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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-03 01:23am
by D1398342003
Valorie wrote:C= Lars engulfs Mystra, and then condenses both her soul and divinity to reincarnate Mystra as the new daemon goddess of magic, effectively turning her into Gunnhild’s little sister. However, option C might have unintended consequences, such as if Mystra is born as part of a set of quintuplets thanks to the other three gods Lars ate escaping from his 'stomach', or Mystra absorbed the souls of Loviatar, Ghaunadar, and Luthic, taking on their personality attributes.
Skuld might get angry because of Lars having children without her 'assistance'.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-03 05:39am
by EarthScorpion
Valorie wrote: B= Ao could give Gunnhild partial control of Weave maintenance, allowing her to act as an intermediary between Mystra and the rest of the world.
All second-generation daemon have “functional insanity,” but it’ll be another century or two before Gunnhild is mature enough to handle something of such magnitude.
Actually, that makes a lot of sense. Although Gunnhild is mostly daemon, she's also part Ysag...Ysig... World Tree OMGverse deity, so maintaining that kind of network is something that she can (with training and advice from her aunts and grandfather) do. The Taint wouldn't have any effect on her, while she'd know how to programme the damn thing back into shape. We know that she has lots of memories from Lars' side of the family; does she have any of Skuld's?

On the other hand, I really, really doubt that Ao would let an Elder Evil/Descendent of his superiors who will be probably better at what he does than he is hybrid in that level of influence in his Realm. I mean, it would be terrible if Gunnhild suddenly seized control of the Weave, ate Mystra, then used that massive amount of power to eat Ao, too. And by terrible, I of course mean both hilarious and cute. :)

Hmm. As a side point, I wonder if Odin has been doing some snooping around the universes of Chaotic Space, trying to find what kind of universe produced something like Lars. I mean, he isn't the conventional type of Void-Born at all, being a product of an artificial simulation of the Void which in itself was made less anathema to life by the events of Thousand Shinji.

Something else for Tzintchi to worry about. :angelic:

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-03 07:54am
by barricade
EarthScorpion wrote:
Valorie wrote:Ysag...Ysig... World Tree OMGverse deity
Only two reasons I remember the term.
1. me= A!MGverse fanatic otaku.
2. I played Xenogears waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much and loved the BGM in the Yggdrasil.

Oh, and on that note, there's a universe that should -definitely- be in the restricted list. Considering Fei (and technically both Elly AND Emeralda) through himself & his gear has quite literally the powers of an entire universe at his command, and that all the 'Gears' in the universe potentially have infinite energy as well (only they're limited by the amounts they can draw in safely at any given time)....the Xenogears universe is right up there with TTGL for: STAY THE HELL OUT!!!

BTW, would NewChaos be interested in a 'fixed' Vortex grenade? One that doesn't cause a warp storm to spawn at random, but instead stays 'stuck' in the immediate area around where the grenade goes off. Or for that matter, Cluster Vortex Bomb sub-munitions (missile goes flying by overhead and then breaks apart into 30-100 vortex grenades which scatter over a 500m wide AoE). Would be worse then useless against the Necrons, due to the Great Warding being in effect, but might make for a nice quick/dirty 'urban renewal' tool during a ground campaign.

As for another detail, will we see Rind/Lind show up or possibly an A!MGverse Demon like Mara/Marller? Rind/Lind I could see showing up to act as both 'tutor' for Gunnhild, and as a a precaution as well in case things go...sour. Mara/Marller might just show up to see WTF is going on and HEY! new dimension to torment! Would be interesting to watch the various pantheons of Faerun go bananas when they realize Mara/Marller is likely -vastly- more powerful then Ao ever was. He was just a desk clerk. She's Hild's right hand woman/minion and has at times gone toe to toe with all four of the goddesses that 'permanently' reside at the Morisato house & Shrine. I keep getting this smirk going across my face whenever I think of Asmodeus & her meeting.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-03 02:10pm
As long as she doesn't start dating Asmodeus or anything...

