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SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-24 11:17pm
by Steve
This thread is for people to post their points expenditures for creating their SDNW3 countries. Revisions will be allowed for a time before we put the points down in stone.

For a reminder:
(Thanas, if I forgot anything please let me know so I can update the page, and post about it so the players can see it.)

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-24 11:38pm
by TimothyC
Population: 3 [Base of 2 Plus 1 From HT]
Territory: 4
Colonial Territory: 2
Industry: 4
Economy: 4 (WE GOT GOLD)
Infrastructure: 4 (lots of Rail, but the northern road network is crap, and working on several huge hydro projects)
Standing Military Limit: 3
Naval Focus: 2
Army Focus: 2 + 2 bonus for 4 total (very mobile, long term plans are for near-total motorization by 1940)
Air Focus: 3

Edit: Updated

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-24 11:47pm
by Setzer
Unified Congolese Republic, Edited after the Oct 31 rule refinement

Population- 4
Home Territory- 4
Colonial Territory- 0
Industry- 4
Economy- 4
Infrastructure- 3
Standing Military Limit- 3
Naval Focus - 3
Army Focus- 4 (2 pts +2 industry bonus)
Air Focus: 3

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-24 11:50pm
by CmdrWilkens
The Mexican Empire

Population 4
- 91 million located in the Home Territory. This includes the populations of Mexico proper, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, and El Salvador (all provinces of Mexico). [70% of the modern population]
- 15 million in colonial territories. This includes the populations of the Client Sates of Nicaragua and Hispaniola (5 and 6 million respectively) as well as the remaining colonies. [50% of the modern population]

Home Territory 4
Mexico (minus Baja), Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, and El Salvador. All of these are part of "Mexico" for in game purposes.

Colonial Territory 2
Colonial Possessions: Puerto Rico, The Virgin Islands (US, UK and "Spanish"), Antigua, and Guadeloupe.
Independent Client States: Nicaragua and Hispaniola

Industry 5 (+3 to Navy)
Note: (Pop = 4, HT+CT = 6, Inf = 4, Econ = 4, total = 18, 15 required)

Economy 4
Note: (Pop = 4, 3 is required)

Infrastructure 4
Note: (Econ = 4, Ind = 5, both require 3)

Standing Military Limit 2

Naval Focus 4 (1+3)
Note: (Econ+Ind=9, 7 is required)

Army Focus 3
Note: Army Tech=4 ( Army+Ind+Econ is 12, All are >=3)
Mobilization pool is 16% of 106 million is 17 million, roughly
Available Army Strength is 5.1 million (30% of 17 million)
Standing Army = 1,020,000
Ready Reserve = 3.1 million

Air Focus 1
Note: Air Tech = 3 (Air+Ind+Econ is 10, All are >=1)

*Note #2, miscalculated on Army size again. It will be reflected in the OrBat soon.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-24 11:51pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Byzantine Empire
Population: 1 + 2

Byzantium's population maintained steady growth over the centuries despite the occasional plague and such, rising to nearly a 100million, but not quite there yet.

Territory: 3

Byzantium regained much of its lost territories through the centuries, controlling Greece and Anatolia, Southern Italy, Syria, and parts of the core of the old Sassanid Empire, in a moment of historical irony.

Colonial Territory: 4

Byzantium set up colonies in the Sassanid Empire proper and claims the territory as its own in the 15th century. After the ravages of the Mongols, and the population there was too weak to resist Byzantine domination. This bore fruit in the Industrial age, where the insatiable thirst for raw materials led to an explosion in natural resource exploitation in the colonies in Persia. In time, perhaps these colonies would be fully integrated into the Byzantine Empire proper, the final triumph of the Byzantine Empire over its ancient Sassanid rivals. The Empire has claimed Java in the Far East and it has begun serving it as a source of agricultural goods and mineral resources.

Industry: 5 (Economy + Infrastructure + Colonial Territory + Population = 5 + 5 + 4 + 1 = 15)

Constantinople, Antioch, Thessaloniki, Nikea and many other cities were of old major trade center and Constantinople was the industrial center of the Ancient world. With the relative stability offered by strong Eastern Roman Army in the second millennium, Byzantium maintained its trade center status, and its industries expanded steadily. Byzantium was among the first to join the Industrial Revolution. Today, Byzantium's industries continue humming and powering the Empire into the 20th century.

