The Open Door (megacrossover)

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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Jaeger »

True, but they’d have to selectively breed Goa’uld larvae to handle a host with Psyker abilities and hold up against a disease-riddled Reigle worshipper, otherwise the symbiotes would be: A) left brain-dead, B) go insane, C) die from anaphylactic shock, D) suffer from an immune-deficiency disorder, or any number of problems. Assuming that civilians have some access to minor genetic engineering processes, breeding a stable Sub-Race of Goa’uld would take decades, perhaps even centuries, although the social prestige and monetary profits from such an endeavor would be well worth the wait.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by WillowBee »

Setesh wrote:Since the 'Queens' can produce thousands to millions of larve (according to the stargate wiki) making them more expensive as they got older is certainly a possibility but there would never really be a shortage. Lower class people might even benefit be undergoing primta and incubating the larve until they become Goa'uld at little to no charge. Something like this would be a godsend to a planet with low population and birth rates.
WOOT! Jedi master Setesh liked my idea!
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by barricade »

Well there's always an option of adding a Symbiote as one of the further implants given to a Space Marine at the very beginning of the volunteer joining. So the Symbiote undergoes the same genetic 'fixes' that the host body does. One thing that at least should also be mentioned is that Goa'uld symbiotes, technically, can be hosted inside an Alteran body, which as we know is -far- more advanced in certain areas genetically (and likely other areas) then a baseline SGCverse human.

And on that note, about the Alterans, has NewChaos run across one of those Alteran Memory Recollection centers yet? That 'face hugging, memory injecting, squidy thing' as Jack O'neill put it? Because if Tzintchi came across one it could get...bad.
Macross Daedalus Attack: Because nothing says "Frak You" like punching them in the face with an aircraft carrier.
Macross Frontier Version: Unless you use 2 aircraft carriers.

Named after a g/f! Sheesh, stop asking.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by EarthScorpion »

barricade wrote:
*snip well argued and reasoned refutation*
Fair enough. I'm only familiar with OMG/AMG from this and reading the tvtropes page, so I don't really know anything about the cosmology and nature of the paranormal entities within beyond the most superficial levels. I would still claim, however, that Gunnhild is a lot more daemon than she is OMG/AMG goddess; the shard of Skuld that "conceived" her was small and accidental, compared to the massive... uh, mass of emotional psychophagic energy that Lars picked up in OMG/AMG Hell, and so I think that would predominate. As I see it, she's like a weaker Greater Daemon (than say, Kali), who also has the advantage of potential moderator access to universes that run using Yggdrasil code, along with quite a lot of memories from both sides of the family (and as some of Lars' soul material was part of at least one of the Four prior to its incorporation into him, and she has a lot of his memories, she may have got some resonance-bleedthrough that left her with some of the memories of those emotion conglomerates).
Oh and here's a scary one for all involved (and libel to cause cerebral hemorrhaging from the sheer number of the cries of 'HERESY!!!' in the IoM)...
Gunnhild ends up in the 40kverse and meets the GEoM while he's stuck on his throne, and due to her rather...squick mentality towards skulls and half-rotten corpses, falls heads over heels for him.

You realise, of course, that would just be yet another way for the universe to spite Macha, don't you. She's been saving her self / been saved by her dick of a father for a very long time, and then some creepy child-daemon comes along and steals the Emperor from her.

And from the depths of the warp, up from the gullet of Slannesh, comes the echoing smugness of a figure that, despite the lack of a physical body or face, still manages to stand, smirking, hands on hips. Because he's a dick.
See the Anargo Sector Project, an entire fan-created sector for Warhammer 40k, designed as a setting for Role-Playing Games.

Author of Aeon Natum Engel, an Evangelion/Cthulhutech setting merger fan-fiction.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Jaeger »

Oh and here's a scary one for all involved (and libel to cause cerebral hemorrhaging from the sheer number of the cries of 'HERESY!!!' in the IoM)...
Gunnhild ends up in the 40kverse and meets the GEoM while he's stuck on his throne, and due to her rather...squick mentality towards skulls and half-rotten corpses, falls heads over heels for him.
It’d probably be even more disastrous if Leman Russ found Skuld and brought her to heal the Emperor of Mankind. The rejuvenated Emperor would then be horrified to find what his followers did in His Name and be forced to smite his misguided disciples. Depending on how widespread the corruption has gotten, the Emperor might ascend to full Godhood to rain fire and brimstone upon the very nation he founded.