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-03 06:28pm
by MichaelAwesome
How did Urd and Belldandy react to Skuld's situation and their new niece? Given their mutual mixed heritage, Urd would probably feel very protective of Gunnhild, perhaps to the point of betraying Odin All-father if it meant keeping Gunnhild safe from Hild and Mara. Urd isn't exactly satisfied with the current administration, given her stigma and how the gods can't keep Hell's forces in check, and Lars' growing family in Faerun would give the god/demon hybrid an easy out from the Cold War she's trapped in.

Okay, in A!MG, computer programs running on the world tree determines reality, which then manifest as time, space, matter, energy, etc. It's possible that Urd could fax Gunnhild a program that'd strength the godly traits inherited from MamaSkuld in the hopes that the drow-lookalike would gain better control over her daemon nature, to "save Gunnhild from herself."

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-03 07:35pm
by Valorie
MichaelAwesome wrote:How did Urd and Belldandy react to Skuld's situation and their new niece? Given their mutual mixed heritage, Urd would probably feel very protective of Gunnhild, perhaps to the point of betraying Odin All-father if it meant keeping Gunnhild safe from Hild and Mara. Urd isn't exactly satisfied with the current administration, given her stigma and how the gods can't keep Hell's forces in check, and Lars' growing family in Faerun would give the god/demon hybrid an easy out from the Cold War she's trapped in.
It depends. An event that could ignite a rebellion or Horus Heresy in the A!Mgverse would be if it became publicly known that Skuld isn’t bound by the DOUBLET SYSTEM anymore after becoming administrator of the Shadow Weave and/or creating the GirlGenius planar subsystem. This knowledge would lead to mass-desertion or open warfare among gods and demons alike.

Urd: “Tell me the truth!”
Odin: (a la Nickelson) “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!”
Urd: “Oro?”

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-03 11:19pm
by barricade
MichaelAwesome wrote:Okay, in A!MG, computer programs running on the world tree determines reality, which then manifest as time, space, matter, energy, etc. It's possible that Urd could fax Gunnhild a program that'd strength the godly traits inherited from MamaSkuld in the hopes that the drow-lookalike would gain better control over her daemon nature, to "save Gunnhild from herself."
Well here's a scary one. Yggdrasil is 'technically' a tree. And if we follow myth (which A!MG does, if loosely) then there is a chance Yggdrasil occasionally bears acorns/seeds/fruit/etc that can be used to create other similiar trees, if lesser then the original.

Give one of these 'seeds' to Gunnhild. It won't be the the equal of the original, obviously, but it's very likely it'd be able to more then sustain Gunnhild and/or several other gods with ease at full powers. And as for the other Faerun gods, Gunnhild might be able to put some of the more....prissy/jerks over a barrel. How? Offer some of the lesser, intermediate, or even demi-gods, a chance to be hooked directly into the Yggdrasil 'sapling'. And watch the Greater gods -scream- in sheer fustration as their 'lessers' are now VASTLY more powerful then they ever were. Considering a Goddess/God First Class, Unlimited - like Belldandy, Peorth, or Celeste, has the power to wipe out an entire planet (likely the solar system its in too) by MISTAKE, that makes most of the other 'greater' gods look like 1st lvl n00bs compared to A!MGverse gods/demons. Even Skuld, prior to getting into her adventures with Lars is potentially powerful enough to act like a single-digit megaton nuke (per second) if she put some effort into her magic, rather then tech. Urd herself is at least double-digit megaton if not gigaton levels per second. Lind/Rind is a special case and considering she faced down Hild (both Chibi form AND full form) and walked off with only minor scrapes she's obviously at least somewhat stronger then even Bell. Now to get back to the original topic, imagine the lesser gods that had been 'put in their places' by the more powerful gods, swear loyalty to Odin and/or Gunnhild (with only passing obedience to Ao) get even a third of this power....

