The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by U.P. Cinnabar »

Sounds like something Ba'al would pull. And, thank fuck neither the Final Five, nor especially those Ori jackasses, are a thing. You have me hooked so far, can't wait to hear more about Terra.

(as long as it isn't the Terra from that other late 70s Glen A. Larson sci-fi series, that is)
"Beware the Beast, Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone amongst God's primates, he kills for sport, for lust, for greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of Death.."
—29th Scroll, 6th Verse of Ape Law
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Crazedwraith »

Oh Ba'al you were being so sensible in the background but I just know arming up the Cylons now is going to kick you in the ass.

Maybe Ba'al will be upgrading the old Guardian Basestars from Razor? Then you can have TOS Battlestars and[/]i TOS Basestars in the fic. :D
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Well in Ba'al's defence (and damn that feels odd to write) he didn't have much of an option - the Cylons needed more nukes or equivalent to stand a chance even with massive numbers, and there's a delay building them, so he might as well give them shields too. Especially since he doesn't know where Terra is or powerful it is, only that it was able to upgrade Warspite. And they don't even know about the mega-lasers, since One/Cavil shot everyone before they fired. Being Ba'al though he has a backup plan.

As for the old Basestars idea, most intriguing. In the interests of honesty though, I feel compelled to point out that should any such vessel appear in future it is totally unrelated to your suggestion :D
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Bernkastel »

It's been a while since I've poked into the SDN fanfic section and looked at some of it's contents. Having read what you've produced so far for this, I'm glad I did. Good work.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Thanks. I am working on another chapter. I had one written up, then decided it was going in totally the wrong direction and decided to start over. Sorry!
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Bernkastel »

Well, it's your story. You have the right to do that. Besides, I have experience of that myself. I think it made what I ended up with better than what I had. That makes happier readers. So, no need to apologise.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by LadyTevar »

If you felt it was going wrong, ReWrite until it's Right. :)
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

That was my thought. I originally introduced Janus (the Ancient) then realised that was a really, really dumb and cliched idea. O'Neill threatened me for uses of cliches, so I relented.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Bernkastel »

Then you should probably listen to him.

Then you should probably have a psychological examination. But please be sure to give us more of this story before you check into the loony bin.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

It lives, or to put it another way: that is not dead which can eternal lie...

Battlestar Warspite Commander’s Quarters

Jellicoe and Beatty had returned to their ship an hour ago. In that time the Fleet had jumped away to join the Terran Relief Fleet. A dozen transports, a hospital ship and three huge freighters carrying everything from food and water to spare clothes awaited them. With the introductions sorted out shuttles began streaming from the new arrivals to the worn-out ships of the Refugee Fleet. Soon shortages of food and medicine would be just a painful memory.

He had been amused to note that the very first shuttle, heading for Galactica, carried Sam Anders, the extremely anxious and apparently love-struck Pyramid player. According to the shuttle crew, Starbuck had been waiting for him; the couple had disappeared into a hastily-locked storeroom and had not emerged since.

According to reports from the President’s office (such as it was), parties and celebrations were erupting all over the fleet. The crews of the Relief Fleet were being feted as heroes while carefully-hoarded luxuries like ambrosia and various tobacco products were being used with willful abandon. Jellicoe couldn’t blame them in the slightest; had he endured what they had and been delivered from such a dreary existence he would want to celebrate too.

Celebration was far from his mind at present, as he and Beatty headed for his quarters. As they turned down the corridor they saw the usual Marine guard had doubled in size, that meant his “guest” was waiting for him. After returning the Marine’s salutes and then closing and locking the doors, the two officers turned and looked at the person waiting on the sofa.

He was dressed in a standard crewman’s uniform but with no rank insignia or unit patch. His skin was dark, his eyes keen and intelligent. The dark-skinned man spoke, his voice deep and rich.

“How did Adama and Roslin react then Commander?”

Jellicoe nodded at Beatty and sat down across from the guest while the XO fetched a couple of drinks.

“As well as can be expected Daniel. They were initially sceptical of our story, but the little
“demonstration” we provided certainly seemed to help convince them. Roslin has latched onto the idea that the Terrans are the Thirteenth Tribe like any true believer would. Adama is, well, he’s Adama, even before the Colonies fell he was nearly impossible to read.”

