The Shit List

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Lex Animata
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The Shit List

Post by AdmiralKanos »

Current roster of banned users:
Note: this list does not include pure trolls, ie- people who don't give a shit about Star Wars, Star Trek, or science and simply came here to spread shit, like the white-supremacist invasion from WCOTC or the steroid-user invasion from Elite Fitness. Those people are/were banned without fanfare, warning, or mention on this page.
  1. Sith God: banned very early in the life of this board, for eating up board space with pointless attacks on other users and not even bothering to have anything technical or vaguely interesting to contribute (if your only contribution to the board is flames, we have no use for you). Banned after a unanimous user poll.
  2. John Clark, aka ASU Coward: banned after threatening to hack the board and generally making a complete ass out of himself, not to mention trying to harass my family. He has since gone over to and demonstrated his pathetic juvenile mentality by scribbling nasty and slanderous graffiti on their board about me, like some 12 year old who's pissed at the jock for being more popular than he is. Note: he is a rabid creationist and a rabid Trekkie, so high intelligence is obviously not to be expected. He also hides behind Hotmail addresses and various identity concealment tricks, so I was forced to ban the entire ASU campus in order to dump him. This may seem excessive, but frankly, any university that would actually admit this guy can't have the highest academic standards, so I say that's no great loss (besides, their sysadmin people were completely useless, and either could not or would not even bother trying to help me track this little shit down, even after I gave them detailed IP and login time information and they agreed that his activity was in violation of network policy). You can see his idiocy displayed in and
  3. DarkStar: rabid Trekkie. He was trash-talking for weeks, so I finally challenged him to a debate, and when he gave me a lot of bullshit pre-conditions, I gave him an ultimatum to debate me or be banned. He dared me to ban him. So I did. For more information on Darkstar, see the RSA page on my site. For more examples of his behaviour, see, part of which was split off into Also see, his final thread.
  4. Azeron: self-professed fascist. Also an unrepentant homophobe and a knee-jerk holder of every conceivable right-wing reactionary viewpoint in existence. Fond of the "invincible ignorance" trick. Bases most of his social views on hasty generalizations formed from anecdotal evidence. Awarded the title due primarily to However, his behaviour escalated and he eventually became extremely abusive of other members, finally starting to harass some of the female members at which point he was finally banned.
  5. Pink Eye: He seemed harmless enough at first, but began displaying an increasingly anti-social behaviour and eventually began flaming everyone in sight. One of his last messages was "Let me see here.... Stormbringer IS a racist. Olrik IS Eurotrash. Einhander IS a scrubby lookin' faggot. Numerous others are half ass atheists who invade religious boards for what reason I seem to forget? You all can go screw yourselves." Obviously, he was no interested in staying on the board. Examples of his behaviour can be found in,,, and
  6. Deimos Anomaly: Banned for general trolling, not to mention creating multiple sock-puppet accounts and attempting to conceal the connections. Even after being repeatedly warned to stop, he insisted on continuing this behaviour. His aliases included Darth Valdemar (a particularly insidious one since it resembles the nick of Admiral Valdemar, a different person), Totenkopf, Acclamator, Bastard, Tod zu den Idioten, Manji, Hammer, Gunner, Long Wang, Jean Paul and AWACS).
  7. Eddy the Very Great: Banned for trolling and taking peoples' quotes out of context for defamatory purposes (outright defamation is a violation of the terms of service and a criminal act). See for details.
  8. EvilGrey: Banned for general trolling as well racist and misogynist remarks toward posters. He came onboard as a fundamentalist but quickly his remarks degenerated into insults towards posters and continued to ignore any attempt at debating. See,, and for details
  9. jezrianna: banned after basically daring me to ban him/her/it.
  10. mad_wookie: banned after making thinly veiled threats.
  11. Strate_Egg. Just another standard-issue pretentious anti-science solypsist. This one actually claimed that appeals to authority are valid and that you can prove things by simply quoting famous people, if you can believe that. He also ignored rebuttals based on the identification of this and other logical fallacies in his arguments with the line "People lable things fallacies that they dont want to deal with." And he believes that "science is not deductive". He tries to pretend he's interested in genuine discussion for a little while but he quickly devolves into trolling. See here and here for examples. Got Banned in this thread.

