SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »

The Ring

People's Victory, Shadow Republic of Sjenska

She walked through empty streets at a brisk pace, having dumped her car several blocks away. The wound on her back pulsed painfully, soaking the shirt and combat jacket in blood - the clothes created a sort of temporary dressing, but the deep gash would require stitches anyway. She had no time to take care of it, not if she wanted to see her sister alive again.

A man approached her, switchblade in hand, obviously after her money or perhaps her virtue - as if she still had any. She casually shot him with her Bison - there was no time to waste. The warehouse was nearby, tucked between dozens of structures in various states of dilapidation, most empty at night and barely occupied during the working day. The port of People's Victory was underused during Karic's rule, and practically abandoned now: the Northern Sea was hardly a well traversed trade route, and so new Shadow authorities were planning to demolish much of the dockyard and repurpose it.

Still, for now, it served as a good haven for scum like these slavers. But not for very much longer.

Ana approached the small side gate and loaded a fresh magazine into the Bison. Whatever happened next, it would end tonight. Finally, she'd have a chance to rest - one way or another.

She popped another amphetamine and opened the gate.

House With the Red Door, Worker's Way

The militsia were scouring the house clean, picking off even the smallest possible pieces of evidence. The scene was horribly grisly, and the investigators were still trying to figure out what, exactly, could've happened here - especially since at the moment, evidence didn't point towards a massive assault by an organized force. Every single body they found was obviously trying to defend the building.

Outside of this conundrum, however, was one interesting thing. A bunch of notebooks and documents which were immediately shipped to the local ASTF bureau, where NOD officers dug into them.

And gasped in shock when the pieces started coming together, and names bubbles up to the surface.


People's Victory, Dockyard District

She scanned the massive courtyard from her position near the side gate. It was utterly and completely deserted, save for a single rusty truck. No guards, no drivers or dockworkers of any sort. She expected at least some security, someone patrolling the perimeter or maybe a janitor to scare off unwanted guests.

Or the gate to be locked.

She ducked near the entrance. Something was very, very wrong here, and she had no way to figure out exactly what. It yelled "trap" from a mile away - but the clock was ticking. If she walked away now, it was possible Nadya would never be found. She had no doubt NOD would shortly make it impossible for her to operate in the city, especially after that last stunt she pulled.

She finally made up her mind. If she was walking into a trap, she'd be taking the bastards with her.

"Hello?",she said into her stolen cell phone, "I'm in the docks and I've just seen some men drag a girl out of the car and into a warehouse here..."

Inside the warehouse, at the same time

"Gate C is open, sir", a subordinate reported, "Nobody coming through."

The leader - a man in his forties, of dark skin and obviously a professional in these matters - scanned the warehouse floor, where the trap was all set. His men occupied positions on employee walkways, and the girl was in the middle, secured by handcuffs and gagged. Electronic sensors would let them know about anybody who tried to approach. He smiled and retreated into the office, where two more of his men waited patiently.

"Everyone stand by. We don't want her to get spooked early.", he said into his radio.

A tense five minutes followed, as Karic's mercenaries waited. The plan was too complicated and bizarre for most of them, but their leader knew exactly why - the President wanted revenge for a personal slight. Bosko Kovacevic knew all too well how such things ended for those who crossed Karic in the past.

"I have someone", came a radio report from a rooftop sharpshooter, "Single female...walking towards the warehouse...she's armed. Should I take her down?"

"Negative. Standby."

"HEY!", came a shout from the courtyard, "Hey, you there! Inside! I know you're there, motherfuckers!"

What the FUCK?, was Kovacevich's thought. He expected a surprise from that particular woman, but not of this kind.

"Hold", he said quietly into his radio.

"Oh, so you don't want to come out?! Them I'm coming for you!", the woman kept shouting

"She's moving towards the entrance. She's at the door. Lost sight of her."

The warehouse had a pair of massive sliding door, big enough to let trucks drive inside. Within those, there were smaller, man-sized entryways, which Ana used. She staggered a bit, blood seeping down her trouser leg. Just as she expected, ther was Nadya, bound and gagged in the middile of the warehouse floor, and the elevated employee walkways were loaded with heavily armed mercenaries.

"Well, shit. I expected something like that."

Bosko came out of the office, his rifle at the ready. Every single one of his men - and himself - were utterly surprised at Ana's casual approach.

"Drop the gun", he commanded, and to his even greater surprise, she did, and dropped to her knees, "Hands in the air where I can see them. Adrian, secure her."

The mercs quickly locked the door and handcuffed Ana. Her sister just stared in shock, a burly merc aiming a pistol at her head. Two others lifted Ana to her feet and dragged her over to the side, where a stratellite video phone was sitting on a crate, high up, so that the caller could look down on anybody he talked to.

"All units report in. Is the perimeter secure?"

"One, reporting. Sea approach secure."