Economy: 5

Competition against Italian Venice led to a flourishing banking sector from the 14th century. Combined with the active trade of goods and conducive Imperial policies, this encouraged further growth in the banking sector, and in turn encouraged the growth of other sectors, especially with the dawn of the Industrial age.

Infrastructure: 5

The Roman Empire was well known for its extensive road network that ensured the fast movement of its legions. The Eastern Roman Empire, the heir claimant of Rome, is no different. With new technologies, the transport network was further reinforced with rail networks, and new road systems, allowing its forces to rapidly mobilize.

Standing Military: 2

The Eastern Roman Empire has always favoured economical application of force, and this is no different in the 21st century.

Navy: 1 + 3

The Imperial Navy is now the dominant force in Byzantium, with naval bases at Taranto, Antioch, Constantinople, Hormuz, Athens, Crete. This is largely owed to the desire to be the dominant force in the Mediterranean and in the Straits of Hormuz. This is largely aimed at protecting the Empire's trade lanes and born out of the intense competition against Venice in the first half of the millennium.

Army: 3

The Imperial Army remains strong and vigilant against the enemies of Byzantium. It remains under the command of the Emperor, and his appointed Strategoi.

Air Force: 1

The nascent Imperial Air Force is now small, but that may change.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-24 11:55pm
by Karmic Knight
The Union of the Low Countries and her Subsidiaries, Special Administrations, and Organizations

Population: 2 (+2 from Colonies, total of 4)
Home Territory: 2 (Land Area of 74,622.4 kilometres squared)
Colonial Territory: 5 (Land Area of ~3,640,461.9 kilometres squared)
Industry: 4
Economy: 4 (+1 from Colonies, Total of 5)
Infrastructure: 4
Standing Military Limit: 3
Naval Focus: 2 (+2 From Industry, total of 4)
Army Focus: 3
Air Focus: 1

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-24 11:56pm
by Steve
My current draft for points expenditure:

Population 2 + 1 Colonial Score - 75,000,000 Population
Because so much of its territory in the north is barely habitable, the millions of Cascadian citizens are focused primarily in the great metropolitan areas of Seattle, Portland, Vancouver, and San Francisco. Many thousands live in the countryside pursuing local jobs - loggers in the great expanse of Cascadian forest, miners in the deserts and mountains of Nevada and Utah, oilmen and prospectors in the expanse of Alberta, farmers in Saskatchewan, the great breadbasket of the nation - while some inland cities like Spokane, Calgary, and Boise have their own sizable populations. Additionally several millions live in the territories of Victoria and New South Columbia on the continent of Australia (The RL Australian state of Victoria, as well as my portion of South Australia) and their great ports, Adelaide and Melbourne (not counting those dwelling in any potential British section), with various populations also spread along the holdings of the Pacific, primarily Hawaii.

Home Territory 4 - 5,641,900 km²
At over 5.6 million square kilometers Cascadia is a massive nation in land area, but not all of this territory is entirely useful. Nevada is rocky and barren in some parts while to the north the land is chillier and less capable of supporting comfortable life. Vast expanses of the Yukon and Alaska remain barely settled, where Native tribes still live their traditional ways of life (protected by the Cascadian Native Affairs Agency and Cascadian law). Nevertheless Cascadia enjoys gold and silver deposits in California, Idaho, and Nevada, the great mine at Bingham Canyon in Utah among other mineral-bearing mines across the expanse of the land, orchards in Washington, vineyards in California, the farms of Saskatchewan, increasingly-prevalent oil wells in Alberta, and a host of other resources needed for its great industry and for export to the world.

Colonial Territory 3 - Approx. 986,573 km² (Sorry, not sure how much of Southern Australia I nabbed, but going by Victoria's area and what I have of the state of South Australia this should work - will provide calculations if asked)
Cascadian-held islands dot the Pacific, principal among them the island kingdom of Hawaii, held as a semi-sovereign territory of the Republic in which the King of Hawaii is recognized as Head of State and Hawaiian traditions co-exist, where able, with the republican laws of Cascadia. To the south the great expanse of Eastern New Guinea, as well as islands in the Bismarck Archipelago, are ruled by colonial administrators of the Cascadian nation, though the interior of this great island is largely untapped due to the difficulty of such. West of here lies the Protectorate of the North Moluccas and the Territory of Celebes, Cascadia's holdings in the East Indies). Further south, the Cascadian tricolor flies over the port cities of Adelaide and Melbourne in the southern lands of Australia. Though not the largest of worldwide empires, Cascadia's is not one to scoff at.

