SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

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SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Mr Bean »

We now return you to your reality... in progress.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by K. A. Pital »

Crimson Star Republic, Stasograd


- Vladimir Vladlenovich, at your service, - the man spoke softly. - Comrade Yuri, I heard a lot about you from the Commitee for Defense... apparently you are pulling the strings.

- Strings? So far I'm pushed around. Stanislav is not an easy person to talk to, much less convince him of anything. We have analyzed the strategic disposition of the world, as it is now, and we are seeing that the effects of the economic crisis led to the Crimson Star Republic actually halting all large infrastructure construction programs; including military construction. Meanwhile, our people have indicated that there's a distinct possibility of hotpoints erupting in conflict...

- Like the Caymans?

- Damn sure, damn sure, - Yuri laughed. - Comrade Putinovsky, an eruption there will re-invigorate the tensions in the world, and wake up our leadership to the necessity of maintaining extreme militarization that is basically par the course for the world today...

- And what kind of "eruption"?

- You'll see.

Cayman City, Caymans

The airport was humming with people. But most importantly, the Cayman "government" - if a junta of narco-oligarchs, most of which were "good friends" with the most dark people in the underworld Karic could imagine - was approaching the level at which the word government can be used earnestly.

These "friends" apparently leaked some information about his whereabouts. This was absolutely deplorable. It forced him to spend months hiding inside the Crimson Star Republic - itself not an easy feat. Thankfully, the rogue elements inside the Crimson State offered a deal which Karic could not refuse. He could not clearly define who in the Cayman government tried tracking his account information and selling it to the RIS and other services, but it's not like it matters if you are just going to off the government entirely.

The idiots travelled on unmarked private planes, but once again, some leaked CSR intel - who apparently had a lot of connections among the local outlaw-resistance - and determining where the "lawful" leaders of the Caymans were became a lot easier. Today they gathered in an "informal" meeting - with hookers and booze - in one of the secure suites of the 5-star hotel just next to the Cayman International Airport strip - and there could be no better day to teach them a final lesson.

The time was ticking. Karic waited patiently. He was not the kind of man who forgave easily.

...and the time came.

Slowly turning away from the explosion, the world's most wanted smiled again. Reckoning always comes for his enemies. Of course, the CSR-made portable mine-thrower which he gave to the local terrorist cell was also important - but who's to say he could not have killed the government of the Caymans a myriad other ways?
Last edited by K. A. Pital on 2008-12-16 08:09am, edited 1 time in total.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

Another Year


Longacre Square, San Dorado

As usual, tens of thousands of people had come to Longacre Square at the very heart of San Dorado City to celebrate the new year. The face of the President was plastered over each of the gigantic electronic billboards, beamed live from the Presidential Palace.

"... so, ladies and gentlemen, all things considered I'm happy to say that this has been no less than an excellent year for our city-state," Sidney Hank continued his yearly speech. "And if our boys and girls in analytics are to be believed, next year will be even better. For you, me, everybody!" Cheers went up on the square. On the screens, the President looked on his watch, and then grinned amusedly. "Hell people, I promised I wouldn't ramble for more than fifteen minutes. So don't let me keep y'all from properly celebrating: Happy new year!"

From somewhere off-screen someone handed the President a glass of foaming Champagne, which he raised to the camera in a toast, then downed in one mighty swig. A roar of approval went up from the square, President Hank winked, and his image was replaced by the traditional countdown clock. "Five!" the crowd chanted. "Four! Three! Two! One! HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

The skies above the city seemed to explode as thousands of fireworks lit up at once, transforming the dark of the night into a dazzlingly multi-coloured day.

And in the Presidential Palace, Sidney Hank and Daphne Sinclair raised a solemn toast. "So, here we are again", smiled the President.

"You don't seem as surprised by that as last year", Daphne smirked.

"Heh, well... You may attribute that to my slowly growing faith in the world."

She shook her head in mock surprise. "Sidney Hank, faith in the world? Dear Lady, what's the world coming to?"

The President's smile widened as he kissed her. "Baby, you ain't seen nothing yet."
Last edited by Siege on 2008-12-16 10:42am, edited 1 time in total.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Lonestar »

Dominion Defense

Bulwark Strike Group returns from deployment.
The Bulwark, and her escorts, have returned home in time for the New Year from an extended overseas deployment. After a month-long post-deployment stand down, the carrier and her escorts will be enterering the yards for post-deployment refits. It appears that the Old Dominion government has decided against having the Bulwark on standby after the chaos in the Caymans, or for use of bringing recalcitrant Impact Crater Archipelago into the OICAS...[More]

Dominion Boeing brings assembly of prototype "Sonic Cruiser".
Dominion Boeing has begun assembly of the prototype for the Sonic Cruiser, a passenger airliner intended to help overcome the "tyranny of Distance" that afflicts the continent of Shepland and the rest of the world...[More]

Lowell GPS Satellites 15&16 enter orbit
Lowell Block II GPS Satellites 15 & 16 have been placed into orbit. The eventual goal is to have 32 satellites in the constellation.

The Block II satellites have a array of onboard sensors intended to be part of the MESS nuclear detonation warning system...[More]

Final F/A-18F enters service with the ODN
The final F/A-18F has left the Dominion Boeing Asheville production facility and been accepted into the ODN, completing the replacements of the planes lost in the One Week War.

Earlier this week Dominion Boeing responded to a tender for a potential "G" Model of the Hornet, utilizing the same improved engines that the Super-Griffin employs...[More]
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Christmas celebrations across the Empire

The Ecumenical Patriarch and the Emperor wishes all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Economy improving, expected to boom this year

The Economy has recovered from its bout with flu, among many other illnesses, and is expected to boom this year.

Space Communications launches its 6th satellite.

Space Communications Inc. has launched its 6th satellite. A total of 24 satellites are expected to be launched, along with 6 other military communications satellites.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »


"Good evening Orena!", screamed the lead singer of a world-famous Canissian band, Wild Coyotes. He pumped his fist into the air, drawing out an excited roar from the gathered crowds. There were thousands of people gathered here, at the Old City Square, who came to watch the fireworks and listen to the concert.


