have a constant power source, regardless what happens.

As for .. more submarine exercises. I would agree for larger scale exercises, and the involvement of more Mediterranean powers. Perhaps this time, we would commit instead a Expeditionary Strike Group tailored for ASW work. I think it's time to give the new Armed Ocean Surveillance vessel some heavy work to do." He smiled.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by MKSheppard »

Presidental Dacha, CSR

"Nukes are overrated," said Sheppard, causing Stanislav's eyebrow to arch up slightly. "They cost a hell of a lot of money to develop, a massive industrial infrastructure to make, and you're not assured of your enemy's destruction until several years down the road when you have a big enough stockpile."

"Biologicals have no such problems. Who cares if it takes 3 hours or 30 days to bring about the near collapse of civilization?" finished the General with a shrug as he turned to the huge map of the world.


After several minutes of staring at it, he turned to Stanislav.

"You know, the MESS as it is laid out makes no logical sense, Comrade Stas."

Pointing to the Old Continent, Sheppard let his hands walk over the CSR, Pezookia, and Canissia.

"On the Old Continent, there are logical reasons for a military and political alliance amongst Canissia, Pezookia, Shroomania, and several of the lesser Continental powers to counter the threat of either Japanistan or the Crimson Star Republic."

Sheppard held up a hand to hold off Stas' inevitable protest.

"Yes, I know that the CSR is a peaceful nation; but smaller countries do tend to get...paranoid."

"The key question that's always stuck in my mind has been why are so many large powers tightly integrated into an alliance with no logical sense?"

Turning to Stanislav, the General finished off his musing. "Take for example, the Kingdom of Serenity. It had," at that, Sheppard fought to keep a grin off his face, but failing; "two big deck carriers, one of them nuclear, a large complement of AEGIS equipped surface combatants, and quite a lot of fast attack nukes. More than enough to deter and destroy any credible invasion force from the Kingdom of Zoria or Cascadia. So why are they part of MESS? Being part of the MESS only drags them into conflicts; and threatens the destruction of major fleet units which are needed to protect the Kingdom."

"The same partial argument can also be made for the other nations; particularly the ones with more powerful surface navies and armies than Serenity. Being part of the MESS limits their political and diplomatic options; can you imagine France even agreeing to observer status within NATO if they had the same kind of proportion of military power that several of these MESS states have?"

"But I digress; I'm rambling here, Comrade Stas."

"Shepistan is allied with Japanistan for one reason and one reason only; because we share a large land border with a hostile power which is part of the MESS super alliance; meaning that if for any reason the Dominios decide to correct some mapping mistake made in the seventies; they can just attack us, and when we counterattack, invoke the articles of their MESS treaty to bring all their big friends to come and gang up on Shepistan, as you might have observed from the recent war."

"Japanistan offers us a cheap and ready supply of advanced technologies and other items that we need to counter the significant numericial advantage that the MESS has over us. Plus, I have no doubt that in New Tokyo, we are considered as a giant sponge for MESS attacks in the event of a major Japanistani-MESS war. I can only assume that the CSR shares the same view, in light of the communications we heard from your reconnaisance planes that were in the region during the One Week War, laughing over public frequencies about the poor MESS and their ships."

"It was with some surprise that I heard of the Japanistani treaty with the Slavers. Such a thing had been kept secret from us Shepistanis. While I can see the cruel diplomatic logic behind it; e.g. preventing the international landscape from being further destabilized; it is quite irritating. However, the treaty is a blessing in disguise. It only says that Japanistan will come in if two major powers attack the Slavers directly. Nothing about a single power, such as the CSR."

Sheppard put down the glass of water he had been holding on a nearby desk.

"What I propose, Comrade Stas, is to set Astaria ablaze from end to end with special operatives. I've already begun discreet communications with the Cascadians to organize a shadow airline, AIR ASTARIA, operating from severa of the Cascadian Puppet States on the Untamed Continent, which will deliver clandestine aid to anti-slavery rebels within Astaria."

