SDNWORLD-REDUX: Building Your Country

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Karmic Knight
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SDNWORLD-REDUX: Building Your Country

Post by Karmic Knight »

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Beowulf's Plan.
Beowulf wrote:My suggestion:

Imperium 20k posts
$5 trillion GDP (PPP)
1 million km^2 (suggested)
120 million population - (suggested,
1st world living standard)
3000 pts

Tsardom 5k posts
1/2 imperium
1500 pts

Kingdom 2.5k posts
1/2 tsardom
750 pts

Principality 1k posts
1/2 kingdom
$750 billion GDP (PPP)
420 pts

Duchy 50 posts or negative CT
1/2 principality
$400 billion GDP (PPP)
210 pts

+1 for mods & senators (including mini-mods)
+1 for longevity (only if really close to breakpoint)
-1 for dicks (looking at you, Shep)

military points:
carriers - 16
large LHA/LHD - 8
cruisers - 6
small LHA/LHD - 6
destroyer - 4
AOE - 4
AO - 2
AKE - 2 (resupply vessels)
frigate - 2
LST - 2
corvette - 1
attack submarine - 2
nuclear costs double (yes, this means a CVN costs 32 points)

5th gen fighter flight(x4) - 4
* F-22 or F-35
* limit: 1% of your points, rounded to nearest point
4th gen fighter flight(x4) - 2
* teen series american, MiG-29/31, Su-27, JAS 39
3rd gen fighter flight(x4) - 1
* F-4, MiG-23/25
lightweight fighters cost 1/2 what other fighters of their generation do
* F-18Es are not lightweight; F-18As, and F-16 block 52 and earlier are.
* attack aircraft are lumped in with corresponding gen of fighter
* ex: A-10 is a lightweight 4th gen. A-4 is a lightweight 3rd gen.
Strategic bomber - 2 (>45,000 lbs payload)
* B-1
tactical bomber - 1 (<45,000 lbs payload)
* F-111
tanker - 1
* KC-135 et al. Not buddy tankers like KA-6D
heavy AWACS - 2
* E-767
light AWACS - 1
* E-2
trainer flight (x4) - .5 (does not count two seat fighters, ex: F-16B)
* T-6, BAe Hawk, etc
strategic transport flight(x4) - 4
* C-5
tactical transport flight(x4) - 2
* C-130
heavy maritime patrol flight(x4) - 4
* ex: P-3
light maritime patrol flight(x4) - 2
* S-3
recon same as whatever it's base is, or 2 if there is no base

3rd Gen MBT (x60) - 4
* ex: M1
2nd Gen MBT (x60) - 2
* ex: M60
1st Gen MBT (x60) - 1
* ex: M48
3rd Gen AFV(non-MBT) (x120) - 2
* ex: M2/3
2nd Gen AFV(non-MBT) (x120) - 1
* ex: M113
1st Gen AFV(non-MBT) (x120) - .5
MLRS artillery (x27) - 2
Heavy SP Artillery (x16) - 2
* ex: 8 in guns
Medium SP Artillery (x16) - 1
* ex: PzH 2000, M109
Field SP Artillery (x16) - .5
* ex: MOBAT
Medium Towed Artillery (x18) - .5
* ex: M198
Field Towed Artillery (x18) - .25
* ex: M119
Heavy Air Defense Artillery (x16) - 3
* ex: S-300
Medium Air Defense Artillery (x16) - 2
* ex: Patriot
Light Air Defense Artillery (x16) - 1
* ex: M6
Heavy Lift Helicopter (x30) - 3
* ex: CH-47, CH-53
Utility Helicopter (x30) - 1
* ex: H-60
Attack Helicopter (x24) - 2
* ex: AH-64
Light Attack Helicopter (x24) - 1
* ex: AH-1
Professional Infantry (x1000) - 1
* highly trained and equipped (body armor et al)
Conscript Infantry (x2000) - 1
* not so well trained, decently equipped (helmet, no body armor, et al)
Untrained Infantry (x3000) - 1
* Screaming horde with AK-47s and RPGs
Marines (x900) - 1
* like professional infantry, but trained to do amphibious assaults
Paratroopers (x900) - 1
* like marines, but paid to jump out of perfectly good airplanes
Engineers (x800) - 1
* combat engineers *boom*
"Elite" Special Forces (x60) - 4
* SEALs, CCT, etc.
"Moderate" Special Forces (x60) - 3
* Rangers

Nuclear infrastructure, but no nuclear weapons.

Weapon systems must either currently exist in service, or be straightforward extrapolations of in service weapon systems. Bonus: systems that are in prototype status can be taken in limited quantites. Example: F-35 can be acquired in low numbers, but can't be in widespread service. Limit is 1 flight of aircraft, or 1 battalion or equivalent of other weaponry. Ballistic and cruise missile submarines don't exist.

You can choose any nations weapon systems for your own. You can mix and match (have Russian tanks and American IFVs)

Time scale: 1 month = 1 year. Year begins on the first of the month.

Ice's spreadsheet to help organize all this is at: ... cation.xls

I'll put up examples of regiments to make it a bit easier to create an army, since it's currently running fairly complicated.
5th Generation Fighters.
RogueIce wrote: On the 5th Gen fighter thing, it's a maximum of 1% of your total points, rounded up to the nearest point. Which means it goes as follows:

Imperium - 30 pts = 28 fighters (7 flights)
Tsardom - 15 pts = 12 fighters (3 flights)
Kingdom - 8 pts (rounded up from 7.5) = 8 fighters (2 flights)
Principality - 5 pts (rounded up from 4.2) = 4 fighters (1 flight)
Duchy - 3 pts (rounded up from 2.1) = 0 fighters (sucks to be you :P )
GDPs Per Country.
Beowulf wrote:Imperium/Tsardom/Kingdom/Prince/Duchy
$5 trillion/$2.5 tril/$1.25 tril/$700 bill/$350 bill
EDIT: Example by Beowulf.
Beowulf wrote:Said example units:

3 MEFs - marine expeditionary regiment
60 AAV
60 LAV
2700 marine infantry
30 tanks
24 Light ADA
2 BN arty
12 AH-1
45 UH-60
15 CH-53
24 AV-8B+(air)
19.5 pts

Heavy Regiment
1000 infantry
120 IFV
60 tank
16 Light ADA
1 BN medium SP arty
400 engineer
9.5 pt

Mech Infantry Regiment
2000 infantry
180 IFV
30 tank
16 Light ADA
1 BN medium SP arty
400 engineer
9.5 pt

Infantry Regiment
2000 infantry
1 BN field towed arty
2.25 pt

Artillery Regiment
3 BN med SP arty
5 pt

Division Aviation Regiment
Attack Helicopter BN
2x Utility Helicopter BN
Heavy Lift Helicopter BN
7 pts

Armored Cav Regiment
120 tanks
120 IFV
500 infantry
1 BN med SP arty
11.5 pts

Airborne Division
7200 parachute troops (8 units)
4 BN field towed arty
4 BN utility helicopter
2 BN attack helicopter
2 BN heavy lift helicopter
23 pts

Armor Division
3000 infantry
360 IFV
180 tank
48 Light ADA
16 Medium ADA
6 BN medium SP arty
Attack Helicopter BN
2x Utility Helicopter BN
Heavy Lift Helicopter BN
1200 engineer
42.5 pts

Infantry Division
6000 infantry
540 IFV
90 tank
48 Light ADA
16 Medium ADA
6 BN medium SP arty
Attack Helicopter BN
2x Utility Helicopter BN
Heavy Lift Helicopter BN
1200 engineer
42.5 pts
Coyote's Build your army thread
Last edited by Karmic Knight on 2009-04-22 05:03pm, edited 3 times in total.
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.
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Post by Raj Ahten »

Country Profile for Indhopal


Formal Name: 2nd. Republic of Indhopal

Capital: Fenraven


Size: Approximately 1,220,000 sq km (?)

Topography: Indhopal is a large state, and boasts a variety of terrain types. The west coast is primarily temperate rain forest. The Blackheart mountain range runs north/south along nearly the entire length of the country. These mountains have a profound effect on the climate, allowing the forest’s in the east to flourish while the western side of the country is primarily Savanna in the Northwest going to temperate plans in the southwest. The waters off Indhopal’s coast are notorious among mariners for their multiple islands, sand bars, and reefs.

Climate: Indhopal is mostly temperate is climate, but the northwest is considerably warmer and drier than the rest of the republic.

Population: Indhopal has a population of around 17 million people, mostly concentrated in cities on the east coast. Large areas are sparsely populated.

Ethnic Groups: Indhopal is made up of a mix of settler’s from the Shroomanian colonial period (40%) and descendants from pre colonial tribes (60%), the most important of which is the Muyyatin people who once ruled a tribal confederacy of the same name. Recently around 500,000 refugees from the CFR have poured into the country as well. They are somewhat resented as they are often poor and their communities are plagued b high crime rates.

Education: Indhopal has a well rated public school system, and college is paid for by the state for those students that can pass the competitive entry exams. Indhopal manages to do a good job of educating its many rural residents through well funded programs. Famously some teachers commute to work via airplane to serve the most isolated communities.

Health: The health care system is a socialized system that focuses heavily on preventative care. Providing care for those in rural areas remains a challenge, however. Care has stagnated in recent years due to slow economic growth and higher military spending.

Salient Features: With a GDP of around $1.1 trillion, Indhopal has a diversified economy that includes everything from forestry to high tech manufacturing. Large sectors of the economy remain agriculture and lumber production, however. Fishermen also make a good living off of the abundant sea life that lives off Indhopal’s shores.

Industry: Most of Indhopal’s manufactured goods go towards satisfying the Frequesuean market. A wide variety of consumer goods and staple items such as concrete are produced. Indhopal’s well developed arms industry also competes for mostly local contracts.

Energy Sources: Indhopal has a modern electrical generation system which mainly relies on a mix of nuclear and coal fueled plants. A small local oil industry also operates. Many of the smaller rural communities also use wind turbines to produce their own electricity locally.

Government and Politics

Indhopal is a democratic republic with a strong executive branch, similar to France. There are two houses of parliament, led by the prime minister (whose main purview is domestic politics) and the President (who is responsible for foreign policy). This is the second Republic, so named because the constitution was changed 25 years ago to make the political system more competitive.

For much of Indhopal’s history, one party, the Independence party, controlled the government. Now days the political spectrum is much broader and the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), which ousted the Independence party and opened up the political process, often heads the governing coalition these days. Minor parties, from communists to Muyyatin separatists are also represented in the Legislature.

Military of Indhopal

Army Order of Battle

Note: “Regiments” are equal to a brigade

1st Division
-1st Armored Regiment (Heavy, Guards training, Professional kit) 12pts.
-22nd Infantry Regiment (Mechanized, Guards training, Professional kit) 11pts.
-1st Infantry Regiment (Mechanized, Professional Training, Professional kit) 10pts.

2nd Division (Now completely Demobilized.)
-5th Armored Regiment (Heavy, Professional Training, Professional kit) 11pts.
-31st Infantry Regiment (Motorized, Professional Training, Professional kit) 9pts.
-9th Infantry Regiment (Motorized, Professional Training, Professional kit) 9pts.

3rd Division (Now completely Demobilized.)
-4th Armored Regiment (Heavy, Professional Training, Professional kit) 11pts.
-3rd Infantry Regiment (Motorized, Professional Training, Professional kit) 9pts.
-16th Infantry Regiment (Motorized, Professional Training, Professional kit) 9pts.

4th Division
-7th Armored Regiment (Heavy, Professional Training, Professional kit)
-11th Infantry Regiment (Mechanized, Professional Training, Professional kit)
-93rd Infantry Regiment (Mechanized, Professional Training, Professional kit)

Special Warfare Command
-2nd Airborne Regiment (Airborne, Ranger Training, Elite kit.) 12pts.
-7th Royal Marine Regiment (Amphib. Armor, Guards Training, Professional kit) 11pts.
-Special Reconnaissance Group (Airborne, Special Forces Training, Elite kit.) 17pts.

Units under HQ control
-90 Heavy, 120 Medium and 76 Light SAM units.
-72 MRLS (Organized into one artillery regiment).

Air Force Order of Battle

-5 Squadrons of S-1 Silver Streak (25 spacecraft)
-3 Squadrons 0f S-2 Silver Streak (15 Spacecraft,)
-38 5th gen. Fighters (F-22 Raptor and IF-1 Griffin)
-294 4th gen. Fighters (Saab Gripen Advanced) (Half planned to be cut when a replacement is found.)
-46 4th gen. Ground Attack (AV-8 Harrier) (Either in storage or with Yorkshire.)
-51 3rd gen. Fighters (Mirage F1) (In storage or in use with Yorkshire.)
-26 Tu-22M3 strategic bombers
-26 B-1 Strategic bombers
-24 F-111X bombers
-26 tankers (24 to be built by the NFT)
-12 Heavy EWACS
-12 Light EWACS
-100 Trainers
-12 Strategic Lift Aircraft
-42 Tactical Lift Aircraft
-12 Light Maritime Patrol
-26 Heavy Maritime Patrol aircraft
-300 Utility Helicopters (Blackhawks and variants)
-60 Heavy Lift Helicopters (Chinook)
-60 Light Attack Helicopters (Gazelle)
-80 Attack Helicopters

Naval Order or Battle
-9 SSGN's (Vigilant class) (3 improved versions planned)
-9 SSN's (Barracuda class) (9 planned.)
-32 Attack Subs (Type 212 U-boat) (12 VLS varients planned)
-2 Frigates (2 Sachsen class) (1 Sachsen, 4 Halifax transferred to Japanistan.)
-4 Destroyers ( 4 Standard class) (4 Arleigh Burke, 2 Standard transferred to Japanistan.)
-1 Small LHA
-2 LST’s
-6 Corvettes (Niels Juel type) (Planned to be cut.)
-1 AO
-1 AKE
-1-2 Submarine Tenders (planned.)
Last edited by Raj Ahten on 2009-09-17 05:41pm, edited 40 times in total.
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Post by Siege »

The North Frequesuan Trust


Flag description: Two equal horizontal bands of blue (top) and red with two gold stars superimposed in the middle


Chief of state: President Sidney Hank

Legislative branch: The Syndicate. The members of the Syndicate are nominated by the President, then confirmed by the member state legislatures (respectively the San Dorado Board of Directors and the Corporate Congress of Coilerburg). Members of the Syndicate serve terms of five years each, and concern themselves with intergovernmentalist and supranationalist matters, such as economic integration, cooperation on law enforcement and justice, regional development, defence and external economic-political policy. To achieve its multitudinous goals members of the Syndicate form separate committees, each of which is headed by a Commissioner. The most important of these are:
  • Financial Committee (FiCo) Iago Morgan
    Committee on Foreign Relations (CoFoR) Charlie Duquesne
    Committee on Business and Justice (CBJ) Cordelia Cordova
    Committee for the Armed Forces (CAF) James Eckhart
The Syndicate has its main offices in the NFT headquarters:

The NFT headquarters


Area: 469,158 km²

Member states: San Dorado, Coilerburg

Overseas Departments: The Overseas Departments are NFT-administered territories outside of the member states. These territories have varying legal status and different levels of autonomy and reside directly under the Syndicate, although all have local representation, and the right to vote in Presidential elections. Overseas Departments have existed since 2015, when Syndicate policy dictated that Paradise be incorporated as an a Overseas Department.

From a legal and administrative standpoint, departments are very different from member states: according to the NFT Statute of Investment, member states are allowed to make their own laws, except for some specific areas (like defense, international and intracorporate relations, international trade and currency, courts and administrative law), as provided in the Statute, that are reserved to the Syndicate. The Departments however are governed by autonomy statutes that put them directly under management of the Syndicate and its local appointees. Therefore Syndicate regulations generally apply (civil code, penal code, administrative law, social laws, stockholder laws et cetera).

People & Economy

Language: Shroomanian (English)

Population: 45,756,121 (June '15 est.)

Currency: Dollar ($)

GDP: $1.04 trillion (FY2015)

GDP per capita: $21,942

San Dorado


Flag description: Two equal horizontal bands of blue (top) and red with a gold dollar sign on the hoist side of the blue band

Anthem: On the Sunny Side of the Street


Conventional long form: Corporate Republic of San Dorado

Government type: Corporatocracy

Independence: 1861

Chief of state: President Daphne Sinclair

The President dwells at the top 15 floors of the Presidential Palace:

The Presidential Palace

Legislative branch: Board of Directors (75 seats). There are 76 electoral districts, each of which elects one director. The directors elect the President from among themselves; each remaining member of the Board runs one of the 75 directorates or sub-directorates. Depending on the importance of the electoral district from which a director is elected he or she will be assigned a more or less prestigious directorate to run. The most important of them all are the four General Directorates:
  • DELEJ: General Directorate for Education, Law Enforcement and Justice (Director Sandy Harmon)
    DIFEI: General Directorate for Finance, Economy and Industry (Director Luke Andreas)
    DEPICOR: General Directorate for Entertainment and Public, International and Corporate Relations (Director Helena Skye)
    CORDEF: General Directorate for Corporate Defence (Director Sam Ralson)
The General Directorates have their main offices in the Tower of Commerce, downtown San Dorado:

The Tower of Commerce

Judicial branch: Central Court

Intelligence: Central Bureau for Intelligence (CBI or 'The Bureau'; internal); External Intelligence Agency (EIA or 'The Company'; external); Military Intelligence Corps (MIC or 'The Corps'; military intelligence)

International organization participation: North Frequesuan Trust, Continental Alliance Treaty Organization (CATO), Fungal Union of Nations (FUN) (observer)


Location: north-western tip Frequesue, bordering the Tanstaafl Raj and the Costa de las Cinco Muertes

Area: 22,608 km²

Maritime claims: territorial sea: 12 nm; exclusive economic zone: 200 nm

Climate: tropical; tropical; rainy, warm, cloudy southwest monsoon (mid-May to September); dry, cool northeast monsoon (November to mid-March); northern peninsula always hot and humid

Natural resources: natural gas, petroleum, tin, iron ore, coal, limestone, niobium, lead, zinc

People & Economy

Language: Shroomanian (English)

Population: 24,112,901 (June '15 est.)

Currency: Dollar ($)

GDP: $565.2 billion (FY2015)

GDP per capita: $23,440

Major Cities
1. San Dorado (13,259,098)
2. La Palma (5,008,120)
3. Port Regal (4,124,619)

Major sources of income: mining; off-shire oil drilling; petrochemical industries; construction; heavy industry; electrical machinery and equipment; cheap labour; banking and investment [Switzerland-style banking secrecy]; transit hub for trans-Frequesuan import and export (sea, land and air); weapons production and trafficking

Education: Two commercial universities (University of San Dorado and La Palma & Presidential University) provide quality education and research, but are very expensive. Many students travel abroad for higher education (particularly to Shroomania) because that is actually cheaper than to study in San Dorado.

R&D: San Dorado's megacorporations maintain extensive research laboratories. The military is also a major sponsor of research, as are the two universities.

Energy: San Dorado is, mainly due to the Power Tower, completely energy-independent. The nation is a major exporter of oil and oil-based products.



Flag description: Two equal horizontal bands of blue (top) and red with a shield in the centre, diagonally divided in a green (north-east) and light blue band superimposed with a red eagle

Anthem: Aces High


Conventional long form: Corporate Republic of Coilerburg

Government type: Corporatocracy

Independence: 1916

Chief of state: Chairman Rory Lorenz

The Chairman lives in Biltmore Manor:

Biltmore Manor

Legislative branch: Corporate Congress (92 seats). There are 93 electoral districts, each of which elects one Congressman. The Congressmen appoint the Chairman from among themselves. The Chairman then forms his/her own Cabinet. Cabinet members run the Central Departments, the most important of which are:
  • DEDEI: Central Department for Education, Economy and Industry (Harry Steiner)
    DEFCOR: Central Department for Finance and Corporate Relations (Lincoln Duval)
    DEPUJUS: Central Department for Public Affairs and Justice (Sarah Kirchner)
    CORDEF: Central Department for Corporate Defence (Ricky Taylor)
The Central Departments have their main offices in the Corporate Congress, downtown Rotherburg:

The Corporate Congress

Judicial branch: Supreme Court

Intelligence: Constabulary Intelligence Service (CIS; internal), Secretariat of External Security (SES; internal and external), Military Intelligence and Security Service (MISS; military intelligence)

International organization participation: North Frequesuan Trust, Continental Alliance Treaty Organization (CATO)


Location: north-eastern tip Frequesue, bordering Sabika (to the east) and Omago (to the south)

Area: 446,550 km²

Maritime claims: territorial sea: 12 nm; exclusive economic zone: 200 nm

Climate: varies with altitude; humid and tropical to cold and semiarid

Natural resources: fertile plains of the pampas, lead, zinc, tin, copper, iron ore, manganese, petroleum, uranium

People & Economy

Language: Shroomanian (English)

Population: 21,643,220 (June '15 est.)

Currency: Dollar ($)

GDP: $472.3 billion (FY2015)

GDP per capita: $21,822

Major Cities
1. Rotherburg (4,945,102)
2. Fallston (3,731,942)
3. Berlaymont (2,641,991)

Major sources of income: clothing and textiles, electric components, inorganic chemicals, crude minerals, fertilizers (including phosphates), petroleum products, citrus fruits, rice, grain, heavy industry

Education: Coilerburg used to be home to a number of respectable institutes of higher learning, particularly in the fields of electrical engineering. However, higher education has deteriorated in the last twenty years, is now being reinvigorated.

R&D: Mainly sponsored by foreign/semi-foreign (San Doradan) impulses.

Energy: Energy generation is done mainly through coal and oil-fired plants. Plans for a series of nuclear power plants are being developed.

NFT Armed Forces


Armed forces of the North Frequesuan Trust (i.e. the Corporate Republics of San Dorado and Coilerburg).

The chain of command of the NFTAF runs from the President of the Trust, through the Committee for the Armed Forces, to the Combatant Commanders who command all military forces within their area of responsibility.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the service Chiefs of Staff are responsible for readiness of the NFT military and serve as the President's military advisers, but are not in the chain of command.

Combatant Commands
Regional Responsibilities
  • EASTCOM – Coilerburg Theatre
  • WESTCOM – San Dorado Theatre
  • SPACECOM – Space Command
Functional Responsibilities
  • SOCOM – Special Operations Command
  • TRANSCOM – Transport Command
Military Bases
San Dorado
  • Port Regal Fleet Base
  • Naval Station La Palma
  • Camp Kittyhawk AFB
  • Mount Kingdom Emergency Special Facility
  • Fortuna Belli Proving Grounds
  • Fallston Naval Station
  • Torberg AFB
  • Roving Sands Army Post
  • Arsenal Cog
  • Camp Flatiron
  • Halisbad AFB

North Frequesuan Army

Major Commands:
  • East Theatre: II Corps
  • West Theatre: I Corps
I Corps:
Corps Headquarters BN
1st Mechanized Division
  • 1st Mechanized Brigade
    2nd Mechanized Brigade
    5th Combat Aviation Brigade
3rd Airborne Division
  • 1st Airmobile Brigade
    2nd Airmobile Brigade
    3rd Airmobile Brigade
    1st Combat Aviation Brigade
    2nd Combat Aviation Brigade
1st Support Division
  • 1st Combat Support Brigade
    1st Logistics Brigade
II Corps:
Corps Headquarters BN
2nd Mechanized Division
  • 1st Heavy Armor Brigade
    3rd Mechanized Brigade
    4th Mechanized Brigade
    6th Combat Aviation Brigade
4th Airborne Division
  • 4th Airmobile Brigade
    5th Airmobile Brigade
    3rd Combat Aviation Brigade
    4th Combat Aviation Brigade
2nd Support Division
  • 2nd Combat Support Brigade
    2nd Logistics Brigade
Mechanized Brigade
  • HQ Company
  • 3 infantry battalions
    • 36 IFV (Antlion / UMA 10 P)
    • 250 professional troops
  • 1 armor squadron
    • 36 tank (UMA 56 Silverado)
  • 1 field artillery battalion
    • 24 self-propelled artillery (UMA 30 AuF1)
  • 1 light air-defense battalion
    • 24 Antlion w/ ASRAD & box launcher for Mistral II
  • miscellanous other troops (250)
Heavy Armor Brigade
  • HQ Company
  • 3 armor squadrons
    • 36 tank (UMA 56 Silverado)
  • 1 recce battalion
    • 36 IFV (Antlion)
  • 1 armored anti-tank battalion
    • 24 tank destroyer (UMA 10 RC)
  • 1 air-defense battalion
    • 24 UMA DCA 30 w/ ASRAD & box launcher for Mistral II
  • miscellanous other troops (250)
Combat Aviation Brigade
  • HQ Company
  • 2 attack reconnaissance battalions
    • 24 attack helicopter (RA 665 Tiger)
  • 1 assault helicopter battalion
    • 24 tactical transport helicopter (RA 725 Cougar)
  • 2 general support aviation battalion
    • 10 tactical transport helicopter (RA 725 Cougar)
    • 8 heavy transport helicopter (RA 321 Super Impala)
    • 8 light scout helicopter (RA 342 Gazelle)
    • 6 SEAR helicopter (RA 635 Foxrat)
  • miscellanous other troops (250)
Airmobile Brigade
  • HQ Company
  • 3 infantry battalions
    • 250 professional troops
    • 36 IFV (Antlion / AMX 10 P)
  • 1 armored anti-tank battalion
    • 24 tank destroyer (RA M8 Catweasel)
  • 1 light field artillery battalion
    • 24 self-propelled artillery (Caesar)
  • 1 light air-defense battalion
    • 24 Antlion w/ ASRAD & box launcher for Mistral II
  • miscellanous other troops (250)
Combat Support Brigade
  • HQ Company
  • 4 field artillery battalions
    • 24 self-propelled artillery (UMA 30 AuF1)
  • 3 MLRS battalions
    • 18 MLRS launcher
  • 3 light air-defense battalions
    • 24 Antlion w/ ASRAD & box launcher for Mistral II
Logistics Brigade
  • HQ Company
  • 2 heavy lift battalion
    • 24 heavy transport helicopter (RA 321 Super Impala)
  • 2 utility helicopter battalion
    • 24 tactical transport helicopter (RA 725 Cougar)
  • 4 heavy transport battalion
    • miscellanous transport vehicles

Air Defence Command:
  • 1st Air Defence Group
    2nd Air Defence Group
    3rd Air Defence Group
    4th Air Defence Group
    5th Air Defence Group
    6th Air Defence Group
    7th Air Defence Group
    8th Air Defence Group
    9th Air Defence Group
    10th Air Defence Group
Each ADG is 6x UM-1 battery, 6x Patriot PAC-3 battery, 18x VBCI w/ ASRAD & box launcher for Mistral II & 18x Gepard flakpanzer. A battery consists of a command post and six launchers.

1st Special Air Defence Group: Centered on the Power Tower, this ADG is composed of the 5 S-300 batteries & 1 S-400 battery that were phased out by the regular ADGs in favor of the UM-1. Missiles and radars are housed in bunkers rather than on mobile platforms.

Special Operations Command:
SOCOM encompasses the Special Forces Aviation Wing and the Rapid Assault & Tactics (RAT) Brigade, formerly of the Coilerburg Army. Though officially an infantry brigade RAT troopers are always attached at the corps level on an as-needed basis.

  • 4 infantry troops
    • Alpha Troop
    • Beta Troop
    • Gamma Troop
    • Delta Troop
  • Special Forces Aviation Wing
    • 1st Special Forces Aviation Battalion
      • 6 light utility helicopter (RA 565 N Panther)
      • 2 light scout helicopter (RA 342 Gazelle)
    • 2nd Special Forces Aviation Battalion
      • 4 military transport aircraft (C-130 Hercules)

North Frequesuan Navy

Naval Action Groups:
  • Aeronaval Group
    1x CV, 1x CGN, 2x DDG, 4x FFG, 1x SSN
    40x F-120 Rafale-M, E-2 Hawkeye, Dauphin/Super Frelon helicopters
  • Amphibious Group
    1x LHD, 1x LPD, 1x FSS
  • Submarine Squadron
    1x SSN, 4x SSK
  • Underway Replenishment Squadron
    2x AOE, 1x AKE, 1x AOR
Order Of Battle:

Monkeylord-class (Charles de Gaulle-class CV) (1)
  • CV-1 Monkeylord
Pride and Profit-class (Wasp-class LHD) (1)
  • LHD-1 Pride and Profit
Mysore-class (Rotterdam-class LPD) (1)
  • LPD-1 Mysore
    LPD-2 Trivandrum
Under Construction:
Millennium-class (uprated Mistral-class amphibious assault carrier) (2)
  • AAC-1 Adventure
    AAC-2 Farbanti's Fortune
Lady Fortune-class (Mk41 Ticonderoga) (4)
  • CGN-1 Lady Fortune
    CGN-2 Lady Liberty
    CGN-3 Lady Justice
    CGN-4 Lady Freedom
Silver Dollar-class helicopter cruiser (1)
  • CG-5 Silver Dollar
Standard-class (6)
  • DDG-4 Compass Rose
    DDG-5 Siegfried Schrom
    DDG-6 Appleby’s Redress
    DDG-7 Prince Siddhartha
    DDG-8 Queen Asphixia’s Revenge
    DDG-9 Charming Susan
Crimson Dubloon-class frigate (Zeven Provincien-class FFG) (6)
  • FFG-1 Crimson Dubloon
    FFG-2 Black Pearl
    FFG-3 Edward Teach
    FFG-4 Pale Corsair
    FFG-5 John Silver
    FFG-6 Knife of Mahrata
Formidable-class frigate (3)
  • FFG-7 Red Moon
    FFG-8 Jack Sparrow
    FFG-9 Neptune’s Daughter
Seahorse-class ASW frigate (1)
  • FFG-10 Seahorse
William Dampier-class frigate (Absalon-class flexible support ship) (3)
  • FSS-1 William Dampier
    FFS-2 Bartholomew Roberts
    FFS-3 Kanhoji Angre
Under Construction:
Seahorse-class ASW frigate
  • FFG-11 Mermaid
    FFG-12 Grey Seal
Swarm-class SSK (15)
  • SSK-3 Lady Ching
    SSK-4 Black Bart
    SSK-5 Long Ben
    SSK-6 Desmarais
    SSK-7 Swarm
    SSK-8 Infiltrator
    SSK-9 Whisperer
    SSK-10 Stalker
    SSK-11 Rogue
    SSK-12 Assassin
    SSK-13 Herd
    SSK-14 Flock
    SSK-15 Crowd
    SSK-16 Company
    SSK-17 Aurelia
Vigilant-class (Le Triomphant-class SSGN) (4)
  • SSGN-1 Rotherburg
    SSGN-2 Rochester
    SSGN-3 Madame Terror
    SSGN-4 Tigerfish
Vigilant B-class (Le Triomphant-class SSBN) (1)
  • SSBN-3 Tengo
Barracuda-class (Barracuda-class SSN) (2)
  • SSN-3 Ruby
    SSN-4 Sapphire
Under Construction:
Barracuda-class (Barracuda-class SSN) (3)
  • SSN-5 Amethyst
    SSN-6 Opal
    SSN-7 Topaz
Waverunner-class (Supply-class AOE) (5)
  • AOE-1 Waverunner
    AOE-2 Waterwitch
    AOE-3 Western Isles
    AOE-4 Wolverhampton
    AOE-5 Windmaiden
Ration-class (Lewis and Clark-class AKE) (2)
  • AKE-1 Ration
    AKE-2 Dole
Protector-class (Protecteur-class AOR) (2)
  • AOR-1 Protector
    AOR-2 Sentinel

North Frequesuan Marine Corps
The NFMC is part of the North Frequesuan Navy.

Major Commands:
  • 1st Marine Brigade
  • 2nd Marine Brigade
  • 3rd Marine Brigade
  • 4th Marine Brigade
Marine Brigade
  • 3 marine assault battalions
  • 1 amphibious support battalion
  • 1 combat support battalion
  • 1 logistics battalion

North Frequesuan Air Force

Major Commands:
  • Defence Command (1st Interceptor Wing, 2nd Interceptor Wing, 3rd Fighter Wing, 4th Fighter Wing)
  • Strike Command (6th Bomber Wing, 7th Bomber Wing, 11th Naval Air Wing)
  • Support Command (8th Support Wing, 9th Support Wing, 10th Training Wing)
1st Interceptor Wing
101st Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Airpirates" (F-120 Rafale)
102nd Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Stray Cats" (F-120 Rafale)
103rd Interceptor Sqn. "Wildcards" (F-171B Spectre)

2nd Interceptor Wing (In Being)
104th Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Iron Eagles" (F-120 Rafale)
105th Interceptor Sqn. "Jack of Hearts" (F-171B Spectre)

3rd Fighter Wing
201st Rafale Multirole Sqn. "Smokin' Jokers" (F-120 Rafale)
202nd Rafale Multirole Sqn. "Picaroons" (F-120 Rafale)
203rd Rafale Multirole Sqn. "Flying Octopi" (F-120 Rafale)

4th Fighter Wing
204th Rafale Multirole Sqn. "Red Rooks" (F-120 Rafale)
205th Rafale Multirole Sqn. "White Queens" (F-120 Rafale)
206th Rafale Multirole Sqn. "Hawk Pawns" (F-120 Rafale)

6th Bomber Wing
501st Tactical Bomb Sqn. "Golden Dollars" (F-111X Aardvark)
502nd Tactical Bomb Sqn. "Thundercats" (F-111X Aardvark)
503rd Tactical Bomb Sqn. "Flaming Flunkies" (F-111X Aardvark)
504th Tactical Bomb Sqn. "Blockade Breakers" (F-111X Aardvark)

7th Bomber Wing
505th Tactical Bomb Sqn. "Hustlers" (F-111X Aardvark)
506th Tactical Bomb Sqn. "Greased Lightning" (F-111X Aardvark)

8th Support Wing
901st Refueling Squadron (KC-767)
902nd Refueling Squadron (KC-767)
903rd Airlift Squadron (C-130)
904th Airlift Squadron (C-130)
905th Airlift Squadron (C-17)
906th Airlift Squadron (C-17)

9th Support Wing
801st Air Control Sqn. (E-2D Hawkeye)
802nd Air Control Sqn. (E-2D Hawkeye)
803rd Air Control Sqn. (Sentinel R1)
804th Long Patrol Sqn. (P-3C Orion)
805th Long Patrol Sqn. (P-3C Orion)
806th Long Patrol Sqn. (P-3C Orion)
601st Special Sqn. "Thunderbirds" (LLE-B-52)

10th Training/Evaluation/Standardisation Wing
301st TEST Squadron (C-101)
302nd TEST Squadron (C-101)

11th Naval Air Wing
402nd Naval Air Sqn. "Yossarians Yahoos" (F-120 Rafale-M)
403rd Naval Air Sqn. "Blue Buccaneers" (F-120 Rafale-M)

North Frequesuan Rocket Forces
NFRF contributes to NFT deterrence through the strategic orbiter force, is responsible for all NFT military spacelift capability, and plays a vital role tying together and supporting the NFT military continent-wide through the use of many different types of satellites, stratellites and other space operations.

Main Bases of Operations:
  • Camp Kittyhawk Rocketfields
  • Torberg Cosmodrome
  • Mount Kingdom Emergency Special Facility (KINGDOM COME)
1st Missile Brigade
1st Missile Battalion (3x12 Simoleon-C MRBM)
2nd Missile Battalion (3x12 Simoleon-C MRBM)
3rd Missile Battalion (3x8 Simoleon-D IRBM)
4th Missile Battalion (3x8 Simoleon-D IRBM)

1st Global Strike Wing
1st Orbital Strike Sqn. (5x S-1 Silver Streak)
2nd Orbital Strike Sqn. (5x S-1 Silver Streak)
3rd Orbital Strike Sqn. (5x S-1 Silver Streak)

2nd Global Strike Wing (In Being)
4th Orbital Strike Sqn. (5x S-2 Silver Star)
5th Orbital Strike Sqn. (5x S-2 Silver Star)

Foreign Legion
Founded in 2015, the Foreign Legion is a unique unit separate from the regular North Frequesuan Army. The legion was specifically created as a unit for foreign volunteers, to be commanded by NFT officers; it is however also open to NFT stockholders, who amount to 24% of recruits. The legion was conceived of as a convenient way to recruit and dispose of the numerous insurgents, rebels, bandits and former soldiers roaming the Frequesuan interior.

As of 2016 the Foreign Legion is stationed on Paradise Island overseas department in Norther Velaria. It is composed of two units:

1st Half-Brigade (800 men)
  • 1 command & support company
    1 maintenance company
    1 recce squadron
    1 infantry company
    1 engineer company
2nd Foreign Infantry Brigade (1,200 men)
  • 1 command & logistics company
    1 support company
    1 light recce company
    4 combat company

NFT Security Forces
Uniformed security services of the NFT. These forces in peacetime are governed by the Central Trust Committee or member nation governments, but during wartime the agency reports to the President of the Trust and the Commissioner for the Armed Forces.

North Frequesuan Coast Guard
In addition to being a military branch at all times, the NFCG is unique among the armed forces in that it is also a maritime law enforcement agency (with jurisdiction both domestically and in international waters) and has jurisdiction not only in NFT waters but also in Sabikan territorial waters (although its jurisdiction is limited there).

Coast Guard Maritime Patrol Wing
  • 1st Patrol Sqn. (PBV-5A Catalina)
    2nd Patrol Sqn. (PBV-5A Catalina)
    3rd Patrol Sqn. (PBV-5A Catalina)
    4th Patrol Sqn. (PBV-5A Catalina)
Zephyr-class corvette (10)
  • C-17 through C-26
Visby-class corvette (18)
  • C-27 through C-44
Legend-class deep water cutter (8)
  • CC-01 Dolphin
    CC-02 Porpoise
    CC-3 Narwhal
    CC-4 Beluga
    CC-5 Rorqual
    CC-6 Orca
    CC-7 Vaquita
    CC-8 Irawaddy
Von Schrom-class fast attack boat (20)
  • FA-01 through FA-20
Newark-class continental security ship (12)
  • CS-1 through CS-12

The City Defence Forces (short form: Citidef) is a reserve military force composed of militia members or units under nationally recognized active armed force service for the Corporate Republic of San Dorado. Their task is to assist police forces during periods of heavy urban unrest. Citidef occasionally is involved in light combat duties in support of NFA units. Citidef forces are composed of six independent mechanized battalions subordinated to the Central Command. Their equipment consists mostly of light armoured vehicles (AMX 10 P, Dunecat, Antlion) and light helicopters (UH-1 Bad Penny) with some towed gun support.