The starting drum solo thundered above the square, amplified by mighty speakers, and just as the vocals began, fireworks streamed up towards the sky and exploded in brilliant displays of multicolored sparkles. And with that, all over PeZookia, in thousands of clubs, in opera houses, cinemas, theathres and millions of homes, music blared and people shouted, almost in unison, a single phrase: Happy new year's!

Tonight was a night of celebrating life and happines. Tonight, PeZookians were gonna PARTY LIKE HELL!


Jerusalem Space Center

Far to the south, at the JSC, a lot of people were expecting different kinds of fireworks.

"Pads A and C secure. All launch personell clear the towers!", the megaphones boomed near Atlas-Sputnik launch pads A and C. In an unprecedented happening, both were occupied by 11K59 boosters, and both would launch tonight. For some at the Launch Control Center, the fact that spaceflight demand was so high it required a double launch was...unbelievable.

"Both launch vehicles ready. We are at T-3 minutes and counting."

The control center was absolutely crowded, with technicians, engineers and rocket constructors all insisting on watching the launch. Olf Strallson, the Chief Launch Controller, scofled at this commotion. The noise was making it harder for his people to do their job.

"LRO-1 fuel pressure rising nominally. Beginning LRO-2 fuel pressurization."

The checklists were slowly worked through. All displays showed both vehicles - the LRO-1 mission would carry a Canissian probe to the Moon, while DSP-1 was targetted at Mars.

"LRO-1 handed over to automatic systems. T-1 minute and counting."

Alarms blared, warning any ground crew members still exposed to seek shelter. Before they managed to fall silent, LRO-1 ignited its engines, emitting a brilliant, blinding flash visible for kilometers. The rocket shot up like a champagne cork, clearing the tower in seconds.


"LRO-1 has cleared the tower!"

Launch controllers began congratulating themselves, but Strallson growled at them and restored order. The DSP-1 vehicle was still on its launch pad, after all.

"LRO-1 handed over to Comona Island. DSP-1 countdown to automatic systems."

The smoke hasn't yet cleared from launch pad A when DSP-1 ignited and roared up towards the sky.


"We have liftoff! Comona Island, they're both yours!"

Strallson leaned back in his chair, letting his men celebrate. The Comona Island boys wouldn't get to do it for quite some time, since they still had to oversee interplanetary injections of both starships. At the same time.

He stood up, smiling, and grabbed a champagne glass from one of his co-workers.

"Happy new year's!", he roared over the room's commotion.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by CmdrWilkens »

Committee for Imperial Defense
For Immediate Release

For Immediate Release to all press and correspondence institutions forming the Deense Service Pool as well as all accredited International Journalists with station of service as Wilkonia:

The Committee for Imperial Defense (CID) hereby calls for an immediate special election within the Caymans to re-populate the government after a vicious terrorist strike has ecapitated the majority of the island's leadership. Under provisions of the 1974 Memorandum of Understanding between the Caymans and the Empire of WIlkonia and Baja the CID has recommended to the Sovreign that the Empire immediately deploy military assets to ensure a fair and impartial election as well as to assist local authorities with tracking down those responsible for the murders of so many governmental leaders.

Evidence already in possesion of the CID indicate that the members of the Ruling Council of the Caymans were engaged in a Sunday Morning Brunch to discuss the coming legislative season when they were attacked by persons unknown. Wilkonian Marines stationed at the embassy nearby have already moved to assist local law enforcement with any resources possible and on the authority of the Minister of Defense the 7th Marine Regiment is already deploying to the islands.

Follow on forces if authorized by the Sovreign will include the balance of the 1st Division, excepting the 12th Regiment, as well as assets from the 1st and 2nd Intel BN. If the situation is deemed unsable additional forces up to and including the V Corps, minus the 14th Division, may be sent in order to prevent additional violence. The Committee further warns all nations that the Empire still considers the Caymans to be a special protectorate of the Empire and outside intereference will not be welcome or neccesarry. Until such time as a new government may be elected which can ratify new status of force agreements only Wilkonia and the Incorporated Republic of Tonkin have any legal basis for stationing troops or other military assets on the islands. Violation of the Sovreignty of the Caymans not authorized under the existing memorandae with Wilkonia and the IRT will be viewed negatively.


Port Giap

"Manuel," if James Grant was nervous he wasn't showing it "you look excellent as always."

"Ahhh James, you must have balls of steel to be coming to me so often and so shortly after the death of many high government officials. Why one might start to think that your government associating with the likes of me would be seen negatively."

The man's smile was ingratiating and predatory. He knew, as did vritually every member of the Cayman underworl that outsiders were interfering in the island. Normally they wouldn't care but normally outsiders at least contracted with the locals. They didn't bring everything in with them, they got clearence to operate much as Manuel himself had been forced to do when negotiating a supply contract in Beirut. No these outsiders had worked with elements that even criminals like Manuel were cautious of dealing with.

"I won't be giving you names James, that is not how the game is played. No matter how much I wish their death your country looks to once again be the more direct overlord rather than the distant meddler."

"That's not what I'm here for Manuel, I'm not even here to contract with you for any creative arrangements of documents and dates."

"Then you truly are here for an errend unexpected, please sit and let us speak."

"No Manuel I am sorry for after this I must go see Robert and get his agreement"

"Agreement for what"

"Agreement to serve in your Cabinet."


"I must have mis-heard you James for it sounded to all intents and purposes that you decalred me ruler of the island."

"Manuel how long have we worked together, it must be seven years now. You know every lever to be pushed or pulled on these islands. You know as well as I that someone is seeking to crush any sense of legitimate government here so we would rather have a government that understands legitimacy but more importantly understands hwo the world TRULY works."

"What makes you think I would wish to do such a thing, I am a creature of the shadows and I do not enjoy the sunlight save when it reflects from the naked backside of a flirtacious lady on the beach."

