You are in charge of the Crimson Republic (RAR!)

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Sith Acolyte
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You are in charge of the Crimson Republic (RAR!)

Post by Zor »

In this scenario you find yourself as the Paramount Leader of the Crimson Republic. The Crimson Republic exists on another world populated by humans. A few times every couple hundred years wormholes open up between Earth and this planet allowing people and objects through. The Crimson Republic was founded about 12 years ago by a group of socialists which found their way to this planet 19 years ago by studying the events and coming with a ship full of supplies. They found a large kingdom which had been caught up in a long standing civil war, gathered supporters and came forth with an army which ceased control of said kingdom in a year of war in which they overthrew the existing monarchy and established a socialist republic that took over the country after two years of war. The previous leader past away confident that she'd laid the foundations for a new better world and now you are now in charge to lead the Crimson Republic to glory.
A red banner with a cogwheel overlapped by a gold star.


The Crimson Republic covers 1,000,000 square kilometers and has a climate which ranged from semi-tropical in the north to the milder side of temperate in the south. There is coast on the North and east and you control a number of islands making up about 10% of your territory in total. To the North are a set of mountains rich in resources. Two main navigable rivers flow north from the southern mountains, each with tributaries. The Southern Mountains are rich in ore and coal and there are oil fields in the southern coastal region. Beyond that the land is mostly hilly with stretches of flat plains with forest and grassland, most of which has been put under cultivation. On the whole the Crimson Republic is on the wet side of things and is fertile.


The total population is about 40 Million people and breaks down as such...

30,000,000 Peasants: Simple farmers, as well as various workers such as loggers, trappers, miners and so forth. Originally they were Serfs and tenants working for nobles, now the Nobles have been dealt with and the estates have been broken up into a lot of plots of about 5-20 hectares per family. Never the less life remains at it's most similar in the villages. Most work is still done by hand or with animal power, most of them produce staple crops and raise some livestock on the side and they provide 10-20% of their harvest in taxes. Only about 25% of them can read and write, most of which are less than 20 years have been educated in village schools set up by the Party since it's takeover.
4,000,000 Villagers: Artisans, workers, small time business owners, fishermen, clerk, mechanics (a new addition) and similar who live in Villages and small towns of less than 10,000 people scattered around the countryside supported by and for the farmers. Small schools have been set up by The Party in villages as well as State Stores where industrial goods are sold, local offices of the Party and some towns are home to railway stations. More. About 50% of the Villager population is literate and most children in villages have access to schools.
2,500,000 Cooperaniks: Farmers which have elected to form a Cooperative in conjunction with the government. In a Coop, ten to thirty or so farms are united by contract with each other and the State. Each family retains ownership of their farm, but a pool is formed in which mechanized agricultural equipment such as sowers, reaper, threshers and tractors are shared. A percentage of the harvest goes to the state for facilitating the arrangement on top of regular taxes. Coops are more productive than farms and new cooperatives are being set up fairly steadily as more resources are sent. Coopraniks are about 50% literate.
2,750,000 Urbanites: Workers, Technicians, Clerks, Police, carters, sailors, small business owners and similar who live in Cities of more than 10,000 people, of which there are thirty. The Largest City in the Crimson Republic is Industria which has about 600,000 people total. Most of which live in brick flat buildings set up. Standards of education are high among the Urbanites as schools are the best equipped in urban centers, educated people move in and adult education programs. 90% of them are literate and most of the remainder are old timers. There is a steady flow of people into cities.
500,000 Intelligenctsia: Academicians, scientists, Ironmasters, engineers, doctors, architects, Bureaucrats, teachers and so forth. Men and women with a degree of higher education. Among them are some 500 Founding Members from earth as well as a few Pre-War individuals, but the majority of them have been educated since the take over. This includes a fair number of individuals who learnt on the job by handling machines or managing affairs with adult education filling the gaps and students in the higher education. Intelligentsia can be found mostly in the cities, but can be found
300,000 military: Soldiers, sailors and aviators.

There are some 1,000,000 Party Members spread among the population including Young Pioneers. These are spread out among all social classes, though more common among (in descending order) the intelligentcia, urbanites, soldiers, coopraniks and townsfolk.

Economic stuff

As a general rule heavy industry and high tech manufacturing is handled by The State while there are a fair number of private operations which supplement it on a smaller scale.


