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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-18 08:37pm
by Firethorn
Jaeger wrote:6) Astromech droids: Imagine being a daemon bound within an R2 droid. What an awesome way to work off your debt to society in style.
Except that it'd be far too nice for those that become bound daemons - those are the truly BAD ones.

The ones that get Astromechs would be like Lars, ones who have favor with the gods.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-18 11:37pm
by MichaelAwesome
Lars was your average fisherman before volunteering to become a bound daemon. He didn't have any divine favor before that. Yes, the majority of bound daemon pissed off the Gods, but being put inside an astromech should be a privilage reserved for the volunteers. Droids make good "starter hosts" for daemon who lack the control needed to inhabit a human, and those who were once Eva pilots might wish to re-experience the joys of piloting and working with machines.

If you were a droid with a daemon bound inside you, which Chaos god would you worship? I can picture the astromechs building a shrine to Skuld as their "Machine Goddess." Sadly, there's no patron Chaos deity of robots or cyborgs yet, but that's a niche role Skuld might be able to fill if she ever makes contact with neoChaos.

Nihilistic droids might venerate Reigle as "the Queen of the Scrap Heap" or "The Un-maker."
Academia Nut wrote:Chapter Twenty-six: Guest

There were two kinds of daemon bound to physical objects under the new system of Chaos. The first and most common were made from the souls of those who pissed off the gods but not quite enough to warrant getting sent to the Hall of Torment, guys like child abusers and the like. They were turned into very minor entities and stuck into things like swords and such, the idea being that spending a couple of centuries as an inanimate object would get them to shape up, and if they didn’t, well at least they were well away from other souls and doing something semi-useful.

Then there were the few souls who volunteered to get the process done to them. It was pretty rare that there were positions open, but with the commissioning of the Stiletto there were a variety of places where a person looking for a shot at immortality could find work. For Lars, being turned into an incorporeal entity and stuffed into a communications mast for a few hundred years beat out being eaten by the gods upon his death.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-19 04:15am
by Alien-Carrot
Ooh ooh, i figured it out. They're there to get Asuka a new axe.
A very particular, very powerfull, god killing axe.

It's called '

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-19 06:46pm
by WillowBee
Hopefully, by messing with the Star Wars verse during the Vong conflict, we'll avoid the retarded Second Galactic Civil War. In retrospect, the 2nd civil war seemed so pointless and really turned me off to the whole "Extended Universe" series.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 04:19am
by Academia Nut
Some knowledge of the characters and events of Star by Star in the NJO will probably be needed to get the full appreciation of this chapter.

Chapter Seventy-one: Ghosts

The Yuuzhan Vong understood ritual sacrifice, hatred, pain, and destruction for the sake of destruction. They did not however understand Chaos. They did not understand the way Chaos would curl up and sit patiently in the shadows, letting fear and confusion seep into the world around them, how they appreciated the subtle gradations of terror.

Thus they did not truly appreciate the significance of the campaign being waged against them. Every forty-seven hours one of their logistical ships would suffer annihilation. Troop ships would abruptly become fireballs, slaughtering thousands of warriors in an instant. Supply ships had their cargoes mysteriously poisoned despite encountering nothing along the way and their manifests triple checked before leaving. And slave ships were turned into ghost ships, their crews slaughtered and universally decapitated while the slaves had mysteriously vanished.

The attacks were really just pinpricks in the overall war effort, but it was the randomness to it all that was driving the Yuuzhan Vong insane. Their ships just died on a precisely regimented schedule, but there was no rhyme or reason as to why any particular ship was targeted.

That they had foes that were doing it for the simple reason of causing fear in their ranks never entered into their conscious minds. Oh, they never realized it in particular, but their behaviour started to change. They started protecting their ships more, moving them into convoy systems, and as forty-seventh hour arrived they would make sure they didn’t have any logistics ships in open space.

This behavioural change was devastating in comparison to the losses they would have sustained if they just let the attacks go unchallenged. While the shifting of forces was not a critical reallocation of resources, it did ever so slightly take away their initiative. Operations were delayed, hurting the overall tempo of the invasion. So long as the Yuuzhan Vong could maintain an aggressive front they could secure victory, but once they started to go defensive they put their whole operation more and more at risk of crumbling.