Stanislav took a drink from his tumbler of vodka. "You've heard the Slaver's Security Services claim there are no rebel anti slavery groups within Astaria; and that any groups if they existed, would be opposed to foreign aid of any kind?"

"My agents have heard the same thing, as well. Which is why we shall make our own anti-slavery groups. You no doubt have heard about that tragic guerilla attack on a coastal highway in Astaria?"

"Yes, the Slavers have been crying bloody murder about it ever since it happened." commented Stas.

"That was us, or more specifically the Permit's last mission before she joined up with your submarine for the port operation."

"Our assistance will not be official above the board overt military assistance. However, we are prepared to offer significant covert assistance; including using one or more of our SSANs to mine Astarian harbors covertly; or to assist your Fast Attacks in a commerce war against Astarian shipping."

"Why are you doing this?" asked Stas, who was genuinely curious about this sudden shift (albeit behind closed doors) of Shepistani attitudes.

"Because we absolutely hate slavery, being the slaves of the Old Dominion for a hundred and fifty years, before we revolted and regained our independence; will do that."
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Karmic Knight »

News from the Vinish Press

Articles of Union Pass

The vote has been cast, and the Union is in. The Articles of Union, in a modified form, have received overwhelming support from the people of the Vineyards, the Earlesi Protectorate and from the Federated Republic. Some of the changes to the original articles will be outlined later, along with an in depth description of the actually articles themselves.

Along with the signing of the actual Articles, the nations of the Southern Republic and the Independent Republic of the Saviour’s Hide have joined in Protectorate Pacts with the Vineyards, similar to a Pact signed by the Earlesi Protectorate after the Rebellion.

Analysis of the Articles of Union

Article One Overview
The Supreme Sovereign
Article Two
The Grand Assembly
Article Three
The High Court of Commonwealth
Article Four
The FTO Clause, The Finances Clause
Article Five
The Unending Isolation Clause, The Sovereign’s Law Clause

Ministers Barr, Burr, and Wayne Retire

With the massive upheaval in the Government, the ‘Old Guard’ are stepping down as Ministers of the Army, Navy and Air Force.

King to Deliver First address as Supreme Sovereign of the Commonwealth of Vineyards

At 1:30 on February 17th the King shall speak to the people of the Commonwealth at the foot of the Triumvirate Building, formerly a wing of Sheoth Castle.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Constantinople Shipping renews Ship order

Constantinople Shipping reissued its order for new ships from Constantinople Shipyards. To be constructed over the next 2-3 years, the order is as follows:
- 16 16000 TEU vessels
- 12 12000 TEU vessels
- 12 10000 TEU vessels
- 16 8000 TEU vessels
- 20 4000 TEU vessels
- 25 2000 TEU vessels
- 16 ULCC crude oil tankers of 310,000 metric tons of deadweight (DWT) each
- 18 Gas tankers (VLGC 5 38,000 cbm and 5 80,000 cbm)
- 3 car carriers capable of carrying up to 5100 cars
- 40 supply ships, cable-layers and special vessels
- 40 tug boats

Military issues an order to Kontos Munitions to construct 100 wide area air search radars throughout the Empire

The military has issued a request to Kontos Munitions to construct several multimode Volume Search Radars and Millimeter Radars to be located throughout the Empire. They will complement the existing search radars on the A380AEW&CSI and B767AEW&C aircraft, and will be Empire's eyes in the sky. The contract will take estimated 3-5 years to complete, and cost approximately 5 billion in total. They will be located in hardened bunkers.

Air Defence Command formed

A tri-service command structure has been formed to consolidate all the air defence branches in the all three services. The Air Defence Command will be an overarching command structure that will facilitate the defence of the Empire's skies.

8 more Stratellites AEW&CSI aircraft to be acquired.

8 more AEW&CSI Stratellites will be acquired as part of the air defence budget allocation.

