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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-11 03:13pm
by Valorie
Could the Dark Eldar be converted to neoChaos?

Tzintchi's "You did WHAT!?!" reaction supports the previously debated idea that the God of Change needs to periodically hiberate or sleep, which would cause blindspots in his precognitive awareness and give the enemies of neoChaos a vulnerality to strike at. That, or Tzintchi could be pretending that he needs to hibernate so that the three goddess will be forced to learn how to get along without him and lull his enemies into a false sense of securty. Either is possible.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-11 03:26pm
by Jaeger
It’s odd how they avoided harming the Eldar.

I was thinking about what kind of cults and heresies might exist within the society of neoChaos, what with so many over-ambitious people being encouraged to seize power and glory in the name of the Gods, and I can picture a neoChaos cult vat growing a bunch of Eldar clones, maybe a few Tau, and raising them as Chaos worshippers on the belief that cloned Chaos-loyal Eldar children and Daemon created from non-human souls would be a powerful addition to the forces of Chaos Undivided. If such a cult was really, really lucky, one of the Eldar clones could go on to bear the Mark of Chaos Ascendant, as so far only four beings have received the full blessing of the gods: Penpen, Toji, Kensuke, and Ali.

On the other hand, Penpen might petition to have a Syracusian promoted to Daemonhood for “workforce diversity” as part of his pro-Avian agenda.

Q: If you’re accused of being bigoted against a species, does that make you a Specist or a Racist?

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-11 05:38pm
by Enigma
Jaeger wrote:It’s odd how they avoided harming the Eldar.

It is explained near the end of the Thousand Shinji fanfic.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-11 06:17pm
by Academia Nut
Indeed, as was explained at the end of Thousand Shinji, they cut a deal with the Eldar gods: Eldar tech for an agreement to allow the Eldar the right of self determination. They didn't quite expect what they would discover later, but basically it means that New Chaos can't take aggressive action against the Eldar. If they get attacked first then they can retaliate, and they have a fair degree of latitude in dealing with them, they just can't 'proactively defend' against the Eldar.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-11 11:21pm
by Firethorn
LadyTevar wrote:You have a HABIT of 'getting stuck' and never going back to post more chapters, you bastard! You leave us with fantastic stories of interesting people, some funny, some inspiring, some terrifying, all stories with many people asking for more and more, but then the Story just Stops!
No ending, no resolution, we never know how it's gonna turn out, because you just stop posting about it.
Bastard. I wanna know how the story Ends!
I have to agree. I've read actual published novels less engrossing than yours, AC. And I JUST encountered those fics, read them ALL. Now I'm probably going to have to do a search for every thread you've ever made to make sure I've gotten them all.

My only consolation is that, maybe, just maybe, you'll go back to those fics sometime.

*reads newest chapter*

I'm not getting much sleep tonight, am I?

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-11 11:39pm
by Singular Quartet
Firethorn wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:You have a HABIT of 'getting stuck' and never going back to post more chapters, you bastard! You leave us with fantastic stories of interesting people, some funny, some inspiring, some terrifying, all stories with many people asking for more and more, but then the Story just Stops!
No ending, no resolution, we never know how it's gonna turn out, because you just stop posting about it.
Bastard. I wanna know how the story Ends!
I have to agree. I've read actual published novels less engrossing than yours, AC. And I JUST encountered those fics, read them ALL. Now I'm probably going to have to do a search for every thread you've ever made to make sure I've gotten them all.
+ ... mit=Search
This would be every fic AN has started... and a few other things, as well. But, basically, it's every topic is ever started in Fanfics.

And apparently, I can't figure out how to use a url bbcode, so you'll just have to copy+paste it.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-12 08:41am
by holyknight
Academia Nut wrote:
Then there were his compatriots. He had ties to the Raven Guard, the White Scars, Iron Hands, and the Salamanders, to which he probably had about a dozen or so bullshit stories attached. Somehow he also had a frakking convent of Adepta Sororitas attached to him, their sanctuary part of the warship he used as his personal transport. There were only about fifty sisters-in-arms, but come on! Despite these associations, he also towed around with him regiments composed of criminals, mutants, and abhumans. There were even rumours that he engaged in special selective breeding programs to stabilize the genomes of certain mutant lines to bring them up to the level of abhumans.