"The fact that you have moved more than half of your assets into legitimate enterprises, or at least legitimate as the Caymans understands it...but also legitimate as the Caymans understands it FOR NOW. This island is the swing vote, every other island wil line up behind ideology or nationality confused as it may be, no one person can lay claim to a unified government withou Greater Cayman...and you can control who wins Greater Cayman. So the only thing left is to make sure at least one of the other island sees you a the ideal compromise candidate...we have the money to make that happen."

"What do you wish in return? There is always a price to be paid James and I do not think life as the captain of a ship seen as subserviant to the Empire will long keep his post or his life no matter how many dark corners fear his wrath."

"The status quo."

"Don't bullshit me James"

"I am not Manuel, my government has enough on its plate. The Caymans were supposed to be a problem safely to the side after we agreed with the Tonkense that neither of us would play for control. Now to have this flare up is like a stab in our back. I do not care, nor does my government, who stabbed us rather we care that the wound is healed so that we may focus on other things."

"Then I shall do it, but know this I have your dirty secrets James and your laundry will be at your enemies feet the second your government comes demanding repayment for thsi favour."

Results:Wilkonia moves in like its Granada 1983 and is already setting the stage to get their man elected to head the island's government...oh and they are warning everybody other than the IRT to mind their own damn business :D.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by RogueIce »

Fort Condor, Shinra Republic

The 2nd Battalion, 402nd Infantry Regiment (Airborne) of the 8th Airborne Division was the "alert battalion" on standby when the call came down the pike. There was trouble in the Cayman Islands, and they were being ordered to prepare for deployment within 8 hours. Their battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Edward Price, formerly of the 501st Ranger Regiment, was the commander of the unit. Recently promoted from being the S-3 (Operations) officer of the battalion and having served in Rangatara, the men of the 2-402nd felt better knowing they had somebody with some experience leading them.

Meanwhile, at a level far above a lieutenant colonel's paygrade, the Defense Department was already coordinating with the Wilkonian government to see what, if any, assistance they might require. Throughout the Shinra military a heightened state of alert was initiated. Units were given orders to be prepared to deploy or otherwise commence action within 96 hours of the "GO" order. Additionally, PHIBRON Four, the amphibious component of Battlegroup Four that had been working up to relieve BG-3, was dispatched to the area. Their orders were to stand ready in case an embassy evacuation was called for.

The Shinra military was being readied for action. Whether they would put that readiness into practice would remain to be seen.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Steve »

Puerta Los Santos

Alejandro Somoza stood tall among his friends of the Cayman Syndicalist League, a party that had embraced "third-way" economic policies that were heavily anti-oligarch and leftist. The Syndicalist League was marching in response to the destruction of the oligarchs that had stolen the recent election, trying to encourage people on Lesser Cayman to join them in resisting any attempt by the Nationalists' corporate or foreign backers to reimpose a Nationalist government that international observers had accused of electoral fraud.

News had come that the Wilkonians were aiding authorities in Cayman proper to "maintain order". Wilkonia and Tonkin were both notorious to the people of the outer islands for supporting the disenfranchisement and even outright suppression of fringe groups like the seperatist parties of Lesser Cayman and Santa Maria islands, so news of their intervention was not being taken well. Some of Alejandro's friends carried mockups of the Wilkonian flag that were being set alight to cries of "Death to Imperialists!" in Spanish.

Every island save Andrews Island, the most pro-Wilkonian of the islands and also the most conservative, was wracked by similar anti-Wilkonian left-wing protests, marches, and rallies.

Cayman City

While Wilkonian Marines were helping the local police and authorities secure order, the various left wing groups took to the streets in a large demonstration, focused at the Legislature Building and the Wilkonian Embassy, where the flags of Wilkonia and Tonkin were burned and the banners being flown were not that of the traditional flag of the Caymans but leftist symbols and banners, including the five-starred Caymanian flag done in the fashion of the Crimson Star Republic's banner.

One band of Communist paramilitants took advantage of the chaos to attack a warehouse in one of Cayman proper's outskirts where traffickers, once protected by corrupt police who were now busy elsewhere, kept girls smuggled into Cayman or about to be smuggled out for prostitution. The mix of mostly Velerian and Frequesuan girls, with a couple Astarians caught up in the global trafficking network from the aftermath of the Pathogen War, were released by the armed militants after they shot their way into the warehouse against thugs that had grown complacent from having the police on their side.

While that heaven-sent propaganda was being filmed for eventual worldwide distribution via the internet, an estimated hundred and fifty thousand Caymanians - quite a large gathering for a nation with a population of just over six and a quarter million - were swelling into Independence Plaza near the Presidential Manor and the Legislative Building. Activists in the crowd were carrying the banners of the Communist Party of the Caymans, the Caymanian Syndicalist League, the Democratic Socialist Party, the Socialist Labor Front, the Anti-Imperialism League, and other parties and organizations that formed up the increasingly-militant Caymanian Left. Pictures of prominent international Socialists of the world were held aloft - including Rafael Cruz, the founder of the CPC, Oliver Packwell, a leading activist who was killed by the military during the 2003 post-election protests, and perhaps most unsettling for Wilkonians or Tonkinese observing, no less than three pictures depicting President Stanislav of the CSR - and the crowd spent a time singing the Internationale while Gary Ngo Diem, the leader of the Socialist Labor Front, was the first to make his way to the center of the crowd and to climb up to speak.

"We have had enough of the corrupt oligarchs! We have had enough of the foreign capitalists they are paid by, who see us as nothing but slaves and material to be bartered for! We have had enough! It is time that the Caymanian People be heard! It is time for fair elections, not rigged ones! For labor to be freed and paid fairly! We must protect our sisters and daughters from being forced to whore their bodies out to foreign capitalists just to have something to eat!"

"We demand new elections! And we will stand together, the Popular Front of the People of the Caymans, and resist all Imperialist and Oligarchist attempts to divide us! I call upon you all to join me in proclaiming the Popular Front's strength! All of our parties and our leagues will march together toward true freedom for the People!"