Navy adds addendum to budget

The Navy has added an addendum to the budget, but secrecy rules stopped it from revealing what it was. The addendum is an addition 2billion Solidi.

Possible Force reductions?
With budget numbers escalating, questions within the navy have arisen over whether there is a need to reduce the size of the surface force. The fleet has over a hundred ships, of which more than half are frigates and corvettes. "We have done our best to calculate a force size that is appropriate for us. We do not operate many Kirov class CGNs, Ticonderonga CGNs or BDX-III destroyers, unlike our Shroomanian counterparts, I might point out. We have focused on two important missions: Safety of the sea lanes, and dominance of the Mediterranean. As a result, destroyers and frigates are our main work horses, while our corvettes conduct littoral patrol and fleet ASW escort roles. As such, the size of the navy is adjusted to suit the mission," says a navy insider. There are 16 new heavy destroyer leaders to be constructed and launched over the next 4 years. The Navy is looking into replacing its stock of destroyers with possibly the MESS New Horizon project, and it is retiring its Ticonderonga CGNs from the end of this year. It will also replace its frigates and Kirovs in a few years time. Likely, the navy will look to replacing its entire fleet by 2020 with more modernised ships. "We can't replace them by 2015. That's too fast. The Senate will scream at us, and so will the Prime Minister. We have to do it slowly. Our ships still have plenty of life in them anyhow, and we may instead lengthen their life span by doing a vigorous upgrade of all ship systems to the new systems introduced in the MESS New Horizons program. Quite likely all Aegis ships will be upgraded to STAR over the next 4 years, rather than just constructing all new ships. In that case, the navy will replace its entire fleet in 2025 instead. But at least we save a lot in the short term, and gain an immediate boost in capabilities."

To make full use of every ship in the fleet, the navy is tasking its ESG taskforces with ASW work. Wasp class amphibious carriers will be used to deploy helicopters, and possibly unmanned vehicles while acting as taskforce commander for a group of destroyers, frigates, corvettes and submarines to screen the CVBGs as they search out for enemy submarines. The Imperial Navy and Imperial Marine Comitatenses do not foresee any amphibious assaults happening in the future.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Tachibana Titan, HQ of Tachibana Heavy Industries

The high staff was having a small celebration in the meeting room, as they've won the contract for the refitting of the naval fleet with the SPY-3. The refit of Homewater Defense vessels would begin this month. With such success it would be likely the Hall of Tigers would agree the THI to look into the new carrier project. Benefit would be ensured.

Old Ryotaro Tachibana smiled at his staff, his son, and his daughter. It was really a good time to pass down the company.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Beowulf »

Northern Test Range

The MALD had always been intended to have multiple roles, eventually. One of them was the Miniature Air Launched Inteceptor. Instead of the decoy equipment, it instead carried a small warhead and a imaging infrared seeker stolen from the AIM-9X. Now it would be tested in that role.

A newly delivered AEW&C stratellite would be cueing the missile, in this case launched from an A-7F, toward the target missile. The target missile was a Harpoon land attack variant, representative of most cruise missiles. Once the target was within range of the A-7, the ground controllers cued to launch of the MALI. From that point on, it was autonomously controlled by the ground control computers to within lock on range.

Once the MALI was within 20 miles, the seeker was able to acquire the Harpoon, bringing itself into a dive, and engaging the afterburner on it's 120lb thrust engine. Bare seconds later, it reached within the range of the target, and detonated the warhead, shredding the target.


[ooc]Miniature Air Launched Decoy/Interceptor/Jammer:
length: 9ft 4in
wingspan: 4ft 5.8 in
diameter: 6in
weight: 250 lbs
range: 500 nmi
ceiling: 40k feet
top speed: Mach 1.4
maximum endurance: 45 minutes.

Currently the MALD and MALJ are in use by the TXAF and TJAF. Up to 6 can be carried on a single hard point, through the use of a sextuple ejector rack. Typically they are launched from a triple ejector rack. All versions are equipped with a highly accurate INS based autopilot. Courses can be updated inflight for all versions, or can follow a path with multiple waypoints. The entered path can include changes of altitude, attitude, and velocity. The jet engine is equipped with a alternator for powering the electronics, eliminating the need for a large battery.

