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Windows and iPhone

Posted: 2021-12-11 04:21pm
by LadyTevar
I was just trying to upload photos from my iPhone to my laptop, and when I tried to access my iPhone from my Desktop, first it was saying "File is Empty", and now it's not recognizing the iPhone is plugged into the laptop at all!

I know both the computer and the iPhone are old modems, but WTF man?

Re: Windows and iPhone

Posted: 2021-12-11 10:30pm
by Dominus Atheos
There's troubleshooting that might fix it, but there's several workarounds that would probably be easier.

1. Email them to yourself.

2. Check google photos, they might auto-upload.

3. Use bluetooth file transfer instead.

Re: Windows and iPhone

Posted: 2021-12-12 06:32pm
by LadyTevar
I turned off the computer, it updated, and today I had no problems.