Industry 5 - 210pts/3mo, size limit 60kt (Note, we may yet tweak with points per quarter)
San Francisco, Seattle, Sacramento, Vancouver, Portland. These are just the leading cities where the raw materials and resources of Cascadia and her closest trading partners flow into for processing in an expansive industrial machine. Even in the distant lands of Australia the cities of Adelaide and Melbourne now produce some of their own goods, while in Hawaii factories are hard at work processing the islands' agricultural bounty.

Economy 5 - 125% deficit in wartime allowed
The abundance of precious metals, some of the finest wine vineyards in the world, and other raw materials have enriched the Cascadian Republic greatly over the past sixty years. Cascadian banks range the Pacific.

Infrastructure 4 - Your army can redeploy by the speed of train.
Despite the difficulties in some of the terrain in the nation, especially the sub-arctic and arctic north, Cascadian engineers and railroad workers have spent decades building an extensive network of railroads that crisscross the nation, blasting tunnels through mountains and bridging rivers and valleys to provide the roads along which the nation's commerce and people can move. Along the rivers and ocean great ports and facilities move the cargo of everything from river barges to the largest merchantmen upon the seas.
While some of the more distant reaches remain sparsely connected, if connected at all, the core heartland of the Cascadian nation is as connected as a nation can manage in this era.

Standing Military Limit 1 - 40% of standard forces
Cascadia for a long time lacked the means to maintain a large force of professional regulars in the Army. Though today they no longer suffer that manpower difficulty, the successes of their militias and handful of regulars in the second half of the 19th Century, particularly the Mexican War and in subduing the occasional native revolt or skirmish in the Pacific, has imbued the nation with a mentality favoring the ideal of the citizen-soldier who serves occasionally, or in war, and who the rest of the time remains at home earning a living and loving his family. Large standing professional forces are not preferred; rather a small (or relatively small) force of Regulars remain in service to guard the outposts of empire and the frontiers of the Republic while over half of the national land forces are in fact a combination of state militia and garrison divisions staffed by draftees and reservists. Some have pointed out this means that a war may see Cascadia needing plentiful time to mobilize her non-professional forces and her reserves, but many Cascadians are content that the size and terrain of their nation and the capability of their regulars - not to mention their allies - will buy the time needed to mobilize the citizenry for war against an attacker.

Naval Focus 2 + 3 Industry Bonus
From humble beginnings the Cascadian Navy, fueled by the bounty and wealth of the growing nation and of her Pacific Empire, has become a Navy that can challenge any to dominance of the wide Pacific. Plentiful shipyards in the great San Francisco Bay, in Portland, and along the reaches of Puget Sound and Vancouver construct magnificent and advanced warships that can fly the Cascadian Tricolor to all corners of the globe.

Army Focus 3 - Your standing army is 600,000 men
Though kept small by the national preference and character, the Cascadian Army nevertheless makes sure to keep abreast of all world-wide army developments and provides a capable force of professional Regulars that serves as the guardians of the homeland and the overseas holdings.

Air Focus 1 - You have 120 aircraft
Though many experiments with airpower have taken place since the first historic flights at the turn of the century, Cascadia has admittedly lagged behind due to the conservatism of the military establishment and preference for the Pacific-spanning Navy. Proponents of air power believe that these craft are necessary to help patrol the vast expanse of the Pacific and the wide ranges of the Cascadian continental frontier but it will take time for the nation to shift any resources to the advancement of air power, resources that the mighty Navy and the Army will undoubtedly vie for.

Final Note: Military Reserves for Cascadia stand at 18% of the population (Inf 4 + Eco 5 = 9, 9 x 2 = 18%).