The missile consists of a nearly cylindrical composite fuselage, with a pointed nose. At the rear, there is a intake and 3 flip out fins. Mid mounted is a pair of flip out wings. A ground launched version is currently planned.[/ooc]
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Zor »

Dragonsnake River Delta, Veleria

Around the Delta, the sight of activity came to life as work on the Port was under way. Dredges began to work moving sediment while hundreds of vehicles worked on clearing land and preparing it for construction. A Z-130 transport plane touched down on a newly laid landing strip. A fleet of container ships moored nearby provided quarters and accomidations for the some 7,500 labourors employed in this project: among them being the proud men and women of the Army Corps of Engineers, Zorian Contractors and a large number of Velerian Employees given special labour authorization so they could be employed en mass at at the Zorian minimum Wage (well more than they generally could hope to earn) with a few light benefits. For Defense, a network of Defensive machine gun turrets had been built while a set of Royal Zordinance Daikyū Anti-ship Missile Launchers were being set up. Nygaardsvold Logging's facillity, recently completed to it's original degree was also being expanded, with an improved sawmill under construction, as well as an improved employee housing block to accomidate a nearly doubled staff thanks to a development grant. Supplies were constantly being brought in from the Zorian Homeland as things progressed.

The Port facillity was to give Zoria a massive advantage, it would secure Zoria access to a valuable waterway, giving the kingdom access to untapped strategic resources Deep Inland in the Ironridge Mountains with a place to support and maintain a fleet of river bardges for effective transportation of material and personnel up and down the river. It would create a safe port for ships to come and refuel along the Velerian Coast (for a reasonable Terrif) and grant an additional base for His Majesty's Navy. It would greatly help the Lumber Harvest in the area, and a bid for a Cannery based at this newly developed region had recently been approved at the Port's completion. The improved transportatioon it would provide would make scientific study of the Region easier. As man and machine carved this new Port Settlement into the Isles of the Delta, the Zorian Compass Rose Flag flew proudly overhead.
Last edited by Zor on 2008-10-19 11:26pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by MKSheppard »

Somewhere north of Astaria

The huge unmarked Antonov 22s, formerly KC-22s in the Shepistani Air Force, now being operated by the shady group known as AIR ASTARIA, droned ever closer to their launch points.

Under each wing was a Teledyne Ryan Firebee drone, each one sporting a fierce sharkmouth on their engine intakes.


With a thump, the drones fell away from the huge cargo plane, their engines lighting off and carrying them away towards Astaria.

As they approached the coastline, the drones dropped to tree-top level, the cameras inside them clicking away.

The Astarian air defenses were caught largely unawares by the drones; many of the so called high-readiness units actually being category C status units according to CSR terminology.

Several hours later, a unmarked helicopter watched as only one of the drones approached them. Apparently even the Astarians were capable enough of shooting down a drone...

The helicopter crew deployed the recovery devices, and


the drone was snagged, and carried away to the hidden airfields where it's hard drives would be emptied of all the information it had gathered in it's deep penetration of the Astarian interior.

Drones are carrying out heavy reconnaisance of Astarian interior.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by K. A. Pital »

CSR, PCIA training camp #197


- So, Mikha, where are they sending us next time? I had to take a lot of vaccines just after I returned from the USSR, and there are still several injections left. What kind of place could have so many diseases?

- What do you know about Veleria, Alexei? It is plagued by diseases, of course... but it's main disease is called man. A CSR woman was kidnapped there recently, - Mikha noticed that Alexei immediately trembled with anger, trying to control the outburst.

- Is she allright?

- Yes. She was rescued. Didn't you see the news?

- I was busy killing evil people in no-mans land, - answered Alexei seriously. - So what's our mission, kill more evil people?