There is some 25,000 km of rail lines, most of which laid post takeover linking all the major cities. There are some 500 steam locomotives in service ranging in size from small 0-3-0s used as shunters to big 4-8-4s used for major industrial halling and 10,000 rail cars ranging from flatbeds to passenger cars. Major Railworks in Industria produces rail vehicles and has an output of 75 locomotives and 1,500 units of rolling stock per anum. In addition there is 1,200km of electrified railway in the six largest cities used for trolley cars.
1,500 paddlewheelers ply the rivers. These are primarily wooden hulled craft in the 100-2,000 tonne ranges that go up and down rivers at speeds of up around 20kph carrying people and cargo ranging from manufactured goods to iron or and coal for factories.
500 steamships operate on the coast: these range from 250 to 5,000 tonne ships that mostly stay within sight of the coastline delivering cargo and maintaining the link with the islands. In addition there are a fair number of smaller fishing boats, small cargo craft and similar with wooden hulls that might have a low power steam engine or be dedicated sailors.
Some 100,000 trucks and buses. 75,000 of these are based on the Industria Crimson Automotive Factory model 07 (ICAF-7) Lorry platform, which is a 3 tonne vehicle with a 80kw V6 Engine capable of 65km/h. Along with this are 25,000 tractors used for agricultural work. Most road traffic remains animal drawn. Roads are largely unpaved outside of urban centers.


The Crimson Republic can produce 1,000,000 tonnes of pig iron and 500,000 tonnes of steel every year. Construction of an additional steel able to produce another 50,0000 tonnes of steel a year will take three years at a normal rate of development and about 5% of the complex machine output with little disruption to other operations or 1.5 years if it is given a high priority of the advanced machine 10%, disruptions in other fields and more accidents in construction and afterwards.
There is also 1,000 tonnes of aluminum and 25,000 tonnes of Rubber (natural harvest from native semi-tropical rubber trees).
100,000 tonnes of complex machinery (engines, electrical motors, generators, machine tools, gearing and so forth vs girders, steel plates, train wheels, pipes and similar simple forms) a year. This can be expanded by 10% in two years if 5% of complex machine output is dedicated to making more machine tools
Shipbuilding capacity is at 100,000 tonnes a year. Takes up about 20% of complex machinery output
Road vehicle output is at 50 a day and is focused around the ICAF factory, though there are a few small workshops which produce limited runs of vehicles. Take up 35% of of complex machinery output when spare parts are figured in.
All cities are electrified, as are some towns and coops. Power generation by coal and hydroelectric power. in total about 30% of the population has access to electricity.
Factory cloth (cotton, wool and flax) has superseded homemade cloth and factory, though in villages most people buy cloth to make most of their own clothes. Clothes are made in twelve state run factories as well as a variety of smaller enterprises.
65,000 thermionic valves a day in several factories. 500,000 radios of all types are made annually along with phonographs. Basic CTR television sets have been made but have not yet been mass produced. Labs have produced a functional transistor, but even limited economical mass production of transistors is about five years off.


Telephone lines connect all cities and many towns.
There is a film industry making news, propaganda, educational and entertainment films for the populace. Likewise each city has a Radio Station.
Numerous print shops make propaganda.

There is a library of technical books and textbooks from our timeline explaining scientific and engineering principles up to the year 2000 retained in industrial, which have been copied several times.


All volunteer, both sexes allowed. Ranks titles are functional (Trooper, Team Leader, Squad Leader, Brigade Commander, Division Commander, Ship Commander, Aviator, Wing Commander) and soldiers refer to themselves by rank.

Proletarian Crimson Army

225,000 soldiers (including 75,000 non combat personnel)
Most troops are infantry and light cavalry (3-1 ratio for infantry/cav). Standard armament for both is a 7x50mm SR-2 semi automatic rifle (4.2 kilos, twelve round box magazine, range 600 meters) or a 10x20mm IAW-1 (3.6 kilos, 32 box or 96 round drum mag, range 150 meters) along with grenades, semi-auto pistols, light machine guns, heavy machine guns and mortars. Each soldier has a steel bib and a helmet with cheek guards. Each company has a miniaturized man portable radio set.
300 75mm shell firing cannons (8km range) and 75 150mm heavy cannons (20km range).
200 Armored cars based on the ICAF-7 chassis. Each weigh 6 tonnes, have 1cm of armor and carry a 13mm machine gun. 5,000 trucks and 1,000 tractors for logistical purposes

Crimson Navy

50,000 personnel in total.
80 Torpedo boats, long fast 15 meter long craft carrying a heavy machine gun and two torpedo launchers, crew of 12.
20 Shark class destroyers, 100 meters long, 1,000 tonnes, top speed of 45km/h. Armed with four 75-mm cannons, one 150-mm guns, four double mounted heavy machine gun turrets and two torpedo launchers. Crew of 100.
10 Revolution class cruisers, 130 meter long craft weighing in at 7,000 tonnes, six centimeters of armor, top speed of 30km/h armed with twelve 75-mm guns broadside in barbettes, four 150-mm cannons in two turrets fore, twelve double mounted heavy machine gun turrets and aft and four torpedo launchers. Each has a crew of 500 sailors and carries a floatplane.
1,000 naval infantry trained in amphibious operations.
Fifty 150-mm cannons for coastal defense purposes