    UPDATE: Buuuuuuuut wait, there's more! After Strate_Egg was banished, a poster named Cornelius arrived. Cornelius was pretty much just another garden variety dimwit, not interesting enough to merit a VI title or even a decent flamewar. Eventually, he drew attention to himself with this thread, in which he displayed the same combination of stubbornness, idiocy, and wretched butchery of the English tongue as Strate_Egg once did. That turned out to be a serious blunder on his part, because an IP check revealed that he was posting from the exact same address as Strate_Egg! A quick check revealed that Cornelius and Strate_Egg also had the same ISP. While there is some confusion over whether Cornelius was simply Strate_Egg's sock puppet or Cornelius was letting Strate_Egg use his account, in the end it doesn't matter much. Letting another user have access to your account is a bannable offense, doubly so if it's to let a banned user post on the board. Cornelius was banned immediately. It's unlikely he'll be missed.
  12. Stewart at SDI. Truly a one of kind nitwit. Wavering somewhere between a possible 50 year old moron or a 12 year idiot Stewart nonetheless had some contention against Michael Wong and the Turbolasers...amongst other things. Some pearls of his arehere, andhere. Eventually he got a proper title and had a rather fun bout here , showing where he got his knowledge from and ending up here. He was banned here for never providing proof of his wild accusations.
  13. Lord_Jax Lord Jax would have been just another run of the mill useless member, but he took an unusual approach to padding out his post count and inflating his percieved value: plagarism. In this thread, he posted an essay on the nature of Xenomorphs that was articulate, well-reasoned, and enjoyable, that somebody else (another member of this board, in fact) had written. Unfortunately, he did not cite the author, and in fact gave no indication anyone besides him had written it. When other members started posting in the thread agreeing with "his" conclusions or complimenting him for "his" essay, he made no attempt to correct their misconceptions. When confronted by several people, including the original author, he first tried to claim he'd typed it himself (in an impossibly short time frame), then conceded he'd copied it but insisted it was an honest mistake that he didn't cite the author. While this was going on, he did the same thing in this thread, and this time earned a tongue lashing from Darth Wong. Jax's response was to post yet another essay, this time with the author's name in tiny print in a disclaimer at the very bottom of the article. This insulting attempt to obey the letter of the law but violate the spirit, plus his complete lack of humility or willingness to take responsibility for his own actions, prompted a ban poll, with rather lopsided results. For an encore, while the ban poll was still open, he posted massive spoilers about the then upcoming AvP movie without posting spoiler warnings (and not citing the original author of THAT article either) out of pure spite. The thread was uncerimoniously deleted after Jax was dumped.
  14. Imperium²: beat up his girlfriend's dog so he concluded that he was now a mighty ass-kicker of dogs, and that anyone afraid of any dog must be a pussy. After getting his ass kicked for 4 pages by various other people, he decided to start a flamewar with me shortly after I finally entered the fray, falsely accusing me of misquoting him (even though everyone could see that the quote was accurate) so that I would threaten to ban him for slander, at which point he began massive flaming and literally demanded to be banned, so that he would have an excuse to claim "moral victory" (as if this tactic actually convinces people). See it here. I wonder if he actually thinks he won some great victory in his attempt to portray himself as a fearsome kicker of dogs' asses.
  15. Admiral TDM: Just a generic troll who's only listed here because of his apparent inability to distinguish video games and real life. This is not an uncommon defect in this day and age, but most people are aware that real life soldiers cannot, in fact, turn on God mode. Was initially just going to be titled, but when it became clear he was enjoying the attention, AdmiralKanos conducted a show trial and ejected his 1337ness from the forum.
  16. h0rus: A useful object lesson to any low-volume trolls who might be reading this. You might be able to stay under the radar for a while, eventually your assholery will catch up to you. Banned in this thread. Prior to that, he recieved a Worthless Trolling Palm-Fucker title in this thread. Note the opening post, where his history catches up to him. He whines about his fancy new title in this thread and demonstrates he's an infantile shit in this one.
  17. 0.1: Another stealth troll with a long history of taking pot shots and then fading into the shadows. Technically banned for violating the "no vendettas" policy, but his history of general worthlessness didn't help his case. Watch Mike give him the ole' heave-ho on the third page of this thread.
  18. Kojikun: Kojikun was a longtime member who got close to being banned many times, but never quite made it. Until this thread, where he took an AIM dispute with Super Gagme into SLAM, which proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back. Kojikun had a long history; see it here in his ban poll. First of three members banned within a few days in the Banathon of July 2004.
  19. Allbran_Sustain: If you ever get banned and you think you deserve a second chance, but the administrators absolutely refuse to give you one, you can thank this guy. Allbran was just another garden variety suckup and fanwhore (see here who got banned for being useless. Then he pissed and moaned in Testing, and following an inexplicable attack of pity on the part of the administration, he was unbanned and placed on probation. He fucked up and posted more useless spam, and then pitched a fit when it got deleted. Probation violated, he got tossed again. Second to go in the Banathon of July 2004.
  20. 1337n1nj4: Let's skip right to the good stuff. 1337n1nj4, already a Village Idiot at this point, claims to have a 55" chest on a 220lb frame here (split from a thread in which members were posting their measurements, in case you don't get the context). Hilarity ensues. Third to go in Banathon of July 2004.