- Well, that can always happen. But the main goal is to open some connections with locals and see if there are anti-Astarian factions in Veleria strong enough to be useful to our cause.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by PeZook »

Co-written with Norseman

OOC: Two or three more posts to go. As per agreement with Stas, this takes place before CSR shoots up Astarian ports.

And boy, are you guys gonna be surprised :P

The Gill Estate, 21:00

Two PeZookians led Kasia upstairs, their rifles slung on their backs. One of them gave her his boots, so that she wouldn't hurt her feet on the shattered glass. They had to hold her tightly, since she still writhed, squirmed and babbled, though much less viciously than just ten minutes before. It seemed as if the drug was slowly wearing off.

Still, when the paramedics got to Kasia they had to restrain her on the stretcher, and even so she gasped, panted and twisted against the restraints. One of them asked, "What is she on?" When someone squeezed the bottle into his hand he looked at it, and grimaced, "Damn!"

"What can you do?" Nalecki asked.

"Get her to a hospital fast," the paramedic said, even as he picked up his side of the stretcher, and the two paramedics began moving Kasia out.

As they got out through the front door they spotted the psychologist from the Abolitionist Society. Somehow she'd managed to get inside the cordon, along with a few other members of the Pezookian team. The moment she spotted Kasia, she yelled, "Get her to James Stephen Memorial!" She couldn't get close enough to speak normally, but yelled again, "James Stephen!"

"Right..." the paramedic helped lift her into an ambulance, and looked around, "So..."

"James Stephen," Nalecki said.


The ambulance doors slammed shut and it began to move, lights on, no siren, to keep people from mistaking it for an air-raid warning. Another ambulance took a heavily wounded BOSS stormtrooper, while medics tended to half-a-dozen others with only minor scratches.

Captain Nalecki sat down heavily on the mansion's front steps and took a deep breath, looking at the sky. He didn't feel okay after what he'd done, but none of his men seemed to think any less of him for that.

"Captain? You okay?", Whitcomb asked, walking up to him. Behind the BOSS officer, forensics techs and National Police officers swarmed into the manor.

Nalecki wiped the sweat and grime off his face and stood up.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"Where's Gill?"

"In the basement", Nalecki said and walked off towards his men.

James Stephen Memorial Hospital

"We've put her in a private room, and she is receiving the best treatment available," Dr Gorman said.

"What's wrong with her? Other than the drugs?", Rebecca Robson asked

"I can't tell you that."

"You can't tell me?!"

"Doctor patient confidentiality, Ms Groc... wel... zk..." Dr Gormen's gargoyle like face twisted as he tried to pronounce the name, "Ms Groccy is a free woman and a patient of ours."

"Doctor, please. This is a matter of international importance."

"How so?", Gormann looked at his clipboard, seeming oblivious to Rebecca's questions

"That woman is a PeZookian citizen. My superiors want to know if she's going to be fine, at least."

"She'll live. That's all I'm going to tell you, now get out."

Black Night company headquarters, Montalba, the following morning

Gerhard Blanche walked into his office in the very earliest hours of the morning. His secretary, Ms. Reed, smiled at him as she prepared his morning papers and coffee.

"Good morning", he said cheerfully, sitting in his comfortable padded chair. He took the hot coffee cup and the morning paper.

"Good morning, sir.", Ms. Reed smiled and went back to her desk. She didn't make it four steps before she heard the coffee cup fall to the ground. She spun around and saw her boss, staring at the paper, coffee spilled all over the papers.

"Sir? What's wrong?"

Blanche stood up.

"Get me my car!", he screamed. The front page of the paper read, in huge letters, "OLIVER GILL KILLED DURING POLICE RAID"

Before Ms. Reed could call Blanche's driver, however, they both heard shouts and commotion from the office spaces.

"National Police! Everybody stay where you are! You! Move those papers and you're going to jail along with your boss! I'm not kidding!"

