Final Fantasy XIV

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by TheFeniX »

Fandaniel's masterstroke was visible from a mile away based on context clues. There was nothing all that shocking about this expac, which I really liked. It built a bridge over the course of Mid/End Heavensward, and is still continuing to build that bridge. Now, TBF, some of my context clues were cemented by gameplay contrivances. Such as:
Fighting Zodiark at level 83 gave me a ton of information about how the story was going to go. At that point, I knew WE were going to have to figure out what caused the final days and go punch THAT God and were probably going to lose Hydealean in the process as she would become the God without a purpose that man had moved past (gotta stand on your own feet at some point). I did not however see timetravel being a thing and was prepared to groan until, holy shit GO Japan, they didn't use it as a fuckin' reset button and instead setup a stable time loop. A stable time loop we can use to actually tell NEW stories because the End of Days is happening no matter what, Emet is summoning Zodiark, etc.

If I had to say what I really like about the expac, it's the FUCKIN' CHARACTERS saying what I'm saying. Like when Hermes explains the question he gave Meteon? I'm like HOLY SHIT THAT IS A TERRRIBLE QUESTION!. I've SEEN fiction about how happens when you ask a childlike AI to figure out what the meaning of life is. It NEVER goes well.

And Emet, 2 seconds later: "Have you considered that your question may be FLAWED!?" And this sets up that, for all it's fault, the Convocation is NEEDED when people have access to magic as powerful as Creation. You NEED experts in fields telling people what they can and can't do.

Moving on:
DRG has mechanical issues that need to be addressed. You've got 2 4 length combos, culminating in multiple Off-globals that need to be fired shortly within a narrow window, leading to multiple clippings. Adding in 3 buffs, it's a mash spec and not in a good way. A quick fix would be
1. Letting High Jump turn into Mirage Dive when the criteria are met.
2. Same thing for Full Thrust/Chaos Thrust into Fang and Claw/Wheeling Thrust respectively.

Rather than bloating up, for instance, PLD with 4 new abilities, Confitier just becomes that full combo. That's a way to "fix" bloat in the short term.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by TheFeniX »

Man, everything breaks spoiler tags now. Anyways, so your post doesn't get lost.

Mr Bean: "Still getting my thoughts together for the rest of the expansion but first a youtube comment (Spoilers all)"

So your post doesn't get lost Spoiler
Hi, I'm Hermes. I think it would be a great idea to make a childlike AI, load it up with nothing but all my personal misgivings about Creation with a sideload of my own depression about the banality of life. What powers this AI? Entropy! Not just regular Entropy! But MAGIC, "powered by EMOTION" Entropy! A power that I barely understand because my people are so overflowing with Aether, we can't even interact with it. What do you think, Venat?

Venat: :sigh: I'll get my hammer.

Sidenote: leaving Zenos dead, floating at the edge of space. Too good for him. Sad part is..... he'll probably come back. I get he's supposed to be our foil, and this is why, for all the complaints people rightfully have about him, his motivations are SUPPOSED to be stupidly simple. But things "making sense" does not make them interesting. Besides, the deconstruction of the WoL and Player was done far better by the DRK 30-50 quests.

IMO, had they wanted to make the fight have more impact, after literally JUST killing Entropy, we have a moderately tough fight with Zenos, he died, and we just walk away. Because he doesn't matter. The WoL's ability to PUNCH gods is not what makes her great. There's too many Gods to punch for one woman. What really makes her special is the allies she's made and the inspiration to get other to come together and fight evil.

Zenos has no one, by design. He believes power comes specifically from the individual. To completely break his motif, he should have just, as said, gone down as if he were a mid-boss. I think my beef is we spend the entire expac blowing him off, then at the end it's like "whelp, let's fuckin' do this, I guess?".... I can, and probably should rant more on what Zenos represents to the WoL. Another time.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Mr Bean »

More thoughts
84-85 Spoiler
After the sudden twist that was Zodiak biting it, the preview of the final days and Zenos walking off unsatisfied the tonal shift to space rabbit hijinks would be a whiplash but... I needed it. I kept expecting some sort of evil twist but... no Livingway just wants to do the job Venat gave them well and they are unclear on exactly how to go about doing that.