Coilerburg Defence Forces
The CDF are a citizen-militia made up mainly of army veterans who now combine a military role or career with a civilian career. They are not normally kept under arms and their main role is be available to fight when a nation mobilizes for total war or to defend against invasion. CDF troops train one weekend every month. Their equipment is generally fairly top-notch, owing mostly to the fact that the disbandment of the Grand Army after the ill-fated invasion of Sabika resulted in an enormous amount of excess military materiel, which is now being employed and maintained by the CDF.

Constabulary Corps
The Coilerburg Constabulary is the national gendarmerie of Coilerburg, policing both the military and civilian populations. The Constabulary is a branch of armed forces, and is technically the first corps of the Coilerburg army, although it has not fought with the army since Iler’s War. The Corps is highly visible: In times of civic unrest their distinctive blue-black uniforms are a common sight everywhere. They have a reputation for being tough but comparatively fair, although there have been notable incidents where the Constabulary have acted with what was later deemed to have been ‘excessive force’. SWAT teams, riot control teams, special crimes divisions and the Presidential honour guard are all parts of the Constabulary, as well as a Mobile Unit Division: two brigades trained specifically to deal with national emergencies.

Armed Interdiction Police
If the Constabulary Corps is generally well-liked as a tough-but-fair police force, its San Doradan equivalent is almost universally feared and loathed. Its members comprise the dreaded Armed Interdiction Police Squads, frequently simply referred to as ‘Apes’ by the populace of the Sprawl. AIP make up the special, highly mobile task forces needed to keep the peace when riots break out in San Dorado. They also provide SWAT teams and counter-terrorism units. The AIP is organized in precincts that exist distinct from the Metropolitan Police. In times of war AIP officers are mobilized to fight in the defence of the corporation, and their training looks more like that of soldiers than of police officers. The sight of them screaming through the streets on their armoured riot bikes is enough to make all but the boldest rioter turn and run.

Army Equipment

Infantry Equipment

RA G1 9mm automatic pistol

FAMAS G2 5.56mm assault rifle
RA SCAR 5.56mm assault rifle

RA MINIMI 5.56mm light machine gun
RA M2 12.7mm heavy machine gun

RA F2 7.62mm light sniper rifle
RA Hecate 12.7mm heavy sniper rifle

PAPOP multi-projectile weapon
Milan man-portable anti-tank system
Eryx heavy man-portable anti-tank system

Other equipment
SPECTRA helmet
Feline infantry combat system

Combat Vehicles

UMA 10 (AMX 10 infantry fighting vehicle)
  • UMA 10 P – armored personnel carrier
    UMA 10 RC – wheeled tank destroyer
    UMA HOT – ATGM launcher vehicle
    UMA 10 TM – mortar carrier
    UMA 10 PC – command variant
    UMA 10 PAC 90 – fire support variant w/ 90mm gun
UMA 15 Hounddog (VBL light armored vehicle)

UMA 20 Dunecat (Cobra wheeled infantry fighting vehicle)
UMA 29 Sandtiger (VAB wheeled armored personnel carrier)

UMA 30 (AMX 30 light tank)
  • UMA 30 AuF1 – 155mm self propelled artillery
    UMA DCA 30 – SPAAG w/ ASRAD-R & box launchers for Mistral II SAM
    UMA 30 EBG – combat engineer vehicle
    UMA D – recovery vehicle
    UMA P – bridge layer variant
    UMA Pluto – tactical nuclear missile launcher w/ Simoleon-C MRBM or Simoleon-D IRBM
UMA 56 Silverado (AMX 56 Leclerc main battle tank)

UMA 60 Antlion (VBCI wheeled infantry fighting vehicle)

RA M8 Catweasel armored gun system (M8 Buford)

Misc. Vehicles & Equipment

UM 1000 light truck (ACMAT light truck)
UM 2000 medium truck (TRM 2000)
UM 9000 heavy truck (TRM 10000)

UMA Caesar truck artillery (CAESAR)
RA TH1 155mm towed howitzer (TRF1)
RA RTM1 120mm towed mortar (RTF-1)
RA MS1 81mm mortar (LLR 81mm)
RA 270 MLRS (M270 MLRS)

Mistral II short-range surface-to-air missile
Sparrowhawk UAV
Dragonkite stealth UAV (Dassault-Sagem SlowFast)


RA 321 Super Buffalo (SA 321 Super Frelon)
RA 342 Gazelle (SA 342 Gazelle)
RA 565 Panther (AS 656 Panther)
RA 635 Foxrat (EC 635)
RA 665 Tiger (EC 665 Tiger)
RA 725 Cougar (EC 725 Cougar)
RA 790 Cheetah (NHI NH90)

Air Force Equipment

F-111X Aardvark (F-111 Aardvark)
  • F-130 powerplants, maximum speed of Mach 3.3, AESA radar, all-new avionics, supercruise at Mach 1.9 loaded, enhanced missile loadout, new datalinks, radar absorbent materials, conductive canopy, jettisonable pylons, operational tanker support, EWSP upgrades, rebuilt airframe
F-120 Rafale F7 (Dassault Rafale)
  • F-130 variant thrust vectoring powerplants, AESA radar, all-new avionics, supercruise at Mach 1.82 loaded, enhanced missile loadout, new datalinks, radar absorbent materials
    • F-120 Rafale-M F7 – naval variant
F-171B Specter (YF-12)
  • Mach 3.5 interceptor, RA/UM JTD11X-20E turbojet powerplants, AESA radar, MICA fire control system, jamming system, 5.400km range, internal payload bay for RISAR sensor package or 4x AIM-54 Phoenix missiles

Navy Equipment

Lady Fortune-class Nuclear Missile Cruiser (Flight III)

Nuclear-powered cruiser designed and built by the NFT (initially with Shroomanian help). First ship commissioned in 1994, fourth and last ship commissioned in 2014. Ships of the class receive near-continuous upgrades to weapons & battle systems.

Displacement: 11,000 tons
Length: 190m
Beam: 18m
Draft: 10m
Speed: 32.5 knots
Range: Unlimited

220 cells Mk 50 VLS
2x Goalkeeper CIWS
2x RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile launcher
2x 127mm dual purpose gun
2x 4 cells AshM launcher
2x Mk 32 Triple Torpedo Tubes
2x 20mm machine guns
2x ASW Helo

EW & Decoys
  • Sabre ECM suite
  • SRBOC launchers
  • Counter-Torpedo Launchers
  • AN/SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy
  • Standard Integrated Combat system (SIC)
  • SMART-L long-range air and surface surveillance radar
  • APAR air and surface search, tracking and guidance radar (I band)
  • DECCA NAV navigation radar
  • Scout (low probability of intercept) surface search/navigation radar
  • IRST long-range surveillance and tracking system
  • Mirador optical surveillance and tracking system
  • DSQS-24C hull-mounted sonar, medium frequency
  • Mk XIII IFF system

Standard-class Guided Missile Destroyer (Flight II)

Stealth destroyer designed by the now-defunct FTO. Later NFT include bigger Mk 50 VLS cells to accommodate larger CATO missile designs, room for a second helo, and CATO datalinks.

Displacement: 9,000 tons
Length: 170m
Beam: 18m
Draft: 9.4m
Speed: 30+ knots
Range: 7,500km at 20 knots

150 cells Mk 50 VLS
2x Goalkeeper CIWS
2x RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile launcher
2x Mk 32 Triple Torpedo Tubes
2x 20mm machine guns
2x ASW Helo

EW & Decoys
  • Sabre ECM suite
  • SRBOC launchers
  • AN/SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy
  • Surface Ship Anti Torpedo Rocket Defence system
  • Standard Integrated Combat system (SIC)
  • SMART-L long-range air and surface surveillance radar
  • APAR air and surface search, tracking and guidance radar (I band)
  • DECCA NAV navigation radar
  • Scout (low probability of intercept) surface search/navigation radar
  • IRST long-range surveillance and tracking system
  • Mirador optical surveillance and tracking system
  • DSQS-24C hull-mounted sonar, medium frequency
  • Mk XIII IFF system

Crimson Dubloon-class Air Defence Frigate

NFT designed highly advanced air defence stealth frigate, having entered service in the early 21st century. Electronics components are largely similar to those of the Standard-class destroyer. Slated to eventually be replaced with newer Seahorse-class frigates.

Displacement: 6,000 tons
Length: 144m
Beam: 18m
Draft: 5.18m
Speed: 33 knots
Range: 7,000km at 18kn

48 cells Mk 50 VLS
2x Goalkeeper CIWS
2x 4 cells AshM launcher
1x 127mm dual purpose gun
2x 20mm machine guns
2x Mk 32 Triple Torpedo Tubes
1x ASW Helo

EW & Decoys
  • Sabre ECM suite
  • SRBOC launchers
  • AN/SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy
  • Surface Ship Anti Torpedo Rocket Defence system
  • Standard Integrated Combat system (SIC)
  • SMART-L long-range air and surface surveillance radar
  • APAR air and surface search, tracking and guidance radar (I band)
  • DECCA NAV navigation radar
  • Scout (low probability of intercept) surface search/navigation radar
  • IRST long-range surveillance and tracking system
  • Mirador optical surveillance and tracking system
  • DSQS-24C hull-mounted sonar, medium frequency
  • Mk XIII IFF system

Seahorse-class ASW frigate

Stealth frigate developed by the NFT & Byzantium. Geared toward ocean surveillance / ASW duties.

Displacement: 6,500 tons
Length: 150m
Beam: 18m
Draft: 5.5m
Speed: 33 knots
Range: 8,100km at 18kn

32 cells Mk 50 VLS for S-500F-F
16 cells Mk 55 VLS for KLUB II ASW rocket
1x 127mm dual purpose gun
2x 20mm machine guns
8x Mk 32 Torpedo Tubes
1x ASW Helo w/ LIDAR & hypercavitating bullet system

EW & Decoys
  • Sabre ECM suite
  • SRBOC launchers
  • Counter-Torpedo Launchers
  • AN/SLQ-50 Nixie torpedo decoy
  • Electro-Optic/IRST Telescopes
  • S-500F-F Battle Management System
  • APAR-PD Dual Mode UHF/EHF K-Band
  • Electronic Surveillance System
  • SURTASS II towed array
  • Mk XIII IFF system

Vigilant-class Guided Missile Submarine (Flight II)

SSGN designed by the now-defunct FTO. Later NFT modifications (Flight II) include bigger Mk 50 VLS cells to accommodate larger CATO missile designs, CATO datalinks, and advanced quieting technology.

  • 12,640 tons (surfaced)
    14,335 tons (submerged)
Length: 135m
Beam: 12.50m
Propulsion: Pressurised water S15 nuclear reactor (150 MW) (Shroomanian Design; Constructed Under Lease), turboreductor system, Pump-jet, 2 diesels-alternator auxiliaries.
Speed: 20+ knots

52 cells MK 50 VLS
4 x 533 mm torpedo tubes

Electronic Warfare
  • ARUR 13
  • Sonar DMUX 80
  • Sonar DUUX 5
  • Sonar DSUV 61B Very Low Frequency
  • DECCA NAV navigation radar
  • SCC TOS Tactical Operational System
Last edited by Siege on 2009-04-19 11:06am, edited 209 times in total.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Post by DarthShady »


USSR Nation Profile no longer valid.
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Post by Coiler »


The Nation of Coilerburg and its Armed Forces

It has been a tremendous time for the Coilerburg military, as the rapid changes in government have brought rapid changes.


10 SSKs (CBS Assassin, CBS Infiltrator, CBS Whisper, CBS Stalker, CBS Rogue, CBS Swarm, CBS Herd, CBS Flock, CBS Crowd, CBS Company)
2 SSGNs ( CBSWarden, CBS Overseer)
9 corvettes (CBS C-25 through C-35)
2 AOs (CBS Quencher, CBS Dethirster)
2 AKES (CBS Feeder, CBS Distributor)

Air Force:

55 4th-generation fighters
12 4th-generation ground attack
16 3rd-generation fighters
3 tankers
3 light AWACs
44 trainers
3 strategic transports
10 tactical transports
16 light maritime patrol craft.


1 mechanized infantry division of three mechanized brigades

16th Airborne Brigade:
Heliborne assault brigade, professional training, "Professional" level equipment

Coilerburg RAT Command:
120 "Moderate" special forces
30 utility helicopters

More will be added in time, and the list may be changed. This is preliminary. Note that the army is done under Coyote's system (except for the RATs), and the other two services are done under Beowulf's.
Last edited by Coiler on 2008-12-28 11:03am, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Lonestar »

The Old Dominion
Population: 130 mil(80 in the OD Proper, 30 in former East Shepistan, 10 in former Shepistan/St Kitteridge/Kanawaha)

Capital: Williamsburg

Government type: Federal Monarchy with a strong Chief Executive.

The continent of Shepistan had once been ruled by the Shepistani Kingdoms and Powhatan Confederacy. In 989 Leif "The Unlucky"* Shroomsson made landfall and attempted to set up a colony at L'Axe Meadows. The Shepistani Kingdom of Frederick made war on the colony, and the colony sent word to the Old World for aide.

Adventurers swarmed into the country, and a new military order, the Knights of the Dominion, was formed. The force defeated the Shepistani kingdom, and gradually intermingled with the Powhatan Confederacy until a new nation, the Old Dominion(the "original" lost in the mists of history) was formed.

Since 1672 the Territorial Army has been the primary defender of the nation. In order to vote, once must serve in the army. Gradually the Old Dominion expanded in wars of increasing ferocity with the Shepstani kingdoms. By 1798 the Old Dominion had reached it's current borders, and the law was adjusted. Now, a 8%(additional) income tax was imposed on non citizens. This citizen militia has pulled the Old Dominion, so horribly outnumbered by Shepistan, out of the fire many times. Nowadays every citizen-soldier is issued a Chesapeake Arms 680 and 50 rounds upon completion of the 2 year active duty requirement.

The Old Dominion's eternal enemy is Shepistan, the successor to most of the Shepistani Kingdoms. In the past 100 years 4 major wars have been fought between the two countries.

With the destruction of Shepistan, the Old Dominion has become the leading country of the continent of Shepland. Indeed, the only remaining independent nation is Augustine. The Old Dominion is in the middle of a economic recovery, and is currently undergoing a massive restructuring of it's military, shifting from the "garrison" mentality to "Expeditionary and Continental Defense." To prevent further conflicts, the Old Dominion has led the way in establishing the OICAS. The shift has led to new citizen tracks, such as the CCC, rather than just the military to be created.

Important Folks
Lord Protector: Lord Fairfax
Lord Fairfax's "Good Friend": Sarah Christensen, Lady Sterling

Latin Patriarch of Shepland: Gregory XIX

Foreign Minister: Vladimir Berman
War Minister: Eric DiBacco
Chancellor of the Exchequer: William Chiu

Director, Old Dominion Advance Research Projects Agency: Dr. Helmut Blitzschlag

Chairman, Joint Chiefs: Field Marshal Thurman
Chief of Staff of the Army: General Richardson
Chief of Naval Operations: ADM Oscar Saldana
Chief of Staff of the ODAAF: Air Marshal Shultz
Global Strike Command: LTG Sanders
Continental Defense Command: LTG Vickers
Director, NAVAIR: VADM Reeves
Director, BMI: LTG Sharpe

Head of Librul party(opposition party): Lord Winton

Major Corporations
Dominion Power & Electric: Power plant/Utility/engineering company
Dominion Electronics: Electronics company, ranging form consumer electronics to government/military sensors
Fister Farms:Big Agro
Dominion Motor Works: Auto Companu
Combat Optics: Defense Conglomorate.
Chesapeake Arms: Defense Conglomorate
InGen: Bioengineering, pharma
Todd Hatteras Shipyards: Ship construction
Energy Metals, Inc: Mining, petrochemical refining
Dominion Boeing: Aerospace company
Mimir: Major software company, uses UNIX-type OS.
Roark Instruments: Electronic firm, 4th largest supplier of servers in the world
Dominion Parcel Service: Delivery service
Dominion Airways: duh

Navy Bases:
Morehead City
Back Bay
Elizabeth City
Oceana NAS
Cherry Point NAS
Northshore NAS
Yorktown NWS
Gosport Naval Yard
Wilmington Naval Station
Blueridge CGS
Beaufort CGS

Air Bases
Argyle AFB
Pope AFB
Hampton AFB
Neuse River AFB
Corvid Rock AFB
Wythe AFB
Courtland AFB
Blacksburg AFB
Harrisburg AFB
Columbia AFB
Hanover AFB
...and many more!

Army Bases
Fort Gideon
Fort Lee
Fort Conrad
Fort Sterling
Fort Winton
Fort Calvert
Fort Mason
Fort John Smith
Fort Macon
Fort Clyde
Fort Albert
Fort Wilhelm
Frederick Barracks
Samuel Barracks
Spitwell Barracks
Saar Barracks
Rapidan Barracks
Fairfax Barracks
Courtland Barracks

Adjusted for postwar, numbers in brackets represent end of 5-year procurement plan goal.

Old Dominion Air assets
230 F-22B Raptors

134 JAS 39s [Super-Griffin model](24 airframes in storage facility, 26 "gifted" to the Sirnothi air force)

[187] F/A-35As

160 F/A-18H Super Hornets

15 [100] B-3 Sleipnirs

[20] RB-3 Hliðskjálf

40 [66] AV-35s

33 [40] EA-18Gs

60 A-10s (+30 at reserve facility)

20 F-34s(Japanistani Mach 3 Interceptors)

39 B-89s[JB-89 White Chrysanthemums(Tu-22M)]

38 [120] B-1Es

60 A-6Fs

20 [100] MQ-47s

45 B-56Gs

30 EA-6Fs

17[25] KC-45s

10 KC-22s

15 C-22s

5 EQC-22s

4 E-767

10 E-2Ds

30 Super Tucano trainers

20 Goshwak Trainers/light attack

40 M-346 trainers

8 C-17s

24 C-130Js

12 C-2s

12 P-8s

12 S-3s

2 [3] VC-30s

10 C-37s

18 RQ-4Bs

30 RQ-4Cs BAMS

14 RQ-7s

32[40] MQ-8Cs

40 MQ-9s

[4] MQ-9 Avenger("Predator C")


CVNs: 2[3](D.N.S. Bulwark, Lord Fairfax)[Dominion]
CVS-4: [2] (Opechancanough+, Iron Maiden+)
LHDs: 3(Mistral-class)(Centurion, Victory, Renown)
LHDs: 1[2](Intolerant, Triumph+)
LPDs: 3 (Bull Run, James River, Virginia Capes)
CGs: 4 ( Lord De La Warr, Susan Constant, Godspeed, Discovery)(1 Hulk)
CGNs:4 [10](STAR CGNs, "New Horizons" SPY-3, KEIs)(Ronaldus Magnus, John Smith, Lighthorse Lee, Revenge) [, Repulse, Resolution, Lord Sterling, Cape Hatteras, Dreadnought, Indomitable]
DDGNs: 1[8](Asheville, Morehead City+, New Bern+, Wilmington+)
DDGNs: 2(Elizabeth City, Arlington)
DDGs: 13( Carter’s Grove, Fairfax City, Norfolk, Sterling, Manassas, Chesapeake, Jamestown, Richmond, Occoquan, Newport News, Portsmouth, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania)(2 Hulks)
FFGs: 10(Chickahominy, Potomac, Rappahannock, Shenandoah, Allegheny, York, Albemarle, Cape Fear River, Accotink, Rapidan)(2 hulks)
PFs: [12](Neuse River, Ocracoke Island, Palmico, Onslow Bay,Lynnhaven Bay, Uwharrie, Patapsco, Patuxent, Mattaponi, Palmunky, Elizabeth River, Old Rag)
Corvettes: 8(Defense, Alert, Shield, Vigilance, Ranger, Biter, Sword, Saber)
SSNs: 10(Astute-class)(Blue Crab, Catfish, Stingray, Dolphin, Flounder, Eel, Hammerhead, Sturgeon,Nautilus,Sea Lion)
SSNs: 2[8](Improved Astute w/12VLS)(Crawdad, Manta, Sea Horse+, Tigershark+)(Block II SSNs 15-18)
Fleet Tugs: 2(Powhatan, Tuscarora)
Floating Drydock:[2](Cyclops, Polyphemus)
Tender: 1[2](Wythe County, Surry County)
Ro-Ro:2(James City County, Frederick County)
AOE: 5 [7](Stafford County, Loudon County, Prince William County, Hampton County, Henrico County,, +2)
TAGOS:[2] (Tenacious+, Titan+)
Polar research Vessel:1(Polar Explorer)

HSV/Car Ferry:1(leased)(Swift)

M80 "Stiletto" craft:1 [4] (Charger, Caliber, Ram, Taurus)

MBT 3rd Gen: 1200 (Leopard 2A7s)
MBT 2nd Gen 120(M-8)

AFV [non-MBT] 3rd Gen 1500 (CV90 and variants), 200[270](EFV) 100 [900] JLTV-B
AFV [non-MBT] 2nd Gen 700 (FV432, inactive, in storage fcilities)

MLRS-type Artillery 140 (M270), 200(Pinaka)[200](reserves)
Medium SP Artillery 620(AS90)
Medium Towed Artillery 600(M777)(300 active, 300 reserves)

STAR IADS 21 sites, each with 250 air defense missiles. 12 Considered mission ready, 9 under construction
Heavy Air Defense Artillery140(THAAD)
Medium Air Defense Artillery170(PAC-3)
Light Air Defense Artillery 100(Avenger) 180 Sargeant York
Ground-based point defense 50 (C-RAM), 30 Skyshield

Heavy Lift Helicopter 180(CH-47F)
Utility Helicopter 524(AW101B/C)

Light Attack Helicopter 120(ah-1z) 28[80] RAH-66B
Active Army450,000
Tribal Auxiliaries: 90,000

Paratroopers 5400
Engineers 4000
"Elite" Special Forces240
"Moderate" Special Forces720


I Corps “Border Guards”
1st Mountain Division “The Hikers”
2nd Mountain Division “Virginia Rifles”
1st Armored Cavalry Regiment “Lighthorse Lee’s Own”

II Corps “Old Chainmail”
1st Armored Division “The Ironclads”
1st Infantry Division “The Vanguard”
3rd Infantry Division “The Peninsular Rifles”
2nd Mechanized Infantry Division “Susan Constant’s Rifles”

III Corps “Cavaliers”
2nd Armored Division “Lord Sterling’s Lancers”
1st Mechanized Infantry Division “Mount Vernon Dragoons”
5th Motorized Guards Division “Powhatan”
2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment “Companion Calvary”

VII Corps “Silver Spears”
3rd Armored Division “Cataphracts”
2nd Infantry Division “Phalanx”
3rd Motorized Guards Division “Broken Shield”
3rd ACR “Royal Dragoons”

1st Airborne Brigade "Icarus"

2nd Airborne Brigade "Thunderbirds"

Inactive(to be called up during wartime)
IV Corps
V Corps
VI Corps
VIII Corps

Knights of the Dominion
1st Battalion “Gilded Swords”
2nd Battalion “Silver Shields”
3rd Battalion “Steel Hammers”
4th Battalion “Fairfax Rifles”
Last edited by Lonestar on 2009-09-06 09:46am, edited 54 times in total.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Karmic Knight
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Post by Karmic Knight »

The Federal Commonwealth of Vineyards

National Anthem: Death and All of His Friends

Territories of the Commonwealth

The Kingdom of Vineyards: Home of the Sovereign, Member of the Triumvirate of the Federal Commonwealth of Vineyards

The Federal Republic of Eutopia: Member of the Triumvirate of the Federal Commonwealth of Vineyards


The Kingdom of Vineyards: Earlesi Protectorate; Member of the Triumvirate

The Independent Republic of the Saviour’s Hide: Member of the Commonwealth of Vineyards

The Southern Republic: Member of the Commonwealth of Vineyards

Organs of Government

The Supreme Sovereign

The Sovereign is the figurehead of the Commonwealth government, acting as the leader of the armed forces, head of the General Assembly, and presiding over the Triumvirate.

List of Sovereigns:
(#: Primary Sovereign, Title (Rule)/ Spouse or secondary Sovereign in the case of mental instability)
1st: King Brandon, King of Vineyards (2010 - Current) / Queen Marrissa, Principal Owner of Gizmonic Institute & Subsidiaries

The Triumvirate

The Triumvirate is a committee of three elected officials from the Commonwealth states of the Earlesi Protectorate, The Kingdom of Vineyards, and the Republic of Eutopia. The members do not have to have any real standing in the government, though the highest ranking elected official is considered the representative, unless otherwise stated. The Triumvirate meets in Sheoth.

Current Triumvirate:

Earlesi Representative: Joshua Earles, Lord Protector of the Wilderness, Head of the Earlesi Victory Council, Guerrilla Leader of the Earlesi People, Representative of the Interests of the Earlesi People
Vinish Representative: Martin Black, Prime Minster of the Senate
Eutopian Representative: Ted Livens, President of the Federal Republic

Grand Assembly

The Grand Assembly occurs twice a year, as a meeting of the Legislatures of all member states. The Grand Assembly meetings are held in New Constantinople.

Current Political Make-Up:
[Politcal Organization (Parties): Total Seats/Vinish Senate/Southern House of the People/Eutopian Congress]
Far Left Coalition (Socialist Party, Left-Republicans, Free-Frequesue Party): 82/75/7/0
For Economic Responsibility (Former Anarcho-Libertarian Party, Right Republicans): 33/32/1
New Monarchists: 3/3/0/0 Local Vinish Party
People's Land: 42/0/42/0 Local Southern Republican Party
Eutopian Congress Not in session

High Court of the Commonwealth

The Chief Justices of the member states, or closet analogue, form a single, high court of the Commonwealth that meets every four months in either the Eutopian or Vinish Supreme Court building.

People, Economy and Places
(Numbers Not Exact Due to Disorganized Nature of some areas of the Commonwealth, Should be Correct by 2020)

Population: ~39 Million People
GDP: C$~700Bn
GDP Per Capita: C$~17,948.72

Armed Forces of the Commonwealth

Minister: Alexander Luzar

Army of the Commonwealth

Minister: Alexander Luzar

“The Installers” (Light Legacy, Elite Kit)
8 Professionally Equipped and Trained Light Infantry Brigades
2 Brigades of Motorized Infantry (Professionally Trained and Armed)
1 Brigade of Mechanized Infantry (Professionally Trained and Armed) - (Fox armoured reconnaissance vehicle
2 Medium Armored Brigades (Professional and Professional)
2 Heavy Armoured Brigades (Professionally Trained and Armed) - (T-80)
2 Airborne Brigades (Professional and Professional)
5 Heliborne Assault Brigades (Professional and Professional)
S-300 AAM System
The Royal Vinish Shock Commandos
Militia of Unspecified Number of Trained Citizens
240 T - 72 Main Battle Tanks
200 PzH 2000 Artillery Pieces
75 T-80 Main Battle Tanks

The Commonwealth Air Force

Minster: Andrew

24 - Gizmonic Institute MRF – 2000 “Falcon” [Lightweight 4th Gen]
100 – MiG – 25
100 - San Doradan Rafales
50 - Mirage 2000-5s
32 – Gizmonic Institute ASF – 1 “Hawk” [3rd Gen]
7 – Gizmonic Institute IDS Fighter/Bomber “Vulture” [Tactical Bomber]
5 – Su-24
6 - Gizmonic Institute Stratotanker[Tanker]
8 – Gizmonic Institute AWAC System Planes [Light AWAC]
104 – Gizmonic Institute Jet-Trainers [Trainer]
20 - Gizmonic Institute Cargo Transport Plane Mk. 2[Strategic Transport ]
40 – Gizmonic Institute Cargo Transport Plane [Tactical Transport ]
64 – Gizmonic Light Marine Patrol Craft [Light Maritime Patrol]

The Navy of the Commonwealth

Minister: Vincent

Shroom the 777th - (Conventionally Powered) - Class Aircraft Carrier [CV]
-15 A-7Fs (7 on board)
-10 Rafale Ms (5 on board)
1 – Admiral Earles Class Cruiser [CGN]
4 - Nameless Class Cruiser[CG]
3 - Standard - Class Destroyer
6 - Deus ex Machina Class Destroyer[DDG]
6 – Shinra Class Frigate
4 - Interventionist - Class Frigates [FFG(FFH)]
14 - Nirvana - Class missile boats [Corvette]
1 - Gray Fox - Class Attack Submarine [SSN]
4 - Supply - Class Fast Combat Support Ships [AOE]
3- Trident - Class Replenishment Oiler [AO]
4 - Defender - Class Combat Stores Ship [AKE]
1 - Zoidberg Class Amphibious Assault Ship[LHD/LHA(Large)]
2 - Ruinous Class Landing Ship
1 - SOL. Class Tank Landing Ship[LST]

Last edited by Karmic Knight on 2009-04-05 06:32pm, edited 33 times in total.
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.
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Post by Vohu Manah »

The Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag

One of the youngest nations in the world, the Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag is an environmentally stunning yet alarmingly isolationist nation. Its conservationist, intelligent population of 830 thousand enjoy extensive civil freedoms, particularly in social issues, while business tends to be more regulated. People who have good jobs and work quietly at them are lauded; all others are viewed with suspicion.

The culmination of a two hundred year project, the Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag was only recently declared an independent state. The island was first purchased away from the local population and the Byzantine Empire in the early 1800s. All human populations were evicted over the next five years and all human settlement destroyed. The island was allowed to return to nature until the Great Continental War when territorial control of some areas, the territory that now constitutes the nation's two military reserves, was transferred back to the Byzantine Empire for the duration of both the Great Continental War and the Second World War in exchange for future recognition of sovereignty. Sometime in the late 1960s the nation's first arcology began construction in the northern plains and the first drafts of the nation's future constitution were written and debated. The nation's finalized constitution went into effect upon completion of Kun-lun Arcology project in 1978. Over the next ten years five more arcologies would be constructed and opened.

Land Area: 9,251 square kilometers
Land boundaries: 0 km
Coastline: 732 km
Maritime Claims: 12 nautical mile territorial, 24 nautical mile contiguous
Climate: temperate; snowy, cold winters and warm, dry summers
Terrain: central plain with mountains to north and south; scattered but significant plains along southern coast
Elevation extremes: 0 m at sea level, 1,951 m at Mount Bulotu
Natural Resources: Timber, mineral water, biomass & biofuels. Major deposits of diamonds & silicon with minor deposits of gold, copper, cobalt & titanium. Minimal exploitation of most natural resources.
Land Use: 5% arable land, 5% permanent crops, 95% other uses

Population: 830,342
Population growth rate: 1.135%
Birth rate: 8.99 births/1,000 population
Death rate: 4.53 deaths/1,000 population
Nationality: Ninhursagian (singular and plural, noun and adjective)
Literacy: 99% total population

Official Country Name: The Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag
Government Type: Parliamentary Republic; strong meritocratic tradition
Capital: Kun-lun Arcology
Administrative Districts: None
Dependent Areas: None
Independence Day: 1978 ACE
National Holiday: Founding of the Republic, 1 July (1978)
Suffrage: 18, Universal and Compulsory
Executive Branch: Chief of State: President Vohu Manah (since 1 July, 2008); Head of Government: Prime Minister Olympias Viola (since 1 July, 2008); Cabinet: appointed by president, responsible to parliament; Elections: president elected by popular vote for six-year term; appointed on 1 July 2008 (next election to be held 1 April 2014); following legislative elections, leader of majority party or leader of majority coalition is usually appointed prime minister by president; deputy prime ministers appointed by president
Legislative Branch: unicameral Parliament (100 seats; members are elected by popular vote by proportional representation to serve three-year terms); note - in addition, there are up to nine nominated members; up to three losing opposition candidates who came closest to winning seats may be appointed as "nonconstituency" members; Elections: last held on 1 April, 2008 (next to be held 1 April, 2011)
Judicial Branch: Supreme Court (chief justice is appointed by the president with the advice of the prime minister, other judges are appointed by the president with the advice of the chief justice); Court of Appeals
Legal System: Civil law system influenced by customary law; judicial review of legislative acts, except with respect to federal decrees of general obligatory character
International Agreements: Party to: n/a
International Organization Memberships: n/a
National Flag:

Economic Overview: Ninhursag has a technologically advanced market economy that suffers from higher taxes and tariffs and lower growth than its neighbors. Due to strict environmental protection laws most mineral resources are only exploited under very strict controls which limits the nation's potential economic growth. In addition the entire population of the country are permitted to only live in arcologies, which are expensive to build and maintain. Despite these issues unemployment is minimal and government finances are sound.
The country has turned to the production of eco-friendly technologies (such as non-petrolium biofuels and varieties of solar panels) as a source of income with moderate success. Timber is farmed for the production of paper goods and export to nearby nations as lumber. Various fruits (mostly citrus and grapes) and bio-mass (mostly varieties of fish) are also farmed for export. The country also has a large services sector, specifically tourism and financial services, and a large recycling industry capable of receiving unprocessed recyclates from other nations. Some light manufacturing exists although this activity primarily supports the military and public infrastructure.
GDP: equivalent to $350 billion USD
GDP Growth Rate: 2%
Public Debt: 6% of GDP
note: government is prohibited by the constitution from taking on any debt except for the express purpose of maintaining a market for risk-free securities (limited to 10% of GDP); a monetary reserve is maintained in a separate trust for the purpose of providing resources in case of extreme emergency
Current Account Balance: equivalent to $50 billion USD
Currency (Code): Ninhursag dollar (RND)
Fiscal Year: Calendar Year

Telecommunications System: domestic: modern fiber-optic integrated services (buried cable); 3G digital network with rapidly growing use of mobile-cellular telephones
international: multiple modern submarine communications cable connections to the Byzantine Empire and the Crimson Star Republic; tropospheric scatter microwave radio relay for other nations; 4 experimental satellite-earth relay stations
Radio Broadcast stations: AM 2, FM 9
Television Broadcast stations: 5
Internet country code: .msrn

Airports: 4, all paved with runways greater than 3 km
Heliports: 8
Merchant Marine: total: 868 ships
by type: bulk carrier 311, cargo 197, chemical tanker 58, container 163, liquefied gas 7, passenger 6, passenger/cargo 24, petroleum tanker 64, refrigerated cargo 17, roll on/roll off 16, vehicle carrier 5
Ports and Terminals: 7

Military Branches: Ministry of Defense (MoD), Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF), Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF), Air Self-Defense Force (ASDF)
Military service age and obligation: 17 years of age for voluntary military service (all personnel receive a minimum of 18 weeks of training). Age of military eligibility 17 - 50. Conscription is banned except in response to an extreme long-term emergency.
Major Assets: The Ministry of Defense controls two military reservations and divides all military forces between the two. Al Araf Military Reservation serves as home base/port for all forces making up the western commands and Qusur Military Reservation serves as home base/port for all forces making up the eastern commands. Expeditionary or foreign deployed forces are drawn from these two commands on an as needed basis. All resources are mixed and matched on a per-mission basis and are thus loosely organized outside of these command structures.
GSDF East and West (units equipped identically)
Infantry Brigade
• 6000 professional infantry organized into one hundred twenty 50 person platoons (forming 4 battalions with 6 companies each).
• 800 combat engineers organized into sixteen 50 person platoons (forming 4 battalions with 4 companies each)
Armored Regiment
• 540 BTR-3U Infantry Fighting Vehicles organized into fifty four 10 vehicle platoons (forming 9 battalions).
• 90 T-90A Main Battle Tanks organized into eighteen 5 vehicle platoons (forming 3 battalions).
Air Defense Regiment
• 48 9K22 Tunguska Light Air Defense Artillery organized into twelve 4 vehicle platoons (forming 3 battalions).
• 1 S-300PMU-2 Heavy Air Defense Artillery Battery. The battery (considered a battalion strength unit by the GSDF) consists of 1 54K6E2 command and control vehicle, 1 64N6E2 surveillance/detection radar vehicle, 1 30N6E2 fire control/illumination and guidance radar vehicle, 1 96L6E all-attitude phased-array target designation radar vehicle and 12 5P85SE2 self-propelled transporter erector launchers (each carrying 4 missiles).
Artillery Regiment
• 48 M109 howitzer self-propelled medium support artillery organized into six 8 vehicle batteries (forming 2 battalions).
• 27 M270 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems organized into three 9 vehicle batteries (forming 1 battalion).
Air Cavalry Regiment
• 24 AH-64 Apache attack helicopters organized into a single squadron.
• 48 UH-60M Black Hawk utility helicopters organized into two 24 helicopter squadrons.
• 24 CH-47SD heavy lift helicopters organized into a single squadron.
• The Kirov-class battlecruiser FG-CGN Tangaroa (FGS-001).
• Six Kongo-class destroyers designated FG-DDG l'Olonnais (FGS-018), Hawkins (FGS-021), Morgan (FGS-026), Zhilong (FGS-031), Braziliano (FGS-032) & Calico Jack (FGS-038).
• Six Kilo-class submarines designated FG-SS Naga (FGS-003), Neak (FGS-004), Bakunawa (FGS-005), Mireu (FGS-006), Imoogi (FGS-007) & Makara (FGS-008).
• Twelve Braunschweig-class corvettes designated FG-K Guan-di (FGS-012), Anubis (FGS-013), Shahmeran (FGS-014), Venus (FGS-024), Juno (FGS-029), Mars (FGS-030), Osiris (FGS-036), Janus (FGS-037), Telegonus (FGS-044), Faunus (FGS-045), Ameretat (FGS-047) & Silvanus (FGS-049).
• One squadron of 12 MH-60R Seahawks (LAMPS Mk III) attack helicopters operating from a mix of land bases and vessels at sea.
• Two squadrons of 12 AH-1W SuperCobra light attack helicopters operating from land bases.
• The Kirov-class battlecruiser FG-CGN Yu-qiang (FGS-002).
• Six Kongo-class destroyers designated FG-DDG Blackbeard (FGS-017), Uluj Ali (FGS-019), Drake (FGS-020), Black Sam (FGS-025), Read (FGS-033) & Barbarossa (FGS-041).
• Six Kilo-class submarines designated FG-SS Hydra (FGS-009), Iku-Turso (FGS-010), Kraken (FGS-015), Proteus (FGS-016), Tiamat (FGS-039) & Yacumama (FGS-040).
• Twelve Braunschweig-class corvettes designated FG-K Jupiter (FGS-011), Zuijin (FGS-022), Aristaeus (FGS-023), Perseus (FGS-027), Zephrus (FGS-028), Vulcan (FGS-034), Delphi (FGS-035), Thor (FGS-042), Potnia (FGS-043), Curupira (FGS-046), Usins (FGS-048) & Salus (FGS-050).
• One squadron of 12 MH-60R Seahawks (LAMPS Mk III) attack helicopters operating from a mix of land bases and vessels at sea.
• Two squadrons of 12 AH-1W SuperCobra light attack helicopters operating from land bases.
ASDF East and West (units equipped identically)
Combat Wing
• 16 F-4 Phantom IIs organized into a single squadron (4 flights).
• 32 F-16E Fighting Falcons (single seat variant) organized into two squadrons of 16 airframes (8 flights).
• 16 F-16F Fighting Falcons (two seat variant) organized into a single squadron (4 flights).
Assault Group
• 16 A-10C Thunderbolt IIs organized into a single squadron (4 flights).
• 16 A-29B Super Tucano (two seat variant) organized into a single squadron (4 flights).
Patrol Group
• 8 P-3C Orions organized into a single squadron (2 flights)
• 4 E-767s organized into a single squadron (each airframe considered a separate flight)
Logistics Group
• 4 C-130J Super Hercules organized into a single squadron (each airframe considered a separate flight).
• 2 KC-10 Extenders organized into a single squadron (each airframe considered a separate flight).
Military expenditures as percent of GDP: 6%
note: the Ministry of Defense is granted few exceptions to the nation's strict environmental protection laws and thus is granted a larger budget to allow for strict compliance

Transitional Issues
Disputes - International: None
Illicit Drugs: most narcotics are legal within the borders of the country although only under strict controls; offshore financial center

Document History
EDIT 1: Prior to finalization, any number of edits may take place and such changes will not be noted.
EDIT 2: Document effectively finalized. All future edits will now be noted.
EDIT 3: Added information to economy section.
EDIT 4: Added information to communication section.
EDIT 5: Modified exclusive economic zone claims and added more information to the communication section.
EDIT 6: Upon notification of island movement to Black Sea, communications section and maritime claims changed.
EDIT 7: Under the assumption that the territorial move to open water indicated in this thread has over-ruled previous notification. I have once again modified the communications section and maritime claims.
EDIT 8: Noticed an error in the communications section and corrected it.
EDIT 9: Reverting Edit 7 changes.
EDIT 10: Long overdue correction of graphic map due to changes in BBCode.
Last edited by Vohu Manah on 2009-01-31 11:59am, edited 22 times in total.
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
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Post by phongn »

IRTv2 OOB (tentative). 15.9K posts + senator = Imperium


Demographics & Economy

Formal Name: Incorporated Republic of Tonkin
Short Name: Tonkin
Term for Citizens: Tonkinese
Capital: Hue

Economy: $5T GDP
Population: 117.7M
Per-capita GDP: $42.5K

Area: 800,000 km²

Official Languages: Tonkinese, English. Literacy rate approaches 100%, the vast majority of the population are bilingual. A hybrid pidgin language usually called "Tonklish" or "Tonglish" is commonly spoken.