“Holy, crap! Here comes Jesus Christ and he doesn’t look too happy! RUN!”
Peter Griffin quote, “Family Guy”

If the Emperor did decide to go Old Testament on his sinful flock, the fleeing fragments of the ex-Imperium might take shelter in other dimensions and realities.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Valorie »

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if there were multiple conspiracies within the Imperium to make sure that the Emperor remains bound to his Golden Throne. If the Emperor is no longer crippled and senile, He might not be too happy about how humanity has conducted itself.

There’s one Heresy suggesting that the Emperor is dying but that he will be reborn as the StarChild, and with its birth a new warp/real-space overlap will form. However, the Inquisition is trying to prevent the birth of the StarChild and keep the Emperor alive in his current incarnation, but the longer the Emperor’s life is artificially sustained, the more of his humanity slips away and is lost forever.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Setesh »

I have this sudden vision of the Emperor rising from his throne fully healed calling a meeting with the leaders of ever major faction of the Imperium, standing there looking divine and serene then busting out 'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? IS HE THE ONLY ONE HERE WITH A FUCKING CLUE?' pointing at Ciaphas Cain of all people.
"Nobody ever inferred from the multiple infirmities of Windows that Bill Gates was infinitely benevolent, omniscient, and able to fix everything. " Argument against god's perfection.

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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by MichaelAwesome »

Setesh wrote:I have this sudden vision of the Emperor rising from his throne fully healed calling a meeting with the leaders of ever major faction of the Imperium, standing there looking divine and serene then busting out 'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? IS HE THE ONLY ONE HERE WITH A FUCKING CLUE?' pointing at Ciaphas Cain of all people.
That's why were bury our leaders in concert musoleums, so they can't rise from the dead and tell us "That's not what we meant when we wrote the Bill of Rights, dumb-ass."

Ummm, who is Ciaphas Cain? And if the Emperor had Gunnhild as a girlfriend, would that unofficially make her Queen of Humanity?
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Singular Quartet »

MichaelAwesome wrote:
Setesh wrote:I have this sudden vision of the Emperor rising from his throne fully healed calling a meeting with the leaders of ever major faction of the Imperium, standing there looking divine and serene then busting out 'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? IS HE THE ONLY ONE HERE WITH A FUCKING CLUE?' pointing at Ciaphas Cain of all people.
That's why were bury our leaders in concert musoleums, so they can't rise from the dead and tell us "That's not what we meant when we wrote the Bill of Rights, dumb-ass."

Ummm, who is Ciaphas Cain? And if the Emperor had Gunnhild as a girlfriend, would that unofficially make her Queen of Humanity?
Ciaphas Cain is a Hero of the Imperium and self-proclaimed coward. He has a way of running away from trouble, only to find more trouble, and then deal with said trouble to save his own skin.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Setesh »

MichaelAwesome wrote:That's why were bury our leaders in concert musoleums, so they can't rise from the dead and tell us "That's not what we meant when we wrote the Bill of Rights, dumb-ass."

Ummm, who is Ciaphas Cain? And if the Emperor had Gunnhild as a girlfriend, would that unofficially make her Queen of Humanity?
Lexicanum on Cain

In the latest books events not included in the above. Cain killed one of Abbadon's seconds, Warmaster Varan (psyker, ability to make people switch sides, even Sisters of battle), in a personal duel where he literaly kicked his ass (sending him over the side of a dam to a multi-story death). He also despite being buried with full military honors, is listed as being active duty (he was erroneously reported dead so many time the administratum gave up and ordered he never be declared dead).

Ironically for someone who has little faith in the Emperor Cain is worshiped as a prophet of the emperor an conduit of his will, on Tellarn by a small sect of started by an ex-guardsman who wrote the 'Book of Cain' (a fact that amused Amberley to no end if only for what she thought Cain's reaction would be.)

Cain is a self professed coward, though Inquisitor Amberley (who publishes his 'real' memoirs to the Inquisition, as opposed to his public book which is entirely based on his public persona) thinks otherwise, believing Cain criticizes himself far to harshly.
"Nobody ever inferred from the multiple infirmities of Windows that Bill Gates was infinitely benevolent, omniscient, and able to fix everything. " Argument against god's perfection.

