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STGOD 2k8 War Games.

Posted: 2007-12-12 04:35am
by Crossroads Inc.
**Because I can't wait anymore and I am sure others want to 'practice' some of thier ships blowing things up**

It has been over a Decade since the Destruction of Terra and the face of the Galaxy has been changed. Within the first few years, barbarians nations that had for decades been held in check with the weight of the Imperium we’re now let loose upon hapless small starnations. Within just the first year alone several were swallowed up whole in the expansion of Barbarian and Xeno forces alike. Nothing could be counted on any more, except your own forces.

Far off between one of many sections of ‘badlands’ and the beginning of the Outer Rim, two task forces of Kushawni National Guard played a deadly real game of Cat and Mouse. For almost a week the 2nd and 4th Cruiser Divsions had been engaging one another, every member of every crew focused fully on each other with the intent of the others ‘simulated’ annihilation. Well, most of them.

“Have you actually seen the construction yards for the new Fleet? I flew by one of the Exelions in the drydocks , it’s over twice the size of one of our current Battleships! And the weapon systems on one of them! We only wish we had-“

“ZONKER! You have been talking incessantly about the new ships ever since you came back from leave; we’re in the middle of War Games, and all you can think about is-

“Ships that you two will never EVER be assigned to if I have ANY say over it!” A voice behind the pair called out as the two midshipmen looked up.

“Captain!” they both saluted instantly.
“I swear on the grave of Terra ALL I heart these days from you cadets is about that damned new StarFleet! Well forget it! You brainless sacks of Xeno waste aren’t going to be setting foot on one of those ships for a VERY long time!
WE are the Kushawni National Guard, WE protect the Province and WE are going to establish what little we can of the Imperium long before those AI Designed ships ever finish leaving port, do you HEAR ME?”

“SIR YES SIR” they snapped as Captain Theodore Moz turned his steely gaze across the rest of the crew of the “Blensren

“And that goes double for everyone else! These old rustbuckets may not be up to snuff with those fancy pants ships being built back home, but It will be a cold day in Hades before I see anyone in MY crew think for a second they can’t protect us from ANYthing this accursed Galaxy has to offer!”

“SIR YES SIR” A chores rang out from the now riveted bridge crew. Moz gave just the hint of a slight smirk. He had served in the Kushawni National Guard for over 20 years and was one of the most esteemed Captains. His BattleCruiser had distinguished itself many times in battle, and he was sure iy would do so again.

Captain! Our BusterMachine has reported back, The Enemy have been located, Sector 00834 at a heading of 50degrees! Weapon systems are already online!”

“They’ve seen us too! All hands to battlestations! We are go for attack repeat GO for attack! Comms! Single all Combat Destroyers to hold fire till I give the single!”
“They are launching missiles!”
“Extend forward shields out to their maximum range! Support Destroys form a perimeter around the front!”
“Inbound in 30 seconds!”
“Richard! Link up with our sistership! I want all weapons control linked on their main Cruiser!”
“10 Seconds! 5-4-3-2-1! IMPACT!”

The ship lurched heavily as simulated explosions rippled across the haul, Flashes of light illuminated the ship from the explosion of Dummy Warheads as various systems dropped dead from damage response.

“RETURN FIRE!” Moz yelled as the Twin Battlecruisers Blensren and Henslan let loose their forward Turbolaser batteries, the big guns focused on a single small target light seconds away. The blasts tore across space in the blink of the eye before registering their accumulated firepower on the Enemy ship.
“Direct Hit Captain! Estimates read-
“Sir! Batteries on enemy forces have fired, ALL of them, incoming now!”
Moz whirled around stunned, “What does that fool think he’s doing!” he managed to get out before the ship rocked again.
“S-SIR! Three of our Combat Destroyers have reported severe damage to their internal systems! Sensor Ship… Sensor ship Hectoan Sunk!” Moz winced, He had knew his foe had done this before, but he had not expected it of him, not here. It was a risky move, comm.-linking every last Turbolaser and Wave Cannon into a single assault. The combined wave of fire in the past had been enough to win engagements in a single volley. When it worked… But there was one crucial mistake.