Montalba, Dixie Hotel Restaurant

"Augeros!", Whitcomb raised the glass, and for the first time, all PeZookians returned the toast.

"Augeros!", twenty throats shouted, and drank the harsh liquid. All over the country, arrests were being made. Even a cursory search of Gill's computers revealed many of the end-customers he sold the illegal slaves to, and others would soon be found as well. National Police was entering companies and private households, the news wouldn't shut up about the investigation, and lawyers all around Astaria were preparing their cases.

"Just like it should be when a case breaks", Sebastian commented and smiled.

"Indeed. There is still much work to be done, of course.", Whitcomb seemed satisfied as well.

"Yes...there will be trials, and we still need to take witness statements from everyone, and arrange psychiatric care...", Amanda started rattling off the things which still remained for them to do, only to be interrupted by Parkhurst.

"That is for tomorrow. Today, we should celebrate our success, and the fact that your people are going home."

Amanda looked at Parkhurst and, for the first time, smiled at the strange woman.

"Yes...that is incredible.", she said, as the waiter poured everyone another glass. She fought down the thoughts which came to her mind, about the millions of slaves still living in Astaria.

"And that calls for another toast! Augeros!", Whitcomb shouted again, and again, everyone agreed.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Zor »

Union Press

Yumi hits the Market

Today, Royal Zordiance has placed upon the market a new catagory of advanced antiship missile for export, the ZASM-10 Yumi series.

ZASM-10 Missile during testing

ZASM-10a Daikyū
Flight profile: sea-skimming
Maximum range: 300 km
Guidance: inertial, active radar, infrared, remote datalink
Cruise speed: mach 0.5
Terminal attack speed: mach 1.2
Warhead: 350kg
Cost: $2,000,000

ZASM-10b Hankyū
Flight profile: sea-skimming
Maximum range: 100 km
Guidance: inertial, active radar, infrared, remote datalink
Cruise speed: mach 0.5
Terminal attack speed: mach 0.8
Warhead: 350kg
Cost: $1,000,000

The Daikyū missile is designed to establish a zone of control and for long range anti-ship work, while the Hankyū is considerably cheaper and designed to swarm enemy warships and repell landing forces. The missiles are interchangable in launchers, which can be fit onto a multitude of Vehicles to provide mobile land based antiship defense. Royal Zordinance has delivered a test batch the Kingdom of Serenity for test evaluations while the Royal Zorian Military has already adopted the Yumi series.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by PeZook »

Budget summary during State Of The Republic Adress

The PeZookian budgetary situation continues to improve. While economic growth slowed down to 1.8% (real GDP) in 2009, tax and administrative reforms allowed for a slight increase in the available funds.

Introduction of the ESEL electronic administration system is expected to save as much as 1 billion Shroomanian Dollars in 2010, possibly even more in subsequent years, as processing requirements die down with further parts of the population exchanging their myriad document for one electronic ID system.

Military procurement for 2010 has been modestly increased from 2009 levels, with most funds going to the Naval Deterrent program, acquisition of nuclear weapons, various R&D programs for small arms and aerospace and of course continued investment into the Continental Defence System.

Amongst the air defence investment the most notable purchase is the announced procurement of a staggering 238 Byzantine versions of the Mig-31 heavy interceptor, to be formed into three interceptor wings. The purchase will include stipulations for modifying the airplane's onboard computers to handle the newly developed Meteor missile, which will also be entering production this year. Negotiations for payment plans are still ongoing, but funds were set aside already.

Scientific endeavours had seen further increase in FASTA funding, with 9 billion dollars assigned to the space program in 2010. Several parliamentary members have expressed interest in the space program, and promise to work on securing further funding should FASTA programs bear fruit.

The most notable position in this year's budget, however, is a decrease in the deficit, from nearly 40 billion dollars in 2009 to 22.67 billion in 2010.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by PeZook »

Midgar, Shinra Republic

"...and thus, on this beautiful winter day, I think all us are PeZookians in our hearts.", the King finished his speech - partly improvised and partly read - to the assembled crowd. It was a little amusing, seeing people who obviously spent the last day looking for some PeZookian heritage to celebrate, but it wouldn't exactly hurt relations.

