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Studying in Germany

Posted: 2010-10-29 10:34am
by Tiriol
Background information:

my studies for BBA in Finland's Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences are nearing completion (my theory studies should be over next spring and then it's only my thesis and mandatory internship) and I've been thinking about further education, namely for the master's degree. While I, of course, have considered Finnish options (fun fact: Finnish economic schools really seem to hate universities of applied sciences), I've also considered Germany as a possible place to get the master's degree, especially after my recent trip to Berlin. I've been eyeing HTW Berlin Fachhochschule (Haaga-Helia's partner university) and Humboldt University, but since there still is some time before graduation (and I have to brush up my German), I have no definite plans yet.

So what's it like to study in an university environment in Germany? Not that dissimilar to Finland, I take it from what I've heard. And does anyone have any experience with foreigners applying for master's degree programmes?