“I’m STILL alive Zyn!” Moz barked, though just barely… “All remaining support destroyers forward! Activate backup field generators and protect your wounded. Richard! Tell what’s left of Henslan to get along side! We’re going shove our cannons down Zyms throat!” he yelled as the primary Beam Cannons of each ship began to charge.

“Sir! We’re going to get barly 60% at our current condition!”
“It’s Enough!” Moz barked as he watched a read out screen… His Destroyers were working at incredible rates. The ordnance being soaked up by the support Destroyers warmed his heart as he watched the Combat destroyers behind them Lay into the lines of his enemy.

“Maximum charged reached I won’t risk going any hire then 62% sir!”
“Very good Mr.Mort! Richard? Let’em have it! Buster Beams, FIRE” he shouted as outside the front of each Battlecruiser lit up. The huge internal Capacitors let loose their accumulated field energy as a terrifying arc of energy leapt across space. Elements on bored both ships burnt out and fried from the overlord as the wave sliced into the opposing BattleCruiser.

“That will teach him not to loose all his energy in the first volley!” He howled as the screens lit up with hits. A moment later the dimmed lights on the bridge as Richard spoke up.

“Enemy Battlecruiser destroyed, remaining Battlecruiser dead in the water sir, end of simulation marked and recorded. I do believe Zym is haling you sir.” The ships computer spoke to Moz as the crew erupted into chores of cheers.

“Tell him to stew for a bit, I’m calling a round for the best Damn bridge crew in the National Guard!” he shouted as a fresh ring of applause went up. As barrels of Rum we’re escorted up from the ships hold, Moz slumped back into his chair. It just wasn’t the same… His crew was learning how to fight, but only against other Kushawni, against other Kushawni ships. Moz knew what the chaotic Galaxy had to offer, he would not be able to read his next foe quiet as easily, who ever, or whatever that might be.

Posted: 2007-12-14 11:13am
by Darkevilme
*So what if it's bad, so what if it's not a war game*

Provincial Fleet Command

It’s cold in space, and yet for all its hostility and vastness here humanity stands, scattered across the stars far from home…

Admiral Mortimer let his fingers trail off the chill glass of the window, A home that is no more, along with the covenant of the imperium and all the protection and virtues it stood for. The admiral turns from the stars and sight of the world of Godwin’s hope, slowly gliding past the window as the station rotates, looking across the command center.

And that left him, this station and primitive fleet, as the only thing between this province and the barbarians beyond…

“Early warning station seven detects incoming FTL readings closing in on Odessa sir” the duty station starting to beep loudly just as the ensign spoke.

“How many contacts?” Mortimer walking swiftly across to the station, so the test begins.
“sixteen sir, unknown energy signatures.”
“Send Raven squadron to support Eagle at Odessa.”
“Right away sir”

Later, Raven squadron cruiser ‘Thor’

Alric looked around the bridge with only the slightest of smiles, the entire crew’s been on battlestations for a few hours yet they havent wavered in their alertness, though the rumour mill as to what’s coming or might be coming has been working overtime judging by the whispers being exchanged when they think he cant see them.

The tense waiting is broken a mere minute later.

“Unknown contacts dropping out of FTL now sir….too far away for a visual.”
“Launch a drone missile”
“Drone missile away sir”

One of the missile ports on the side of the cruiser belches forth a long cylinder that rockets away towards the unknowns. The drone’s sensors and telescopes peering ahead as it accelerates away from the cruiser squadron.

And straight into a wall of interference that nearly drowns out the near anguished digital squeel as its snuffed out by a spray of metal slugs.

“Drone lost sir…..Sir multiple small contacts confirmed closing fast, missiles incoming!”
“Focus all energy to the lasercannon, open all tubes for counterattack.”

As one the twenty ships of the provincial fleet turned towards the incoming missiles, the incoming barrage’s engine flares making it resemble a particularly dense star constellation. The cruisers lasers powering up and then lashing out to snuff out the stars of that constellation.

“Loki and Freya reporting minor damage sir”
“Commence counterattack, full fleet all tubes.”
“Aye sir”

The two squadrons let loose with a salvo of their own back towards the aggressors, the unknowns closing behind a wall of interference and a storm of metal rounds directed at the incoming missiles.