Major Religions: Buddhism 62%, Catholicism 28%

Education: Multiple-tier primary and secondary education system. Competent government education system primarily intended to produce skilled workers; corporate-sponsored education system typically of higher caliber but requires employment in sponsoring corporation (either by guardians, or for contracted term post-graduation). Religious organizations and charter schools have government-oversight.

The university system is world class and primarily concentrated on producing business, scientific, mathematics and engineering training. Fields considered less profitable (including the fine arts and the liberal arts) have significantly reduced funding in the university sector and result in the majority of aspiring artists to seek education abroad. Multiple-tiered university system provides options for all though a government-run entrance examination system.

Healthcare: Essentially like Singapore's with addition for-fee private clinics abounding and preferred by the upper and upper-middle class who have corporate insurance policies or simply can afford them.

Economy: Neoliberal: the IRT is perhaps the greatest free-market system in the entire world. Salient features include high-technology exports, major arms exports to any and all sellers, major finance industries, large multinational corporations taking advantage of local tax laws, etc.

Transportation: Significant corporate-government investment into high-speed and cargo rail have provided an efficient distribution network. Major interprovincial road network exists with secondary Air Force dispersal field capability; however, major surface traffic problems exist in several major cities, especially Saigon and Hue. Extensively well-developed air traffic and air cargo facilities. Extensive seaport facilities for international trade.

Telecommunications: Major high-speed internet backbones; the IRT is uniquely suited as a bridge between major continents. Extensive wireless and wireline networks in place. Significant number of radio and television stations.

Energy: Wide scale nuclear power generation accounting for 65% of all electricity generation in the nation. Significant nuclear reprocessing. Hydroelectric (15) and natural gas provide additional power generation. Major renewable energy initiatives in place primarily to develop export-oriented technology (primarily wind and solar). Geothermal energy provides a small amount of power in some select areas; coal power has been rapidly phased out where possible. Major research into superconductive systems in progress to reduce grid losses.

Policing: Major surveillance systems now being installed in public areas. Significant research into automated surveillance systems in progress. Mandated national identification card for all person over the age of 13. Corporal punishment is still allowed; the state of Tonkinese jails have been criticized by human rights organizations.


The IRT is an unusual state with few analogues elsewhere in the world (San Dorado being the obvious exception). It is modeled after corporate governance and seeks professional administration unencumbered by the transient whims of the mob. However, shareholders retain significant power in government. Most citizens of the IRT hold at least one voting share (nonvoting stock also exists with certain other economic benefits); corporations also hold shares.

The IRT is an authoritarian state in many respects. There is significant personal freedoms on the broad level but considerable restrictions in detail. With the reduced cost of technology, the surveillance state is becoming a reality along with continuous tracking of vehicles and perhaps, in the future, the average citizen.

Foreign Affairs

With the exception of the strategically-placed island kingdom of Svalbardia, the IRT remains neutral in most affairs, content to sell to anyone and everyone. There is considerable tension with the three large MESS neighbors to the north, if with improving relations with Tian Xia. Administration of the Canal Zone with Wilkonia remains a particularly sore point.

Recent joint-defense partnerships with Japanistan and Shepistan (UOINC, UART) are expected to bear significant fruit; no formal alliance is ever expected.

The one exception to the neutrality policy is Svalbardia; major assets are in place for the defense of that kingdom and its strategic location.


Certain unlisted point assumptions have been made:
CVLs cost 7 points
Short-range SAM (x16) costs 1.5 points.

Basic numbers, the full data will be available via spreadsheet

Tonkin Navy

CVBAW: 28×F-110U, 28×F/A-118C, 14×KS-3B, 8×S-3B (ASW), 2×ES-3B (ESM), 4×ES-6B (ECM), 4×E-2D (AEW), 2×C-2, 4×MH-60R (LAMPS), 2×MH-60S (Util/SAR)

CVLAW: 16×A-4, 4×S-3B, 2×Helo AEW, 6×MH-60R

CVLs are costed at 7 points (as they're somewhere in between an Iwo Jima and a Tarawa in size) and based on the CTOL Vertical Support Ship design. LHDs can be configured in Sea Control Ship configuration as well.

Air Force
300×F-110U Phantom
200×F-118E Hornet
400×F-106G Arrow
200×A-4 Skyhawk

120×B-1C Lancer
100×KC-135R Tanker
40×EC-135D AWACS
10×RC-135D ESM

80×Basic Trainers
20×C-5 Heavy Transport
60×C-130-30 Tactical Transport
120×P-3 Maritime patrol

4×SR-71 Strategic Reconnaissance

1 Heavy Corp with this OOB

+ 600 'Elite' SF, 1500 'Moderate' SF

6 Regiments, including organic helicopter and STOVL fighter support

Air Defense
50 Batteries each of: Heavy SAM, Light SAM, Light Air Defense
Last edited by phongn on 2008-09-02 09:49am, edited 17 times in total.
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Sea Skimmer
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Last edited by Sea Skimmer on 2008-10-31 02:38am, edited 13 times in total.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956
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Rabid Monkey
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Post by Coyote »


Total Land Area, 1,000,000 square kilometers:
This makes Canissia slightly smaller than Spain (504,030 sq.Km) and France (551,695 sq. Km) combined.

120 million first world.

Caucasoids = Caucasians: 35%
Nubians = Africans/Blacks 10%
Habiru = Hebrew/Jews 15%
Aravi = Arabs 10%
Espana = Hispanic 20%
Issian = Asian 10%

Catoli = Catholic
Jesu = Christianity
Indu = Hindu
Juidic = Judaism
Budhi = Buddhist
Mohamic = Islam


GOVERNMENT: Constitutional Monarchy
EXECUTIVE: His Majesty, King Arik Coyotus-I

GOVERNING BODY: The Royal National Parliament
One Primary MP from the dominant Party of each province, with a co-chair (junior MP) from the secondary party. Junior MPs cannot hold portfolios but do hold a vote.

The Royal National Parliament, or RNP, was a brainchild of the Nationalist Front during the Civil War years between Communists, Nationalists, and the Royalists. An agreement was made between Royalists and Nationalists to compromise on a Constitutional Monarchy, in which the King became the Executive head of state and the Parliament exercised daily governance and restraint. The following Political Parties are represented:

National Party-- hawkish, pro-military Nationalists.
Labor Party-- Remnants of the smashed Communists, this is a weak party that advocates for workers.
Libertarian Party-- Pro-Business industrialists that actually favor government social programs.
Royalist Party-- Very small party of aristocrats and some business moguls.
Greens Party-- Small but growing in popularity, the Greens party is primarily interested in environmental initiatives.

Foreign Minister: Ren Lars (Labor Party, Libris)
Defense Minister: Ral Tenn (National Party, Saggitaron)
Trade Minister: Rayzha Rumaclin (Labor Party, Caprica)
Finance Minister: Erma Felna (National Party, Tauron)
Tourism Minister: Seela Kimthrel (Labor Party, Aerelon)
Science & Industry Minister: Mark Reebo (Libertarian Party, Gemenon)
Environment Minister: Myra Foxglove (Greens Party, Picon)
Education Minister: Laura Roslin (Labor, Aquaria)
Interior Minister: Viktor Krahn (Libertarian Party, Canceron)
Immigration Minister: Leopold Mallory (Libertarian Party, Scorpia)
Justice Minister: Selway Bavan (National Party, Leonis)
Culture Minister: Anoritte Barona (Royalist Party, Virgon)

A Supreme Council of three Justices rules over the Constitutionality and legality of legislation. The Supreme Council of Judges is selected from among the senior judges of the nation-- one is selected by th eParliament; one selected by the King; the third voted on by both King and Parliament together.

The Supreme Council only deals with legal issues in government; they cannot be appealed to for general criminal cases except in the most extraordinary circumstances (a case has national repercussions) and must be approved by Parliament.

Robot Warrior Project: Colonel William Axman
Advanced Defense Projects Agency: General Richler

His Excellency's Royal Consorts and Personal Assistants:
Miss Jia (Issian)(Libertarian)(Daughter: Chyou)
Miss Samira (Habiru)(Greens)(Daughter: Nafrini)
Miss Shawna (Nubian)(Royalist)(Son: Aitan)
Miss Isabelle (Espana)(Nationalist)(Son: Tristan)
Miss Katerin (Slavos Caucasoid)(Labor)(Son: Antony)
Miss Siobhan (Celtos Caucasoid)(Royalist)(Daughter: Cailin)


The MESS alliance is a common economic, military, and diplomatic pool. Included are joint research and defense projects, security pacts, scientific endeavors, student exchange programs and extradition treaties. Free trade, joint peacekeeping and inter-jurisdictional drug interdiction efforts are among some of the typical efforts shared by the MESS.

None signed as yet.


MONEY: (GPD-$5 Trillion USD per year; per OP)
The basic unit of money in the MESS conglomerate is the ROB. It is a unit of value based on 1000 calories worth of work produced.

1 ROB (Regulatory OmniBank Credit)=
5 Pente =
10 Decca =
20 Dua
There are no fucking pennies.


MAJOR CITIES: : 46 million people live in major cities of 1 million + population.
Neve Tikveh, Capitol, 16 million
Caprica City, 10 million
Dennianburg, 6.5 million
Wolfsburg, 4 million
Pearl Point, 3.5 million
Portlandia, 2.5 million
Delphi (site of Olympic City), 1.5 million
Emerald Point, 1 million
New Boise, 1 million


Diesel-electric cars: Wolfsburg Motor Works; Gaia-Electric
Shipyards: Pearl Point Hullworks; Electric Boats-Portlandia
Aerospace: AeroTech; Ofek Industries
Agricultural exports: Excellent quality wines, beers, and spirits.
'Pure Cane' sugar production, coffee, tropical fruits
Raw Materials: Iron, Copper, Diamonds, Coal, Gold, Rubber plantations.

Power on Canissia is supplied by nuclear power, with limited wind, solar, geothermal and wave-motion where possible.
Fuel for vehicles is provided by algae-vat grown biodiesel with as limited infusion of petroleum products as possible.

Canissia tries to limit petroleum product usage as much as possible, and tries to use plant-fiber "plastics" where possible. Home Heating will use geothermal, solar, and natural gas where applicable. The public power grid will draw from wind, solar, and wave-motion devices, as well as a nuclear power grid that blankets the island.

Public Transit is partially subsidized, and partially funded through riders. High-speed bullet trains, Maglev style, connect most cities. Within cities, a combination of light rail/subways, natural gas and electric taxis (with overnight plug-in stations) are the norm. Personal vehicles are authorized but fuel-responsible versions are primarily encouraged, with diesel-electric plug-in hybrids being the norm. Motorcycles and scooters are highly recommended as well. Air travel by fixed-wing aircraft is available, but expensive. Travel by airship, on the othe rhand, is cheap-- and with a nation about the size of Spain, practical. Airships are enhanced with solar panels on top to help with 'hotel load' (ie, personal electronics, etc). A typical Royal Canissian Skyliner.

Canissia tries to grow as much of its own food as possible, however, the extreme amount of rangeland needed for beef production makes beef a rare, expensive luxury item. Most meat is provided by lamb and poultry. In deference to Baron-Lord Coyotus's personal religious practices, pork production is not had on Canissia, however, it may be imported from elsewhere. Healthy eating with food grown as organically as possible within reason is encouraged, and the use of corn syrup is strictly prohibited.

Kindergarten programs are encouraged but not mandatory; however, government-sponsored daycare programs have Kindergarten curriculums as part of their mandate. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving, encouraging the application of dynamic thinking and critical analysis. While science, math, and engineering education in Canissia is considered first-rate, programs for the arts and humanities (especially languages) are also emphasised. School from 1st through 12th grade is mandatory and taxpayer-funded. College/VoTec and Uniersity study is subsidized.

All Canissian citizens are required to perform some sort of National Service. The military is encouraged but not mandatory, and National Service can be fulfilled in other ways as well, such as hospital, sanitation, or agricultural work.

Sports are encouraged for physical fitness and team-building in schools. Sports teams on Canissia are semi-professionals who largely volunteer their time. A cap is placed on the amont of money a sports star can make from endorsements, so stars cannot become 'owned' by any one company.

Health Care is nationalized. Business get tax breaks for contributing extra to the health care system, or for contributing machinery wehere applicable or sponsoring expensive research. A cap is placed on medical malpractice claims.

The consumption of 'natural' drugs (ie, marijuana, mushrooms) is legal so long as one does not drive or operate machinery, similar to penalties for drinking alcohol. Non-natural or 'refined' drugs are considered a public health hazard and prosecuted by penalty of law. Drug offenders, however, go to special 'drug prisons' rather than normal prisons where they are detoxed and used for work on government projects such as making liscenc eplates, uniforms, hospital bedding, etc.

Incareration for crimes is done on a 'sliding scale' of severity relevant to the nature of the crime. Time can be 'modified' depending on if (and how) a weapon was used in the comission of a crime. Criminals are lumped together by crime type and kept largely confined to two to a cell wherever possible. Labor for government projects is provided, offering a chance for training in useful endeavors when released.

The death penalty exists, but is used very sparingly, and only for the most heinous of crimes. For most violent or high-risk offenders, life in prison is preferred.



Canissian military philosophy is primarily defensive, with power-projection emphasis placed on quick, highly mobile intervention as needed. Canissia prefers not to engage in long, protracted wars or extended peacekeeper ops unless joining larger multi-national coalitions with agreed-upon goals. Canissian personnel deployed to combat theaters are expected to adhere to the rules of war and conduct, however, if fired upon, they are authorized to fire back.

In the Military Vehicles categories, military vehicles listed will be given by a class-- ie, "tanks" or "self-propelled gun". These will be followed by a link to a comperable vehicle. These vehicles are Wikipedia references and are not from the same country or even the same era. The vehicle linked to is not the exact vehicle being used by the Canissian armed forces, but rather a vehicle that inspires or resembles the PRC vehicle.

ALL government fleet vehicles in use in the People's Republic of Canissia are plug-in biodiesel-electric hybrids. Tracked vehicles all use rubberized "stretchy" tracks instead of the usual metal rod-and-pin style tracks. These modifications are to provide better fuel economy as well as limited stealth.


The Army is made up of 16 Divisions, which are organized into 4 Corps-level commands.

The main rifle issued to the RPRC Army is a modified version of the FN SCAR. The modification in question is, primarily, producing it in 6.8 mm, which is used as the Universal Service Round (smallarms/rifle).
Issued SMG: UMP-45 is used.
Pistols: Colt .45.
Shotgun: Mossberg-590

Man-Portable AntiTank systems:
RPG-29 type used for general Infantry squads.
FGM-148 Javelin-type for dedicated ATGM Infantry teams.

Camouflage is the faded-edged Flecktarn type design.
Helmets: MICH TC-2000 ("New Kevlar") style

Light Jeep: HUMVEE-type.
Cargo Truck: Alvis Stalwart-type.
Light Armored: GAZ-3937-type.
Extreme Heavy Transport: MAZ-543-type.

1 Tactical Support Air Regiment exists to provide tactical air support, both transport and Close-Air Support (CAS).


The Air Force uses the same basic equipment as the Army, with regards to trucks, jeeps, etc. Air Force security police use a variation of the M-1117 Armored Car for base security & Patrol. Air Force persinnek are issued the Colt .45 sidearm, except for Security Police and other field-deployed troops, who get the UMP-45 submachine gun.
Air Force breakdown of initial equipment is thus:

Squadron: 3 Flights of 4 Aircraft each = 12 Aircraft per Squadron

Air Superiority & Intercept Fighters Squadrons
1 will typically be assigned CAP
1 will be training
1 will be on standby, doing training, maintenance, etc as available.
2 Squadrons of Experimental FD-45 "Dragonette"-class are undergoing testing.

Tactical Bombing:
1 Tactical Bombing Regiment equipped with fighter-bomber and close-air-support type aircraft.
These is available for prescision bombing within refuel range.

Strategic Bombing:
Long-range strategic bombing will be performed by the B-1 series heavy bombers.
The B-47 StratoWolf drone bomber, a Canissian take on the X-47 Pegasus prototype, is undergoing field testing.

Strategic Airlift & Special Support:
Heavy-lift transports for long-range hauling includes not only fixed-wing but lighter-than-air zeppelin transports.

2 Flight Training Squadrons flying a two-pace Typhoon Trainer.
2 Combat Training Squadrons flying JAS-39s and F-16s as Aggressors.

The Strategic Air Defense Corps is a branch of the Royal Air Force tasked with defending Canissian airspace from air attack, be it by bomb, missile, aircraft, airship, drone or other means. The defense network centers on the following:

THEL: Tactical High Energy Laser emplacements, in clusters of 3 apiece, no less than 500 meters apart.
Patriot SAM: Anti-aircraft missile batteries that serve as back-up interceptors. 2 SAM launchers per THEL turret.
CIWS: Close-In Weapons System-- a last-ditch measure to defend the emplacements themselves. 2 CIWS per THEL.

Altogether, each Integrated Defense Battery ("IDB") has 3 THEL, 6 SAM and 6 CIWS.
Defenses can be augmented by Army AAA-vehicles with Stinger type missiles and TROPHY anti-RPG systems.
Compounds are heavily guarded by Air Force security personnel, and assisted by RCBG police as well. In emergencies, these facilities can be bolstered by Army and/or Militia.


The Canissian navy is primarily concerned with regional power projection and home-littoral defense. To these ends, the Navy relies on smaller, faster ships that pack more punch and are willing to sacrifice operating range to this end. The Navy has short-deck carriers rather than larger CVNs, however, Canissian Cruisers and larger ships are nuclear powered. There are also Navy SEALs for special ops: 60 SEALS in total.

CANISSIAN ROYAL NAVY: Overall Structure--
4 "Triton"-class Carriers
4 "Neptune"-class Amphib Assault
10 "Kraken"-class Cruisers
40 "Raidaa"-class Destroyers
40 "F100"-class Frigates
30 "Anuket"-class Corvettes
30 "Pegasus"-class Corvette/Hydrofoils
6 "Seahorse"-class Minesweepers
14 "Victoria"-class SSKs
8 "Seawolf"-class SSNs

Maritime Reconnaissance:
12th Reconnaissance Wing

2 "Provider"-class Supply ships
2 "Industrialist"-class oilers
4 "Supply"-class TFUR ships
6 "Sustainer"-class Supply ships
6 "Onager"-class Ocean tugs
6 "Hope"-class RO/RO
4 "Stalwart"-class Surveillance

Speacial Operations:
4 SEAL Teams: 60 SEALS apiece; 240 SEALS total.

Marine HQ & Training:
Marine Land based Training Brigade (Amphib Infantry, Tanks, and Aircraft Training)

UAVs & ROVs:
UAVs are very common for maritime patrol and especially ASW and reconaissance work. Nearly every ship will have at least 1 UAV, even if it is only a small fold-up version, for limited over-the-horizon scouting and ASW. The following are common UAVs in service:
UAVs for Corvette-class and smaller: DragonEye-class.
UAVs for Frigate-classes: ScanEagle-class.
UAVs for Cruiser-classes: MQ-9 Reaper-class.
UAVs for ASW (Frigates & larger):Fire Scout-class.

PROPOSED UAVs for limited aerial combat: FD-45 "Dragonette"-class.
The Navy is the primary research branch for UAVs, with the Air Force in a supporting role.

Pearl Point Hulls: [no building currently underway]
Electric Boats-Portlandia: [no building currently underway]


The RCBG is a seperate, para-military service that combines the duties of the Coast Guard, Border Patrol, and Immigration & Customs Enforcement duties. They also perform search-and-rescue (SAR) services and disaster relief. They are lightly armed, compared to typical military branches, but more armed than police branches. They have powers of arrest and frequently perform drug & smuggler interdiction operations as well.

Land Vehicles:
Light Jeep: LandRover Wolf-type, in sage green instead of camo.
Armored Car: M-1117, also in sage green.

RCBG Uniform: Multicam
Issued SMG: UMP-45 is used.
Pistols: Colt .45.
Shotgun: Mossberg-590

River and Coast Patrol:
80 "Crocodile" class Riverine Combat Boats (RCBs)

Littoral Patrol:
40 Pegasus-class Hydrofoils

Bluewater Patrol:
10 Isis-class Cutters

Air Support:
1 AWAC/JSTARS, E2 HawkEye-class.
2 Squadrons Kamov Ka-50/2 Erdogan-type.
4 Squadrons Dolphin-class Light Duty/SAR Helicopters.
4 Squadrons JayHawk-class Medium Duty/SAR Helicopters.
4 Squadrons A1/E Skyraider-type CAS planes.
4 Squadrons OV-10 Bronco-type Observation planes.

Security for government ministers and the King ar eprovided by this special branch of RCBG special agents. Commanded by "Chief Karl Tigh", these men & women dress in suits and ties according to the occassion and provide discreet, but tough, protection.


The Militia System is used in Canissia; it is an 'opt-out' system (meaning that all citizens are considered to be in the Militia unless they specifically opt out). Active Militia participation means you are on a local unit call list and available for drills, disaster relief, and other civil emergencies. Milita members can assist civilian law enforcement if needed, but do not have arrest powers. In order to own a firearm, one must be an Active member of the Militia, which means at minimum two drills a year for firearms practice. Militia service is unpaid, but while on drill status you may ride public transportation for free and get 20% for meals at restaurants.

Militias Uniforms: Track Pattern is recommended. Militias are not allowed to use the same camo as regular forces.

Milita weapons: members of the militia purchase and maintain their own weapons and ammunition. Weapons can be anything up to civilian versions of military weapons; ie, fully-automatic weapons are not allowed except by special government permit.


Law Enforcement:
Police Force: Ordinary Civilian police with cars, etc, and SWAT teams in each city.
Coastal & Harbor Police: Civilian police force for harbor and near-harbor policing. Sometimes has to share authority with RCBG. Typical patrol boat is the Barracuda-class Coastal Patrol Boat.

Last edited by Coyote on 2008-12-31 02:09pm, edited 9 times in total.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Rabid Monkey
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Location: The glorious Sun-Barge! Isis, Isis, Ra,Ra,Ra!

Post by Coyote »


The Active Duty Army is made up of 20 Divisions, which are organized into 4 Corps-level commands. There are 16 Reserve Divisions that also report to organic Corps.
4 Active Divisions are made up of the V CORPS: Légion étrangère (classical Piconese dialect). The V-Corps is the Foreigh Legion, and has no Reserve divisions attached to them.

The main rifle issued to the RPRC Army is a modified version of the FN SCAR. The modification in question is, primarily, producing it in 6.8 mm, which is used as the Universal Service Round (smallarms/rifle).
Issued SMG: UMP-45 is used.
Pistols: Colt .45.
Shotgun: Mossberg-590

Man-Portable AntiTank systems:
RPG-29 type used for general Infantry squads.
FGM-148 Javelin-type for dedicated ATGM Infantry teams.

Camouflage is the faded-edged Flecktarn type design.
Helmets: MICH TC-2000 ("New Kevlar") style

Light Jeep: Serval Light Infantry Vehicle.
Cargo Truck: Mungo ESK
Light Armored: Bushmaster IMV
Extreme Heavy Transport: MAZ-543-type.

Mechanized Infantry: Puma IFV
Motorized Infantry: Boxer IFV
Airborne Infantry: Wiesel-2A; Serval
Light Infantry: (Non-Tactical Transport): Mungo ESK

Heavy Armored Brigade MBT: Merkava-IV
Medium/Cavalry AF: Puma IFV; M8 Buford; Serval
Airborne Armor: M8 Buford; Wiesel-2A; Serval
Light Armored: M-1114; M-1117; Wiesel-2

Artillery, SP Tube: PzH-2000
Artillery, Towed Tube: M777 Light Howitzer
Artillery, MLRS: HIMARS Mungo ESK truck-mounted MLRS
Artillery, SPAAG: Puma with M1 Tunguska turret
Artillery, ADAM: (Heavy): Puma Linebacker (Light): M1079 Avenger on Serval

Attack Helicopter: Ka-50/2 Erdogan
Heliborne Assault: MH-60A/K/L; CH-53K; MH-47G
Tactical Strike: YA-10B night/all-weather strike fighter
Tactical Transport: C-130J & MH-47G


1st Infantry (Mechanized/Assault) Division:
1 Infantry Mechanized Legacy Brigade "Black Wolves Spearhead Brigade"
2 Infantry Mechanized Brigades
1 Heavy Armored Brigade "Iron Horse Spearhead Brigade"
1 Attack Helicopter Brigade

2nd Infantry (Mechanized/Assault) Division:
3 Infantry Mechanized Brigades
1 Heavy Armored Brigade
1 Attack Helicopter Brigade

3rd Infantry Motor-Rifle Division:
1 Infantry Motorized Legacy Brigade "Tiger Brigade"
2 Infantry Motorized Brigades
1 Medium/Cavalry Legacy Brigade "Apocalypse Horse Brigade"

4th Infantry Motor-Rifle Division:
3 Infantry Motorized Brigades
1 Medium/Cavalry Brigade
1 Aviation Tactical Strike

Reserves: (All have Professional Training and Professional Kit)
101st Mechanized Infantry
102nd Motor-Rifle
103rd Motor-Rifle
104th Motor-Rifle

5th Airborne Division:
1 Airborne Infantry Legacy Brigade "I-Pathfinders"
1 Airborne Infantry Legacy Brigade "II-Pathfinders"
3 Airborne Armored Brigades
2 Heliborne Assault Brigades
2 Tactical Transport Group

6th Airborne Division:
1 Airborne Infantry Legacy Brigade "I-Rangers"
1 Airborne Infantry Legacy Brigade "II-Rangers"
3 Airborne Armored Brigades
2 Heliborne Assault Brigades
2 Tactical Transport Group

7th Airborne Infantry:
1 Airborne Infantry Legacy Brigade "I-Commandos"
1 Airborne Infantry Legacy Brigade "II-Commandos"
2 Tactical Transport
2 Heliborne Assault Brigades

8th Army Air Regiment:
4 Tactical Strike Group
1 Tactical Transport Group

Reserves: (All have Professional Training and Professional Kit)
105th Light Infantry
105th Light Infantry
107th Light Infantry
108th Light Armored

9th Armored Division:
3 Heavy Armored Brigades
1 Infantry Mechanized Brigades
1 Medium/Cavalry Brigades
1 Attack Helicopter Brigades

10th Armored Division:
3 Heavy Armored Brigades
1 Infantry Mechanized Brigade
1 Medium/Cavalry Brigade
1 Attack Helicopter Brigade

11th Armored Cavalry Division:
2 Heavy Armored Brigades
2 Medium/Cavalry Brigades
1 Infantry Mechanized Brigade
1 Heliborne Assault Brigade

12th Cavalry Division:
3 Medium/Cavalry Brigades
3 Infantry Mechanized Brigades
1 Heavy Armored Brigade

Reserves: (All have Professional Training and Professional Kit)
109th Cavalry
110th Cavalry
111th Light Armored
112th Light Armored

13th Light Division:
2 Infantry, Light Brigades
2 Light Armored Brigades
1 Medium/Cavalry Brigade

14th Light Division:
2 Infantry, Light Brigades
2 Light Armored Brigades
1 Medium/Cavalry Brigade

15th Infantry Division:
3 Infantry Motorized Brigades
1 Infantry, Light Legacy Brigade "Edelweiss Brigade"
1 Infantry, Light Legacy Brigade "Mountain Brigade"
1 Light Armored Brigade

16th Automated Experimental Division
1 Brigade AUTOMATED Heavy Armor
1 Brigade AUTOMATED Medium Armor
1 Brigade AUTOMATED Light Armor
1 Brigade AUTOMATED Engineering Unit
1 Brigade AUTOMATED Convoy-Escort Security Vehicles

2 Infantry, Light Brigades (Undefined "OPFOR" Uniforms & Gear)
2 Infantry Motorized Brigades (Undefined "OPFOR" Uniforms & Gear; BTR-90s)
2 Infantry Mechanized Brigades (Undefined "OPFOR" Uniforms & Gear; M2/3 Bradleys)
1 Light Armored Brigades (Undefined "OPFOR" Uniforms & Gear; Mixed EE-9 Cascavel & BMD-4s)

Reserves: (All have Professional Training and Professional Kit)
113th Cavalry
114th Motor-Rifle
115th Light Armored
116th Light Armored

V CORPS: Légion étrangère: --BEING FORMED as of MAR09

Major-General Hunnar Gutierrez, Commanding

17th Infantry Motor-Rifle Division:
2 Infantry Motorized Brigades
1 Medium/Cavalry Brigade
1 Attack Helicopter Brigade

18th Infantry Airborne Division:
1 Airborne Infantry Brigade "I-Ghost Brigade"
1 Airborne Infantry Brigade "II-Ghost Brigade"
2 Heliborne Assault Brigades (AS-555 Fennec-2s used as G- or K- Cars; EC-725 Cougars)
2 Tactical Transport Groups: 4 Sqdns. (2 C-130s; 2 C-212)
1 Aviation Tactical Strike: 4 Sqdns. (2 F-15E; 1 YA-10B; 1 FB-111)

COMBAT GROUP II (planned; not yet recruiting) /FREQUESNEAN CONTINENT (Proposed/TBD)
Major-General Louis leLombard -selected.

19th Infantry Motor-Rifle Division:
2 Infantry Motorized Brigades
1 Medium/Cavalry Brigade
1 Attack Helicopter Brigade

20th Infantry Airborne Division:
1 Airborne Infantry Brigade "I-Nightfighters"
1 Airborne Infantry Brigade "II-Nightfighters"
2 Heliborne Assault Brigades (AS-555 Fennec-2s used as G- or K- Cars; EC-725 Cougars)
2 Tactical Transport Groups: 4 Sqdns. (2 C-130s; 2 C-212)
1 Aviation Tactical Strike: 4 Sqdns. (2 F-15E; 1 YA-10B; 1 FB-111)


The Royal Navy, or RN, is primarily concerned with the defense of the high seas surrounding the Canissian peninsula. Canissian defense philosophy is that once something leaves the 12-nautical-mile sovereignty zone of any surrounding nation, and enters internationally recognized High Seas Territory, it becomes of interest to the Royal Navy.

The RN does have limited force-projection capacity in the form of its Carriers and Amphibious Assault craft; however, by themselves these vessels and their escorts do not have sufficient combat strength to overwhelm a large, organized and determined enemy without outside help in the form of larger international coalitions.

For limited-duration assaults, however, the Marines, Fleet Air Arm, RAF 1st and 2nd Air Commands, and the Canissian Army II-Airborne Corps frequently practice together for combined air-superiority-airborne-amphibious operations, a powerful and likely overwhelming combination of forces.

4 "Triton"-class CVNs ("Admiral Kuznetsov" look-alike)
5 flights of FA-18E Super Hornets
2 EA-18G Growler EW
2 E2D Hawkeye-type AWACs
2 C2 Greyhound Air Tankers/Cargo planes
2 MH-60 LAMPS-III helos

4 "Neptune"-class Nuclear Amphib Assault ("Wasp" look-alike)
Navy Complement:
2 SH-60 Oceanhawk (ASW)
2 RH-53D Mine Countermeasure
Marine Complement: 2,000+ Marines
8 AV-8B Harrier attack aircraft
4 KA-50 Black Shark attack helicopters
12 MH-60 KnightHawk helicopters
2 CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters
3 LCAC landers
1 MEU (Marine Expeditionary Force: see below*)

4 "Ryujin"-class LSDNs ("Whidbey Island" look-alike)
-- Carry Part of deployed MEU: 400+ Marines
4 LCAC landers
2 MH-60 LAMPS-III helos

4 "Nabiya"-class LPDs ("San Antonio" look-alikes)
-- Carry Part of deployed MEU: 650+ Marines
4 LCAC landers
4 CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters

10 "State"-class CGN + 2 MH-60 LAMPS-III helos ("Ticonderoga" look-alike)
40 "Raidaa"-class Destroyers + 2 MH-60 LAMPS-III helos ("Arleigh-Burke /Flight IIA" look-alike)
40 "F100"-class Frigates + 1 MH-60 LAMPS-III helos ("F100" look-alike)
30 "Anuket"-class Corvettes ("Tarantul" look-alike)
30 "Pegasus"-class Hydrofoils ("Pegasus" look-alike)
6 "Seahorse"-class Minesweepers ("Frankenthal" look-alike)
14 "Victoria"-class SSKs ("Victoria" SSK look-alike)
8 "Seawolf"-class SSNs ("Seawolf" SSN look-alike)

Maritime Reconnaissance: 12th Reconnaissance Wing
112th Maritime Recon Wing: 2 Squadrons P-3 Orion
113th Maritime Recon Wing: 4 Squadrons S-3 Viking

Support, Sustainment & Transport:
2 "Provider"-class Replenishment ship, heavy + 2 MH-60 LAMPS-III helos ("Lews and Clark" look-alikes)
6 "Sustainer"-class Replenishment ship, light + 1 MH-60 LAMPS-III helos ("Type-404/Elbe" look-alikes)
2 "Industrialist"-class Oiler + 1 MH-60 LAMPS-III helos ("Henry J. Kaiser"-class look-alike)
4 "Supply"-class Task Force Underway Replenishment (TFUR) ships ("Supply" look-alike)
6 "Onager"-class Oceangoing tug/recovery vessel ("Apache T-ATF-172" look-alike)
6 "Hope"-class RO/RO Strategic Positioning ships ("Bob Hope (T-AKR-300)" look-alike)
4 "Stalwart"-class Ocean surveillance ship ("Stalwart")

Special Operations:
Special Operations teams are referred to as SEALs (SEa-Air-Land) and are drawn from Marine, Navy, and Army Ranger units. All are Parachute, Dive, Air-Assault and Mountain qualified. SEAL teams specialize in certain geographical regions that are identified as trouble spots, and are also trained in language, customs, geography, and lore of a target area. SEALs can perfrom missions from reconnaissance, sniping, demolitions, and a variety of other missions behind enemy lines.

SEAL Team 1: Specializing in Central Command
SEAL Team 2: Specializing in Western Command
SEAL Team 3: Specializing in Eastern Command
SEAL Team 4: Specializing in Island Operations/Northern Command

The Marines are typically one of the first forces on the ground, and have a very combat-heavy organization. They can afford to do this by allowing most of their logistical needs to be handled by the Navy, freeing them of that task and concentrating on rifleman combat skillsets.

Marine HQ & Training:
Marine Land based Training Brigade: (Amphib Infantry, Tanks, and Aircraft Training)
This is a Training and Organization/Admin Headquarters for all things having to do with the Royal Marines. The RMC is the smallest service; the bulk of the RMC is entirely comprised of the MEUs themselves. The HQ/TB is slightly larger than a standard MEU and exists solely for the purpose of training and equipping Marines prior to deployment. Marine recruits go through Navy Basic Training, then on to the HQ/TB for advanced, individual Marine-specific training.

Approximately 2,200 Marines total (including vehicles crews, mechanics, riflemen, etc).