This brought up the final point that Bella found most infuriating about the bastard. She was sure that at least 1% of his associates were descended from him in some fashion, but prying into the sex life of a fellow Inquisitor without good cause was a sure-fire way to get shot by said Inquisitor while everyone else turned a blind eye, but…

Rumours of a member of His Imperial Majesty’s Inquisition getting a hundred Adepta Sororitas pregnant should not stand!


Bella nodded and said, “That’s the first sane plan I’ve heard from you in quite a while.”

Mosegi affected an almost juvenile grin and tilt of his head before he replied, “I try.”
Do you know to who Mosegi do reminds me sincerely?

Jiraiya, The Gama Sennin, from Naruto. Pervert, Smartass and darn proud of it, prone to get into weird shit, and getting pounded by women, to then get up from it like nothing, while also being an absolute master of spying, an skilled specialist, and a powerful and utterly loyal Shinobi.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-12 11:25am
by barricade
Except that Mosegi actually seems to respect women (mostly), and actually shows this, while Jiraiya has to get his head pounded in first before he'll attempt it. That and Mosegi has likely gotten laid 100x more then Jiraiya ever did. I dunnot about getting an entire Sisters of Battle coven pregnant, but I'd be more then willing to bet he nailed a squad's worth, and that was likely -after- he had an appendage or two blow off, Riva glaring at him (and then trying, unsuccessfully, to keep her hands off him), plus whatever other members of his little harem he's built up.

This is a guy that could give Negi Springfield a run for his money in Harem potential for sheer destruction (and loyalty).

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-12 01:03pm
by Singular Quartet
Valorie wrote:Could the Dark Eldar be converted to neoChaos?

Tzintchi's "You did WHAT!?!" reaction supports the previously debated idea that the God of Change needs to periodically hiberate or sleep, which would cause blindspots in his precognitive awareness and give the enemies of neoChaos a vulnerality to strike at. That, or Tzintchi could be pretending that he needs to hibernate so that the three goddess will be forced to learn how to get along without him and lull his enemies into a false sense of securty. Either is possible.
It was either Asuka's gamble on Starbuck, or because of the fuck-up with the capturing of the Chaos Cruiser... oh, wait, we want the Imperium to follow neochaos. Nevermind.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-12 03:12pm
by Jonen C
We? Which we are we talking about?

We - the audience - might want it.

NeoChaos - the nine-fingered prince and his cohorts at least - however, wishes to see the Imperium go to Sunnyhell. They are also trying to lure another faction there to counter them - implied to be the Galactic Empire, IIRC. They will be launching the operation to bait the GE from the remains of the Laumer-verse (BOLOs et al).
NeoChaos would prefer it if 40k had no clue they existed.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-12 03:52pm
by Singular Quartet
Jonen C wrote:We? Which we are we talking about?

We - the audience - might want it.

NeoChaos - the nine-fingered prince and his cohorts at least - however, wishes to see the Imperium go to Sunnyhell. They are also trying to lure another faction there to counter them - implied to be the Galactic Empire, IIRC. They will be launching the operation to bait the GE from the remains of the Laumer-verse (BOLOs et al).
NeoChaos would prefer it if 40k had no clue they existed.
By "follow neochaos" I meant "follow neochaos to sunnyhell"

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-12 04:27pm
by MichaelAwesome
I can understand why the Imperium and oldChaos wants to go to Sunnydale, but what's motivating the Eldar to do so? Are just the Harlequin aware of Sunnydale, or do all of the Eldar know? What about the Dark Eldar?

Does traveling to another dimension prevent Slaneesh from finding their souls after death and devouring them? If yes, I can see how this would be a very powerful motivator for the Eldar.
Jaeger wrote:I can picture a neoChaos cult vat growing a bunch of Eldar clones, maybe a few Tau, and raising them as Chaos worshippers on the belief that cloned Chaos-loyal Eldar children and Daemon created from non-human souls would be a powerful addition to the forces of Chaos Undivided.
Cloning Eldar would piss them off and alienate a potential ally, but the Tau, Kroot, and Vespid are fair game.
"For the greater Chaos!!!"
Much in the same way anti-psyker genes were introduced to humanity to hinder us, maybe scientists of neoChaos could try to give modified Tau clones low-grade psyker abilities (Epsilon level) to see how'd it affect their psychological and socio-economic nature, and whether it could be introducted to the Tau gene pool to throw their empire into chaos if they can't cope with such abilities.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-12 04:56pm
by Satori
If we're headed back to Sunnyhell can we *NOT* kill poor Jenny this time. I liked her.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-12 05:43pm
by WillowBee
Yay, Jenny Calendar! Boo, Angelus/Capt.Hairgel! Double boo, Dawn the Deux ex Machina!
Go click the link. You'll like it. =^_^=