As Ngo Diem continued on, to be joined afterward by Jorge Hernandez of the Democratic Socialists and Communist Party Chairman Leonard Giap, the police simply observed. Just a week earlier their bosses would've found some excuse to stop this march before it started no matter the legality of the suppression. But the death of President-elect Horton and many leading legislators, cabinent members, and party officials of the Nationalists had left the remnants frozen by fear and party-wide infighting, and none of the mid-level managers of the local police were willing to try to suppress 150,000 - or was it 200,000 now? - people even with Wilkonian help. Not with the international media looking on, not with the possibility that new elections might elect a Liberal government and thus open them to prosecution.

And, perhaps, it was just sheer shock at the demonstration. The sheer scale of it, the idea that about a tenth of the island's population had made its way to the plaza to see the founding of the Popular Front. Never before had so many of these Left-wing parties and groups come together in such strength, but the wiping out of the government leadership was making the coming new year seem to be a genuinely historic time, calling for courage and initiative. And with all the disappointments of a limp-wristed Liberal Party unwilling to too strongly condemn the Nationalists' cozying up to the dominant Wilkonians and Tonkinese, many were willing to listen to groups that in normal circumstances would be considered extreme, even lunatics.

For better or for worse, the Caymans might never be the same again.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Lonestar »



"Good Evening, I'm Ron Burgundy. Chaos reigns in the Caymans as the Wilkonian Peacekeepers enter the country. The Old Dominion is preparing to 'Maritime Security' Taskforce to depart, as well as reports of airlifters that have already left to help the Wilkonians with the logistics of the occupation. But first, we have some footage in a WTOP exclusive that is shocking. Any small children should leave the room."


"His name is Nutters the Squirrel!..."

Results: "Maritime Security Taskforce-3"(MSTF-3) departs the Old Dominion for the Caymans. The task force consists of the LPD James River, the frigates Chickahominy and Cape Fear River, the DDG Norfolk, the National Security Cutter Alert, the SSN Blue Crab, and the AKE Stafford County.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by K. A. Pital »

Crimson Star Republic, Stasograd
New Year celebrations passed without major spending amidst the economic downturn. The government of President Stanislav did not conceal the problems - it preferred to hammer any large enough problem into the heads of every citizen by making him feel the direct consequences. In some ways it was perhaps too harsh... but not to the people leading it.

President Stanislav observed the gigantic murals with great satisfaction.

- So that's it? From the weathered cavalryman to a mighty space warrior armed with the latest weapons our industry can create? Is that the ideal world of Crimsonism? - Yuri Andropovsky mockingly referred to President Stanislav's ideology as "Crimsonism", an amalgam of "Crimson communism". - And of course, the world revolution is nowhere to be seen, no matter how long we endure, no matter how long we expect it to happen...

- So what of these news in the Caymans? - Stanislav asked his most trusted man. - As I gathered, we didn't plan to kill off their entire government, so what does this mean?

- Well, our agents caused an usurge in public unrest and volatility a few month earlier... then, some of the opposition groups, violent opposition - apparently acting on their own initiative - offed the Cayman President and a bunch of other morons who decided it was a nice day to get together with the Pres. Or so it seems. We don't know who it was so far, but the impact has been pretty large - apparently some MESS nations are clamping down on the public unrest.

- They'll install a new "democratic" junta and be done with it, - Stanislav laughed. - The greatest part of it, you know, is that there is never no reaction. The clampdown in the Caymans will quite likely produce some rather un-easy feelings in Frequesque. And we do need more allies in this world if we are to expand our influence.

- And what of the "Great Transformation"? - Andropovsky asked.

- I authorize to use the funds slated for "Great Transformation" to support our Navy, Space Forces and Airforce aquisitions, - Stanislav calculated something in his head. - In any case this decision was not mine to make. However, I will put a tight leash on any financial leeching the PCIA might indulge in when using government funds. Is that clear?

- Perfectly.

- Well then, I shall announce the Great Transformation today on the XXX Congress of Socialist and Communist Parties of the nation...

Several hours later. XXX Congress, direct translation.

- You may ask me - what has been done? What has been created by the government of the Crimson Star? Why did the COMMUNE project stall? I will answer. First of all, we are not yet ready to move to a such new formation, and we are not ready biologically. As you know, the biological human embraces cooperation unwillingly, and often intra-species violence greatly exceeds even the rivalry between species. The human, for all it's virtues, is a predator. But an intellectual one. Can we change our nation?

- That was the great question I offered to the joint collective of biologists, bionics, cybernetics and genetic engineering specialists from both the Crimson Star Republic and Shroomania, who came to work in COMMUNE-1.

- And the answer has been received. Humanity must change. You might know that many nations experimented in the past, or even do so in the present, with chemicals that augment the human's ability to fight, the so-called "super-soldier" programmes. But whereas militaristic nations merely acknowledge the usefulness of human enhancement for the sake of war, the Crimson Star Republic goes far beyond that.

- The inherent value of any human is such that humanity as a whole would enhance itself, the collective will rise through the rise of each individual above biological constraints.

- The "Great Transformation" programme I am announcing is a program of medical, biological and cybernetical human enhancement programmes, including genetic engineering. Likewise, we authorize any and all genetic and mechanical enhancements which will make the human morally and physically better. Stronger, more intellectual, more mentally stable and able of great endurance - the Future Human that is hidden inside every citizen, every man on Earth.

- Great Transformation's goals are to expand the average human life expectancy to 100 years and beyond, increase endurance of the human body to harsh climatic conditions, improve all human senses and increase the power of human mind. As for moral improvement, new techniques of social conditioning, neuro-linguistic programming and evolutionary pressures to strengthen cooperative instincts will be the second part of the greatest scientific test of our time... a test we should pass if we are to endure as a species.

The President smiled. Scientific investigations of course will not eat up the 300 billions which are slated for a Supreme Soviet vote - most of it will go towards supporting the heavy industries of the Crimson Star. However, this program provides a nice smokescreen.

