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Hot Coffee - Documentary

Posted: 2011-07-14 11:03am
by Stravo
Hi guys, if you're at all interested there was a decent documentary I watched last night called "Hot Coffee" which is about the Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants case. I know a lot of people, me included, use to laugh about this case. The lady who burned herself with McDonald's coffee and got millions. I found out more when I went to law school but wHen you see the actual facts and see the third degree burns, skin grafts that were required and the willful negigence of McDonalds that hid over 700 burn instances before this case you'll see it was no laughing matter but what is sad is the crusade of "Tort Reform" launched using this case as a standard bearer.

You can watch as big business has tried to steer private citizens away from courts and start the arbitration craze that is overtaking litigation practice today as well as well as the lesser known buying of judges. Some interesting names come up at the head of this crusade - Carl Rove and George W Bush as well as the US Chamber of Commerce. Legal Professionals saw this coming a while ago but it's still galling to see this played out in a simple documentary.

The trailer can be seenhere.