
SLAM: debunk creationism, pseudoscience, and superstitions. Discuss logic and morality.

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Post by Dillon »

A friend sent me this

A documentary on ghosts. I thought it was pretty ridiculous, just wanted to see what the general opinion on "super natural" stuff like this was like here.
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Post by Antediluvian »

I keep an open mind about such things.

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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

I personally dont believe in ghosts. They are great for role playing but I dont think they exist in real life.

One thing that I think about is, if there are ghosts, shouldnt we be seeing an increase in the number of ghosts about? The worlds population has exploded in the last 100-200 years. More people means more chances for ghosts, right? Or am I missing something?
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Post by Stravo »

"There are greater things under heaven and earth Horatio than are dreampt of in all your philosophies."

I think the Bard had it right.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

This is from the same illogical and unreasonable people that brought you Big Foot, creationism, UFOs, alien abductions, spirit channeling, faith healing, the Apollo moon "hoax," John Edwards, witch trials, Elvis sightings, and the fire breathing dragon in my garage.

For those of you who know what the "fire breathing dragon in my garage" is refering to, good job.
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Post by Akm72 »

This link might interest those 'into' ghosts, or those looking for a rational explanation;
"Scientists do not join hands every Sunday, singing, "Yes, gravity is real! I will have faith! I will be strong! I believe in my heart that what goes up, up, up must come down, down, down. Amen!" If they did, we would think they were pretty insecure about it."
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Post by Crown »

When I was young, I used to think that my house was haunted... It had all the signs that it was, door's opening and closing, objects moved from their place, voices in the wall, stuff like that..

Then I grew up and realised, that my house is drafty, other people use the remote too, and my sister has a phone in her bedroom! :D
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Post by Darth Wong »

I think that we all want to see ghosts. I think that we want to believe that we are immortal, ethereal beings who will live on forever, long after this mortal body is dead and buried.

I think that we conveniently interpret every unexplained bump in the night as a ghost because we desperately want to believe, and because we can't accept our own mortality. That's why people throw rational methods to the wind and see ghosts.

Food for thought: low-frequency high-amplitude vibrations can make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, give you the impression that you are surrounded by something, and it can even impair your vision, giving you blurry eyesight or (in some cases) a stereoscopic distortion that looks like a grey-white blur in the centre of your vision (a blur that could easily be interpreted as a ghostly apparition, and which will gradually become clearer and clearer each time the person tells the story to his friends, until it's a person complete with clothes).
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Post by Crown »

Originally posted by Darth Wong
Food for thought: low-frequency high-amplitude vibrations can make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, give you the impression that you are surrounded by something, and it can even impair your vision, giving you blurry eyesight or (in some cases) a stereoscopic distortion that looks like a grey-white blur in the centre of your vision (a blur that could easily be interpreted as a ghostly apparition, and which will gradually become clearer and clearer each time the person tells the story to his friends, until it's a person complete with clothes).
Ha! Well you just described the sound of my sister's voice when she nags.. Well that explains that! :D
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Post by LordShaithis »

Surely we can find evidence of the invisible dragon in your garage. Perhaps measure the heat from it's invisible flame? Toss down flour and wait to see the prints of it's feet? :mrgreen:
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Post by Meghel »

I do not believe in ghosts. 8)

Ghosts signify our obsession with the unknown, the afterlife, death and our fascination with "scary stuff".
It makes exellent stuff for movies.

But there is more between Heaven and Earth then we know. :wink:
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Ghost are, as previoulsy stated-hogwash. These ethereal beings do not exsist of course, from your attic to an old civil war battle site, ghosts only exsist in your mind when you want to believe they are there, but it begs the question: why on earth WOULD you want a ghost lurking around? creepy....
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

GrandAdmiralPrawn wrote:Surely we can find evidence of the invisible dragon in your garage. Perhaps measure the heat from it's invisible flame?
Good idea, but the invisible fire is also heatless.
Toss down flour and wait to see the prints of it's feet?
Good idea, but this dragon floats in the air
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Post by John »

I don't doubt that people who see 'ghosts' are seeing something, even if it is only in their minds. I recall a show on the Discovery Channel about ghosts. In that show, a woman who 'saw' ghosts lived in an area where the 'investigators' measured unusual geomagnetic and electromagnetic field strengths. The question they (the investigators) never asked was, "Are these unusually high field strengths 'inducing' hallucinations in the subject?" Until 'paranoral' investigators improve their methodologies, I will treat them with skepticism.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I don't believe in Ghost's per say. However I do believe that feelings produce energy, and some people can pick up these feelings. I have known places that scare me, for no logical reason. I don't understand how my grandpa can find objects burried in the ground, or behind walls, but he can map out wiring, plumbing and even unknown timecapsols without using any technological toys.

Purhaps it's just more energy that most of of are blind to?

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Post by RedImperator »

I don't believe in ghosts on a rational level, but I guess if I found out tomorrow that they existed, I wouldn't be surprised (if that makes any sense). And I love ghost stories.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by Durandal »

Funny that someone brings this up. My family was talking about this same subject at dinner a few nights ago. Apparently, my great grandmother could communicate with ghosts because she claimed to have seen them (and she never lies, which doesn't rule out delusional episodes, but it's more fun to just jump the the "ghosts" explanation), and it was possible to "feel" if a place was "evil" or not.

