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Post by Sarevok »

muse wrote:Translation: My name is Stewie, I pulled some numbers out of my butt and punched them into a calculator, therefore I am right!

I swear to god this guy needs to be carted off to the nearest mental institution and heavily medicated.
I have to tell you something everything I wrote above is a lie.
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Post by Darth Wong »

And Stewart returns, to prove once more that persistence is not necessarily a virtue:
Stewart Davies wrote:Name: Stewart Davies
Mr. Wong;

Sorry I have not responded sooner.

Not only are the reactions possable, they are inevitable under the conditions as I had outlined them. If you knew how nuclear weapons worked or
how any atom heavier than Hydrogen is fissioned by fast nutrons, you would not dispute this. I recomend you read any of the better books on the subject. But since I have allready done that and you have allready chosen not to, you will continue in ignorance.(Start on page 479 of Richard Rhodes book, Dark Sun.)

In modern thermonuclear weapons, Lithium Duteride is used as the secondary fuel. The Lithium6/7 is fissioned by fast nutrons. The by products are Dutirium and Trintium. They combine to form Helium and release 2-3 fast nutrons from each fusion. Those fast nutrons are then used to fission the U-238 Depleeted Urainium sleve that surrounds and tamps the fusion secondary. That sleve of "non-fisile" "depleeted" Urainium typicaly accounts for more than 50% of the total yeald. It is the main reason that Thermonuclear weapons are so cost efficiant and why my theory is so neet.

If you had read my origional posts, you would not have asked for details on nutron scatter or mean free path and how was I to get the nutrons threw the 6,000 kilometers between the surface and core. I origionaly sugested that the Laser might
bore a hole, but now I think that other technologies might work better, in light of the poor focus and dispersion shown in the movie. My challenge to you is how many ways can you think of to use previously demonstraited techniques to make a hole threw the 6,000 kilometers you mentioned. As to saturation, it is not required. In the calcs I sent I assumed ten times more nutron mass than I needed for 100% saturation and then used 50% for the effective ratio. I think that 20/1 is a reasonable safety cussion.

The equasions that I sent are the proof that my theory works, you may ignore them or not. You can ask for endless addendems and detail minutia, but that will not change the facts that you are obviously ignorant of the Physics and reactions involved or you would acknowledge it's viability.

I never claimed that the entire planet would over come the gravitational binding figure. It is plain to anyone who knows anything at all about munitions that the explosion shown in the films only accellerates a tiny fraction of the planet to those speeds! (Maby 1/10,000,000 of the total?) To get a better ideaof the accellerated mass, import the photos of the first and last fraim of explosion film into some visual processing program and then count the pixels across the planet, the distance in pixels the leading fragment travels in how many fraims and the diamiter in pixels of the fragment and then construct the angle between ajaisent fragments in the plain normal to the angle of view. Some simple math will show that only a very tiny portion of the planet is accellerated to those speeds and that the vast majority is not accellerated out of the cloud of smoke. I made that assumption in my head after watching hundereds of munitions tests on streek camera films. If the entire mass of the planet had been accellerated it would have looked like a ballon expanding, IE like a 4,000 pound bomb streching it's case, untill it tears into fine powder, not like a handgrenade spewing fragments.

The white ball was photographed with exactly the same light in both fraims. No flash was used. The camera was on a tripod and no exposure adjustments were made between fraims. In one pic the ball was far off center and in the middle on the other. If you had not banned me I would have been able to explain it and all would have seen the realivance. The realivance is that the ball can look like an incandesant gas under circumstances very similar to the asteroid shot.

If you reenstate me I will explain exactly how I did it, so that others may duplicate my proof for independant verification. Is not that what the scientific methode is all about.


P.S. One of the Phd's that I contacted was going to write to you. Please post it when you get it!

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"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

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Post by Darth Wong »

I responded as follows:

Stewart Davies wrote:Name: Stewart Davies
Comments: Mr. Wong;

Sorry I have not responded sooner.