And of course, it made them more susceptible to other tactics.

Maria flowed through the ranks of the Yuuzhan Vong, a deadly, unseen particulate of poison in their midst, floating between identities, whispering of ghosts into the ears of those who would listen before shucking her identity like a serpent shedding its skin, her Angel Cutter careful concealed but always close at hand if she needed to dispose of anyone.

Already more than a few members of the Yuuzhan Vong had gone into recycling chambers, broken down and digested by their organic technology, the only clue as to what happened being that they had gone missing. So far only Shamed Ones and a few low level Intendants had disappeared in such a way, but Maria was now aboard a matalok warship, posing as an Intendant and whispering heretical things into the ear of the commanding officer.

“The still time again, commander?” Maria asked in her guise as the male Executor Von Fath, referencing the recent shifts in unit deployment that attempted to counter the strange attacks on the logistical arm of the fleet.

Growling in frustration at the unfairness of the universe, Commander Krag Paasar complained, “It does not sit well with me to sit here, waiting for a cowardly enemy to attack.”

“Perhaps then my efforts to find this enemy will, humble as they are, please you, commander?” Maria asked sycophantically, a lipless grin on her altered face.

“And what have you discovered, executor?” Krag inquired in an annoyed tone.

“From the infidels of the Promised Land who have embraced the True Way, I have learned of a peculiar set of stories told in this place, of a strange ship that appears and disappears without warning, transmitting a message using primitive means. Most think it a ghost ship, a legend, but there is some evidence to suggest it may be some form of pirate vessel. Its name can be roughly translated from their language into something along the lines of Killfrenzy,” Maria explained.

This got Krag’s attention and he asked, “And why do they call it this name?”

Seeing that she had a hook in him, Maria replied, “Apparently its only broadcast is the phrase ‘kill frenzy’, in their debased tongue of course, on an infinite loop. From the tales, it seems to use some unknown form of darkspace drive to sneak up on prey before pouncing.”

Krag seemed somewhat thoughtful before he asked, “And you think this might be linked to the craven attacks on our ships and warriors?”

“It seems entirely possible. While an actual ‘ghost ship’ seems far fetched, a theatrical pirate with access to a few tricks might explain the rumours, and if such an infidel has turned attention upon our holy task…” Maria let the idea hang, for Krag to fill in his own conclusions.

“Good work, although these stories seem to lead us no further in actually discovering how we might stop them,” Krag replied, now mulling over the concepts presented.

“Well… there is one story I heard,” Maria said, now going into territory that had not previously part of the rumours.

Krag raised a tattooed eyebrow, and gestured for the executor to continue.

“Amongst the infidels there is a fear in mentioning the name Killfrenzy, at least on transmissions into the void where it might hear them. Now, if this truly were a pirate possessing some tricks, then perhaps this was born out of some corrupted form of the infidel’s feeble honour, and the captain sees it as a challenge if he hears the name of his ship mentioned, thus perpetuating the legend,” Maria explained.

“Hmmm… interesting. Are you perhaps thinking that we bait a trap?” Krag asked.

“I am merely presenting what I have learned. It may very well be false, it is after all based on the rumours and delusions of infidels, but I have discovered no other fruitful lines of inquiry,” Maria stated self-effacingly.

“No, no, you have done well executor. This gives me something to work with, something to at least try. Give me a list of places where we have suffered such attacks, and we will at least eliminate this possibility,” Krag said.

He was such that perfect blend of ambitious and intelligent while still being blindly fanatically to manipulate like a puppet, hence one of the reasons why Maria had infiltrated into his ranks after learning of his reputation for glory seeking cunning. No doubt if this were successful Krag would hog all the credit, while if a failure he would try and shift all the blame onto poor Von Fath.

Hours later, Maria sat in Von Fath’s quarters, surrounded on all sides by the grotesque organic systems, while she sat, waiting for contact.

A presence tickled at the edge of her senses, a terrible voice that whispered There is not much time left, what have you to tell us?

We’re moving to Plan B. Security is too tight; we must make them bring me to them.