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-24 11:59pm
by Zor
Greater Japanese Empire

Home Territory-2
Colonial assets-1
Standing Forces-3
Navy Strength-4
Army Strength-2+2 Industry boost
Air Force-3


Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 12:07am
by Ryan Thunder
Greater Columbia

Population: 4
Home Territory: 4
Colonial Territory: 1 (Trinidad and Tobago)
Industry: 5
Economy: 5
Infrastructure: 5
Standing Military: 3
Naval Focus: 3
Army Focus: 0+3
Air Focus: 0

Edited to reflect the latest rules.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 12:08am
by Steve
Ryan Thunder wrote:Greater Columbia

Population: 3
Home Territory: 4
Colonial Territory: 0
Industry: 5
Economy: 4
Infrastructure: 4
Standing Military: 3
Naval Focus: 2
Army Focus: 2+3
Air Focus: 3
Rejected. Go re-read the rules Ryan, we changed things and placed caps on some potential scores based upon other scores.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 12:16am
by Shinn Langley Soryu
Southeast Asian Union Points Distribution

Population: 3
Home territory: 3
Colonial territory: 2
Industry: 4 (population + infrastructure + economy + colonial possessions = 3 + 4 + 4 + 2 = 13)
Economy: 4 (population = 3)
Infrastructure: 4 (industry > 3, economy > 3)
Standing military: 3
Naval focus: 4 (2 basic + 2 industry focus)
Army focus: 3
Air focus: 2

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 12:42am
by Ryan Thunder
Steve wrote:Rejected. Go re-read the rules Ryan, we changed things and placed caps on some potential scores based upon other scores.
Sorry, I'm not sure how I came to the conclusion that what I originally posted was legal...

Anyway, edited.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 12:57am
by Beowulf
Ryan Thunder wrote:
Steve wrote:Rejected. Go re-read the rules Ryan, we changed things and placed caps on some potential scores based upon other scores.
Sorry, I'm not sure how I came to the conclusion that what I originally posted was legal...

Anyway, edited.
Still bad. You only have a +2 bonus from industry now.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 01:01am
by Ryan Thunder

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 04:14am
by Dark Hellion
The Republic of Angola

Population: 2+1
Territory: 4 (its big, nearly three times the size of any European country besides Russia)
Colonies: 3 (North-Western Zambia)
Industry: 4
Economy: 4
Infrastructure:4 (Angola has built a lot of rail and road since 1885 when major investment in infrastructure began)
Standing Military: 3 (quite typical)
Naval Focus: 2 +2 (Angola has a long coastline used for shipping which it must protect)
Army Focus: 3(Fairly typical army with relatively modern European equipment and tactics)
Air Focus: 1

Edit: I have changed my points allocation in response to things I have seen in the Ship Building thread. Frankly, I am beginning to dislike the competitiveness that some of the players are bringing and I don't want my nation overrun in the first few months. Since we have already gone so ahistoric I think I will be fully able to explain all of these points allocations.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 04:16am
by Norseman
Federal Socialist Republic of Brazil

Note I *may* change Infrastructure to 3 and Economy to 4. See the thing is that Brazil is tricky, basically the areas that *do* have infrastructure have excellent infrastructure, and there's the Amazon. On the other hand most of Brazil is utter wilderness with a few islands of urban population linked by rail or water.

EDIT: Made changes in light of the new rules, this is more what I had in mind to begin with.

EDIT 2: Though I didn't want to munch out a certain neighbouring nation pretty much forces me to.

Population: 4
Due to heavy immigration and native growth Brazil has had an enormous population increase since the early 19th Century. The Brazilian population is also extremely diverse, being of every single race and nationality. The FSR endeavours to have all these different racial groups living together in peace and harmony, a symbol to the rest of the world, and living proof of the equality of the races. Anyone who objects to this is obviously an anti-social deviant who needs to be isolated from the rest of society and cured, preferably in one of the many treatment centres in the Amazon basin.

Home Territory: 5
The FSR of Brazil is enormous, stretching from the Sea Atlantic to the Andes Mountains, from the Caribbean to the Platte. It is hard to describe Brazil in simple terms, except to say that the great jungles in the interior would swallow up France and Germany without a trace.

Colonial Territory: 0
The FSR of Brazil has no colonies nor any desire for colonies, the FSR seeks to liberate the people in the colonies and help them be free.