Anyone reading between the lines can figure out it's Sharlaya who are working with the moon rabbits, when Y'shtola just out and out says it I was glad they did not try and pull a surprise over something that was obvious from ten quests ago.

The tone shift... the start of the final days and the gut punch that is the Vanaspati dungeon, time after time you see monsters spreading panic resulting in more monsters, more death and more despair. Vanaspati was rough and and the only dungeon besides Holmister I don't enjoy re-running just because of it's tone.

Matsya poor fish, he's in over his head and he tries so hard and it would have gone horribly for not that last minute save. They had been going so hard on the sorrow I had a feeling poor Matsya would have to put the baby down.

So much of this section of the game was taken up by the moon hijinks and I marathon ran the return to the Thavnir because I wanted to save people even if me hurrying up the missions resulted in zero story change.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by TheFeniX »

There was absolutely no way, based on observations and previous games, that the Loporitts were going to betray us. I was laughing the entire time they attacked me because it was "Moogle Fights 2.0." Not complaining mind you, I thought it was a good change of pace. But it's clear from the outset they were designed specifically to have nothing but our best intentions in mind. And have such a lack of understanding about.... anything not carrots, they decided to try and arrest the person who just killed Zodiark.

The "Y'Shtola figures out the 'shocking' reveal shit AGAIN" once again made me laugh so hard because it's clear the second the Loporitts says "we been talking with people on....", the player character should have figured it out. It's obvious the Sharlayans know about the End of Days. There's nowhere safe on Earth, the rifle was hung. Now, Y'Sholta figuring out they had a working Cell Phone to Hydaelyn was a good one. However, it makes me hate the Sharlayans even more.

EW is a personal story in that you're watching mass death, but at home. Thing is, The Source got off REALLY light comparatively. A lot of people forget The Flood of Light on the First likely killed/transformed 90% of it's inhabitants. Tonally, Vanaspati is the exact same thing as Hominster Switch, except you aren't as late to the party. I will say though that the "True Death" of those souls corrupted by dynamis does such, but it's assumed Meteon DOES this by storing them in her dead sun, and that they made their way back to all those planets after her "death."

Thing is, at least the people in Vanaspati had the chance to fight back. Literally don't give in to despair. The Corruption of Light spares no one. Nor did the tempered people locked in the towers have any choice but to die/wait to be saved.

As for my own beef with some of the lore. So, Zodiark rewrote physics in one way or the other to one way or another making Ethyris "immune" to dynamis/Entropy. Now, however this bullfuckery works, why did it go away when we killed him? Thing is, it's not so much the planet that is immune, it's the people. So, tempering is caused by an Aetheric imbalance when being close to large amounts of aspected aether, such as a primal. But it persists after the primal is killed. Hydaelyn's hammer essentially split souls multiple times, which cut down our aether, why is that still in effect after her death?

Souls "are" Aether in FFXIV.

NOW. As for some of my ideas where they might go from here. SINCE we've created a stable timeloop AND Meteon is toast. Why wouldn't a couple "true" humans and/or leftover sundered Ascians think this is a perfect moment to try and move into the future and restore humanity to it's "pure" form via more rejoinings?
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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Mr Bean »

So about Zodiark
Spoilers all Spoiler
My understanding is that was big Z was actively doing based on Elpis dialog is that before he came around some areas were naturally very rich in Aether some were very aether poor. In fact in the Delivery quests in Sharlayan for Fisher you run into whale beachings because the old ways are re-asserting themselves. What Zodiark was doing was covering the land in a thick enough Aether shield that song of oblivion that the sisters were putting out never got to the surface of the planet. As well I'm guessing reducing the effects by building up the Aether in general. Remember Zodiark two big claims to fame were stopping the final days and remaking the world to smooth over the destruction the final days had caused. I don't think
Meteion has been active since the Final Days except to sit in Ultima Thule singing her end song. I don't think she's been visiting new worlds, checking in on civilizations just sitting in her dead planet singing along.

Meaning what Zodiark was actively doing even sundered was I'm guessing keeping Aether moving and moving quickly enough to provide an anti-
Meteion shield everywhere. The Ancients not knowing about Meteion just new areas with low aether were affected by Final-Day isms while high aether areas were unaffected. One assumes before Zodiark such things changed over time.