Give me the coordinates, I will pass them along.

Make this ship a ghost. I grow tired of its presence.

The matalok biot floated through space, lit by the dim illumination of a red dwarf star, the shadows of stellar debris occasionally eclipsing the weak sun. This was the region of highest attacks, a secluded region filled with carbonaceous asteroids and nitrate carrying comets, perfect for picking up raw materials for the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. If someone didn’t keep poisoning the supply ships.

Krag had his ship out here, and had ordered a broadcast calling out the Killfrenzy.

“Do you think anything will come of this commander?” Maria asked.

“Depends if anyone is listening,” Krag replied with a smirk. “I do believe that if anyone is listening then we should get a reaction.”

Smirking, Maria asked, “What if that reaction is a teleport assault with thirty genetically engineered humans in massive technological armour wielding insanely overpowered weapons?”

Krag turned to rebuke his subordinate, only to discover that Von Fath had been replaced by a human female in a tight black body suit and she had a sword plunging through his upper chest. Drawing it cleanly out as his legs collapsed beneath him, his spinal column, and only his spinal column severed, leaving him a quadriplegic.

Casually bending out of the way of an amphistaff strike, Maria beheaded a surprised warrior as her Angel Cutter phased harmlessly through his living weapon and his armour, before snatching a thud bug out of the air and whipping it back at the warrior who had thrown it in the first place, catching the shocked male in the face.

It was at that point the Reavers showed up, teleported into the matalok using Maria’s distinctive psychic signature in this universe as their targeting position.

“BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!” The leader roared before bringing his roaring chain axe down on a stunned warrior connected to the ship via a cognition hood, splattering blood everywhere.

Another Reaver spat in the face of a warrior, blinding the man as the acidic saliva ate away at his face, before he was kneed in the chest far enough to implode his rib cage. Bolter rounds impacted vonduun crab armour, revealing that while the energy field could stop the energy of the rounds, it did not do so well at stopping the momentum transfer of a .75 calibre high explosive round impacting and then detonating on the surface. While the living armour absorbed much of the shockwave, this also meant that all of the delicate internal structures required for life were pulped, killing the organism and destroying the protective qualities.

Considering that the Reavers tended to double tap with their bolt pistols, this was a very bad thing.

Sitting down on Krag’s chest, Maria idly considered her sword while she said, “I really must apologize for this, but we’re on a bit of a tight schedule here and the death of you and all your crew was really the most expedient way of achieving our goals. Oh wait… no, actually, I’m not very sorry at all.”

Trying to spit up at Maria, Krag got a backhand that nearly dislocated his jaw for his trouble, a quiet demonstration of the unseen enhancements that had gone into Maria’s body.

“I know about the thing in your tongue, so don’t even try it. Now, while it’s not recommended, I do have you crippled and at my mercy, with more of my allies appearing every moment to perpetuate the slaughter of your crew, so I do believe I will indulge in a little villainous exposition. Just to taunt you in the last moments of your life, because I really don’t like your species. If you think I’m and affront to your gods, you wouldn’t believe how much you bastards piss off my gods. I mean, sacrificing civilians? That’s just being an ass right there,” Maria said disapprovingly. She then smiled as the engineering team started to teleport aboard.

“Hey guys, could you come over here and introduce yourselves to the commanding officer of the ship we’re about to hijack?” Maria asked, leading to the heavily augmented technicians and engineers to come over and show off their cybernetics, waving a little before he went to work.

“Blasphemies! Abominations!” Krag cried out in futile fury.

“Now, now, we prefer the term ‘unholy monstrosities from beyond the void between the stars’,” Maria said chidingly. “For you see, we’re actually less native to this place than you are. And we have plans. You think your Yun-Harla is tricky? You think your Yun-Yammka is bloodthirsty? Oh man, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

A bag of heads taken as trophies now slung over his shoulder, the sergeant of the Reavers approached and said, “We have the majority of the ship under our control now ma’am. It will probably take another hour or two to finish the full purge, but there should be no further interference.”