  21. Colonel_Maybourne: An EU fanwhore AND a racist in one convenient package. See his custom title poll for more information. The short version: his very first thread, he insists that the Endor Holocaust didn't happen because the Ewoks TV show proved some kind of magical deus ex machina would protect the moon. That and subsequent idiocy led to a VVillage Idiot custom title poll. While the poll was underway, he posted in a thread on the Olympics insinuating that since Darth Wong is of Chinese descent, he should be rooting for the People's Republic of China. He was ejected almost immediately, without a ban poll.
  22. Jessie Stamos: An comic book fanwhore. In his initial thread he utilized many of the norm styles of the comic fanwhore. A lack of math, objective research and the constant use of hyperbole to support his viewpoints. He continued this throughout several threads and this eventually led to a poll to ask whether he should become a Worthless Trolling Palm Fucker or a Village Idiot. He promptly got the WTPF title. He continued this insane game, and then began accusing mods of abusing power. This prompted after a short period to just simply have Banathon II with his cohorts.
  23. Darth_Shinji: this guy demonstrates an insistence upon bizarre, fallacious debate tactics, and of course, he relies upon the Timothy Jones "who me?" pleas of innocence and sanctimonious "I'm above your level of behaviour" attacks on style over substance. Awarded a Village Idiot title primarily for refusing to acknowledge the concept of the burden-of-proof fallacy in Eventually because of his inability to ever coherently debate as well as accusations of mod abuse and trolling he was banned thusly. He leaves behind a rather sordid legacy Second victim of Banathon II.
  24. jonathanos: A relatively low level comic fanwhore who's firstescapade was a truly sad affair. He was not sighted for some time until his personal endorsement of another comic fanwhore. He was banned mostly because he with Darth_Shinji and Jessie Stamos contributed nothing and accused moderators of abuse of powers. Third victim of Banathon II.
  25. Super-Gagme: Another longtime member helping to prove longevity is no protection from the consequences of bad acts, especially a series of increasingly disturbing and vile ones. Harassed a female member for a picture and badmouthed her in the AIM chat when she refused. When she reported the harassment (with proof) and he was punished with a custom title and a suspension of avatar and PM privleges, he lost it, blaming her for getting him punished. At the same time, about 100 pictures of hers disappeared from a Photobucket account he had access to. While it was never proven he hacked the account, and the hack (or glitch) was not taken into account in his banning, he responded to the allegation he did it with a link to another account belonging to the female member, which contained nude pictures and had accidently been left set to allow guest viewing. To make sure everyone knew what was in there, he stated when he posted the link, "There are nude pictures in here." See this thread for details. He acquired the link from the address of a picture from that account she had inlined in a post. This last action got him temporarily banned before he could do more damage. The ban was made permanant by a vote of the moderators after it was decided it was the only acceptable punishment. Because of the nature of the offenses (harassment and violation of another member's privacy), the ban was not put up for a general vote.
  26. T-1000: Generic comic wanker who prior to his banning didn't even accomplish enough to merit a Village Idiot title (under 200 posts in 2 and a half years). Accused a mod of abusing his power for locking a thread. Really only on the Shit List as an example to others: accusing mods of abusing their power for doing thier jobs is virtually a guaranteed ban. See this thread for the short, spectacular end of T-1000.
  27. Talon Karrde: Generic Right Wing moron mixed with religous delusions. Nothing really notable to be said, except he played the mod/admin abuse card. Banned. Like T-1000, it should be noted pulling that particular tantrum will get an automatic banning.
  28. ShAoLiN: he stormed onto the board with the usual "you atheists have no morality because you don't answer to a mythical higher power" bigotry argument, not to mention the "I don't accept this scientific method of yours" stupidity. Completely immune to pages upon pages of rebuttals, thanks to the Broken Record debating technique. Awarded the title due primarily to
    Recent events: Came back in an old thread of his
    Gets banned because of his l33t crackzor skillz
    Note that he tried to be clever by changing his E-mail address to, but his original E-mail address was
  29. Assassin X: As a late participant in the Terry Schiavo thread he posted a number of arguments that were not only incorrect but also already refuted. He then moved on to make a name for himself by extolling the virtues of homeschooling. Among his other amusing statements and claims, he claimed to be working on a degree through an online service, which later turned out to be a technical certificate. He then attempted to excuse himself by explaining he wasn't a "WORD" person as a result of brain damage (I'm serious). He also denied the importance of presenting evidence in debates by claiming, among other things, "Thie evidence shit is fucking stupid." Though the incredibly lopsided poll regarding him was at first given merely to title the guy, he was banned after lying about being offered a job at the FBI and then vociferously complaining about his "Worthless Trolling Palm-Fucker" title. A sock-puppet account of his with the oh-so-cleverly-disguised-monicker of Assassin Z was banned shortly thereafter when it was discovered that that account also used the same e-mail username as Assassin X.
    Assassin X was one of three users and a spammer banned during Banathon III: Revenge of Admiral Kanos.
  30. Legion: A "Dan Dan the Ninjaman" sockpuppet, was promptly banned after trying to spam the board with truly foul pictures- the infamous "tubgirl".
You may wish to take note of what it takes to get banned around here. Contributing nothing but flames is a good way to get banned. I tolerate flames, but if that's all you've got, then I have no use for you on this board. Daring me to ban you is pretty damned stupid; I don't bluff. And of course, any time someone demonstrates the kind of deranged stalker mentality demonstrated by "John Clark" (undoubtedly a false name), that's an automatic ban. And I'm not afraid to ban an entire ISP (or in this case, university), if I decide I want to dump somebody, so keep that in mind. Keep in mind that these are people who have actually contributed material (or tried to) and gotten banned. People who just come here and post 30 messages saying "you're all geekwads" or such are just pure trolls and receive an unceremonious ban without any kind of recognition.