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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Jim Starluck »

Setesh wrote:I have this sudden vision of the Emperor rising from his throne fully healed calling a meeting with the leaders of ever major faction of the Imperium, standing there looking divine and serene then busting out 'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? IS HE THE ONLY ONE HERE WITH A FUCKING CLUE?' pointing at Ciaphas Cain of all people.
The author of the other epic win NGE/WH40K crossover already theorized about this one.
Bluepencil wrote:








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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Jaeger »

Very awesome. I hope the Emperor gets healed so he can curb-stomp his pompous hypocrites.
Setesh wrote:I have this sudden vision of the Emperor rising from his throne fully healed calling a meeting with the leaders of ever major faction of the Imperium, standing there looking divine and serene then busting out 'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? IS HE THE ONLY ONE HERE WITH A FUCKING CLUE?' pointing at Ciaphas Cain of all people.
With all these talk about Humanity, how has neoChaos changed with non-human immigrants becoming part of their society?

If 1% of the +20 million Syracusians religiously converted, that’s 200,000 avian Chaos worshippers, with atleast a quarter of them being absorbed into the spiritual essence of the four neoChaos gods after death. One day a year, the Chaos gods take on mortal form to keep themselves grounded, so if the absorbed a few thousand Syracusian souls, they might choose to manifest as an avian humanoid instead of a human.

Meanwhile, many of the technophile Verpine rescued from the Yuuzhan Vong slave ships would literately sell their souls* to work with such advanced machinery; an offer neoChaos would take them up on. *The fact that Verpine don’t put the same cultural values on souls and the Afterlife like humans do works in neoChaos’ favor for Faustian negotiations.

“Faustian negotiators work on commission and I’m still trying to pay off my college loans. So sue me.”

On the other hand, the Talz have no concept of personal ownership and are often seen as thieves. They had trouble integrating into the galaxy community of the Star Wars universe, so it might be for the best if they were given a small plot of land to settle on. They prefer colder climates, which might bring them into conflict with Emperor Penguin PenPen of the Penguin Republic.

“Wark wark wark!!!” (trans: “Those f@#king four-eyes stole my fish!”)

The idea of a bigoted penguin sounds hilarious, like Archie Bunker being reincarnated as a flightless bird.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by WillowBee »

If you want extreme non-humans in neoChaos, picture a “Dinotopia” microfusion where sentient dinosaurs live alongside people. Scouts could either go to a dimension where time hasn’t progressed as far, or they could visit a world where “Jurassic Park” is real and steal Hammond’s InGen research.

If a sentient Velociraptor became an ordained priest of Askulon, I know I’d attend mass every Sunday. How bad-ass would that be?

And Velociraptors have thumbs, so that means they can wield lazguns and bolters.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by barricade »

WillowBee wrote:If you want extreme non-humans in neoChaos, picture a “Dinotopia” microfusion where sentient dinosaurs live alongside people. Scouts could either go to a dimension where time hasn’t progressed as far, or they could visit a world where “Jurassic Park” is real and steal Hammond’s InGen research.

If a sentient Velociraptor became an ordained priest of Askulon, I know I’d attend mass every Sunday. How bad-ass would that be?

And Velociraptors have thumbs, so that means they can wield lazguns and bolters.
If your next words are 'All Hail Raptor Jesus'....

I'm converting.
Macross Daedalus Attack: Because nothing says "Frak You" like punching them in the face with an aircraft carrier.
Macross Frontier Version: Unless you use 2 aircraft carriers.

Named after a g/f! Sheesh, stop asking.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Robo Jesus »

barricade wrote:
WillowBee wrote:If you want extreme non-humans in neoChaos, picture a “Dinotopia” microfusion where sentient dinosaurs live alongside people. Scouts could either go to a dimension where time hasn’t progressed as far, or they could visit a world where “Jurassic Park” is real and steal Hammond’s InGen research.

If a sentient Velociraptor became an ordained priest of Askulon, I know I’d attend mass every Sunday. How bad-ass would that be?

And Velociraptors have thumbs, so that means they can wield lazguns and bolters.
If your next words are 'All Hail Raptor Jesus'....