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-06 01:18am
by Jaeger
barricade wrote:And as for the other Faerun gods, Gunnhild might be able to put some of the more....prissy/jerks over a barrel. How? Offer some of the lesser, intermediate, or even demi-gods, a chance to be hooked directly into the Yggdrasil 'sapling'.
Given Skuld's affinity for darkness and shadows, it'd be funny if her attempt at growing a Yggdrasil 'sapling' could end up looking like a gigantic mushroom, maybe one made out of metal and clockwork gears. If that does happen, the Myconid plant-people might start worshipping Skuld, as they haven't have a divine patron since Psifyr (spelling?) was killed by Orcus in the "Dead Gods" Planescape campaign.

Out of curiosity, are we ever gonna see what happened to StarFleet's civil war? Last we saw, the Dominion War was put on hold as all participants were curb-stomped by the Stiletto as part of their "equal-opportunity ass-whoppin" policy. Picard had told his bosses that they should remove the Prime Directive as the military started suspending civil rights "for the greater good."

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-06 03:28am
by Gulping Again
Jaeger wrote: Out of curiosity, are we ever gonna see what happened to StarFleet's civil war? Last we saw, the Dominion War was put on hold as all participants were curb-stomped by the Stiletto as part of their "equal-opportunity ass-whoppin" policy. Picard had told his bosses that they should remove the Prime Directive as the military started suspending civil rights "for the greater good."
This is a good point. What happened to all the other guys NC has run afoul of? We haven't heard shit out of SG-1 or the TSAB in a long time, either.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-06 04:00am
by barricade
Jaeger wrote:
barricade wrote:And as for the other Faerun gods, Gunnhild might be able to put some of the more....prissy/jerks over a barrel. How? Offer some of the lesser, intermediate, or even demi-gods, a chance to be hooked directly into the Yggdrasil 'sapling'.
Given Skuld's affinity for darkness and shadows, it'd be funny if her attempt at growing a Yggdrasil 'sapling' could end up looking like a gigantic mushroom, maybe one made out of metal and clockwork gears. If that does happen, the Myconid plant-people might start worshipping Skuld, as they haven't have a divine patron since Psifyr (spelling?) was killed by Orcus in the "Dead Gods" Planescape campaign.
Did you just set things up so that the Myconids eventually 'evolve' into Star Control II's 'Mycons'??
Out of curiosity, are we ever gonna see what happened to StarFleet's civil war? Last we saw, the Dominion War was put on hold as all participants were curb-stomped by the Stiletto as part of their "equal-opportunity ass-whoppin" policy. Picard had told his bosses that they should remove the Prime Directive as the military started suspending civil rights "for the greater good."
I don't remember the Dominion getting a major beatdown. The Cardassians getting shafted (literally), but not the Dominion as a whole.

I'm actually -highly- interested in what Section 31 is making of all that.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-06 06:56am
by MichaelAwesome
barricade wrote: I don't remember the Dominion getting a major beatdown. The Cardassians getting shafted (literally), but not the Dominion as a whole.

I'm actually -highly- interested in what Section 31 is making of all that.
The Stiletto blew up a quarter of the Dominion's fleet just to keep things balanced. The only people they didn't bother were the Romulans.

Starfleet has been aware of alternate realities and time travel since Kirk's days (I don't count "Enterprise" as an effective retcon) and have gone to great lengths to keep others from entering our neck of the space/time continuum, such as completely redesigning teleporter technology to prevent a reoccurance of "Mirror, Mirror."

I wonder what would happen if a worshipper of Reigle came into contact with the Founders' morphogenic plague created by Section31. Would it transform the Great Link into an ocean of bile, phlem, and puss? Would it give them shapeshifting powers?

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-06 07:48am
by WillowBee
barricade wrote:*blinks*
Did you just set things up so that the Myconids eventually 'evolve' into Star Control II's 'Mycons'??
Gunnhild = Princess Toadstool?

"Do the Mario!!!"