Current roster of Village Idiots:
  1. User099: rabid Trekkie. Similar to DarkStar in mentality. For examples of his behaviour, see, not to mention,, and
  2. John: master of self-contradiction. In, he claimed that the only form of morality is "might makes right", ie- if I can force you to do my bidding, then my bidding is moral. But in, he turned around and claimed that homosexuality is "immoral" even though homosexuals have won a string of court victories, and in, he abruptly converted to objectivism. Self-contradiction in itself is not worthy of the Village Idiot title, but his tendency to post flamebait and employ the Broken Record debating technique led to a user request for the title, with which I concurred.
  3. Yuri: standard-issue Trekkie fanatic. Decries all figures that he doesn't like, even if he can't produce a rational reason to deny their validity other than the fact that he doesn't personally like them (or he doesn't recognize the ability of Lucasfilm to dictate what is and is not true in the SW universe). Awarded the title due primarily to (look for him six or seven pages in). As usual for a Village Idiot, he simply ignores rebuttals and repeats the same mantra over and over.
  4. KK: an ignorant troll who dis-regards logic and rational thinking. He also suffers from the self possessed delusion that only his opponents commit poor critical thinking, and yet when points are brought up to demonstrate otherwise, he ignores them. He also has the distinction of bringing evidence to a debate which ends up hurting his arguments. Circular logic, and idiocy are rife. Two examples are here and here.
  5. Omega-13: A part time poster here, who usually appears every once in a while with some really crazy reasoning. He was always borderline, however since his lack of posting a lot of slack was cut to him. We hoped that his absense from the board would give him some time to reflect on his behaivour, however we were disappointed. You can see his latest efforts in these threads; Comparison of T-X & T-1000, Terminator 3 (sub in the t-1000). He seems to think that the observed phenomenon of the helicopter fire destroyed the polyalloy skin didn't happen, instead stating that it must've dissappeared in "Magic Unknown Mechanism". He continues more of his fanboyism of the T-1000 here and here. Some oldies but goodies can be found here, here, here and here. As with all VI we hope that he improves his debating rationale, at which point the title will be revoked.
  6. Hyperion. He's a loudmouth who is fond of making outrageous claims and making mindless accusations. Among his outrageous claims were accussing GALE and it's moderator of harboring pedophiles, making claims to have mob connections, and other similarly moronic behavior with out ever offering proof. See this thread for which finally earned him the the VI.
  7. GoneCrazy: For a guy who appears only once a year to make an especially retarded contribution before sliding back into the shadows again, he must've made a New Year resolution for 2005 to actually try and elaborate on his ordinarily humdrum bullshit. His VI title was earned here after debating tirelessly against numerous members on subjects he's probably not old enough to even spell right, letalone comprehend. His naïve view of humanity and rather droll anarchy and anti-authority rants weren't new nor well versed. Check out his seminal work linked there for a true eye-opener (you can see he's improved since his nuke Catholics hayday).

