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Some Zootopia Fanfic Ideas

Posted: 2016-05-03 12:24am
by JamesStaley
Here are some ideas i've had for some Zootopia Fan Fiction Crossovers. If someone would like to take these ideas and actually WRITE them or develop them further, go ahead. Please just give me credit for the idea/concept,

Zootopia Vs The Terminator(s).
Why Not? If Zootopia has the same level of technology that we do (skyscrappers, mass-transit systems, cell phones), could they also not have nukes and eventually cyborg/robot terminators?
My story idea: It is the Zootopian year "2050AD" (After Destruction), and what's left of Zootopia is now a radioactive wasteland where the surviving residents huddle in small groups for protection from the K9K's and Bogo-bots who seek to kill them. K9K's (usually abbreviated as just "K9's) are "Canine Killers": Dogs who have been enhanced with cypernetic/robotic legs, jaws, eyes and noses. Bogo-Bots are pure mechanical killers modeled after Police Chief Bogo. Their horns are pure Titanium; long, sharp and deadly. They move in great numbers or "herds" and anybody unlucky enough to get caught in a "stampede" is instant road kill!
So what happened to Zootopia? It all started when a rabbit fell in love with a fox and were succeesful in producing offspring that combined DNA from both creatures. Sally Hopps, the daughter of Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, was the first successful inter-species marriage in Zootopia, and it drove the "Purist" mad. A "Purist" is someone who does not believe in inter-species or "cross-species" relationships. Thus began a program of purification to eliminate all animals who were not "100% Genetically Pure" (think of the Nazis and jews). This eventually led to a war that saw the use of nukes and terminator robots that destroyed the once-proud animal utopia known as "Zootopia".

Story idea #2: "ZCSU": Zootopia Crime Scene Investigations Unit
My Story Idea: Simple. If Zootopia is a parody of humans, how about we get the writers from the CSI series to write it (again), only this time using the characters from Zootopia?

Re: Some Zootopia Fanfic Ideas

Posted: 2016-05-03 05:24am
by biostem
It'd be interesting to see how the society of Zootopia would handle mixed-species relationships. Sure, a wolf and a poodle would work, biologically, but what if a fox and a rabbit actually fell in love and wanted to start a family? Would artificial insemination from a donor of the same species as the female be their only option, or could the story involve some "mad scientist" trying to force compatibility or hybridization of some sort?

Or, what about some sort of "most dangerous game" variation, where a predator offered large sums of money to prey animals to willingly compete in a hunt - if you survive, you get the money, but if you lose, you're dinner.

Re: Some Zootopia Fanfic Ideas

Posted: 2016-05-03 07:11am
by JamesStaley
Biostem, I love the 2nd idea. It could fit in with my ZCSIU idea. But what if someone was kidnapped and FORCED to play that game?!! The stakes: YOUR LIFE! lIVE AND YOU GET TO GO FREE. LOSE AND YOU'RE DINNER! The game organizers figure no one's ever going to live to tell about it, so they have nothing to worry about. But then they make the mistake of kidnapping one "poor, helpless little rabbit" by the name of Judy Hopps, who also just happens to be a Zootopian Police Officer and it's "Game Over"!

Re: Some Zootopia Fanfic Ideas

Posted: 2016-05-03 04:19pm
by biostem
It could also take an even more sinister turn, when she discovers that it is actually other prey animals that are conspiring to get rid of their competitors, by kidnapping them and faking the consent papers.

Re: Some Zootopia Fanfic Ideas

Posted: 2016-05-03 05:11pm
by Starglider
Trying to hybridise fox and rabbit genomes (in any substantial way) would be a biochemical disaster. You'd have to have genetic technology much better than ours just to make it to the 'we created 10,000 embryos, 987 implanted, 134 survived to birth, 29 survived to age 5, all of those have crippling disabilities' stage. It would be horrific child abuse.

If you did have sufficiently advanced genetic engineering (e.g. the Culture turn up and dedicate several Minds to the problem), you still wouldn't really be parents in the conventional genetic sense, as at that point you'd just be custom-engineering organisms to spec.

As a mad scientist, I must say a far more practical solution is fully artificial children as in David from 'A.I.'. Why we can just create endoskeletons in a few standard sizes and sculpt the platiflesh exterior to whatever notion of aesthetically pleasing hybridisation the customers 'parents' desire.

Re: Some Zootopia Fanfic Ideas

Posted: 2016-05-03 05:13pm
by biostem
Starglider wrote:Trying to hybridise fox and rabbit genomes (in any substantial way) would be a biochemical disaster. You'd have to have genetic technology much better than ours just to make it to the 'we created 10,000 embryos, 987 implanted, 134 survived to birth, 29 survived to age 5, all of those have crippling disabilities' stage. It would be horrific child abuse.

If you did have sufficiently advanced genetic engineering (e.g. the Culture turn up and dedicate several Minds to the problem), you still wouldn't really be parents in the conventional genetic sense, as at that point you'd just be custom-engineering organisms to spec.