“Divert power to capacitor banks, charge up for mass driver initiation.”
“Preparing main gun sir”

The ships of the provincial fleet barely move, each one angling itself mere degrees in the silence as flashes of nuclear fire flicker amongst the unknown fleet.

“Capacitors fully charged sir, gunnery reports they have target”
“All ships, fire”

Cruisers rock backwards in recoil in a staggered volley over several seconds, mass driver rounds sent to meet the attackers.

“Confirmed kills sir, three enemy target thermal signatures spiked and diminishing.”

Alric smiles, the crew taking a moment to rejoice and the gunnery team to give eachother a high five.

“Enemy second launch detected, missiles incoming sir!” the mood shifts, they’ve reloaded already? More so the lasercannons are running on dry capacitors now.

“Brace for impact, try and shoot down as many as you can!” Alric tightens his grip on the rail.

Explosions and atomic devastation ripple up and down the provincial fleet, alarms blaring aboard the Thor as Alric pulls himself to his feet.

“Damage report?”
“Loki, Odin and Hel destroyed sir, Bragi and Mani reporting heavy damage.”
“And us?”
“Decompression on decks four to twelve sir across the bow, we’ve lost the lasercannon and we’ve lost fire control on the port missile battery.”

And still the enemy closed.

Provincial fleet command
“No response yet from Raven and eagle squadrons admiral.”
Mortimer stops his pacing a moment “Ready Falcon squadron to reinforce at Odessa.” He says, though his face cannot hide his worry as that leaves only one squadron at Godwin’s hope.

“Sir, early warning center twelve reports sixteen incoming readings, they’re heading right for us sir”

Mortimer taps his teeth, more of them?

“Early warning center twelve destroyed sir!”

“Ready Falcon and Hawk squadrons to defend fleet command, battle stations!” Mortimer looks down towards Godwin’s hope as it makes its leisurely way across the viewing window, knowing the planetary shield grid will already be powering up.

And as the view turns out away from the planet he thinks he can just see an extra light, rippling and forming a band between two stars.

“Hostiles have dropped out of FTL sir.”

“Ready all missile batteries and tell Falcon and Hawk to commence mass drive fire.”

The ships around the station already facing towards the oncoming ships are silent for a few minutes then open up with the first salvo of the battle of Godwin’s hope. Many shells missing at this range though after the first salvo the squadrons alternate their barrages, missile launchers put into play as the range closes, ships on both sides succumbing to the firepower being exchanged.

“Another confirmed kill, hostiles are decelerating sir, they’re holding position.”

Mortimer does not share the raised spirits, what are they waiting for?

It didn’t take that long for the question to be answered
“Sir, new contacts dropping from FTL, fifteen confirmed…energy signatures exceeding level five visible amidst the jamming.”

Mortimer pales, he’s already seen how the ships under his command are outclassed by the ordinary kind of hostile vessel but now they’re bringing out the big guns.

“Form fleet up behind command, defend Godwin’s hope at all costs.”

“Sir!?... At once sir.” The ensign sending the message out and looking to the picture tucked into the console’s corner “In the line of fire for you babe.”

The hostile fleet closed, exchanging missile fire with the defenders as they huddled on the opposite side of the hulking wheel of fleet command.
“Sir, major energy spikes detected across the enemy fleet.”
Some kind of weapon?
As one all hostile ships so equipped condensed a glowing lense of force across the clawed apertures for that purpose and then unleashed upon fleet command their combined might. Two dozen golden, sunbright and dazzling, beams of plasma dragging across the station, shields overloading, armour melting and tearing free as steel structural members explosively atomize.

Mortimer winces and then coughs, then looks at the bloody hankerchief. Then as the rest of his nerves start sending he realizes why and stares at the jagged piece of railing protruding from his body. A hissing sound filling the air as his vision starts to fade, the sound coming from the cracks in the viewing window. Flashes of light beyond the glass showing where the fleet fights on, growing dimmer, redder. The planet coming into view again as flashes of red start to speckle it and then Mortimer’s eyes see no more.

It is cold in space…so very cold.