Smiling pleasantly, Maria dipped her Angel Cutter into Krag’s throat and kept it phased out while she loomed in over him. She then said, “We’re the nightmares you have while in darkspace, we are the ghosts in the void, and we’re out to add another member to our number. But you are in the way.”

With the barest flick of her wrist Maria severed the primary artery in Krag’s throat, and nothing else, and leered over him while the light faded from his eyes as he bled out internally.

The unexpected arrival of a matalok outside of its patrol sector above Myrkr put the high security around the Baanu Rass on extra alert, especially with the recent incursion of a Jedi strike team, but as the ship floated aimlessly, the decision was made to quickly send a scout to see what had happened before they made any decisions on trying to salvage it or destroy it.

The warriors swept the ship and discovered nothing but dismembered and decapitated bodies. It was in fact a very quick, routine sweep of the ship as they met no resistance, and the only anomaly was one of the warriors going out of sight of his brothers for a minute before showing up again.

By the time his body was discovered, his aorta cut internally with no other damage on his body, it was already several days after the excitement had ended.

Darkness surrounded him; metaphorical and physical, whispers in his mind try to lure him down shadowed paths as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He saw strange things through blurred, water eyes that refused to focus. He heard alien tongues pronouncing unknown syllables all around him. And he felt the darkness trying to worm its way inside him, poking and prodding at his wounds. He fought back when he could, but he could only intermittently summon the energy to achieve a half conscious state, and then only barely, so fighting back the intrusions upon his body and mind were near impossible.

Finally he awoke to behold a creature that blazed with the Dark Side quite literally as the Force wrapped around her head to produce unnatural flames. Smiling, she said in a multitude of voices, “Hello young one, you were quite difficult to acquire, and even harder to bring back from the precipice.”

He blinked a few times, trying to make sure he wasn’t dreaming while also trying to stop the world from spinning her so slightly. It was at this point that he discovered that he was quite securely restrained.

The restraints are to keep you from picking at your wounds. Organ worms are most effective when not disturbed,” the abomination in the Force explained.

He looked down, and had he the state of mind to scream, he would have. His entire torso was open and exposed, his organs on full display and now the home to squirming carrion maggots as long as his forearms and as thick as his small intestines, which several of them were merrily playing in. Aside from the grotesqueness of these things crawling about on his insides, there was also the fact that they radiated the Dark Side just as strongly as the burning woman before him.

Sophie, adjust his dosage before he goes into shock,” the woman ordered to someone he could not see.

“We can remove most of the worms now. They have already healed the majority of the damage and his body seems to resist their presence quite vehemently. He is likely to endure better without them,” a soft, female voice suggested phlegmatically to his left.

Do it,” the woman ordered before she added on, “I still want his dosage altered. We don’t have the time to try this again elsewhere if he dies on us.”

“Yes ma’am,” an alluring female voice replied to his right, and he suddenly discovered that he suddenly didn’t care that his organs were on full display.

Or what came into view.

She was a small, thin looking albino woman, her skin tinted ever so slightly green by the monumental decay that she contained. She was like a black dwarf in the Force, a collapsed ball of the Dark Side with a cacophony of voices trapped within. She then began to pull the worms out of him, tenderly letting them bite down on her bear flesh, attaching them to herself in a sick parody of a mother nursing a child.

Now, while we do have the capacity to break down your mental resistance to reading our brochures like really annoying door to door evangelicals, we don’t particularly have time for that so you’re going to be a ghost for us, wandering a land of ghosts, looking for the land of the living once more. And you will seek the land of the living,” the burning woman explained.

The seductive voice to his left then stuck her head into view, revealing a familiar face framed by long blonde hair but with an alien presence about her that indicated that she was an impostor. She said in the voice she had stolen, “Because we know what you have waiting for you in the land of the living.”

Everything faded to black.

Motion. Jostling. There were explosions all around, of people running and shouting.

“Anakin, quickly, get in the transport!”

His eyes fluttered open once more to discover that the realm of darkness had vanished and that his insides where no longer on his outside. He did however appear to be upside down now and staring at someone’s back. In fact, he appeared to be slung over someone’s shoulder in a carry while his bearer was running and a significant speed.


“Wha…” He muttered groggily, responding to his name.