You may wish to take note of what the Village Idiot ranking is awarded for. People who refuse to debate in a rational fashion (eg- consistently employ logical fallacies, lie about the facts, or simply ignore rebuttals in favour of the "broken record" debating technique) are a pox on the board. On this board, you are expected to debate in a rational fashion, if not a scholarly or polite one. I also have a fairly short fuse for social intolerant types (homophobes, racists, etc).

How to get off the Village Idiot list: it's already happened for one user, so it's certainly not impossible. There are three steps:
  1. Start debating properly (read: address major points rather than nitpicking minutae, do not employ the Broken Record debating technique, etc).
  2. If applicable, apologize to persons or groups to which you have been particularly abusive without due cause (note: unrepentant stupidity is considered "due cause" for abuse on this board).
  3. Get a third party to let me know that you have reformed your ways.
Note: ass-kissing will not get anyone off the VI list. Some have tried that in the past, and it only makes things worse. Say things which require intelligence to say, and people will think highly of you. Say things which don't, and people will react accordingly.

Fundamentalist Morons:
  1. Priesto: yet another newbie who stormed onto the board swinging at everything in sight, undoubtedly puffed up by the insane delusion that he would bring Faith to the Heathens. The following is a direct quote from one of his posts (defending the murder of children for their parents' sins in the Old Testament): "Children are also loved by the parents, so this is another punishment for the parent. To know you were leading a bad life and your children in a bad life, and having them to die with you since you didn't want to do right." Yes, he actually said that (in, and he thought it was a good thing. As usual, he completely ignores rebuttals.
There have been quite a few others since then, but I don't want to bother listing them. Let's just say that there are a lot of fundie morons in the world. Moreover, there's no point listing methods of getting off the "Fundamentalist Moron" list. People like that are immune to logic and will never change, barring brain transplant surgery.

Other Custom Ranks:
  1. Racist Donkey-Raping Son of a Whore: made for some white supremacists who tried to invade the board from the insane WCOTC (World Church of the Creator) white-supremacy site.
  2. Tough-guy wannabe: made for a bunch of steroid-using idiots from Elite Fitness who came here to "make fun of the nerds" as they put it.
  3. Worthless Trolling Palm-Fucker: generally used for the type of people who show up, make no points at all, and just generally try to annoy everyone with stupid posts like "get a life, people", or "you're all geeks", etc. People who get this title are often banned summarily and unceremoniously, as (unlike the people in the banlist at the top of this page) they don't even try to participate in any meaningful way and are only out to piss people off.
  4. Vympel's Bitch: Axis Kast has had various custom titles for a while now, but in the past few months his particular brand of idiocy has really come into it's own. His titles went from Jingoistic Retard, to Generic Right Winger, to Left Wing Liberal (as a joke) and then finally to Vympel's Bitch, Vympel being the one who has, all up, been the most enthusiastic of members who will debate Axis Kast. What a record this guy has- hypocrisy, a world view totally lacking in morality, outright ignorance of logic (to the extent of constructing his own definition of 'false dilemma' by interpreting the two words, and denouncing the appeal to ignorance fallacy as 'bullshit), a total disregard for the lack of any evidence supporting his position, topped off with an unwillingness to admit defeat so rabid, it can get embarassing. Some of his greatest hits include:

    calling a Mess Member a liar by default

    hypocrisy is good, silly moral compunctions regardless of actual guilt is bad, and other such greatest hits

    Another hypocrisy spiel

    "I want what's best for my nation, if you get hurt in the process, that's too damned bad"

    Justification is irrelevant, and I will do anything, including state terrorism (bombing, assassination, and terror was the direct question) with no moral qualms. In the same post.