4 Merkava-IV Heavy Tanks
20 LAV-25
6 LAV-ADA w/M6 Linebacker style turret
4 HIMARS (rocket arty) on Mungo ESV
8 M252 81mm mortar (carried in LAV)
8 FGM-148 Javelin ATGM
8 FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS
8 MPOCS (Man-Portable Obstacle Clearing Systems: "MICLIC Lite")

60 HUMVEE utility vehicles
30 Mungo ESV Medium trucks
4 Logistics Vehicle System (MK48A1 + Rear Unit Articulated HEMMT)
3 D7 bulldozer (w/light armor & AC unit)
1 Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement dump truck
4 TRAM 644E Backhoe Tractor
2 TX51-19M Rough Terrain Forklift
2 Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit
1 LMT 3000 water purification unit
7 500 gallon water containers

8 AV-8B Harrier attack aircraft
4 KA-50 Black Shark attack helicopters
12 MH-60 KnightHawk helicopters
2 CH-53K Sea Stallion helicopters
3 LCAC landers

[T]..[D]..[R] ("Total/Deployed/Reserve")
5.....2....3 Cruiser Divisions of 2 Cruisers each.
20...10...10 Destroyer Divisions of 2 Destroyers each.
13....8....5 Frigate Divisions of 3 Frigates each (1 hull left over)
7.....3....4 Corvette Divisions of 4 Anuket Corvettes (2 hulls left over)
7.....4....3 Fast Strike Divisions (FSDs) of 4 Pegasus Hydrofoils each (2 hulls left over)
3.....2....1 Mine-warfare Special Task Groups (STGs) of 2 Seahorse Mine warfare vessels each
7.....2....5 Hunter-Killer Teams (HKTs) of 2 Victoria SSKs each
8.....3....5 Seawolf SSNs; deployed singularly
4.....4....0 Neptune Assault Carriers w/MEU; deployed singularly
4.....4....0 Triton CVNs; deployed singularly

Standard Expeditionary Force composition:
1 Triton-class CVN
1 Neptune-class LPDN w/MEU
1 Ryujin-class LSDNs w/MEU
1 Nabiya-class LPDs w/MEU
1 Cruiser Division (2 Cruisers)
2 Destroyer Divisions (4 Destroyers)
1 Frigate Division (3 Frigates)

1st Expeditionary Force: FADM Josef Adama; RMS Pacifica: Routine Exercises
2nd Expeditionary Force: FADM Helena Cain; RMS Atlantia: Routine Exercises
3rd Expeditionary Force: FADM Inka Olie; RMS Sovereign: 30-day readiness stand-down
4th Expeditionary Force: FADM Gavriel Antilles; RMS Cavalier: 60-day readiness stand-down

1 CRUSDIVs on Routine Patrol
1 CRUSDIVs on Routine Exercises w/Ex-forces
4 DESTDIVs on Routine Exercises w/Ex-forces
2 FRIGDIVs on Routine Exercises w/Ex-forces
2 FRIGDIVs on Routine Patrol
3 CORVDIVs on Routine Patrol
3 FSDs on Routine Patrol
2 STGs on Routine Exercises
2 HKTs on Routine Patrol
2 SSNs on Patrol off coast of Katangwa Free State


The RCAF refers to fighter aircraft as "Hunters" rather than as "Fighters".

5th Gen fighters: H-22 Raptor
4th Gen fighters: Typhoon H-1A (single-seat air-superiority fighters) = weapons prioritized for air superiority role.
4th Gen fighters: Typhoon H-1B (two-seat strike fighters) = weapons prioritized for air-ground/Wild Weasel type role.
4th Gen fighters: Typhoon H-1C (single-seat air-intercept fighters) = weapons prioritized for high-alt bomber interception.
3.5 Gen fighters: F-16L Delta-wing F-16 upgrade for Reserve forces, general-purpose strike aircraft.

Canissian RAF Organization:
1 Flight = 4 planes
3 Flights = 1 Squadron
4 Squadrons = 1 Wing

1st Air Superiority Command:
1st/2nd/3rd/4th Fighter Wings: Typhoon H-1A
4 Wings; 16 Air-Superiority Squadrons

1st Air Force Reserves:
2 Wings; 8 Air-Superiority Squadrons (H/F-16L)

2nd Air Strike Command:
10th/11th/12th/13th Fighter Wings: Typhoon H-1B
4 Wings; 16 Strike Squadrons

2nd Air Force Reserves:
2 Wings; 8 Air-Strike Squadrons (H/F-16L)

3rd Air Interception Command:
20th/22nd/23rd/24th Fighter Wings: Typhoon H-1C
4 Wings; 16 Interceptor Squadrons

3rd Air Force Reserves:
2 Wings; 8 Air-Interceptor Squadrons (H/F-16L)

90th "Blackrazors" Fighter Wing (Independent Command):
91st/92nd/93rd/94th Fighter Wings: F-22 'Raptor'
Alpha Training Sqdn: 4 F-22s

91st Fighter Wing (Independent Command/EXPERIMENTAL):
91st/92nd AUTOMATED Air-Interceptor Wings: Drone Fighters
95th/96th AUTOMATED Strike Wings: Drone Fighters

100th Fighter Wing: Training Command:
101st Training Wing: Typhoon T-1B
4 Two-Seat Training Squadrons

102nd Training Wing: Typhoon T-1B
4 Two-Seat Training Squadrons

103rd Aggressor Wing: JAS-39
4 Aggressor Squadrons

104th Aggressor Wing: F-16C
4 Aggressor Squadrons

105th Air Force Training Reserve:
1 Wing; 2 Training Squadrons (BaE Hawk)

Tactical Bombers:
50th Attack Wing: A-10A
4 Close-Attack Fighter-Bomber Squadrons

51st Attack Wing: YA-10B "Nightstrikers"
4 All-Weather Close-Attack Fighter-Bomber Squadrons

62nd Attack Wing: FB-111B
4 Long-Range Tactical Strike Squadrons

63rd Attack Wing: FB-111B
4 Long-Range Tactical Strike Squadrons

64th Air Force Reserves:
2 Wings; 8 Tactical Bomber Squadrons (Panavia Tornado)


Strategic Bombers:
1070th Bomb Wing: B-1B
4 Long-Range Strategic Bomber Squadrons

1071st Bomb Wing: B-1B
4 Long-Range Strategic Bomber Squadrons

1072nd Bomb Wing: B-1R
4 Long-Range Strategic Bomber Squadrons

1073rd Bomb Wing: B-1R
4 Long-Range Strategic Bomber Squadrons

Strategic Airlift/Transport:
200th Air Transport Wing: C-17A
4 Long-Range Strategic Transport Squadrons

201st Transport Wing: C-17A
4 Long-Range Strategic Transport Squadrons

202nd Transport Wing: C-5M
4 Long-Range Strategic Transport Squadrons

203rd Transport Wing: C-5M
4 Long-Range Strategic Transport Squadrons

204th Heavy Airlift Wing: WALRUS Ultra Heavy Lift Utility Aeroscraft (UHLUA)
4 Long-Range Strategic Preposition Airborne RO/RO Squadrons

205th Air Force Strategic Transport Reserves:
2 Wings; 8 Transport Squadrons (C-141B)

Strategic Support and Reconnaissance:
300th Airborne Tanker Wing: KC-135R
2 Airborne Tanker Squadrons (1 Active sqdn.; 1 Reserve)

301st Air Control Squadron: E-3G Sentry
6 AWACS aircraft +1 TC-18E Trainer

302nd Air Control Squadron: E-8C JSTARS
6 JSTARS aircraft +1 TE-8A Trainer

303rd Air Control Squadron: E-6B Mercury
6 E-6B Looking Glass Airborn Command Posts

777th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing: SR-71A
1 Flight of 4 Long-Range, High-Altitude Strategic Reconnaissance Aircraft +1 Training Simulator

The Strategic Air Defense Corps is a branch of the Royal Air Force tasked with defending Canissian airspace from air attack, be it by bomb, missile, aircraft, airship, drone or other means. The defense network centers on the following:

The Integrated Defense Battery ("IDB") has 3 THEL, 6 SAM and 6 CIWS.
THEL: Tactical High Energy Laser emplacements, in clusters of 3 apiece, no less than 500 meters apart.
Patriot SAM: Anti-aircraft missile batteries that serve as back-up interceptors. 2 SAM launchers per THEL turret.
CIWS: Close-In Weapons System-- a last-ditch measure to defend the emplacements themselves. 2 CIWS per THEL.

Defenses can be augmented by Army AAA-vehicles with Stinger type missiles and TROPHY anti-RPG systems.
Compounds are heavily guarded by Air Force security personnel, and assisted by RCBG police as well. In emergencies, these facilities can be bolstered by Army and/or Militia.

As of this writing, multiple IDBs are already built and more are being planned along likely routes for incoming missiles.
Last edited by Coyote on 2009-04-07 09:34pm, edited 9 times in total.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Master_Baerne »

The Sovereign Duchy of Baerne
Flag of the Sovereign Duchy

The Sovereign Duchy of Baerne is a nation on the continent of Frequesque (or Frequesue; Baernish Shroomanian uses the first spelling while San Dorado, Indhopal, and most other Shroomanian derivative languages use the latter), on the western coast. It is bordered to the North by the Costa de las Cinquos Muertes, to the South by the Mountains of Valor region of the Kingdom of the Vineyards, to the East by the Inner Sea, and to the West by the Pacific Ocean. Additionally, two Baernish colonies exist in the Frequesquan Wilderness, one on the North shore of the Inner Sea, and the other on the peninsula North of San Dorado.

The Sovereign Duchy of Baerne is typically referred to as the Duchy, or Baerne.


The 2nd of January is celebrated as one of two National Days, with the other being the ruling Duke's birthday. This same day, in 1875, saw the seizure of the Governor's Mansion of the then-Shroomanian Colony of West Frequesque by rebel forces under the command of Edward Baerne. Angered by various excesses of the Shroomanian colonial government, the Winter Rebellion, as it is now called, staged an uprising disguised as New Year's celebrations, smuggling in guns in boxes of fireworks. The next day, when Shroomanian troops were too sickened by the last night's debauchery to defend themselves, Baerne led one hundred men up the hill to the Governor's Mansion, from which he proclaimed the new Sovereign Duchy. Shroomania did little, preoccupied with internal weirdness, much as usual. The Hundred are still remembered as well; their descendants are the nobility of the Duchy.

For the next century, Baernish influence in Frequesque grew steadily, mainly due to the work of Dukes James I and Edward III, who set the Duchy up as an industrial power. With San Dorado, Baerne soon found itself supplying much of the manufactured goods it's neighbors required. Trade wealth and several short, victorius wars against minor powers kept the populace happy even as monarchies fell around the world. The Duchy even learned lessons from the Crimson Rebellion, taking steps to provide health care and a safety net for the workers who provided it's wealth. This precaution is still visible today, as the Baernish Health Service.

Baernish troops fought under Shroomanian command in WWI and WWII, bringing knowledge and new ideas back to the Duchy when they returned. Most of these ideas had to do with military technologies, of course, and the Baernish Ducal Army has maintained a focus on armored combat ever since. It is the most mechanized of the Frequesquan militaries to this day. Another idea was that of democracy, which then-Duke Paul I allowed to manifest as a Baernish Senate, which has since been rendered completely powerless.

Recent years have provided the Duchy with tremendous opportunities for growth. In mid-2009, the Sovereign Duchy joined the FTO, which it remained a part of until the Frequesquan Treaty Organization's collapse in 2015 due to internal troubles. The Baernish military played a major role in the FTO's Operation Stabilizer, and is directly responsible for the destruction of the Revolutionary Front in the Central Frequesquan Republic. Industrially, the Duchy was a major FTO member as well, partnering with San Dorado to produce the FTO's Standard-class missile destroyer, advanced missiles, and the Vigilant-class SSBN. It also provided funds to San Dorado's Silver Streak Project.

In 2015, the Duchy joined CATO. After a brief humanitarian intervention in the Costa de las Cinquos Muertes, the Costan government dropped nerve gas on Baernish troops and bombed the capital, resulting in the first full mobilization of the Baernish State in decades. Three divisions advanced into the Costa, supported by hundreds of planes and the entirety of the BDN. The Ducal Military was stopped in it's tracks, however, by an internationally-sponsored ceasefire, after losing several planes, 5% of the land force, and having HGS Isabella, the BDN's carrier, damaged by a submarine. This ceasefire goes strongly against the will of the people, and it remains to be seen what will come of it.

Basic Facts and Statistics

Head of State: James IV Baerne, Duke of Baerne, Protector of the Baernish, etc.
Language: Baernish Shroomanian
GDP: ~$705,000,000,000
Population: 27,003,147 (Aug. 2015 est)
GDP Per Capita: $26,108
Currency: Baernish Mark; ROBs and San Dorado Dollars also accepted in most parts of the country.

Major Cities:
1. Fortress Baerne (6,213,112) Note: The Duchy's capital is built around Fortress Baerne, the center of government both as the residence of the Duke and as the headquarters of various ministries.
2. Forgeville (4,509,981) Note: Forgeville is the heart of the Duchy's industry, with nuclear reactors powering huge factories that churn out a plethora of goods for the Frequesquan market.
3. Greenport (4,417,996) Note: Greenport was founded as a timber havesting center, and continues to dominate the Duchy's timber industry today.
4. Mereen (1,003,164) Note: Mereen is a planned city built in the Wilderness to relieve population pressure on Fortress Baerne.
Major Sources of Income: Mining, fishing, chemical industries, arms manufacture, heavy industry, assorted skilled labor, construction.

Political Structure

The Duchy is an absolute monarchy, with all power devolving from the Duke. His appointed ministers head the nation's government, and serve entirely at the Duke's pleasure. There is a Baernish Senate, established shortly after WWII in response to the demonstration of the evils possible under an autocratic government presented by the Shadow Empire's Nazi regime, but it has since been rendered powerless by various Ducal decrees. There are 100 Baernish Counts, and approximately 350 Viscounts, who serve as the local administrators of the 100 counties that compose the Duchy.

The Ducal Ministries are:
Ministry of War: Her Excellency Countess Truman, Minister for War
--Subministry of the Air Force: General Ripper, Ducal Air Force Commander
--Subministry of the Army: His Excellency General the Count Bloomberg, Ducal Army Commander
--The Admiralty: Her Excellency Admiral the Countess Harrington, First Lord of the Admiralty and Ducal Navy Commander
--Subministry of Procurement: His Excellency Viscount Spinello, Minister for Procurement
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Internal Affairs: His Excellency Count Lawrence, Minister for Internal Affairs
--Subministry of Education: Her Excellency Viscountess Krasta, Minister for Education
--Subministry of the Environment: His Excellency Viscount Miller, Minister for the Environment
--Baernish Health Service: Her Excellency Doctor the Countess Nolan, BHS Director
Ministry of Economics, Industry, and Finance: His Excellency Count Sabrino, Minister for Economics, Industry, and Finance
Baernish Intelligence Service (Reports to MinWar, MinForAff, and MinInAff): -Director Classified-

The justice system of the Duchy falls under the purview of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and is composed of a county court system, as well as a Ducal Bench that serves as the nation's arbiter in matters of law.


Location: Western edge of Frequesue; that orange bit below San Dorado.
Area: 500,142 km²
Maritime claims: Territorial sea: 12 nautical miles; Exclusive Economic Zone: 200 nautical miles.
Climate: Tropical; tropical; rainy, warm, cloudy southwest monsoon (mid-May to September); dry, cool northeast monsoon (November to mid-March).
Natural resources: Opals, petroleum, granite, iron ore, coal, gold, niobium, tin, zinc

Baernish Armed Forces

Baernish Ducal Navy
1x Kitty Hawk CV (HGS Isabella) - Heavily damaged, undergoing repairs at Fortress Baerne Naval Station.
1x Tarawa LHA (HGS Terrapin)
6x Kirov CA (HGS Redress of Grievances, HGS Twice for Flinching, HGS Think Twice, HGS Right to Arm Bears, HGS Right of Assembly, HGS Avoid If Possible)
7x Standard DDG (HGS Alice, HGS Jasper, HGS Edward, HGS Rosalie, HGS Emmett, HGS Carlisle, HGS Esme)
7x Sovremenny DDG (HGS Fearless, HGS Once Only, HGS Courser, HGS Green Opal, HGS Balastro, HGS Gift, HGS Ripple )
10x Perry FFG (HGS Piece of Eight, HGS Medusa, HGS Eye in the Sky, HGS Pie Are Round, HGS On Occasion, HGS Steading, HGS Burdette, HGS Marcos, HGS Fitzclarence, HGS Mad William )
3x Virginia SSN (HGS Silence, HGS Glowworm, HGS Trident)
12x Kilo SSK (HGS Brainbug, HGS Orientation, HGS Shockwave, HGS Winter, HGS Crimson, HGS Revolution, HGS Spear, HGS Saber, HGS Scimitar, HGS Dart, HGS Poleaxe, HGS Halberd)
5x Vigilant SSGN (HGS Vampire, HGS Werewolf, HGS Ghost, HGS Specter, HGS Bloody Hand)
10x LCS Corvettes (HGS Gray, HGS Green, HGS Blue, HGS Red, HGS Purple, HGS Yellow, HGS Orange, HGS White, HGS Black, HGS Aqua) (Coast Guard Duties)
2x Lewis and Clark AKE (HGS Tinker, HGS Tailor)
2x Supply AOE (HGS Binder, HGS Builder)
1x Marine Expeditionary Unit - Baernish Ducal Marine Corps

10x Seahorse-class FFG.
10x Admiral Gorshkov-class FFG
HGS Isabella's air wing is to be upgraded to SU-53s.

Baernish Ducal Air Force

Fortress Baerne Air Base:

101st Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Duke's Own" (20x MiG 31)
103rd Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Air Marshals" (20x MiG 31)
105th Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Eagle's Screeches" (20x MiG 31)
107th Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Protectors" (20x MiG 31)
109th Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Silver Strikers" (20x F-16XL)
111th Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Defenders" (20x Mig 31)
205th Naval Air Wing "Ripple Effects" (20x AV-8B Harrier II)
1001st Strategic Bomber Sqn. "Exploding Rocs" (20x B-1B)
1003rd Strategic Bomber Sqn. "Suborbital Shockers" (20x Silver Streaks)
1005th Strategic Bomber Sqn. "Dukes of Hazard" (20x Tu-22BM)
301st Training Evaluation Standardisation Sqn. "Guinea Pigs" (16x C-101)
401st Electronic Warfare Sqn. "Ghosts in the Machine" (4x 737 AEW&C, 8x Hawkeye 2000) [Dispersed]
601st Security Sqn.
901st Maintenance Support Sqn.
902nd Miscellaneous Support Sqn.
903rd Logistic Sqn.
1st Long Patrol Sqn. (6x P-3C Orion, 1x Hawkeye 2000)
1st Tactical Transport Sqn. "Flying Dodos" (10x C-130)

Greenport Air Base:

102st Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Airsharks" (20x MiG 31)
104th Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Raptor Claws" (20x MiG 31)
106th Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Falcon Screams" (20x MiG 31)
108th Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Dragons" (20x MiG 31)
1010th Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Hammers" (20x MiG 31)
1012th Quick Reaction Force Sqn. "Blazing Eaglets" (20x F-16XL)
206th Naval Air Wing "Tidal Forces" (20x AV-8B Harrier II)
302st Training Evaluation Standardisation Sqn. "Swimming Meese" (16x C-101)
602st Security Sqn.
902st Maintenance Support Sqn.
903nd Miscellaneous Support Sqn.
904rd Logistic Sqn.2nd Long Patrol Sqn. (6x P-3C Orion, 1x Hawkeye 2000)


113th QRS. (20x SU-50)
114th QRS. (20x SU-50)
115th QRS. (20x SU-50)
116th QRS. (20x SU-50)
117th QRS. (20x SU-50)
118th QRS. (20x SU-54)
119th QRS. (20x SU-54)
120th QRS. (20x SU-54)

Baernish Ducal Army
Fortress Baerne Army Base (1st Guards Division, 3rd Infantry Division)
Twintowns Army Base (2nd Armored Division)
Ravenburg Army Base (4th Infantry Division, 5th Armored Division)

1st Guards Armored Division (1x Armored Cavalry Regiment, 1x Mechanized Infantry Regiment, 4x Armored Regiment, 2x Aviation Regiment, 1x Artillery Regiment, 1x Air Defense Regiment) (Elite Training)
2nd Armored Division (1x Armored Cavalry Regiment, 1x Mechanized Infantry Regiment, 4x Armored Regiment, 2x Aviation Regiment, 1x Artillery Regiment, 1x Air Defense Regiment)
3rd Infantry Division (1x Armored Cavalry Regiment, 4x Mechanized Infantry Regiment, 1x Armored Regiment, 2x Aviation Regiment. 1x Artillery Regiment, 1x Air Defense Regiment)
4th Infantry Division (1x Armored Cavalry Regiment, 4x Mechanized Infantry Regiment, 1x Armored Regiment, 2x Aviation Regiment, 1x Artillery Regiment, 1x Air Defense Regiment)
5th Armored Division (1x Armored Cavalry Regiment, 1x Mechanized Infantry Regiment, 4x Armored Regiment, 2x Aviation Regiment, 1x Artillery Regiment, 1x Air Defense Regiment)

Armored Cavalry Regiment: 35x T-90 MBTs, 45x Bradley IFVs, 2000x Professional Infantry
Mechanized Infantry Regiment: 50x T-90 MBT, 150x Bradley IFVs, 3000x Professional Infantry
Armored Regiment: 75x T-90 MBTs, 50x Bradley IFVs, 1500x Professional Infantry
Artillery Regiment: 30x M106 SP Guns, 15x 240 mm Heavy Mortars, 30x MLRS, 10x 107mm AT Guns, 10x 180 mm Field Guns
Air Defense Regiment: 20x M6 ADA, 30x Patriot ADA, 15x S-500 ADA
Aviation Regiment: 30x AH-1, 60x H-60, 30x CH-53

Army OOB:
1,775x T-90 MBT
2,575x Bradley IFV
150x M106 SP Guns
75x 240 mm Heavy Mortars
150x MLRS
50x 107 mm AT Guns
50x 180 mm Field Guns
100x M6 ADA
150x Patriot ADA
75x S-500 ADA
150x AH-1 Helicopters
300x H-60 Helicopters
150x CH-53 Helicopters

57,500x Professional Infantry
6,500x Guards Infantry
1st Guards Division is in the process of upgrading to Byzantine B-3 and B-2 vehicles; if they prove successful, the rest of the army will follow suit.
Last edited by Master_Baerne on 2009-04-22 11:53am, edited 34 times in total.
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Post by CmdrWilkens »

A Brief Note on the Flag:
  • The Wilkonian flag consists of two primary section on the flag itself combined with an additional adornment that is present on all official flagstaffs as the ornamentation. The first utilizes a crosshatch gold and black pattern. The colors are the from the ancestral Coat of Arms of the Calvert Family from which the current monarchy descends. the crosshatch pattern itself is a symbolic merging of the strengths of the paternal and maternal lines given that the monarchy itself descends by rule of lineal primogeniture regardless of gender. The red and white design for the other 2 quadrants is representative of the country as a whole rather than the founding house. Each of the two quadrants consists of a white background with 4 stars, each representing two of the 16 non-Capitol Provinces of the Empire, and 2 bars, representing in sum the 4 pillars of the county (The King, The Government, The People and The Law). When properly flown the flagstaff will be topped with a gold cross botony. The form is taken from the Seal of the Province of Columbia, the Empire's Capitol, and the color to hold true to the colors of the Calvert Coat of Arms.

    Thus represented on a complete flag and staff are all of the provinces of the Empire, the Royal House, the Government, the People, and the Law. Everything that is Wilkonia can be found somewhere within the flag on display.

Government and Economy of Wilkonia

Long Form Name: The Empire of Wilkonia and Baja
Short Form Name: Wilkonia
Demonym: Wilkonian
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Capitol: Columbia, Capitol Province

  • Language(s): Wilkonian (Spanish), Old Wilkonian (Latin, still used in many government decrees) and Common (English). The first and last are taught in primary and secondary education with specialist and university courses in the second.

    Religion: Principaly comprised of Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran, and Presbyterian Christians, Reform and Modern Orthodox Judaism, and Deobani and Barelwi schools of Islam. The Sovereign and Court are required, by vow before coronation, to uphold the traditions of Lutheranism though as a practice Lutherans comprised a bare plurality of Christian churches and roughly the same plurality amongst all faiths. Christian sects comprise roughly 28% of citizens, Jewish sects 12% and Islamic sects 19%, the rest are unaffiliated/aesthist/agnostic (20%) or in minor groups (Zorastrianism for instance claims 5%)

    Geography: Wilkonian comprises roughly 2.5 million km^2 of land not including certain minor offlying islands. The country is divided by a series of mountains comprising the southern half of the Continental Divide of MESSamerica. In the north of the country it runs more to the western half creating a shallow pocket of dense foliage and population of the Eastern Shore of the Gulf of Baja. South of that point the range runs closer to bisecting the country creating a region of tropical highlands and jungles crisscrossed by a series of rivers and major lakes that still support a suprisingly vibrant canal system. In the two southernmost provinces the mountains veer back westward relative to the bisecting line and eventually terminate into a series of cliffs facing south where the southernmost province (Panama) shifts its South coastline to run roughly along the 9th Parallel. The southern portion of the province before the Straights of Tonkin comprise a low tropical plain descending into a huge series of marshes and wetlands excepting the commercially improved section from the southernmost coast north for 7-10 miles.

    Government [This links to a .doc file containing addtional information]

    Economy [This links to a .doc file containing additional infromation]
    • A Brief Note on principal exports and imports:

      Wilkonia is the worlds largest producer of silver and the third largest producer of pig iron though only the fourth largest produce of finished steel products by weight. This is due in large part to the modest import needs in terms of molybedenum, chromium, zinc, tungsten, titanium and other alloying metals. While all of them are found locally Wilkonia imports a notable percentage largely through an intricate series of I/E concerns in the Caymans from the Incorporate Republic of Tonkin or through less byzantine routes from the Shinra Republic and Cascadia.

      The nation is also the fifth largest producer of uranium world wide but produces a larger share of commercialy utilized plutonium in its breeder reactors than the rest of the top five (speculation as to this discrepency has only been heightened by recent weapons test performed by many nations). Conversely on the strategic minerals front Wilkonia is a net major importer of petroleum depending mostly upon Alaska and Tian Xia to supply its needs but also sourcing supplies on the Old Continent in paticular for LNG. The port of Savage on the east coast holds the worlds largest LNG import terminal (as well as the shipyards where the world's largest LNG carriers are produced).

Homeland Security Department, Ministry of the Interior

Coast Guard:
  • 1st Maritime Patrol Wing
    • 1st Operations and Logistics Squadron
      101st Patrol Squadron (P-3)
      103rd Patrol Squadron (P-3)
      105th Patrol Squadron (P-3)
      107th Patrol Squadron (P-3)
      108th Patrol Squadron (P-3)
    2nd Maritime Patrol Wing
    • 2nd Operation and Logistic Squadron
      201st Patrol Squadron (P-3)
      203rd Patrol Squadron (P-3)
      204th Patrol Squadron (P-3)
      206th Patrol Squadron (P-3)
      209th Patrol Squadron (P-3)
    Atlantic Command Rotary Wing
    • N-ATL Operation Squadron
      S-ATL Operations Squadron
      ATL Logistics Squadron
      CSAR-101 Rotary Squadron (HH-65C)
      CSAR-102 Rotary Squadron (HH-65C)
      CSAR-103 Rotary Squadron (HH-65C)
      CSAR-201 Rotary Squadron (MH-60T)
      CSAR-202 Rotary Squadron (MH-60T)
    Pacific Command Rotary Wing
    • N-PAC Operations Squadron
      C-PAC Operations Squadron
      S-PAC Operation Squadron
      N-PAC Logistics Squadron
      S-PAC Logistics Squadron
      CSAR-301 Rotary Squadron (HH-65C)
      CSAR-302 Rotary Squadron (HH-65C)
      CSAR-303 Rotary Squadron (HH-65C)
      CSAR-304 Rotary Squadron (HH-65C)
      CSAR-305 Rotary Squadron (HH-65C)
      CSAR-401 Rotary Squadron (MH-60T)
      CSAR-402 Rotary Squadron (MH-60T)
      CSAR-403 Rotary Squadron (MH-60T)
      CSAR-404 Rotary Squadron (MH-60T)
  • - 12 Legend class Deepwater Cutters
    - 28 Wisdom class Cutters
    - 48 Reliance class Cutters
    - 12 Cyclone class Patrol Boats
    - 96 Fast class Patrol Boats
    - 886 other boats (<100 tons displacement)

Civil and Air Defense Department:
  • Northern Regional Command:
    • Baja Province
        • -OTH-SW Installation "Laurel"
          -OTH-B Installation "Hardy"
          -4x Air Intercept Squadrons
      • California County
        California Sur County
        Sonora County
        Sinaola County
        Coahuila County
        Durango County
        Nayarit County
      Saint Eustice Province
      • Nuevo Leon County
        Tamaulipas County
        Zacatecas County
        San Luis Potosí County
        Guanajuato County
        Querétaro County
        Hidalgo County
      Capitol Province
        • -X-Band Installation "Bien"
          -12x Air Intercept Squadrons
      • Howard County
        • Federal District
          Surrounding Territory
      Maryland Province
        • -X-Band Installation "Gaffigan"
          -4x Air Intercept Squadrons
      • Jalisco County
        Colima County
        Michoacán County
        Mexico County
        Guerrero County
        Tlaxcala County
        Puebla County
      Saint Horace Province
        • -OTH-SW Installation "Abbott"
          -OTH-B Installation "Costello"
          -6x Air Intercept Squadrons
      • Veracruz County
        Tabasco County
        Chiapas County
        Campeche County
        Yucatan County
        Quintana Roo County
      Belize Province
      • Belize County
        Cayo County
        Corozal County
        Orange Walk County
        Stann Creek County
        Toledo County
        Región Autónoma del Petén

    Central Regional Command:
    • Solola Province
      • Escuintla County
        Suchitepéquez County
        Totonicapán County
        Huehuetenango County
        San Marcos County
        Quetzaltenango County
        Retalhuleu County
      Virginia Province
      • Chiquimula County
        Alta Verapaz County
        Izabal County
        El Quiché County
        Baja Verapaz County
        El Progreso County
        Zacapa County
      Guatemala Province
        • -OTH-B Installation "Black"
          -6x Air Intercept Squadrons
      • Guatemala County
        Chimaltenango County
        Escuintla County
        Santa Rosa County
        Jutiapa County
        Jalapa County
        Sacatepéquez County
      Santa Barbara Province
      • La Paz County
        Comayagua County
        Cortés County
        Intibucá County
        Lempira County
        Ocotepeque County
        Copán County
      Honduras Province
      • Atlántida County
        Yoro County
        Choluteca County
        El Paraíso County
        Olancho County
        Colón County
        Gracias a Dios County
      El Salvador Province
      • Santa Ana County
        Sonsonate County
        San Salvador County
        Chalatenango County
        San Vicente County
        San Miguel County
        Morazán County

    Southern Regional Command:
    • Granada Province
      • Granada County
        Carazo County
        Managua County
        León County
        Chinandega County
        Estelí County
        Madriz County
      Nicaragua Province
        • -OTH-SW Installation "Penn"
          -OTH-B Installation "Teller"
          -8x Air Intercept Squadrons
      • Nueva Segovia County
        Jinotega County
        Matagalpa County
        Boaco County
        Región Autónoma del Atlántico Norte
        Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur
        Masaya County
      Saint Mary's Province
      • Río San Juan County
        Bocas Del Toro County
        Chiriqui County
        Ngobe Bugle County
        Veraguas County
        Rivas County
        Chontales County
      Panama Province
        • -OTH-SW Installation "Cicerega"
          -X-Band Installation "Yankovic"
          -8x Air Intercept Squadrons
      • Panama County
        Colon County
        Darien County
        Embera County
        Kuna Yala County
        Cocle County
        Los Santos county
For map reference all counties exist where their respective districts are in the real life countires mentioned. For districts not included they are proportioned out to the nearest neighbors.

Armed Forces of Wilkonia, Ministry of Defense
  1. Highest Echelon
    1. The Sovereign
    2. Committee for Imperial Defense
    3. Joint Combatant Command Group
    4. Ministry of Defense
  2. Ministry of Defense
    1. Uniformed Department
    2. Civilian Department
      • Procurement Department
      • Operations Department
      • Administrative Department
      • Base Facilities Department
  3. Royal Armed Forces
    1. Command (The King)
    2. Royal Army
      • Court Guard
      • Palace Guard
    3. Royal Marine Corps
      • His Majesty’s Own
      • Protective Services
    4. Royal Navy
      • HW “Monroe”
      • Support Vessels
    5. Royal Air Service
      • “Columbia”
      • 29th Fighter Intercept Squadron (F-22)
      • 4th Diplomatic Courier Squadron (mod-787)
  4. Regular Establishment
    1. Joint Headquarters
    2. Imperial Wilkonian Army
      • Combat Forces Command
      • Training and Doctrine Command
      • Operations Command
      • Information Support Division
      • Quartermasters Corps
      • Reserve Command
    3. Wilkonian Imperial Navy
      • Fleet Command
      • Training and Doctrine Command
      • Operations and Logistics Command
      • Information Support Division
      • Reserve Command
    4. Wilkonian Imperial Marine Corps
      • Fleet Marine Forces
      • Training and Doctrine Command
      • Operations and Logistics Command
      • Information Support Division
      • Reserve Command
    5. Wilkonian Air Service
      • Defense Command
      • Strike Command
      • Support Command
      • Training and Doctrine Command
      • Operations and Logistics Command
      • Information Support Division

Wilkonian Imperial Navy:

Order of Battle:

Michelle Branch-class (Ford-class CVN)
  • CVN-40 Michelle Branch
    CVN-41 Mandy Moore
    CVN-42 Kathrine McPhee
    CVN-43 Marit Larsen
    CVN-44 Marion Raven
    CVN-45 Sara Bareilles
    CVN-47 Kelly Clarkson
    CVN-48 Melissa Schuman
Sunk or Destroyed:
  • CVN-46 Katie Voegele

Stacy Keibler-class (Wasp-class LHD)
  • LHD-72 Stacey Keibler
    LHD-73 Christie Hemme
    LHD-74 Candice Michelle
    LHD-75 Mickie James
    LHD-76 Tammy Sytch
Under Construction:
  • LHD-77 Announced

Ana Paquin-class (San Antonio-class LPD)
  • LPD-18 Anna Paquin
    LPD-19 Kate Bosworth
    LPD-20 Penelope Cruz
    LPD-21 Audrina Patridge
    LPD-22 Naomi Watts
Under Construction:
  • LPD-23 Announced

Trish Stratus-class (Harper’s Ferry-class LSD)
  • LSD-60 Trish Stratus
    LSD-61 Michelle McCool
    LSD-62 Maria Kanellis
    LSD-63 Torrie Wilson
    LSD-64 Amy Dumas
Under Construction:
  • LSD-65 Announced

LHA (X)-class (pending program transfer from "Far Horizons")
  • LHA (X) -34 Announced
    LHA (X) -35 Announced
    LHA (X) -36 Announced
    LHA (X) -37 Announced
    LHA (X) -38 Announced
    LHA (X) -39 Announced

Keira Knightley-class (Mk41 Ticonderoga)
  • CG-55 Summer Glau [set to retire in 2017]
    CG-56 Jewel Staite [set to retire in 2018]
    CG-57 Charisma Carpenter
    CG-59 Eva Longoria [set to retire in 2018]
    CG-62 Eliza Dushku
    CG-63 Kirsten Dunst
    CG-64 Asia Argento
    CG-65 Shannon Elizabeth
    CG-66 Jessica Biel
    CG-67 Kelly Carlson
    CG-68 Autumn Reeser
    CG-69 Tricia Helfer
    CG-70 Grace Park
    CG-71 Jennifer Hewitt
    CG-72 Kate Beckinsale
    CG-73 Sienna Miller
    CG-74 Ali Larter
    CG-75 Mischa Barton
    CG-76 Lena Headey
    CG-77 Lacey Chabert
    CG-78 Megan Fox

Sunk or Destroyed:
  • CG-58 Morena Baccarin

Retired or Mothballed:
  • CG-53 Allison Mack
    CG-51 Keira Knightley
    CG-52 Sienna Guillroy
    CG-54 Kristin Kreuk
    CG-60 Emma Caulfield
    CG-61 Michelle Trachtenberg

Alleigance-class STAR Cruisers
  • CGN-1 Eva Herzigová
    CGN-2 Aline Nakashima
    CGN-3 Rachel Nichols
    CGN-4 Veronika Vařeková
    CGN-5 Chandra North
    CGN-6 Famke Janssen
    CGN-7 Yamila Díaz-Rahi
    CGN-8 Ana Hickmann
    CGN-9 Tia Holland
    CGN-10 Carla Campbell
    CGN-11 Aurélie Claudel
    CGN-12 Megan Ewing
    CGN-13 Vendela Kirsebom
    CGN-14 Morgane Dubled
    CGN-15 Kylie Bax
    CGN-16 Angela Lindvall
    CGN-17 Heather Stewart-Whyte
    CGN-18 Daniela Urzi
    CGN-19 Lindsay Frimodt
Under Construction:
  • CGN-20 Valeria Mazza, scheduled launch in Q3 2017
    CGN-21 Rie Rasmussen, scheduled launch in Q4 2017
    CGN-22 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q1 2018
    CGN-23 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q2 2018
    CGN-24 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q4 2018
    CGN-25 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q1 2019
    CGN-26 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q2 2019
    CGN-27 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q3 2019
    CGN-28 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q4 2019
    CGN-29 Announced
    CGN-30 Announced
    CGN-31 Announced
    CGN-32 Announced
    CGN-33 Announced
    CGN-34 Announced

Kristen Bell-class (Flight IIA Burke)
  • DDG-110 Kristen Bell [set to retire in 2017]
    DDG-114 Padma Lakshmi [set to retire in 2017]
    DDG-119 Anna Chakvetadze [set to retire in 2018]
    DDG-121 Sandrine Holt [set to retire in 2017]
    DDG-122 Evangeline Lilly [set to retire in 2018]
    DDG-123 Lauren Conrad
    DDG-124 Heidi Montag
    DDG-125 Amber Heard [set to retire in 2018]
    DDG-126 Victoria Beckham
    DDG-127 Natalie Portman
    DDG-128 Jessica Alba
    DDG-129 Scarlett Johansson
    DDG-130 Elisha Cuthbert
    DDG-131 Brooke Hogan
    DDG-132 Christina Ricci
    DDG-133 Leighton Meester
    DDG-134 Taylor Momsen
    DDG-135 Tina Majorino
    DDG-136 Julie Gonzalo
    DDG-137 Amanda Seyfried
    DDG-138 Alona Tal
    DDG-139 Chloë Sevigny
    DDG-140 Krista Kalmus
    DDG-141 Hayden Panetiere

Retired or Mothballed:
  • DDG-112 Alexandra DiPietro
    DDG-111 Amy Smart
    DDG-113 Melissa Theuriau
    DDG-116 Daniella Hantuchova
    DDG-115 Blake Lively
    DDG-117 Maria Sharapova
    DDG-118 Ana Ivanovic
    DDG-120 Anna Kournikova