Beatty took up the tale. “Baltar was there as well. He strikes me as a decidedly unpleasant man, and there was something very odd about him. He kept looking off into a corner, as if someone else was there. I think our suspicions about him are correct.”

Daniel nodded thoughtfully. “I’m guessing you didn’t tell them about me?”

Jellicoe snorted. “Of course not. I considered telling them, but when we got to the topic of your brothers and sisters Adama said they know of six of your models, yours included. Mentioning that we have a Cylon defector in our midst would go down like a lead balloon.”

And that was the unstated elephant in the room. Jellicoe had been quite truthful when he told the Admiral about the three crewmen who went on a crazed shooting spree after their mis-jump. He just hadn’t mentioned that Daniel, posing as a Petty Officer in the engineering spaces, had shortly afterwards come directly to Jellicoe’s quarters and confessed to being a Cylon sleeper agent and announced he wished to defect. That had been a rather fun discussion.

Daniel had proved useful however. He had provided a wealth of knowledge of the Cylons and their new technology, but more importantly he was a vital insight into how they thought and reacted. Jellicoe had been particularly interested in their God. He had never been a religious man, but the idea that these Cylons actually spoke to their God, and got answers, was both intriguing and suspicious.

Unfortunately Daniel, being a long-term sleeper agent, had known little of the Cylon’s current plans.

The Commander sipped at his drink. “We’re going to have to tell them eventually. I think we’re also going to have to do something about the good Doctor Baltar. I know you don’t know any details Daniel, but is there anything you know about him? Or about this God of yours? Anything could be important right now. I feel like I’m standing on a gods-damned fulcrum.”

“I left the Cylons four years ago. Baltar was viewed as the most promising candidate for our infiltration and one of the Sixes was tasked to get, um, close to him. Whether that’s something you can act on I don’t know Commander.”

“As for God, only the Ones ever speak to him directly. In all our Basestars there is a Temple that they visit where they can communicate with Him but only that model is allowed access. I know that He often holds lengthy conversations, or he did up until about six years ago.”

Jellicoe latched onto that qualification: “Oh? What changed?”

“I’m not certain. Our plans for revenge on the Colonies were well underway by then; a One emerged from the Temple and told us that God had given us all we need and that unless something catastrophic happened it was up to us to complete the Plan on our own.”

Beatty looked thoughtful as he considered this. “Curious. It sounds as if something more important came along.”

Jellicoe nodded. “Indeed. This does add to my suspicions that this God isn’t actually a God. No offence Daniel.” The other man shrugged in acknowledgement. “But if he isn’t a God, then who, or what, is he?”

Daniel finished his drink and leaned forward. “There were some old files on the mainframe, ones from shortly before the Insurrection that started the war, about a scout ship out on the edges of known space finding something, but all references to what it was were deleted, and later on the files themselves were removed by the Ones, apparently on God’s order.”

Beatty considered that for a moment. “Intriguing. If that thing was this God, then he wants to cover his tracks.”

Jellicoe nodded. “And if he was found out on the edge of known space, that suggests that he’s not from the Colonies. We know he wasn’t from Terra, so either he’s from Kobol and has been drifting around deep space with his thumb up his ass or…”

Daniel supplied the rest. “Or he’s not from known space at all. A genuine alien.”

The room fell silent. Non-human, non-Kobolian derived life was a complete unknown. Despite the existence of Code Zulu in the DRADIS software, nothing had been encountered that wasn’t ultimately descended from Kobol.

Jellicoe mused out loud. “The Terrans told us that the Lords of Kobol arrived from another galaxy, fleeing a terrible war. Could this “God” be one of their enemies?”

Beatty nodded. “If he is then I don’t particularly want to meet him. An enemy of the Lords, an enemy that drove them to flee to another galaxy is a terrifying prospect. But if that is true, why do the Cylons not have vastly superior technology compared to the Colonies, or even the Terrans?”

Daniel spoke up. “Excellent point Colonel. He may have chosen not to give us such advanced technology for some reason. Or he’s a third player on the game board, one that we haven’t encountered before.”

Before either officer could reply, the intercom buzzed. Jellicoe picked up the handset. “CO, go ahead.”