    The fallacy of asking your opponent to prove a negative proposition is a 'bullshit rule'

    These are just some examples of the broader phenommenon that is Axis Kast. Stay tuned for a custom title change, as we see in his latest display in idiocy:

    The infamous 'Baghdad Tiger shooting' thread

    Defending Bush regardless
  5. Mindless Scooter Cockgoblin: Exactly what it sounds like. An MSC is one of Darkstar/Guardian2k/RSA/Scooter's idiot followers who comes to SDN to avenge his master's banning at the hands of the Dark Lord Wong and finally crush the rabid Warsies once and for all. Unlike their retard messiah, they lack the rhetorical skill to make RSA's utterly insane arguments look reasonable. Like Scooter, though, they're great at ignoring counterarguments they don't like, using outliers to disprove statistical trends, and jabbing a single percieved flaw in the pro-SW argument in the hopes of proving the entire rabid Trekkie case. As of this writing, it's been awarded thrice, with plenty more likely to come.
Last edited by AdmiralKanos on 2004-11-12 09:05pm, edited 13 times in total.
For a time, I considered sparing your wretched little planet Cybertron.
But now, you shall witnesss ... its dismemberment!

"This is what happens when you use trivia napkins for research material"- Sea Skimmer on "Pearl Harbour".
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Post by AdmiralKanos »

Additions to the custom ranks
  1. Infantile brat: coined for a bunch of kiddies from some high school who invaded the board en masse and started spewing a lot of "you guys are all old" trollery. This title was revoked for one of them, however, who went on to post more constructive things.
  2. Pompous pedophile: this was coined for the owner (patkelly) of a pedophilia-promoting website whose URL I find too repugnant to list here. He or she came here in an attempt to promote his/her beliefs that pedophilia is a good thing. It has since been awarded to at least one other person.
  3. Misogynist: this title was coined for "DocMoriartty", who dismissed the notion of female pain and trauma in child-bearing and labour with the absolutely unbelievable line "trauma? This is birth. It happens millions of times every day." Yes, he actually said that.
For a time, I considered sparing your wretched little planet Cybertron.
But now, you shall witnesss ... its dismemberment!

"This is what happens when you use trivia napkins for research material"- Sea Skimmer on "Pearl Harbour".
"Do you work out? Your hands are so strong! Especially the right one!"- spoken to Bud Bundy
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Post by Sceptre »

KK has been added to the shit list roster of Village Idiots.
Don't Spam.
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Post by Sceptre »

Omega-13 has been added to the shit list roster of Village Idiots.
Don't Spam.
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The Yosemite Bear
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

In light of two new banned users doesn't this need updated?

ps delete this when fixed.

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Post by Stormbringer »

Added our newest Village Idiot: Hyperion!
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Post by Jason von Evil »

Added a new Village Idiot, BoredShirtless.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Added Stewart because dammit he made up for his lack of anything in his own imitable Munchausen Syndrome.

Not to mention his refusal to back up his claims of nuclear physics expertise by performing a single calculation requiring any nuclear physics expertise

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Post by RedImperator »

Edited to add Lord_Jax.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by RedImperator »

Added The Saga of Cornelius to Strate_Egg's entry.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by RedImperator »

Added Admiral TDM. Damn, I love doing these.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by Vympel »

Removed BS.
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Post by RedImperator »

Added Mindless Scooter Cockgoblin to the list of custom ranks, rather than bothering to give fatso and hairclog their own entries.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
X-Ray Blues
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Post by RedImperator »

Added Kojikun, allbran, leetninja, and Maybourne.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
X-Ray Blues
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Post by RedImperator »

Added Gagme.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
X-Ray Blues
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Post by RedImperator »

Added T-1000.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
X-Ray Blues
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Ghost Rider
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Added Talon because once again...claiming Mod/Admin abuse without evidence is a sure kill.

Added ShAoLiN.

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Post by phongn »

Added Jean Paul, another one of Deimos' sockpuppets.
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Admiral Valdemar
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Added GoneCrazy, our first 2005 VI.
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Master of Ossus
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Added Assassins X and Z to the Big Book of Banned Members.
"Sometimes I think you WANT us to fail." "Shut up, just shut up!" -Two Guys from Kabul

Latinum Star Recipient; Hacker's Cross Award Winner

"one soler flar can vapririze the planit or malt the nickl in lass than millasacit" -Bagara1000

"Happiness is just a Flaming Moe away."
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