The "self-supported" city became viable after the underground nuclear plant went online, but what has not been spoken aloud was that COMMUNE-1's "sustainability" was dependent on strict population control by the city's government. The computer which ran the COMMUNE-1's command economy like some sort of game had to be able to operate human resources at will... and so the birth control policy in COMMUNE-1 was more than draconian - no births were allowed, and if someone wanted a child, he had to emigrate out of COMMUNE-1. The city was to exist, so far, by balancing the influx of specialists from the larger nation and the emigration and human flow of those who, for some reason, wanted to work in some other place. Children and the costs which were born by the system would complicate the live of the great hive-city.

The great computer, who judged the productivity of each citizen in a completely impartial fashion, and was also the source of "money" - credits assigned to a person's plastic debit card which were expended if one did an internet order or went to a nearby depot to buy food, goods or anything he needed - was buried deep beneath the tiny city's skyscrapers.

The city's lanes had no cars, for private cars were banned by the local legislation, only metro and electricity-driven trolleybuses and trams to commute around - a dense network for a population of merely a hundred thousand people.

And it was already exhibiting signs of strain. Despite the enormous amount of CCTV cameras, crime was rising from a zero rate - which the city had when it was only inhabited by construction workers and the computer planning team - with the rise of the population. Unreasonable spending on sofas led to a spike shortage, which had to be compensated by the "greater government" of the Crimson Star Republic in a timely fashion, but the signs were troublesome.

Even with real-time feeds, the computer was not omniscient. People often neglected to put their weekly orders into the Central Order webpage, or changed their preferrences at a whim, creating disparities. So far they were minor. But would COMMUNE-1 ever endure without state support? Would the problems remain minor, or not?

Stanislav was still thinking about the CSR's future political course, as the government plane took off from an airfield and headed towards COMMUNE-2, the sinister hidden twin of the utopian city - a gigantic underground military city, on the scale of the Ramenki complex in Moscow on "old Earth", but far more deep and secure, with factories, computers, communication equipment and laboratories. Every medal has two sides, Stanislav thought, and there's always a good brother and a bad brother in those Indian movies. He smiled. The gigantic task of constructing COMMUNE-1 allowed to concentrate construction workers and machinery in the region, and construct a hidden secret base, much like the USSR constructed a colossal submarine base in Balaklava under the guise of mineral excavations.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Zor »

Union Press

Happy New Year

From the banquet rooms of Atlantica Palace to the recreational center at Port Adria, Zoria celebrates the New Years.

First load of Ore ships out from the Dragonsnake

Port Adria, Zorian Veleria-Today, the first load of some 200 tonnes of tungsten ore has been delivered to port victory from the RMM Dragonsnake mining complex. This load of ore being from what geologists are convinced at being a sugnifigant vein of the valuable metal, which has a broad set of aplications in metalurgy and manufacturing. At the same time, RMM has begun excavation on a sugnifigant coper deposits discovere in the region, with an load of copper ore expected to be transported latter this month.

Growth of Zorian Faiths abroad continues, despite claims of inflated figures

Both the Association of Norse Priests and the Zorian Association of Shinto Shrines have released their official reports on the growth of their faiths abroad. Currently they have announced a growth of the Foreign Zorian Norse community to some 220,000 members and the Zorian Shinto population to 150,000. Both have engaged in charity work and community projects in various fields as well as being fairly well funded by their followers back in Zoria, while Zorian Shinto had begun conversions from Japanistani Immgrant communities (in praticular from the youth of said communities). Sugnifigant growth was noted in pacific nations, due to decent sized established populations of said faiths decended from emmigrants.

Despite this, their has been accusations from various sources of misleading, claiming that both groups were inflating records by redgestering every person who enquired on the faith as a new member. Primarlly these cases have stemmed from Cascadia. However, several sources have beleived bias against the new faiths, listing an acutal diminishing from the pre-expansion period of around 50% precent by Cascadian Authorities. Several independant sources have pegged the actual expansion of followers among these catagories to be considerably lower (being in the area of 100,000-140,000 foreign followers respectively per faith, with Zorian Norse faith being somewhat higher). Several people among Cascadia's census authority have also been linked to more right wing christian political movements, although this has not been confirmed.

Army Personnel Expansion completed

The Hexigon, Port Victory-Today, after a two year process of recruitment, the Royal Zorian Army has been fully expanded to include some 50,000 additional personnel. This boost in scale of the Army had been prompted by security concerns in case of a worse case scenario emerging in our assest in Veleria. Plans for this year include the purchesing of additional APCs, Artillery and Anti Aircraft Vehicles (including a new catagory of amphibious APC) and the begining of a long planned naval expansion.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Byzantine Government and Royal Zorian Government agree on pact to buy Zorian resources

The Byzantine Government has agreed to buy Zorian resources in a pact worth billions. "We need ore for our own industries and to power our economy forward," says the Energy Minister. It is believed that a percentage of the imported ore will be processed and stored as part of the national reserve.

First 5 Akula II Mod-BMs launched

The first 5 Akula II Mod-BMs were finally launched after one and a half year long refit. The 5 submarines, acquired from the CSR, received a very thorough refit in all aspects, from the reactors, to electronics, to the propulsion and the sensor suite. "A very thorough upgrade. We began upgrading the next batch mid last year. They ought to be even quieter and comparable at least to the Aegean (Virginia class) submarines," says a Navy spokesman. The submarines will enter service with the navy after a 3 month trial.


Imperial Chronicles

It was 3 years since he last stepped into the same underground cavern, and how it had changed. It was now rife with the sounds of industry, and many of the Empire's secret factories were underground now. The deep cavern was lined with radar reflective metal in hope that any satellites above could not detect the cavern with radar. In addition, much of the military secret store houses were found in adjacent caverns.

There was still much to be done. THe underground rail network was 30% complete, and many divergent tunnels ensured that there was redundancy in the network. The project had consumed over two hundred billion solidi, but it won't be complete for another 3-5 years due to the project's continued expansion of scale.

Regardless, the project will be completed. What was needed, was time...

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »

Seaside Palace, Canissia

"What?" King Arik Coyotus of Canissia asked into the cell phone. "The Cayman Islands?" He searched his memory. Next to him, his daughter Nafrini was doing her homework. She pointed in her social studies textbook to a map: CAYMAN ISLANDS.

