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Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-16 11:57pm
by Teankun
Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?
There are several things to consider.

In RotJ, Leia says her real mother died when she was very young. She said she only remembers images and describes her as beautiful and kind but sad. I do know about the rest of you, but I imagined Leia standing up in her crib (maybe about two years at the youngest) with her and her mother living in secret. This is obviously contradicted in Rots where Padmé actually dies in childbirth, more or less giving Leia and Luke and equal opportunity to remember her.

Since neither Leia nor Luke could have remembered their mother from early childhood, pretty much the only way they could known if someone told them, and their was only a handful of people knew about Anakin and Padmé’s relationship and even less that she was pregnant and then again even less that she had twins.

Obi-wan: The most likely one to tell Luke. Even after Obi-wan’s death, they had the most consistent communication. Although he never told Luke in the movies, he very well could have anytime after Endor and when Obi-wan’s spirit leaves in Heir to the Empire.

Yoda: Like Obi-wan, the post-mortal Yoda could have told them, but I don’t recall Yoda ever doing so, even in the Expanded Universe which I think is odd since Obi-wan told Luke that Yoda would always be with him.

Anakin: Again, post-mortal. Anakin did visit Leia briefly in Truce of Bakua, but this is the only account I know of.

Bail Organa: This would likely be from where Leia would get most information about her birth mother, but it would also be very likely that her real name would never have been used. The Organa’s would have known that if either Palpatine or Vader knew that Padmé had a child, they would soon go after her.

Owen and Beru Lars: It is very clear that they did not tell Luke when they were alive, and they surely couldn’t post-mortally, unless you want to count the possibility that they left a prerecorded holo-message that survived the fires. I am not even sure if they knew Padmé was Luke’s mother from the beginning.

The staff of: Who knows what happened to this outpost? It was obviously chosen to because it was so remote that Palpatine wouldn’t know what happened there. They were clearly sworn to secrecy as were the crew of the Tantive IV.

Jacen: Another possibility. In the Legacy of the Force novel series, he uses Force techniques to see the past, but it is unlikely he would have told his mother or uncle.

This is pretty much what I know. The only parts of the Expanded Universe that I have read that takes place after RotJ and was written after RotS is Legacy of the Force, so I don’t know if there are any EU stories where they find out. If any one knows, please tell me. Otherwise give your input for the debate.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-17 02:06am
by Darth Fanboy
Luke and Leia didn't know anything until many years later in the EU save for the incredibly vague memories Leia had. Anyone who could have revealed the truth was dead and nobody communicated the information postmortem. The information is revealed during the Dark Nest trilogy of books, R2 D2 eventually spills his guts.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-17 09:18am
by Shroom Man 777
How did that scene work, anyway? I think R2D2, the not-so-silent witness to everything that's occurred in both PT and the OT, confessing to everything that he's seen - all the horrible things that have happened, and everything - would be a strangely touching scene, even if it's done by a bleep-bloop-bleep-bloopin robot. It'd be like Mad Max, My circuits fade. The sensors dim. All that remains are memories. I remember a time of chaos. Ruined dreams. This wasted land. But most of all, I remember the Chosen One. The man we called "Skywalker". To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time... BLEEP BLOOOP BLOOP!

God damn that's so awesome, I imagine they fucked it up in the EU book. Blah.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-17 09:30am
by Thanas
Shroom Man 777 wrote:How did that scene work, anyway? I think R2D2, the not-so-silent witness to everything that's occurred in both PT and the OT, confessing to everything that he's seen - all the horrible things that have happened, and everything - would be a strangely touching scene, even if it's done by a bleep-bloop-bleep-bloopin robot. It'd be like Mad Max, My circuits fade. The sensors dim. All that remains are memories. I remember a time of chaos. Ruined dreams. This wasted land. But most of all, I remember the Chosen One. The man we called "Skywalker". To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time... BLEEP BLOOOP BLOOP!

God damn that's so awesome, I imagine they fucked it up in the EU book. Blah.