“Commander, Admiral Adama has ordered the fleet to proceed on course for Terra. We jump in five minutes.”

“Very well. I’ll be in CIC presently.” The handset was returned to its holder.

“Well gentleman it seems speculation will have to wait. We have our orders to head for Terra. David, with me. Daniel, thank you for your information.”

“My pleasure Commander.”

Jellicoe and Beatty left his quarters and returned to CIC to find jump preparations well underway. Major Smythe had the conn; he looked up briefly at the Commander’s entrance and turned to report.

“Sir, coordinates are set for Jump One. FTL drives are spun up and ready. Jump timer is set at 35 seconds from mark…mark.” The screen above the plot table began counting down. Jellicoe nodded in approval. The CIC waited in comparative quiet. Then Smythe began the final count.


There was a feeling of tremendous vertigo as the universe turned inside out. Conventional physics broke down in a series of brilliant flashes as the Fleet, newly expanded, jumped away on it’s journey to Terra.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by astrospace2020 »

another great chapter
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by LadyTevar »

Well done.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by FireNexus »

So the Terrans are Ancients from Pegasus?
I had a Bill Maher quote here. But fuck him for his white privelegy "joke".

All the rest? Too long.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Crazedwraith »

Interesting stuff!

I've also only just realised where the Warspite's Officer's names are from. Jellicoe and Beatty. Battlestar Jutland?
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Crazedwraith wrote:Interesting stuff!

I've also only just realised where the Warspite's Officer's names are from. Jellicoe and Beatty. Battlestar Jutland?
Hehe, I hoped people would get that. The Battlestar's Chief Engineer (who will probably appear in a few chapters) is one Colonel Walwyn. It's a tad more obscure that Beatty or Jellicoe, so I leave it as a challenge.

FireNexus: Nope, the Lords of Kobol are refugees from Pegasus/Atlantis. The Terrans are exactly what they claim to be, the Thirteenth Tribe of Kobol.

Next chapter is in progress. Ba'al and the merry genocidal robots will reappear soon. Cavil will learn something profound and horrifying. Tune in next week!
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Borgholio »

You will be assimilated...bunghole!
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Borgholio wrote:Spoiler EF, is that the one?
Most assuredly not. Crazedwraith hit on the right theme, you're about 300 years early.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Borgholio »

Better early than...never? :-/
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by FireNexus »

Eternal_Freedom wrote:FireNexus: Nope, the Lords of Kobol are refugees from Pegasus/Atlantis. The Terrans are exactly what they claim to be, the Thirteenth Tribe of Kobol.

Next chapter is in progress. Ba'al and the merry genocidal robots will reappear soon. Cavil will learn something profound and horrifying. Tune in next week!
Ah, that didn't seem totally clear. "The Thirteenth Tribe" thing seemed implied by the new battle star captain to be a little bit of a bunch of bullshit. I do find it a little odd that their exodus occurred via ship rather than Stargate, though. And the totally unrelated hyperdrive tech seems a little odd. Unless the concept is that it's some kind of freestanding Stargate/wormhole generator not requiring a receiver on the other end.

If it used a macro-scale wormhole rather than a microscopic wormhole mounted onto a Star Trek transporter like the gate network, it would explain the short range. If that wasn't what you were going for but it fits into your story, feel free to steal it. The concept would allow BSG FTL drives to plausibly disrupt active stargates, too. That would become really useful when the supergate gets deployed.
I had a Bill Maher quote here. But fuck him for his white privelegy "joke".

All the rest? Too long.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

FireNexus wrote:
Eternal_Freedom wrote:FireNexus: Nope, the Lords of Kobol are refugees from Pegasus/Atlantis. The Terrans are exactly what they claim to be, the Thirteenth Tribe of Kobol.

Next chapter is in progress. Ba'al and the merry genocidal robots will reappear soon. Cavil will learn something profound and horrifying. Tune in next week!
Ah, that didn't seem totally clear. "The Thirteenth Tribe" thing seemed implied by the new battle star captain to be a little bit of a bunch of bullshit. I do find it a little odd that their exodus occurred via ship rather than Stargate, though. And the totally unrelated hyperdrive tech seems a little odd. Unless the concept is that it's some kind of freestanding Stargate/wormhole generator not requiring a receiver on the other end.