Not only are the reactions possable, they are inevitable under the conditions as I had outlined them. If you knew how nuclear weapons worked or how any atom heavier than Hydrogen is fissioned by fast nutrons, you would not dispute this. I recomend you read any of the better books on the subject. But since I have allready done that and you have allready chosen not to, you will continue in ignorance.(Start on page 479 of Richard Rhodes book, Dark Sun.)
Yet again, you fail to provide a single calculation to back up your claim. Nothing but your laughable unverifiable claims of superior expertise. Here's a hint, Stewart: real experts can DEMONSTRATE their expertise by showing how they derived their conclusions, rather than making vague reference to expertise and then expecting people not to question them any more.
In modern thermonuclear weapons, Lithium Duteride is used as the secondary fuel. The Lithium6/7 is fissioned by fast nutrons. The by products are Dutirium and Trintium. They combine to form Helium and release 2-3 fast nutrons from each fusion. Those fast nutrons are then used to fission the U-238 Depleeted Urainium sleve that surrounds and tamps the fusion secondary. That sleve of "non-fisile" "depleeted" Urainium typicaly accounts for more than 50% of the total yeald. It is the main reason that Thermonuclear weapons are so cost efficiant and why my theory is so neet.
And this supports your contention of 100% neutron capture in a massive sphere of uranium ... how? WHERE ARE THOSE CALCULATIONS, STEWART?
If you had read my origional posts, you would not have asked for details on nutron scatter or mean free path and how was I to get the nutrons threw the 6,000 kilometers between the surface and core. I origionaly sugested that the Laser might bore a hole, but now I think that other technologies might work better, in light of the poor focus and dispersion shown in the movie.
In other words, you have no idea how it could be done, never mind the necessity for relativistic evacuation of a column of matter to get it out of the way or the fact that this STILL won't saturate the entire sphere with neutron radiation since the sphere will PROMPTLY ABLATE AT THE CONTACT FACE, moron.
My challenge to you is how many ways can you think of to use previously demonstraited techniques to make a hole threw the 6,000 kilometers you mentioned.
Let me get this straight: you cannot explain your bullshit mechanism so you want ME to make it work for you? That's the funniest thing I ever heard.
As to saturation, it is not required. In the calcs I sent I assumed ten times more nutron mass than I needed for 100% saturation and then used 50% for the effective ratio. I think that 20/1 is a reasonable safety cussion.
Yet AGAIN, you spout numbers WITHOUT giving me the calculations I demanded, to show they can be derived from scientific principles. 100% neutron capture is not just a matter of neutron MASS, you imbecile. It is a matter of reaction cross-sections. Matter is mostly empty space, and you can't just throw the right NUMBER of neutrons at a certain number of atoms and expect to get 100% neutron capture!
The equasions that I sent are the proof that my theory works, you may ignore them or not. You can ask for endless addendems and detail minutia, but that will not change the facts that you are obviously ignorant of the Physics and reactions involved or you would acknowledge it's viability.
More pathetic posturing on your part. The equations you sent ASSUMED that the reaction would occur; they made no attempt to justify this assumption, and it is increasingly clear that despite your laughable claims of superior expertise which no one believes, you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what the difference is between the OUTPUT of a reaction and the FEASIBILITY of that reaction. Your idea of proving the feasibility of a reaction is to say that it would generate enough energy IF you simply ASSUME that it will take place!
I never claimed that the entire planet would over come the gravitational binding figure. It is plain to anyone who knows anything at all about munitions that the explosion shown in the films only accellerates a tiny fraction of the planet to those speeds! (Maby 1/10,000,000 of the total?)
Yet again, you use your claims of superior expertise in order to rhetorically bolster an utterly absurd claim that is easily disproven by simple observation. If 99.99999% of the planet's mass did not achieve escape velocity, the planet would not have blown up.
To get a better ideaof the accellerated mass, import the photos of the first and last fraim of explosion film into some visual processing program and then count the pixels across the planet, the distance in pixels the leading fragment travels in how many fraims and the diamiter in pixels of the fragment and then construct the angle between ajaisent fragments in the plain normal to the angle of view. Some simple math will show that only a very tiny portion of the planet is accellerated to those speeds and that the vast majority is not accellerated out of the cloud of smoke. I made that assumption in my head after watching hundereds of munitions tests on streek camera films. If the entire mass of the planet had been accellerated it would have looked like a ballon expanding, IE like a 4,000 pound bomb streching it's case, untill it tears into fine powder, not like a handgrenade spewing fragments.
You're actually assuming that the visible effects of a grenade explosion will scale LINEARLY to astronomical scales despite the non-linear relationship of volume and surface area? Unbelievable.