Then with a feeling of weightlessness his carrier took to the air for a moment before there was a thud of leather boots impacting heavily on a metal floor, before a brash voice announced, “Sorry Obi-wan, I couldn’t leave this guy behind.”


I may end up redoing large chunks of this chapter, but this is the general direction I want to take the plot, so it will do for now. For those of you who didn't get what that last bit was about
Anakin Solo gets to meet his maternal granfather!

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 05:05am
by Alan Bolte
Um, what? We're doing time travel now?

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 05:15am
by bobnik
I'm not sure it's real. Maybe they popped him into a SW AU? Maybe he's hallucinating?

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 07:23am
by Mutant Headcrab
Given the "land of ghosts" comment, I would assume this is a Chaos induced hallucination. They have such interesting ways of bringing people to their point of view.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 09:22am
by Skyfox120
Of course considering the warp..... it could also easily be real time travel as well...

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 02:29pm
by Robo Jesus
Multiple timelines can allow for what seems like time travel without it directly being so. The Star Wars universe must therefore have multiple timelines. I think the biggest clue for why Anakin has been put into a different timeline can be found in the quote below.
Academia Nut wrote:we’re out to add another member to our number. But you are in the way.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 02:51pm
by Academia Nut
They do sort of have time travel, the problem is that it will tend to cause branching out into other timelines that can make it difficult to actually get anything done properly, because different timelines count as different universes to the control system and thus you have to use a Hub to move between them despite the fact that they might be right next to each other. Since they want to protect the Haruhiverse as their 'backdoor' they have to use Buffyverse. Each time they move through it though they have to go up and down a temporal differential, and Buffyverse doesn't allow time travel so if they don't want to chew up the window of opportunity for what they want to do, they have to limit the amount of time they spend there, and thus the number of trips they take.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 03:36pm
by Robo Jesus
Academia Nut wrote:They do sort of have time travel, the problem is that it will tend to cause branching out into other timelines that can make it difficult to actually get anything done properly, because different timelines count as different universes to the control system and thus you have to use a Hub to move between them despite the fact that they might be right next to each other. Since they want to protect the Haruhiverse as their 'backdoor' they have to use Buffyverse. Each time they move through it though they have to go up and down a temporal differential, and Buffyverse doesn't allow time travel so if they don't want to chew up the window of opportunity for what they want to do, they have to limit the amount of time they spend there, and thus the number of trips they take.
Does that mean that the Buffy-verse doesn't have any alternate timelines within itself then?

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 03:41pm
by Aranfan
Robo Jesus wrote:
Academia Nut wrote:They do sort of have time travel, the problem is that it will tend to cause branching out into other timelines that can make it difficult to actually get anything done properly, because different timelines count as different universes to the control system and thus you have to use a Hub to move between them despite the fact that they might be right next to each other. Since they want to protect the Haruhiverse as their 'backdoor' they have to use Buffyverse. Each time they move through it though they have to go up and down a temporal differential, and Buffyverse doesn't allow time travel so if they don't want to chew up the window of opportunity for what they want to do, they have to limit the amount of time they spend there, and thus the number of trips they take.
Does that mean that the Buffy-verse doesn't have any alternate timelines within itself then?
Wishverse indicates that it does.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 03:56pm
by Mutant Headcrab
Hey, Academia Nut, any chance we could get some kind of "map of the multiverse?" Even just an MS Paint doodle just showing approximate locations relative to each other would be fine.

Yeah, yeah, 2d representations don't really fit a cosmology too well. I just wouldn't mind some kind of reference frame. Keep up the good work, Mr. Nut!

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 04:43pm
by Valorie
Academia Nut wrote:Spoiler
Anakin Solo gets to meet his maternal granfather!
Technically, you don't need to time travel in order to resurrect [BLANK]. His "ghost" still exists as an echo within the Force and it'd be child's play for neoChaos to rip a soul from the Force and then either stick in a new body or make it semi-corporeal like a real ghost so it'd "haunt" people.