Appaluse followed, and then the parade. Paul could tell the Shinra would enjoy the holiday in subsequent years, seeing how much effort they put in organizing it. It was a little surprising to see a "We love King Paul!" float go by, of course, though.

A flurry of official meetings followed. It seemed as if every official and/or businessman in Shinra had something to suggest, propose or complain about. Finally, an official museum tour of Old Midgar and a state dinner with ministers and secretaries closed the day. And, once again, Paul sat down with Rufus Shinra in the President's study.

"Just like the old days", Rufus said, looking out through the impressive windows high up on the Shinra Building.

Paul took a sip of tea, sitting down in a comfortable chair - one of several which adorned the office.

"Jesus christ, my feet are killing me. I don't know how many kilometers I've walked today"

"There's more to do tomorrow."

"Yeah...listen, there's a thing I wanted to talk with you about. You seem to be dancing around some issues when my wife's around...why's that?"
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Lonestar »

Laeger, Kanahwa Tribal Area

Colonel Billings looked down at the feed form the Scan Eagle and sighed. The insurgent compound located in the mountains to the North of Laeger was well fortified with a wall surrounding it. It had, a long, long time ago, been a Monastery-Barracks of the Sovereign Order of the Soldiers of the Patrimony of Our Lord. If he had had his way, he would have just leveled the place and been done with it. If the Reapers were out in the field in any significant numbers, he would have dropped some SDBs on the perimeter. Of course, the Dominion Knights had some words to say about that, and were insisting that the "Heritage Site" be taken with a minimal use of firepower. Also, of course, no Dominion Knights were here. Pompous Assholes Billings thought. Unlike much of the Dominion, he didn't blindly hero worship the Knights.

"Sir, everyone is in position." Billings glanced up at the staff officer, and nodded. He stood up and lifted his field glasses at the compound, ignoring, for the moment, the comms gear that was receiving the feed from the small UAV. He could see his infantry making their way along a small stone wall that some herders had built at some point in the past. A CV90 had moved forward and was using its 40mm autocannon for suppressive fire(technically against orders, but Billings wasn't going to stop them). Soon it's fire shifted to the big wooden doors, ripping them to shreds. The infantry moved forward and made their way to the compound wall.


The CV90 moved even further up as the infantry entered the compound. Now, with the walls blocking his view, he looked back at the feed from the Scan Eagle. Two CA101s began to fly over the compound; Rangers began to fast-rope down onto the main chapel roof.

"You should have let my men have the honor of storming the compound!" Billings ignored the Tribal Auxiliary officer. If the Tribal Auxiliaries hadn't cocked things up, the ODA wouldn't be here.

"It will look as if you do not trust us!" The Tribal Auxiliary officer insisted.

"I do trust your men, Major. I trust them to fuck up." Billings growled. "As it stands, their job is to block the valley exit so none of the insurgents can escape. It's plenty important. So quit yer bitching."

There was a crackle on the radio. "This is Wolverine-3, St. Catherine's is secure." The Rangers had cleared out the main chapel, good.

"This is Dragoon-12," the call sign of the CV90, "Looks like everyone is throwing down their weapons."

"Alright good, finish the sweep and get a casualty count."

Results: The Old Dominion has begun anti-insurgent sweeps in Eastern Kanahwa, for unspecified reasons.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Production of MiG-31T(B) has commenced

Production at local, USSR and CSR factories have commenced large scale production of MiG-31T aircraft. The MiG-31T, capable of MACH 3.2 at altitude, is made of Titanium/composites, equipped with modernised electronics and new AESA radar, and more robust and powerful engines than its predecessor. The Byzantine version in particular, is designed to be compatible with MESS weapons as well. Production of the Byzantine version will take place in the USSR and in Byzantium.
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