What if both side find shield usless

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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Simon_Jester wrote:Critical not so much to the ship's ability to fight as to the psychology of the crew- heavy damage to the bridge tower and the loss of the captain may (especially in the relatively top-down hierarchy of the Imperial fleet) cause a loss of command and control that cripples the ship. Even if in theory the ship can be conned or commanded from a position elsewhere in the hull, that doesn't mean that the human element will handle the transition as well as the machinery permits it to do.
Possibly, but on reflection it may not matter. As I just pointed out above, it's possible to argue SW/ST ship weapons are so powerful against bare hull that no amount of mass/armor (alone) will stop a TL blast (barring some very exotic, and expensive armour that is.) Or it may be that armouring to that degree is possible but requires a specialized hull design or other tradeoffs (the ship being so massive it loses quite a bit of acceleration, for example.)

If the above were true that might also explain the exposed bridges - given a certain magnitude of weapons it may not matter WHERE you stick it on the ship, so you might as well put it out in the open where you can do some good. Hell, given some ship designs, putting it inside the ship means putting it close to the engines or the reactor, which may not always be wise.

such a case may also make redundancy a good way to counter damage (Which is what Mon Cal ships basically do, and they are supposed to be able to endure more raw damage than their imperial counterparts despite having less raw armor, shielding, and weaponry than the Imperials. On the flip side they're also a bitch to repair and maintain.)

The New Republic's "new class" ship designs (from the Black Fleet Crisis novels) took the design philosophy that ships were ultimately expendable - firepower was such that recovering and repairing ships was deemed impractical compared to just building new ships, IIRC.
Enigma wrote: He means that the shields become useless, not that they do not have them nor did he mean no forcefields. If there was no SIF or Inertial Dampeners available, ST ships would be dead in space lest they risk ripping themselves apart both ship and crew.
The same is true for Imperial starships if they tried accelerating at any fraction of real power, fired weapons, etc. (Cf slave ship quote and "multi gigaton recoil" tearing ships apart without bracing and suchnot.)
With no shields available, the ISDs will be able to pump more power into their weapons or to ECMs and ECCMs, making it even easier to destroy ST ships.
That assumes SW shields do in fact consume large quantities of energy. It's possible, but its not required (eg the "heat pump" example I believe Mike and Curtis hav ementioned in regards to heat sinks and radiators.

Oh as an aside for the Transporters.. What is the maximum range on a transporter, and what factors influence the range (I imagine there are cases where circumstances may not eliminate their use, but render them impractical beyond a certain range.) I recall 40,000 km as one range but I can't say where or under what conditions.
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Connor MacLeod »

I wanted to add this but could no longer edit the post to my last reply to Simon:

Edit: Oh yes, and the Death Star. no way in hell that thing could function or fire without forcefields bolstering the sheer mass even if it is partly technobabble in how it works.

On another note I also have to admit that I kinda like the idea that without shields and any other "active" defensive measures, ISDs and stuff might not require gigatons or teratons to destroy. It helps explain certain cases when we clearly DON'T have GT and TT going off, or where it may not be practical to have it (EG fighter torpedoes.) After all, we know shield piercing tech exists, and certain kinds of shields/forcefields interact with armour (contact ray shields integrated into Slave-1's armour, the powered, energy-dispersing armour on REpublic and Imperial walkers, gunships, etc.), it stands to reason that if you can weaken or nullify those active measures, it makes sense to use lower power to destroy the ship.

From another perspective it could offer ways and ideas to make the SWvs ST debate "interesting" to discuss again, if one were inclined to do so.
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Simon_Jester »

Connor MacLeod wrote:
Also, the angles to fire on a Star Destroyer's aft end are much less than that of a Federation ship. Realistically, unless you're coming in from the rear, you can't hit a Star Destroyer's engines. The Enterprise? If you come from the stern, port, starboard, dorsal or even keel, you can hit the engines. Hell, a shot that misses the underside of the saucer could still realistically hit the nacelle or the pylon. You hit the pylon, you've lost that nacelle and there's no fixing it in the heat of combat.
No but you risk getting hit by the engine wash of a STar Destroyer coming at it from the rear, unless you cripple those thrusters first.
Which just makes Baffalo's point all the stronger: scoring a mobility-kill on an ISD is much more difficult than scoring a mobility-kill on a Federation ship, all else being equal, just because of the hullforms.