Having not read all the books, I'm a bit confused about whether Vergere was one of prisoners rescued by neoChaos. She was a Sith enlightenist who was thrall to Falung and later Tsavong Lah. Vergere's self-taught "Art of the Small" gave her an unpredented understanding of the duality between the Light and Dark sides of the Force.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 05:11pm
by WillowBee
Valorie wrote:Having not read all the books, I'm a bit confused about whether Vergere was one of prisoners rescued by neoChaos. She was a Sith enlightenist who was thrall to Falung and later Tsavong Lah.
Yes, Vergere and the One Sith were held as prisoners of the Yuuzhan Vong for a time, as where numerous humans, Verpine, and Talz. Both Vergere and the One Sith would be curious about neoChaos and go with them to satisfy their intellectual curiosity.

It’d be interesting if freed Verpine slaves became permanent members’ of neoChaos society. They’re hermaphroditic insectoids with a radio-based hive mind to form a consensus democracy. Verpine are excellent technicians but often make unauthorized “improvements” on devices that can result in disaster.

If we ever see the New Syracusians bird-people again, they might act as a “cultural liaison” to help new species adjust to neoChaos and culturally assimilate.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 05:37pm
by White Haven
I've now got the mental image of a meeting between canon 40k Mechanicus in the Verpine. Oh about your tech-heresy.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 06:19pm
by Firethorn
bobnik wrote:I'm not sure it's real. Maybe they popped him into a SW AU? Maybe he's hallucinating?
Whatever the case, I think Tzintchi is getting fancy.

Though I think I've more or less figured out what's going on.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 07:08pm
by Jaeger
White Haven wrote:I've now got the mental image of a meeting between canon 40k Mechanicus in the Verpine. Oh about your tech-heresy.
Yes, the Mechanicus would embrace the Verpine like long-lost brothers.
"Finally! Mammals who understand us!"

Even bugs like to feel appreciated, and the Star Wars verse tends to jerk the Verpine around despite them being so skilled.

Have you hugged your bug today?

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 07:33pm
by Deadpan29
Hours later, Maria sat in Von Fath’s quarters, surrounded on all sides by the grotesque organic systems, while she sat, waiting for contact.
When someone from NeoChaos calls it grotesque, that is both surprising and a sign that it must be really bad.
A presence tickled at the edge of her senses, a terrible voice that whispered There is not much time left, what have you to tell us?
The telepathic conversation here could use some quotation marks, or maybe a change in font to indicate what is message and what isn't.
“Do you think anything will come of this commander?” Maria asked.

“Depends if anyone is listening,” Krag replied with a smirk. “I do believe that if anyone is listening then we should get a reaction.”
The manipulation of Krag feels off throughout this, he quickly agrees to what seems to be a fairly long shot of a theory, even if it costs nothing to check it out, and now his advisor who suggested it is questioning the success?
Casually bending out of the way of an amphistaff strike, Maria beheaded a surprised warrior as her Angel Cutter phased harmlessly through his living weapon and his armour, before snatching a thud bug out of the air and whipping it back at the warrior who had thrown it in the first place, catching the shocked male in the face.
I'm not sure "harmlessly" is really the word you are looking for here.
Smiling pleasantly, Maria dipped her Angel Cutter into Krag’s throat and kept it phased out while she loomed in over him. She then said, “We’re the nightmares you have while in darkspace, we are the ghosts in the void, and we’re out to add another member to our number. But you are in the way.”
I knew whatever they had their sights on had to be big...but does this mean they are looking to recruit a 5th NeoChaos god?
He saw strange things through blurred, water eyes that refused to focus.
He blinked a few times, trying to make sure he wasn’t dreaming while also trying to stop the world from spinning her so slightly. It was at this point that he discovered that he was quite securely restrained.
I don't understand the phrase "spinning her so slightly". I suspect this is an edit that never got finished, but I don't know what you were trying to say.
She then began to pull the worms out of him, tenderly letting them bite down on her bear flesh, attaching them to herself in a sick parody of a mother nursing a child.
bear --> bare

That said, you have some really good lines in here, particularly the bit about door to door evangelicals.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 07:44pm
by Rahvin
I knew whatever they had their sights on had to be big...but does this mean they are looking to recruit a 5th NeoChaos god?
Doubtful. That would require a significant amount of power (3rd Impact and the birth of the NeoChaos Gods wasn't exactly a small event), and is massively risky to boot for little reward. A new God from a compltely different Universe? It's unlikely such a being would have the same motives and goals as NeoChaos. With that much power invested into another free-willed entity, the risk is simply too high.