No, those scenes are actually the only "decent" parts of that godawful trilogy.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-17 11:03am
by Darth Fanboy
Shroom Man 777 wrote:How did that scene work, anyway? I think R2D2, the not-so-silent witness to everything that's occurred in both PT and the OT, confessing to everything that he's seen - all the horrible things that have happened, and everything - would be a strangely touching scene, even if it's done by a bleep-bloop-bleep-bloopin robot. It'd be like Mad Max, My circuits fade. The sensors dim. All that remains are memories. I remember a time of chaos. Ruined dreams. This wasted land. But most of all, I remember the Chosen One. The man we called "Skywalker". To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time... BLEEP BLOOOP BLOOP!

God damn that's so awesome, I imagine they fucked it up in the EU book. Blah.
Something to do with having all of the old recordings stored and locked away was screwing with Artoos inner workings and they had to fin d a way to extract them without losing the data or erasing Artoos memory. It was actually the only good part of the trilogy like Thanas said, but not good enough to keep me from crossing Dennig's name of the "Good SW Authors" list.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-17 11:57am
by Thanas
Oh, definitely. He wrote the chiss so retarded (and the NR new genius who got his flagship stolen by bugs due to arrogance) that he is IMO only a step above Traviss and some of his ground battles actually make me wonder if he is as much retarded as she is.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-17 06:19pm
by Teankun
Darth Fanboy wrote:The information is revealed during the Dark Nest trilogy of books, R2 D2 eventually spills his guts.
So they do find out enventully? Which novel does this happen in? (so I can not bother with the rest of it if it is that bad)

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-18 12:03pm
by Darth Fanboy
The third book is when they make the big breakthrough, the the subplot goes trhoughout all three. After how fucking terrible the first one was, I quite literally just borrowed the second two just to see how they resolved that plot and skipped over much of the main plot.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-18 01:50pm
by Havok
Oh so they did get through with that. Yeah, that was the only part I cared about, but I couldn't stomach any more bug hive mind control bull shit.

Someone care to post the relevant info?

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-18 04:38pm
by Darth Fanboy
I would sift through it Hav but you would just be disappointed. A revelation like this should have had it's own book and been central to the plot, not the background filler for a shitty trilogy of novels.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-18 07:41pm
by Vehrec
Some sort of journey of self-discovery for Luke and Leia they could have gone on shortly after Endor would have been perfect, if it hadn't been for the stupid Black Fleet Crisis subplot locking that option out.

Still, I like the idea of Luke finding Watto as a doddering senile homeless guy on the streets of Mos Espa, rambling about how he once owned Anakin Skywalker as a slave. A book of events like that would be awesome.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-18 11:21pm
by Teankun
Maybe I'll go ahead and borrow the books-on-CD fromm the library and just use the "skip" button a lot

I thought Troy Denning had a better reputation

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-19 03:23am
by Darth Fanboy
Dennig had a good rep, and then he wrote the Dark Nest trilogy.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-19 04:57am
by Stofsk
I'm of the opinion he never deserved the good rep he got, even before the Dark Nest trilogy. Tatooine Ghost was ok, but Star By Star was pretty mediocre. That might have been the NJO Effect though.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-19 07:41am
by Thanas
Stofsk wrote:I'm of the opinion he never deserved the good rep he got, even before the Dark Nest trilogy. Tatooine Ghost was ok, but Star By Star was pretty mediocre. That might have been the NJO Effect though.

One can say so now with the benefit of hindsight, but if he had written a good book after the first two, he would still be ranked up there behind Zahn.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-22 11:19pm
by JME2
Darth Fanboy wrote:Dennig had a good rep, and then he wrote the Dark Nest trilogy.
In Denning's defense, I still think he has the best handle on the Han/Leia pairing. But yeah, Dark Nest was the start of a downward spiral.

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-29 03:32pm
by Gemini-Preserver
IIRC Didn't Obiwan and senator Bill discuss wiping C-3PO and R2-D2's memories at the end of ROTS?

Re: Did Leia or Luke know about Padmé?

Posted: 2010-05-29 03:39pm
by Gemini-Preserver
Sorry scratch that, Was re-watching on youtube and its only 3-PO who gets his mind wiped