Industry: 5
Building on the accomplishments of the Libertarians and the confiscated factories thereof FEPLAC (Federal Economic PLAnning Committee) has made great leaps forward. The nation is outputting more steel and pig iron than ever before! Soon every family will have steel furniture and their own six hundred pound pile of pig iron! Likewise farming is booming, with new and improved methods for growing crops and new socialist friends to sell them to.

Economy: 4
The economy of the FSRB is strong but uncomfortably dispersed; the sheer size and federal nature of the FSRB means that it's hard to co-ordinate properly. Even so FEPLAC has managed to create an economy that is sturdy and capable of supplying whatever resources the government needs.

Infrastructure: 4
The FSRB has promised a job to anyone who wants one and what better way of using excess labour than to build roads, railways, and harbours? Better yet it takes advantage of FSRB strengths: a large population and a lot of heavy industry. Despite this high rating though large sections of the interior still lack any kind of roads, indeed the railways are often the only path cut through the wilderness.

Standing Military Limit: 3
Despite being a peace loving nation the FSRB realises that the Capitalist Oppressors will not long tolerate a truly free state, thus the People's Committee on National Self-Defence has recently had their funding considerably increased.

Naval Focus: 4 (1+3)
The FSRB has a very long and vitally important coastline, even with the new railways coastal shipping is of enormous importance. Beside that the FSRB must also defend the trading routes to the Socialist Republics in Europe. Thus the People's Maritime Self-Defence Force is unusually well-funded for a state in Brazil's circumstances.

Army Focus: 2
The People's Ground Self-Defence Force is somewhat limited in size, despite the fact that the FSRB could easily boost its size. The reason is part a traditional worry that the army (and yes the PGSDF *is* an army) could launch a coup, but more importantly the FSRB believes in the concept of People's War. Thus the purpose of the regular army is to slow down an enemy invasion and to act as a cadre force as a total mobilization order goes into effect.

Air Focus: 2
The People's Air Self-Defence Force was until very recently an adjunct to the Navy. As a result the bulk of new investments were in long range scouting platforms as well as anti-submarine efforts. In both cases the airship was, and is still, considered far superior to fixed wing airplanes. This has had the effect of retarding developments in fixed wing airplanes, as well as reducing the aircraft currently available.

One of the defining moments of Brazilian history was the Miguelites victory in Portugal, which triggered a mass exodus of liberal leaders over to Brazil. Initially this was not so much of a problem, until the Portuguese, together with the Holy Alliance, began to support the conservative elements in Brazil. Simply put many of the Brazilian grandees were deeply unhappy about the liberal reforms of the Brazilian Empire.

All of this led to the First Brazilian Civil War lasting from 1834 to 1837, though the war was never about slavery it coincided with one of the largest slave rebellions in Brazilian history. The liberal forces together with their British backers, nervous about European rivals gaining power in South America, were eventually forced to accept the emancipation of all the slaves involved in the uprising. This triggered further uprisings as slaves elsewhere sought to gain their freedom by demonstrating their martial prowess, most of these rebellions were defeated, but the trauma was enough that the slave trade was abolished in 1838.

After 1848 and the crushing of the Year of Revolutions there's another flow of liberal refugees to Brazil. Once more the Holy Alliance, supported by a Tsar who wasted the blood and gold of his empire. This Second Civil War lasted from 1849 to 1853, during which British pressure led to the utter abolition of slavery. Not only that but Brazil also had to give economic concessions in return for British aid.

The combination of the abolition of the slave trade, the destruction of the Civil Wars, and the opening up to international trade forced Brazil to import immigrants in order to satisfy her labour needs. These immigrants were mainly European, but there were quite a few Chinese and Indians as well. Under British tutelage they expanded the railway system and opened up the interior of the nation, though the enforced low tariff made early industrialisation somewhat difficult. Despite that Brazil did industrialize in fields such as sugar processing, lumber, cattle, paper mills, even shipping to some degree.

In 1886 the monarchy was finally overthrown and replaced by a Libertarian Republic, sort of, they were at any rate very business friendly and upset about how the Emperor was planning to grant certain rights to the labourers. This regime's plan was to utterly liberalize the economy and remove all vestiges of government control, thereby ushering in a new era of liberty for all! Any mutterings about Revolution were ignored, after all what are they going to rebel against? Freedom?

