The Open Door (megacrossover)

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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by TheClueless »

Academia Nut wrote:"And in strange aeons, even domestic chores may die"
Snerk! :lol:
Gonna have to fit that one in there somewhere. Along with this and some comment about how the lyrics are deeply disturbing to the erinyes who felt that they as fiends had a monopoly on evil. Only problem is that Dance of Death was released in 2003 so it would have been disrupted by Third Impact so Lars theoretically shouldn't know it. May have to just cheat and gloss over the issue.
Haruhi-verse's Earth has been proven to have Iron Maiden be around. And the comments of Vita (and the rest of Assassins Coven she's part of) proves it's not the only universe that Neo-Chaos has access to that does - or did (in their past) - have Iron Maiden exist in them.

So it wouldn't be out the question for Neo-Chaos to be (secretly) importing things like music from those dimensions.

It might even be the cause for some funny throw-away lines.

"Anyone want to listen to 'Live in Rio'?"

"It's not a CD from universe Alpha-One-Romeo-Niner, is it? You *know* they suck at quality control."
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by holyknight »

Academia Nut wrote:Pure Angels are too uncontrollable for their purposes, but they are building Evas.

As to the whole no losses thing, they're too small to get into any fight where they could lose, but they can, have, and will suffer setbacks. A culture of "We can shrug off any adversity and come back stronger" is better than "We are invincible and undefeatable!"

Also, the "Dancing the Charlie Foxtrot" chapters will be perhaps a taste of what happens when you try and crash a number of enemies into each other for your own gain.
Dancing the Charlie Foxtrot?? Heck, they are frikkin' tap-dancing , high-on-speed-and-RedBull, on a bloody minefield where the mines have by warhead a bunch of Vortex Grenades..... :wtf: :mrgreen: :shock:
A devoted follower of the Chaos Goddess and her way.....

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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Jim Starluck »

Something occured to me just now.

The gods in AMG are essentially the Norse pantheon, right? With THE God, Skuld & Belldandy's father, being Odin? In Norse mythology (as anyone who has read Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" will know), Odin was definitely a schemer of the highest order. I would not be at all surprised if he and Tzintchi could find some common ground.

Also, there were some things I noted in earlier chapters when I re-read the fic from the beginning that caught my attention.

1: When Lars is talking Keiichi into moving his relationship with Belldandy to the next level: "Should I return home, my report will be, ‘I have met the greatest man in the multiverse and his name is Keiichi Morisato, and we should be humbled to know his name.’ That is all that needs to be said.” <--- I want to see this actually happen. :mrgreen:

2: When I read this (which I somehow missed the first time through):
a) Lars and Skuld's child goes on to have an affair with Grazz't while helping him overthrow Demogorgon and the spawn of that unholy union goes on to depose Pale Night as the scariest being in the multiverse?
b) Lars is banished to the Nine Hells, goes nuts, starts eating souls and devils until he's a daemon prince and then starts beating the shit out of everything in his path before overthrowing Asmodeus and claiming the Nine Hells in the name of Chaos while telling the demons to go be posers elsewhere?
c) Through a series of events Shar loses control of the Shadow Weave to Skuld, who is protected by Lolth just so she can also steal the Underdark from Shar's portfolio and by Mask because he's a dick like that. Shar throws a massive fit, but does expand her loss portfolio significantly.
d) A summoning spell goes awry due to wild magic and hundreds of entities from the Far Realm pour out but immediately swear allegiance to Lars for being the scariest outsider around. Lars is exasperated, but uses their powers to undo the spell on Skuld before taking a pipe wrench to Menzoberranzan
e) Aruvixa gains control over the Weave after Mystra dies due to an experiment gone awry. The whole damn thing erupts into a massive war between the gods over the sudden shuffle in the power structure as an evil drow gains control over the Weave and Corellon and Lolth go head to head over the whole affair
f) Lars hits Lolth with a high explosive round and then, by the 'you kill it, you keep it' clause that seems to go along with godhood, suddenly finds himself in charge of the drow and fighting off the other parts of the drow pantheon who are pissed that mommy is dead... except for Ellistrae who is pissed that she isn't the one who did it and someone like Lars is in charge, but isn't exactly quite as aggressive about the whole thing
g) Lars and Sharess both get drunk. Lars discovers he has a litter on the way
And then re-read this:
Nodding, Lars said, “Fair enough.” He then turned to Aruvixa with an enormous grin and said, “Hey Aruvixa, did I mention that my charge here was a goddess from another world? Since I’m feeling in a bit of a generous mood what with just giving birth, I’ll give you what you always wanted. A long shot at unlimited power. How's that sound?”

Seeing the writing on the wall, Aruvixa asked fearfully, “Unlimited power?”

Lars shrugged and said, “Suit yourself, but unless you have unlimited handling capacity, you probably shouldn’t have wanted it so badly.”

He then grabbed on to a piece of the Weave that was in a low state and jammed it into Aruvixa, being careful not to swap bits of soul with the bitch. Her eyes went wide as she felt the new trickle of power in her and the insight into Lars’ mind and what he had seen and experienced… and how utterly outclassed her entire civilization was against true power, power wielded effortlessly by humans of all creatures.

