Need help with a CompScience debate

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Jedi Knight
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Need help with a CompScience debate

Post by tezunegari »

:oops: Dear Moderators and Admins, I'm not sure if this belongs into OT or G&C, please move it accordingly.

This is mostly addressed to the members with experience in Computer Science but all input is welcome.

Today I participated in a workshop on cipher algorithms. The lecturer introduced several old and obsolete algorithms.
One of these was the ADFGVX cipher.

The Algorithm in a nutshell:

Code: Select all

Step 1: You have a 6x6-Matrix. This matrix is filled with 26 letters and 10 digits. How you fill the matrix is your choice.
           Optionally you can add a substitution keyword.
           (remove all multiple occurances of the letters: emergency -> emrgncy and add it to the matrix)

  A D F G V X 
A a b c d e f
D g h i j k l
F m n o p q r
G s t u v w x
V y z 0 1 2 3
X 4 5 6 7 8 9

Step 2: Substitute each character in your message with the corresponding pair of identifiers. Row Identifier first, then Column Identifier.

Using the matrix from Step 1:

Step 3:
Declare a transposition keyword. This keyword is used as column Identifier for a new matrix without Row Identifier. Add placeholders to get a full matrix.

 H U S K E R
 g a g d a a
 f x g d a g
 a v g a g d
 f x f f v a
 a v f x y g
 f f g d f d
 a v g d a a

Step 4: Order the letters of the transposition keyword alphabetically. Move the columns accordinlgy


a g d g a a
a f d g g x
g a a g d v
v f f f a x
y a x f g v
f f d g d f
a a d g a v

Step 5: Transmit the Rows


Step 6: To decode the message reverse the algorithm and use the transposition keyword
           and the substitution matrix which have to be known to both sender and receiver
My problem:
The lecturer described the "ADFGVX cipher" as a polyalphabetic cipher[1]
and no other participant voiced a differing oppinion.

Though as shown in the above description the substitution in Step2 is monoalphabetic[2] and it is the only substitution in the whole algorithm.
This is acknowledged by the lecturer and the other participants though they still claim the algorithm to be a polyalphabetic cipher as a whole.

Due to time constraints we had to abandon the discussion.

On Monday, Nov 15th the workshop will meet again and I have until then to gather arguments for my position. I plan to use the following argumentation:
  • the terms monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic apply only to substitutions - as the substitution is monoalphabetic, which has been acknowledged already as correct, the algorithm is monoalphabetic
  • monoalphabetic substitution replaces a plaintext character with exactly one cipher character - in this algorithm this character is the pair of row identifier and column identifier of the plaintext character in the substitution matrix
  • the transposition in step 4 does neither change the amount of characters used to substitute the plaintext (save for filler characters) nor does it substitute again - it only disjoins the pairs of letters that act as a character in the substitution in Step 2

Did I miss something?
Are my arguments solid?

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

A polyalphabetic cipher substitutes a character from the plaintext with
a single character using several different substitution alphabets.
A -> B or C or D read: The character A is substituted by either 'B' or 'C' or 'D'

A monoalphabetic cipher substitutes a character from the plaintext with exactly one character from a substitution alphabet.
A -> B read: The character A is substituted with the character 'B'
A -> 'BC' read: The character A is substituted with the character 'BC'
"Bring your thousands, I have my axe."
"Bring your cannons, I have my armor."
"Bring your mighty... I am my own champion."
Cue Unit-01 ramming half the Lance of Longinus down Adam's head and a bemused Gendo, "Wrong end, son."
Ikari Gendo, NGE Fanfiction "Standing Tall"
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