"Oh, off Wilkonia," Arik said, giving his daughter a wink and a 'thumbs-up'. She rolled her eyes but smiled, and went back to her report. "Yeah, um, get a small squadron to do a sail-by, show the flag, MESS solidarity, yadda yadda," he said.

"Oh, I dunno... some Destroyers. Two or three of 'em. Not some big threatening thing, just 'hey, we're here'. Yes, I know the CSR.... look, just do it, okay? We're not picking a fight with the CSR, it's politics as usual. Look, I gotta go, I got the other line. Just send some destroyers. Thanks. Bye. Okay, umm... hello?" He listened for a moment.

"Yeah," he said, "I saw the launch. It was sweet. We'll get a map of Selene done up in no time, find a good landing site and a place to build a base..."

Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »

Comona Island, LRO-1 Mission Control, T + 4 days 21 hours

Five men were huddled at the orbits station, including the Director of Flight operations in charge of the mission. They were anxiously eyeing the data flowing across the LCD screen.

"So...John, what do you think?", Common Carter Connoway asked, sipping from his FASTA coffee mug. Connoway was here as a guest - unmanned spaceflight always fascinated him.

"Looks good to me", the Director Of Flight Operations, Jason Bourne, answered

"Well within parameters - just like we predicted, flight"

"So the models all check out.", Bourne looked at the mission clock, "And Instruments should be just about ready with internal diagnostics. All right, people!", he spoke up, walking back to his station, "It's time to get this show started!"

The control center erupted with activity. Reports flowed through the links, as all systems of the tiny satellite checked out, one by one. It was a fine probe, and it gave its operators no problems so far.

"Instrumentation check complete.", Instruments station reported

"We have power on the main bus. Ready for sensor power-up."

This was a critical moment. If the satellite failed to respond to the power-up command - as could happen for all sorts of reasons - the mission would be lost.

Holding his breath, Bourne pushed the button.

One hundred and fifty kilometers above Selene

The probe's electronic brain registered the faint radio signal coming from the distant world. It obediently carried out its commands, sending some of its limited power to the proper systems. They warmed up, and after a few minutes, telescope covers opened, slowly.

It sent a confirmation right away, and received new orders. Using small electric motors, it angled the Primary Observation Camera and began snapping full-color, hi-definition digitcal pictures, and sending them back to Earth. The first one was displayed on massive screens back at Mission Control, to awed silence of the operators.


It was Earthrise on Selene.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coiler »


Out of the CFR, into Coilerburg

Although FTO forces have been crushing the Revolutionary Front throughout the CFR, its members have been increasingly spotted in Sabika, Omago, and now Coilerburg itself, with numerous incidents in the southwest regions of the country. The Coilerburg army has deployed to counter the new threat...

Coilerburg, Miratia developing new weapons system

Rumors have been circling of Coilerburg and Miratia working together to develop an "airborne artillery system". Whether the system is an easily lifted gun or something else remains to be seen....
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by CmdrWilkens »

MSA Celebrates launch of first 5000 Series "Delta-Thor" Rocket

In a milestone within a milestone the MESS Space Agency today celebrated the launch of its 50th mission by launching the first of what is being calld the 5000 series of Delta Rockets. Engineers from four different nations have been working under MSA guidance to continue the parralel development tracks for the Delta-Thor and Titan lines of rockets with each launching from seperate sites in Wilkonia and the Old Dominion. The newest launch comes as capacity for lift to Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (an eliptical orbit which will allow for easy transition to a geosynchronous or geostationarty orbit) now ranging at nearly 1.5 tonnes with a Low Earth Orbit capacity of 3.5 tonnes.

While most communication and weather satellites that have gone up so far do not yet require the full payload capacity planners at the MSA ntoe that both they and FASTA are moving quickly towards establishing the necessary lift infrastructure to begin the permanent colonization of space.

"We both [FASTA and the MSA] recognize the need to begin human exploration of space," said Dr William Spalding, Deputy Director of the MSA for Lunar Missions. "People ask why and the answer is 'because it's next. Because we came out of the cave, and we looked over the hill and we saw fire; and we crossed the ocean and we pioneered the west, and we took to the sky. The history of man is on a timeline of explorations and this is What's Next.' "

Up next for the MSA is the continuation of the X- series of sub orbital and orbital space planes along with the Delta II and Delta IV programs which, experts say, could begin placing the infrastructure for habitation in space by the end of this decade.

*Note, the middle part of the quotation above is, for those who don't recognize it, a direct quote from the West Wing Episode 'Galileo.' I wanted to use CJ's quote at the end but I'm saving that for later so Sam's quote seemed ideal in the inteim. The quotation itself is contained within the ' marks.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

The Ashford Times

Other T-55 upgrades and modifications available for sale

FILE PHOTO: The IDF Achzarit, as used by the Langley Army

FILE PHOTO: The VIU-55 Munja, a USSR combat engineering vehicle and the inspiration for the M55 Lightning

FILE PHOTOS: The Crimson Star Republic's BTR-T heavy APC, the inspiration for the Achzarit upgrade program

ASHFORD CITY - The venerable T-55 main battle tank has soldiered on in one form or another ever since it was first manufactured by the Crimson Star Republic in the 1950s. The former nation of Shepistan was the most significant user in recent times, massing heavily upgraded T-55s against MESS armor in the One Week and Pathogen Wars; many smaller nations, mainly those in Velaria and the poorer parts of Frequesque, still use basic versions of the tank in quantity.

The Duchy of Langley was also a user of the T-55, utilizing it alongside other tanks such as the M48 and Centurion and later the M60 and Leopard 1. The Langley Armed Forces have always seen it fit to recycle their old armor; Centurions converted to armored personnel carriers and combat engineering vehicles saw service as late as Lelouch Lamperouge's coup in 2007, Leopard 1s were remade as Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and M60s have received new leases on life as CEVs. As for the T-55, it has evolved into the premier heavy APC of the Langley Army, the IDF Achzarit.