A moment before the energy surged back up to full power, Aruvixa understood what she had been dealing with and could only let out a tiny terrified whimper as she soiled herself, the very same crime she had her sister executed for all those months ago.

Then the strand surged back to normal size and beyond with the latest ripple in the Weave and Aruvixa was carried away, her soul consumed by the raw magic and carried away, leaving only a burned husk of a body behind.

Once the steaming corpse of the previous Matron Mother hit the ground, Lars asked, “Does anyone else want to piss me off today?”
Combine the two relevant bolded parts and, well... :banghead:
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Academia Nut »

Actually, bits of b, c, and f have all already happened. Technically c is the closest to what I was actually intending to do before the plot mutated, but yeah, I haven't forgotten that I posted that. There is much evil waiting in the future. :twisted:

Also, there is a another reason to explore and exploit the multiverse. Misdirection. Don't attack your enemies from your home universe, attack them from another one. The route would be circuitous and thus increase logistics problems, but you can keep the C'tan unbalanced and off their feet if they think they are dealing with extradimensional invaders rather than home-grown-temporal-paradox-unknown-archnemeses. It also means that your primary attack base isn't your home base.

Plus its twistedly chaotic to do something that round-about.

The only problem is that having to use a Hub universe is a major problem in that there are only five they can use in comparison to billions of universes and timelines to launch attacks from, and if you lose one that's a massive blow to your ability to wage war in such a fashion. If only there were away around such locked in restrictions. Hmmm...
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Aranfan »

Academia Nut wrote:Actually, bits of b, c, and f have all already happened. Technically c is the closest to what I was actually intending to do before the plot mutated, but yeah, I haven't forgotten that I posted that. There is much evil waiting in the future. :twisted:

Also, there is a another reason to explore and exploit the multiverse. Misdirection. Don't attack your enemies from your home universe, attack them from another one. The route would be circuitous and thus increase logistics problems, but you can keep the C'tan unbalanced and off their feet if they think they are dealing with extradimensional invaders rather than home-grown-temporal-paradox-unknown-archnemeses. It also means that your primary attack base isn't your home base.

Plus its twistedly chaotic to do something that round-about.

The only problem is that having to use a Hub universe is a major problem in that there are only five they can use in comparison to billions of universes and timelines to launch attacks from, and if you lose one that's a massive blow to your ability to wage war in such a fashion. If only there were away around such locked in restrictions. Hmmm...
Well, the Stiletto did return through the Doldrums right? Maybe attack from there?
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Academia Nut »

Academia Nut wrote: The only problem is that having to use a Hub universe is a major problem in that there are only five they can use in comparison to billions of universes and timelines to launch attacks from, and if you lose one that's a massive blow to your ability to wage war in such a fashion. If only there were away around such locked in restrictions. Hmmm...
That said, Doldrums is a good guess, but I never detailed out their exact course back. I still haven't decided if one of the stops was to Haruhi-verse or not.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Aranfan »

Well, the TSAB doesn't seem to need to use the Hubs.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Valorie »

a) Lars and Skuld's child goes on to have an affair with Grazz't while helping him overthrow Demogorgon and the spawn of that unholy union goes on to depose Pale Night as the scariest being in the multiverse?
I don't like the idea of Gunnhild getting molested by Graz'zt.
g) Lars and Sharess both get drunk. Lars discovers he has a litter on the way
Lars can't reproduce without risking the fabric of reality, so maybe Sharess, Skuld, and Lars can have a three-way to spawn more children. The greater daemon Kali has three mothers and one father, and the Tsochar race in Lords of Madness that can have 1-5 parents/ "genetic contributors," so such a relationship is too unusual.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Singular Quartet »

Aranfan wrote:Well, the TSAB doesn't seem to need to use the Hubs.
TSAB is from outside this entire section of the multiverse.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by WillowBee »

Alas, some ladies get turned on by the concept of male pregnancy.
LARS: “You’re taking all the fun out of multiple women wanting to have sex with me.”

A while back, some energy wave blocked inter-dimensional travel for a while, thus stranding Vita and prompting the Chaos gods to have Kyon distract Haruhi. Perhaps some disaster in the future caused ripple effects to be felt backwards in time, which is what causing Tzintchi to have “bad feelings.”

Chaos Undivided might want to invest in building their own network of Stargates in other dimensions. Aside from having a back-up transportation system, if Holy Terra Prime ever got attacked, they could use their Stargate network to quickly create a time dilation field around their solar system. The Replicators modified an Asgard time-based weapon in “Unnatural Selection,” allowing them to advance by years within the span of weeks. A similar phenomenon was observed in the Groundhogs Day episode “Window of Opportunity” where Jack and Teal’c relived the same day over, and over, and over because a scientist used the Stargates as a medium to expand the radius of his time bubble without exponentially expanding the energy requirements normally needed to do so.

If Chaos Undivided messes up really badly, they send a warning back in time by transmitting the matter stream through a solar flare like in SG1 episodes “1969” and “2010.”
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by TheClueless »

Once again I'm behind. Of course, I wouldn't be quite so behind if my session hadn't timed out at about the same time Friday night that I was going to post a version of this. Hopefully this re-write will be at least as useful. (For whatever *that's* worth.)