Imperator-class Star Destroyer
  • DDGN-1 Michelle McLaughlin
    DDGN-2 Krista Kelly
    DDGN-3 Scarlett Keegan
    DDGN-4 Amanda Paige
    DDGN-5 Kara Monaco
    DDGN-6 Tyran Richard
    DDGN-7 Nicole Narain
    DDGN-8 Christi Shake
    DDGN-9 Aliya Wolf
    DDGN-10 Pennelope Jimenez
    DDGN-11 Jennifer Campbell
    DDGN-12 Natalie Jo Campbell
    DDGN-13 Juliette Fretté
    DDGN-14 Cara Zavaleta
    DDGN-15 Anka Romensky
    DDGN-16 Teri Harrison
    DDGN-17 Carmella DeCesare
    DDGN-18 Sarah Teles
    DDGN-19 Deisy Teles
    DDGN-20 Crystal McCahill
    DDGN-21 Jennifer Pershing
    DDGN-22 Amanda Jane Alexander
    DDGN-22 Hiromi Oshima
    DDGN-23 Monica Leigh
    DDGN-24 Vanessa Hoelsher
    DDGN-25 Jamie Westenhiser
    DDGN-26 Jillian Grace
Under Construction:
  • DDGN-27 Dalene Kurtis, scheduled launch in Q2 2017
    DDGN-28 Lindsey Vuolo, scheduled launch in Q3 2017
    DDGN-29 Heather Carolin, scheduled launch in Q4 2017
    DDGN-30 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q1 2018
    DDGN-31 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q2 2018
    DDGN-32 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q3 2018
    DDGN-33 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q4 2018
    DDGN-34 Announced
    DDGN-35 Announced
    DDGN-36 Announced
    DDGN-37 Announced
    DDGN-38 Announced
    DDGN-39 Announced
    DDGN-40 Announced

Mila Kunis-class (Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate [F100])
  • FFG-104 Mila Kunis
    FFG-105 Zooey Deschanel
    FFG-106 Emma Watson
    FFG-107 Ashley Scott
    FFG-108 Vanessa Minnillo
    FFG-109 Minka Kelly
    FFG-110 Amanda Bynes
    FFG-111 Danneel Harris
    FFG-112 Vanessa Hudgens
    FFG-113 Ashley Tisdale
    FFG-114 Charlize Theron
    FFG-115 Lindsay Lohan
    FFG-116 Eva Mendes
    FFG-117 Sarah Michelle Gellar
    FFG-118 Eva Longoria
    FFG-119 Kathrine Heigel
    FFG-120 Rebecca Romijn
    FFG-121 Maria Menounos
    FFG-122 Emmanuelle Chriqui
    FFG-123 Rachel McAdams
    FFG-124 Angelina Jolie
    FFG-125 Bianca Beauchamp
    FFG-126 Malin Akerman
    FFG-127 Michelle Lombardo
Under Construction:
  • FFG-154 Announced
    FFG-155 Announced
    FFG-156 Announced
    FFG-157 Announced
    FFG-158 Announced
    FFG-159 Announced

Victory-class STAR Frigate
  • FFG-130 Teagan Presley
    FFG-131 Kayden Kross
    FFG-132 Bree Olson
    FFG-133 Erica Campbell
    FFG-134 Audrey Bitoni
    FFG-135 Alexis Love
    FFG-136 Adrienne Manning
    FFG-137 Taya Parker
    FFG-138 Rebeca Linares
    FFG-139 Cali Taylor
    FFG-140 Daisy Marie
    FFG-141 Alektra Blue
    FFG-142 Faith Leon
    FFG-143 Jayme Langford
    FFG-144 Nikki Jayne
    FFG-145 Shyla Stylez
    FFG-146 Renee Perez
Under Construction:
  • FFG-147 Lanny Barby, scheduled launch in Q2 2017
    FFG-148 Sophia Rossi, scheduled launch in Q3 2017
    FFG-149 Gina Austin, scheduled launch in Q4 2017
    FFG-150 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q1 2018
    FFG-151 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q2 2018
    FFG-152 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q3 2018
    FFG-153 Keel laid, scheduled launch in Q4 2018
    FFG-160 Announced
    FFG-161 Announced
    FFG-162 Announced
    FFG-163 Announced
    FFG-164 Announced
    FFG-165 Announced

Adriana Lima-class (Block II Virginia-class)
  • SSN-501 Adriana Lima
    SSN-502 Alessandra Ambrosio
    SSN-503 Ana Beatriz Barros
    SSN-504 Josie Maran
    SSN-505 Keeley Hazel
    SSN-506 Heidi Klum
    SSN-507 Marissa Miller
    SSN-508 Elsa Benitez
    SSN-509 Molly Sims
    SSN-510 Miranda Kerr
    SSN-511 Daniella Sarahyba
    SSN-512 Bar Refaeli
    SSN-514 Gisele Bundchen
    SSN-516 Sarah Mutch
    SSN-517 Brooklyn Decker
    SSN-518 Petra Nemcova
Sunk or Destroyed:
  • SSN-515 Karolina Kurkova
    SSN-513 Veronica Varekova
Under Construction:
  • SSN-519 Keel laid, scheduled for service in Q3 2017
    SSN-520 Keel laid, scheduled for service in Q1 2018
    SSN-521 Announced
    SSN-522 Announced

Rob Thomas-class (Supply-class T-AOE)
  • T-AOE-1 Rob Thomas
    T-AOE-2 Diane Ruggiero
    T-AOE-3 John Enbom
    T-AOE-4 Joel Silver
    T-AOE-5 Dayna North
    T-AOE-6 Nick Marck
    T-AOE-7 Michael Fields
    T-AOE-8 Joaquin Sedillo
Joss Whedon-class (Lewis and Clark-class T-AKE)
  • T-AKE-1 Joss Whedon
    T-AKE-2 Jane Espenson
    T-AKE-3 David Fury
    T-AKE-4 Doug Petrie
    T-AKE-5 David Greenwalt
    T-AKE-6 Steven DeKnight
    T-AKE-7 James Contner
    T-AKE-8 Michael Gershman
Tim Minear-class (Henry J Kaiser-class T-AO)
  • T-AO-1 Tim Minear
    T-AO-2 David Solomon
    T-AO-3 Jeffrey Bell
    T-AO-4 Drew Goddard
    T-AO-5 Ben Edlund
    T-AO-6 Jose Molina
    T-AO-7 Ross Berryman
    T-AO-8 Mike Massa

Additional notes: A Carrier Battle Group (CVBG) is composed of one (1) carrier (CVN), three (3)cruisers (CG or CGN), and three (3) destroyers (DDG or DDGN). A Surface Action Group (SAG) is composed of two (2) cruisers (CG or CGN) three (3) destroyers (DDG or DDGn) and six (6) frigates (FFG). An Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) is composed of one (1) Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD), one (1) Landing Platform Dock (LPD) and one (1) Landing Ship Dock (LSD). A Submarine Squadron (SUBRON) is comprised of eight (8) submarines (SSN or SSGN). An Underway Replenishment Squadron (UNREP) is comprised of two (2) Fast Combat Support Ship (T-AOE), two (2) Dry Cargo Ships (T-AKE), and two (2) Fleet Oilers (T-AO).

Wilkonian Imperial Marine Corps:

Major Commands:
  • I MEF: 1st Div, 1st Wing, 1st MLG, 1st Intel BN, 1st Communications BN, 1st Electronic Warfare BN, 1st Force Reconnaissance Coy, 1st ANGLICO, 1st NBC Coy
  • II MEF: 2nd Div, 2nd Wing, 2nd MLG, 2nd Intel BN, 2nd Communications BN, 2nd Electronic Warfare BN, 2nd Force Reconnaissance Coy, 2nd ANGLICO, 2nd NBC Coy
  • III MEF (Reserve), 4th Div, 4th Wing, 4th MLG, 3rd Communications BN, 5th Electronic Warfare BN, 3rd ANGLICO, 3rd NBC Coy
  • 3rd Electronic Warfare BN
  • 4th Electronic Warfare BN

1st Marine Division:
  • 1st Marine Regiment (HQ Coy, 1st BN 1st Marines, 2nd BN 1st Marines, 3rd BN 1st Marines)
    5th Marine Regiment (HQ Coy, 1st BN 5th Marines, 2nd BN 5th Marines, 3rd BN 5th Marines)
    7th Marine Regiment (HQ Coy, 1st BN 7th Marines, 2nd BN 7th Marines, 3rd BN 7th Marines)
    12th Marine Regiment- Artillery (HQ Coy, 1st BN 12th Marines, 2nd BN 12th Marines, 3rd BN 12th Marines)
    1st Tank BN 15th Marines, 2nd Tank BN 15th Marines
    1st Light Armor BN 20th Marines, 2nd Light Armor BN 20th Marines
    1st Amphibious BN, 1st Recon BN, 1st Combat Engineer BN

2nd Marine Division:
  • 2nd Marine Regiment (HQ Coy, 1st BN 2nd Marines, 2nd BN 2nd Marines, 3rd BN 2nd Marines)
    3rd Marine Regiment (HQ Coy, 1st BN 3rd Marines, 2nd BN 3rd Marines, 3rd BN 3rd Marines)
    9th Marine Regiment (HQ Coy, 1st BN 9th Marines, 2nd BN 9th Marines, 3rd BN 9th Marines)
    15th Marine Regiment- Artillery (HQ Coy, 1st BN 15th Marines, 2nd BN 15th Marines, 3rd BN 15th Marines)
    3rd Tank BN 15th Marines, 4th Tank BN 15th Marines
    3rd Light Armor BN 20th Marines, 4th Light Armor BN 20th Marines
    2nd Amphibious BN, 2nd Recon BN, 2nd Combat Engineer BN

4th Marine Division (reserve):
  • 1st Marine Regiment (HQ Coy, 1st BN 1st Marines, 2nd BN 1st Marines, 3rd BN 1st Marines)
    5th Marine Regiment (HQ Coy, 1st BN 5th Marines, 2nd BN 5th Marines, 3rd BN 5th Marines)
    7th Marine Regiment (HQ Coy, 1st BN 7th Marines, 2nd BN 7th Marines, 3rd BN 7th Marines)
    16th Marine Regiment- Artillery (HQ Coy, 1st BN 16th Marines, 2nd BN 16th Marines, 3rd BN 16th Marines)
    1st Tank BN 16th Marines, 2nd Tank BN 16th Marines
    1st Light Armor BN 21st Marines, 2nd Light Armor BN 21st Marines
    3rd Amphibious BN, 4th Recon BN, 4th Combat Engineer BN, 5th Combat Engineer BN

1st Marine Air Wing:
  • Headquarters Group (H&S Squadron, 1st AD Squadron, 1st Air Control Squadron, 2nd Air Control Squadron, 1st UAV Squadron, 2nd UAV Squadron, 1st Communications Squadron)
    11th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, VMFA-101, VMFA-104, VMFA-105, VMFA-110, VMFA -117)
    14th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, VMA- 103, VMA-107, VMA-108, VMA-114, VMA-115)
    15th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, HMLA-102, HMLA-106, HMLA-122, HMA-124, HMA-125)
    16th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, HMH-111, HMH-112, HMH-116, HMH-120, HMH-123)
    18th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, HMM-109, HMM-118, HMM-119, HMM-121, HMM-126)
    19th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, VMFAT-131, VMAT-132, HMLAT-133, HMAT-134, HMHT-135, HMMT-136)
    12th Marine Logistics Group
    17th Marine Wing Support Group

2nd Marine Air Wing:
  • Headquarters Group (H&S Squadron, 2nd AD Squadron, 3rd Air Control Squadron, 4th Air Control Squadron, 3rd UAV Squadron, 4th UAV Squadron, 2nd Communications Squadron)
    21st Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, VMFA-201, VMFA-204, VMFA-205, VMFA-210, VMFA -217)
    22nd Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, VMA- 203, VMA-207, VMA-208, VMA-214, VMA-215)
    24th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, HMLA-202, HMLA-206, HMLA-222, HMA-224, HMA-225)
    26th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, HMH-211, HMH-212, HMH-216, HMH-220, HMH-223)
    27th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, HMM-209, HMM-218, HMM-219, HMM-221, HMM-226)
    29th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, VMFAT-231, VMAT-232, HMLAT-233, HMAT-234, HMHT-235, HMMT-136)
    23rd Marine Wing Logistics Group
    25th Marine Wing Support Group

4th Marine Air Wing (reserve):
  • Headquarters Group (H&S Squadron, 5th AD Squadron, 6th Air Control Squadron, 7th Air Control Squadron, 5th UAV Squadron, 6th UAV Squadron, 4th Communications Squadron)
    41st Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, VMFA-401, VMFA-404, VMFA-405, VMFA-410, VMFA -417)
    43rd Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, VMA- 403, VMA-407, VMA-408, VMA-214, VMA-415)
    44th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, HMLA-402, HMLA-406, HMLA-422, HMA-424, HMA-425)
    46th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, HMH-411, HMH-412, HMH-416, HMH-420, HMH-423)
    47th Marine Air Group (H&S Squadron, HMM-409, HMM-418, HMM-419, HMM-421, HMM-426)
    42nd Marine Wing Logistics Group
    45th Marine Wing Support Group

Imperial Wilkonian Army:

Major Commands:
  • Forces Command: I Corps, VII Corps
  • Reserve Command: II Corps, V Corps
  • Southern Command: IX Corps

I Corps:
  • Corps Headquarters BN
    1st Division (Armored)
    4th Division (Heavy)
    5th Division (Medium)
    12th Division (Light)
II Corps (Reserve):
  • Corps Headquarters BN
    30th Division (Armored)
    31st Division (Heavy)
    32nd Division (Medium)
    33rd Division (Light)
V Corps (Reserve):
  • Corps Headquarters BN
    10th Division (Heavy)
    14th Division (Heavy)
    17th Division (Light)
    18th Division (Light)
VII Corps:
  • Corps Headquarters BN
    3rd Division (Armored)
    7th Division (Heavy)
    9th Division (Medium)
    16th Division (Light)
IX Corps:
  • Corps Headquarters BN
    2nd Division (Armored)
    6th Division (Heavy)
    8th Division (Heavy)
    15th Division (Light)

Division Components:

Armored Division:
  • 1st Brigade Combat Team – Armored (HQ Coy, 1st Armored BN, 2nd Armored BN, 1st Cavalry BN, 1st Artillery BN, 1st Aviation BN, 1st CSSC BN)
  • 2nd Brigade Combat Team – Armored (HQ Coy, 3rd Armored BN, 4th Armored BN, 2nd Cavalry BN, 2nd Artillery BN, 2nd Aviation BN, 2nd CSSC BN)
  • 3rd Brigade Combat Team – Mechanized (HQ Coy, 5th Armored BN, 3rd Cavalry BN, 4th Cavalry BN, 3rd Artillery BN, 3rd Aviation BN, 3rd CSSC BN)
  • 4th Brigade Combat Team – Mechanized (HQ Coy, 6th Armored BN, 5th Cavalry BN, 6th Cavalry BN, 4th Artillery BN, 4th Aviation BN, 4th CSSC BN)
Heavy Division:
  • 1st Brigade Combat Team – Armored (HQ Coy, 1st Armored BN, 2nd Armored BN, 1st Cavalry BN, 1st Artillery BN, 1st Aviation BN, 1st CSSC BN)
  • 2nd Brigade Combat Team – Mechanized (HQ Coy, 3rd Armored BN, 2nd Cavalry BN, 3rd Cavalry BN, 2nd Artillery BN, 2nd Aviation BN, 2nd CSSC BN)
  • 3rd Brigade Combat Team – Mechanized (HQ Coy, 4th Armored BN, 4th Cavalry BN, 5th Cavalry BN, 3rd Artillery BN, 3rd Aviation BN, 3rd CSSC BN)
  • 4th Brigade Combat Team – Motorized (HQ Coy, 6th Cavalry BN, 7th Cavalry BN, 1st Infantry BN, 4th Artillery BN, 4th Aviation BN, 4th CSSC BN)
Medium Division:
  • 1st Brigade Combat Team – Mechanized (HQ Coy, 1st Armored BN, 1st Cavalry BN, 2nd Cavalry BN, 1st Artillery BN, 1st Aviation BN, 1st CSSC BN)
  • 2nd Brigade Combat Team – Motorized (HQ Coy, 3rd Cavalry BN, 4th Cavalry BN, 1st Infantry BN, 2nd Artillery BN, 2nd Aviation BN, 2nd CSSC BN)
  • 3rd Brigade Combat Team – Motorized (HQ Coy, 5th Cavalry BN, 6th Cavalry BN, 2nd Infantry BN, 3rd Artillery BN, 3rd Aviation BN, 3rd CSSC BN)
  • 4th Brigade Combat Team – Infantry (HQ Coy, 7th Cavalry BN, 3rd Infantry BN, 4th Infantry BN, 4th Artillery BN, 4t CSSC BN)
Light Division:
  • 1st Brigade Combat Team – Motorized (HQ Coy, 1st Cavalry BN, 2nd Cavalry BN, 1st Infantry BN, 1st Artillery BN, 1st Aviation BN, 1st CSSC BN)
  • 2nd Brigade Combat Team – Motorized (HQ Coy, 3rd Cavalry BN, 4th Cavalry BN, 2nd Infantry BN, 2nd Artillery BN, 2nd Aviation BN, 2nd CSSC BN)
  • 3rd Brigade Combat Team – Infantry (HQ Coy, 5th Cavalry BN, 3rd Infantry BN, 4th Infantry BN, 3rd Artillery BN, 3rd CSSC BN)
  • 4th Brigade Combat Team – Infantry (HQ Coy, 6th Cavalry BN, 5th Infantry BN, 6th Infantry BN, 4th Artillery BN, 4th CSSC BN)

Battalion Components:

Armored Battalion:
HQ Coy, 3x Tank Coy, 1x Light Attack Aviation Troop
(36x Leopard 2E, 6x Recovery Vehicle, 16x AH1-Z, 8x M6, 50 infantry)

Cavalry Squadron:
HQ Coy, 3x Cavalry Troop, 1x Light Attack Aviation Troop
(36x Warrior IFV, 6x Recovery Vehicle, 16x AH-1Z, 8x M6, 240 infantry)

Infantry Battalion:
HQ Coy, 4x Infantry Coy, 1x Air Defense Coy
(8x M6, 700 infantry)

Artillery Battalion:
HQ Battery, 1x Heavy Battery, 1x Rocket Battery, 3x Field Batteries
(24x M777, 8x M270, 6x 2S7, 4x M6, 50 infantry)

Aviation Squadron:
HQ Troop, 3x Heavy Attack Aviation Troop, 2x Medium Lift Troop
(48x AH-64, 4x UH-60, 24x CH-53E, 14x M6, 50 infantry)

Wilkonian Air Service:

Major Commands:
  • Defense Command: 1st Interceptor Wing, 5th Interceptor Wing, 6th Interceptor Wing, 7th Fighter Wing, 9th Fighter Wing, 15th Fighter Wing
  • Strike Command: 4th Strike Wing, 8th Tactical Wing, 14th Tactical Wing
  • Support Command: 3rd Support Wing, 10th Support Wing, 11th Support Wing, 16th Support Wing
  • Training Command: 1st Training Wing

1st Interceptor Wing:
  • 1st Logistics Group
    1st Operations Support Group
    101st Interceptor Squadron (F-22)
    103rd Interceptor Squadron (F-22)
    104th Interceptor Squadron (F-22)
    105th Interceptor Squadron (F-22)
    106th Interceptor Squadron (F-22)

2nd Bomber Wing:

3rd Support Wing:
  • 3rd Logistics Group
    3rd Operations Support Group
    301st Refueling Squadron (KC-767)
    303rd Refueling Squadron (KC-767)
    304th Airlift Squadron (C-5M)
    305th Airlift Squadron (C-17B)
    306th Airlift Squadron (C-17B)
    307th Airlift Squadron (C-17B)
    308th Airlift Squadron (C-130)
    309th Airlift Squadron (C-130)

4th Strike Wing:
  • 4th Logistics Group
    4th Operations Support Group
    401st Strike Squadron (F-15E)
    403rd Strike Squadron (F-15E)
    404th Strike Squadron (F-15E)
    405th Strike Squadron (F-15E)
    406th Strike Squadron (F-15E)

5th Interceptor Wing:
  • 5th Logistics Group
    5th Operations Support Group
    501st Interceptor Squadron (F-22)
    503rd Interceptor Squadron (F-22)
    504th Interceptor Squadron (F-22)
    505th Interceptor Squadron (F-22)
    506th Interceptor Squadron (F-22)

6th Interceptor Wing:
  • 6th Logistics Group
    6th Operations Support Group
    601st Interceptor Squadron (F-22)
    603rd Interceptor Squadron (F-22)
    604th Interceptor Squadron (F-22)
    605th Interceptor Squadron (F-22)
    606th Interceptor Squadron (F-22)

7th Fighter Wing:
  • 7th Logistics Group
    7th Operations Support Group
    701st Fighter Squadron (F-15C)
    703rd Fighter Squadron (F-15C)
    704th Fighter Squadron (F-15C)
    705th Fighter Squadron (F-15C)
    706th Fighter Squadron (F-15C)

8th Tactical Wing:
  • 8th Logistics Group
    8th Operations Support Group
    801st Tactical Squadron (AC-130V)
    803rd Tactical Squadron (AC-130V)
    804th Tactical Squadron (A-10)
    805th Tactical Squadron (A-10)
    806th Tactical Squadron (A-10)
    807th Strike Squadron (F-15E)
    809th Strike Squadron (F-15E)

9th Fighter Wing:
  • 9th Logistics Group
    9th Operations Support Group
    901st Fighter Squadron (F-16E)
    903rd Fighter Squadron (F-16E)
    904th Fighter Squadron (F-16E)
    905th Fighter Squadron (F-16E)
    906th Fighter Squadron (F-16E)

10th Support Wing:
  • 10th Logistics Group
    10th Operations Support Group
    110th Refueling Squadron (KC-767)
    113th Refueling Squadron (KC-767)
    114th Airlift Squadron (C-5M)
    115th Airlift Squadron (C-5M)
    116th Airlift Squadron (C-17B)
    117th Airlift Squadron (C-17B)
    118th Airlift Squadron (C-130)
    119th Airlift Squadron (C-130)

11th Support Wing:
  • 11th Logistics Group
    11th Operations Support Group
    1st Joint Operations Support Squadron
    121st Air Control Squadron (E-3H)
    123rd Air Control Squadron (E-3H)
    124th Air Control Squadron (E-3H)
    125th Air Control Squadron (RC-135W)
    126th Air Control Squadron (E-8)
    127th Air Control Squadron (E-8)

12th Bomber Wing:

14th Tactical Wing:
  • 14th Logistics Group
    14th Operations Support Group
    141st Tactical Squadron (AC-130V)
    143rd Tactical Squadron (AC-130V)
    144th Tactical Squadron (A-10)
    145th Tactical Squadron (A-10)
    146th Tactical Squadron (A-10)
    135th Strike Squadron (F-15E)
    136th Strike Squadron (F-15E)

15th Fighter Wing:
  • 15th Logistics Group
    16th Operations Support Group
    151st Fighter Squadron (F-16E)
    153rd Fighter Squadron (F-16E)
    154th Fighter Squadron (F-16E)
    155th Fighter Squadron (F-15C)
    156th Fighter Squadron (F-15C)
    157th Fighter Squadron (F-15C)

16th Support Wing:
  • 16th Logistics Group
    16th Operations Support Group
    161st Airlift Squadron (C-5M)
    163rd Airflit Squadron (C-5M)
    164th Airlift Squadron (C-17B)
    165th Airlfit Squadron (C-17B)

1st Training Wing:
  • Training Operations Support Group
    102nd Training Squadron (F-22)
    202nd Training Squadron (B-1B)
    302nd Training Squadron (KC-767,C-17, and C-5)
    402nd Training Squadron (A-10)
    502nd Training Squadron (F-15D)
    602nd Training Squadron (A/C-130, RC-135, and E-8)
    702nd Training Squadron (F-16E)
    802nd Training Squadron (F-15E)
    902nd Training Squadron (P-3 and E-3)

Unless otherwise noted squadron size is 16 planes. For combat effective rating a squadron must be able to place a minimum of 14 planes in the air (Squadron Leader/Wing Partner and 3x flights of 4).


This OOB is current as of 5/25/09, this post will reflect current ingame OOB including units under construction, mothballed, sold, scrapped, and destroyed. The original OOB will be archived here in case of disputes.

Not that anyone cares but if you are wondering at the naming schemes all the new CGNs will be Victoria's Secret Models past or present, all new DDGNs will be former Playmates of the Month and the new FFG class will all be Penthouse Pets.
Last edited by CmdrWilkens on 2009-05-25 09:17pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

The Byzantine Empire

Current Draft

Other names: Vasilía Roméon, Imperium Romanum

Country Factfile

Population: 55 million

Currency: Solidus (s), Solidi (p)

Government: The Government is that of a constitutional monarchy, with the Emperor of Byzantium being the head of not only of state, and the commander in chief, and also exercises duties in the Orthodox church. The Ecumenical Patriarch is head of the Orthodox Church and is the Emperor’s spiritual advisor. The Emperor however believes in free spirited worship and will not impose his will on the people, and he will also hold back with a tight leash any of the religious radicals. He is a firm believer of Science and its most steadfast patron. The Emperor has a court of advisors appointed by the Senate. The Senate is elected by the people and controls domestic policy. Military and foreign policy remain the purview of the Emperor, as it has always has been. Typically both Emperor and Senate try to maintain a cordial relationship and are heavily involved in discussions of the state although, as always, disagreements will inevitably occur. The Judiciary is independent and its independence enshrined in the Constitution.

The Emperor is served by two Exarchs; one serves as the Foreign Policy Adviser and has powers of a Foreign Minister, while the other serves as the Military Advser and has powers of a Defence Minister. The Emperor has a Chief Adviser who serves in as a Chief of Staff.

Relgion: The Ecumenical Patriarch is the spiritual leader for Orthodox Catholics across the world. Jerusalem and Mecca represent great importance to Islam, Christianity and Judaism. 80% of the population are composed of Orthodox Catholics, 15% Muslim, 5% Judaism.

Racial composition: 70% Greek/Slavic/Latin, 5% Jew, 25% Kurd/Arab

Much inter-marrying took place in the Byzantine Empire between Latins, Greeks and Slavs over the last few centuries. To some extent, there is no true Greek, Slav, or Latin any more.

Major Cities: Konstantinoplis, Thessaloniki, Athens, Korith, Nikea, Smyra, Ikonium, Antioch, Trepezond, Sinope, Jerusalem, Tarsus, Ephesus
(There are of course more, but these are the key cities)

Social Policy
Byzantium is capitalist, yet it provides a social net to ensure that every citizen has enough funds to obtain an education. Health care follows a copayment scheme where citizens are expected to pay a portion of the fees, according to their income. Pension follows a copayment scheme. Each month, up to 5% of a person's income is set aside and placed in an investment fund with 3% per annum returns. The government gives a pension of $300 a month varying according to the person's average lifetime salary, while the income set aside and is returned to the citizen.

Economy: A GDP of USD$2.5 Trillion a year (as of 2008), Byzantium believes in a balanced economy and as such, focuses on a wide range of high tech products, such as semiconductors, electronics, computer software, nuclear technology, biotechnology, medicine, and also specializes in a wide range of services, such as finance, law, transportation, banking. It also has heavy industry that produces ships, cars, warships, steel, mining equipment, ocean salvage equipment, oil rigs and other heavy equipment. It is open to collaboration with other nations should they wish to collaborate.

The shipping industry is largely geared towards supporting its trade fleet and military with 3 main shipyards, which located at Constantinople, Thessaloniki and Athens. There are other satellite shipyards which service the ports at Antioch and Ephesus, and conduct repairs of navy ships. The ones at Constantinople, Thessalonika and Athens are classified as megashipyards capable of producing tens of ships a year when necessary. The Byzantine Empire has always been a beacon of trade and finance and operates one of the largest fleets of merchant vessels in the world, with a total of capacity of 60 million TEUs. Constantinople is a major financial center with many large banks and investment houses involved in all aspects of finance. There is a sizable weapons industry geared towards the support of the military. This is in line with Byzantium policy of being balanced an self-sufficient.

It has a significant Agriculture and fishery industry. Byzantine wines are among the best in the world. Producing rice, wheat, fruits and many other agricultural products, these products are both for local consumption and for export. Byzantine Fisheries is a significant fishery company that has many fish farms and a sizable fishing fleet that goes around the world catching fish.

Major Exports: Aluminium, Copper

Minor exports: Uranium, Niobium, Titanium, Iron

Oil is produced in Arabia and the profits are divided with the two Caliphates.

Major companies:
Constantinople Shipping: Premier Shipping fleet. It operates the merchantile fleet of the Empire and ships goods all over the world. The company currently operates a mixture of 16000, 12000, 8000, 4000, 2000 and 1000 TEU vessels, and is inclined to purchase newer ships.

Byzantine Salvaging and Rescue Company: This company is dedicated to salvaging and towing and transporting ships to the repair dock in question. They operate a number of floating dry docks, salvage vessels, dredgers, semi-submersible heavy-lift ships etc.

Byzantine Heavy Industries: Involved in mining, mineral extraction, vehicle construction, building construction, turbine engines, tank design and construction, heavy equipment, construction, deep drilling, nuclear energy, high quality steel, gas turbines, aircraft engines etc., Byzantine Heavy Industries is an important part of the economy furnishing many needs and requirements.

Kontos Munitions: Major Weapon systems development and production company, the company produces many of the Empire's weapon systems, such as missiles, radar, guns, torpedoes. Kontos has a rocket engine division that designs and produces rocket engines for many weapon systems and rockets.

Byzantine Aeronautics: Major Aeronautics company, it is involved in the design and development of airplanes and is in a joint venture with Shroomanian company MacMillion Corporation to design and produce aircraft to be sold on the international market. The company is known as BAM. It is also involved in designing UAVs and fighter aircraft and bombers.

Constantinople Shipyards: Pride of the Byzantine Empire, the Shipyards have a long history of producing ships for the Empire. Hundreds of years of experience and innovation has granted it the ability to design any ship, large or small. It has a massive potential capacity, and was instrumental in producing and replacing warships lost in war.

Constantinople Port Authority: Runs the Empire's ports and facillitates trade.

Byzantine Oil Pte Ltd: Major energy company involved in oil extraction and is involved in alternative energy research.

Byzantine Airlines: Operating a mix of B777-300/200ER and A380 and A320/30, the airline flies across the world.

Archimedes Software: software company

Icarus Electronics: Major manufacturer of semiconductors, fabs and other consumer appliances (like TSMC + Samsung)

Byzantine Telecom: Major telecommunications service provider, lays land lines and wireless network, maintain cellphone services, WIFI network.

Avatar Telecom: Competitor to Byzantine Telecom

Space Telecommunications: JV between Byzantine Telecom, Archimedes Software and Icarus electronics. Aims to deliver telecommunication services, video on demand, music content, Internet search engine services and maintain its own network of telecommunication satellites/stratellites

Byzantine Pharmaceuticals: Pharmaceutical company. Jointly engages in joint research with universities and its counterparts in Kingdom of Serenity. Recently formed a massive joint venture company with Taichiana. The company is Taichiana Byzantine Pharmaceuticals (TBP).

JetKon Budget Airways: Budget airline.

Veritas Media Corporation: A major media company that produces Constantinople Times, and Constantinople Television.

Education: 100 universities across the nation all state supported. It is law for students to finish high school. Students are supported by the state if so required. Sciences and Engineering fields are actively supported. Finance related courses are popular largely because of the vibrant Financial industry.

R&D: Research and Development at universities is heavily supported by the state and is of the order of tens of billions yearly. The state has many ambitious projects conducting research on various fields including nuclear fusion and space exploration in numerous research institutes and is open to collaboration, so long as Byzantium gets all the available information derived from the research.

Some research institutes:

Nuclear Energy Institute: Involved in heavy research into nuclear energy, particularly fusion
High Energy Institute: Involved in particle Physics research
Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA): Involved in astrophysics, atomic molecular optics and condensed matter research and other semiconductor research
Joint Quantum Institute (JQI): Involved in atomic molecular optics and condensed matter research for the use of constructing a Quantum Computer and exploring other Quantum phenomena. JQI and JILA research areas overlap and are fierce competitors
Biotech Institute: Involved in Biotech research
Biomedicinal Research: Involved in medicinal research
Alternative Energy Institute: Exploring new energy sources.
Material Science Institute: An institute involved in research on new materials
Space Science Institute: Space research, applications.

Energy: Byzantium believes in renewable resources, and continues to research renewable fuels and greater fuel efficiency, but recognizes that long term policy must somehow deal with the exploration of oil and as such directs resources to secure oil within its own borders and also from friendly sources. The Energy Dept is also in charge of general natural resource procurement and manages state enterprises that are involved in mining and extraction of all natural resources.

Energy infrastructure wise, the country maintains several 1.6GW reactors, and has extensive research into nuclear energy. The Empire, along with the Arab and Egyptian Caliphates maintains oil drilling facilities in Arabia.

Military Order of Battle

Expenditure is pegged at 6% of GDP, with the upward potential of hitting 10-15% if required. NOTE: Byzantium has special Greek fire warheads, assumed to be continually developed for centuries, into a form that is weaponisable, and used for various applications, be it rockets, bombs, mortars etc.

Imperial Byzantine Navy

Among all the three services, the Imperial Byzantine Navy is considered the most senior of the two and receives the most funding. The Imperial Byzantine Navy consists of 4 Commands: Forward Fleet, Home Fleet, Coastal Command and Fleet Auxiliary. The Forward Fleet consists of fleet units tasked with defending the Empire far away from its shores, while the Home Fleet is tasked with securing the Empire's home waters and Coastal Command is tasked with reconnaissance and coastal defense. Home Fleet however can be called upon to conduct expeditionary strike missions. Expedition Command is thus under Home Fleet Command. Fleet Auxiliary is charged with management of the fleet repositioning vessels to undertake transportation of army equipment for the purpose of attacking a foreign nation, and is also charged with Fleet Replenishment. The Navy operates 4 brigades of Varangian Guard Marine special forces units, charged with different tasks, such as frogmen, deep diving, ship boarding etc.

Unit Organisation

Naval Bases

Naval Arsenal at Constantinople
Naval Arsenal at Antioch
Naval Arsenal at Athens/Crete

Forward Fleet
1st Justinian CVBG
- 1st Cruiser Sqn
- 1st Destroyer Sqn
- 1st Frigate Sqn
- 1st Corvette Sqn
- 1st Submarine Sqn
- 2nd Submarine Sqn
- 1st Replenishment Sqn

2nd Heraclius CVBG
- 2nd Cruiser Sqn
- 2nd Destroyer Sqn
- 2nd Frigate Sqn
- 2nd Corvette Sqn
- 3rd Submarine Sqn
- 4th Submarine Sqn
- 2nd Replenishment Sqn

3rd Constantine CVBG
- 3rd Cruiser Sqn
- 3rd Destroyer Sqn
- 3rd Frigate Sqn
- 3rd Corvette Sqn
- 5th Submarine Sqn
- 6th Submarine Sqn
- 3rd Replenishment Sqn

Home Fleet
1st ESG
- 4th Destroyer Sqn
- 4th Corvette Sqn
- 5th Corvette Sqn
- 7th Submarine Sqn
- 8th Submarine Sqn
- 4th Replenishment Sqn

2nd ESG
- 5th Destroyer Sqn
- 6th Corvette Sqn
- 7th Corvette Sqn
- 9th Submarine Sqn
- 10th Submarine Sqn
- 5th Replenishment Sqn

3rd ESG
- 6th Destroyer Sqn
- 8th Corvette Sqn
- 9th Corvette Sqn
- 11th Submarine Sqn
- 12th Submarine Sqn
- 6th Replenishment Sqn

Expeditionary Command
1st LSD Sqn
1st LST Sqn

Coastal Command
10th Corvette Sqn
11th Corvette Sqn
12th Corvette Sqn
13th Corvette Sqn
13th Submarine Sqn
14th Submarine Sqn
1st Sea Reconnaissance Sqn (Tu-142BM)
2nd Sea Reconnaissance Sqn (Tu-142BM)
3rd Sea Reconnaissance Sqn (Tu-142BM)
4th Sea Reconnaissance Sqn (Tu-142BM)
1st Strike Bombing Sqn (Tu-95BM)

Fleet Auxiliary
1st Fleet Oiler
2nd Fleet Replenishment
3rd Fleet Replenishment
4th Fleet Support
5th Fleet Hospital
Fleet Dockyard Command

Strategic Command
1st Strategic Cruise Missile Submarine
1st Assault Cruise Missile Submarine

Fleet Unit Structure
1 Nuclear Carrier Battle Group (CVNBG) consists of
  • 1 CVN (Nimitz Type of the CVN-77, CVN-78 subclass)
  • 1 CGN + 2 MH-60 (Kirov Type)
  • 2 CG + 4 MH-60 (Ticonderonga)
  • 4 DDG + 8 MH-60 (KDX-III armed with US weapons, not Korean. SM-2ERs/SM-3, RIM-162 ESSM)
  • 8 FFG + 16 MH-60 (F-100)
  • 3 (4) SSN (3 Seawolf, 4 Akula II Mod-BM)
  • 2 Invisible Hand Ocean Surveillance ships (typically following behind)
  • 8 flights of F/A-18E Super Hornets (32 aircraft) -- To be replaced by CFN-01
  • 6 flights of F/A-18F Super Hornets (24 aircraft) -- To be replaced by CFN-01
  • 3 flights of F-14E Super Tomcat (12 aircraft)
  • 1 flight of EF-14E Growler (4 aircraft)
  • 3 flights of S-3 Viking (12 aircraft)
  • 2 flights of EA-18G Growler EW (8 aircraft) -- To be replaced by CFN-01
  • 3 flights of KA-6D (12 aircraft) for air refueling
  • 4 E-2D Hawkeye-type AWACs
  • 4 C2 Greyhound Air Tankers/Cargo planes
  • 12 MH-60 LAMPS-III helos
  • An assortment of UAVs including Global Hawks and Hermes Series UAVs
The Home Patrol Fleet consists of
  • 1 CGN + 2 MH-60 (Kirov. Helicopters attached to Kirov are refitted for sighting duties.)
    5 CG + 4 MH-60 (Ticonderonga)
    16 DDG + 24 MH-60 (KDX-III)
    28 FFG + 56 MH-60 (F-100)
    28 Corvettes (German K130)
    12(8) SSN (12 Virginia, (8) Akula II Mod-BM)
    24 SSKs (German Type 212B)
    28 Corvettes for Minesweeping/ASW (Visby with nonmagnetic steel)
    2 X-Band Radar Command Ships
    200 or so fast attack vessels for coastal patrol. Mix of Uragan or Flyvefisken class or Antares
1 ESG consists of
  • 1 LHD (with the option of adding an additional LSD and LST)
  • 1 Praetor or Exarch CGN
  • 2 KDX-III destroyers or Praetor/Consul DDGN
  • 4 F-100 frigates
  • 3 K-130 corvettes
  • 2 Visby minesweepers (Possibly augmented with additional 2)
  • 3-4 Virginia Submarine (Aegean) or Akula
  • 3 Type 212B (Black Sea)
  • 2 Invisible Hand Ocean Surveillance ships
Fleet Auxiliary:
  • 2 MARS-R Fleet Replenishment vessel + 2 NH-90 LAMPS IV Helos
    2 MARS-O Fleet Oiler + 2 NH-90 LAMPS IV Helos
    2 MARS-S Submarine Tender + 2 NH-90 LAMPS IV Helos
    2 MARS-RO roll-on/roll off ship
    8 "Provider"-class Replenishment ship, heavy + 2 MH-60 LAMPS-III helos ("Lewis and Clark" look-alike)
    8 "Sustainer"-class Replenishment ship, light + 1 MH-60 LAMPS-III helos ("Type-404/Elbe" look-alike)
    8 "Industrialist"-class Oiler + 1 MH-60 LAMPS-III helos ("Henry J. Kaiser"-class look-alike)
    8 "Supply"-class Task Force Underway Replenishment (TFUR) ships ("Supply" look-alike)
    8 "Onager"-class Oceangoing tug/recovery vessel ("Apache T-ATF-172" look-alike)
    12 "Hope"-class RO/RO Strategic Positioning ships ("Bob Hope (T-AKR-300)" look-alike)
    3 "Stalwart"-class Ocean surveillance ship ("Stalwart")
    4 Mercy class Hospital ships
    2 Floating Drydocks
(Note: Floating dry docks can be requisitioned from Byzantine Salvage and Rescue Company)
Fleet Auxiliary vessels are deployed as required. Typically, 1 CVBG will have one oiler and one Replenishment vesssel accompanying the fleet. ESGs will get at least one Replenishment ship. Ships can also be commandeered from Constantinople Shipping in time of war.