I'm converting.
Great, now I have the mental image of Raptor Jesus showing up in some random Twentieth Century universe and initiating a conversation with the Pope.
This is sickening... You sound like chapters from a self-help booklet! Prepare yourselves!
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by barricade »

Robo Jesus wrote:Great, now I have the mental image of Raptor Jesus showing up in some random Twentieth Century universe and initiating a conversation with the Pope.
:twisted: Just. As. Planned. :twisted:
Macross Daedalus Attack: Because nothing says "Frak You" like punching them in the face with an aircraft carrier.
Macross Frontier Version: Unless you use 2 aircraft carriers.

Named after a g/f! Sheesh, stop asking.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Valorie »

barricade wrote:
WillowBee wrote:If you want extreme non-humans in neoChaos, picture a “Dinotopia” microfusion where sentient dinosaurs live alongside people. Scouts could either go to a dimension where time hasn’t progressed as far, or they could visit a world where “Jurassic Park” is real and steal Hammond’s InGen research.

If a sentient Velociraptor became an ordained priest of Askulon, I know I’d attend mass every Sunday. How bad-ass would that be?

And Velociraptors have thumbs, so that means they can wield lazguns and bolters.
If your next words are 'All Hail Raptor Jesus'....

I'm converting.
Here's the closest analogue to "Raptor Jesus" or "Saint Velociraptor of Askulon" I could find: Behold the might of Azuvidexus!!! Tyrant King of the Crawling Jungle and Heir to the Seed of N’gharl! (It's a six-part page, so be sure to scroll down)
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by MichaelAwesome »

In Faerun, there’s a race of humanoid dinosaurs known as Saurials and come in four varieties: hornhead (triceratops), flyer (pterosaur), bladeback (stegosaurus), and finhead (???). Living in the Dalelands, the Saurials where once slaves of the god Moander who brought them from an alternate Material Plane. They were later saved by an ex-Harper named Finder Wyvernspur who absorbed Moander's divine energy and became a Chaotic Neutral demigod, now serving as the Saurial’s divine protector and benevolent guardian. Once numbering only 110 Saurials, their tribe has grown 485 members. Many of the younger generation yearn to explore the world, but the elders wish to remain hidden, fearing persecution from humans and elves.

If Lars could speak with Finder Wyvernspur about making his clergy a lawful organization in the eyes of Noctis, then Saurial adventurers might visit Noctis without fear of endangering themselves or their tribe. Finder is a reckless young deity who is trying to build a base of worshippers and wouldn’t turn down the chance to have his religion accepted in another community.

Also, if Lars introduced Phonograph technology, then Finder would bend over backwards to get in on Noctis' good graces. In mortal life, Finder was a Bard madly obsessed with preserving his music for all time, so a phonograph would make of his dreams come true.

All Saurials have two weaknesses: Cold Torpor and vulnerability to gas-based attacks. They can easily die from exposure in an environment that a human would find merely uncomfortable. Thus, Noctis/Nesme would need to make special accommodations to make sure any Saurials visiting them would warm and safe.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Jaeger »

barricade wrote:
WillowBee wrote:If you want extreme non-humans in neoChaos, picture a “Dinotopia” microfusion where sentient dinosaurs live alongside people. Scouts could either go to a dimension where time hasn’t progressed as far, or they could visit a world where “Jurassic Park” is real and steal Hammond’s InGen research.

If a sentient Velociraptor became an ordained priest of Askulon, I know I’d attend mass every Sunday. How bad-ass would that be?

And Velociraptors have thumbs, so that means they can wield lazguns and bolters.
If your next words are 'All Hail Raptor Jesus'....

I'm converting.
Here’s a few reptilian races from the Star Wars universe that might have been on the Yuuzhan Vong slave ships and rescued by neoChaos: Ssi-ruuk, Barabel, Rodian, Trandoshan, Arcona, etc.

Given their fondness of technology, it’s highly likely that the rescued Verpine will eagerly assimilate into neoChaos society and negotiate for the long-term survival of their Verpine brethren still living in the Star Wars universe. In canon, shortly after the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion, the Verpine were crippled by the Killik’s Swarm War.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Academia Nut »

Chapter Seventy-two: Land of the Dead

While he wore one of his customary frowns as they rode in the LAAT, Obi-wan could not particularly fault Anakin for saving a life, although something was off about the young man his student and friend had brought aboard, something strange about how he felt through the Force. It was almost as if the Force became tangled about the young man.

“And what stray did you pick up this time Anakin?” Obi-wan asked as Anakin looked over the young man, the clone medic assisting him.