If I would make an analogy imagine Meteion is an angry kid with a giant magnifying glass trying to set things on fire on the planet. If Zodiak comes by with an umbrella well no more fires. Zodiak job is to be the constant shield between Meteion and her entropy waves and the planet.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by LadyTevar »

I just did the Tower of Zot in Thavnair.

First, let me say that Thavnair is GORGEOUS, especially when you get to the main city. It's the most colorful city I've seen, the most decorated city I've seen, and I would absolutely love to get an apartment here if they open one up.

But what really had me giggling was the God/Primals. They are the Magus Sisters from FFIV: Sandy, Cindy, Mindy. And YES, they are inside the Tower Of Zot, and you still have to beat them the same way you beat them in FFIV -- Cindy (the fat one) first because shes' the healer, then Sandy (the tall one), and last little Mindy.

What was amusing and cool was the music was an update to the Tower Of Zot music from FFIV.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Steve »

LadyTevar wrote: 2021-12-19 03:25pm I just did the Tower of Zot in Thavnair.

First, let me say that Thavnair is GORGEOUS, especially when you get to the main city. It's the most colorful city I've seen, the most decorated city I've seen, and I would absolutely love to get an apartment here if they open one up.

But what really had me giggling was the God/Primals. They are the Magus Sisters from FFIV: Sandy, Cindy, Mindy. And YES, they are inside the Tower Of Zot, and you still have to beat them the same way you beat them in FFIV -- Cindy (the fat one) first because shes' the healer, then Sandy (the tall one), and last little Mindy.

What was amusing and cool was the music was an update to the Tower Of Zot music from FFIV.
I loved that touch, and the fights did a good job replicating some of the pace of the FFIV fight with the sisters too, you've got to be on your toes, take them out in order, etc.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by LadyTevar »

Steve wrote: 2021-12-21 03:12pm I loved that touch, and the fights did a good job replicating some of the pace of the FFIV fight with the sisters too, you've got to be on your toes, take them out in order, etc.
Yeah... but I really could have used a few castings of Reflect to bounce some of those healing spells LOL!

Stuck on the MSQ mission with Thancred, so I'm off leaving my DRK. I want to get up to 70 and do the Crystarium Tank missions. That will give me all the Virtues and the last set of armor.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Mr Bean »

Thancred mission is easy once you know the tricks
1. Enemies ignore bodies so feel free to knock everyone out
2. The enemy vision cones are pretty narrow and fairly short ranged
3. The time limit is seriously generous take it slow and your fine
4. Anti-dog grenade hits everyone inside AoE so aim it carefully but you don't have to land fully on them
5. Don't attack mechanical foes you can't knock them out and they hurt

"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by LadyTevar »

Mr Bean wrote: 2021-12-23 09:04pm Thancred mission is easy once you know the tricks
1. Enemies ignore bodies so feel free to knock everyone out
2. The enemy vision cones are pretty narrow and fairly short ranged
3. The time limit is seriously generous take it slow and your fine
4. Anti-dog grenade hits everyone inside AoE so aim it carefully but you don't have to land fully on them
5. Don't attack mechanical foes you can't knock them out and they hurt
Its number 5 that's giving me the most trouble. They spot me and I'm suddenly attacked.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Steve »

LadyTevar wrote: 2021-12-24 03:47pm
Mr Bean wrote: 2021-12-23 09:04pm Thancred mission is easy once you know the tricks
1. Enemies ignore bodies so feel free to knock everyone out
2. The enemy vision cones are pretty narrow and fairly short ranged
3. The time limit is seriously generous take it slow and your fine
4. Anti-dog grenade hits everyone inside AoE so aim it carefully but you don't have to land fully on them
5. Don't attack mechanical foes you can't knock them out and they hurt
Its number 5 that's giving me the most trouble. They spot me and I'm suddenly attacked.
While IIRC there is a timer, it's fairly generous, so don't feel rushed and take your time in analyzing the mechanical sentries' movements to fit around them.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Steve »

So looks like queues are dying down, I got in Cactuar at about 2pm today and it was just at 20. A week ago that'd have been triple digits, and two-three weeks ago, it'd have easily been four digits.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Mr Bean »