Other enterprising countries with money and surplus tank hulls to spare also made their own conversions. The Crimson Star Republic, father of the original T-55, has done Morgenroete one better by producing the BTR-T, an APC conversion equipped with improved reactive armor and armed with the 9M113 Konkurs (AT-5 Spandrel) anti-tank missile and a 30mm autocannon as standard; likewise, the Union of Shadow Socialist Republics, another historical user of the T-55, has produced a capable combat engineering vehicle in the form of the VIU-55 Munja. These projects have formed the inspiration for Morgenroete to undergo efforts to upgrade the Achzarits currently serving in the Langley Army and produce CEVs to supplant the small number of M60-derived vehicles currently in service.

Morgenroete's own T-55-derived CEV, the M55 Lightning, is similar to the USSR's Munja in terms of purpose and configuration; while primarily intended as an earthmover and sapper transport, it can be fitted with the same 165mm demolition gun used in the M60-derived M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle. Upgrades to the Achzarit will involve the installation of a turret fitted with a 30mm MK30-2/ABM autocannon (similar to the Puma IFV) and a coaxially-mounted Mk 19 grenade machine gun; improved reactive armor and capability to fire both MESS and CSR anti-tank missiles will be added as well. All M55s and any additional Achzarits entering Langley Armed Forces service will be constructed from brand-new hulls, though Morgenroete can offer both Achzarit and Lightning modifications packages for existing T-55 hulls to interested customers; however, market analysts expect stiff competition from both the CSR and the USSR's own respective offerings.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »


FASTA bulletin

First LRO-1 photographs released for the public

As the LRO-1 mission continues, FASTA technicians receive more and more stunning photographic material of our satellite. While a general map of Selene was already well-established, and the last Old Dominion scientific mission brought spectacular pictures, LRO-1 is expected to map out the entire surface of Selene over six months in resolutions as fine as 0.5 meters per pixel.

FASTA has opened a website where all visitors can peruse the photographic material delivered by the probe. New photographs are being added daily, as soon as they can be processed. Some samples can be found below:

The Lyot crater formation

Lunar south pole

Shroodinger Basin

Soyuz 1 rolls out to launch pad

After an extensive period of prototype tests, the first unmanned Soyuz-A capsule finished assembly and was rolled out to Atlas-Sputnik Launch Pad B yesterday morning. The mission will test all vital systems of the capsule in an orbital flight, and will deorbit over the Pacific ocean. While the Soyuz is designed to be capable of both ground and sea landings, ground landing capability will be tested during Soyuz 2.

International Space Fair announced

To take place in Sarajevo, USSR, the International Space Fair will host a number of displays with a stated purpose of showing off space technology, both from FASTA and MSA design teams and contractors.

As a special bonus, a full-sized, fully functional Eagle Transporter will be available for display and touring at the Fair - the vehicle is notable for being way ahead of its time, designed to ferry passengers and materials between Selene and Earth Orbit in the near future.

Class 2012 recruitment opens

Known as the "Future Pioneers", Astronaut Class 2012 astronauts will not participate in any of the planned FASTA programs save one: Permanent Lunar Presence program. While none of these men and women will get the chance to claim the title of first one to walk on Selene, they will train hard to be able to establish and maintain a permanent Lunar outpost.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Lonestar »

Dominion Defense

War Ministry announces A-6F replacement program
The War Ministry submitted a budget request to begin a replacement program for the venerable A-6F Super Intruder. The A-6F has been flying in ODN squadrons since the mid '70s, and the last airframe was built in 1984.

"Although the A-6F was and is a excellent attack airplane, and the 'Super Intruder' program of the '90s stretched out the service life, we've begun to reach the point of no return with attrition and airframe stress." A BuAir spokesman said.

Already there are multiple proposals, such as a Stealthy UCAV from Combat optics, a Stealthy Manned attack aircraft from Dominion Lockheed, or just purchasing more F/A-18F/Gs for ground attack role by Dominion Boeing. No foreign contractors as of yet have bid on the contract.

Virginia Register

Dominion Electronics, Blue Sun, roll out USB 4.0 standard
Dominion Electronics and the Serenity corporation Blue Sun have begun to roll out the USB 4.0 standard. The 4.0 standard, which will transfer data at a maximum of 9Gbit/s, is the latest iteration of the popular USB standard.

Widespread proliferation of personal media players, HD cameras, portable harddrives, and other such devices in the last 10 years has driven the development of the 4.0 standard.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

Run Through The Jungle


Northern CFR

The forward patrol slowly and vigilantly moved down the winding jungle road. No-one spoke; they communicated only in hand gestures. The scouts were all native to the CFR, troopers from the Eastern-Occidental Free State trained and equipped by San Dorado. They handled most of the fighting in this area, with only a few SDA liaison officers present to advise them.

Lieutenant Clive Fairweather held up his fist. His men stopped and blended seamlessly into the scenery. Behind them echoed the thunder-coughing of the artillery, surprisingly loud through the thick forest. Fairweather gestured at something a few meters ahead: a craftily concealed tripwire, connected to a roadside IED. Quickly his platoon’s demo-expert moved up to dismantle the thing, then they moved on, deeper into the valley.

One hour later a number of AMX-30 MBTs and M-114 Dunecat personnel carriers rumbled down the road. Some of the commanders looked briefly up as an SDA RA-635 Squirrel scout helicopter beat overhead, its cameras buzzing away, trying to identify targets hidden behind the dense foliage below.

The CFR troops were putting the squeeze on the valley, slowly driving the Revolutionary Front guerrillas holed up in it toward its middle, where they were fair game for the artillery. The Free State militia had set up their howitzers on the hills overlooking the valley, dominating its entire width and closing off all exits, trapping the Revolutionary Front guerrillas inside. Slowly but steadily they tightened the noose: soon enough, the rebels in this area would have no choice but to surrender.

Result: Soldiers from the Eastern-Occidental Free State (a province in the eastern CFR and a San Doradan protectorate) are hammering the Revolutionary Front.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by CmdrWilkens »

First Valuable Payload for 5000 series Delta Launches

The MSA is pleased to announce that its continuing partnership with subsidiary space agencies, in this case the Byzantine Aeronautics and Space Agency, is resulting in the next generation of space probes being launched to further our knowledge of our space system. Early this morning a 5000 series Delta rocket launched from the Atlantic Station launch complex in Wilkonia carrying DSP-2, a deep space exploration satellite, bound for Venus.