“I’m not sure. As we were pulling out I felt something in the Force call out to me, and I found him in some rubble and…” Anakin then trailed off as his eyes went wide at seeing the damage done to the young man’s body beneath the rags he had been wearing. His entire torso was covered in ragged Vs of scar tissue, almost as if someone had opened him up as invasively as possible to look at all of his organs simultaneously.

“I’ve seen worse, but that’s impressive,” Obi-wan noted impassively as he took in the extent of the damage. It did seem that the poor young man had at least been mostly healed from whatever had happened to him.

Scanning over the young man with both the Force and medical equipment, Anakin confirmed Obi-wan’s suspicions, “His body is overloaded on endorphins and pharmaceutical decay products, and it looks like his spleen has recently been regenerated, but I think he’ll be all right with some rest and a meal.”

Anakin then paused for a moment and said, “And I think he’s a Jedi.”

Obi-wan raised an eyebrow at that and asked, “And what makes you think that?”

“He’s very strong in the Force. There’s something not quite right about him, but I don’t think there’s anything actually wrong either. He’s definitely not part of the Dark Side. He’s certainly powerful enough to be a Jedi. Plus his hands have the distinctive calluses of someone who uses a lightsabre,” Anakin pointed out, showing off patterns of wear and tear on the palms characteristic of extended lightsabre use.

“Uncharacteristically observant of you Anakin,” Obi-wan teased.

Smiling, Anakin replied, “Well we can’t all be old men with failing eyesight.”

Shaking his head wryly, Obi-wan just smiled before he shifted his attention back to the young man and said, “Well that might be, but I know of no Jedi assigned here that would match this young man’s description.”

“Maybe he was captured by the Confederacy and escaped?” Anakin suggested.

“Maybe,” Obi-wan conceded. “But it seems unlikely.”

Their LAAT flying up into the launch bay of a hovering Acclamator and settling down, Obi-wan shrugged and said, “We will just have to see what he has to say when he wakes up. Men, get him to the sick bay.”

“Right away General Kenobi,” one of the clones said while another two got out a portable stretcher.

When you’re lying in your sleep, when you’re lying in your bed

He awoke with a start, his whole body seizing up in fear from a dream of monsters dancing about him while playing upon dread flutes, piping out songs of madness, trying to lure him into darkness, offering him powers and pleasures beyond the knowing of mortal minds. They were chameleons, changing their skins to the pleasing forms of friends and family, tempting him with visions of what might come.

He refused and they praised him for it while redoubling their efforts.

And now, here he lay, in an unknown infirmary somewhere, strapped down to a bed, monitors and machines softly beeping and hissing around him, with a massive headache and a feeling of colossal dread in his heart.

Slowly inhaling, he tried to centre himself in the Force, only to discover that everything felt wrong. The Dark Side cloaked everything like a palpable presence, trying to prevent him from achieving full peace with the Force. But after the encounter with those beasts of the Dark Side and…

“I should be dead,” he whispered, remembering those last few moments fighting the Yuuzhan Vong with crystal clarity. He had become One with the Force, energy flowing through him and giving him the strength to continue to fight despite the fact that his body had taken enormous amounts of damage from weapons and venom. More than enough to have killed him.

But they had saved him, had rebuilt his body with their foul methods, all for some plot he could not understand. He did not know who or what they were, just that they delighted in wild excesses and perversity, and that they had some bizarre interest in him.

His thoughts were interrupted by an unfamiliar yet paternal voice announcing, “Well you very well would have been if not for my student. I do apologize for the restraints, standard procedure with unknowns. Especially unknown Force users.”

Looking up, he found a middle aged man with short brown hair and a full, if neatly kept, beard standing next to his bed, smiling wryly down at him with a wise, fatherly sort of look. Somehow, despite never really seeing him before, he knew the name of the man before him.

It was Obi-wan Kenobi, a man who had been dead for over a quarter of a century.

Anakin Solo looked agape at this man, far younger than the tales spun by his uncle implied, standing over him, bigger than life. The first impulse than came to his mind was to blurt something out, to warn of the actions of his namesake, of Palpatine, but something instinctively slammed his jaw shut. Perhaps it was the Force, still interacting strongly with him after his brush with Oneness, or perhaps it was just his own subconscious telling his conscious that it would be a bad idea, but either way, he held his tongue.