First off, thanks for Johan and Kirilae's stats. Thinking back, I wasn't factoring in the whole "spent a large chunk of his years as a slave" when I was tossing out my ideas on Johan's classes and levels. (I still stand by my idea that he could end up earning a template that could extend his lifespan, so Kirilae won't have to worry about outliving Johan by several centuries. At least due to old age.)


Second: Chapter 54 "Mask Dance".

The cultural tidbits you gave us about the Tzintchian mask dances was a nice treat. (I take it that any Eldar - especially a Harlequin - who saw one would probably start foaming at the mouth and screaming about heresy and blasphemy?) The over-all "lessons" in the two Tzintchian mask dances - that Chaos is (in the long-term) unsustainable, unless it keeps changing and evolving - was also a nice touch. Particuarly since her second dance was also being used as part of her plot to freak the Praxis out.

I'm guessing that the Galactica's new "sensor and communications experts" are sanctioned psychers/sorcerers. Ones that are particularly good in at least one (if not several) of the following: clariaudience, clairvoyance, precognition, and/or receptive telepathy.

I also liked how Rong played with the heads - and fears - of all thosew who end up watching the video she's going to have the Delhi transmit (until it's destroyed). First, there's going to be the fact that the video is going to get played at all. Second, there's the battle data that proves that the Shaa *don't* know everything and that the Praxis isn't the biggest, toughest, and/or meanest kid in this playground any more. Third will be deciding which possibility is worst; that Helsinki (a Peer!) was a hidden cultist all along, or that Neo-Chaos can brainwash you (at least if you're human) in such a short span of time. fourth, that the little demonstration of an "aferlife" will encourage the cults.

With a relatively small investment, Rong has ensured that the remaining Shaa - as well as the sentients currently making up the Praxis - are going to be "living in interesting times" for decades - if not centuries - to come. Personally I doubt that any of the Shaa - the Praxis that they brought it being - will survive to see the end of these "interesting times".


Third: Chapter 55 "Homecoming".

While it's not what Rong-Arya intended when she had that comm. buoy, I can't say that I hold much sympathy for the Race's fleet that was on it's way to conquer Earth. As for another individual's comments on how the Stiletto should be nearly an Outside Context Problem for the Race, while do you think that they showed so much dedication in *ignoring* the Stiletto, once they moved away from it? To the point of sending a message to the emperor stating that they'd be later than expected "for no explainable reason".

The conversation between Rong-Arya and Tzintchi was intersting on several levels. First off, the planned "salvage" operation (which I'll go back to later). Second, the plan to get forces from the Star Wars universe to fight forces from various WH40K factions (including, but not necessarily limited to Chaos, the Eldar (all three groups?), and the Imperium of Mankind) in the Buff-verse. (Buffy-verse's Powers That Be are going to experience "pinapple surprise" from Little Nicky. But, IMO, they deserve it.) Third it gives a good summary of the differences between Neo-Chaos and "old school" Chaos; namely that Neo-Chaos needs a good reason to screw it's own over, won't do it lightly, and will reward you if you manage to survive the experience.

Finally, we have Vita and a heavily damaged Bolo. If Neo-Chaos can actually produce Bolos, and keep their loyalty, then I can't see them needing Titans. Not between having both Bolos and Evangelions.
Academia Nut wrote:Chapter Fifty-six: Strange Lessons

For the children of Nesmé, the warnings to not stray out into the woods or monsters would get them had been very real warnings for generations, but still, children would be children and thus one of the responsibilities of the Riders was to round up stray young ones who wandered off before they got eaten. They weren’t always successful, and life was hard and often tear-filled out on the moors.
It's nice of you to show that that Riders of Nesme, while being dicks, had at least some cause for their intolerance and "kill them all, let the gods sort them out" policy. In a way, Nesme's attitude reminded me of the IoM; just on a much smaller scale and with much less powerful/malevolent enemies at the gate.
“You’re welcome Mr. Green. Would anyone else like some?” Gunnhild asked the braver selection of children who had gathered around the flat rock the troll had dragged into the clearing for Gunnhild’s tea part. There was also a large, awed collection of children who watched at a safer distance.
Replace "tea part." with "tea party."

And I can see Gunnhild is already gathering followers/worshippers. :)
“My dad helped set up that mill thing,” Tom said as something of a suggestion. “He helped set up the looms.”
Why are Tom's comments considers (a) suggestion(s)?
Wincing, Tom looked down at the little shard stuck in his hand and the tiny drop of red blood welling up from the wound. A slight shadow then fell over his hand and he looked up to find the troll leering hungrily over him, drool flooding out from between the gaps in its razor sharp teeth as it reached a gnarled, clawed hand bigger than Tom’s torso towards…

Mr. Green!” Gunnhild barked, causing the troll to suddenly freeze up in absolute terror, its eyes loosing their hunger and instead gaining a spike of absolute terror. “That is not proper behaviour!”
"Some people *never* learn."
Some part of her was still childish enough to wish for her big sister to come swooping in and make everything all right. Another part, a growing part, was realizing that she was an adult now. The Underdark had changed her, had aged her in ways that mere time could not do alone.
Well, I'm supposed to be an adult and I certainly haven't outgrown the desire to see someone else make everything alright. But that might just be my tendencies to be lazy and procrastiate. :D

And spending time as a slave - even a very valuable and well-kept one - can explain premature aging. Particularly when the Underdark is involved.
Waving her hand, she conjured up new clothing, made from solid shadows, creating a tight, silky black dress that emphasized and accentuated her feminine traits while still leaving her plenty of mobility to get down and apply a wrench to a stubborn, oil covered bolt.
Urd: Big. Sister's. Fashion. Sense. Tingling!

