My Little Pony : Second Thread

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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Ralin »

Irbis wrote:Maybe. But, to be fair, we never saw other Canterlot-educated student unicorns. We never saw what old, experienced one was capable of doing. We know group of unicorns is perfectly capable of replacing Celestia, messing with timestream or create vastly powerful artefacts as an afterthought - we don't know how Twilight measures up to that. There are even whole, multiple fields of magic Twilight never uses.

To put it in strict terms of VS threads - say, Twilight vs Trixie. We saw Twilight exerting herself - we never saw Trixie really doing so. Can we compare their potentials then, really? In both episodes, Twilight had advantage of reading cheat sheet just before challenge - how they would measure up with neutral environment, we can't say with certainty. We can't even say who is more experienced - Twilight lazily experimenting with new spells when she feels like so (she knows barely 20 after all, something she should be able to learn in a few months) or Trixie, who actually needs to do them for a living, shifting repertoire for bored audiences often? Or is it the other way around, Trixie repeating the same small amount of spells while Twilight gets optimal variety?

Canon is so fuzzy it can go either way, really, Twilight might only seem special because she gets all the limelight as a protagonist, but it was never surely quantified. Yes, she is big shot in Ponyville, but then again, virtually everyone there has elementary education at best. That's why fanons making her goddess, especially ones presenting it like indisputable truth irritate me, because they are resemble zealous faith more than something offering base for real discussion.
So I realize this is very belated and I hope I'm not breaking any necro rules, but it took awhile for it to occur to me. In Boast Busters we hear Spike talk up how good at magic Twilight is compared to basically everypony else. Which is relevant because he was raised in Canterlot by Celestia* and Twilight and has had contact with other students at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. So we have at least one non-rube (if admittedly one who's young and really loves and admires Twilight) who thinks she's likely the best in Equestria.

*Faust said awhile back that Celestia raised Spike until Twilight was old enough to take responsibility for him.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Irbis »

Ralin wrote:So I realize this is very belated and I hope I'm not breaking any necro rules, but it took awhile for it to occur to me. In Boast Busters we hear Spike talk up how good at magic Twilight is compared to basically everypony else.
Spike says 'twenty-five different kinds of tricks and counting'. 'Trick' doesn't sound powerful, and besides, we know Star Swirl invented over 200 spells. Twilight kind of pales next to that.
Lurks-no-More wrote:AJ runs the family farm; Pinkie Pie is a baker's apprentice and does party planning and catering on the side; Rarity owns and runs a small business, and is in progress of breaking into fashion industry; Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are pretty much civil servants, the former leading Ponyville's weather team, and the latter acting as a wildlife control officer; and Twilight is a grad student with a Royal grant to study friendship, who also works part-time as the Ponyville librarian.
AJ does that only out of necessity. All other ponies are still apprentices, the only one that looks like anywhere near self-sufficiency is Rarity, and seeing she is pretty much unknown even in Ponyville ("never heard of you") we can scratch the idea she is full adult.
Wing Commander MAD wrote:I looked at the transcript for S1E16 on the wiki, and they specifically say flight camp.
I meant the "Get kicked outta any flight schools lately?" line which works as insult only if RD was kicked out of school.
Fluttershy says she was a weak flyer, and often parents will enroll their kids in camps or extracurricular activities to "improve" on areas they are perceived to be weak in or just because the parents feel the kid should do that.

Fluttershy has nightmare trips before friendly adult audience, complete with bullying background phrases, admitting that yes, she will "quit" the test, suggesting she did it as child. Hence, not finished school.
Applejacks "fancy mathematics" remark in S1E3 may have been more in line with the country bumpkin stereotype being played up for laughs than an actual indicator of her intelligence, along with her over estimating her abilities.
Seeing she constantly struggles to keep farm afloat even given monopoly on local miracle fruit (and that local business pony given access to small portion of these fruits become filthy rich) I'd say it's quite correct indicator :P
Canterlot appears to be the equivalent of Paris to the Equestrian fashion world, which would explain Rarity's awe at it and at Twilight being from there.