Crimson Sky Force

25,000 personnel in total. Most of which are support staff.
200 FA-3 Proletariat Biplane fighter. Wood and canvas construction, five cylinder 95kw radial engine, top speed of 150km/h, range 600km. Armed with one 7mm LMG and can carry up to 60kg of bombs, rockets or leaflet packages. Two seater varient available.
30 TA-1 Transport Aircraft. Wood and Canvas construction, two 300 kw v8 engines, top speed 100 km/h, range 800km. Able to carry up to twelve people or 1.5 tons of cargo.
25 FA-4 Emancipator monoplane fighter. Aluminum hulled construction, nine cylinder 400kw radial engine, top speed of 300km/h, range 1000km. Armed with 3 7mm machine guns and up to 120kg of bombs, rockets or leaflet packages.
30 experimental biplanes and monoplanes used as testbeds for engines, body designs and so forth. Preformance varies from below the Proletariat to about Emancipator level. These are largely retained for training purposes.

In addition there are some 750,000 veterans from the Civil War around which are listed as reservists. They practice every month with old fashioned breechloading and bolt action rifles.


You share your 12,000,000 square kilometer continent with a hundred or so feudal principalities and kingdoms ranging in size from about a thousand square kilometers and less than a hundred thousand people to 1,200,000 km^2 and 50,0000,000 people. Socially these nations are some variety of feudalism in which you have a monarch on top who rules with a local priestly hierarchy and heirarchies of nobles and knights over clerks, merchants, artisans, workers, peasants and serfs. Technologically these Kingdoms have been at a level of development between 16th and late 19th century Europe for some time. Fifty years ago some people from earth were brought over and attempted to industrialize and spread democracy in one kingdom. They did succeed in setting up some industry, but were out maneuvered by the locals during a civil war and ended up either as captives or refugees who ended up as captives. Limited industrialization happened afterwards and spread outward, but by in large the feudalistic decided to adopt technology on their terms. In general this mostly meant making new and better means of killing their foes.

There are four kingdoms bordering the Crimson Republic (Argosh, Marilsborg, Nuleequon and Sanavdor, going from the Southeast to the Northwest). Each of these states has about 9-16 million people. They are mostly rural places with a few small cities with a large number of fiefs. All four of them have a couple of basic founderies able to produce about 30-60,000 tonnes of steel a year as well as 1,000-3,500 kilometers of railway (inland states are more open to railway development), some small paddlesteamers on the rivers and a few bastions of cottage industry sprinkled around. Even so their millitaries are largely feudal. They each have a small standing army and Argosh and Sanavdor both have navies, but the bulk of their manpower in war is controlled by their nobles, with the great houses each raising their own armies. These are composed of levied peasants and men at arms with helmets and armed with basic breechloading rifles, knights with bullet proof breastplates armed with lever action rifles and other such primitive repeaters and cannons ranging from civil war era to 1880s level breechloaders. Royal army forces make up about a tenth of their manpower, but have better trained common soldiers that often have repeaters and more artillery. Each of the kingdoms has a total has an army of about 15-20,000 knights, 100,000 to 150,000 common soldiers and 300-500 artillery pieces. The navies of Argosh and Sanavdor have about a hundred ships, most of which are steam driven brigs, sloops and frigates, though they also have about five ironclads.

None of them particularly liked the two Kingdoms which became the Crimson Republic and gained some territory during the revolution and there is some trade between them and the Crimson Republic. They have historically been prone to fighting among themselves and there is some long standing feuds. Never the less, there is fear among the nobles of these kingdoms about the revolution spreading. They've put aside their feuds for know and have agreed to a mutual defensive pact, they'll attack the Crimson Republic if attacked. Attempts at developing this alliance beyond that have failed. That said, they are experimenting. They are working on updating their technological base, the kings have been more generous in granting charters for their lords to set up factories and have been building a few of their own. They are now expanding their rail networks and are developing power networks for their cities with indigenous production of lightbulbs, basic electric motors, telephones and similar goods. They are upgrading their small arms, making more repeaters and are working on smokeless powder. Recently Marilsborg began production of a 0.4 inch belt fed machine gun. They have made their first few internal combustion engines and are making some steam powered road vehicles. Attempts at building airplanes have been less successful so far, but reports indicate they are making headway. Some of their nobility says that war between the Crimson Republic and the their Kingdoms is inevitable and are chomping at the bit for war. A major build up of forces might prompt an attack.

Beyond the continent are three other continents with civilizations of their own at a roughly 16th century level of technological development along with a few colonies of the civilizations on your home continent.

stuff relating to you

If you are older than 30, ROB has de-aged you to 30. He has also fixed any diseases which might require constant medication and put you into good health. If you are a transexual, he has changed your biological sex to match your gender. The Crimson Republic believes in gender equality and rejects racism, homophobia and transphobia.

You have a fair deal of power as Paramount Leader, if not unlimited. If you abuse your position too much and fail to respond to issues you can be voted out by the precidium. They'll also kick you out if you reject Socialism. You can step down at any time.

What do you do?

Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
Terran Sphere
The Art of Zor
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