<Several deep breaths, and glasses of milk, later.>

Urd: I have to find a way to make that potion without the hot peppers!
Maybe this change would help convince Lars to start fulfilling more of her fantasies. Like say working towards getting Gunnhild a sibling.

She was such a good little girl!
“This is so neat,” Tom said while probing the troll’s brain with his finger, watching as his poking caused the giant to spasm and twitch in strangely predictable patterns. He and the other members of the original tea party, plus several of the more curious audience members, were all covered in blood and other fluids from the troll.
I'd say that this is the sort of thing that makes those tea parties worthwhile, in Tom's opinion.

I hope he - and the rest of the "medical team" - has a spare set of clothes, and a place to wash up. I'm also hoping that - when Gunnhild decided to make "domesticating" this Troll a passtime of hers, that he was given a medical exam. Otherwise, who knows what the poor kids could infected with.
“Your daughter is impressively evil,” Autu noted with an impressed tone.

“A touch yes, but you’ll note she’s also selective about those she plays with. She won’t hurt the other children; it’s a compulsion she can’t overcome, but she does know who can take what level of roughness. For example, she knows that the troll she picked as her companion had a long history of ‘playing’ and she has a somewhat developed sense of fairness. I do believe our friend on the operating table will very nearly have learned his lesson by the end of this session. Plus she is teaching invaluable anatomy lessons, and she’s even using mostly correct terminology,” Lars said with some pride.
Gunnhild taken to heart the Neo-Chaos credo to advance many plans with every set of actions you take, then?
Lars let a strange look cross his face, something dark and predatory yet gleeful. He looked down at the gathering of children before he replied, “Your Blood War can be summed up with the two most evil phrases my people know. Your foes, the demons, have the phrase, ‘Because I can’ on their side. You devils however have ‘Because I had to’ on yours. These two phrases, when distilled down to their essence, account for all suffering, and in the end, the latter is more destructive. The truest evil is not achieved by the men who think themselves the villain. The truest evil is done by the good man who does what he feels he must, and thus he does it without hesitation.”
As with another individual posting in this thread, I have to admit to some curiousity as to what Lars thinks of the Neutral Evil 'Loths.

Lars' comments also remind me of a claim made in "The Island Worlds". That the scariest and most dangerous human beings are the ones - like, according to the character in question, Robespierre - who truly believe that they're acting for the "greater good".
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Kuroneko »

The Whispered could spend lifetimes chasing knowledge in that manner and still fail to grasp modern physics, since unlike us they don't yet have giants to lend them their shoulders. However, the properly chaotic response would be to embrace the madness to become something like the Sparks from Girl Genius. Actually, that sounds like a good excuse for a crossover, or in this case, a fusion...
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by MichaelAwesome »

Hopefully, with the Shadow Weave in Skuld’s control, the Shadovar archmage Melegaunt Tanthul won’t be able to release the Phaerimm from their prison beneath Anauroch.
Kuroneko wrote:The Whispered could spend lifetimes chasing knowledge in that manner and still fail to grasp modern physics, since unlike us they don't yet have giants to lend them their shoulders. However, the properly chaotic response would be to embrace the madness to become something like the Sparks from Girl Genius. Actually, that sounds like a good excuse for a crossover, or in this case, a fusion...
I love "Girl Genius!" :luv: In their half-crazed attempts to combine modern physics with the ancient teachings of Netherese wizardry, the Whispered might accidentally create the first Spark genius and only by seeking out Skuld’s divine presence in the Shadow Weave would they able to keep their rationality and common sense, much like Agatha's trilobyte pendant.

The phrase Functional Madness springs to mind. It’s like you aware that you’re crazy but remain lucid enough to make it work for you own advantage rather than all it to cripple your mental processes, giving you insights no normal person would dare contemplate. The archmage Halaster Blackcloak is a good example of this, although he is quickly consumed by madness by the magic in his Undermountain lair.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by TheClueless »

Academia Nut wrote:Actually, bits of b, c, and f have all already happened. Technically c is the closest to what I was actually intending to do before the plot mutated, but yeah, I haven't forgotten that I posted that. There is much evil waiting in the future. :twisted:
Yeah, I still remember wincing when I read what Lars did to Aruvixa. If they're lucky, she's *dead* dead, and not (part of / one with) the Weave. Likewise, if Lars is lucky, Aruvixa can't remember the information on Neo-Chaos that she saw while he was linking her up directly to the Weave.