This ties into my comments about target profile and such: insofar as it's possible, you do want to screen important bits of the ship from enemy fire using less important bits, especially when that fire is coming in along an axis you want to point the ship in order to fire at the enemy.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Possibly, but on reflection it may not matter. As I just pointed out above, it's possible to argue SW/ST ship weapons are so powerful against bare hull that no amount of mass/armor (alone) will stop a TL blast (barring some very exotic, and expensive armour that is.) Or it may be that armouring to that degree is possible but requires a specialized hull design or other tradeoffs (the ship being so massive it loses quite a bit of acceleration, for example.)
At Star Wars yields, with the whole "vaporize cubic kilometers of iron" stuff going on, this is likely to be true.

At Star Trek yields, where most of the weapons seem within shouting distance of what existing nuclear weapons are capable of, or below that point... I'm honestly not so sure. You can armor kilometer-scale objects (like ISDs) to at least make them more resistant to that kind of fire, and we know Star Wars material science is somewhat in advance of ours.

I would not at all be surprised if ISDs had at least a limited 'armor belt' to mitigate certain kinds of "light" damage within their own setting: minor leakage through the shields, fire from fighter-weight energy weapons*, kinetic impacts that might somehow bypass the shields**. A few meters of steel plate (or its futuristic equivalent) would do them some good in that department, and would serve fairly well against Trek ships' main battery armament, too.

Trek ships would probably, should probably, have the same thing... but it would be to a much lower scale because of the smaller physical size of the ships, the higher surface-to-volume ratio making it more mass-expensive to armor them, and probably lower levels of material science sophistication.

*(such as you might get if the rebels send some X-Wings in to harass your ship while it's in drydock, shields down)
**(such as crashing into a ten meter-scale rock when Darth Vader stops being concerned by asteroids)
The New Republic's "new class" ship designs (from the Black Fleet Crisis novels) took the design philosophy that ships were ultimately expendable - firepower was such that recovering and repairing ships was deemed impractical compared to just building new ships, IIRC.
Would be interested to hear you expand on that.
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by JasonB »

I said both sides shield unless I meant only came weapon fire the shield no effect stop or delay damage. Which what I see most likely going be case UFP and Star War empire ever going face off. Simple put weapon to alien to one another for shield provide any protect.
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Batman »

...Okay, that was incoherent even for JasonB.
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Enigma »

Batman wrote:...Okay, that was incoherent even for JasonB.
That is standard coherency for him. You should read some of the shit he posts at asvs.com. He doesn't get it that he's a joke and that people are laughing at his expense.

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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Enigma »

JasonB wrote:I said both sides shield unless I meant only came weapon fire the shield no effect stop or delay damage. Which what I see most likely going be case UFP and Star War empire ever going face off. Simple put weapon to alien to one another for shield provide any protect.
Empire still wins. UFP or any other power in ST will lose. Face it and get lost.

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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Simon_Jester wrote: Which just makes Baffalo's point all the stronger: scoring a mobility-kill on an ISD is much more difficult than scoring a mobility-kill on a Federation ship, all else being equal, just because of the hullforms.

This ties into my comments about target profile and such: insofar as it's possible, you do want to screen important bits of the ship from enemy fire using less important bits, especially when that fire is coming in along an axis you want to point the ship in order to fire at the enemy.
Well if you're targeting the warp nacelles sure, but not the impulse engines (those things are postiively tiny.. at least contrasted to the huge thrust nozzles on an ISD). Or maybe I'm just missing something here, which if I am I apologize.
At Star Wars yields, with the whole "vaporize cubic kilometers of iron" stuff going on, this is likely to be true.