To an outside their ideas may seem mind-bogglingly insane, especially as they steadfastly refused to commit to reform even as the "invisible hand" failed over and over and over. In the end they were often forced to claim that even if Libertarianism failed to provide economic benefits, it was still the only moral system.

Surprisingly the regime lasted until 1898 before the inevitable August Revolution, or Third Civil War, or the Revolutionary War, whatever you wish to call it. The war ended in 1904 with a Socialist victory, but it had been hard fought indeed. In the end though the Revolutionaries won by luring the enemy further and further into Brazil, forcing them to spread out to cover more and more soil, before cutting off supplies and launching counter-offensives (think the end of the Chinese Civil War). Countless foreign nations had supported the Regime, sending them men and money, partly as a result of the socialist tendency to nationalize all foreign property.

Since 1904 the Federal Socialist Republic of Brazil has been something of a hermit state, few people are quite sure what goes on in there.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 04:34am
by K. A. Pital
USSR wrote:Population: 5 [~147 million men]

Territory: 5 [~20 million]

Colonies: 0

Industry: 4 [Rapidly industrializing, no Civil War ravage, but a mild depression in 1917-1922]

Economy: 3 [The Revolution transformed the Union into a command economy and also plunged it into a mild depression, but there is no Civil War ravage]

Infrastructure: 3 [Roads are bane and virtually nonexistent; the railroad remains the supreme communication, but it's wide-reaching and serving the industry]

Standing military limit: 3 [Russia mobilizes no faster than others; and probably often slower]

Navy: 3 [Russian ascendancy to being a naval power was not cut short; the surviving Russian Empire capital ships live on in the RKKF; two carriers are constructed and Russia fields 11 dreadnaught battleships and battlecruisers, as well as a large semi-modern destroyer fleet]

Army: 3 (1+2) [Soviet peacetime regular army, the RKKA, is quite large, expecting an attack of bourgeois coalition of nations that could field more than 2,5 million men against it in 192X. The total mobilization pool of the Soviet Armed Forces (all branches) is 17,5 million (14% of 125 million), whereas the standing Army is 1,05 million men, and the planned reserves per the 1927 mobilization plan are 4,2 million men]

Air force: 3 [Russian Airforce is in the process of being born; the Russian Empire's wartime planes are obsolete and worn out. The large construction programme only started in 1924-1925, and so the Airforce is even smaller than industrial capacities allow - but it will expand]
More or less in line with this historical reality. Modifications to that initial setup very unlikely.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 04:41am
by Steve
Dark Hellion wrote:The Republic of Angola

Population: 1 (about 20 million [based on the rates of population doubling one the country had established stable governance])
Territory: 4 (its big, nearly three times the size of any European country besides Russia)
Colonies: 2 (North-Western Zambia, about 250,000 km^2
Industry: 3 (Frankly I would put more, but there is no feasible way for me to get the population, but I have a crapload of resources for industry and a history of manufacturing)
Economy: 3
Infrastructure:4 (Angola has built a lot of rail and road since 1885 when major investment in infrastructure began)
Standing Military: 3 (quite typical)
Naval Focus: 2+1 (Angola has a long coastline used for shipping which it must protect)
Army Focus:3 (Fairly typical army with relatively modern European equipment and tactics)
Air Focus: 4 (Vast expanses of land which must be monitored have proven these fanciful buggers useful)

1 point left over
Why not spend it in population? This is a fantasy world dammit. I don't begrudge people like Thanas who are trying to reflect feasible population patterns but we're meant to have fun.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 04:50am
by Dark Hellion
I'm happy with the left over point actually. I just don't think I can justify my population going from 5 million in 1885 to 50 million in 1925. I'd like to be able to put it in industry given the obscene amounts of natural resources Angola possesses (it is currently one of the fastest growing economies in the world) but I fail at two areas for that. Its no biggy really, I think that it reflects my country well.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 04:54am
by Norseman
Dark Hellion wrote:I'm happy with the left over point actually. I just don't think I can justify my population going from 5 million in 1885 to 50 million in 1925. I'd like to be able to put it in industry given the obscene amounts of natural resources Angola possesses (it is currently one of the fastest growing economies in the world) but I fail at two areas for that. Its no biggy really, I think that it reflects my country well.
Chinese and/or Indian immigrants coming to help you develop your economy? Ditto Brazilian advisers (after you go Socialist) to help you develop your country proper. That'd give you a fairly mixed racial population, but it'd let you quickly and massively boost your population.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 05:01am
by Dark Hellion
Massive to the tune of 25 Million? I think both countries might notice an exodus of 10 million or so people... Jesus guys, stop trying to make me powergame, I like my bard just the way he is.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 05:06am
by Steve
Your choice.