Unfortunately, this all depends on *Lars'* luck.
The only problem is that having to use a Hub universe is a major problem in that there are only five they can use in comparison to billions of universes and timelines to launch attacks from, and if you lose one that's a massive blow to your ability to wage war in such a fashion. If only there were away around such locked in restrictions. Hmmm...
Gee, if only there was a key to open the locks preventing easy inter-universal travel within Chaotic Space. :angelic:

Of course, the this would probably allow for the beings (especailly the Void Born) within Chaotic Space to gain access to the "normal" realities that TSAB normally deals with. But I'm sure that they'd be happy to invite their new neighbors over for dinner. :twisted:
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by TheClueless »

Academia Nut wrote:Chapter Fifty-seven: Learning to Foxtrot
I think Skuld would prefer the Bunny Hop right now. :mrgreen:
Straightening up, he looked over at one of his barbazu grunts and said to the glaive wielding devil, “Return to the portal. Tantras and all leads heading there relates to a fight between Torm and Bane.”
And so, the timeline advances.
The harvesting of souls would come later. Vengeance for past wrongs would come free. Even the conflicts of the Blood War would come later. For now finding the being known as Skuld was the only thing.
Vengence would come *free*? Okay, that I have a hard time believing, even with the Ao's promise. Now if it was a "no payments, and no interest, for a year!" plan, *that* I could believe. :)

So, at least for Asmodeus' forces, any planned offensives - in the Blood War - are currently being delayed?

I take it that the Lord of the Nine Hells has figured out that if he finds Skuld - which is the primary objective anyway - that he's likely to also find Lars?
With a series of cracks the squads all began to disperse, the flyers teleporting high into the air and miles away while the land scouts dispersed across the entire world of Toril once more. Primary activity was in northern Faerun, but Akrak refused to rule anything out. Especially considering the fact that many divine avatars had access to teleportation magic and were not limited in the same way as mortals.
I can't decided if this paragraph is great as it is, or if should suggest changing the end of the last sentence from "as mortals." to "as most mortals."

On one hand is the arguement that as some mortals *can* (either themselves or with items) use teleportation powers, that the changed ending would be more factually correct. On the other hand, leaving it as is reminds readers that Outsiders (and, for that matter, not even just evil Outsiders) tend to be arrogant.
Having finished draining out the life fluid from the child, she casually tossed the tiny corpse in a corner to snack on later. Gazing into the large black iron chalice, she slowly stirred about the blood while whispering the sibilant incantations of a spell to reach across the planes. While the blasphemous magical construct took place, the chaotic energies of the Abyss interacted strangely. It was said that visions of possible futures could be seen in the blood, and so a smart demon always kept a careful eye what was reflected within, aside from the fact that it was never smart to not pay attention to a spell.

Curiously Simalessent saw nothing. It wasn’t the nothing of the spell not working, but rather a more fundamental nothing. It was the nothing that remained after an incredible amount of destruction had been visited upon a place. As a demon, Simalessent liked that sort of devastation, but since she wasn’t exactly sure where it was, she would prefer it to be the future of some good aligned plane or one of the Nine Hells, at the very least the realm of a rival demon.
<Bugs Bunny> Eh, Doc? You might wanna take that as a *warning*, Doc. </Bugs Bunny>
“Thank you my servant, I shall have to think about this new, valuable information more carefully, especially as some of Lolth’s own treacherous offspring have been leaking me new information. Apparently the spider-bitch is not quite as lovely as she once. A pity. I shall have to see whether I will laugh at her disfigurement or step in as a gentleman and help avenge her,” Graz’zt said with a grin before he waved his hand and the spell was ended at his side.
So Graz'zt might get involved in this mess after all. I wonder how this will affect his current "guest" (although terms like "hostage" and "prisoner" would be closer to the truth) Waukeen (Neutral goddess of Weath and Trade)?
For the arcanists who had learned to manipulate the essence of shadow, those who worshipped Shar were completely and utterly stripped of their powers, the Shadow Weave seemingly now offended by her presence in their minds while they tried to cast any spells. The more atheistic mages on the other hand were capable of drawing on their powers as they always had. In fact, they reported that their abilities had been improving, the dark magic they practiced less unwilling and jealous than before.
I wouldn't be surprised if a high percentage of the Shadovaran arcanists with the Shadow Weave feat aren't cut off.

Their Netherese ancestors weren't the most devout group ever to live on Toril. They weren't as bad as the ancient Imaskari (like the archmage currently calling himself Halaster Blackcloak) but the Netherese - especially the arcane spellcasters among them - generally just viewed the gods as *exteremely* powerful spellcasters.

More importantly, Shar wants to bring about the end of *everything* and *everyone*, including herself (once she's sure that she's the last being/thing left). The multiverse is (without a doubt) filled with idiots who think that this *can't* really be true; and with the arrogant who think that they can use Shar - instead of being used by her. But not every arcane spellcaster (even in the city of Shade) is going to be that foolish, or that arrogant. Or that much of a nihilist.
The High Prince and his sons were justifiably worried over this turn of events. In the same way an adventurer faced with an inhaling red dragon is worried about hot air.
Particularly since two of his twelve sons have levels as a Cleric of Shar and another has levels as a Divine Champion of Shar. Of course, given what we learn of the high priest of Shar in the City of Shade (Prince Rivalen Tanthul; Shade Wizard 11 / Cleric (of Shar) 15 / Shadow Adept 7) during the Sembian civil war triology, even most of his living blood-kin would admit that he deserves to suffer.