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-12 05:58pm
by Academia Nut
Mosegi's beliefs in the Imperial creed are like some sort of mind bending cross between Ciaphas Cain's personal beliefs and Redemptionism. He believes that for the most part the Emperor is too busy keeping the universe spinning to bother with individual entreties, but paying him due respect is demanded. He also believes quite fanatically in killing as many of the enemies of the Imperium as possible, especially traitors and heretics, and he will go after anyone if he things he can get away with it. He especially hates corruption amongst the upper ranks of the Imperium as he, despite being from a low end background, believes in a sort of noblesse oblige and that those servants close to the Emperor in their status should conduct themselves accordingly rather than indulging in corrupt practices. However, he is very pragmatic in selecting his targets, and he believes that anyone capable of seeking redemption is capable of achieving it if they truly try, although death in the service to the Emperor is usually the only way to wipe away the majority of sins. He is also quite adverse to throwing away lives needlessly and is a bit of a humanist, and he has a bit of a motto "Drown our enemies in an ocean of their own blood before shedding a single drop of sacred human blood!" Of course, criminals have turned their back on humanity, abhumans are degenerates, and mutants are debased instabilities of the sacred human form, so there is another saying that is a bit less enthusiastically repeated by the troops "Sometimes you have to search a little to find the human drops."

Still, his committment to victory, his insistance upon loyalty and piety from all (even if his own beliefs are a tad unorthodox), a fiery streak to drag those who might otherwise be enemies or at least parasites towards the Emperor (kicking and screaming if necessary), and his position within the Ordo Hereticus brought him to the attention of the Ecclesiarchy. While most despise him, a few Adepta Sororitas originally dragged into working with him over the years and learned to accept and appreciate his views on the Emperor. This brought them into conflict with their original convents, so eventually Mosegi petitioned to just have them broken off and formed into an Order Minoris. While leery of giving him more power, the Ecclesiarchy and other Inquisitors, since they had repeatedly failed to find anything heretical with him, decided to contain the situation, to prevent his brand of Emperor Worship from spreading much further.

Then, with such close proximity to him and the seemingly miraculous way he has managed to survive getting hit with damn near every infantry, several vehicular, and a couple of warship weapons, several of the female members of his expanded retinue decided to get 'closer' to him. Since there are no vows of chastity for Inquisitors or Adepta Sororitas he saw nothing wrong, although he vehemently denies the majority of his sexual exploits simply because he doesn't want anyone using such things against him. In fact, he's the only one with a complete record of his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, etc. (he has been alive for a long time, something to do with the fact that he gets regular repairs and maintenance. The techpriests have lost track of the number of limbs he's lost as he goes through four or five a decade on average).

As to why the Eldar are seeking Sunnydale, well a couple of them were involved in the Halloween incident and they really want to know what happened there, so they sent Leman Russ off to blaze a trail so they could follow in his wake. He currently has the magic compass from Pirate of the Caribbean and in combination with his resolute determination to find what he seeks, his own psychic abilities, the fact that its being done from within the Webway, and his target is a hub universe and thus accessable, he is forging a path to Sunnydale.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-12 07:24pm
by Firethorn
Singular Quartet wrote:And apparently, I can't figure out how to use a url bbcode, so you'll just have to copy+paste it.
You mean like this?

BTW, I had already done the search...

Oh, and yes, it was a long night as I caught up on the reading.

Is there a way to subscribe to AN's posts?

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-12 10:15pm
by LadyTevar

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-13 12:18am
by barricade
LadyTevar wrote:IRL Rhino Tank
*Worships at the feet of LadyTevar for showing us that glorious video*

And that means I should quickly hunt around for the video of the 1/5th scale R/C controlled Baneblade.

*mumbles about having 8k in the bank and Tanks-A-Lot has a Centurion ATVE up for sale at 6.7k *

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-13 12:20am
by barricade
Ah! Fount it, or at least the website about it. ... blade.html

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-13 12:22am
by Singular Quartet
Firethorn wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote:And apparently, I can't figure out how to use a url bbcode, so you'll just have to copy+paste it.
You mean like this?

