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What are your favourite Dog Breeds?

Posted: 2007-02-18 09:27pm
by Zor
Watching the WKC Dogshow, i was wondering what are your favourate dog breeds. I know that Shep has his German Sheperds, if was to risk a geuss Mike likes Shih Tzus and mine are Pugs, Bulldogs, Labs (thanks to some of my dad's siblings), German Shepards and Irish Wolfhounds but what are your favourate dog breeds?


Posted: 2007-02-18 09:33pm
by Bertie Wooster
My family has always gotten pure-breed golden retriever showdogs. Good personalities and very friendly.

Posted: 2007-02-18 09:34pm
by The Kernel
I own a Beagle and a Rat Terrier and I love both breeds. My parents have owned three Jack Russels in the past and I absolutely LOATHE these dogs.

Posted: 2007-02-18 09:35pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Lapdogs are definitely the way to go... Shih Tzus are my favorites. The only problem with that breed is that they tend to have skin problems that make them all itchy, but they're adorable, lovable, loyal animals. Plus, they don't shed.

Posted: 2007-02-18 09:39pm
by Tasoth
Bloodhounds. We got a pure blood, and she's a mischievous little girl, but she's damned lovable and extremely pretty.

I also like old English bullies for some reason.

Posted: 2007-02-18 09:59pm
by SilverWingedSeraph
Wolves. Wolves are dogs. The best kind of dog. Evar.

Seriously, just about any kind of dog with wolf blood in it, I adore. The more closely it's related to a Grey Wolf, the more I love it. Malamutes are cool too. Bar that, I don't like dogs. I'm more of a cat person, but Wolf-like dogs are just adorable.

Posted: 2007-02-18 10:00pm
by Ford Prefect
Having grown up with them since a very young age and having seen many, many litters come and go, I have to say I've got bias for American Pit Bull Terriers.

Posted: 2007-02-18 10:00pm
by Uraniun235
I like big dogs. Don't get me wrong, the little dogs are cute and funny and hilariously excitable, but there's something really charming to me about a big dog.

Posted: 2007-02-18 10:08pm
by Ritterin Sophia
I have a couple of favorite recognized and unrecognized breeds (Silver will probably love most of them):
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog German Shepherd-Carpathian Timber Wolf Hybrid
American Tundra Shepherd Basically an experiment to add more Wolf stock into the GSD to create a better military working dog.
Sarloos Wolfhond
Doberman Pinscher
Shiloh Shepherd A larger GSD with plush and smooth hair.
The German Shepherd

Posted: 2007-02-18 10:12pm
by Trytostaydead
I enjoy a lot of breeds. I own a mutt of a maltese, very affectionate and active dog though thoroughly spoiled.

Labs are also amazing animals, extremely gentle for their size. The only German Shepard I know is an attention whore, but I love him all the same. Whenever I visit his owners, this big dog decides he wants to sit next to me (or as often the case, on me) and likes to put my hand in its mouth.

Chiuhuas (sp?) are kind of sons of bitches, and after like 8 years my friend's finally likes me, but as soon as they decide to like you, they're fun and very very protective of you.

There's also the Korean dogs, Gindos. I hear if they're not bred well they're really aggressive. But the ones I know of, one's an indepndent dog, but the other one is dying for affection that next to my dog I love this one second. If I'm not petting her, she's always nudging at me until I do so.

Posted: 2007-02-18 10:13pm
by Frank Hipper
I've currently got a Border Collie mix (a mutt); she's the sweetest, best behaved, most intelligent dog you can imagine. Her behavior may not be typically exuberantly energetic like Border Collies are known for, but she's made a believer in the breed out of me.

I'm also extremely partial to Great Danes, they're usually extremely gentle, intelligent, loving, loyal and protective dogs, but sadly only have about half the lifespan of smaller breeds.
That's a common thing among very large dogs.

Posted: 2007-02-18 10:16pm
by Trytostaydead
Frank Hipper wrote:I've currently got a Border Collie mix (a mutt); she's the sweetest, best behaved, most intelligent dog you can imagine. Her behavior may not be typically exuberantly energetic like Border Collies are known for, but she's made a believer in the breed out of me.

I'm also extremely partial to Great Danes, they're usually extremely gentle, intelligent, loving, loyal and protective dogs, but sadly only have about half the lifespan of smaller breeds.
That's a common thing among very large dogs.
I saw a video on the internet once of a great dane I believe it was playing with a little baby. Very adorable video as the baby was laughing its head off as the dog was nudging and playfully growling at it.

Posted: 2007-02-18 10:26pm
Jack Russel Terrier. I own one.

Posted: 2007-02-18 10:40pm
by Walsh
Staffordshire bull terriers. Incredibly loyal and friendly to humans, but due to their dog, bear, and bull fighting history, they can be aggressive around other animals if not properly trained.

Boxers are the friendliest dogs I've ever known, but all three of the ones we owned were riddled with small cancerous tumors by the time they died.

Posted: 2007-02-18 10:45pm
by Pick
I like huskies, actually. They're beautiful and fun. I also like German shepherds, border collies, and Labradors.