If it used a macro-scale wormhole rather than a microscopic wormhole mounted onto a Star Trek transporter like the gate network, it would explain the short range. If that wasn't what you were going for but it fits into your story, feel free to steal it. The concept would allow BSG FTL drives to plausibly disrupt active stargates, too. That would become really useful when the supergate gets deployed.
More history of Kobol, the Lords and the Thirteenth Tribe will be revealed in due course. Jellicoe knows (now at least) that most of the stuff the Colonials know about the Lords is myth and legend, but the basic core of the stories are still true, if distorted somewhat by thousands of years of storytelling.

As for the FTL drive, oddly enough you're very close. I'm using the idea that the Colonial/Cylon FTL drive is a watered-down and safer, less power intensive version of the wormhole drive used by Atlantis in the season 5 finale. Shorter range, but that's a power generation and navigation computer issue. In this story, Tylium is a cruder, less efficient form of naquada.

As for disrupting stargates/supergates, I wasn't going to include the Ori anyway, though we will see Warspite and her fellows engaging the Wraith eventually.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by FireNexus »

I'd forgotten that was even a thing. Are the ori just non-existent in this verse, or do the events of the story just prevent Vala and Daniel from touching the stones?
I had a Bill Maher quote here. But fuck him for his white privelegy "joke".

All the rest? Too long.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

FireNexus wrote:I'd forgotten that was even a thing. Are the ori just non-existent in this verse, or do the events of the story just prevent Vala and Daniel from touching the stones?
The second option. The Ori may get mentioned (after all, what use are Gods without Devils to oppose them?) but won't appear. Maybe in a sequel if I get that far.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by U.P. Cinnabar »

The Ori may be exterminated, brutally and horribly? Count me in!
"Beware the Beast, Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone amongst God's primates, he kills for sport, for lust, for greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of Death.."
—29th Scroll, 6th Verse of Ape Law
"Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter. The uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense.”
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Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

The Battlestar Warspite rises again!

Combined Colonial/Terran Fleet, on course for Terra
Three Days Later

The newly enlarged Fleet was making good progress towards their goal. Jellicoe had overlooked the fact that the estimate of 30 jumps was with Terran navigational systems, which were considerably more advanced than Colonial standards. By Adama’s estimate it was more like 200 jumps.

Given the larger distance traveled each time, the Fleet was setting a cautious pace of one jump every four hours. While the ships could handle much more frequent jumps, the Fleet had gone 8 very strenuous months without overhauls and no one wanted to be left stranded when they were so close to their safe haven.

Despite the joyous meeting with the Terran ships (and in some ships the parties still continued) there was an undercurrent of tension on the Battlestars. Adama insisted on maintaining a high alert. The three Battlestars and the Terran ships formed an outer cordon around the defenceless civilians. The Terran vessels carried only point-defence weapons but everyone had seen how effective those weapons were. They were also shielded, adding another layer of protection. The usual CAP was doubled to twenty Vipers, a full squadron, and the Warspite had begun transferring its extra planes to the other warships.

These excess Vipers were what the crews called “Mark 8’s;” otherwise ordinary Mark 7’s that had been rebuilt and upgraded by the Terrans, carrying improved engines and the new laser cannon weaponry. Starbuck, having finally emerged from the storage locker with a happy but shaken Anders had immediately fallen in love with the one she (as Galactica CAG) was issued and had insisted on flying no less than three back-to-back patrols.

The Fleet’s commanders, on the other hand, had spent a lot of time meeting with each other and discussing both the past and the future. Doctor Baltar had frequently attempted to insinuate himself into these meetings for reasons best known to himself, but unless the subject had been the new Terran technology he had been kept out.

It was on the third day of these meetings that the subject of the Warspite’s survival came up in more detail. Jellicoe, Beatty, both Adamas and Saul Tigh were in Jellicoe’s quarters sharing drinks when the Admiral explained how they had escaped Ragnar; there was an unspoken but clearly understood quid pro quo involved, so Jellicoe leaned back and began his tale:

Eight Months Previously, Battlestar Warspite CIC
Approaching Aerilon orbit

The CIC was quiet, with only the normal murmur of conversations, the hum of the life support systems and the low, distant vibration of the main engines breaking the silence. Around the plot table was the ship’s Commander and XO, the Chief Engineer and a young, weedy-looking fellow named Captain Raines, the ship’s Network Officer.

