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The Good Old Days... interest?

Posted: 2008-05-24 03:26pm
by Crayz9000
Well, for a short while the SDN's World STGOD seemed interesting to me, at least until it started getting bogged down in rulemongering and legalistic arguments.

Therefore, I propose a session of The Good Old Days, to vent frustration and basically deliver a healthy screw-you to anyone interested in pointless bickering.

Here are the rules, as far as TGOD has rules:

1. Respect the other players. While TGODs are known for their excessive use of violence and bloodshed, at least give the poor sod you're targeting a (slim) way to write himself out. Powergamers, however, do not deserve said justice, and so may be viciously targeted for sodomy via cheesegrater, or whatever your method of choice is.

2. Referring to rule 1, don't powergame. See Transcend for a definition of powergaming.

3. No schoolyard arguments/whining allowed. If you don't like the way someone did something, too bad, it's done, no bickering about it. Instead, harness all of those brain cells otherwise wasted on legalistic whining to write a creative response in character.

Now, unless somebody would like to moderate, this will remain a TGOD. Anyone want in?

Posted: 2008-05-24 03:30pm
by Shroom Man 777
Feh. SDN World is awesome. Shut up.

Re: The Good Old Days... interest?

Posted: 2008-05-24 06:18pm
by phongn
Crayz9000 wrote:Well, for a short while the SDN's World STGOD seemed interesting to me, at least until it started getting bogged down in rulemongering and legalistic arguments.
I think we got past that stage. Now Shep and Sea Skimmer are making everyone's lives miserable in the finest traditions of the STGOD.
Now, unless somebody would like to moderate, this will remain a TGOD. Anyone want in?
There's the real danger that this devolves into a major spamfest.

Re: The Good Old Days... interest?

Posted: 2008-05-24 06:23pm
by Sea Skimmer
phongn wrote: I think we got past that stage. Now Shep and Sea Skimmer are making everyone's lives miserable in the finest traditions of the STGOD.
Its about to get so much worse/better. Anyway, I'd go for a new TGOD or STGOD but I don’t have the time to do more then one at once and I intend to keep up SDN world until people either bitch too much, we do seem to have gotten over some of that, or it just plain falls about.

Posted: 2008-05-24 07:42pm
by Sea Skimmer
I guess I spoke too soon on us moving past legalistic rulemongering, given the bullshit being raised over the mere act of assembling a convoy. This makes it pretty much certain that fighting any actual wars will be fucking impossible with fifty pages of arguments after one post of combat.

Posted: 2008-05-24 09:54pm
by Darkevilme
Personally i have no preference with regards to rules or pure creative writing/rp driving a game. So if there is such a thing as this i might get involved if others do.

Posted: 2008-05-24 10:33pm
by Starglider
Sea Skimmer wrote:I guess I spoke too soon on us moving past legalistic rulemongering, given the bullshit being raised over the mere act of assembling a convoy. This makes it pretty much certain that fighting any actual wars will be fucking impossible with fifty pages of arguments after one post of combat.
Mods in past STGODs have a) tried to play hands off and b) bickered among themselves. Certainly tabletop RP doesn't work like that; tabletop RP works because you have a benevolent dictator (the GM) - and in fact it works better with stronger GMs as long as they keep the goal of everyone having fun in mind.

I'd strongly suggest following that model in future, if you can find someone with the experience and time required.

Unfortunately I have no idea when I might be able to play in another one, looks like I'll be insanely busy through at least the rest of this year.

Posted: 2008-05-25 03:26pm
by Ohma
I'd be up for another STGOD or some other game as long as people were active.

Posted: 2008-05-26 12:57am
by Crossroads Inc.
hey, i dont know what yttou are al lconplaining about... World is freaking AWESOME! were up to over 100 pages of contious RP playing fun... Soooo much better then modle UN

Posted: 2008-05-26 01:22am
by K. A. Pital

SDN World is a good game.

And as for "unable to stage a war" - right, that's pretty easy. Declare war and you're good to go :lol: like some members did.

Posted: 2008-05-26 01:33am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
The game has been pretty dynamic on the political front.

Though on the military side, I think I'm not sure how a war is pursued. The issue of secrecy and handwaving I'm not sure how to approach it. :?

Posted: 2008-05-26 01:54am
by Crossroads Inc.
come on man... do you really WANT a war???

At this point, open war against any PC in the gae is virtual suicide..with the promity of nations to one another as well as the MASSIVE alliances and such, it would be madness MADFNESS to do so..