At Star Trek yields, where most of the weapons seem within shouting distance of what existing nuclear weapons are capable of, or below that point... I'm honestly not so sure. You can armor kilometer-scale objects (like ISDs) to at least make them more resistant to that kind of fire, and we know Star Wars material science is somewhat in advance of ours.

I would not at all be surprised if ISDs had at least a limited 'armor belt' to mitigate certain kinds of "light" damage within their own setting: minor leakage through the shields, fire from fighter-weight energy weapons*, kinetic impacts that might somehow bypass the shields**. A few meters of steel plate (or its futuristic equivalent) would do them some good in that department, and would serve fairly well against Trek ships' main battery armament, too.

Trek ships would probably, should probably, have the same thing... but it would be to a much lower scale because of the smaller physical size of the ships, the higher surface-to-volume ratio making it more mass-expensive to armor them, and probably lower levels of material science sophistication.

*(such as you might get if the rebels send some X-Wings in to harass your ship while it's in drydock, shields down)
**(such as crashing into a ten meter-scale rock when Darth Vader stops being concerned by asteroids)
Mike once suggested that the heat sinks for the shields might double as armor belts on the ship, because they are designed to absorb lots of energy, that would be a definite damage-mitigation mechanism, especially if the armor is linked to it. Given all the properties ascribed to armor, it probably sounds more like armor is designed to basically "radiate" away the energy hitting it by any method, even if it has to destroy itself in the process (which in most cases, I suspect it does.) If they can link the armor into the shield heat sink/radiatior mechanisms too, what you describe is quite plasuible.

That said, I still think its a big question mark, since it depends on the assumptions (esp WRT defensive mechanisms) you make, and the calcs you use. Like I've said, just becuase they chuck out multi-TT yields at full power doesn't make them typical combat yields (We have seen SW ships destroyed in single hits, even capships.) One could certainly argue that based on the fact we've seen fighters inflict even superficial damage on capital ships suggests it can be damaged by lower yields (it just may not easily penetrate.)

I honestly was kinda thinking that the "bare" un-defended armor could be damaged by megaton, even kiloton level hits. Of course, armor need not be uniform, and the heat sinks may be nigh-impenetrable to ST weapons. But if the "non forcefield" shield mechanisms are still active, even the armor might be able to resist some level of multi-GT firepower (although still taking damage in the process.)

Would be interested to hear you expand on that.
It's probably best to just quote part of the Wiki article, since details have changed a bit since the data I have, but:
New Class program

to simplyfy the bulk of the data I was going to add, which is from Cracken's Threat Dossier, the new class program involved basically a more technologically advanced, smaller, and more specialized fleet.

In terms of ship design and capability.. I'll quote the last three paragraphs form Cracken's threat Dossier
CTD, page 75 wrote: New Class heavy combat ships are optimized for the long range duel, carrying fewer heavy turbolasers than Imperials, but of euqal power and superior fire control [note: in WEG stat terms, they were equal in power to ISD-2s, which was "standard" post ROTJ. The TLS were VASTLY superior to an ISD-1's TLs individually.], allowing new Republic ships to get more hits at long range. Impreoved manuverability and speed keeps the New Republic at their preferred range. The Majestic Class heavy cruiser [note: 700 meter long ship], for example, can score as many hits at long range as an Imperial STar Destroyer can at medium range with fewer heavy guns, and can stay at that range for as long as it has space to run in.

The New Class ships also reflect a tend toward more compact, specialized ships. The Warrior gunship is a dedicated anti-capital ship, fully capable of taking down prey nine times its size [note: 195 meter long gunship, not sure if "size" is length or mass, but presumes length given performance.], but nearly useless for any duty but combat. This trend is not absolute - the Sacheen escort curiser is deisgned for screening and patrol duties, and can be used for long range operations. Furthermore, the New Class ships havea wider variety of weaponry than Imperial ships of equivalent size, including turbolasers, ion cannons, tractor beams, and matter weapons.