But why someone living less than a day from Paris be in awe of it unless he/she felt worse? Let's see, "Canterlot?! Oh, I am so envious! The glamor, the sophistication! I have always dreamed of living there! I can't wait to hear all about it!" directed at a pony who she knew lived there some time suggests everyone there is superior in education to best stuff Ponyville can offer, there is also Rarity desperately hiding the fact she was merely born outside of it, suggesting everyone she meet shared the same opinion.
Her reaction around the window washer or her friends at the party was one of horror because she was trying to be something she wasn't for the sake of fitting in to the point where she forgot not only who she was, but also who her friends really were. That was the lesson of the whole episode.
Which is why I hated it, because it was pretty much 'don't rise above your station, rube' type of lesson.
Babs arrives at the family reunion on what appears to be a taxi (whether that is all the way from home or just from the train station in town to the farm is unknown). We see a tour bus in the Mysterious Mare Do Well along with mechanized floats in Babs Seed. We see airships in several episodes and of course the train, hot air balloon, and carriages/coaches featured in others. When Sweetie Belle stays with Rarity she refers to her fathers wagon in much the way one would refer to a personal automobile. Ponies are certainly not lacking when it comes to non-pedestrian means of travel.
Though, series show they are either very new development (train that was absent in S1) or means of travel for filthy rich (zeppelins, coaches). It's like pointing at knight's warhorse in medieval age and arguing non-pedestrian means of travel were common because most knights had them, despite good horse being worth more money than peasant village saw in a generation.
The non-unicorn ponies are shown writing with their mouths, though that may lead to decreased written word and heavy use of mechanical print and pictograms compared to humans.
Aren't all examples of their attempts we saw were pretty awful, on par with human three year old? Relevant :wink:
For example, just about the only traffic signs in the U.S. with written words on them are those that identify a particular location or road by name, speed limits, and signs commanding the driver to stop and/or yield to other traffic at a particular location. One does not need to be able to even speak or read English, the only language in my experience that road signage is printed in, to be able to legally be licensed and operate an automobile.
Such pictograms are used everywhere, but there is difference between symbol that needs to be legible from speeding car and leave no doubts what it is and any normal means of communication. Also, sorry, there is a lot of writing, at least on speed limit and speed raises signs, as well as weight and height limits. You need to be able to at least read numbers and recognize what the unit symbol behind them means.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Wing Commander MAD »

Hey, sorry I haven't made a response to your post yet Irbis, I've been busy with work and kind of forgot about it. I'll try to get one put together this evening.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Dominus Atheos »

Speaking of MLP, it turns out that picture of the anthropomorphized Mane 6 is from an MLP movie called "Equestria Girls".

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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by RogueIce »

Well, I'll buy a ticket and go. Because fuck it, why not?
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Wild Zontargs »

RogueIce wrote:Well, I'll buy a ticket and go. Because fuck it, why not?
I think I'll wait for your review. I've seen some shit spoilers.... :wtf:
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Irbis »

Wing Commander MAD wrote:Hey, sorry I haven't made a response to your post yet Irbis, I've been busy with work and kind of forgot about it. I'll try to get one put together this evening.
Sure, no problem. Also, would this be right place to post short review of comic, or is this thread TV only?
Dominus Atheos wrote:Speaking of MLP, it turns out that picture of the anthropomorphized Mane 6 is from an MLP movie called "Equestria Girls".
I heard the movie is only sort of theatrical episode followed by normal TV series?

Anyway, I second awaiting opinion of people who can go.
RogueIce wrote:Well, I'll buy a ticket and go. Because fuck it, why not?
Can you maybe check if there is any mention or trailers of TV series at the end?
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Wild Zontargs »

Irbis wrote:I heard the movie is only sort of theatrical episode followed by normal TV series?
The leaks I've heard said otherwise, and the spoilers seem to agree. Could be completely wrong, though.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by RogueIce »

I am hoping I can track down a local brony group and see when they're going. Not because I necessarily want to go with them but I would feel less like a potential creeper if I knew it wasn't me and a bunch of families in that theater.

Or just go at the latest night showing, one or the other.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Wild Zontargs »

Here have a trailer.


:shock: Yeah. Someone else can go first.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Zixinus »

I'll do what I've always do with movies: wait for the DVD release.

To be honest, the high-school thing is more off-putting for me. Especially the mention of a prom, or something that looks like it. But beyond that, it does not seem that particularly worse than others.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by RogueIce »

The show's VAs are in it, sounds like. So yeah, I'll definitely watch it.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Irbis »

Wild Zontargs wrote::shock: Yeah. Someone else can go first.
Eh, it doesn't seem that bad. Lost most of what was criticized in design, that villain pony with nice design featured in toys some time ago was apparently made into human antagonist, no big no-nos so far.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Ralin »

Doesn't grab me that much, but I'll see it when I can. Which sadly will take awhile given that I expect to be in China for the foreseeable future.