However, Anakin as a NeoChaos agent...that would be something to see. He's got something for almost all of the Gods - rage that would make Asukhon drool, Force abilities that would pique Tzinchi's interest, permanent wounds that should attract Reigle - and there might even be something in there for Mislaato as well. He may very well become NeoChaos' version of Horus. That's a more controlled investment, one far more likely to bear fruit and easier to control if the effort fails.

That and Vader working with NeoChaos is just all-out badass.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 07:50pm
by D1398342003
Deadpan29 wrote:
Casually bending out of the way of an amphistaff strike, Maria beheaded a surprised warrior as her Angel Cutter phased harmlessly through his living weapon and his armour, before snatching a thud bug out of the air and whipping it back at the warrior who had thrown it in the first place, catching the shocked male in the face.
I'm not sure "harmlessly" is really the word you are looking for here.
The Angel Cutter passed through the armour harmlessly, but did damage to the flesh underneath. That needs to be made more clear.
Rahvin wrote:Doubtful. That would require a significant amount of power (3rd Impact and the birth of the NeoChaos Gods wasn't exactly a small event), and is massively risky to boot for little reward. A new God from a compltely different Universe? It's unlikely such a being would have the same motives and goals as NeoChaos. With that much power invested into another free-willed entity, the risk is simply too high.

However, Anakin as a NeoChaos agent...that would be something to see. He's got something for almost all of the Gods - rage that would make Asukhon drool, Force abilities that would pique Tzinchi's interest, permanent wounds that should attract Reigle - and there might even be something in there for Mislaato as well. He may very well become NeoChaos' version of Horus. That's a more controlled investment, one far more likely to bear fruit and easier to control if the effort fails.

That and Vader working with NeoChaos is just all-out badass.
The Anakin sent back in time was Han and Leia's son, named after his grandfather.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 08:31pm
by MichaelAwesome
We have yet to establish whether Anakin was sent back in time or shunted into another dimension where time has not progressed as far a la Michael Chricton's "Timeline" book. Given their investment in manipulating the Yuuzong Vong, the second option is the most logical.

Messing with multiple dimensions is what Tzintchi does best, and purposely created a temporal paradox within the Dark Side of the Force might give the Jedi and New Republic the insight into extra-planar phenomenon needed to cross into other realms, which neoChaos wants so that they may attack the Buffyverse just as the Imperium and Eldar arrive.
Academia Nut wrote:They do sort of have time travel, the problem is that it will tend to cause branching out into other timelines that can make it difficult to actually get anything done properly, because different timelines count as different universes to the control system and thus you have to use a Hub to move between them despite the fact that they might be right next to each other. Since they want to protect the Haruhiverse as their 'backdoor' they have to use Buffyverse. Each time they move through it though they have to go up and down a temporal differential, and Buffyverse doesn't allow time travel so if they don't want to chew up the window of opportunity for what they want to do, they have to limit the amount of time they spend there, and thus the number of trips they take.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 09:54pm
by Garlak
Well... if you're talking about a "Third Impact-like event," would the Jedi massacre count? Not only were there many, many death in the galactic war, but the massacre of the Jedi would generate a lot of power. Hundreds, if not thousands, "psykers" getting knocked off that fast?

The Dark Side seemed to gain influence and power at that time too--so maybe knock off Palpatine as well and you've got even *more* power to work with.

But... still, there are better opportunities and places to draw power from. The Starforge, the Valley of the Jedi, the remnants of ancient Sith... It just... doesn't quite FIT for NeoChaos to try and forge a fifth god out of *this* particular time-period. Maybe they're trying to gain control of the galaxy--wait till Palpatine goes through with his plan, then replace him and rule in his stead. But that also doesn't seem to be it.


Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-20 10:30pm
by Jaeger
It could be the Jedi Massacre. The Destruction of Alderaan by the first DeathStar is also possible.