Network Officers were a new phenomenon in the Colonial Fleet, introduced only a few years earlier to support the new networked computer systems installed on the more modern Battlestars at the urging of one Gauis Baltar. Being a new innovation they were naturally treated with a healthy dose of suspicion by most of the officers, who saw them as not being real spacers but rather computer geeks. Which was in many cases true.

On this day, Raines was looking rather sheepish whilst the Chief Engineer, the huge, barrel-chested Colonel Humphrey Walwyn looked on with scorn. Despite being the ships third-ranked officer, he had as usual eschewed standard officer dress, opting for his much-loved and liberally-stained engineering overalls.

Jellicoe sighed. “Ok Captain, take it from the top. What exactly is the problem with the network systems this time?”

“Well Commander, we’re seeing a lot of anomalous traffic between the new CNP and the FTL and DC systems, much more than there should be. It almost looks as if someone were trying to add backdoor accesses to those systems for some reason. If we hadn’t departed from refit early six months back we would have received the latest patch that should have fixed this problem.”

Colonel Beatty spoke up with a tone somewhere between surprise and suspicion; “Did you say something was trying to gain access to our DC systems? That’s very troubling.”

“It looks like that Colonel, but the attempts are coming from the CNP which should not be able to do that at all. It shouldn’t even be linked to the DC systems.”

Jellicoe turned to Walwyn; “What do you think Chief?”

“I think this whole system is a billion-cubit boondoggle sir, but you knew that already. I’m worried about this though. I’d like permission to disconnect the FTL and DC systems from the network until Raines here can figure out what the frak is going on.”

The Commander turned back to Raines. “Captain?”

“I agree with the Chief sir. I’m embarrassed to admit that despite knowing this system back to front I have no idea why it’s behaving like this. In fact, I’d suggest that if the problem persists after those systems are disconnected, we shut down the network entirely until we can get the ship into the yards next week.”

Jellicoe nodded. “Very well. Disconnect the DC and FTL systems from the network. XO, send to Admiral Pressman that we are experiencing network problems and may have to delay linking up with Ninth Fleet.”

The various officers nodded and set off to begin their tasks. Within ten minutes the ship’s network was partially disconnected. Beatty returned from the Comms station with a grim face.

“Commander, Ninth Fleet acknowledges our signal but asks that we step up long-range DRADIS sweeps. Several unidentified contacts have been reported in the outer system and two patrol vessels are missing and unresponsive.”

Jellicoe absorbed this news, sifted it through his brain and his decades of training and experience. He didn’t like the resulting hypothesis, but even he didn’t really believe the Cylons would return, and certainly not in so circumspect a fashion. He decided to be cautious nonetheless.

“Troubling indeed. Bring DRADIS to full military power, tell Flight Ops to prepare a Raptor sweep. And take us to Action Stations.”

Beatty looked momentarily surprised before his own training kicked in. He picked up the phone and set it for the 1-MC. “Action stations, action stations, set Condition One throughout the ship. Flight Ops, prepare four Raptors for long-range DRADIS sweep. Repeat, Action stations, action stations, set Condition One throughout the ship.”

With the klaxons blaring, Captain Raines turned to the CO. “Sir, should we reconnect the network?”

“No Captain, keep it as it is for now, if the CNP is acting up I don’t want it compromising us at a critical moment.”

“Aye sir.”

More time passed. On the flight decks, Raptors were brought to take-off readiness. As far as the crew was concerned this was a drill or at worst a search for a missing or stranded civilian ship. No one, from the Commander right down to the greenest crewman, knew exactly what kind of nightmare they were facing.

Back in CIC, things began to spiral rapidly out of control.

“Sir, Ninth Fleet reports unknown contacts have jumped into Aerilon orbit, no transponders visible, exact number and type unknown. Heavy jamming reported.”

“Navigation, plot an immediate jump to Ninth Fleet’s position and spin up the FTL drives.”

“DRADIS contact! Two bogeys, two-two-five karom three-six, range 1500, CBDR! Type unknown, no transponders!”

