Official Board FAQ
PotpourriPlease be considerate to other users and do not inline link to excessively large images of greater than 75KB in size or wider than 500 pixels.
~~~For the sake of our dial up users don't post excessive pictures as images in threads not specifically for pictures. If you have to post them link to them instead. This spares those stuck on dial up while keeping the pics in the posts.
Certain members have been warned about this. Their offending posts will simply be deleted if they continue. We aren't here to clean up the messes you make.
Picture spamming has become commonplace in Testing. There are several members who often jump into a spam thread and post pictures, macroed images, or .gifs for either comedic effect or just to spam. More seriously, as we saw in the discussion thread for punishing darthdavid, he posted several massive images to break formatting in two threads in Testing; meanwhile, on April Fools' Day, several members were running around posting ungodly large pictures in consecutive threads simply to break the formatting. There were even one or two dedicated "break-the-formatting" threads.
I have at the top of this post linked to the board policy threads in Announcements, and quoted the relevant portions of each thread.
Thus, I put these questions to the Imperial Senate: ought we recommend a policy change on picture spamming? Should there be an outright ban on annoying format-fucking pictures? Should the image size limit be increased to 100 kilobytes or more? Should there be any specific punishments for excessive image spamming? Should a specific rule addressing image linking be added to the Board Policies?
EDIT: It has been pointed out to me that I should clarify the difference between actual spamming and posting pictures in dedicated threads, such as the Official Funny Pics thread in AMP.