I'm not psyched about it, but the writers have earned the benefit of the doubt as far as I'm concerned, and at worst I expect it'll be decent. There's yet to be an episode of the show that I've outright not enjoyed, after all.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Wing Commander MAD »

Sorry, I kept forgetting about this. :oops:
So I realize this is very belated and I hope I'm not breaking any necro rules, but it took awhile for it to occur to me. In Boast Busters we hear Spike talk up how good at magic Twilight is compared to basically everypony else.
Spike says 'twenty-five different kinds of tricks and counting'. 'Trick' doesn't sound powerful, and besides, we know Star Swirl invented over 200 spells. Twilight kind of pales next to that.
I can't help but wander if part of that might have been Spike taking stuff he heard from Celestia out of context. IIRC it's never stated, and thus up for change, but wasn't Spike supposed to have been raised by Celestia up until some point prior to the show? We outright hear Celestia in the flashback where she met Twilight say she has the most raw talent/potential she's ever seen. My guess is that she has potential to be greater than Star Swirl (indeed the S3 finale says that), and even Celestia and Luna, remember both of them have performed feats that seemingly eclipse Twilight, but that what she lacks is wisdom, experience and refinement of her abilities. Something, else to consider which I'm sure has been mentioned here before is that what's special about Twilight besides her potential, is the ease at which she seems to be able to learn and use new magic compared to other ponies.
AJ runs the family farm; Pinkie Pie is a baker's apprentice and does party planning and catering on the side; Rarity owns and runs a small business, and is in progress of breaking into fashion industry; Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are pretty much civil servants, the former leading Ponyville's weather team, and the latter acting as a wildlife control officer; and Twilight is a grad student with a Royal grant to study friendship, who also works part-time as the Ponyville librarian.
AJ does that only out of necessity. All other ponies are still apprentices, the only one that looks like anywhere near self-sufficiency is Rarity, and seeing she is pretty much unknown even in Ponyville ("never heard of you") we can scratch the idea she is full adult.
How exactly is being unknown in her trade have anything to do with her being "full adult"? For that matter, what do you mean by "full adult"?

Regarding anything I didn't respond to in particular, you've made some good points. I'm not sure I agree with all of them, or interpret some of the things in the same way, but definitely interesting to consider. Hopefully Season 4 will be as thought provoking.
RogueIce wrote:I am hoping I can track down a local brony group and see when they're going. Not because I necessarily want to go with them but I would feel less like a potential creeper if I knew it wasn't me and a bunch of families in that theater.

Or just go at the latest night showing, one or the other.
That is why I'll be waiting for the Hub premiere in six months to a year. It's just less complicated at all levels to watch it at home.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by RogueIce »

Here's a new trailer for Equestria Girls to watch

Naturally, Spike gets the best line. :D

So looks better, and we get some more details. I may just see this even without the cover of other bronies, because it looks like they've put some legit effort into it and I'd like to support them with some box office revenue.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Irbis »

Sunset Shimmer! I knew it! :twisted:

Please, be Kathleen Barr. Please, be Kathleen Barr :oops:

He, he, Spike is ass like usual :twisted:

So, yeah, IMHO, Lauren Faust's misfired criticism of EG she was goaded into by haters looks even more sad and kind of pathetic, now. Especially seeing her own proposition, Galaxy Girls, was much worse. Also IMHO.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Irbis »

Let me guess - lack of reviews means everyone is shocked with quality? :wink:

Or lack of it?
Wing Commander MAD wrote:
Spike says 'twenty-five different kinds of tricks and counting'. 'Trick' doesn't sound powerful, and besides, we know Star Swirl invented over 200 spells. Twilight kind of pales next to that.
I can't help but wander if part of that might have been Spike taking stuff he heard from Celestia out of context. IIRC it's never stated, and thus up for change, but wasn't Spike supposed to have been raised by Celestia up until some point prior to the show? We outright hear Celestia in the flashback where she met Twilight say she has the most raw talent/potential she's ever seen.
She would need to eclipse Sombra, Luna, Cadance, Starswirl, and who knows how many other powerful characters. I can't help but say she was speaking figuratively maybe impressed with her early age abilities, but it says nothing how she compares to them now. After all, baby Cakes were capable of feats eclipsing even Mane 6, maybe young fillies are just abnormally strong?