Posted: 2007-02-18 10:55pm
by Frank Hipper
Trytostaydead wrote:
Frank Hipper wrote:I've currently got a Border Collie mix (a mutt); she's the sweetest, best behaved, most intelligent dog you can imagine. Her behavior may not be typically exuberantly energetic like Border Collies are known for, but she's made a believer in the breed out of me.

I'm also extremely partial to Great Danes, they're usually extremely gentle, intelligent, loving, loyal and protective dogs, but sadly only have about half the lifespan of smaller breeds.
That's a common thing among very large dogs.
I saw a video on the internet once of a great dane I believe it was playing with a little baby. Very adorable video as the baby was laughing its head off as the dog was nudging and playfully growling at it.
They've got a reputation for almost being able to babysit children.

They're pretty stand-offish with strangers, though.

Good inside dogs, too. They rarely shed, and their short hair makes any shedding that occurs a small problem, and they're nimble too.
Get that tail wagging, though, and you need to watch your lamps and bric-a-brac. :P

For an animal bred to hunt wild boar, they're unbelieveably sweet natured.

Posted: 2007-02-18 11:02pm
by Stofsk
The Kernel wrote:My parents have owned three Jack Russels in the past and I absolutely LOATHE these dogs.
get out
HSRTG wrote:Jack Russel Terrier. I own one.

Re: What are your favourite Dog Breeds?

Posted: 2007-02-18 11:37pm
by Covenant
Zor wrote:Watching the WKC Dogshow, i was wondering what are your favourate dog breeds. I know that Shep has his German Sheperds, if was to risk a geuss Mike likes Shih Tzus and mine are Pugs, Bulldogs, Labs (thanks to some of my dad's siblings), German Shepards and Irish Wolfhounds but what are your favourate dog breeds?

Bulldogs, definately! I've had two, and they are the gentlest dogs you can imagine. So good with kids, especially kids who are yanking on ears and rolling them around and swinging sticks at them. You need them to be properly socialized to other dogs, but if they are, they're just teddybears.

I have the cutest puppy pictures ever of my bulldog Rosie.

Any kind of retriever and other kind of large working/hunting dog. Working dogs are usually very well mannered and make great companions, and hunting dogs are active pets that respond well to training. I have no love for lapdogs or dog-aggressive breeds, but that's mostly because you can't count on your average owner to be smart about their animal.

Posted: 2007-02-18 11:47pm
by LadyTevar
I've owned a beagle/hound mix, and many of the dogs I grew up around were mutts. Hey, it was a small town in WV, we don't get purebred dogs that often outside of blueticks, beagles, and other hounds. (There was the red Doberman named 'Blood' that a neighbor had... she liked me more than her owner's kids oddly enough)

After I got out of that town, I met a lot of purebred pups, like Nikita the Akita. I've even had the honor of handling one of the Æthelmearc Royal Hounds, a pack of rescued greyhounds that are coursed at SCA Events. That was breathtaking. I was holding the quick-release in one hand, the other literally holding the greyhound's chest up to keep it from running too soon as the chase-flag came round. When "TallyHo" was called, I released both holds and by the time I'd taken one step back the hound was ten yards away and gaining on the flag.
Can you guess I'd like a greyhound? :lol: The Royal Kennelmaster was happy to talk to me about them. He described them as "cats in dogfur", very willing to cuddle, sleep, and be lazy, with moments of extreme action.

Posted: 2007-02-18 11:48pm
by Knife
I prefer mutts but that's just me.

Boarder Callies are awesome too.

Posted: 2007-02-18 11:56pm
by RogueIce
General Schatten wrote:The German Shepherd
Seconded. I also really like the Keeshond as that is the breed my dog was before he passed. :(

He was an awesome dog though.

Posted: 2007-02-19 12:01am
by Mr Bean
Huskies, German Shepard's and Golden Retrievers.

Huskies are good companion dogs, great to have a dog that wants to go everywhere you do, and is more than happy to nap once he gets there. Not to mention Huskie puppies are so damn cute it hurts.

German Shepard's, are great general working dogs, and most of the right breeds will bond with you for life. Not to mention excellent guard dogs.

Golden Retrievers, generally speaking, nice lovable dogs, barking can be a problem but great with everyone.

Posted: 2007-02-19 12:01am
by Big Phil
The Kernel wrote:I own a Beagle and a Rat Terrier and I love both breeds. My parents have owned three Jack Russels in the past and I absolutely LOATHE these dogs.
Let me guess... you're not particularly good with dogs that require strong leadership or lots of attention... like Jack Russell's.

My wife and I currently have a Jack Russell and a Catahoula Leopard Dog; I suspect we'll be owning these breeds as long as we're alive. I'm also partial to Mastiff's and Rottweiler's - I'm not a huge fan of lap dogs; I prefer working breeds.

Posted: 2007-02-19 01:13am
by Darth Servo
Shelties rule

Posted: 2007-02-19 03:01am
by Dahak
I like Rottweiler and Irish Wolfshounds, but as long as the dog is big, I'm happy :)