You’re going to be a ghost for us, wandering in a land of ghosts.

Anakin had no idea if this was real or illusion, reality or unreality, but for the moment he would treat this pragmatically as if it were real, that he was in fact somewhere back in time, which presented him with a bit of a quandary. The first was whether or not he could change anything or not, or if history was set in stone. The other was that if he could, whether he should. On the one hand he had the lives of countless trillions in the Galactic Civil War and the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, and on the other he had his own existence owing to the events of the Civil War, and while as a Jedi he had no problem with sacrificing his life for the good of so many, the ontological paradox implied by erasing himself from history hurt the head to think about. Especially if the universe’s solution was to destroy the affected part of itself to undo the damage, in which case Anakin would kill more people than the wars had.

So Anakin decided to play by the most dangerous rules he could think up: he could change the past but paradoxes would have lethal results. Fortunately small changes didn’t seem to affect the tide of things as his mere presence hadn’t erased the galaxy from existence yet.

So he would keep his mouth shut and try to learn more about what was going on before he tried to stop his grandfather from falling to the Dark Side.

Now frowning slight at Anakin’s silence, Obi-wan asked, “You looked like you were going to say something before.”

“I uh… I didn’t know what to say when I first saw you,” Anakin admitted.

“Ah, I see. Have you been watching too much of the Holonet stories on us then? Well, I’m afraid that those tend to exaggerate our feats,” Obi-wan said humorously.

Us? Our? No. No!

“Maybe they exaggerate your exploits, master,” a man said as he walked into view.

If Obi-wan had come as a shock, then the man before him, not much older his brother Jacen was an even bigger one. Full of brashness and self-confidence, he was not the hissing mechanical monstrosity that had stalked his dreams for as long as he could remember. And between these two men who had been like simultaneous new moons on Anakin, unseen but still exerting a perceptible tide upon the course of his life, he could sense none of the anger that had lead to one man striking down the other. No, there was friendship and camaraderie and brotherly love.

Anakin could feel the familial connection between him and his namesake grandfather, and for a brief, horrific moment he thought the other Anakin would recognize the bond they shared, but that moment passed in an instant, leaving Anakin the Younger to wonder what could have changed in his grandfather to transform him from this bold young Jedi to the twisted Sith he had become in his later life.

“You seem overawed,” Obi-wan noted jovially at Anakin the Younger’s discomfort.

“Well… I had heard so much of you from my master that it was a bit of a shock to see you in the flesh,” Anakin explained, deciding to get his identity as a Force user out of the way quickly, even if he would be altering the spin of the truth slightly.

Ironically, an older Obi-wan would know the trick quite well.

“Your master? So you have received training in the ways of the Force. By whom?” Obi-wan asked.

“By my uncle, who was in turn trained by two former Jedi masters, both of whom left the Order over forty years ago,” Anakin explained while not exactly lying, for which he got a strange, sick feeling through the Force of a presence somewhere snickering in delight.

“Oh, and what did these masters leave for?” Obi-wan asked, obviously not buying the whole explanation.

Anakin paused for a few moments before he said, “I don’t exactly know, but generally I think it was over the deaths of other members of the Order.”

“I see… and your name young man?” Obi-wan asked.

Looking a bit sheepish, Anakin replied, “Uh… by something of a coincidence it’s Anakin. I was named after my grandfather.”

This caused both Obi-wan and the older Anakin to look at the time displaced Jedi somewhat quizzically before the Anakin the Older said with a laugh, “Well this will make conversations interesting!”

“I see,” Obi-wan noted. “We’ll have to look into this and we have other questions, but for now we would like to see what your training has been like.”

Focusing, Anakin telekinetically undid the restraints about him before sitting up and finding that his body didn’t feel all that bad. Sure, he had a few aches and some tightness here and there, but after all the damage he had taken he expected to need more than just a few training sessions to get back on top. Of course, now he was wondering what had been done to him by those Dark Side monsters.

Smirking, the older Anakin said, “Well, it looks like you have some of the basics at least. But let’s see what you can really do…”

Anakin the Younger rubbed his jaw while picking himself up from the floor of the training room within the troop transport. They had started with basic telekinesis practice, but once they saw that he had plenty of training in that area they began to move on to other areas of a Jedi’s skill set. Eventually he had been given a training light sabre, a lower powered blade that could only really singe hair and clothing, and been asked to square off against Anakin.