All you're doing is proving that your entire argument is based upon a laughable attempt to translate knowledge of small-scale guns and explosives DIRECTLY to ASTRONOMICAL scales without any real scientific comprehension of the underlying physics, based solely on subjective impressions and intuitive assumptions..
The white ball was photographed with exactly the same light in both fraims. No flash was used. The camera was on a tripod and no exposure adjustments were made between fraims. In one pic the ball was far off center and in the middle on the other. If you had not banned me I would have been able to explain it and all would have seen the realivance. The realivance is that the ball can look like an incandesant gas under circumstances very similar to the asteroid shot.
Small problem: the ball does NOT look remotely like an incandescent gas, nor does it look like the TESB asteroid flash, and the lighting is far stronger than the lighting in the TESB scene, AND you are cheating by deliberately overexposing the shot, which is made obvious by the blurring. Contrast this to the TESB shot, in which the turbolaser bolt doesn't even blur.
If you reenstate me I will explain exactly how I did it, so that others may duplicate my proof for independant verification. Is not that what the scientific methode is all about.
You have no "proof", moron. And for the umpteenth time, WHERE ARE THOSE CALCULATIONS, STEWART? How fucking dense are you? I gave you plenty of warning, and you ignored it. Get it yet? You were banned for IGNORING MY ULTIMATUM, and REFUSING TO BACK UP YOUR CLAIMS, moron.

And what is your response? More of your pathetic "I don't have to present calculations because I'm an expert" bullshit and "one calculation is pretty much as good as another, so I can present outcome calculations in lieu of feasibility calculations". Do you honestly think this will fool anyone?

The jig is up, Stewart. You obviously have no real knowledge of nuclear physics whatsoever; all you have is some footage of bombs going off and some reference texts on nuclear weapons which anyone could pick up at a library or a Google search. Every time you have been challenged to demonstrate your expertise by applying the physics principles you claim to know, you simply quote more material from these texts in a desperate attempt to make yourself look knowledgeable. You don't even understand what I asked for in my last E-mail, never mind how to provide it, do you?

P.S. One of the Phd's that I contacted was going to write to you. Please post it when you get it!
Oh puh-lease, not your imaginary anonymous PhDs and that ridiculous $800 Star Wars fact-finding road trip story again. Do you really think that little shtick will fool anyone?
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

As stupid as this sounds.. I say let him in. I think it could be worth a laugh or two.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Connor MacLeod wrote:As stupid as this sounds.. I say let him in. I think it could be worth a laugh or two.
All he'll do is continue to evade the demand to actually back up his bullshit. The whole point of an ultimatum is to set a condition and then stick to it. Ultimatums have no teeth if people think you'll reverse them given enough whining. In fact, it would only encourage such whining.

He'll get back in when he presents actual calculations showing the feasibility of his magic planet-bomb reaction, and not a nanosecond before (unless he actually admits that he's making it all up and doesn't really know anything about nuclear physics, which is about as likely as a busload of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition models coming to your house for a sex orgy).
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

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Post by Ghost Rider »

Connor MacLeod wrote:As stupid as this sounds.. I say let him in. I think it could be worth a laugh or two.
Nah, Mike is right 100% on this one. Though who knowss maybe the SI babes will show up :D .