Lords of Darkness doesn't give us an idea as to whether or not High Prince Telemont Tanthul (Shade, 35 character levels in arcane classes) is a devout worshipper of Shar. Of his twelve sons, we're only given infomation on ten (all Shades, ranging from 20 to 33 characer levels), and - other than the three I've already mentioned - it doesn't state if they're devout worshippers of Shar either.

Lords of Darkness also seems to imply that none of the other citizens of the city of Shade (even those with the Shade template) have more than 20 character levels.
A labourer picked up a chisel and a hammer and defaced a stone pillar, creating a strange work of unearthly, perverse beauty, of a woman and a strange creature that looked vaguely like the unholy offspring of a sahuagin, an aboleth, and a mind flayer. The creature was either attacking the woman or…
I take it he tuned into one of Skuld's wet dreams about Lars?
Most people who saw it really hoped she was being attacked, and those who thought otherwise were keeping their mouth shut. Especially since those that thought otherwise
This seems to be an incomplete sentence/paragraph.
Dreams of impossible things, terrible things danced in their heads, and they spoke in hushed voices to those they felt shared their visions. Their rituals were as crude as they were skulking and secretive, little more than madmen and women jotting down symbols and words they could not understand while trying to string together syllables to create words to explain concepts that had yet to be given names.
I like the Lovecraftian feel that Skuld's thoughts and dreams are invoking in the Shadovar.
Smirking beneath his mask, Vhaeraun replied, “Because I have other contacts that give me a fuller story. You see my associate Shar has allied with mother for her own reasons and has let me in on what mother is so angry about. There is a godling running about that somehow managed to maim our dear sweet mother in a rather delicate location while also pissing off Shar. Massively pissed off Shar as she is offering a small cut of the Shadow Weave to any god that joins her and capturing the target. I plan on joining them both, but I have no renewed love for mother. And since I neither have love for you nor father…”
Maybe "Massively pissing" instead of "Massively pissed".

I'd think that Eilistraee wouldn't know what the Shadow Weave was at this point, since even the gods seemed unaware of it until the the city of Shade returned to Toril.

I suppose it makes sense that Shar is revealing it's existance now. If she doesn't regain control of the Shadow Weave, having it remain a secret won't do *Shar* any good. And promising access to it is a good bribe, IMO.
“You tell me knowing that father cannot allow an alliance between mother and Shar to go unchecked in the hopes that we will all end up killing each other,” Eilistraee concluded.
Sucks to be Eilistraee - and the entire Elven Pantheon, for that matter - right now. This is a classic "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation for them.
The object was a small brass tube, closed off and flattened at one end. It was the product of some civilized creature, but Malar found it fascinating as there were several interesting scents attached to it. The inner side of the tube held an acrid stench to it, of something burning, while the outside had the smell of being handled by several divinities. His tormentor had been clever enough to mask his own scent, but there at least two female divinities that had handled it within the past few tendays.

Inhaling more deeply, Malar noted something else. His divine senses were dulled in this avatar state, but he could still smell that there was something wrong. It was like his mind kept slipping over something. Pushing aside all of his rage, he focused completely on that scent. He had it right there in front of him, he just had to focus.

With a sudden stroke of insight, he broke through and discovered the scent. It was… female and divine, but it had a touch of something else to it. It also had the touch of shadows. Shar! That bitch! It didn’t actually smell like Shar had in the past, but she was the only one with the sort of imprint of shadows that this.
I'm guessing that Malar is actually smelling Skuld instead of Shar. I'm also guessing that the next two strongest scents are from Gunnhild and Lars.
There were wheels within wheels spinning here, something that Malar hated. He was being played for the fool, something he really hated. But he would track down this scent, the creator of this strange object and discern the nature of this hunt.

He and his followers would then feast upon the entrails of their foes.
And another player enters the game.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Academia Nut »

The small brass tube is the casing for the bullet, and yeah, he's detected Skuld, it's just that he doesn't know about Skuld stealing the Shadow Weave so when he detects a strong whiff of shadows, it kind of narrows down the options. The other scents would be Lolth and the actual Shar, who handled it to try and pull off some divination but it utterly failed for reasons already described. So Vhaeraun gave it to one of the best natural trackers in the hopes that less reliance upon divine magic would lead him in the right direction and they could simply follow their unwitting hound.

Also, it should be noted that Malar would actually get along just fine with Chaos in that they are capable of understanding each other, even if they might not particularly like each other. They're both brutal predators at their cores, it's just that they go about it in different ways. Once Malar comprehends that Chaos is just another 'pack' and they will fuck up anyone who gets in their way he would probably even grudgingly respect them. Especially since despite being a chaotic evil rip and tear fucker Malar has strong prohibitions against attacking the young and pregnant. The protection of the pack's pups is something Malar can agree to.