It had been difficult to maintain his focus and calm while fighting his grandfather, there was just too much emotion associated with the knowledge of what he would become, what he would do one day. Even though it wouldn’t actually do anything, the thought of ‘slipping’ and saving the galaxy decades of pain and suffering kept creeping into his mind, distracting him. He kept those thoughts tightly sealed away where Obi-wan or Anakin the Older wouldn’t accidentally pick up, but he could not concentrate fully on what he was doing.

And his grandfather was incredible with a lightsabre, taking all of Anakin’s attention just to keep up with him. Distracted as he was by outside concerns, including what it was that had brought him here in the first place and a nagging worry about the conflict with the Yuuzhan Vong, he did not have his full attention forward. The shroud of the Dark Side over the galaxy and the memory of the taint of those things also kept him from achieving full focus and he found himself frequently knocked down by a punch or a telekinetic shove.

Still, the older Anakin wore a huge grin on his face while he sparred, and more than once offered a helping hand to hoist his younger namesake back up. The first few times Anakin had been shocked and almost refused, but he managed to get over his anxiety, consciously setting it aside as unnecessary. But every time his hand met his grandfather’s he felt a thrill in the Force pass through him, and he wondered how Anakin the Older could not notice such a thing.

Helping him up once more, Anakin the Older said warmly, if a touch arrogantly, “I can feel the disappointment in you, but you’re really quite good. Most Jedi don’t even push me, and while you’re no Mace Windu, you’re not exactly a pushover either.”

Silently stroking his beard on the sidelines, Obi-wan moved closer to them and said, “Yes, young Anakin… err… the older of you two – this will be rather confusing – is amongst the most skilled lightsabre combatants in the Order and he is not slacking off in a spar like he usually does even when against Masters. Your style is quite unorthodox however, and you are skirting distressingly close to the Dark Side at times.”

Young Anakin nodded and said with a sigh, “I am… distracted. Much has happened to me, much that I cannot explain or even understand, and it is hurting my focus.”

Frowning a touch, Obi-wan said, “There is that, but it is more fundamental as well. I am not quite sure how to describe your style, but it seems to draw heavily on elements of Form V, specifically Djem So. But there are a dozen other elements I would be hard pressed to categorize, with your overall style possessing a strong aggressive element to it. Emotional response seems integral to the way you fight.”

Anakin considered this analysis for a long moment, and he silently wondered at the enormous gaps between his grandfather’s Order and the one he belonged to. While calm and serenity remained the core principles of the Jedi Order, other emotions were allowed, even encouraged. And while active strides were taken to prevent it, it seemed that to become a truly great Jedi Master in the New Jedi Order redemption from the Dark Side was first necessary. Kyp Durron, Kyle Katarn, and even, or perhaps especially, his uncle Luke had all fallen to the Dark Side at one point before being brought back. He had trained and fought beside Jedi who had been trained in the Dark Side before, and he trusted Zekk, a man who had received his initial training in the Force from the Shadow Academy, to have his back during the Myrkr mission.

He supposed that a touch of the Dark Side was present in all of the members of the New Jedi Order. Sometimes Jedi fell, but considering just how piecemeal their training was and the vast number of Dark Side users spawned by Palpatine and the Empire, Anakin supposed that his uncle Luke had a remarkable track record for keeping his Order in line and in actually redeeming those who fell.

With a click Anakin felt a sort of epiphany. You had to want redemption. You had to want to turn back on the path into Darkness and stride, to struggle, back towards the Light. Darth Vader had his son, Luke, to show him the pain of the Dark Side, to remind him that love was worth sacrificing for. Luke had Leia to bring him back from the brink and even from the other side when Palpatine had exerted his corrupting influence.

Anakin had his own attachments, his own passions and loves, and while they could lead into a disastrous spiral, they could also serve as emotional anchors, ways of centering a Jedi, of reminding them why the Darkness was not worth it. A Jedi of the New Order was like an ancient mariner upon a tempestuous sea, such that in times of strife they could remain secure and steadfast, their friends and family grounding them and preventing them from becoming lost to their own emotions, and when the skies cleared they could lift their burdens from the sea floor.

Emotions and attachments were set aside calmly and rationally, but they were not forgotten.