That said, I've been considering something: namely, Alaska, Yukon, and the northernmost areas of my Canadian provinces are iceboxes, or cold enough to have a limited population, little urbanization and lower-scale infrastructure, and mostly provide raw material - agricultural and mineral - to my economy, not any finished goods. Arguably my Australian holdings, as claimed, are more habitable and of the kind to have industry and higher population, even urbanization.

Therefore, I'm adjusting my points. Alaska, Yukon, and the northern two-thirds of my other three Canadian holdings are colonies. My new point allocation would be as follows:

Population 1 + 2 CT

Home Territory 3

Colonial Territory 5

Industry 5

Economy 4 + 1 CT

Infrastructure 4

Standing Military Limit 1

Naval Focus 2 + 3 Industry Bonus

Army Focus 4

Air Focus 1

If there is any objection to how I've laid things out and my logic, I will hear those complaints.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 05:24am
by Raesene
proposed Tuscan Kingdom

Population: 1 + 2 for colonies (about 25 million + 50 million in the colonies)

Home Territory: 2 (estimated 100 000 – 150 000 km²)

Colonial territory: 4 (total 1.6-1.7 million km²) –
Solomons (28896 km²), New Guinea (786000 km²), New Caldonia (18575 km²), Tasmania (90758 km²), Tanzania (original size 945 203 km², claim reduced to 750000 km² ?)

Industry: 4 - well developed European Nation

Economy: 4 - well developed European Nation

Infrastructure: 4 - well developed European Nation

Standing Military: 3 - average sized military

Naval Focus: 5 (3 + 2 industry) - more for technology than size.
Likely I'll choose some of the original Italian designs, maybe add a small carrier, a converted cruiser, for example a lower-tech version of the Independence-class. A superheavy cruiser is posted in the corresponding naval thread (but subject to a review)

Army Focus: 3 (original Italy had 300k in 1912, I’d go with about 100k -150k)

Air Focus: 2 about 240 planes, mostly fighters, but experimenting with dive bombers. No mid- or long-range aircraft except maritime patrol flying boats (yet).

EDITED to include Steve's remarks below

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 05:27am
by Steve
Raesene wrote:proposed Tuscan Kingdom

Population: 1 (about 25 million, excluding colonies)

Home Territory: 2 (estimated 100 000 – 150 000 km²)

Colonial territory: 4 (total 1.6-1.7 million km²) –
Solomons (28896 km²), New Guinea (786000 km²), New Caldonia (18575 km²), Tasmania (90758 km²), Tanzania (original size 945 203 km², claim reduced to 750000 km² ?)

Industry: 4 - well developed European Nation

Economy: 4 - well developed European Nation

Infrastructure: 4 - well developed European Nation

Standing Military: 3 - average sized military

Naval Focus: 4 - more for technology than size.
Likely I'll choose some of the original Italian designs, maybe add a small carrier, a converted cruiser, for example a lower-tech version of the Independence-class. A superheavy cruiser is posted in the corresponding naval thread (but subject to a review)

Army Focus: 3 (original Italy had 300k in 1912, I’d go with about 100k -150k)

Air Focus: 2 about 240 planes, mostly fighters, but experimenting with dive bombers. No mid- or long-range aircraft except maritime patrol flying boats (yet).
Colonies gives you a +2 to Population and Industry of 4 gives you a +2 to a Focus of your choice. I notice you spent 31 points so you're technically a point over though you reduce one Focus by a point and then add +2 for your Ind score.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-10-25 05:31am
by Raesene
Steve wrote: Colonies gives you a +2 to Population and Industry of 4 gives you a +2 to a Focus of your choice. I notice you spent 31 points so you're technically a point over though you reduce one Focus by a point and then add +2 for your Ind score.
Sorry, must have missed my population while calculating. I'll edit my post above to nclude the changes, thanks for clarifying the boni.