Steve wrote: 2021-12-30 03:33pm So looks like queues are dying down, I got in Cactuar at about 2pm today and it was just at 20. A week ago that'd have been triple digits, and two-three weeks ago, it'd have easily been four digits.
Highest que I've seen is 1200 at 8pm est 5pm pst it would have been 5800 two weeks ago.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by LadyTevar »

I'm being lazy and leveling my WHM, RPR, and DRK instead of moving on the MSQ. I'm doing this by helping out one of my FC who's in Heavensward with her AetherCurrents and with Dungeons, in between Prae Runs. In return, she's made me a Rainbow Outfit.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Lord Revan »

I recently stopped being a hermit in-game and joined a FC again. Due to my game being limited due IRL reasons I was reluctant to join one as I didn't want to be seen as a burden. So I had kind of forgotten how fun being in a FC can be, also I'm not limited to pugs when leveling alt jobs now and though way better then WoW pugs you can end up with a bad pug in FF14 sometimes.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by LadyTevar »

Lord Revan wrote: 2022-01-01 06:08am I recently stopped being a hermit in-game and joined a FC again. Due to my game being limited due IRL reasons I was reluctant to join one as I didn't want to be seen as a burden. So I had kind of forgotten how fun being in a FC can be, also I'm not limited to pugs when leveling alt jobs now and though way better then WoW pugs you can end up with a bad pug in FF14 sometimes.
My brother has been power-leveling his sage, and has been Pug-ing a lot of it. He has been very vocal about stupid ninja and reapers who ignore The Ick forcing him to heal their butts before they die.

I tanked a Pug yesterday, and the ninja jumped ahead of me, pulled all the aggro, and I finally said "Look, you wanna tank, Go Right Ahead. Take all the Aggro you want"
He started waiting for me to go in first after that.

As for the Thancred run? I KEEP HITTING RB or LB buttons and LOSING THANCRED'S ACTION BAR!

*deep breath* The more I run this, the more frustrated I get at my mistakes, and the less I want to go back to it. It's a MSQ, so I have to do it eventually, but gods dammit WHY I AM HAVING SO MUCH PROBLEMS WITH IT!?!?!?!?!? :finger: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Lord Revan »

LadyTevar wrote: 2022-01-01 12:03pm
Lord Revan wrote: 2022-01-01 06:08am I recently stopped being a hermit in-game and joined a FC again. Due to my game being limited due IRL reasons I was reluctant to join one as I didn't want to be seen as a burden. So I had kind of forgotten how fun being in a FC can be, also I'm not limited to pugs when leveling alt jobs now and though way better then WoW pugs you can end up with a bad pug in FF14 sometimes.
My brother has been power-leveling his sage, and has been Pug-ing a lot of it. He has been very vocal about stupid ninja and reapers who ignore The Ick forcing him to heal their butts before they die.

I tanked a Pug yesterday, and the ninja jumped ahead of me, pulled all the aggro, and I finally said "Look, you wanna tank, Go Right Ahead. Take all the Aggro you want"
He started waiting for me to go in first after that.
Yeah DPS can be a bit too gunho for their own good sometimes which is why I dislike doing pugs, especially if you combo gunho DPS with Healers more concerned with getting to the top of the DPS rather keeping people alive (yeah I've had healers in pugs who only when they absolutely must and it's caused wipes because they also haven't learned the encounters so that cure I when there's a tank buster coming doesn't keep me or the tank if I was DPSing alive and now there's a really angry boss attacking the first target they can see).

With pugs you also get tanks who a) "forget"(read:probably don't even have those in their bars because it's not a clear DPS increase) they have defensive abilities or self-heals and b) pull way too much for their gear/abilities and become impossible to heal because of it.
I may be an idiot, but I'm a tolerated idiot
"I think you completely missed the point of sigs. They're supposed to be completely homegrown in the fertile hydroponics lab of your mind, dried in your closet, rolled, and smoked...
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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Steve »

LadyTevar wrote: 2022-01-01 12:03pm
As for the Thancred run? I KEEP HITTING RB or LB buttons and LOSING THANCRED'S ACTION BAR!