Anakin could see it now, could feel it in his grandfather. The older Anakin had his passions and attachments, but he did not truly know how to properly set them aside. He could not lift his anchors, and they were going to snag on something and bring him, and the galaxy, to disaster. He could neither let go of his anger and fear and love nor safely tuck them aside when they became a hindrance. No, he was bottling them up, twisting his soul into a terrible knot.

His thoughts having taken only a moment, Anakin then smiled and slowly exhaled, remembering his own attachments. His mother and father, his brother and sister, his uncle, all of his friends… and a certain blonde haired girl… he all saw them in his mind. He would get through this, he would find them all again… somehow. He would not let them down.

Tension flowed from his body and he felt a wave of calm break over him, carrying away his anxiety and stress. Raising the inactive hilt of the training sabre he had been given, he asked, “I… I think I’m ready for one more go? Are you up for it?”

Anakin the Older just grinned and said, “Of course. I haven’t had this much fun since I surpassed old Obi-wan!”

Obi-wan on the other hand frowned slightly as the young man, who bore the same name as his friend, companion, and brother, suddenly seemed to untangle slightly within the Force. Emotions still bubbled within him, but it was not the boil that his apprentice sometimes exhibited or the raging storms of anger and hatred that the Sith cultivated. Obi-wan also suddenly had the feeling that there would be a lesson in humility in store soon.

Squaring off, the two Anakins faced each other, activating their sabres with the distinctive sound of air being pushed out of the way and lightly ionized by the blades. Anakin the Younger faced his grandfather for the first time without fear or anxiety. The Force would guide him, as it had guided him on Myrkr. His sparring partner was more experienced and better trained, and stronger in the Force, but now that he could focus, the younger Anakin knew that he had two major advantages. The first was that Anakin had a much broader pool of experience to draw from, even if it was much shallower and overall had less volume. His grandfather had sparred with the best in the galaxy, and fought against countless blaster wielding opponents, but how often had he fought life-and-death with another opponent in melee? How many Dark Siders had he actually fought? His grandfather trusted fully in the Force, but had he ever faced opponents to which the Force was blind?

The other advantage was that Anakin had for a few instants become One with the Force, had felt all the life in the galaxy flowing through him. The wisdom and experience of countless millennia of Jedi flitted at the edge of his memories, including those of Anakin Skywalker throughout his life as a Jedi and as Darth Vader. Anakin could not grasp those memories directly, but he had an edge none could guess at.

Both were students of war, sculpted on the battlefield, but each Anakin had fought in a different war, and each had been honed in different ways into different warriors, into different men. This would not be easy, and Anakin the Younger suspected that he would lose once more, but things would be very different this time.

Far away and yet very near, the Stiletto loitered in their own personal Warp, peering out into the universe within a bubble of their own native physics. Rong-Arya sat and smiled, observing distantly the sparring match that was about to occur. She said somewhat musingly, “Did anyone here go through the historical entertainment archives we ‘acquired’ from the Federation?”

There were a few nods and Ichiro-Faust said, “Of course. It was the data from those movies that led us to find this universe in the first place.”

Rong-Arya said with a small, toothy smile, “Well for those of you who have studied it a bit more deeply, now may be a good time to cue up the instrumental of ‘Leave you Far Behind’ and get some popcorn.”


Sorry about the delay and wording, trying to work with two characters with the same name is major pain in the ass.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Aranfan »

So, not hallucination then.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Alan Bolte »

Well, you've dealt with it humorously enough. I think from here on out you should put the issue aside, and use their last names, or a nickname, or something. I doubt there's anything time line corrupting about the name Solo. Probably a fairly common Correllian name, and Vader would have no reason to suspect that Han is any relation to Anakin until he discovers Leia is his daughter, which is very last-minute.

Also, good job writing for Skywalker and Kenobi.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by pieman3141 »

Dammit, that was one of the most interesting SW time travel bits I've read, and you just stop? More, I say! More!
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by dragon »

Nice update going to be interesting to see what happens next.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by consequences »

My stance, as nearly always, is 'Bugger paradox. I want a better world'.

Although I wouldn't be nearly as glib if time travel and alternate universes were entirely unknown to me. Still, I think I'd take the stance that the continuance of life that would otherwise be lost, and the new life that would never have a chance to be otherwise, outweigh the destruction of the universe as it was. At least in this case, and any other where things similarly turn to shit.