You Can Still Fly a Shuttle - Sorta

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You Can Still Fly a Shuttle - Sorta

Post by Skylon »

I must say, one of the niftier things happening to what are now artifacts of the Shuttle program.
December 29, 2011 — NASA's long-running space shuttle program came to its end in 2011, but thanks to a recently signed agreement between the space agency and a Texas university, one of the winged spacecraft's iconic cockpits will continue to "fly."

The Shuttle Motion Simulator (SMS), which for more than three decades exposed astronauts to the sights, sounds, and motions they'd experience when they launched and landed on the real orbiters, is being moved 100 miles from NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston to Texas A&M University in College Station. Once there, the hydraulically maneuvered platform will resume work as a simulator.

"The SMS at College Station at Texas A&M is going to be returned to be an operational simulator," Paul Hill, director of mission operations at NASA Johnson, said. "And there, more students and engineers will have the opportunity not just to see it, but actually use it to develop new operations and develop new equipment to be used by next generation spacecraft."

"When the SMS does get to College Station and we install it, we're going to preserve it as a piece of living history," said John Valasek, director of the vehicle systems and control laboratory in Texas A&M's aerospace engineering department. "It is not going to be changed or modified in any significant way. The crew of STS-135, the last crew to fly it, will be able to come into the simulator and see it exactly as it was when they were last in the simulator for training."

"It will be living history that many people can enjoy," said Valasek.

And by many, he didn't mean just engineering students.

"We will use it for public school outreach, for university outreach and university education," Valasek said. "It will be used in engineering classes. It will be available to all majors and all students. And most importantly to me, it will be available to the public."
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