Logistical concerns hold these ships to their operational space and they must be constnatly resupplied by fleet tenders. REcovery and repair is less of a concern today than in previous years. Increasing firepower tends to result in ships being destroyed rather than simply damaged. THere is little attention paid to ship recovery in the New Class program.
To add a few final notes and some speculation: ISDs typically had something like 6 years worth of consumables , many of the bigger warshps have only 5 months (others, like the gunship, have much less.. no more than 3 months.) They also have considerably smaller crew complements than ISDS (the largest have 7-8 thousand crew, tops, not including troops, but that may or may not carry many troops and certainly carry no ground vehicles I am aware of. There would probably be dedicated craft for that, although none are outlined.)

Also, given the "defensive" mindset implied in the progrma, they probably cut down quite a bit on hyperdrive range, possibly speed (response time matters, as they have to cover a larger area, but they don't want the ships to be able to travel too far from their assigned routes, at least not without the logistics to support it.) I imagine the reduction in size also cuts down a great deal on armor mass/volume and redundancy (being smaller than an ISD is going t naturally make them more destructive, since the "per shot" power certainly doesn't change.)

Another key thing to note is that the "New Class" had a more thorough emphasis on picket/Elint ships and general recon and dedicated sensor craft (including stealthed ones) as well as recon drones and such. I imagine the need for greater information is meant to offset teh smaller size by making it easier to track/locate the enemy, as well as relaying fire control data for long range shooting.

Personally I always thought it was an interesting take on the SW Universe and how ship combat is done. I honestly was never totally comfortable with the idea that the trend ALWAYS goes upwards, with bigger and ibgger ships, but would never stray aside from that (EG everything was Exeuctors and nothing else. No "small" battleships.)
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Simon_Jester »


A thought about the massive supply of consumables on an ISD.

Does that reflect onboard recycling systems? You might well be able to make six months' rations last much longer than six months if you can break down the contents of the ship's septic tank for raw materials (and try not to think about where it's coming from).
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Baffalo »

Simon_Jester wrote:Hmm.

A thought about the massive supply of consumables on an ISD.

Does that reflect onboard recycling systems? You might well be able to make six months' rations last much longer than six months if you can break down the contents of the ship's septic tank for raw materials (and try not to think about where it's coming from).
I have to wonder about that because in TESB, Star Destroyers dropped their trash just before jumping to hyperspace. From the size of the junk being dumped, I'd say that quite a bit of material gets consumed on a per-shift basis. On a US submarine, trash is compacted into aluminum cylinders for storage, and I imagine that since we've seen large scale compactors aboard the Death Star, there would be similar setups on ISDs. And since the Empire can easily produce everything a ship of that size needs, there's very little reason to recycle. Now, that's not to say there isn't something to recycle organic waste, and infact there's even evidence in the EU to point to such (bacterial tanks buried in arcologies on Coruscant). If I were a logistics officer, I'd love to have a bacteria that could be used as cheap filler in most foods.

Just something to think about, NASA packs approximately 3.8lbs of food per astronaught per day aboard the shuttle [1]. The USDA estimates the average US citizen eats 4.7lbs of food per day [2]. That means that if we average the two, that's approximately 4.25lbs per person per day. If we assume that the ISD can carry 6 years worth for 7000 people, that's 32500 tons of food. And that's not counting the weight of the packaging, divying up the food by what's refrigerated, frozen, dry goods, canned, liquid, etc. If we assume the packaging weighs about 1 pound per person per day, that's three tons of packaging that gets thrown out the back every day.