By the way:
Whatever Starswirl spell does, it's not creating winged unicorns. Celestia did it both times, first for pegasus Cadance for defeating some no-name villain, then for Twilight. Kind of cheapens both the race and TS 'accomplishment' even if only powerful individuals are invited.
My guess is that she has potential to be greater than Star Swirl (indeed the S3 finale says that), and even Celestia and Luna, remember both of them have performed feats that seemingly eclipse Twilight, but that what she lacks is wisdom, experience and refinement of her abilities. Something, else to consider which I'm sure has been mentioned here before is that what's special about Twilight besides her potential, is the ease at which she seems to be able to learn and use new magic compared to other ponies.
Eh, the ease is overstated. Her shield spell copied from her brother is noticeably weaker, she can't copy age spell off Trixie, or beat simple trap Sombra left millennium ago. I don't know, just there is never something other characters can't pull off, Twilight doesn't even seem to be creative, always finds solution in book or someone's advice.
AJ does that only out of necessity. All other ponies are still apprentices, the only one that looks like anywhere near self-sufficiency is Rarity, and seeing she is pretty much unknown even in Ponyville ("never heard of you") we can scratch the idea she is full adult.
How exactly is being unknown in her trade have anything to do with her being "full adult"? For that matter, what do you mean by "full adult"?
She is unknown in the trade in her own village. This only works if her business is very fresh or she took over someone else's shop. I'd expect villagers to know someone running one out of what, four businesses present?

As full adult, I sort of meant 20+ years, as opposed to young adult (16-18), late apprenticeship age. It's just... no one from Mane 6 strikes me than more than that age maturity level, anyway.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by RogueIce »

Irbis wrote:Let me guess - lack of reviews means everyone is shocked with quality? :wink:

Or lack of it?
Some reviews I've heard say it wasn't as terrible as people were making it out to be.

Unfortunately it's only seeing a limited theatrical release, and I was busy on the 16th (it being Father's Day in the US and all) and the next showing I'm aware of near me isn't until July. :(
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Wild Zontargs »

Most of the posts I've seen about it consisted mainly of "will you guys quit fan-boying out in a theater filled with little girls and their parents" and had shockingly little to say about the actual story. At this point, I'm guessing that there just wasn't much worth discussing.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Ralin »

I'm hearing that it was good and that the songs are amazingly catchy.

Sadly they neglected to do a screening in Hong Kong.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I still think that Lauren Faust missed out on the idea of smaller than normal ponies, Shetlanders with the Stereotypical Violent Glassgowian attitude, and yes, Kilts, and swords that are impossibly impractical for a pony to carry (much less the tiny shetlands) but still the do....

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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by RogueIce »

What could provoke such a reaction from me? Season 4 animatics, of course!

SPOILERS FOR SEASON 4!!!! (obviously)
Apple family song! HELL YEAH! Also with Pinkie Pie for some reason. Looks interesting.

Maretropolis is a place now. Also: GO GO POWER PONIES!

Scootaloo episode with her fellow CMCs, being ragged on for her inability to fly by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Looks like an excellent character episode. Also the setup is that (apparently) she's representing Equestria in the Games.

And, finally...LUNA EPISODE OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH. Looks like Twilight is seeing what happened the first time Nightmare Moon raised her mane. That should be an interesting one. Backstory FTW.
EDIT: Also from Equestria Daily's writeup of the panel (LINK - here there be S4 spoilers!) is some good stuff. One thing that isn't a S4 spoiler:

Q: Soundtrack on the way?
A: Yes

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"On and on, through the years,
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Wing Commander MAD »

Heads up to anyone interested, this coming Sunday, at least in the US, the HUB is premiering My Little Pony: Equestria Girls for anyone who hasn't seen it (nice since it never came to my area). Airings are 12:00 PM, and 1:30 PM and the following day at 1:30 PM, all times Eastern. Check your local listings.
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Re: My Little Pony : Second Thread

Post by Wing Commander MAD »

I just watched MLP: Equestria Girls and I must say touche Hasbro and MLP:FiM crew. I had my doubts from when I first heard about it, but it was actually pretty good. Though it appears they cut a fair bit of the movie out. Looking at the comments on Equestria Daily they cut out all the funny scenes, and at least one song. Damnit, you have to edit it down for television on your own network Hasbro. Seriously, you couldn't have scheduled for a 2 hour time slot like every other movie you show. :x I guess I'll be adding Equestria Girls to the list of TV/movies I want to pickup eventually. I swear I don't even know why I bother with broadcast/cable television anymore...
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