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College scholarship statistics.

Posted: 2008-03-22 07:46pm
by Ohma
Okay so I'm debating someone on...hmm...basically they think that college scholarships specifically for minorities and women are a form of reverse racism/sexism.

One of their arguments is, I'll just quote them.
"Sure, on average, whites are better off… but there are still plenty of dirt poor white kids who could really use a scholarship, and at least a small number of rich black kids who don’t need help at all."

So I tried to find some kind of resource that listed the number of non-race or gender biased scholarships, preferrebly in contrast to biased ones.
But all I found was retarded vaguely racist "all those women and minorities are takin' my scholarships!" blogger crap.

Thankfully I had much better luck with finding statistics which handily destroy their core "black people and women are in exactly the same financial situation as white men because I say so" argument.

Posted: 2008-03-23 09:24pm
by Darth Wong
I'm not sure where one finds out about race and scholarship. I do know that some California universities were actually suppressing Asian students with their quotas. Do these people actually think that whites would necessarily be the primary beneficiaries if racial quotas were eliminated?

Posted: 2008-03-24 02:53am
by Ohma
Yeah they do.
They (not just the person I'm debating at the moment) also think that being told that using racial slurs could be seen as offensive, marks whoever tells them that as a "PC nazi".

I really wish I could say I'm surprised (or that this is the first time) that I've encountered not particularly subtle race/sexism on a news site/forum directly connected to the gaming industry, or even that this last bit of stupidity was the first time I'd seen it on Game Politics. But apparently there are a fuck ton of idiots who will gleefully live down to the stereotype of the socially retarded, racist, misogynist, 14 year old trapped in a really embarrassing 20-something body, whigger, gamer boy.

Re: College scholarship statistics.

Posted: 2008-11-20 05:22am
by daymin123
Ok folks, I am a student who need for a way to pay for school. I have got way too far to just drop out, and I also have student loans to pay when I do graduate, so I am really trying to hold out until then. The only problem is I need some extra help. I am receiving financial aid, but it is not paying for my living expenses. My part time job isn't helping either. I applied for student loans in other places, but wasn't successful. Can you help me please?