“XO, scramble the air wing and arm all weapons.”

Before the XO could respond, the Comms officer called out; “Incoming signal from the bogeys, it’s aimed at the CNP.”

The lights flickered and died, replaced instantly by the red emergency lights. More troubling, the rumble of the main engines died as well.

“Report!” barked Jellicoe.

“Helm controls offline! Life support systems offline, Flight Ops and DRADIS are down, main and manoeuvring engines are in shutdown mode. Weapons are down too sir!”

A bolt of fear shot through the Commander’s mind. “Well what the frak does work?”

The sound-powered phone whistled, indicating a call from Engineering. He grabbed it.

“CIC, Engineering, everything’s gone to shit in a hurry sir. Main power is offline but the FTL drives are still charged and that jump is still locked in. We should get the frak outta here Commander.”

“Do it Colonel.”

The jump clock began, counting down from twenty seconds. Then came another call on the phone.

“CIC, Aft port lookout, missiles incoming! Ten birds coming straight at us sir!” The panicked voice of a young crewman shouted.

“Brace for impact!” called Beatty.

The missiles kept closing, even as the jump clock counted down. Just before the ship jumped there was a massive blow from somewhere aft; one of the missiles had detonated its nuclear payload right on the ships number one main engine.

The surge of energy was caught in the FTL drive’s spatial distortion. Instead of ripping into the massive sublight thrusters and causing untold damage, the ferocious energy was absorbed by the jump field, causing it to react in a totally unforeseen way.

For the crew, instead of the usual near-instant moment of disorientation as the universe was temporarily turned inside out there was a much more disturbing five seconds of gut-wrenching chaos.
The ship emerged from its extended jump in a flash of light far more intense than normal. The crew, or rather those that weren’t losing their lunches staggered back to their posts. Colonel Walwyn began frantically running through the engineering spaces collecting reports.

In CIC, Jellicoe was helped to his feet by Beatty. “What the hell was that Colonel?”

“I’ve no idea sir, but there seems to be something wrong with our bloody ship today.”

The Present

“That sounds pretty hairy Commander.” Saul replied once Jellicoe finished his tale.

“You’re not kidding Colonel. My ship plunged into darkness, totally disabled, then being fired on and then winding up months away from what I could only presume was a full-scale war. Half the crew incapacitated by the jump, my air wing sat impotent on the flight deck and a nasty head wound to boot.”

Adama leaned forward and refilled his and Jellicoe’s glasses. “And then the Terrans showed up.”

“That was a day or so later, once we’d got a few things cleaned up. Like the floor of CIC for one." There were a few smirks at that remark. Jellicoe paused and decided this was the right moment to broach an extraordinarily delicate subject.

"Admiral, you mentioned earlier that you had a Cylon prisoner that has helped you a few times.”

Adama was wary but still unreadable as ever. “That’s right Commander. We captured her after she shot me twice in the chest.”

“Well sir, we have our own Cylon prisoner. A defector in fact.”

The room fell silent. Only the usual sounds of the massive ship could be heard for a full thirty seconds as Adama and Tigh considered yet another surprising revelation from the new Commander.

The Admiral put his glass down and leaned forwards.

“I think we should take a flight over to your ship Commander. And you can explain on the way.


Not as originally planned, but fnord gave me the hint of showing Warspite's escape from Aerilon that got me past a stumbling block. And Beatty's line was just too precious not to use.

This story is not dead, it will continue, but you may see similar waits between updates. I started a new job three weeks back and between that, Scouts and my astronomy society and assorted other things I have about one evening a week to myself to write stuff, and half the time I'm not in the mood.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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U.P. Cinnabar
Sith Marauder
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Joined: 2016-02-05 08:11pm
Location: Aboard the RCS Princess Cecile

Re: The Thirteenth Tribe (nBSG/SG Crossover)

Post by U.P. Cinnabar »

Eternal_Freedom wrote: “I’ve no idea sir, but there seems to be something wrong with our bloody ship today.”
I thought that was Beatty's line. :D
"Beware the Beast, Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone amongst God's primates, he kills for sport, for lust, for greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of Death.."
—29th Scroll, 6th Verse of Ape Law
"Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter. The uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense.”
---Doctor Christine Blasey-Ford