He has never once confirmed any of his points beyond him going "Nu-Uh" or bullshit lying. I mean we already have a few and I asy we keep those around like pets because they are funny to.

He had his 15 minutes and we had our enjoyment of seeing someone with a case of Munchausen the likes this board has yet to see the equal of. :)

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Post by Darth Servo »

ROTFLMAO!!! :banghead: This guy is too funny. While I don't think he should be reinstated, I do hope he keeps emailing Mike just for the amusement of it. Can't wait to see his stuffed head on the trophy wall.
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Post by LapsedPacifist »

Mike, what would you do if he were to provide calculations showing it couldn't happen and admit he was wrong?

Not that that would happen... but...

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Post by NecronLord »

Darth Wong wrote:Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition models coming to your house for a sex orgy).
There's another kind of orgy? :)

Poor Stewie...

By the way, did he ever provide a scan of his numerous triple-doctorates or whatever it is he claims?
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Post by Jon »

The effort stewie is putting into this is admirabley fantastic, even if it is all bullshit. I do enjoy reading your responses to him, Mike :D I'm with Servo, don't let him back as long as he keeps sending these wonderful e-mails :D
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Post by General Zod »

NecronLord wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition models coming to your house for a sex orgy).
There's another kind of orgy? :)

Poor Stewie...

By the way, did he ever provide a scan of his numerous triple-doctorates or whatever it is he claims?
in ancient rome an orgy was effectively a foot washing ritual. so yes, there's more than one type. ;)
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Post by NecronLord »

Darth_Zod wrote: in ancient rome an orgy was effectively a foot washing ritual. so yes, there's more than one type. ;)
Bah. Modern orgies.

Though now I think about it, there's also 'orgies of death and destruction' (kinda like what happens if you send an ISD at a UFP fleet,) so yeah, I stand corrected. By me. 8)
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Post by aerius »

Well...about the only good thing I can say is that his spelling's getting better....
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Post by Darth Servo »

aerius wrote:Well...about the only good thing I can say is that his spelling's getting better....
Probably because he's pasting articles form other websites. :P
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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Darth Servo wrote:ROTFLMAO!!! :banghead: This guy is too funny. While I don't think he should be reinstated, I do hope he keeps emailing Mike just for the amusement of it. Can't wait to see his stuffed head on the trophy wall.
Interesting. Isn't that like having the head of a retarded/deformed/crippled tiger on your wall?
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Post by PainRack »

Connor MacLeod wrote:As stupid as this sounds.. I say let him in. I think it could be worth a laugh or two.
That would be like encouring TJ back in.
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Post by Darth Servo »

Kamakazie Sith wrote:Interesting. Isn't that like having the head of a retarded/deformed/crippled tiger on your wall?
And the difference between Stewpid and most of the other idiots on Mike's hate mail page is...?
"everytime a person is born the Earth weighs just a little more."--DMJ on
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"Watching Sarli argue with Vympel, Stas, Schatten and the others is as bizarre as the idea of the 40-year-old Virgin telling Hugh Hefner that Hef knows nothing about pussy, and that he is the expert."--Elfdart
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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Darth Servo wrote:
Kamakazie Sith wrote:Interesting. Isn't that like having the head of a retarded/deformed/crippled tiger on your wall?
And the difference between Stewpid and most of the other idiots on Mike's hate mail page is...?
Nothing. I just wouldn't consider it a trophy wall.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Lord Poe wrote:My god! I just realized my fiancee's face has the same light refracting qualities as an asteroid!

damn, and my cat must have stellar converters in it's eye....

*shakes head*

oh for eough comparrison could soomeone give me he effective KE DET figures for say that rock that started the Ice age?

I mean just for comparison to stewert's calcs, it would be funny if we weren't blown up by a force of impact on a compareable scale to what he's suggesting?

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