It's all pretty much horseshit. Ghosts wandering about doing strange things. Why? Why aren't they more productive with their time? They have nothing better to do than haunt the living? Why don't they engage in meaningful conversation? Why must we summon them with special tables and chants? Can't they just come and go as they please?

As a sidenote, the people that hear voices in their appliances are usually hearing cellular or radio traffic being picked up by those appliances. The voices aren't very clear, so the person in question just hears what they want to hear.

Hell, sometimes "ghost hunters" pick up larger than normal amounts of electromagnetic radiation in the area they are investigating, so they hold that up as proof that the ghosts are there instead of going to the obvious conclusion: the radiation is causing the people who live there to hallucinate.
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Post by SirNitram »

I beleive in ghosts, if only because the little bastards keep following me around.

As for the question of 'Why are ghosts doing what they do', there are two reasons, very simple.

1) It's better than the alternative. Ghosts may not be able to do much to reality. So they just screw around with us mortals all day because otherwise it's boring.

2) Social pressure. We are told all our lives ghosts act a certain way, so when we become them, we act like we were told.
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Post by Secretkiller2000 »

i know i belive in ghosts but i got good reasons and its not just cuz i live near a grave yard n gullible i live near a grave ya and have afew experiances such as while im online chatting (i like to keep my curtains all down and closed, they black and my door locked cuz my father keeps coming in n annyoing the hell out of me) or reading online comics such as the 1's from when for no reason i feel a insane urge to get the fuck out of the room but at the same time im too scared to get up so i try to continue on and after awhile i either am capable of forcing myself out of the room or it just goes away

ha bet ya all thinking i just gettin scared fr no reason,paranoid and wanting to think i got ghosts where i live will im none of the above i hope i never have to see a ghost im not paranoid heres an experiance ive had 1 night i was trying to get to sleep for hours but i couldnt even get tired and then next day i had school so after awhile i just layed on my back and stopped thinking then i heared a voice asking me somethign (dont recall what it asked) i said no then i could tell it got real pissed off i tried to get up but i was completly paralyzed i was able tomove my eyes to the door where i saw it was closed like usual so i kept trying to move then i focused on my hand tryign to hit the wall to get s1's attention but i was only able to move my fingers then finally i got full controll of myself and got the fuck out of that room and refused to go back for a few hours when my mother and father forced me back (hate them for that) thats when i started keeping my back towards the wall and never let my back face open space (my parent forcing me to go back gave me a fear i can never recover from untill i move mabey even after moving i might still have that fear) anyway if you still reading this then i better continue on anyway i was looking online in some sites reading sites and asking about it when i found something simulair called "Sleep paralysis" so close yet the onlything i experianced theree was not haveing the ability to move anyway like a few weeks later while trying to get to sleep while vocation a ifelt something staring at me and refused to open my eyes till eventually the feeling left and got some sleep like another few weeks later was that last experiance for awhile i simply heard scration on the wall behind me a foot above me which sounded like s1 scrating it then nothing till after school ended and like a few weeks longer when i felt someone in my room and heard foot steps i opened my eyes and looked around and saw nothing but the foot steps continued till it faded away i just put my head back down and pretended nothign happened

well that was very long ...

anyway i bin tracking several ghost hunters wich also checks places thats bin abandoned and they'ed get pictures of something ... i dunno what its something dark and in another picture taken at the exact spot less then a second later shows as if nothing is there so i wouldnt be saying that the radiation shit is causing people to see things cuz no 1 lives there and they on pictures (i know pictures can be faked and all but ... iif those pictures were fake then s1 real good made them cuz they fit perfectly
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Post by Lagmonster »

Personally, I believe ghosts are a wonderful form of natural entertainment rather than a shade or entity; we can visit a haunted castle, and when odd or spooky things happen, the most jaded skeptic can get the willies, even if he knows it's not ghosts.

Interestingly, along the way I've picked up another 'theory' for the behaviour/existance of ghosts that hasn't been mentioned here (noting that I'm not advocating, researching, or supporting it, just passing it on to those that may find it worth the pursuit, since it hasn't been mentioned yet and, well, this is a 'ghosts' thread): That they are some sort of 'burned image' in time/space, and that if we saw a 'ghost', we were seeing some sort of after-image, not a conscious being (though as expected, no reasonable explanation or theory on how this phenomena is accomplished has been brought forward, though some have tried).

For those that may be interested in ghosts on a 'proofs' level (which discounts me - I only am interested in the folklore level of it), I have been told in the past by ghost skeptics that first-time learners on the subject should read Brian Innes' *Ghost Sightings* (1996, Barnes & Noble Books, London), rather than the drivel 'believers' and 'psychics' turn out. Apparently it is level-headed in its approach and makes good mention of known and investigated sightings and their most plausible causes without abandoning reason for 'it's a ghost' conclusions.
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Post by Sothis »

I believe in ghosts, that's all I can say. It's like UFOs, can every situation be explained away?
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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

Not that there was anything wrong with it, but family was in the room. Thank God I had proof it was an innocent mistake...this time.....
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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

THe Yosemite Bear wrote:I don't believe in Ghost's per say. However I do believe that feelings produce energy, and some people can pick up these feelings. I have known places that scare me, for no logical reason. I don't understand how my grandpa can find objects burried in the ground, or behind walls, but he can map out wiring, plumbing and even unknown timecapsols without using any technological toys.

Purhaps it's just more energy that most of of are blind to?
Um...can someone say, Use The Force? :D
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