Also, I'm amazed no one has caught the reference yet. The Whispered are getting bits of science and technology they don't understand. Does this remind anyone of anything? Anyone at all?
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by EarthScorpion »

Academia Nut wrote:
Also, I'm amazed no one has caught the reference yet. The Whispered are getting bits of science and technology they don't understand. Does this remind anyone of anything? Anyone at all?
Well, for me the Lovecraftian elements, as previously mentioned, are rather overwhelming. But, given some widely held views of their nature in the fan community (views, incidentally, to which I do not subscribe)...

You're not turning them into the canon40k Adeptus Mechanicus, are you?

(Yeah. I support the Adeptus Me-Can-icus viewpoint, where they're a Mystery Cult contolling access to knowledge, and thus power, using religion as a tool, as opposed to the Adeptus Me-Can't-icus, where they're a bunch of religious freaks who don't understand the technology they have, reciting it by rote.)
See the Anargo Sector Project, an entire fan-created sector for Warhammer 40k, designed as a setting for Role-Playing Games.

Author of Aeon Natum Engel, an Evangelion/Cthulhutech setting merger fan-fiction.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by MilesMortim »

Sounds somewhat like the series Full Metal Panic.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by holyknight »

Academia Nut wrote:The small brass tube is the casing for the bullet, and yeah, he's detected Skuld, it's just that he doesn't know about Skuld stealing the Shadow Weave so when he detects a strong whiff of shadows, it kind of narrows down the options. The other scents would be Lolth and the actual Shar, who handled it to try and pull off some divination but it utterly failed for reasons already described. So Vhaeraun gave it to one of the best natural trackers in the hopes that less reliance upon divine magic would lead him in the right direction and they could simply follow their unwitting hound.

Also, it should be noted that Malar would actually get along just fine with Chaos in that they are capable of understanding each other, even if they might not particularly like each other. They're both brutal predators at their cores, it's just that they go about it in different ways. Once Malar comprehends that Chaos is just another 'pack' and they will fuck up anyone who gets in their way he would probably even grudgingly respect them. Especially since despite being a chaotic evil rip and tear fucker Malar has strong prohibitions against attacking the young and pregnant. The protection of the pack's pups is something Malar can agree to.

Also, I'm amazed no one has caught the reference yet. The Whispered are getting bits of science and technology they don't understand. Does this remind anyone of anything? Anyone at all?

We're going to see the Epic WIN of a Gal that it's Teletha "Tessa" Testarrossa(Not related to Fate or Alicia Testarrosa of the MGLN-Verse), join Chaos, or a Chaos-Enhanced Arbalest rampaging around?? :mrgreen: :angelic: :twisted:
A devoted follower of the Chaos Goddess and her way.....

Buck Murdock: Oh, cut the bleeding heart crap, will ya? We've all got our switches, lights, and knobs to deal with, Striker. I mean, down here there are literally hundreds and thousands of blinking, beeping, and flashing lights, blinking and beeping and flashing - they're *flashing* and they're *beeping*. I can't stand it anymore! They're *blinking* and *beeping* and *flashing*! Why doesn't somebody pull the plug!
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Firethorn »

Academia Nut wrote: Also, I'm amazed no one has caught the reference yet. The Whispered are getting bits of science and technology they don't understand. Does this remind anyone of anything? Anyone at all?
Besides stealing from Full metal panic?
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by TheClueless »

Academia Nut wrote:Also, it should be noted that Malar would actually get along just fine with Chaos in that they are capable of understanding each other, even if they might not particularly like each other. They're both brutal predators at their cores, it's just that they go about it in different ways. Once Malar comprehends that Chaos is just another 'pack' and they will fuck up anyone who gets in their way he would probably even grudgingly respect them. Especially since despite being a chaotic evil rip and tear fucker Malar has strong prohibitions against attacking the young and pregnant. The protection of the pack's pups is something Malar can agree to.
Yes, now that I think about it, Lars' speech to the Erinyes - in Chapter 56 - would make sense to Malar. You have other members of your pack, you have prey, you have enemies of the pack, and then you have everything else.

Of course, future events will of course affect whether or not Malar and Lars can come to a mutually satisfactory understanding. Assuming that both survive the oncoming storm, of course.

As for Malar (and his followers) not hunting the young and the pregnant, I always thought it was like the Predator movies. One, what glory does a big game hunter get from going after the weak? Two, if you don't allow your target species to restore their populations - by killing the young and the pregnant - you sooner or later will exterminate the species that you love to hunt.
Also, I'm amazed no one has caught the reference yet. The Whispered are getting bits of science and technology they don't understand. Does this remind anyone of anything? Anyone at all?
Well, others (here and on Spacebattles) have raised the possibility of it being Full Metal Panic's "Whispered" or Girl Genius' "Sparks". I doubt that it's the Ad.Mech, due to the psycher element in how they are reciving the information.

As my own contribution, I'll mention the WH40K Orks instinctive/psycher-based technology. Although, like the Ad.Mech possibility, I think it's unlikely. In this case because there's too much "psycher" and not enough "technology".
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by TheClueless »

You know, I have to wonder at the mini-pantheon Skuld seems to be assembling.

Skuld herself has the Shadow Weave, non-evil secrets, Science!, and (given Johan) Shadow magic (from the Tome of Magic suplement).