Strategic Command:
3x Pr.881-955 (1 more in trial, 1 nearing completion. Target: 12)
4x Pr. 941M (2 on trials, 2 more nearing completion. Target 8 )

Fleet Totals:
Home Patrol Fleet
3 LHD (Wasp Type) + 18 MH-60
3 LSD (UK Bay class landing ship dock) + 6 MH-60
6 LST (Japanese Ōsumi class LST) + 6 MH-60

Name of Ships

3 Nuclear CVN (CVN-77 carrier):
Constantine I


4 CGN (Kirov class) (Undergoing staggered refit to equip every ship in the class with P-750 Meteorite Missiles)
Belisarius, John Komnenus, Theodosius II, Vespasian

11 CG (Ticonderonga) (Decomissioned)
Alexius Komnenus, Basil II, Maurice, Manuel Komnenus, Leo III the Isaurian, Constantine XI, Augustus, Trajan, Hadrian, Tiberius, Antonius

Konstantinople, Thessaloniki , Korinth, Nikea, Antioch, Jerusalem, Sophia, Sinope, Trepizond, Chalcedon, Amernia, Smyrna, Nicopolis, Ephesus, Philadelphia, Ikonium, Ancyra, Ephesus, Hellas, Peloponnese, Seleucia, Bosphoros, Thracia, Crete, Gaul, Germania, Slavia, Syria

5(2) CGN (Exarch class)
Exarch, Consul (STAR)
Maurice, Basil*, Sulla* (S-500F) - 16 planned 2 hulls laid per year. Construction period 2-3 years.

5(2) DDGN (Praetor)
Strategos, Praetor (STAR)
Genoa, Venice*, Syracuse* (S-500F) - 30 planned, 3 hulls laid per year. Construction period 2-3 years.

*: Shakedown cruises lasting 1-2 years.

52 F-100 Frigates, 28 K-130 corvettes, 28 Visby corvettes, 36 Invisible Hand Ocean Surveillance vessels (some in service in the Border Guards)

12 Virginia, 9 Seawolf submarines, 15 out of 20 Akula II Mod (5 per year.)

24 Type 212B submarine

Fleet shore patrol:
52 Tu-142BM sea patrol aircraft
16 Tu-95MS-BM strategic bombers

Naval Procurement
Under Construction: 1 Kirov, 1 Ticonderonga, 4 KDX-III, 4 K-130 corvettes, 2 Seawolfs, 3 Type 212A, 4 F-100 Frigates, 4 Visby Corvettes. Split between 3 shipyards. Expected completion: FY09

Under Construction starting FY09: 8 ASW frigates, 2 command cruisers with X-Band radar, 4 Mediterranean (Seawolf) and 12 Black Sea submarines (Type 212B)

Under Construction starting FY10: 36 ASW Invisible Hand Ocean Surveillance ships

Under Construction starting FY11: Exarch and Consul class cruisers

Under Construction starting FY12: Strategos and Praetor class destroyers

2 Pr. 941M under construction, with deployment expected 2011. 2 hulls will be laid per year. 1 Pr.881-955 to be laid down yearly from 2010

New MARS (Military Afloat Reach and Sustainability) series of Fleet Auxiliary ships has began construction. There will be five variants. One variant, MARS-R is designed as a Fleet Replenishment vessel designed to carry two cranes for the purpose of resupplying naval vessel weapons. MARS-O is designed as a Fleet Oiler. MARS-S is designed as a Submarine tender. MARS-RO is to be a roll-on/roll off ship. MARS-H is a hospital ship. A total of 8 of each type will be acquired, with a possibility of expanding the total number to 10 each.

All F/A-18E/F to be replaced by CFN-01 (Su-53), Electronic Warfare version of CFN-01 under development

Note 1: Upgrades: 1 RBU-6000 and 1 RBU-12000 launcher to be added to all destroyers and cruisers, and 1 RBU-6000 to be added to all corvettes and frigates. 4 RBU-12000 and 4 RBU-6000 launchers to be added for carriers. To be used for torpedo defence.

Note 2: All Type 212A to be upgraded to Type 212B.

Note 3: All Akula II Mod submarines undergoing extensive refit. To be launched from next year. Electronics and sensors comparable to Seawolf and Virginia, and quietness comparable to Virginia or better.

Note 4: All ships operate at the minimum a navalised Skylark 3 UAV and Fire Scout UAV

Ship stats overview
Invisible Hand Ocean Surveillance vessels wrote: The navy has an intention of procuring up to 24 Invisible Hand class Ocean Surveillance vessels that are designed specifically for ASW work. Displacing approximately 7000 tonnes fully loaded, They are armed, and they come with 2 engine systems; 2 water jet and 2 screws. The waterjets will be used only during ASW operation, and screws when the ship is attempting to keep pace with a battlegroup. The screws are driven by powerful diesel engines to allow it to attain speeds of 30 knots. Engines are mounted above the waterline and are rafted. It uses a catamarian hull (similar to the T-AGOS-23 ships) and carries the SURTASS sonar system. The ship is armed with 6 starboard and port side 533mm torpedo launchers, 2 pairs of RBS-6000/12000 launchers and 8 ASROC launchers. The ship can fire an array of torpedoes. stored on board.

Praetor Class destroyers wrote:
Medium sized vessels to deploy the S-500F system and to carry sizable armament as a fleet escort vessel. The ships employs many stealth technologies, notably the Advanced Enclosed Mast/Sensor (AEM/S) System.

Tentative specifications

  • APAR-1 radar system, which comprises of the APAR-MFR-1 X-Band Radar, and the APAR-VSR-1 S-Band Radar
  • Sonar:
    • HF and MF Sonar Array (Conformal arrays and bow array)
    • Multifunction Towed Sonar Array/Ultra Low Frequency Active Sonar Array
    • Integrated Undersea Warfare system for mine avoidance and submarine warfare, and anti-torpedo system
  • Electro-Optical/Infrared System
  • Integrated STAR combat system
  • Integrated Torpedo defence system
  • ECCM/ECM/Nulka decoys
  • UAV control stations
  • 192 cell VLS system capable of firing S-500-C and the S-500-D/E missiles, and various cruise missiles such as Kh-101 and large cruise missiles. VLS system is modular and typical cell diameter ~.8m to allow for some expansion
  • 6 533mm torpedo tubes
  • 4 RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile launchers
  • 4 CIWS Dual Goalkeeper gun systems
  • 1 155mm AGS
  • Surface Ship Torpedo Defence for hard and soft kill torpedo defence using decoys and counter torpedoes
  • Nulka ship decoy system
  • Propulsion: Nuclear with electric drive (~200,000 hp for up to 35 knots)
  • Backup power: 2 turbines delivering 30MWt each
  • total displacement estimated ~ 17,000 tonnes
  • Hanger and landing pad for two helicopters and UAV launch stations
  • Cost estimated ~ 3 billion
Exarch Class cruisers wrote: The navy has announced that it will procure over 5 years 16 (or more) cruisers belonging to two classes dubbed, the Exarch class and the Consul class. They are based on an extremely lengthened and broadened KDX-III hull, while employing many new stealth technologies, such as the Advanced Enclosed Mast/Sensor (AEM/S) System. These battlecruisers are well-armed to provide fleet defence against a wide range of threats.

Common Exarch class specifications
  • APAR-1 radar system, which comprises of the APAR-MFR-1 X-Band Radar, and the APAR-VSR-1 S-Band Radar, with numerous illuminators
  • Sonar:
    • HF and MF Sonar Array (Conformal arrays and bow array)
    • Multifunction Towed Sonar Array/Ultra Low Frequency Active Sonar Array
    • Integrated Undersea Warfare system for mine avoidance and submarine warfare, and anti-torpedo system
  • Electro-Optical/Infrared System
  • S-500F combat system
  • Integrated Torpedo defence system
  • UAV control stations
  • Nulka ship decoy system
  • 256 cell VLS system capable of firing S-500-C and the S-500-D/E missiles, and various cruise missiles such as Kh-101 and large cruise missiles. VLS system is modular and typical cell diameter ~.8m to allow for some expansion
  • 36 cell VLS fire heavy cruise missiles (Not all ships will use these for heavy cruise missiles)
  • 8 533mm torpedo tubes
  • 8 RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile launchers
  • 8 CIWS Dual Goalkeeper gun systems (replaced mostly with laser cannons)
  • 1 double 155mm water cooled ETC gun
  • Surface Ship Torpedo Defence for hard and soft kill torpedo defence using decoys and counter torpedoes
  • Propulsion: Nuclear with electric drive (~300,000 hp for up to 35 knots, approximately similar to the Kirov's reactor power output)
  • Backup power: 2 turbines delivering ~50MWt each (to allow at least 10 knots speed)
  • Hanger and landing pad for two helicopters and UAV launch stations
  • total displacement estimated ~ 29,000 tonnes
  • Other features identical to the DDG-51 Flight III class (Or borrowed from MESS New Horizon program)
  • Cost estimated ~ 6 billion
Imperial Byzantine Air Force

The Imperial Byzantine Air Force is organized into 6 commands: Air Operations Command, Air Defence Command, Air Logistics Command, Air Reconnaissance Command, Strategic Bombing Command and Training Command.

A flight consists of 4 aircraft. A squadron consists of 4 flights of aircraft. 1 air regiment consists of 3 squadrons. Each Air Regiment has its own air operations group and air logistics group. Note that only new squadrons will have 4 flights. Existing squadrons are likely to have only 3 flights.

The follow numbers do not include training units.

12 Squadrons of F-15F Active (144 aircraft) --- To be replaced with CF-01 (PAK FA)
12 Squadrons of Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 4 (144 aircraft)
15 Squadrons of F-22B (180 aircraft)
12 Squadrons of MiG-31BM (144 aircraft) (Byzantine variant with local electronics suited to fire CSR and MESS weapons)
24 Squadrons of MiG-31TM (288 aircraft)
3 Squadrons of F-12D Habu (36 aircraft)
160 Tu-160BM bombers
160 Tu-22BM bombers
48 T-4MS bombers
18 KC-135 Air tankers (to be retired)
96 KC-45 (some loaned to the Army)
12 KC-130J
12 An-225
56 An-124
48 An-22
56 C-130J
48 A400M
36 C-17
8 E767 AEW&C aircraft (Retired)
72 A380 AEW&CSI
36 A380 AEW&CSI (VHF)
24 A350 AEW&CSI
8 A350 AEW&CSI (VHF)
36 A330AEW&C-PHALCON (Army service)
156 AT-45D trainers
12 SR-71 recon planes
24 Global Hawk UAV
16 E-8 Joint STARS

Delivered FY08: 96 F-22A, 144 MIG-31BM (Byzantine Variant with newer electronics, better datalinking capabilities, and works with our AEW&C platform), 45 KC-45, 32 A380AEW&C, 72 AT-45D

Delivered for FY09: 144 MIG-31BM, 64 Tu-160BM, 32 Tu-22BM, 16 Tu-95MS(16)-BM, 16 Tu-142BM and 16 KC-45

Delivered FY2010: 8 A380AEW&CSI aircraft, 1 A380AEW&CSI (VHF) undergoing testing, 3 Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche IV squadrons, 144 MiG-31T, 32 Tu-160BM, 48 Tu-22BM and 16 KC-45, 16 A330AEW&C-PHALCON

Delivered in FY2011: 16 A380AEW&CSI aircraft, 8 A380AEW&CSI (VHF) 144 MiG-31T, 32 Tu-160BM, 48 Tu-22BM, 16 KC-45, 20 A330AEW&C-PHALCON

To be delivered in FY2012: (TBA) 36 F/A-22B, 12 T-4MS, 24 A380AEW&CSI, 8 A380AEW&CSI (VHF), 72 MiG-31T, 24 An-22PM, 32 Tu-160BM, 36 Tu-22BM, 24 KC-45, 24 Global Hawks.

To be delivered in FY2013-2014 (to 16 for some aircraft): 12 T-4MS, 24 A380AEW&CSI, 16 A380AEW&CSI (VHF), 36 MiG-31TM, 48 A400M, 36 C-17, and 24 An-124-100 (transports over the course of 2-3 years), 24 KC-45

To be delivered FY2014-2015: 12 Su-50, All MiG-31T to be rebuilt to MiG-31TM standard. MiG-31BM to be slowly phased out in favour of diverting pilots to operate other fighters, 12 T-4MS, 24 KC-45, 12 A350AEW&CSI, 4 A350AEW&CSI (VHF), KC-135 to be retired, E767 to be retired.

To be delivered from 2015: 24 Su-50, 12 T-4MS, 24 KC-45, 12 A350AEW&CSI, 4 A350AEW&CSI (VHF)


Air Force Bases

Air Operations Command
1st Air Heavy Regiment (F-22A) - Currently deployed to Jerusalem
2nd Air Heavy Regiment (F-22A) - Currently deployed to Crete
3rd Air Heavy Regiment (F-22A) - Currently deployed to Antioch
4th Air Heavy Regiment (F-22A) - Currently deployed to Arabia

1st Air Light Regiment (F-15F) - Currently deployed to Crete
2nd Air Light Regiment (F-15F) - Currently deployed to Antioch
3rd Air Light Regiment (F-15F) - Currently deployed to Arabia
4th Air Light Regiment (F-15F) - Currently deployed to Jerusalem

5th Air Light Regiment (Eurofighter Typhoon IV) - Currently deployed to Jerusalem.
6th Air Light Regiment (Eurofighter Typhoon IV) - Currently deployed to Sofia
7th Air Light Regiment (Eurofighter Typhoon IV) - Currently deployed to Arabia
8th Air Light Regiment (Eurofighter Typhoon IV) - Currently deployed to Crete

Air Defence Command
5th Air Interceptor Regiment (MiG-31TM (Byzantine model that operates MESS and CSR weapons)) - Crete
6th Air Interceptor Regiment (MiG-31TM (Byzantine model that operates MESS and CSR weapons)) - Athens
7th Air Interceptor Regiment (MiG-31TM (Byzantine model that operates MESS and CSR weapons)) - Constantinople
8th Air Interceptor Regiment (MiG-31TM (Byzantine model that operates MESS and CSR weapons)) - Antioch
10th Air Interceptor Regiment (MiG-31TM) - Arabia
9th Air Interceptor Regiment (F-12D) - Jerusalem

1st Air Interceptor Regiment (MiG-31BM (Byzantine model that operates MESS and CSR weapons)) - Athens (Reserve)
2nd Air Interceptor Regiment (MiG-31BM (Byzantine model that operates MESS and CSR weapons)) - Crete (Reserve)
3rd Air Interceptor Regiment (MiG-31BM (Byzantine model that operates MESS and CSR weapons)) - Jerusalem (Reserve)
4th Air Interceptor Regiment (MiG-31BM (Byzantine model that operates MESS and CSR weapons)) - Constantinople (Reserve)

Air Logistics Command
1st Air Refueling Squadron (18 KC-135)
2nd Air Refueling Squadron (16 KC-45)
3rd Air Refueling Squadron (16 KC-45)
4th Air Refueling Squadron (16 KC-45)
5th Air Refueling Squadron (16 KC-45)

1st Air Transport Regiment (An-225/An-124)
2nd Air Transport Regiment (An-22)
3rd Air Transport Regiment (C-130J)
4th Air Transport Regiment (A400M)

Air Reconnaissance Command
1st Air Reconnaissance Squadron (12 SR-71)
2nd Air Reconnaissance Squadron (12 Global Hawk)
3rd Air Reconnaissance Squadron (12 Global Hawk)

1st Air Radar Squadron (8 B767AEW&C)
2nd Air Radar Squadron (4 JSTAR)
3rd Air Radar Squadron (32 A380AEW&CSI)
4th Air Radar Squadron (4 A380AEW&CSI)

Strategic Bombing Command
  • 1st Strategic Bombing Regiment (48 TU-160BM)
    2nd Strategic Bombing Regiment (48 TU-160BM)
    3rd Strategic Bombing Regiment (48 Tu-160BM)
    4th Strategic Bombing Regiment (48 Tu-160BM)
    5th Strategic Bombing Regiment (projected 48 T-4MS, with dual role of reconnaissance)
1st Assault Bombing Regiment (48 Tu-22BM)
2nd Assault Bombing Regiment (48 Tu-22BM)
3rd Assault Bombing Regiment (48 Tu-22BM)
4th Assault Bombing Regiment (48 Tu-22BM)

Training Command
Thessaloniki Flight Academy (AT-45D)
Nikea Flight Academy (AT-45D)
Antioch Flight Academy (AT-45D)
Athens Flight Academy (AT-45D)
1st Training Wing (F/A-22)
2nd Training Wing (MiG-31)
3rd Training Wing (F-15)
4th Training Wing (Eurofighter Typhoon)
5th Training Wing (Transport/Bombers)

Notes 1: Air Refueling Squadrons and Air Regiments will be organised as required. Byzantine Air Force is largely defensive in posture and a high level of alertness is maintained.

Note 2: Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche IV: The Tranche IV features 6 point IRST systems and AESA radar. Heavily reinforced airframe, as well as more powerful engines to allow the fighter to attain Supercruise at Mach 1.5.

Note 3: F-15Es are already equiped with AESA radar and other features.

Note 4: All units have access to simulators as part of training.

Imperial Byzantine Army

The Imperial Byzantine Army is on the same level as the Air Force in terms of funding. It may no longer be the most senior of the three services, it is however the oldest and is still charged with the defence of the realm. The original Theme system has been rearranged such that the army is mostly garrisoned near the borders as a quick rapid reaction force to any enemy incursions. In particular, Sofia, Antioch, Jerusalem on the border have major military garrisons. 2 Legions are located near Thessaloniki and Constantinople as home ground defence. The Limitanei form a reserve force to be deployed in wartime. Some measure of conscription is practiced, mostly fit males and females at the age of 18 to serve 3 years of military service. Note that all military bases are hardened against aerial attack. There are plans to further hardened the bases against ballistic missile attack as well. The army is also charged with coastal and base defence and employs a series of missiles and ballistic missiles against attackers.

Standard Heavy Tank: K-3 Black Panther (To be replaced with the K-3 Black Tiger)
Standard tracked AFV: Puma AFV (To be supplemented with Black Tiger IFV)
Standard wheeled AFV: Boxer IFV, with various turrets
Standard medium SP artillery: PHz 2000 155mm gun (To be replaced with Black Tiger 155mm ETC gun)
Standard Heavy SP artillery: MSTA-2 Koalition-CV double barrel chrome lined 155mm with electronic upgrades
Standard MLRS: US MLRS
Standard MRBM: SS-26 Iskander
Standard Hypersonic missile: P-750 Meteorite-LXL (Land Attack version with 1000km range)

Anti-Tank missiles used: FGM-148 Javelin, 9M123 Khrizantema (for Red Technocracy originating weapons), RPG-29
Standard Assault Rifle: H&K G36 rifle

Standard CAS aircraft: Su-39 aircraft
Standard Air Superiority/CAS aircraft: Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche III
Attack Helicopter: Mi-28BM (with improved Western electronics systems similar to Apache AH-64D.)
Reconnaissance Helicopter: Ka-50/52BM With Western sensors, electronics, millimeter band radar, various jamming equipment
Standard Company Level UAV: Skylark III, Fire Scout
Standard Brigade Level UAV: Hermes 900
Standard Legion Level UAV: IAI Eagle I/II (typically 6)
Standard Tagmata Level UAV: Global Hawk (typically 6)
Standard AEW&C aircraft: A330AEW&C Phalcon
Standard Heavy Lift Helicopter: Mil Mi-17/Mi-26/NH-101
Standard Heliborne Assault Helicopter: Mi-17/Mi-35
Standard Utility Helicopter (x30): NH-90/NH-95
Standard Medium Air Transport: A400M
Standard Heavy Air Transport: C-17
Standarad Heavy Strategic Air Transport: An-124
Standard Light Air Tanker: KA400M
Standard Heavy Air Tanker: KC-45

Standard Airbourne Light MLRS: US HIMARS
Standard Airbourne Light Artillery Unit: PAM/LAM
Standard Airbourne tracked AFV: BMD-4 and variants
Standard Airbourne light SP: Singapore Technologies light weight 155mm SP howitzer/M777A2 155mm light weight howitzer
Standard Airbourne Anti-Tank Gun: 120mm howitzer

Standard Light Anti-Air unit: Pantsyr S1 Air Defense Missile / Gun System (Upgraded to work with Western systems and Russian systems. Deployed at brigade level and division level) (To be replaced with S-500)
Standard Medium Anti-Air unit: Buk-MB / Tor-M2 (To be replaced with S-500)
Standard Heavy Anti-Air Unit: S-400 (4 batteries)/PAC-2/3 Missile defence (4 batteries) (To be replaced with S-500)

Some notes: All K-2 Black Panther will be upgraded with 120mm ETC guns, and newer APS and PPS, including a grenade/mortar launcher similar to the Israeli Iron Fist APS, utilizing MetalStorm technology. Armour package will also be upgraded to match the advances achieved in the K-3 Black Tiger. New millimeter radar and jamming systems will be incorporated.

The K-3 Black Tiger incorporates a 120/140 mm ETC gun, and all the bells and anyone can hope for.

Also, this list is by no means exhaustive.

Army structure

Army command is divided into 7 regional Themes. The Constantinople Theme overlooks all of Northern Greece, the Athenian Theme covers all of Southern Greece. The Western Anatolia Theme is centered at Nikea, the Central Anatolia Theme at Ikonium, while the Western Anatolia Theme is centered at Antioch. Jerusalem and Arabia are consolidated under the Syrian Theme.

Each Theme has its own Limitanei Legions, though some may not have any Kataphrateoi and Comitatenses legions. The latter of which are often deployed close to potential trouble spots.

Each Kataphrateoi Legion shall consist of
  • 4 Kataphrateoi brigades
    2+1 Mechanised Comitatenses brigades
    2 Cavalry Comitatenses brigade
    2 River Assault Brigades
    2 Helibourne Assault Brigade
    3 Onager brigades (artillery)
    4 Air Defence Onager brigade (Light/Medium Air Defences)
    4 Heavy Air Defence Onager Brigade (Heavy AA defences)
    8 Attack Helicopter Sqn (16 Helicopters each)
    8 Reconnaissance Helicopter Sqn (16 Helicopters each)
    4 CAS squadrons (16 aircraft each)
    4 Air Reconnaissance squadrons (Hermes 900, Heron, Eagle II)
    4 Combat Engineer battalions
    4 Heavy Helicopter battalion
    4 Utility Helicopter battalion
    6 Logistics Brigades
    4 Air Logistics Brigade
    5 Special Troops Battalions
Total Men: ~18000?

Organisation In Combat:
3 Katapharateoi Meros, of which each consists of: 3 Kataphrateoi Bn, 1+1 Mech Comitatenses Bn, 1 Cavalry Bn, 2 Onager Bn, 1 Logistics Bde, 1 Air Defence Onager Bde, 1 Special Troops Bn, 1 Helibourne Assault Bn, 4 Reconnaissance Helicopter Sqn, 4 Attack Helicopter Sqn
1 Strategos Kataphrateoi Meros, of which consists of: 3 Kataphrateoi Bn, 3 Mech Comitatenses Bn, 3 Cavalry Bn, 3 Onager Bn, 1 Logistics Bde, 1 Air Defence Onager Bde, 2 River Assault Bde, 2 Helibourne Assault Bn, 1 Special Troops Bn, 4 Reconnaissance Helicopter Sqn, 4 Attack Helicopter Sqn
1 Army Aviation Meros, of which consists of: 4 Reconnaissance Helicopter Sqn 4 Attack Helicopter Sqn, 4 CAS Sqn, 4 Air Reconnaissance squadrons, 4 Air Logistics Bde
1 Engineering Meros, of which consists of: 4 Heavy Helicopter Bn, 4 Utility Helicopter Bn, 4 Combat Engineer Bn, 2 Logistics Bde

Each Comitatenses/Limitanei Legion shall consist of
  • 2+1 Kataphrateoi brigades
    4 Mechanised Comitatenses brigades
    2 Cavalry Comitatenses brigade
    2 River Assault Brigades
    2 Helibourne Assault Brigade
    3 Onager brigades (artillery)
    4 Air Defence Onager brigade (Light/Medium Air Defences)
    4 Heavy Air Defence Onager Brigade (Heavy AA defences)
    8 Attack Helicopter Sqn (16 Helicopters each)
    8 Reconnaissance Helicopter Sqn (16 Helicopters each)
    4 CAS squadrons (16 aircraft each)
    4 Air Reconnaissance squadrons (Hermes 900, Heron, Eagle II)
    4 Combat Engineer battalions
    4 Heavy Helicopter battalion
    4 Utility Helicopter battalion
    6 Logistics Brigades
    4 Air Logistics Brigade
    5 Special Troops Battalions
Total Men: ~ 22000?

Organisation In Combat:
3 Comitatenses Meros, of which each consists of: 1+1 Kataphrateoi Bn, 3 Mech Comitatenses Bn, 1 Cavalry Bn, 2 Onager Bn, 1 Logistics Bde, 1 Air Defence Onager Bde, 1 Special Troops Bn, 1 Helibourne Assault Bn, 2 Reconnaissance Helicopter Sqn, 2 Attack Helicopter Sqn
1 Strategos Comitatenses Meros, of which consists of: 3 Kataphrateoi Bn, 3 Mech Comitatenses Bn, 3 Cavalry Bn, 3 Onager Bn, 1 Logistics Bde, 1 Air Defence Onager Bde, 2 River Assault Bde, 2 Helibourne Assault Bn, 1 Special Troops Bn, 2 Reconnaissance Helicopter Sqn, 2 Attack Helicopter Sqn
1 Army Aviation Meros, of which consists of: 4 Reconnaissance Helicopter Sqn 4 Attack Helicopter Sqn, 4 CAS Sqn, 4 Air Reconnaissance squadrons, 4 Air Logistics Bde
1 Engineering Meros, of which consists of: 4 Heavy Helicopter Bn, 4 Utility Helicopter Bn, 4 Combat Engineer Bn, 2 Logistics Bde

(Notes: Individual Brigades are organised as according to: ... S_Army.png)

Limitanei legions are equipped with older equipment, like T-80UMs, BTR-80, BMP-3 and are formed in the same line as a Comitatenses Legion. However, in more recent times, they have been given K-2 Black Panthers and other more modern equipment passed down from the front line legions.

By 2016, the Imperial Army will be reorganised into 2 Kataphrateoi Tagmata and 2 Comitatenses Tagmata with the following Structure:
Imperial Tagmata
A Kataphrateoi Tagmata shall consist of
  • 3 Kataphrateoi Legions
    1 Comitatenses Legion
    1 Airbourne Comitatenses Legion
    4 Air Defence Legions
    1 Mechanised Comitatenses Brigade
    Tagmata Level Special Forces
    • 1 Varangian Guard Light Special Forces Brigade
      1 Varangian Guard Special Forces Brigade
    Corps Level Intelligence
    • 2 Military Intelligence brigades
      2 Military Police Brigades
    Corps level Artillery
    • 1 Heavy Artillery Brigade
      2 Light Rocket Artillery Brigades
      1 Rocket Artillery Brigade
    Corps Level Aviation
    • 4 CAS air regiments (112 aircraft total. 64 Su-39 and 48 Eurofighter Typhoon, 12 An-22P gunships)
      2 Helicopter Reconnaissance Brigades (16 Helicopters each, Mi-28BM)
      4 Attack Helicopter Brigades (16 Helicopters each, Ka-50/52BM)
      4 Air Reconnaissance regiments (A330AEW&C Phalcon, Global Hawks)
      1 Air Logistics Command (Operates Transport craft and Air Refueling squadrons)
    Corps level Logistics
    • 1 Sustainment Command
      3 Heavy Combat Engineer Brigade
      4 Combat Engineer battalion
      4 Heavy Helicopter battalion
      4 Utility Helicopter battalion
A Comitatenses Tagmata shall consist of
  • 1 Kataphrateoi Legion
    3 Comitatenses Legions
    1 Airbourne Comitatenses Legion
    Tagmata Level Special Forces
    • 1 Varangian Guard Light Special Forces Brigade
      1 Varangian Guard Special Forces Brigade
    4 Air Defence Legions
    1 Mechanised Comitatenses Brigade
    Tagmata Level Special Forces
    • 1 Varangian Guard Light Special Forces Brigade
      1 Varangian Guard Special Forces Brigade
    Tagmata Level Intelligence
    • 2 Military Intelligence brigades
      2 Military Police Brigades
    Tagmata level Artillery
    • 1 Heavy Artillery Brigade
      2 Light Rocket Artillery Brigades
      1 Rocket Artillery Brigade
    Tagmata Level Aviation
    • 4 CAS air regiments (112 aircraft total. 64 Su-39 and 48 Eurofighter Typhoon, 12 An-22P gunships)
      2 Helicopter Reconnaissance Brigades (12 Helicopters each, Mi-28BM)
      4 Attack Helicopter Brigades (16 Helicopters each, Ka-50/52BM)
      4 Air Reconnaissance regiments (A330AEW&C Phalcon, Global Hawks)
      1 Air Logistics Command (Operates Transport craft and Air Refueling squadrons)
    Corps level Logistics
    • 1 Sustainment Command
      3 Heavy Combat Engineer Brigade
      4 Combat Engineer battalion
      4 Heavy Helicopter battalion
      4 Utility Helicopter battalion
NOTE: I might reorganise along the lines of Wilken's Marine OOB.

Each Marine Comitenses Legion shall consist of
- 2,200 men

4 K-3 Black Tiger Heavy Tanks
20 Boxer IFV
6 LAV-ADA w/M6 Linebacker style turret
4 HIMARS (rocket arty) on Mungo ESV
8 M252 81mm mortar (carried in LAV)
8 FGM-148 Javelin ATGM
8 FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS
8 MPOCS (Man-Portable Obstacle Clearing Systems: "MICLIC Lite")

60 HUMVEE utility vehicles
30 Mungo ESV Medium trucks
4 Logistics Vehicle System (MK48A1 + Rear Unit Articulated HEMMT)
3 D7 bulldozer (w/light armor & AC unit)
1 Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement dump truck
4 TRAM 644E Backhoe Tractor
2 TX51-19M Rough Terrain Forklift
2 Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit
1 LMT 3000 water purification unit
7 500 gallon water containers

8 AV-8B Harrier attack aircraft
4 Mi-28 attack helicopters
2 Ka-52 scout helicopters
12 MH-60 KnightHawk helicopters
2 CH-53K Sea Stallion helicopters
3 LCAC landers
Assorted numbers of UAVs, including Skylark III, Hermes 900

1 Airbourne Comitatenses Legion (latest Expansion) consists of
  • 1+2 Motorized Comitenses brigades (Uses BDRM-4 variants, including Sprut-SD 2S25)
  • 1+1 Helibourne Assault Comitatenses brigade (Mi-17 and Mi-35)
  • +2 Light Infantry Brigades
  • 1+1 light Onager brigades (light SP artillery)
  • 1+1 Air Defence Onager brigade (light/medium AA defences)
  • 1+1 Attack Helicopter Brigade (12 Helicopters each)
  • 1 Helicopter Reconnaissance Brigade (14 Helicopters each)
  • 1+1 CAS Brigade (12 aircraft each)
  • 1 Sustainment Brigade
  • 1+1 Combat Engineer Battalion
  • 1+2 Military Transport Aviation Group (Several Squadrons of Transports, An-124, C-17 and A-400M, for airlift)
  • 1+1 Heavy Helicopter battalion
  • 1+1 Utility Helicopter battalion
  • 1 Air Reconnaissance Sqn (light/medium UAVs)
Mountain Comitatenses Legions are organised the same way, but the motorized Comitatenses brigades were swapped with Light Infantry and equipped with slightly different weapons suited for mountain assault. General unit organisation follows that of the Russian VDV.


Military Bases

Army OOB
  • 6+2 Heavy Armour Kataphrateoi Legions (Division strength)
    8 Mechanised Comitenses Legions (Division strength)
    5 Mechanised Limitanei Legions (Army reserves)
    2+2 Airbourne Comitatenses Legions
    2+2 Mountain Comitenses Legion
    2+2 Marine Comitatenses Legions
    4+4 Varangian Guard Heavy Special Forces brigade
    6+4 Varangian Guard Light Special Forces brigades
  • Legio I Konstantinoplis Kataphrateoi - Currently deployed to Jerusalem
    Legio IX Jerusalem Kataphrateoi - Currently deployed to Jerusalem
    Legio X Antioch Comitatenses - Currently deployed to Jerusalem
    Legio XI Aegean Marine Comitatenses - Currently deployed to Crete
    Legio XIII Airbourne Comitatenses - Currently deployed to Jerusalem
    Legio XVI Mountain Comitatenses - Currently deployed to Jerusalem
    Legio XV Mountain Comitatenses - Currently deployed to Konstantinople
    Legio VI Nikea Comitatenses - Currently deployed to Jerusalem
    Legio XIV Airbourne Comitatenses - Currently deployed to Konstantinople
  • Legio II Thessaloniki Comitatenses - Currently deployed to Zagor Empire
    Legio III Athens Comitatenses - Currently deployed to Arabia. To rotate with Corinth
    Legio IV Sofia Comitatenses - Currently deployed to Sofia
    Legio XII Black Sea Marine Comitatenses - Currently deployed to Jerusalem
    Legio V Korinth Kataphrateoi - Currently deployed to Korinth
    Legio VII Syria Kataphrateoi - Currently deployed to Jerusalem
    Legio VIII Sinope Comitatenses - Currently deployed to Jerusalem
    Legio XIX Ikonium Kataphrateoi
    Legio XX Trepizond Kataphrateoi
  • Legio XV Ephesus Comitatenses
    Legio XVI Arabia Comitatenses
    Legio XVII Larrissa Kataphrateoi
    Legio XVIII Thessaly Kataphrateoi
  • Limitanei Legio I Konstantinople
    Limitanei Legio VIII Antioch
    Limitanei Legio VIV Jerusalem
    Limitanei Legio X Symra
    Limitanei Legio XI Trepizond
    Limitanei Legio II Thessaloniki
    Limitanei Legio III Korinth
    Limitanei Legio VII Ikonium
    Limitanei Legio IV Athens*
    Limitanei Legio XIII Golan*
*:- To be converted to Airbourne Comitatenses

To be disbanded:
  • Limitanei Legio XII Larissa
    Limitanei Legio XIV Sophia
    Limitanei Legio V Nikea
    Limitanei Legio VI Ephesus
    Limitanei Legio VII Ikonium

1st Imperial Kataphrateoi Tagmata:
  • Legio I Konstantinople Kataphrateoi
    Legio IX Jerusalem Kataphrateoi
    Legio VIII Sinope Comitatenses
    Legio V Korinth Kataphrateoi
    Legio XIII Airbourne Comitatenses
    25th-28th Mobile Air Defence Legion
2nd Imperial Comitatenses Tagmata
  • Legio II Thessaloniki Comitatenses
    Legio VII Syria Kataphrateoi
    Legio VI Nikea Comitatenses
    Legio III Athens Comitatenses
    Legio XIV Airbourne Comitatenses
    29th-32nd Mobile Air Defence Legion
Coastal Defence

24 brigades operating 96 P-800 missile launchers
24 brigades operating 96 P-750 Meteorite-M missile launchers
24 brigades operating 96 Klub II launchers

SS-26 Iskander-Ms will be deployed in Crete (and other areas) armed with Nuclear and EMP warhead.

Space Defence Command

Space Defence is a tri-service command structure that is charged with the defence of the airspace of the realm. It is organised along the lines of multiple command centers that direct the various air defence legions

Each of the static air defence legion will be deployed to each major city (about 13). The remainder will be deployed to strategic locations. 1st to 24th Air Defence Legion are located in hardened sites across the Empire. 25th to 36th and 49th to 60th are mobile legions that will come under the Army Tagmata. 37th to 48th Air Defence Legion will be located in hardened bunkers with the assigned a mobile command center. Every legion will operate batteries of several Surface to Air Missile launchers, controlled command posts and radars. Due to cuts in force levels, 32nd to 36th, 57th to 60th Mobile Legions will be relegated to reserve duty, with the 32th to 36th largely staffed by voluntary national service recruits.

Byzantium's Integrated Air Defence System hierarchy consists of 5 layers, with the National Defence Center at the top, the sector Defence Centers next, the regional centers, the local nodes last. Each regional center is assigned at least one semi-static Air Defence Legion, and 1 AEGIS system consisting of 240 MK41 VLS cells. Some of the AEGIS systems will be slowly replaced with the STAR system. Fiber optics networks and encrypted datalinks are used to ensure better communication between centers and nodes. Data fusion is employed to combine all the data received so as to better coordinate air defence. Each center is capable of controlling all the weapons in its assigned area, and is buried and hardened against air attack. All weapons are housed in hardened buried bunkers with pop-up radars and sliding doors for the launchers to deploy THEL batteries and gun CIWS and RAM batteries are being deployed to provide point-defence for each air defence location. There are also a small number of mobile Aegis batteries as well. Considerable effort has been made to camouflage as well as to employ lots of decoys and backup centers. The Air Defence System is linked to a CATO air defence network to aid in the defence of the CATO against attacks. A number of mobile centers are also employed as last ditch fall backs. Various AEW&CSI aircraft are employed to aid in the defence as well. Considerable coordination takes place better the Air Force Air Defence Command and the National Defence Center.