On aircraft carriers, the ship carries approximately 6 months worth of food aboard, and then at sea they come alongside a ship that restocks them for longer periods of time. I'm willing to bet that a few Acclamators were kept in service post-Clone Wars to serve as bulk transporters for restocking ISDs away from their home bases. I'm just not certain that an ISD would have reason to carry that much food on standard duty. Sure, chasing Vader across the galaxy, I'd want to keep enough in stock to be ready to deploy on a moment's notice, but for standard patrols, I'd be willing to wager that normal ISDs carry maybe a quarter of their maximum capacity, if that. I used to work in a grocery store meat department... I'd be scared to see the size of coolers needed for that much food.
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Agent Sorchus »

If we assume that the ISD can carry 6 years worth for 7000 people
Why this low of a number for the crew, when we know that the full crew is 37,000 or a little more. We also see that a large part of the trash dumped in TESB is not raw sewage, and we can infer that very little of it is based on the trash compactors on the first death star. (Which contained a fair amount of non organic waste like boxes and what can best be described as discarded maintenance material.

The six year number has been argued all kinds of ways, indeed being many peoples justification for their understanding of combat endurance (saying that six years is minimum use burn of the engines and power I think scaled from civilian power use habits). I don't think that anything can actually be said about that figure since in the source it is incredibly badly defined, and defining what it means is half the argument.
I'd be scared to see the size of coolers needed for that much food.
Actually I would be surprised if they don't restock primary food very often, yet contain a large stock of edible nourishment that is stable for long periods. See the Eye of Palpatine, where there was plenty of food available for the abductees to survive, yet wasn't anything but normal rations.
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Darth Tedious »

The 'six years' figure dates all the way back to the first edition WEG Sourcebook, in which it was stated as six years supply of "consumables". This would strongly imply that it was indeed food. I'm really surprised it hasn't been retconned out of existance, as it is a pretty ridiculous statistic.
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Simon_Jester wrote:Hmm.

A thought about the massive supply of consumables on an ISD.

Does that reflect onboard recycling systems? You might well be able to make six months' rations last much longer than six months if you can break down the contents of the ship's septic tank for raw materials (and try not to think about where it's coming from).
Probably not. Some source floating around somewhere, either the Star Wars Technical journal (old old pre EU material, that is still canon I think cuz it borrows from WEG) or WEG material has a mention that ISDs basically have no recycling facilities onboard (Victory class did, but they decided to forgo that in the ISDs). The rationale being, as Baffalo noted, the dumping of garbage in TESB.

For the most part I think it makes sense in-universe. The SW galaxy is a massive, well explored, intimately connected society, and ISDS operate pretty much within the bounds of that society (and hence, within its logistical chain.) So they are never far really from easy resupply and refuelling no matter WHAT happens. (worse comes to worse, they just have to call for a refuelling, or resupply. Or a tow.)

Besides, when you think about it, an ISD isn't *really* a warship, its more a peacekeeping ship designed to exercise political and/or economic objectives. As is the Navy it is part of. It serves no real other function than that (or any military in SW, for that matter.) because there really are no threats to the Republic or Empire, save Internal ones, and even those tend to be fairly limited.

I will note that in the WOTC stuff, that Sarli guy tried claiming the "consumables" included fuel supply (he also claimed that SW ships generated "virtual" energy, because his RPG stats conflicted with the ICS stuff and other sources. Considering he basicalyl tried to insert mass lightening into the universe, I guess "virtual energy" was meant to imply SW ships were perpetual motion machiens or something.)
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Darth Tedious wrote:The 'six years' figure dates all the way back to the first edition WEG Sourcebook, in which it was stated as six years supply of "consumables". This would strongly imply that it was indeed food. I'm really surprised it hasn't been retconned out of existance, as it is a pretty ridiculous statistic.
Well back in the early days prior to the EU, WEG tried portraying the Star Wars galaxy at some point as being largely unexplored (sorta like the Imperium in 40K, only with far more wilderness.) I think the 'known galaxy' was a small slice like 1/4th the total galaxy or something. Which has lead to some of the bigger headaches in retconning (such as in the Atlas) and why it often comes across as so confusing (inability to let go of sources.)