She and Lars plan to give the Bug spiders if (as they expect) Lolth forces them into a "you or me!" conflict. Given his nature *as* an AMG!/OMG! bug, the Bug would also be (IMO) a shoe-in for the role of "Murphy's Law" subsect of (small "c") chaos.

Lars still sees himself as just "Joe Daemon". The Erinyes, however, viewed him (IMO) as a (young) Lord and an Elder Evil. And more than one evil outside has become a god on Toril. Humans currently don't have a god of psionic power on Toril. Or we could go with something more "out there"...

Given the nature of Neo-Chaos, one of their daemons would make sense as the patron of Pact magic. As it deals with power drawn from powerful beings that are not alive, dead, undead, or divine. (The fact that those who practice Pact magic tend to be hated by most clerics, just as most who practice Shadow magic tend to be viewed as "evil", has nothing to do with my suggestion. :) )Likewise, given his nature as a daemon of Neo-Chaos and his specialty in communications, he'd be a logical patron of truename magic. (Both also come from the Tome of Magic supplement.)

Then there's Gunnhild, the child of a daemon and an AMG!/OMG! goddess. Who, during her gestation, was exposed to both the raw Weave and the raw Shadow Weave (when Lars was connecting them to Skuld).

Personally, I'd give her whichever field you chose not to give to Lars.

As an alternative, she could end up as the patron of the users of Incarnum (from the Magic of Incarnum supplement). This type of life-force/soul magic apparently grew a lot more popular after the Time of Troubles. And a daemon is *quite* familiar with soul magics.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Garlak »

Hmm.... It just occured to me, after asking about Angels, that technically the NewChaos Gods ARE, in fact, "simply" Angels.

Think about it. They hijacked Instrumentality--an event that was about gaining and/or combining the power of Adam, while using Lilith as a control mechanism... That basically makes the ChaosGods into recombined Angels; and Angels were "really" just highly-advanced biological Weapons and Von Neumann Machines! So technically, they might be able to *create* life.. like Lilith created humanity...

Hmmm.... What exactly would beings like Kaworu and Rei be to the Chaos Gods? They were Angel "hybrids," but it seems like the Gods are making "daemons" rather than Angel hybrids...

Well, anyway. Have you/they considered designing Evas that function simply as "multipliers" for psychic energy?

Hmm... pure Angels are uncontrollable... but it *seemed* as if Seele had some way to control Angels.. or else, how were their actions predictable to a prophecy? Blah.
I went to the librarian and asked for a book about stars ... And the answer was stunning. It was that the Sun was a star but really close. The stars were suns, but so far away they were just little points of light ... The scale of the universe suddenly opened up to me. It was a kind of religious experience. There was a magnificence to it, a grandeur, a scale which has never left me. Never ever left me.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Annara Ren »

Academia Nut wrote: Also, I'm amazed no one has caught the reference yet. The Whispered are getting bits of science and technology they don't understand. Does this remind anyone of anything? Anyone at all?
The way the Whispered are getting their visions, and how they are dealing with them, is similar to what happened in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind by Steven Spielberg.
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Re: The Open Door (megacrossover)

Post by Valorie »

Okay, so far we got Shar, Lolth and her children, Malar, Graz'zt, and Asmodeus involved, with elven pantheon being informed as we speak. Gwaeron Windstrom was keeping an eye on Malar, so he may show up. Shar's power has diminished, so Sharess the hedonistic cat goddess could have escaped her thrall and may team up with Skuld to defy Shar. If/when Wauken escapes Graz'zt, she'd seek out Skuld to gain some of the wealth and profit the Norn's tech is producing, sort of like Anyaka from BtvS.

Where are Tymora and Beshaba during the Time of Troubles? For the Goddess of bad luck and random mischief, Beshaba would want to hang with Skuld just to bask in the "Murphy's Law" aura that poor Lars radiates.
MichaelAwesome wrote:
WillowBee wrote: Out of all the Dark Seldarine, it’d be interesting if little Gunnhild slew Ghaunadaur and took his portfolio. Ghaunadaur is the demigod of oozes, slimes, jellies, outcasts, and rebels.
The Slime cleric domain reminds me of a “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” episode where Constable Odo mentored a baby changeling and often carried the tiny blob around in a coffee mug. Children go through many phases and behavioral quirks as they grow up, like demanding that they only wear certain colored clothing, so demi-god Gunnhild with the Slime domain may insist on remaining in a liquid state whenever possible.

Possible scene for Academia Nut for if Gunnhild absorbed Ghaunadaur:

S: “Gunnhild, get out of your bucket and turn solid this instant! We’re having guests over any minute!”
G: “No! I don’t wanna! Solid is boring and too dry!”
S: “Don’t take that tone with me, little missy!”
G: “Daddy doesn’t mind if I stay liquid all the time!”
S: “Daddy also likes death metal and those Harry Potter books. That doesn’t say much about his judgment making skills.”
G: “Heresy! Thou’ shall not blaspheme death metal!”
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Has anybody read the comic 'Unicorn Jelly?' It's about a slime monster who was accidentaly urinated on by a unicorn, imbuing it with the power of good and justice. Only no takes her seriously because it can't talk and looks like a pink blob with a unicorn horn sticking out of its forehead.