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On McCain

Posted: 2008-09-21 08:45am
by Invictus ChiKen
I apologize if I am overstepping my bounds but I was wondering if maybe we can put together some sort of sticky of all the issues McCain is wrong about. A sort of clearing house of information should anyone need it.

I again apologize to the mods if I overstepped my bounds in this.

Posted: 2008-09-22 12:12pm
by Ghost Rider
Fucking's not a debate help question, and it's barely much more then spam.

Moved to an area that might get a response.

Posted: 2008-09-27 08:30pm
by bozazz
Hey Invictus ChiKen. I've actually been compiling stuff on McCain's gaffs as I read them into a list. I'll post them below to get this thread started since no one has posted anything. They're mostly from the stuff I've read here that I found interesting. It's hardly comprehensive but that was your goal anyways right, to get it started. Cheers


Energy Policy
McCain's Energy Policy Identical to Bush

Sex Education & Related
Misleading McCain Ad
Counterpoint to misleading McCain ad
McCain’s support removing ROE VS WADE
McCain’s support removing ROE VS WADE 2nd Link

Foreign Policy
Just an interesting article on McCain's Foreign Policy
McCain support removing Russia from the G8
McCain's support the continuation of the war in Iraq
McCain's view on ending sectarian violence
McCain redrawing borders

McCain’s Scapegoat for the economic crisis

Posted: 2008-09-29 06:04am
by Lord Woodlouse
I wonder if an attempt might be made to do the same for Obama? I'm British and support the guy, but I'm interested as a relatively impartial outside observer.

Posted: 2008-09-29 09:43am
by NecronLord