2 OTH/OTH-B radar systems and 2 X-Band radar and are expected to be ready for testing come end of the FY09. 2 radars will be placed in Greece where one will be at Athens covering our southern flank, one will be covering our northern flank. 2 will be in Anatolia, at Antioch covering the southern flank and another at Trepizond.

The 10+4 stratellite radar systems will be placed over the east and west Mediterranean to provide all round surveillance of any aircraft coming from Japanistan.

Unit Organisation
Standard Heavy Anti-Air unit: S-400M, Patriot PAC, THAAD (To be replaced by the S-500, STAR)
Standard Medium Anti-Air Unit: Buk-MB (To be replaced with the S-500)
Standard Light Anti-Air Unit: Tor M2 (To be replaced by the S-500)
Standard Point Defence Unit: Pantsyr S1 (To be replaced by the S-500)
Standard Perimeter Defence: THEL, RAM, CIWS

All 24 Legions will be enlarged division size to operate a combination of
  • 24 Pantsyr S1 batteries
  • 12 Tor-M2 batteries
  • 12 Buk-MB batteries
  • 6 S-400/S-300VM/S-400M batteries.
  • 4 THAAD batteries
  • 36 THEL batteries, CIWS gun and RAM systems
Note: There are lots of decoys, and a battery is comprised of several launch units.

Note: When the S-500 comes into service, the following structure will be observed for static divisions:

New structure:
  • 36 S-500-A batteries
  • 24 S-500-B batteries
  • 16 S-500-C batteries
  • 16 S-500-E/F batteries (16 launchers each)
  • 16 S-500-G batteries
  • 36 STEL batteries, CIWS gun and RAM systems
  • S-500-H batteries (Number TBD, only for static Legions)
For 24 Mobile units, the following structure will be observed
  • 18 S-500-A batteries
  • 12 S-500-B batteries
  • 8 S-500-C batteries
  • 8 S-500-E/F batteries (16 launchers each)
  • 8 S-500-G batteries
  • 24 STEL batteries, CIWS gun and RAM systems

Further, existing THAAD batteries will be retained but redeployed to the cities. All batteries will have THEL (Solid State) defences.


Space Defence Command Center and Network
36 Air Defence Divisions (Static) (3 divisions to be fully retrofitted with S-500 systems per year)
24 Air Defence Divisions (Mobile) (3 divisions to be fully retrofitted with S-500 systems per year)
24 AEGIS systems (To be upgraded to STARS progressively)

Imperial Border Guards

The Imperial Border Guards patrol the borders of the Empire. Their equipment is a mix of old and new, and some will be soon expanded more orders:
Their new equipment includes
  • Hermes 900 UAV
    A330AEW&C Phalcon
    NH90 helicopter
    Ka-52 helicopter
    Mi-17 helicopter
Current organisation

Currently, the Border Guards are divided between the Coast Guard and the Land Guards. The Coast Guard of course patrol the shores, while the Land Guards patrol the land borders.

Coast Guard Command
Coast Guard command consists of several frigates and corvettes, and maritime patrol craft, and is divided into 6 main sector commands, namely Constantinople, Sinope, Ephesus, Antioch, Jerusalem and Arabia. Note that each ship carries its own retinue of soldiers trained to board and seize ships.

Each sector command consists of
  • 4 Light Coastal Patrol Squadrons (12 Super Dvora MK III craft each)
    4 Medium Coastal Patrol Squadrons (12 Mirage Patrol vessels each)
    2 Heavy Coastal Patrol Squadrons (6 Flyvefisken patrol vessels + 1 Skylark 3 each, In peace time generally outfitted for surveillance, ASW, riverine patrol)
    1 Command Coastal Patrol Squadron (6 Newark 2000 tonne frigates + 1 NH-90, entering service rapidly from 2015. Geared for Command and Control, ASW)
    2 Maritime Patrol Squadron (18 Tu-142BM)
    2 ASW Squadron (3 Invisible Hand Ocean Surveillance vessels + 1 Skylark 3)
    1 Air Space Squadron (4 A330AEW&C Phalcon)
    2 UAV Squadron (Hermes 900, Eagle II)
    3 Squadrons of NH-90 helicopters
    3 Squadrons of NH-95 helicopters
    2 Squadrons of Ka-50/52 helicopters
    2 Logistics Units (Mostly support craft, helicopters etc.)
    4 SWAT teams
    8 squadrons of riverine patrol boats
Land Guards

Mostly stationed on the 6 main borders, namely at Trepizond, Sophia, Jerusalem, Antioch, Arabia. They use the same equipment as the Army In general, they consist of:
  • 3 Air Space Squadrons (4 A330AEW&C Phalcon)
    3-6 Mechanized Limitanei Brigades
    4-8 Cavalry Limitanei Brigades
    2-4 Onager Brigades (120mm Mortar, 155mm artillery)
    2-4 UAV Scout Brigades (Hermes 900, Eagle II)
    5 Squadrons of NH-90 helicopters
    5 Squadrons of NH-95 helicopters
    4 Squadrons of Ka-50/52 helicopters
    8-12 squadrons of riverine patrol boats
    2-4 Logistic brigades
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2009-04-28 09:25am, edited 263 times in total.
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Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Kingdom of Serenity

Affiliation: MESS

Capital: Wuhan

Major Cities: Wudang, Takao, Port Tachibana, Petersberg, Ketagaran, Dongting Bay

Major Seaports:
Tachibana, Dongting, Takao, Wudang

Major Airports:
Xiang Wentien Memorial Airport (Wuhan)
Petersberg Airport (Petersberg)
Tachibana Airport (Port Tachibana)

Official Languages: Mangkan, English

Demonym: Serenite

Government: Parliamentary democracy and Constitutional monarchy
The Head of State is the King, who is supported, advised, and by 3 Halls:
-Executive Hall, headed by the Prime Minister leading the main executive departments of the nation.
-Legislative Hall, headed by the Hall Leader leading the 125 legislatives from the 25 Counties of the nation.
-Judical Hall, headed by the Hall Leader leading the 9 Grand Judges of the nation.

Political Parties include the Blues and the Greens.

Current King: His Majesty Yenchin Xiang, 15th Succeeder of Shaolong Xiang.

Mangka Establishment: August 6, 295 B.C.E.
2nd Independence: June 25, 1342 C.E.
Serenity Day: April 7, 1745 C.E.

Area: 250,000 Sq. Km., (Water: 3%)

Population: 30 Million 1st World

GDP: 1.25 Trillion

Currency: ROB

Foreign Issues:

The Kingdom of Serenity maintains a peaceful, non aggresive policy. It understands the importance of maintaining good ties to nations regardless of whether there is former diplomacy.

Main Exports:
Agricultural: Rice, Tea, Cotton, Wheat, Forest Products
Industrial: Metallurgy, Machinery, Electronics, Biomedicals

Main Imports:

Natural Resources:
Platinum, Gold, Steel, Silicon

Military of Kingdom of Serenity

Serenity Army

Challenger 2 (240)
M60A3 (180)

Boxer (480)
FV432 (420)

M270 (54)

Medium SP Artillery:
AS90 (320)

Medium Towed Artillery:
M777 (360)

Heavy Air Defense Artillery:
THAAD (56)

Medium Air Defense Artillery
PAC-3 (56)

Light Air Defense Artillery
Avenger (48)

East Division
West Division
Airborne and Specwar Division

East and West Division consists of:
3 Light Infantry Brigades
1 Mobile Infantry Brigade
1 Mechanized Infantry Brigade
1 Heavy Armor Brigade

Airborne and Specwar Division consists of:
3 Airborne Infantry Brigades
1 Special Forces Brigade
2 Heliborne assault Brigades
2 Tactical Transport Brigades
1 Tactical Strike Brigade

Serenity Naval Force

Task Force Riki-Oh

1 CG (Ticonderoga lookalikes) with 2 MH-60 LAMPS-III each
(Riki-Oh, Daigoin Jaki )

5 DDG (Arleigh Burke lookalikes) with 2 MH-60 LAMPS-III each
(Intelligence, Trustworthy, Generous, Bravery, Strictness)

5 FFG (F-100 lookalikes) with 1 MH-60 LAMPS-III each
(Kamalan, Toroko, Tayal, Juro, Daou)

1 SSN (Astute lookalikes + SpecOps Delivery)
(Yingzi, Jee-Sin, Ng-Mui, Pak-Mei)

Mangka Carrier Task Force

1 CV (JFK Class) - KSS Mangka
Same component as KSS Serenity
2 CG - Nuo Cha, Red Kid
4 DDG - Heretic, Hype, Hermit, Hero
5 FFG - Ainut, Pawian, Puyuma, Siraya, Basay
2 SSN - Guang, To-Tak

1 LHD (Wasp) - Vanguard
2 LST (Newport) - Sword, Sabre

Homewater Defense

1 CG - Akashi Goji

5 DDG + 10 MH-60 LAMPS III
(Virtue, Faithful, Incorrupt, Loyal, Righteous)

(Fusang, Raksha, Daqin, Hun, Taishi)

2 Yaeyama Minesweepers
(Harvest, Reaper)

20 Hamina Class Missile Boat lookalikes[/url]

10 SSI (Type 212 Sub lookalikes)
(Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, Huashan, Kunlun, Kongdong, Diantsang, Taichi, Xingyi, Bagua)

5 Flights of P8 Heavy Maritime Patrol

Naval Force Auxiliary

2 AOE (Supply Class)
(Guo Jing, Huang Rong)

2 Fleet Replenishment Vessels (Fort Rosalie Class) with 1 MH-60 LAMPS III each

2 Fast Tankers (Wave Class) with 1 MH-60 LAMPS III each

2 Small Tankers (Rover Class)

2 Tugs (Powhatan Class)

Serenity Marine Corps

3 Light Infantry Brigades
1 Amphibious Armor Brigade
1 Tactical Strike Brigade
1 Amphibious Recon & Search Company

--Destroyed Ships--
1 CVN (Nimitz Class lookalikes w/Nuclear) KSS Serenity
- 10 Flights of F-18E
- 6 Flights of F-18F
- 2 Flights of EA-18G Growler EW
- 2 E-2D Hawkeye AWACs
- 2 C2 Greyhound Air Tankers/Cargo planes
- 2 MH-53E Sea Dragon

1 CGN (Ticonderoga)
3 Astutes
Kage Shadow Light

Serenity Air Force

4 planes are a flight, 3 flights a squadron

Combat Wings

401st Tactical Fighter Wing: Takao AFB flying F-15E
51st Squadron
53rd Squadron
55th Squadron

403rd Tac Fighter Wing: Petersberg AFB flying F-15E
71st, 73rd, 75th

405th Tac Fighter Wing: Wudang AFB flying F-15E
91st, 93rd, 95th
-5 KC-135 Tankers

407th Tac Fighter Wing: Dongting Bay AFB, F-15E, A-10
111st, 113rd, 115th, 117th, 119th

409th Tac Fighter Wing: Ketagaran AFB, F-15E
131st, 133rd, 135th
120th Strategic Lift flying 1 flight of C-5

411st Tac Fighter Wing: Tachibana AFB, F-15E, A-10
61st, 63rd, 65th, 67th, 69th

Good Mountain Wing: "Project Good Mountain", F-22 and F-15E/F
201st, 202nd, 203rd
2 Flights of F-22s
2 Flights of B-1s

Shenong Ga Combined Wing: Shenong Ga AFB
1st Tactical Airlift Group, C130H
-101st Tactical Airlift Squadron
-102nd Tactical Airlift Squadron

2nd Electronic Warfare Group
-201st Electronic Warfare Squadron
-2 E-767s AWACS

Flight Training Command: T-34, F-15D, 5 flights each

Reconnaissance Command: [classified] AFB
-SR-71, 1 squadron
-20 Global Hawk UAVs

12/8: added 2 ticos
Last edited by Grand Moff Yenchin on 2009-02-20 02:35pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by DarthShady »

I'm putting this here so it is easily accessible and I can add more to it when I have time.
DarthShady wrote:OK I'm thinking 4 NPC Nations in between me and PeZook and they are as follows:

Independent Republic of Sjenska

President: Srdjan Karic( You remember him don't you :D )

A third world shithole with a large number of poorly equipped soldiers. Known as a terrorist hideout. Extremely militaristic and aggressive. Two attempts at annexing a neighbouring state, both failed due to the intervention of PeZookia and the USSR.

The Republic of Rohan

President: Zoran Stojkovic

-Third world shithole
-Highly unstable
-Known pirate hideout
-Involved in constant conflict with Shroomania because of pirates.

The Republic of Sargonia

President: E. Valjevcic

-Third world shithole
-highly unstable
-several regime changes
-stabilizing in recent years due to International support

The Socialist Republic of Zagor

Emperor: Marek The Cruel-deceased, former leader

New leader: Elmir Rosic

A highly militaristic third world shithole involved in constant skirmishes with it's neighbours most notably the Independent Republic of Sjenska and the USSR. Highly unstable and known as a terrorist hideout, attempted to annex neighbouring territories several times but failed due to USSR and PeZookian intervention. The only thing preventing the USSR from obliterating them are international politics.

With it's transformation came many changes both within the country and it's politics.

Their equipment is mostly poorly trained infantry and tacticals. The Screaming Horde variety.:D

I could write up something more detailed on them but I believe that it is better to leave it like this until the game begins. I'm not sure if I should bother with maps. Perhaps it will be easier if Stas just squeezes them in.

So Shroom, PeZook any suggestions? Opinions?
Last edited by DarthShady on 2008-09-17 01:49pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Steve »

Just a preliminary OrBat for the Republic of Cascadia's military forces using Coyote's points system. I may yet tweak it some more, particularly in cutting down the navy (I was aiming for a decent Navy capable of protecting Cascadian maritime interests and contributing to any allies' overseas efforts that may arise, but I may yet reduce it), but what I was aiming for was a technologically-capable Kingdom-level First World military save for the eight brigades of conscripts that represent National Service (or more specifically, the provincial militia). Also, I figured it was silly that carriers cost so little without attached costs for their wings, so used Coyote's air force flights to reflect a more realistic cost (though I rolled the training/equipment cost into the actual CV cost).

Also, it's out of order by service because I went for the "core" units first and then figured out how to spend the remaining balance of points.

750 total

Mechanized/Guards/Elite Kit = 12 points
x 3



Heavy Armored/Guards/Elite Kit = 13 points
x 3



Cavalry Armored/Guards/Elite Kit = 12 points
x 3



Mechanized/Professional/Professional Kit = 10 points
x 6



Aviation Tactical Strike/Guards/Professional = 11 points
x 3



5th Generation/Top Gun/Elite Kit = 13 points
x 2



Short Deck CV = 12 points
5 Flights of 4th Generation Fighters = 10
5 Flights of 3rd Generaiton Fighters = 5
x 2



Cruiser = 6 points
x 4



Destroyer = 4 points
x 10



Frigate = 2 points
x 12



Corvette = 1 point
x 12



SSI Closed Circuit Subs = 3 points
x 6



Hospital Ships = 4 points
x 2



Heavy Replenishment Ship = 4 points
x 2



Light Replenishment Ship = 2 points
x 3



Tanker/Oiler = 2 points
x 4



Recovery/Salvage ships = 2 points
x 3



4th Generation/Professional/Professional Kit = 7 points
x 8



3rd Generation/Professional/Conscript Kit = 5 points
x 12



Motorized/Professional/Professional Kit = 9 points
x 6



Armored Cavalry/Professional/Conscript Kit = 9 points
x 3



Aviation Attack Chopper/Professional/Conscript Kit = 7 points
x 3



Airborne/Professional/Professional = 8 points
Air Transport = 2 points (making that up since I don't see anything for it on Coyote's table)
x 2



Light/Guards/Professional = 8 points
x 2



Light/Professional/Professional = 7 points
x 3



Light/Conscript/Conscript = 5 points
x 8


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Post by Setzer »

Reposting my OOB here:

Defense Budget: 37,500,000,000 (5% of GDP)


Overview: The Sirnoth Army is the least important of the three services. Sirnoth's defense policy in the past century or so has been dependent upon long range defenses, leaving the army with subpar recruits and equipment. The ranking officers are mostly those with the best political connections. Still, it would be wrong to portray the Sirnoth army as a collection of incompetents and cronies. While most of the Sirnoth rank and file are conscripts, they have excellent equipment, and an ongoing insurgency in the Hecate mountains means that most soldiers have a modicum of experience in combat.

Order of Battle:

3 Armored Divisions
5 Mechanized Divisions
2 Mountain (Light Infantry) Divisions
1 Air Assault Division

330,000 troops
2500 Leopard 2A4 MBTs
4001 Marder IFVs
516 HMMWV w/Milan III
528 M577 Mobile Command Vehicles
96 M110 203mm SP howitzers
700 PzH2000 155mm SP howitzers
914 Milan III man portable ATGMs
528 106mm SP mortars
445 ZSU-23-4 AA guns
230 SA-11
314 SA-15
634 Stinger SAMs
548 AH-1 attack Helicopters
406 OH-58 scout Helicopters
430 UH-1 helicopters
48 CH-47 helicopters
54 Vulcan AA guns

(CAS and air transport are handled by the Air Force)

Overview: The Navy has been the pride of the Sirnoth military since it was first created. The service is more professional than the army, but is still controlled by the patron and client system that dominates Sirnoth society.

Navy (80,000)

2 Templar class CV (Audacious class look alike)

SNS Templar
SNS Archon

2 Canberra class LHA

SNS Connos
SNS Belyer

6 Cornelius class (Harper's Ferry look alike) LSD

SNS Cornelius
SNS Scipio
SNS Arpi
SNS Brutus
SNS Junius
SNS Crassus

12 Boynton (LST(3)lookalike) class LST

SNS Boynton
SNS Russ McFarland
SNS Aina
SNS Peril on the Sea
SNS Bobby Darin
SNS Amanita
SNS Tousey
SNS Seaflame
SNS Guardian
SNS Expedition
SNS Zahn
SNS Pratchett

8 Arleigh Burke class DDGs

SNS Stannis Baratheon
SNS Davos Seaworth
SNS Melisandre
SNS Glorious 6th of May
SNS Courageous
SNS Elysium
SNS Montagsville
SNS Freyburg

16 O.H. Perry class FFGs

SNS Andrew Ryan
SNS Baiae
SNS Praetorian
SNS Neptune's Champion
SNS Torrent
SNS Julie Langford
SNS Sander Cohen
SNS Valiant
SNS Spatha
SNS Gladius
SNS Falx
SNS Hasta
SNS Tempest
SNS Unity
SNS Glorious
SNS Gauntlet

10 Loni class SSK (local manufacture, roughly equivalent to Russian Kilo class)

SNS Loni
SNS Stonefish
SNS Candiru
SNS Treguard
SNS Prien
SNS Asha
SNS Balon
SNS Kraken
SNS Nemo
SNS Nautilus

2 Chalice class AOE (local manufacture, roughly equivalent to Supply class)

SNS Chalice
SNS Holy Grail

2 Largesse class AKE (local manufacture, roughly equivalent to Mars class)

SNS Sacred Largesse
SNS Blessings of Heaven

1 Marine Division

Fleet Air Arm

SNS Templar Airgroup: 24 Typhoon-Sir, 8 SH-60
SNS Archon Airgroup: 24 Typhoon-Sir, 8 SH-60
SNS Connos Airgroup: 16 SH-60 helicopters, 4 CH-53
SNS Belyer Airgroup: 16 SH-60 helicopters, 4 CH-53

Air Force (51,000)

160 F-4 Phantoms
42 F-111
8 KC-130 tankers
4 E-3 Sentry AWACS
12 P-3 Orion naval patrol craft
32 F-4T trainer jets
49 BaE Hawk trainers
4 C-5A
57 C-130
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Post by PeZook »

The Constitutional Republic of PeZookia - basic guide

(No coat of arms and flag. Probably never will get around to making any :P )


The Republic: Settlements and the Great River

PeZookia is a semi-large country located in the centre of the Old Continent. It is populated mainly by ethnic PeZookians, with small minorities of permanent residents from all over the world.

Primary religious convictions include: Catholicism (overwhelming majority), Greek Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism. No state religion is mandated or supported, much to the changrin on the local clergy.

PeZookia is nearly self-sufficient foodwise thanks to large tracts of arable land. It grows the staple crops of temperate climates: corn, wheat, rye, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and various other minor crops. It is especially renowned for its meat, fruit and dairy products.

Main industries include steelworking, chemistry, electronics, shipbuilding, aerospace, railway equipment. PeZookia has a large manufacturing sector, but no branches except steelworking, chemistry and electronics are major competitors on the world market.

The government is a constitutional monarchy, with the monarch holding chief executive power. The parliament serves as an advisory body, holds the power of the purse, power of impeachment, and approves several constitutionally mandated royal edicts: for example, declaration of a person or organization an enemy of the state requires parliamentary approval, and so do war declarations.

The monarchy is not hereditary, but a pool of candidates is selected from the populace based on a series of meritocratic tests ; The current King's offspring is not barred from participating.

Once a series of suitable candidates are selected, they campaign before the public, and the Parliament approves of the new king-elect.



Population: 38 million
GDP (PPP): 1.3 trillion US dollars
Land area: 311 thousand square kilometers
Literacy: 98%
Population below poverty rate: 7%
GDP per capita: 34 868 USD

Languages: PeZookian, English (mandatory second language)
Religions: Catholic (85%), Greek Orthodox (4%), Muslim (3%), Protestant (3%), None (5%)


Capital: Orena, 1.7 million inhabitants
Major seaports: Morski Zamek (southwestern Mazhury/Gaymea), Tri-cities Metropolitan Area (central Pomorzhe)
Major rivers: One, Great River, runs through entire country
Mountain areas: Concentrated in the north, two major mountian chains
Railway lines: 30 thousand kilometers, 85% electrified, 10 thousand kilometers modern hi-speed rail
Total roads: 1 million kilometers (526 thousand local, 474 thousand highways)
Yearly power consumption: 260,3 TWh


One nuclear power plant at Zharnoviec, Gaymea
Six four-reactor power plants in construction (Due date 2018)
One experimental reactor at Kwiatkowski Institute, Orena: Mainly used for production of medical radioisotopes


Overall tax rate: 65%
VAT tax rates: 25%, 12%, 7%, 0%
Total budget: 19.66% GDP
Total national debt: 15.39% GDP

Last year's budget deficit: 15 billion US dollars (3.8% GDP)



Military spending: 39 billion US dollars (2.94% GDP)


1 Heavy Armor Division (~300 Leopard 2A6, ~70 recon tracks)

4 Heavy Mechanized Divisions (170 tanks, ~350 IFVs each)

1 Airborne Brigade

2 Light Mountain Brigades

2 Air Cavalry Brigades

1 Marine Brigade

1 Independent Engineering Brigade

2 Special Operations Batallions

1 Special Light Infantry Brigade: tasked with developing tactics and methods for running an effective insurgency in case of invasion and occupation. Soldiers train to become cadres of an insurgency in case PeZookia falls to invasion

Total: circa 250 thousand troops, 380 Leopard 2A6, 595 Leo 2A4 (5 lost), 600 tube artillery pieces (200 SP PzH2000, 400 towed), 250 MLRS tracks, 1180 modern IFVs (20 lost),

90 heavy lift helicopters, 480 utility helicopters (mix of Mi-8 and UH-1J), 312 attack helicopters (288 Mi-28J upgrade, 24 Continental Stealth Helicopter)


164 heavy AA SAM launchers (S-500 variants)
112 medium SAMs (S-500 variants)
192 medium SAMs (S-300 and S-400)
480 SHORADs and AA guns,


2 large LHD (Wasp-class analogue): ORP "Prince Xavery Czernicki" and ORP "King Stanislaw III Wielki"

4x LST (LST-1 through 4, support ships for the LHDs)

2 missile cruisers non-nuclear Kirov-class analogues ORP "Orena" and ORP "Morski Zamek"

2 Kirov-class Cruisers: ORP "Fabowice" and ORP "Corona"

4 missile destroyers (Burke-class analogues): ORP "Szkwal", ORP "Grom", ORP "Blyskawica", ORP "Burza"

8 frigates (OHP-class Analogues): ORP "Kosciuszko", ORP "Tadeusz Brest", ORP "Guardian", ORP "Valiant", ORP "Swallow", ORP "Seagull", ORP "Vigilant", ORP "Protector"

20 corvettes (similar to the Gawron-class): OOW-1 through 20

20 SSKs: OP-1 through 20

10 Yer Mom class SSGNs (OP-21 "Żbik" and OP-22 "Sowa", OP-23 "Sokół", OP-24 "Lew", OP-25 "Rosomak", OP-26 "Mustang", OP-27 "Szop", OP-28 "Jastrząb", OP-29 "Tygrys", OP-30 "Opos")

4 AOE, 4 AKE, 5 AO ships

2 tall-ship training vessels: "Virtue Of Courage" and "Virtue of Wisdom"


152 4.5 gen fighters (Eurofighter Typhoon)

100 F-15 ACTIVE interceptors

72 Mig-31T fighters in two interceptor squadrons

90 4th gen fighters (Mig-29 OVT upgrade, Air Force Reserve)

48 tactical bombers (A-10, 2 lost)

15 aerial tankers (Il-76 tanker variant, standardized to refuel all FUN airplanes)

50 trainers (Yak-130)

24 strategic transports

60 tactical transports

3 AWACS aircraft

40 Dominion Hawk long-range reconeissance aircraft

6 Spectre Mach 3+ hi-altitude reconeissance aircraft


12 AV-8 Harriers

24 H-60 Seahawk helicopters

8 MH-60 DAP gunship

8 CH-47 Chinook heavy lift helicopters

20 maritime patrol aircraft (P-3C Orion)
Last edited by PeZook on 2009-08-16 03:26am, edited 10 times in total.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by RogueIce »

The Shinra Republic
NOTE: In the process of being converted to the Wiki (Link)

Shinra Republic Marine Corps (SRMC)

First Marine Division
1st Marine Regiment
2nd Marine Regiment
3rd Marine Regiment

Second Marine Division
4th Marine Regiment
5th Marine Regiment
6th Marine Regiment

Third Marine Division
7th Marine Regiment
8th Marine Regiment
9th Marine Regiment

Marine Air Wing (x3)

Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) x2
12 AV-8B+ or AV-35A

Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron (HMH) x2
15 CH-53E

Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM) x4
15 MH-60S

Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron (HMLA) x2
12 AH-1Z

Shinra Republic National Guard (SRNG)
Equipped and basically trained to the same standard of the Regular Army, however as they are the "one weekend a month, two weeks a year" type of units, their overall readiness and capability are not quite up to that of the Regular Army. By law, the National Guard cannot be deployed outside of the Republic itself, without special authority (very rarely granted).

VI Corps (NG)
7th Armor Division (7 AD) [AR]
12th Armor Division (12 AD) [CA]
10th Infantry Division (10 ID)[MI]

VII Corps (NG)
8th Armor Division (8 AD) [AR]
11th Armor Division (11 AD) [CA]
13th Infantry Division (13 ID) [MI]

VIII Corps (NG)
9th Armor Division (9 AD) [AR]
11th Infantry Division (11 ID) [MI]
15th Infantry Division (15 ID) [IN]

IX Corps (NG)
10th Armor Division (10 AD) [AR]
12th Infantry Division (12 ID) [MI]
14th Infantry Division (14 ID) [IN]

"Unassigned" Units

Basically a placeholder for stuff I assigned points to but haven't actually firmly defined.

2580 "Elite" Special Forces
160 Heavy ADA
32 3rd Generation (lightweight) aircraft
More to follow
Last edited by RogueIce on 2009-04-16 08:49pm, edited 16 times in total.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by Bluewolf »

Major Update: 12/7/09,

Name: Republic of Cialan
Size: 600,321 KM
Population: 11,343,232 million
GPD: 501 billion
Flag: Image

Black: City
Blue: Airbase


Size: 600,321 KM

Terrain: Cialan is a very mountainous country with the large Cavena Mountains at the centre of the country that go through the middle of it like a spine. The highest point is Quenson Peak which is 2300 meters high. Below the mountains rest many valley’s which lead into the many rivers of Cialan. The most notable river, the river Tifurn goes through the capital of Stanton. The mountains are also yield ore and compliment Cialans steel industry. The country is also heavily forested which has led to an active lumber industry. South East Cialan is filled with fertile land which is perfect for the large scale farming that goes on there and helps feed most of its populace as well as providing one of Cialan’s main exports. The north leads to many coastal areas with many pebble beaches.

Climate: Cialan has a very northern climate, cold and windy. In the winter it can go as low as -14c and snow and ice is a common place. In the summer it gets far warmer yet there still can be snow on the mountain tops.

Official Language: English

Government Type:
Parliamentary democracy
Prime Minister: Micheal Thomason (Blue Iron Party)

Government Type: Parliamentary democracy. The Cialanian parliament building is located in Hound Square in the capital, Stanton. The building is 250 years old and was constructed to represent the new government and as a display of grandeur and to this day, it is still as grand as it once was. Around the building lie many smaller buildings constructed as offices, churches etc as well as many parks. Unfortunately the parliament building has been a victim of several attacks over the years. A reflection of Cialan’s less then stable state at times. Security is extremely tight due to this reason and there have even rumours of underground bunkers in the lower chambers of the building in case of a war.

Political Parties:
Blue Iron Party-centre left (in power): The Blue Iron party have been in power since 2004 and last captured 38% of the vote. The BIP have been a long supporter of the policy that Cialan should keep to itself and deal with its own problems, therefore “keeping out of harm’s way and dealing the issues of Cialan rather than the issues of others”. The party is also strong on green technology, contributing large amounts to renewable energy and the idea of carbon taxing as well as other issues such as abortion rights, and reform on the health system and other things. Recently the party has been pressured into following some of the ideas of the Cialan National Party in things like military expansion. Economically the party believes in the free market with heavy regulation.

Cialan National Party-center, center right: The Cialan National party has been one of the oldest political powers in Cialan, being over 102 years old, which is twice as old as the other main two parties. The CNP last captured 33% of the vote. The party stands for the idea that if Cialan is to prosper and grow, then it must be better defended, well prepared and that everyone must do their part, young and old. The party stands for military expansion (which has led to Cialan expanding some of its military on occasions). The party is also strong on the issues of tougher crime, including the death penalty, controlled immigration, the interest to get into space (shared with the BIP) and other issues

Wolven Peoples Party-left: The Wolven Peoples Part y was built out of the remains of the Peoples Capital Part, which lasted for 25 years. Now much reformed and changed, the party last captured 29% of the vote. The party is a strong believer of letting the government stay out of the people’s affairs in all areas. They support vast deregulation, large personal freedoms including the legalization of several drugs and various other things. Economically the party supports the free, unrestricted market as a way to guide the country and its choices.

Cialan Annual Spending: (2017)
20% Health (81 bill)
20% Social Protection (81 bill)
14% Education (56.7 bill)
10% Defence (40.5 bill)
8% Transport (32.4 bill)
7% IAET (Industry, Agriculture, Employment and Training) (28.35 bill)
6% Public Order and Safety (24.3 bill)
5% Housing and Environment (20.25 bill)
3% Personal Social Services (12.15 bill)
3% Debt Interest (12.15 bill)
3% Other (12.15 bill)
2016: 2% Surplus (8.1 bill)


40% Coal
22% Natural Gas
15% Nuclear Power
10% Oil
8% Wind Power
3% Hydroelectric
2% Solar Power

Despite the expansion of Nuclear power and renewable energy, Coal and Natural Gas still dominate a large portion of Cialan’s energy supply. Both sources come from mainly Cialan itself with natural gas platforms and coal mines but their steady depletion has pushed Cialan to use other methods. The 1990 nuclear power act meant that many new reactors where built. Due to Cialan’s windy weather and terrain, the country has also set up many wind farms, on shore and off shore.

Economy: The Cialanian economy is a mix of capitalistic and socialist policies. It features a heavily regulated free market with still features an active industrial sector that is estimated in the 2015 census to employ 30% of the populace. The various industries including steel work and precious gem mining are propped up with government subsidies to help them keep them competitive and afloat. Despite this fact the shift to more commercial sectors is happening and aids in the unrest that Cialan has. Various programs have also been invested in the Cialanian farming industry to help develop it. Tourism has been a newer but more profitable industry for Cialan with people coming to see its natural beauty. Agriculture is estimated to employ 28% of the populace. Cialan’s GPD is currently rising by 3% every year.
The country has a hunger for electronics and oil which are in high demand with Cialan’s car usage still growing (despite green policies trying to lower it) and the country’s vast development in ICT and networks.
Main Exports: Wheat, precious stones/gems and steel and lumber.
Main Imports: Oil, Electronics, military hardware, cars and luxury goods.

Religion: Catholic 60%, Orthodox: 10%, Islam: 15%, Other: 10%, None: 5%

Judiciary System: Cialan’s system of law follows the standard of many with a judge and jury. Various sentences can be given out that include imprisonment, fines and forced labour as well as many criminal community service projects. The death penalty was once widely used but was banned by in the Justice System Reform Act of 1999 (a reform that also included rehabilitation education for some criminals). Despite this some powers to the police allow lethal force to be used if the state of things is dire enough. The country has a very active police force that has been given extensive powers from monitoring communication to being able to hold someone without trial for 70 days as well as a free reign to use many anti riot methods including rubber bullets, hosing and other methods. The country has a 5 levelled status (called PMOL) for the country and its current level of order which is as follows:

1. State Blue: Regular police operations and forces with little or no extensive actions needed.
2. State Yellow: Police patrols and operations are become more regular. Some communications and transport lines monitored and cut off.
3. State Orange: Police operations are massively extended to maintain order. More liberty given to detain and hold people as well as block more communication and transport. Curfew of 10pm in effect and some more brutal methods of riot prevention are allowed to be used. Limited liberty to block some medium sized areas off given.
4. State Red: Police given full power to block off whole lines of transport, communication and large areas. Various non lethal and lethal methods may be used to prevent more unrest at will. Curfew of 8pm in effect.
5. State Black: Martial law is in effect and most services are shut down. The army is brought in to help the police force and suspected criminals may found and shot with no trial.
The police will also work with the army and the coast guard to maintain order and stability.

Education begins and 5 years old and primary school lasts until for 6 years with high school lasting until the student is 17 years of age. This is all free for all citizens. Colleges and universities are free until the person is 25 years old. Many courses offer a variety of subjects and can include education in several other countries as well.

Healthcare: Healthcare is universal with every citizen paying into to the system via taxes. Despite this an active private healthcare sector due to the flaws in the public healthcare system including mismanagement and limited treatment in some areas


The Republic of Cialan is a very young country that has only existed in its current form for no more than 290 years from a collection of tiny states formed into one. Throughout the years the country has remained pretty much the same, a rich nation but with unstable government rife with corruption as well as many terrorist groups trying to push their own bloody interests forward. The republic has never really attracted much attention in international affairs as yet making it a rather nice but forgettable place.

In its current status the Republic of Cialan is one of active reform and turmoil as interests groups and other parties pound at the current party in power to change its ways. The country’s unrest is growing by the day and unless change is made, another era of unrest and chaos will bloom. The Drakun bay pipeline has been finished and now supplies the country with a lot more oil than it did before yet there is still a hunger for more.

Cialan, internal, politically has been a back and fourth game of accusations and insults though recently the BIP party has been slowly caving into the CNP, with the expansion of the military and its budgets from 6% to 10% and recent purchases.

Cialan has a small military due to its size and the reluctance to expand. There are several military academies including the notable Stanton Military College. Colleges offer courses that help get students interested in the military and help boost recruitment. Despite opposition, the Cialan government is looking to expand somewhat in all areas of the military.

Air Force: (Cialanian Air force) OOB:

The Cialanian Air Force is small, with only 3 major airbases in use (CrownsBerry, Balmoral and Axe Bridge). This reflects how small Cialan’s military on the whole is yet there are many plans for expansion. Trainer Jets are put in squadrons due to various reasons including emergency purposes.

Total Planes and Types:
4th Gen: Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 (X40)
4th Gen Light: F-16BM Fighting Falcon (X40) A-10C Thunderbolt II(X24)
Light AWACS: E-2C Hawkeye (X20)
Trainer: Grob G 115 (X16), BAE Hawk T1 (X8), Typhoon T1A (X8), EMB 314/A-29 Super Tucano (X20), T-50 Golden Eagle (X8)
Tactical Transport: C-130K Hercules (X12), C-27J Spartan (X10)
Heavy Maritime Patrol: CP-140 Aurora (X12)
Light Maritime Patrol: S-3 Grey Wolf Viking (X16)
Total: 234

Based at Crownsberry Air Base:

Fighter Wing 1:

1st Fighter Squadron (X12 Typhoon FGR4)
4rd Fighter Squadron (X12 F-16BM)
2nd Fighter Squadron (X8 Typhoon FGR4, X4 F-16BM)

Fighter Wing 2:

5th Fighter Squadron (12X F-16BM)
3rd Fighter Squadron (12X Typhoon FGR4)
7th Fighter Squadron (8X F-16BM, Typhoon FGR4)

Tactical: Transport Wing 1:

2nd Transport Squadron: (X4 C-130K, X4 C-27J)

AEW Wing 1:

1st AEW Squadron: (X12 E-2C)
X8 Grob G 115,BAE X4 Hawk T1, X10 A-29 Super Tucano, X4 T-50 Golden Eagle

Based at Balmoral Air Base (Air Coastal Command Centre):

Maritime Patrol Wing 1:

6th Fighter Squadron (4X F-16BM, 4X Typhoon FGR4, 4X T-50 Golden Eagle)
1st Maritime Patrol Squadron (X12 S-3 Grey Wolf Viking)
3rd Maritime Patrol Squadron (X4 S-3 Grey Wolf Viking, X8 CP-140)
2ND Maritime Patrol Squadron (X8 CP-140)

AEW Wing 1:

2nd AEW Squadron (X8 E-2C)

Based at Axe Bridge Air Base:

Tactical Transport Wing 1:

1ST Transport Squadron (X8 C-130K, X6 C-27J)

Ground Attack Wing 1:

1st Ground Attack Squadron (X12 AC-10C)
2ND Ground Attack Squadron (X12 AC-10C
X8 Grob G 115,BAE X4 Hawk T1, X10 A-29 Super Tucano, X4 T-50 Golden Eagle

Army: (Cialanian Army)

MBT 3rd Gen: X60 Challenger E2

MBT 2nd Gen: X180 FV4030/4 Challenger 1

AFV 3rd Gen: X160 Warrior 2000,X80 Warrior MILAN Anti-Tank Guided Weapon Carrier, X60 Warrior FV513 Mechanised Recovery Vehicle, X60 Achzarit,

AFV 2nd Gen: X200 M-113 M901 ITV, X80 M-113 NM142, X70 M2A1/M3A1 Bradley, X50 Ferret MK5

Medium SP Artillery: X20 M270 MGM-140A, X40 PzH 2000

Medium Towed Artillery: X18 G5-2000Field Towed Artillery: X36 CITER 155mm L33 Gu

Medium Defence Artillery: X48 9K37M2 "Buk-M2"[
Utility Copter: X40 UH-1Y, X20 AgustaWestland AW101

Attack Copter: X12 Westland WAH-64 Apache, X12 Eurocopter Tiger

Light Attack Copter: x48 AH-6J Little Bird

Pro Infantry: 20,000

Untrained Infantry: 6000
Marines: 1800

Paratroopers: 1800

Engineers: 2400

Elite Forces: 60

Cialan Royal Navy: (CRN):

The Cialan Royal Navy is considered an important aspect of the countries national defence. Long has there been the idea that the Navy and Air Force will what decide any wars and being dominant in both is of vital importance. The CRN is small though yet has plans to reform and expand. There are no current navy tasks except routine patrols.