Any "real" war would mosty likely result in a lot of "M.A.D" as it where.....thats why we have Libertopia dont ya know

Posted: 2008-05-26 01:58am
by K. A. Pital
I'm just referring to the technical ability to wage a war.

Secrecy matters little, the economic similarity between nations allows to assume that the greater economic power wins in the decimation of the enemy's military and infrastructre with greater result, although probably will not be able to occupy his land entirely.

Of course, specifically developed weapons like spacefighters, etc. apply as a side factor towards the generic warmaking capabilities.

Posted: 2008-05-26 02:14am
by phongn
The UAR's huge economics (two 20K+ posters, plus Neverhood) and nuclear-centric militaries probably give them an edge in combat, I'd say. Shep and Sea Skimmer know how to wage nuclear war, and nobody except the IRT has invested huge sums into a comprehensive air-defense system.

Posted: 2008-05-26 02:19am
by Crossroads Inc.
If anyone ACTUALLY declared war...I'd be mostly screwed, seeing how i spend most of my assets on inferstructure and big htings, Ive relied soley on my Alliance in OMSK to protect me :P

Posted: 2008-05-26 02:24am
by K. A. Pital
Technically the Neverhood should also rebel now with what happened. It took on the OMSK authority but not the UAR authority which includes Saddam.

I'll ask DEATH for permission to instigate a rebellion in Sheppard's land - he's a former leader of that nation after all.

As for comprehensive air-defense, we had additional defenses deployed by Shep himself during the MESS crisis under the Blackbeard program.

Not to mention that me and PeZook also centered on deploying SAM batteries. It's also feasible with the kind of armies and hardware we wield.

That is not to say I am willing to go to war with UAR, but Saddam did a lot of stuff which is to put it blunt jeopardizing the entire world, and anyone who allies with Skimmer has "WAR MACHINE" written all over him :lol: so I'm not exluding the possibility of either MESS or someone else drawing UAR into a war.

Posted: 2008-05-26 02:25am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Stas Bush wrote:Technically the Neverhood should also rebel now with what happened. It took on the OMSK authority but not the UAR authority which includes Saddam.

I'll ask DEATH for permission to instigate a rebellion in Sheppard's land - he's a former leader of that nation after all.

As for comprehensive air-defense, we had additional defenses deployed by Shep himself during the MESS crisis under the Blackbeard program.

Not to mention that me and PeZook also centered on deploying SAM batteries. It's also feasible with the kind of armies and hardware we wield.

That is not to say I am willing to go to war with UAR, but Saddam did a lot of stuff which is to put it blunt jeopardizing the entire world, and anyone who allies with Skimmer has "WAR MACHINE" written all over him :lol: so I'm not exluding the possibility of either MESS or someone else drawing UAR into a war.
Please do. I'm looking over my Eastern coast with great nervousness.

On a side note, I've been churning out SAM missiles out of my factories and deploying them around the key cities and the coastal regions, and the first S-400 batches should be out soon.

Posted: 2008-05-26 02:38am
by phongn
There's a lot more to building an IADS than just churning out and emplacing SAMs, you know :P It's why I have such a tiny "normal" army - the money spent there goes to my air and missile defense system.

Posted: 2008-05-26 02:41am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
phongn wrote:There's a lot more to building an IADS than just churning out and emplacing SAMs, you know :P It's why I have such a tiny "normal" army - the money spent there goes to my air and missile defense system.
Like? It's not like there isn't a radar to which these SAMs get their data from. :? Then throw in the Berievs with the Phalcon radar I'm getting soon.

Posted: 2008-05-26 02:48am
by phongn
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Like? It's not like there isn't a radar to which these SAMs get their data from. :? Then throw in the Berievs with the Phalcon radar I'm getting soon.
Bah, and give away my sekrits into how to build a proper air-defense system? :P But as a hint: you're concentrating far too much on individual elements.

Posted: 2008-05-26 02:55am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
phongn wrote:
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Like? It's not like there isn't a radar to which these SAMs get their data from. :? Then throw in the Berievs with the Phalcon radar I'm getting soon.
Bah, and give away my sekrits into how to build a proper air-defense system? :P But as a hint: you're concentrating far too much on individual elements.
Meaning... I should start linking the whole lot together and working in unison?

Posted: 2008-05-26 03:07am
by MKSheppard
Stas Bush wrote:I'll ask DEATH for permission to instigate a rebellion in Sheppard's land - he's a former leader of that nation after all.
:P After All I did for you! :P

Posted: 2008-05-26 03:17am
by K. A. Pital
After All I did for you!
:P Politics :P Nothing personal