Well, I mean, you already have species that clearly shouldn't be able to talk, and many are going around bipedially with hands for forelimbs, so they're clearly not base-level animals as we know them...

Re: Some Zootopia Fanfic Ideas

Posted: 2016-05-03 05:18pm
by Starglider
biostem wrote:Well, I mean, you already have species that clearly shouldn't be able to talk, and many are going around bipedially with hands for forelimbs, so they're clearly not base-level animals as we know them...
If they have digestive systems that work like the appropriate earth species, then they have the biochemistry of the appropriate earth species, and hybridisation beyond 'copy a few relatively isolated and well understood genes' is going to be disasterous. Frankly even the gross morphology clearly requires too much complex expression to make any kind of straightforward hybridisation likely to work (i.e. not produce crippling disorders, disabilities cancers, and sterility). We are not talking about near-human furries where we are just tweaking genes for the tail length, ear shape and fur patterning. That would be a far more sensible design, and is indeed in early product testing for...

Forget I said that.

Re: Some Zootopia Fanfic Ideas

Posted: 2016-05-03 05:32pm
by biostem
Now I'm thinking of whatever species or individual(s) that created Rocket Racoon...

Re: Some Zootopia Fanfic Ideas

Posted: 2016-05-03 06:57pm
by madd0ct0r
JamesStaley wrote:Here are some ideas i've had for some Zootopia Fan Fiction Crossovers. If someone would like to take these ideas and actually WRITE them or develop them further, go ahead. Please just give me credit for the idea/concept,

Zootopia Vs The Terminator(s).
Why Not? If Zootopia has the same level of technology that we do (skyscrappers, mass-transit systems, cell phones), could they also not have nukes and eventually cyborg/robot terminators?
My story idea: It is the Zootopian year "2050AD" (After Destruction), and what's left of Zootopia is now a radioactive wasteland where the surviving residents huddle in small groups for protection from the K9K's and Bogo-bots who seek to kill them. K9K's (usually abbreviated as just "K9's) are "Canine Killers": Dogs who have been enhanced with cypernetic/robotic legs, jaws, eyes and noses. Bogo-Bots are pure mechanical killers modeled after Police Chief Bogo. Their horns are pure Titanium; long, sharp and deadly. They move in great numbers or "herds" and anybody unlucky enough to get caught in a "stampede" is instant road kill!
So what happened to Zootopia? It all started when a rabbit fell in love with a fox and were succeesful in producing offspring that combined DNA from both creatures. Sally Hopps, the daughter of Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, was the first successful inter-species marriage in Zootopia, and it drove the "Purist" mad. A "Purist" is someone who does not believe in inter-species or "cross-species" relationships. Thus began a program of purification to eliminate all animals who were not "100% Genetically Pure" (think of the Nazis and jews). This eventually led to a war that saw the use of nukes and terminator robots that destroyed the once-proud animal utopia known as "Zootopia".

Story idea #2: "ZCSU": Zootopia Crime Scene Investigations Unit
My Story Idea: Simple. If Zootopia is a parody of humans, how about we get the writers from the CSI series to write it (again), only this time using the characters from Zootopia?
Cleanse the mutant. Burn the heretic. There is only Purity!
It's been done: ... rty-harry/

More Zootopia Fanfic Ideas: "Kung-Fu Panda Meets Zootopia"

Posted: 2016-05-08 01:11am
by JamesStaley
Could Kung-Fu Panda and Zootopia take place at the same time, in today's modern world, just cut off from each other by distance and isolation?
What if the "Valley of Peace" (that's where KFP takes place, right?) is just so remote, isolated and cut off from the rest of the world in their valley, they're still a century or two behind the times (just like Japan was when Adm. Perry arrived in Tokyo Harbor). Or what if the Zootopian version of Marco Polo suddenly comes crashing down into the valley in a lost or off-course airplane? (How about Baloo (from Talespin) is thrown off course in a storm and crashes the Seaduck in the valley? ("KFP Meets Talespin").
As part of his continued training, the Dragon Warrior (Po) must go on a "Great Quest", and in doing so becomes the Valley's version of A: Marco Polo B: Frodo Baggins C: "Just some Big Fat Panda who's totally lost and doesn't know what he's doing!"

Zootopia Fanfic Ideas (continued).

Posted: 2016-05-08 01:27am
by JamesStaley
Sorry, didn't mean to end the above post, but my computer was trying to turn itself off and I've already written the above article TWICE when my computer decided I had been on-line long enough and cut me off :(

Now, where was I?

Oh yeah.....the Dragon Warrior (Po) is on some "Great Quest" thingie and has to leave the Valley of Peace. Traveling around to the other side of the world (like Marco Polo) he enters an amazing place called "Zootopia".

To help the Dragon Warrior on his great quest "Whatever-It-Is" Thingie, the Furious Five decide to go along with him ("You're not REALLY going to let that CLUELESS Panda go off by himself, are you?"). Are they just as in the dark about the rest of the outside world?

Your thoughts, please.