LHD: X1 Wasp Class (CNS Beachead)
LPD: X2 Albion Class (CNS Jarke, CNS Clutis)
CG: X1 Ticonderoga class (CNS Banchton)
DDG: X2 Type 45 Destroyer (CNS Pyre, CNS Calthrat)
FFG: X3 Type 23 frigate (CNS Barrow, CNS Miller, CNS Legion)
Corvette: X8 K130 Braunschweig class (CNS Hunter, CNS Glory, CNS Hurricane, CNS Killer, CNS Ripper, CNS Royal, CNS Trident, CNS Doomsday)
SSN: X3 Seawolf Class (CNS Tycho, CNS Venator, CNS Blue Wolf)
AOE: X3 Fast Combat Support Ship (CNS King, CNS Freedom, CNS Jackal)
AO: X2 Protecteur-class (CNS Jericho, CNS Black Gold)

Total: 25
Last edited by Bluewolf on 2009-07-21 05:37pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by TimothyC »

Republic of Alaska

Government Type - Republic, Bicameral Legislature, President as HoS.

Population 15 Million. (Anchorage 4 Million, Fairbanks 2 Million, all other cities bellow 500k)

Economy - Limited Exports of Strategic Metals, Hydrocarbons, Imports of food stuffs (Alaska is roughly 80% self sufficient for food [this can be pushed to 100% for emergencies]), and finished goods.

Intelligence Services - All 3 Military Departments (War Department, Navy Department, and Air Department), the State Department, and the national gendarme (Alaskan National Police) maintain independent Intelligence services.


Alaskan Air Force (AAF)
96 F-101G
36 F-106H/J ( 30/6 ) (Assigned to Air Defense Command)
24 F-105K/M ( 20/4 )
32 Hawk-200
18 C-130J Light Transports (Transport Command)
20 C-141D Transports (Transport Command)
12 KC-10B Tanker-Transports (Transport Command)
12 C-77A Transports (Transport B-777) (Transport Command)
6 KC-77C Tankers (Transport Command)
6 VC-77B Passenger Transports (Transport Command)
10 E-77E AEW/ENLINT [Note - Which airframes are which is classified]
24 B-58J Bombers

Alaskan Air Force Reserve
120 F-86Z Saber Zulu Attack Planes [Glass Cockpits]
30 C-130J (Transport Command)
8 C-141D (Transport Command)
8 KC-10B (Transport Command)
12 B-58J

Alaskan Army Aviation (AAA)
48 F-105K/M ( 42/6 )
24 C-27J
8 MC-27J
120 S-70
30 MH-6
30 H-53
10 CV-142 (Total Procurement of 70 Expected at a rate of 15 per year)

Alaskan Army (AA)
9 Brigades

1 Mechanized Infantry Brigade (Professional Equipment / Training)
2 Motorized Infantry Brigade (Pro Equipment / Training)
1 Motorized Infantry Brigade (Pro Equipment, Guards Training)
2 Air Defense Regiment (Professional Equipment / Training) [Assigned to Air Defense Command] [Equipped with I-Hawk, and Uprated BOMBARC, and Uprated NIKE-HERCULES]
1/2 Marine Brigade (Conscript Equipment, Pro Training) [Assigned to Embassies, to the Helicarriers)
1 Engineering Brigade (Conscript Equipment, Guards Training)
1/2 Medical Brigade (Pro Equipment / Training)
1 Airmobile Infantry Brigade (Professional Equipment / Training)

6 Motorized Infantry Brigades (Reserves)
2 Mechanized Infantry Brigades (Reserves)

Alaskan Navy (AN)
3 Jeanne d'Arc (R 97) Clones RSS Cosette, RSS Eponine, RSS Azelma (2 More Building) [Note- Equipped with SM-1, Harpoon, and ASROC]
3 Burke Clones (3 More Building)
2 F-100 Clones (8 More Building)
8 OHP Clones
8 River Class Clones

Standard Group:
1 Cosette Class
1 Burke

Alaskan Naval Aviation (ANA)
72 Turbo-Catalinas
24 Turbo-Marlins
15 SV-142Bs (Procurement Total of 50)
12 PB-58J Patrol Bombers
24 F-101G
72 S-70
30 H-53

Alaskan National Police
1/2 Brigade, Motorized
1/2 Brigade, Support
12 MH-6
24 S-70
2 CV-142B

Alaksan Civil Transport Department
8 RO-RO Ships
10 Passenger Ships
3 Ocean Liners
5 Container Ships

[Edited for Typo]
Last edited by TimothyC on 2008-08-31 12:54pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by MKSheppard »

Final Shepistani OOB

Shepistan Basic Stats:

Population 170.00 Million

Population Pyramid Type Sierra Leone 1985

0 to 5 Years of Age 16.46% percent
5 to 19 Years of Age 34.78% percent
20 to 44 Years of Age 32.01% percent
45 to 64 Years of Age 10.99% percent
65 and Over Years of Age 5.76% percent

Per Capita Income $5,000 Dollars

Monthly Cost of Living for Status 0 Char in GURPS $250 Dollars

Total GDP (Billion) $850 Billion

Are Women Allowed in Armed Forces? FALSE
Are Induction Standards Stringent (Malnutrition, Health, etc) FALSE
Are Child Soldiers Used Heavily? FALSE
Are Older People Conscripted? FALSE

Total Manpower Available 24,735,000 troops
Total Yearly Draft Cohort (all ages) 816,255 troops

Percentage of GDP Spent on Military 10.00% percent
Military Budget $85 billion
Corruption in your Country 8% percent
Actual Budget Available $78.2 billion

Budget Slice for Ground Forces 38.4% ($30 billion)
Budget Slice for Air Force 50.6% ($39.57 billion)
Budget Slice for Naval Forces 11% ($8.6 billion)

Ground Forces

Ground Forces Total Budget: $30 billion
Ground Forces Yearly Procurement Budget: $1.8 billion
Ground Forces Yearly R&DTE Budget: $1.8 Billion
Ground Forces Military Pay: $3.03 Billion
Ground Forces O&M Costs: $13.75 billion
Ground Forces Infrastructure Costs: $9.62 billion
Ground Forces Budget: $24.3 million surplus

Shepistani Army
Programmed Size 550,000
Relative Pay Scales: Conscript (1960s US)
Rank Pyramid: US Army (FY2007)
Division Slice Ratio UK (WW2)

O-10 11 slots $1,442.13
O-9 55 slots $1,269.21
O-8 95 slots $1,016.75
O-7 162 slots $888.79
O-6 4,250 slots $729.71
O-5 9,625 slots $622.50
O-4 16,169 slots $546.42
O-3 26,639 slots $477.25
O-2 7,198 slots $366.58
O-1 10,236 slots $290.50
W-5 473 slots $674.38
W-4 2,492 slots $498.00
W-3 3,525 slots $439.21
W-2 4,711 slots $387.33
W-1 3,384 slots $352.75
E-9 3,682 slots $241.67
E-8 12,032 slots $198.33
E-7 41,037 slots $163.33
E-6 64,085 slots $133.33
E-5 85,363 slots $115.00
E-4 124,769 slots $93.33
E-3 66,916 slots $78.33
E-2 36,080 slots $66.67
E-1 22,358 slots $55.00

5 x Armored Divisions (MBTS and IFVs)
5 x Mechanized Divisions (M113s etc)
2 x Light Infantry Divisions (Mountain Corps)

Shepistani Army Reserves
Programmed Size 190,000
Relative Pay Scales: Conscript (1960s US)
Rank Pyramid: US Army (FY2007)
Division Slice Ratio Germany/USSR (WW2)

O-10 5 slots $176.38
O-9 18 slots $155.63
O-8 38 slots $127.96
O-7 61 slots $110.67
O-6 1,551 slots $89.92
O-5 3,810 slots $79.54
O-4 6,082 slots $69.17
O-3 9,717 slots $62.25
O-2 3,226 slots $48.42
O-1 3,584 slots $38.04
W-5 82 slots $79.54
W-4 397 slots $58.79
W-3 640 slots $51.88
W-2 790 slots $48.42
W-1 474 slots $41.50
E-9 1,463 slots $28.33
E-8 3,767 slots $25.00
E-7 13,370 slots $20.00
E-6 23,188 slots $16.67
E-5 34,078 slots $15.00
E-4 35,816 slots $11.67
E-3 26,510 slots $10.00
E-2 11,009 slots $8.33
E-1 8,495 slots $7.50

6 x Mechanized Divisions

Special Security Republican Guard (SSRG)
Programmed Size 255,000
Relative Pay Scales All-Volunteer (2000+ US)
Rank Pyramid US Army (FY2007)
Division Slice Ratio US (WW2)

O-10 5 slots $1,737.50
O-9 25 slots $1,529.17
O-8 44 slots $1,225.00
O-7 75 slots $1,070.83
O-6 1,970 slots $879.17
O-5 4,462 slots $750.00
O-4 7,496 slots $658.33
O-3 12,350 slots $575.00
O-2 3,337 slots $441.67
O-1 4,746 slots $350.00
W-5 219 slots $812.50
W-4 1,155 slots $600.00
W-3 1,634 slots $529.17
W-2 2,184 slots $466.67
W-1 1,569 slots $425.00
E-9 1,707 slots $604.17
E-8 5,578 slots $495.83
E-7 19,026 slots $408.33
E-6 29,712 slots $333.33
E-5 39,577 slots $287.50
E-4 57,847 slots $233.33
E-3 31,025 slots $195.83
E-2 16,728 slots $166.67
E-1 10,366 slots $137.50

4 x Armored Divisions

Rough Strength:
1,392 Tanks, 888 IFVs.

NOTE: The SSRG is the Regime's elite unit. Paid well; given exemplary support. Used to put down rebellions etc.

Land Weapons

T-55x: Heavily modernized T-55. Main gun changed to 115mm smoothbore built under license from Japanistan. Manually loaded. Thermal Sights fitted, along with laser rangefinder and fire control computer; along with partial gun stabilization. New transmission and diesel engine to increase commonality with tank modernizations. Estimated cost of each modernization $1.5 million

M-48x: Heavily modernized M-48 Patton. Main Gun changed to 115mm smoothbore built under license from Japanistan. Manually loaded. Thermal Sights fitted, along with laser rangefinder and fire control computer; along with partial gun stabilization. New transmission and diesel engine to increase commonality with tank modernizations. Estimated cost of each modernization $1.5 million

M-60x: Heavily modernized M-60A3 Patton. Main gun changed to 115mm Smoothbore built under license from Japanistan. Thermal Sights fitted, along with laser rangefinder and fire control computer; along with partial gun stabilization. New transmission and diesel engine to increase commonality with tank modernizations. Estimated cost of each modernization $1.3 million

T-72x Slightly modernized T-72. Fitted with Japanistani designed Heavy ERA and Anti-Missile systems. Laser rangefinder and ballistic computer fitted, along with thermal sights. New transmission and diesel engine to increase commonality with tank modernizations. Cost of each Modernization $1.3 million. Issued only to SSRG, where half of the tanks are this.

Snow Wolf: Heavily modernized T-72. Main gun changed to 125mm smoothbore imported from Japanistan fed from a Japanistani bustle-autoloader, which replaces the older carousel autoloader. Fitted with Japanistani designed Heavy ERA and Anti-Missile syestems. Issued only to the Special Republican Guard. New transmission and diesel engine to increase commonality with tank modernizations. Estimated cost of each modernization $3 million. About half the tanks in the SSRG are this. Production was halted in favor of T-72X modernizations due to the expense.

Snow Wolf II: Proposals to buy ZTZ-99G Clones from Japanistan Cost is estimated to be $4.5 million each tank. Production needs identified as 1,000 vehicles minimum for a $4.5 billion minimal multi-year buy.

Small Arms: The SR-85 is the primary weapon of the Shepistani Army; being a significantly improved development of the AK-47 to improve range and accuracy, while retaining the ruggedness of the Kalashnikov series.

Air Forces

Air Forces Total Budget: $39.57 billion
Air Forces Yearly Procurement Budget: $2.77 billion
Air Forces Yearly R&DTE Budget: $2.77 Billion
Air Forces Military Pay: $6.19 Billion
Air Forces O&M Costs: $16.37 billion
Air Forces Infrastructure Costs: $11.46 billion
Air Forces Budget: $13.16 million surplus

Shepistani Air Force
Programmed Size 765,000

O-10 32 $1,737.50
O-9 73 $1,529.17
O-8 222 $1,225.00
O-7 328 $1,070.83
O-6 7,812 $879.17
O-5 22,801 $750.00
O-4 34,036 $658.33
O-3 51,802 $575.00
O-2 17,562 $441.67
O-1 16,087 $350.00
W-5 0 $812.50
W-4 0 $600.00
W-3 0 $529.17
W-2 0 $466.67
W-1 0 $425.00
E-9 6,216 $604.17
E-8 11,911 $495.83
E-7 60,416 $408.33
E-6 99,726 $333.33
E-5 158,853 $287.50
E-4 122,039 $233.33
E-3 107,227 $195.83
E-2 14,600 $166.67
E-1 23,151 $137.50

Strategic Air Command
20 x Bombardment Groups with 45 B-56G Stratojets each (900 aircraft)
7 x Reconnaisance Groups with 45 RB-56H Stratojets each (315 aircraft)
7 x Strategic Interceptor Groups with 45 x DFB-56J Stratojets each (315 aircraft)
20 x Refuelling Groups with 30 x KC-22 Antonovs each (600 aircraft)

2,130 aircraft; 302,778 personnel assigned to SAC.

Tactical Air Command
4 x Strike Fighter Groups with 72 F-105K Thunderchiefs each (288 aircraft)
3 x Fighter Groups with 72 x F-100G Super Sabres each (216 aircraft) -- COIN
6 x Strategic Fighter Groups with 72 x F-101G Voodoos each (432 aircraft)

936 aircraft; 39,890 personnel assigned to TAC.

Air Defense Command
7 x Interceptor Groups with 72 x F-106H Delta Darts each (504 aircraft)
15 x Missile Interceptor Squadrons with 160 x F-99F BOMARCs each (2,400 missiles)

504 aircraft, 2,400 SAMs, 199,449 personnel assigned to ADC.

Shepistani Air Force Reserves
Programmed Size 120,000

O-10 5 $212.50
O-9 11 $187.50
O-8 34 $154.17
O-7 51 $133.33
O-6 1,225 $108.33
O-5 3,576 $95.83
O-4 5,339 $83.33
O-3 8,125 $75.00
O-2 2,754 $58.33
O-1 2,523 $45.83
W-5 0 $95.83
W-4 0 $70.83
W-3 0 $62.50
W-2 0 $58.33
W-1 0 $50.00
E-9 975 $70.83
E-8 1,868 $62.50
E-7 9,477 $50.00
E-6 15,643 $41.67
E-5 24,918 $37.50
E-4 19,143 $29.17
E-3 16,820 $25.00
E-2 2,290 $20.83
E-1 3,631 $18.75

4 x Reserve Fighter Groups with 72 x MiG-15/17 Each (288 aircraft)
8 x Reserve Fighter Groups with 72 x F-84L Each (576 aircraft)
5 x Reserve Interceptor Groups with 72 x F-104K Each (360 aircraft)

1,224 aircraft assigned to Reserves, and 95,319 personnel.

Total Shepistani Air Force + Reserves: 3,801 aircraft

Aerospace Weapons Systems

B-56G Stratojet: Heavily evolved four-engined version of Stratojet.

Basic Mission: Carries a 10,000 lb payload ato a combat radius of 2,130 nm at a cruise speed of 426 kts at a cruise altitude of 30-46,000 ft. Combat speed of 485 kts and service ceiling of 43-48,000 ft (depending on fuel load).

1 x 22,000 lb bomb
1 x 12,000 lb bomb
2 x 4,000 lb bombs
6 x 2,000 lb bombs
12 x 1,000 lb bombs

RB-56H Stratojet: Heavily evolved four-engined version of Stratojet modified for the Electronic Warfare, and Reconnaisance roles. Wartime role is to create jamming corridors in an enemy's Air Defense Network that the B-56Gs can fly through.

Basic Mission: Carries electronic warfare and photographic reconnaisance equipment to a radius of 2,300 nm at a cruise speed of 426 kts at a cruise altitude of 30-46,000 ft. Combat speed of 484 kts and service ceiling of 43-48,000 ft (depending on fuel load).

DFB-56J Stratojet: Heavily evolved four-engined version of Stratojet. Role [CLASSIFIED BURN BEFORE READING].

KC-22 Antonov Four engined turboprop tanker. Conversion of Antonov 22s into airborne tankers (hence the KC-22 designation).

F-105K Thunderchief: Single engined fighter-bomber. Primary mission is the destruction of heavily defended enemy assets. Heavy modification of the F-105 airplane into a virtually all new aircraft, with new-build aircraft being delivered beginning in 1984. Key to the K Model Thunderchief is the Japanistani TF15 afterburning turbofan built under license in Shepistan. The TF15 produces 20,950 lbs of dry thrust and an astonishing 34,200 lbs of afterburning thrust; some 22% to 29% better than the old J75 on earlier Thunderchiefs, while having decreased SFC and weight. New composite-reinforced wings allow a heavier MTOW and bombload, along with a faster sea level speed of 800 knots (compared to 726 of older models). New wingtip hardpoints were added during the wing redesign process to allow a greater variety of munitions to be carried. Fuel tanks were also added to the edges of the wing for greater endurange.

F-100G Super Sabre: Single engined fighter-bomber. Primary mission is to act as COIN aircraft in the mountainous regions. G models are F-model Sabres built in the 1970s upgraded with F404 engines and modern heads up displays. In the interdiction mission, they can deliver 3,360 lbs of Mk 82s to 340 nautical miles; or 1,650 lbs of bombs to 650 nm with 2 x 335 gallon drop tanks. Future upgrade to the H model is planned with a digital fly by wire system to eliminate the F-100's pilot killing characteristics, which while mitgated in the G model, are not quite fully gone.

F-101G Voodoos: Twin-engined multi-role aircraft. Continued evolution of F-101B two-seat model. H model Voodoos are new-build aircraft built from 1980 onwards; with F404 engines and modern radars. In an area intercept role, they can carry 2,000 lbs of air to air weaponry to a combat radius of 750 nautical miles at a cruise speed of 460~ knots with two 450 gallon drop tanks. Due to the reduction in volume of the new air-to-air radars; a pair of 20mm revolver cannons are fitted with 200 rounds per gun in the nose.

F-104K Starfighter: The type is rapidly being retired from the Shepistani Air Force; for it has a limited combat radius of only 440~ nm with two AIM-9 class weapons and two drop tanks containing 400 gallons of fuel.

F-99F BOMARC: 2,400 in service with ADC. Long Range Heavy SAM. Designed to destroy enemy combat aircraft and missiles at ranges exceeding 600 nautical miles at a cruise speed of Mach 3.4 at 83,000 feet. When fired against low altitude targets in search mode, it has a range exceeding 300 miles. The F models differ over the earlier E models in that they now carry a small internal on board jammer to decoy enemy missiles. 384 lb warhead enables both fixed and aerial targets to be attacked and destroyed with a high probability of success.

F-106H Delta Dart: 504 in service with ADC. Single engined interceptor. Brand new construction. Deliveries began in 1984. Once again, as with the F-105K, the Japanistani TF15 is key to the F-106H's astounding performance, offering 22% to 29% greater thrust for lower installed weight and SFC. It is rumored that the preproduction aircraft exceeded Mach 3 in a dive; though this claim cannot be verified by independent aerospace experts. Other major changes include a redesign of the nose to mount the AN/ASG-30, an all-digital version of the AN/ASG-18.

Mig-15/17 288 in service in Reserves. Most have been re-engined with CFE738 Turbofans, for improved reliability and operating costs, along with significantly increased ranges (0.369 SFC vs 0.9 SFC). Mainly used as flying trainers for the Shepistani Civil Air Patrol (SCAP). In case of war, the SCAP becomes an auxilary of the Shepistani Air Force (SAF).

F-84L Thunderjet 576 in service with reserves. Primary aircraft of the Shepistani Air Force Reserves. Most date from the 1960s, when production of the F-84 finally ceased in Shepistan. Each year, about 24 are stricken from service due to fatigue limits. The L model adds a glass HUD, along with digital engine controllers to simplify the pilot's workload. There is much concern over the future of the Shepistani Air Force Reserves; for at present rates of attrition, every three years, a Fighter Group is subtracted from the rolls. Accordingly, a tender has been placed to begin the Light Attack Plane, Reserve (LAPR) to all interested parties.

Naval Forces

Programmed Size 150,000
Navy Total Budget: $8.6 billion
Navy Yearly Procurement Budget: $1.39 billion
Navy Yearly R&DTE Budget: $1.39 billion
Navy Military Pay: $563.8 million
Navy O&M Costs: $3.09 billion
Navy Infrastructure Costs: $2.16 million
Navy Budget: $5.63 million surplus

O-10 4 $1,737.50
O-9 14 $1,529.17
O-8 30 $1,225.00
O-7 48 $1,070.83
O-6 1,389 $879.17
O-5 2,994 $750.00
O-4 4,597 $658.33
O-3 7,592 $575.00
O-2 2,664 $441.67
O-1 2,795 $350.00
W-5 26 $812.50
W-4 111 $600.00
W-3 339 $529.17
W-2 225 $466.67
W-1 0 $425.00
E-9 1,269 $604.17
E-8 3,165 $495.83
E-7 10,539 $408.33
E-6 22,240 $333.33
E-5 30,883 $287.50
E-4 23,267 $233.33
E-3 19,248 $195.83
E-2 8,137 $166.67
E-1 6,462 $137.50

Coastal Command
5 x Patrol Bomber Groups with 45 PB-56K Stratojets each (225 aircraft)

4 x Montgomery-Class DDGs (Kidd Analogue)
5 x Tang SSKs (Kilo Analogue)
1 x Permit Special SSN
2 x Flasher Special SSNs
3 x Jack Special SSNs
2 x Gato Special SSNs
1 x Gato Special SSN (Building)
1 x Gato Special SSN (Planned, to be laid down shortly)

Naval Weapons Systems

Montgomery-Class Guided Missile Destroyers (Analogous to OTL Kidd Class): Plans to refit them with VLS and NTU-style upgrades have been placed on hold due to the burgeoning Shepistani Nuclear Propulsion Program.

Tang-Class Attack Submarines (analogous to OTL Kilo Class): Many are laid up, due to the burgeoning Special Submarine Force.

Permit-Class Special Submarine: Displaces 13,500 tons surfaced and 23,500 tons submerged, and is powered by two PWRs. Top speed is reportedly 24 knots submerged. She reportedly carries a significant guided land attack capability. First nuclear powered vessel in the Shepistani Navy.

Flasher-Class Special Submarines: Developed using experience gained in production of Permit Class. Displacement is 16,250 tons surfaced and 26,500 tons submerged.

Jack-Class Special Submarines: Considered the second generation of Shepistani SSNs. 26,500 tons surfaced, 36,700 tons submerged.

Gato-Class Special Submarine: Third Generation Shepistani SSN. 30,250 tons surfaced, 40,500 tons submerged.
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Post by Beowulf »


Following needs to be done in BBcode still.

Tian Xia

Location: Northern MESSmerica

Area : land: 2,984,670 sq km

Maritime Claims: territorial sea: 12 nm
- Exclusive economic zone: 200 nm

Climate: mostly temperate

Terrain: mostly plains with mountains in west and lowlands in southeast

Population: 120,153,056

Country name: conventional long form: Empire of Tian Xia

Capital: Hong Kong (approximately in location of Toronto)

Suffrage: self-selected non-universal

GDP (PPP): $5 trillion

A Brief History:

Tian Xia has been in existence as a continuous entity for approximately the last 1000 years. It’s gone through 7 dynasties, with the usual route of change being a noble revolting against the current emperor (Huang Di), and succeeding, demonstrating that the previous dynasty had lost the “Mandate of Heaven”. One of the dynasties was a short lived one that resulted from a successful invasion by a barbarian tribe. Another was a result of usurpation by the Grand Vizier.

In recent history, Tian Xia went into an isolationist phase as a result of a series of wars with its neighbors in the early 1600s. In the early 1700s, Tian Xia was involved in another series of wars with its neighbors and became imperialist, eventually conquering most of them. It then expanded overseas, conquering several overseas possessions. In 1815, a rogue duke attacked Cascadia, in a bid to gain more power. This failed spectacularly, with most of his force ending up dead on the field of battle. Apparently the duke believed it was better to beg forgiveness than to ask for permission. Such a strategy only works when you succeed. As a result of this failure, the nobility was stripped of their monopoly on command of military units.

This was the rise of the citizen class, which would eventually end up receiving its own house in the legislature. Citizenship requires service to the state. Most common way now is through public works projects (replanting forests, building trails, etc). Second most common is through military service.

Tian Xia is ruled by the Hui dynasty. The current Huang Di (Emperor) took the reign name Beowulf on his ascension to the throne. He is assisted by the legislature known as the National Assembly. Judicially, he is helped by a large court system. The Huang Di remains an autocrat, able to override any decision made by the other two branches.

The National Assembly was split in 1815 into two houses. The House of Lords consists entirely of nobility. It was formerly the only component of the National Assembly. The House of Citizens consists of members of the citizenry, chosen by the citizenry. Each house has its own methods of selecting it’s members. Generally speaking the Lords contains everyone who has not been denied the right to sit in it. The House of Citizens is elected from the population, according to districts. Lords are barred from membership. The Assembly as a whole is led by the Premier, who is chosen by the Huang Di, and traditionally comes from the House of Citizens.

The judiciary is a hierarchical system of four levels. The top is the Huang Di. Below him sits the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court consists of seven members. The next lower step is the Appeals Courts, followed up the various District Courts, which are run by the local Chief Magistrate.

The primary mode of transportation is trains. They are generally electric powered by catenaries. There actually exists two separate heavy rail networks. The passenger network operates at a much higher speed than the freight network, which requires a different set of rails.

Power is supplied primarily through nuclear power. 80% of the energy is produced by this method, generally using thermal breeder reactors that can be have their bred fissiles removed without shutdown. The remaining reactors are newer, and of a pebble bed design. 5% of the remainder is through wind power. The last is from gas turbines used for peak power production.

Imperial Navy (550 pts)
3 Carrier Strike Groups consisting of:
1 CVN-18
3 DGN-52
2 SSN-500

3 Expeditionary Strike Groups consisting of:
1 LHD-8
1 LHA-6
3 DG-51
2 FG
1 SSN-500

6 Submarine Squadrons consisting of: (SUBRON 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 8)
5 submarines (1 squadrons is guided missile)

3 Destroyer Squadrons consisting of: (DESRON 2, 5 & 8)
5 DG-51

3 Frigate Squadrons consisting of: (DESRON 1, 9 & 10)
5 guided missile frigates

2 Corvette Squadrons consisting of: (DESRON 3 & 4)
5 KG-20

6 Underway Replenishment Groups consisting of:
1 DG-51
2 FG
1 AO

Imperial Army
See below

Imperial Air Force
Strategic Air Command
1st Air Force
3rd Bomb Wing (B-1C)
4th Bomb Wing (B-1C)
9th Bomb Training Wing (B-1C)
16th Bomb Wing (B-1C)
32nd Bomb Wing (B-1C)
35th Bomb Wing (B-1C)
61st Reconnaissance Wing (SR-71)
84th Bomb Wing (B-1C)
91st Bomb Wing (B-1C)
3rd Air Force
1st Fighter Wing (F-15F)
17th Fighter Wing (F-16D)
20th Fighter Wing (F-15C)
30th Fighter Wing (F-15F)
31st Fighter Wing (F-15C)
44th Fighter Wing (F-15F)
46th Fighter Wing (F-15F)
66th Fighter Training Wing (F-15F)
70th Fighter Wing (F-15F)
94th Fighter Wing(F-16D)
96th Fighter Wing (F-22)

Naval Air command
2nd Air Force
7th Wing
16th Patrol Wing
17th Wing
51st Wing (AV-8B & EV-22)
59th Wing
76th Patrol Wing
93rd Training Wing

Air Training Command
4th Air Force
6th Training Wing
13th Training Wing
15th Training Wing

Transportation Command
5th Air Force
8th Wing
12th Wing
18th Wing
48th Wing
49th Wing
50th Wing
67th Wing
72nd Wing
77th Wing
82nd Wing
83rd Wing

Imperial Air Defense Corps
Air Defense Artillery
Air Defense

Public Security – SWAT, counter-terrorism, coast guard, national police
Strategic Weapons Corps
Joint Support Corps

CVN-18 – RL Ford-class
3 total
Victorious, Vigilant, Vindictive –24 SAR helicopters total(extra 2 pt cost)

3 total
Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan – 24 SAR helicopters total(extra 2 pt cost)

3 total
Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan

6 total
Guizhou, Henan, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Zhejiang

DG-51 – DDG-51 Flt III – extended 12 feet to carry 32 extra VLS cells. RAM carried in place of Phalanx
27 total

DGN-52 – similar to the DG-51 in fit, but with redesigned machinery to accommodate a nuclear power plant. Substantially similar in look except longer, and without stacks.
9 total

FG-7 – RL FFG-7
11 total

FG-40 – RL Bazan-class frigate (F100)
22 total

KG-20 – RL K130 Braunschweig class
Carries 8x Harpoon instead of 4x RBS-15
16 cell Mk56 ESSM launcher
15 total

SSGN – RL Ohio class (SSGN conversion)
5 total

SSN-500 – RL Seawolf class
34 total

6 total

6 total

Carriage of AAM
New radar (APG-80 based)
Re-engined with F119, new inlets (2D TV)
272 total (strategic bomber)

Re-engined with F100-PW-229, stretched, new intake
136 total(3rd generation lightweight fighter)

AV-8D – RL AV-8B+ with uprated Pegasus engine (25 klbs thrust)
APG-73 radar
80 total (4th generation lightweight fighter)

APG-71v1 – 4 weapons bays
AIM-120 carriage
Glass cockpit
SERJ-176E-4A engines (52klbf (sls))
4 total (Reconnaissance plane)

F-14E – RL F-14D w/ mods
Single piece windshield
Deleted glove vane
Thicker wing
APG-71v1 (AESA)
F110-GE-132 – 3D thrust vectoring
FAST pack (CFT only, weapon carriage, Recon, or EW) – tunnel attachment
136 Total (4th generation fighter)

Fitted for CFT
136 Total (4th generation fighter)

F110-GE-132 – 3D thrust vectoring
FAST pack (CFT only, increased weapon carriage, Recon, EW)
408 Total (4th generation fighter)

Fitted for, but not with, CFTs
HARM Targeting System
144 Total (4th generation lightweight fighter)

F-21E/F – RL JAS 39 NG
408 Total (4th generation lightweight fighter)

28 total (5th generation fighter)

F-24B – RL F-35B
4 total (5th generation lightweight fighter)

C-2B – RL C-2A(R)
20 total (Tactical transport)

KC-45A (RL KC-777 concept)
100 total (strategic aerial refueling)

C-16B – RL An-124
CF6-80C2 re-engine
68 total (strategic transport)

136 total (tactical transport)

136 total (tactical transport)

CF6-80C2 re-engine
4 total(strategic transport)

KC-42A –RL KC-767
150 total (strategic aerial refueling)

192 total (trainer)

T-45C – Hawk 128 with strengthening to withstand carrier landing and F125 engine (9500 lbs thrust)
128 total (trainer)

T-4/C-37 – RL Gulfstream G550
128 total (trainer)

18 total (light AWACS)

EC-42B (RL E-767)
32 total (heavy AWACS)

EC-42C (similar to real life E-8, but on a 767)
8 total (heavy AWACS)

RC-42 - EW variant of 767
8 total (heavy AWACS)

84 total (heavy maritime patrol)

28 total (light maritime patrol)

R-1C – RL SR-71 modified with more fuel efficient engines, can reach supersonic in level flight
32 total (reconnaissance)

72 total (light attack helicopter)

195 total (heavy lift helicopter)

1020 total (utility helicopter)

144 total (part of naval destroyer/frigate force)

72 total (48 bought with SAR points, rest come from AKEs)

576 total (attack helicopter)

24 total (attack helicopter)

18 total (light AWACS)

60 total (heavy lift helicopter)

I Corps:
3 Armor Divisions with:
--3 heavy regiments
----180 tanks
----180 APC
----16 med SP arty
----8 light ADA
----1000 professional infantry
----200 engineers
--1 artillery regiment
----27 MLRS launcher
----48 med SP arty
--1 air cavalry regiment
----30 heavy lift helicopters
----90 utility helicopters
----48 attack helicopters
--1 light ADA regiment
----3 patriot battalion
------4 medium ADA batteries
--------8 launchers
Corps Support
--2 patriot battalion
--1 heavy lift battalion
--1 utility helicopter battalion
--1 attack helicopter battalion
--2 MLRS battalion
--1 IRBM battalion (8 launchers – 2 pts)

II Corps:
2 Airborne Assault Divisions with:
--3 light infantry regiments
----1800 airborne infantry
----400 engineers
----30 utility helicopters
----24 attack helicopters
----18 medium towed artillery
--2 air cav regiments
--1 light ADA regiment
Corps Support

III Corps:
2 Infantry Divisions
--3 mechanized infantry regiments
----2000 professional infantry
----200 engineers
----180 IFVs
----1 SP arty BN
----8 light ADA

2 Marine Regiments with:
--30 tanks
--120 AFV
--36 field towed artillery
--24 light ADA
--15 heavy lift helicopters
--45 utility helicopters
--12 light attack helicopters
--2700 marines
--800 engineers

Emperor’s Own Regiment with:
--60 tanks
--120 IFV
--16 med SP arty
--24 attack helicopters
--900 paratroops
--240 elite special forces

12 heavy ADA regiments with:
--3 heavy ADA battalions
---- 2 land Aegis systems – extended range
------ 8 mk41 VLS launchers
------ 1 set Aegis combat system

TXAF RED HORSE squadron:
400 engineers + equipment
2 in existance

Ground equipment:
Tank: Chieftan Mk 13 – smoothbore main gun (2nd gen), re-engined,
IFV: CV90 (various types)
Heavy artillery:
Self Propelled Artillery: PzH 2000
Med Towed Arty: 155mm
Light Towed Arty: 105mm

AIM-120D – advanced derivative of the AIM-120, providing a 50% increase in engagement range. Dual mode seeker(IIR and active radar)

AIM-120E – further advanced derivative of the AIM-120, incorporating a throttleable ducted rocket(ramjet). 250% increase in engagement range over the C model. Just reaching production.

SM-2 – standard missile 2 block IIIC. Additional finless booster is attached. Capable of being dual-packed in an Mk41 cell. Otherwise identical to block IIIB

SM-3 – full caliber (21 inch diameter) version of the standard missile-2 block IIIB gives increased kinematic performance. Similar to real life SM-3 block II, but with anti-aircraft warhead and seeker instead of third stage rocket and kinetic warhead. Has larger warhead than SM-2 blk IIIB. Dual mode seeker(upsized version of AIM-120D’s)

AIM-9X – identical to real life AIM-9X

Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile – real life ESSM. Quad packed in Mk41 cells

Rolling Airframe Missile – real life RIM-116. Current production is Block II version.

Stinger – RL stinger missile. MANPAD. Current production is RMP block II


Midgetman IRBM – launched from unitary mobile launchers. 3 stage solid rocket.

MLRS rocket – available in both submuntion and unitary variants

GMLRS – INS guided version of the MLRS rocket. Available in both submunition and unitary variants.

POLAR – GMLRS for ships. Has extended length booster for greater range

ATACMS – INS guided weapon. Available in both submunition and unitary variants.

NATACMS – naval version of ATACMS. Extended length booster for greater range. Available in both submunition and unitary variants.

SRAM II – air launched missile with submuntion and unitary variants.

Tomahawk – RL UGM/RGM-109E Available in both submunition and unitary variants.

Paveway III bomb – laser guided bomb series

JDAM – INS guided bomb series

JSOW – INS guided glide bomb/submunition dispenser series. Includes powered variant.

Small Diameter Bomb – INS guided bomb. Variant provides terminal homing capability.

Brilliant Anti-Tank/Viper Strike – submunition with acoustic/IIR/MMW seeker or laser guidance.

WCMD – submunition dispenser.

Skipper III – variant of the Paveway III guided bomb, using a rocket motor. 1000 lb warhead. Can also be constructed with JDAM kit instead of Paveway III. Additional fusing options available.

TOW – RL TOW. Current production is TOW 2B aero with wireless and TOW 2H

CKEM – TOW follow on system. Hypervelocity missile.

Hellfire – current production is AGM-114K/L/M/N. Available with AP and blast-frag warheads





Sea Lance – rocket boosted Mk 54 torpedo

Harpoon – modified variant for VLS launch. Current production is AGM/RGM-84F and UGM-84D

Mk 48 torpedo – current production is Mod 7

Mk 54 torpedo

CAPTOR mine – hold a Mk 54 torpedo

Quickstrike mine – can be fitted with INS guided glide kit. Pressure, magnetic and acoustic fuses.

SLMM – submarine launched mobile mine. Mobile version of CAPTOR.

Predeployed into the Old Dominion:

3 Wings F-21
1 Wing F-16D
1 Wing F-15C
1 Wing F-15F
1 Heavy Division
1 Airborne Assault
1 Corps Support
Last edited by Beowulf on 2009-07-27 08:49pm, edited 2 times in total.
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