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-07 10:57pm
by Rosenheim
This is my first post on the site, and I have to say I really like how the story plays out. Sometimes it seems that NewChaos is some unstoppable machine and others it shows how truly weak they are....their true strength comes from having the power of being genre savvy. I liked 1000 Shinji and this is a well done continuation to it. (Though Emperor Shinji from S&WH40k is still my personal canon.)


Long live the God Emperor Penguin

(Done using a picture of GEoM, when I get time later I'll try drawing a penguin that looks more like Pen Pen with personalized armor)

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-16 07:46pm
by Skyfox120
I blame Nickoledeon for this odd twisted thought.. but after catching the Penguins of Madagascar while clicking around channels bored... I can't help but picture a 4 Penguin squad of Penguin space marines with the personalities of Skipper, Rico, Kowalski, and private... is that wrong?

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-16 08:03pm
If that gets put in this story, I'm blaming you.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-16 11:09pm
by Richardson
No, actually, I'm thinking of ripping his soul out now for bumping.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-17 02:36pm
by Jaeger
I wonder what would happen if BOLO Scipio encountered the Verpine rescued from the Yuuzhan Vong slave ships. The insectoid technophiles might start a Scipio Fan Club and follow him around like rock star groupies while making ill-advised suggestions on how to ‘upgrade’ him.

Does a “sufficiently advanced” artificial intelligence have a Soul? If such an AI had a S2/S3 organ and angelic biological tissues incorporated into its design, can a Soul spontaneously arise?

"Knight Errant" A collection of short stories about BOLO crossovers by JA Baker.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-18 06:36am
by al103
Jaeger wrote: Does a “sufficiently advanced” artificial intelligence have a Soul?
As long as Nanohaverse is part of Open Door canon answer is yes - 'ritters, Reinforce, Reinforce 2, Agito...

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-18 09:01am
by bobnik
But don't the intelligent devices have magic incorporated from their creation? Or are we using the Clarke's Law definition of magic (ie that sufficiently advanced tech is indistuinguishable from magic)?

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-18 09:57am
by al103
bobnik wrote:But don't the intelligent devices have magic incorporated from their creation? Or are we using the Clarke's Law definition of magic (ie that sufficiently advanced tech is indistuinguishable from magic)?
1. Thing is - while "magic processing" part is magical, control computer is not.
2. And it's "any sufficiently reliable magic is indistinguishable from technology" in case of Nanohaverse.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-18 01:55pm
by WillowBee
al103 wrote:
Jaeger wrote: Does a “sufficiently advanced” artificial intelligence have a Soul?
As long as Nanohaverse is part of Open Door canon answer is yes - 'ritters, Reinforce, Reinforce 2, Agito...
If certain machines can have souls, then "All BOLOs go to Heaven" would make a great propaganda movie and public knowledge that an Afterlife exists for them would give Scipio a reason to philosophically contemplate the "CHAOS: F#@k Yeah!" brochure since protecting humanity from the Necrontyr threat means fully collaborating with the NeoChaos deities.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-18 02:59pm
by JGregory32
"All BOLOs go to Heaven"
Was I the only one to get the mental image of the forces of darkness approaching the gates of heaven only to find them guarded by every BOLO ever made?
Now THAT is an image I want to see.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-18 08:32pm
by Jonen C
JGregory32 wrote:
"All BOLOs go to Heaven"
Was I the only one to get the mental image of the forces of darkness approaching the gates of heaven only to find them guarded by every BOLO ever made?
Now THAT is an image I want to see.
Good. Now apply that mental image to the Armageddon!!? universe cosmology.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-18 08:56pm
by Firethorn
Jonen C wrote:Good. Now apply that mental image to the Armageddon!!? universe cosmology.
The Pain! The Torture! Poor Demons. :shock:

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-18 11:25pm
by White Haven
The Astartes were right about the Battle at the End of Time. They just left about the part about having to fight the Dinochrome Brigade at the End of Time.