Control has been handed off to BASA authorities operating out of the Jerusalem Space Center. With travel still expected to take seveal months MSA officials indicated that all further updates would be forthcoming from JSC.
Last edited by CmdrWilkens on 2008-12-18 05:34pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coiler »

President Stone stood up before the crowd. It had been a hard week of discussions and negotiations with him, the legislators, potential sellers, and his admirals. But now he was ready to announce it to the public.

"Citizens, the problem of piracy has reached a critical level. All of us in Frequesue have struggled to deal with it, and it is truly hurting the commerce of this continent and indeed, the whole world."

He paused briefly, then continued.

"This is why the Coilerburg government has placed a multibillion dollar order of warships that will double the size of its navy. Not in the old style of big, expensive, and useless destroyers like our predecessors, but smaller craft that are actually useful for keeping our commerce safe!

Just as we are fighting lawlessness on land in the CFR, we must fight it at sea as well...."

(OOC: Coilerburg's order consists of eighteen corvettes, three frigates, and two stratellites, all purchased from Byzantium).

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

More funds to be diverted to military civil defence

It was announced in the Senate today that more than 30 billion solidi would be diverted to military civil defence projects over the next 3 years. "It will be part of our efforts to strengthen the defence of the realm," says the Military Exarch Selenov.

T-4MS bombers to be acquired.

The air force has indicated that it plans to acquire an undisclosed number of T-4MS bombers, which will be constructed both in Byzantium and in the CSR.

New UAVs to be acquired.

The army has acquired a number of new UAVs. Namely, the Harpy 2, which features greater endurance and destructiveness than its predecessor, the Skylark III, Heron and Hermes 900, which will be used as the company level, Legion level and brigade level respectinvely, and more Global Hawks. The Skylark III is slightly larger than its predecessor and has better endurance and mission payload. The Global Hawk is produced under license from Old Dominion.

New tank prototypes rolled out.

The new 70 metric tonne K-3 Black Tiger tank prototype was rolled out today. After years of speculation on the nature of the next generation tank to match the Japanistani super tank, the army announced that the new tank, to be produced by Byzantine Heavy Industries, will feature a slew of active and passive defences, along with a new all round modular armour suite and more importantly, the first tank to utilize the new 120/140mm hybrid Electrochemical Thermal (ECT) gun. The new gun will fire a new slew of ammunition, and most importantly, guided rocket assisted ammunition and a new anti-tank missile TORN. The tank will feature modern fire control systems, C4I networking systems, battlefield management system and other systems to ensure maximum battlefield awareness, and 2 millimeter band radars; one for battlefield surveillance and fire control, and for the active protection system. Armour is in the form of composite, NERA and ERA, with protection against mines as well. Armour can be reconfigured for urban warfare, to offer all round protection (including wheels).

The tank also features a remote weapon station that includes a 7.62mm and 14.5mm gun. Active defences include 1 rapid firing 40mm Metalstorm grenade launcher for point defence and offensive uses, and a new generation Arena 2 active protection system that utilizes a offers 360 degree all round protection, including defence against top attack warheads.

The tank has an electric drive and is driven by a 1600hp diesel engine and 1.5KW APU and has enhanced snorkeling abilities as well. It also has a Active In-arm Suspension Unit. The tank includes many of the other features of the K-2 Black Panther predecessor. The tank uses new high endurance tracks as well.

The tank will enter trials for the next year or so, before full scale production commences next year. It is also believed that a heavy AFV and a new Self Propelled Artillery based on the chassis is also in the works. Existing K-2 Black Panthers will be relegated to the Limitanei units in time.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2008-12-22 12:16am, edited 4 times in total.
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Ryan Thunder
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Ryan Thunder »

"Good day, Supreme Leader!" The Airfleet officer saluted Gero. "We have a demonstration for you!" As if to emphasize this, a squadron of Lightnings buzzed the hangar they were in. The ground shook with their passing as the afterburners kicked in and the patrol blasted away into the heavens.
"Ah, good. So, this new fighter plane, the--Falcon, is it?"
"That's right, sir. The FM-2 Falcon. The existing wing is in the air just now on training missions, but we recieved two from factory a few months ago. These things are incredible."
"I should hope so, for what they cost!"
"Oh, you won't be dissappointed, sir. Now, if you please, follow me." The officer took them from the hangar out to the base's air traffic control tower. The base was buzzing with activity, and not just Airfleet, either. From his perch he could see land battlecruisers, infantry and gunships roving the countryside, all on training exercises. As he watched, remote-controlled dummy tanks were systematically mission-killed by various means.
The officer noticed his interest and commented, "That would be the 12th army, sir, on training maneuvers. If you would be so kind as to direct your attention over here, we have our demonstration."
"Very well. Sounds interesting." A pair of Falcons flashed out from behind one of the hangars, flying at tree-top level at just under the speed of sound.
The radio crackled, "Wing Captain Zlatko at your service, Supreme Leader. As you can see, sir, the Falcon has a number of ways to evade enemy radar," he said, "And its, uh, quite maneuverable. Now..." As if to emphasize this point, the pair pulled into a steep climb by executing a maneuver that would have shorn the wings off of a Lightning. As they went higher they slowed, eventually coming to a stop around three kilometres up. "Alright, high enough...," he told his wingman before continuing, "This is partially thanks to the variety of vectored thrust technology we developed." The two Falcons slowly descended, engines pointed groundward, in formation. A wide smile crept across Gero's face. Another wing of Lightnings buzzed overhead on intercept courses with the Falcons, which effortlessly peeled away from their vertical position. "Alright, let's get them. Combat demonstration, sir, we won't be shooting each other, though." A few wild turns later, the Falcons had all four Lightnings targeted. "That's 300 to nothing and counting, from previous exercises. Have a good day, sir."
SDN Worlds 5: Sanctum