What's even more interesting is that context wise, WEG changed its mind at least several times regarding the makeup of the galaxy.. one version IIRC was basically more "ring like" and that each layer of the galaxy was progressively less settled and wilder (The Core and inner rim were the "best known", Outer Rim and Wildspace essentially made up the frontier, and wildspace/uknown regions together were the "unknown to the galaxy at large" bit.)
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Baffalo »

Connor MacLeod wrote:
Darth Tedious wrote:The 'six years' figure dates all the way back to the first edition WEG Sourcebook, in which it was stated as six years supply of "consumables". This would strongly imply that it was indeed food. I'm really surprised it hasn't been retconned out of existance, as it is a pretty ridiculous statistic.
Well back in the early days prior to the EU, WEG tried portraying the Star Wars galaxy at some point as being largely unexplored (sorta like the Imperium in 40K, only with far more wilderness.) I think the 'known galaxy' was a small slice like 1/4th the total galaxy or something. Which has lead to some of the bigger headaches in retconning (such as in the Atlas) and why it often comes across as so confusing (inability to let go of sources.)

What's even more interesting is that context wise, WEG changed its mind at least several times regarding the makeup of the galaxy.. one version IIRC was basically more "ring like" and that each layer of the galaxy was progressively less settled and wilder (The Core and inner rim were the "best known", Outer Rim and Wildspace essentially made up the frontier, and wildspace/uknown regions together were the "unknown to the galaxy at large" bit.)
That sounds absolutely ridiculous. It's been established that the Deep Core is one of the lest explored regions of space in the galaxy, even in the Imperial era, and that would logically be the one place that gets explored more than any other if the core worlds were the most settled. Because if the Deep Core is a mystery, then in order to travel from one planet to a planet on the other side of the core, you have to go around the entire core, which makes no sense. And if the galaxy is less explored as you head towards the edge, then you'd see quite a bit more in the way of piracy and smuggling. I know Han's a smuggler, but Obi Wan would've been able to just walk into the cantina and pick anyone AT RANDOM and have a good chance of finding someone with a ship looking for a legitimate contract.

Given the speeds we see Star Wars ships operating at, there is no reason why you can't explore a galaxy over the course of several thousand years. I know there are literally billions of stars, but given the kind of economy we see the Empire and even the Republic sporting, a very small fraction of their GDP could go to probes whose only job is to go to a system, scan it, report back, and then go again until it's destroyed or is no longer functional. If you explored that way, say about 500 systems a year (given the speed and enough probes, this is not unreasonable, maybe even a low number) you're still talking about half a million mapped systems for every thousand years. And the Republic is supposed to have been started around 25,000 BBY, so you're looking at 12.5 million systems mapped. And if you can increase that number, the number of systems you map every year, that's more and more systems every single year.
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Re: What if both side find shield usless

Post by Simon_Jester »

I think the justification for a poorly explored deep core is that the increased density of stellar features makes hyperspace navigation tricky- in which case there may really be an incentive to go around, just as ships normally go around patches of ocean where there are known to be rocks and shoals even if it means sailing three sides of a rectangle to go around.

Also, the best hyperspace routes may actually shift significantly on timescales of centuries or millenia- stellar motion on those timescales is not trivial, and if the geometry of hyperspace is affected by large masses in normal space, keeping permanent navigation lanes open in a dense, complex region could be difficult.

But the region in which this is true would be quite small relative to the size of the explorable galaxy- it'd be something like a CD disc, with the hole in the center being the 'inaccessible' region and a much wider band of accessible territory outside it.

As for consumables, another thought- maybe one of the reasons for the huge supply of consumables is quasi-humanitarian? ISDs would often get drawn into responses to local wars or certain kinds of disasters. Being able to drop enough food to feed 40,000 people for a a year (or four million people for three days, until a freighter full of relief supplies can be loaded and brought to the place) could be useful to their mission of establishing Imperial presence and influence on planets in crisis, just as the AT-ATs and garrison base are.
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