BTW, I had already done the search...

Oh, and yes, it was a long night as I caught up on the reading.

Is there a way to subscribe to AN's posts?
See, I didn't bother with trying to fuck around with my URL, whch was my problem (there were a set of brackets in it).

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-13 01:44am
by Academia Nut
I'm writing the latest chapter, and I'm going to admit that if I could I would eliminate the Star Gate, Nanoha, and Buffy elements of the earlier story as they no longer really work with what I want to do, but I've constructed them as being fairly integral so I will have to make do I suppose.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-13 04:56am
by barricade
One thing I think you might have forgotten, that might help tie in Nanoha a bit more is the link between Vita, and Hayate/Reinforce II. Vita is 'technically' a sentient magical intelligence that's a living manifestation of what's inside Reinforce II (also known previously as the Book of Darkness). And that both Hayate and Vita were devoted to each other. So I can easily see Hayate finding out about Vita getting blasted by neoChaos + Alica/Precia showing up, and going completely ballistic. The other Knights definitely would. So while you might have Nanoha and Fate not really wanting to get involved other then to figure out WTF is up with Alica/Precia, you've got Hayate & the Knights pretty much hellbent on finding & getting Vita back.

Not quite realizing that Vita has actually come to enjoy her stay. Although I do kinda wonder how Graf Eisen feels about it.

So Hayate and her group might end up dragging just about everyone else along for the ride with includes all of Riot Group 6, the surviving Numbers, and everyone else. After all, she -is- one of the most powerful mages there is, even stronger then Nanoha or Fate (likely both if she really went all out).

Imagine that group stopping by the SGCverse to ask 'questions'. And they aren't going to take "We don't know!!" (from SGC-1) for an answer. Then perhaps have them trot over to Sunnydale. I'd like to see Willow in 'god-mode' take on some of the mages from Nanoha. And then Russ shows up, followed by likely some Inquistors, and a whole lot of HERESY!!! & flamerthrowers get broken out, and we're doing the Charlie Foxtrot now.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-13 05:41am
by WillowBee
I wanna see how Anise’s pregnancy and the Tok’ra using Wraith vampires as hosts turn out, as well as how SG1 will "benefit" from access to neoChaos' technology.

No, Nanoha doesn’t have a reason to venture so deeply into Chaotic Space, and even if they did, Tzintchi would make sure that they wouldn’t show up before the Imperial Inquisition gets to Sunnydale, otherwise that’d ruin Leman Russ’s quest. Also, they also lack the ability to navigate inside the Great Warding, so they’d wander around aimlessly for a few centuries.

As for Vita, I think she’s now a free roaming entity independent from the Reinforce book. If not, then the book might act like a lich’s phylactery, so she’s semi-unstoppable so long as the book remains hidden in the Palace of the Gods. Or maybe the life energy within the Reinforce was divided into two linked beings, each representing half of a greater whole, so neither Vita nor Reinforce is more important than the other. Maybe it's like Israfel the Seveth Angel, where you got to destroy both Vita and the book at the same time or they'll regenerate each other.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-13 08:34am
by barricade
I'm just finishing watching A's all over again, and quickly pulled up the manga. It looks to be that Vita is her own being now, like the other Wolkenritter, BUT is still dependent on Reinforce itself. We learned at as much in that the effects of the book are felt across dimensions: All the Wolkenritter are basically Familiars to the Book/Reinforce. The other matter is that Hayate's extremely unusual link to Reinforce means she'd probably be able to, eventually (more due to time required to cross dimensions), home in on Vita's dimensional position like a missile.

Vita getting yanked into the neoChaosverse might have given her means to support herself on her own without truly needing the link anymore, but the link would still be present (oh great, even more overpowered now), and the rest of the Wolkenritter would track her down ASAP if they had even the slightest beacon to guide them to her. Or in short, Vita's link back to Reinforce & the Wolkenritter would likely act like the Light of the Emperor/Astronomicon. All that'd really be the issue is how fast the TSAB could move from dimension to dimension until they've caught up.

Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-02-13 12:39pm
by Valint
For those of us unfamiliar with Nanoha, can anyone provide a summary of what we need to know for context? (Yes, yes, Wikipedia is our friend, but that just left me with more questions.)