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Debate Forum?

Posted: 2002-07-13 05:52pm
by Nova Andromeda
--I was thinking that it is a shame good debates tend to get buried in the mass of posts and replies made in the various forums.
--To solve this problem I suggest a debate forum be created where only the debaters are given write permission and are restricted to posting in the topic they are debating.

Nova's position...

Posted: 2002-07-13 05:53pm
by Nova Andromeda
I, of course, support the idea.

Posted: 2002-07-13 06:24pm
by Resident Commie
Good idea!

I agree completely. I actually posted the same suggestion in the Science and Logic fourm.

Here's the format I think would work best.

Each debate would have two threads.
One would be the actual debate between two members.
The other would be a spectator and comments thread, for everyone else.

The rules would go around Mike's outline for debate, with nessary changes to make it work on a message board.

Sounds good, no?
You like debates, debates are good to you, no. :lol:

Posted: 2002-07-13 06:26pm
by Resident Commie
What we really need, however, is Mike's support. :wink:

Posted: 2002-07-13 06:26pm
by Mr Bean
I kinda like it but then we are demanding more of Mr Wong who as he's said before Has a Life and a website already and thus would place even more strain on him.
He should if he does implent this pick somone else to head to up and watch after it, Pick whats being Debated Ext

Re: Debate Forum?

Posted: 2002-07-13 10:14pm
Nova Andromeda wrote:--I was thinking that it is a shame good debates tend to get buried in the mass of posts and replies made in the various forums.
--To solve this problem I suggest a debate forum be created where only the debaters are given write permission and are restricted to posting in the topic they are debating.
It is a good idea, but I am afriad it would place too much of a strain on the Site Administrator, i.e. Mr. Wong.

Perhaps some other time.

Posted: 2002-07-13 10:53pm
by David
I think that would be pointless. What are these forums for, if not to debate things? I is the mods and admins job to keep the conversation on track.

Posted: 2002-07-13 10:54pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
It sounds like a good idea. sci-fi debates could be on the forum as well. IMO, the off-topic forum is for stuff that isn't related to politics, religion, or debating.

Posted: 2002-07-14 05:43am
David wrote:I think that would be pointless. What are these forums for, if not to debate things? I is the mods and admins job to keep the conversation on track.
You can talk, O mighty Monkey Lord, Padder of Posts and Distractor of Threads!


Posted: 2002-07-14 07:26am
by Mr Bean
Let me say it before David Can


Posted: 2002-07-14 09:23am
by David
*gestures toward the Pit of Howling Madnes*

The monkeys are getting hungry IDMR, don't become the next appetizer.........