*deep breath* The more I run this, the more frustrated I get at my mistakes, and the less I want to go back to it. It's a MSQ, so I have to do it eventually, but gods dammit WHY I AM HAVING SO MUCH PROBLEMS WITH IT!?!?!?!?!? :finger: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Sounds like muscle memory's your problem? You're used to using certain abilities that on a game pad require you to hit those buttons to access them, but Thancred's only got like five so nothing happens?
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by LadyTevar »

Steve wrote: 2022-01-03 06:05pm
LadyTevar wrote: 2022-01-01 12:03pm
As for the Thancred run? I KEEP HITTING RB or LB buttons and LOSING THANCRED'S ACTION BAR!

*deep breath* The more I run this, the more frustrated I get at my mistakes, and the less I want to go back to it. It's a MSQ, so I have to do it eventually, but gods dammit WHY I AM HAVING SO MUCH PROBLEMS WITH IT!?!?!?!?!? :finger: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Sounds like muscle memory's your problem? You're used to using certain abilities that on a game pad require you to hit those buttons to access them, but Thancred's only got like five so nothing happens?
Yes, you're right. I do a lot of switching between hotbars on my other jobs.

I've been taking a break, reading a library book that just came in.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Steve »

I'd recommend just taking things slow and deliberately, ignore the timer, get to know the patterns and reprogram your muscle memory?

When you're ready to go back at it again, I mean.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by LadyTevar »

I finally gave Thancred another try. Screwed up on Hard Mode, aced it on EASY this time. I just needed to take my time, as suggested, and not panic those times I did get spotted.

So, I've made it to Camp Broken Glass, did the whole thing with the Xth Legion, got the hidden AEther Currents, but since it's 2:30am I'm calling it a night. I'll grab the Camp Quests and the Xth Legion quests tomorrow. Not like I'll be going anywhere with the road snowed over.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by TheFeniX »

You're not even to the worst mission. TBF: after said worst mission, the expac takes off and keeps getting better.

So anyways, someone please explain to me why DRG has been dogshit since ARR. I cannot believe how mashy and bloated it is at 90. That's not fair, it was mashy and bloated at 80. Now it's...... fuck, I don't even know. Now, if it did good numbers? Meh, I'll take it. But RDM at 90 is fantastic, and can out DPS DRG, single target, which is just hilariously sad. It seems Reaper is yet another DPS class to shine with DRG languishes. Holy shit, I cannot explain in words how garbage DRG is compared to everything else.

Play RDM, get pew pew lasers. Everything flows incredibly well. Why does DRG have to be trash?
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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Steve »

I've not advanced DRG past 60 on any character so I don't know how it plays, unfortunately.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by LadyTevar »

TheFeniX wrote: 2022-01-08 05:05am You're not even to the worst mission. TBF: after said worst mission, the expac takes off and keeps getting better.

So anyways, someone please explain to me why DRG has been dogshit since ARR. I cannot believe how mashy and bloated it is at 90. That's not fair, it was mashy and bloated at 80. Now it's...... fuck, I don't even know. Now, if it did good numbers? Meh, I'll take it. But RDM at 90 is fantastic, and can out DPS DRG, single target, which is just hilariously sad. It seems Reaper is yet another DPS class to shine with DRG languishes. Holy shit, I cannot explain in words how garbage DRG is compared to everything else.

Play RDM, get pew pew lasers. Everything flows incredibly well. Why does DRG have to be trash?
My main is DRG, and it's not "mushy" at all at lvl 84. I've got my single-combat attacks and jumps on the right hotbar, the special attacks and multi-target attacks on the left hotbar. I can cycle through my base attacks, trigger a jump, and then hit all the specials those attacks unlock with ease. Maybe you just need to reconfig your bars?

I made it to the Moon. Pug'd the Trail, wiped 4 times before we got our shit together. Never ONCE connected the dots on why Zodiark needed to be alive.
The throwback with the "town theme" and the "Hummingways" is highly amusing. I'm pretty sure I know who their "allies" on planet are now. Just wonder how that's going to affect our friends on First :(
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Lord Revan
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Re: Final Fantasy XIV

Post by Lord Revan »

Zodiark is kind of a dam keeping the cause of the End Times in check, so him dead there's nothing from stopping the End Times from returning in full.
Should be noted that this very brief a way that leaves out a lot of details
I may be an idiot, but I'm a tolerated idiot
"I think you completely missed the point of sigs. They're supposed to be completely homegrown in the fertile hydroponics lab of your mind, dried in your closet, rolled, and smoked...
Oh wait, that's marijuana..."Einhander Sn0m4n
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