"Two reporting, streets secure"

"High ground reporting, no contacts."

Bosko looked at Ana quizically for a few seconds, noticing her tired expression and the massive bloodstain on her back, "What's your plan? Why didn't you resist?"

Ana just grinned in response, "Because you stupid fucks set up an ambush that a dead cat could smell a mile away."

"And you came anyway", Bosko stated, still utterly flabbergasted.

"Yep. I thought it was time to end this."

Bosko didn't answer. One of his men dialed a number, and the video phone came to life.

"Hello Srdjan. I thought it might be you who sent these idiots here to do your dirty work", Ana said even before the video feed appeared. To her satisfaction, the man on the other side made a surprised grimace, though he quickly composed himself.

"Defiant to the last, I see. Went through a lot lately?", Srdjan Karic himself asked through the video phone, obviously satisfied by Ana's horrible looks. The woman responded with a cruel smile from behind her filthy, ragged hair.

"I've been worse. Especially under you."

"Yes...", Karic seemed taken aback by this, though none of his men had any idea why, "...let me wipe that smile off your face, shall we? Bring the girl!", he commanded, and one of the mercs dragged Nadya before the phone's camera, "Kill her. Slowly, so that her sister may watch."

Nadya tried to scream, but the gag prevented it. Ana stared, stoically, as the merc extracted a huge combat knife and placed his hand over Nadya's mouth. Suddendly, however, Bosko - their leader, obviously - started listening to something over his earphone. Somewhere high above, a faint sound of helicopter blades could be heard.

Ana smiled again and stared at the phone.


"What? You want to beg, bitch?"

"Fuck you"

Just then, a BTR armored personnel carrier crashed straight through the front gates with a horrible, deafening noise of torn metal.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Statement from the Prime Minister Shroom the 777th of the Sovereignty of Shroomania

"The hostilities in the Costa de las Cinquos Muertes and Baernish regions must be ceased before the violence escalates even further, before the loss of life grows higher and before the situation can no longer be contained.

"A ceasefire must be had, and negotiations through diplomatic - not military - means must be conducted imperatively.

"The Sovereignty of Shroomania would like to mediate negotiations between all parties involved in the conflict, and I would personally like to help facilitate the dialogue between the leaders of all involved parties."

- Shroom the 777th
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Karmic Knight »

News From the Vinish Press

Commonwealth to send Aid To the People of the Coasta

The Commonwealth Government announced today convoys with humanitarian aid would be coming to the Costas, in the form of food, medicine, and, prefabricated buildings. The Commonwealth Government has requested the rights to carry said aid convoys through the Barnesh territory, though Ships in Thadon are being prepared in case the request is denied.

Work Begins on Air Base Green

In the foothills of the Mountains of Valour rests the site for the future Air Base Green, which would house Air Wing Green, whose jurisdiction in the CAF would be North-Eastern to Central Frequesue. The location currently houses an airfield that boasts a group of stunt pilots who fund their hobby by putting on shows for travellers.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Master_Baerne »

Baernish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ducal Statement:

"Citizens of Nova Terra,

The events of the past few days have filled me with sadness. The rebellion in the Costa was not our doing, and the only actions we had taken prior to the disgraceful attack on our nation was to secure our borders from rapidly-descending anarchy, and attempting to provide humanitarian aid to the people victimized in the conflict up to that point.

Sadly, mere hours after taking steps to prevent starvation and death in our border regions, the government of the Costa, which is, allow me to remind the International Community, headed by a dictatorial madman who has systematically tightened his chokehold on the people of the Costa for the past decade, saw fit to order his Air Force to bomb the Duchy's capital and to use nerve gas on our troops. Nerve gas! While not specifically prohibited by BIOCOM, the use of gas must surely be viewed as an affront to humanity. In response to this, planes from my own forces have conducted retaliatory strikes against Costa Loyalist air bases, without even making use of the same flimsy excuse the cowards in the government used to attack Baernish civilians. Our targets have been purely military, and that in response to a sneak attack on our own capitol.

It is clear to me, and to the people of the Sovereign Duchy, that the government of the Costa has grown too monstrous to be left in power. If its leaders will agree to give up power voluntarily, and to allow free and fair elections, we will cease our advance and restore all regions that wish to be returned to the Costa. If, on the other hand, Loyalist forces continue their treachery and atrocities, we, as human beings, shall have no choice but to remove them from power by force. Again, I personally implore the Costa government to leave power voluntarily and hold elections, that the people of this troubled state may find freedom and safety for the future.

Your patience is appreciated,
James of Baerne
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Master_Baerne »

Baernish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Statement to Foreign Aid Groups

We welcome anyone willing to help the innocent victims on this war. We have nothing to hide.
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Zor »

Union Press

Aid being dispatched to Costa

Dietrich Stein International Airport, Pacifica, Pacifica Province: Today, thousands of tonnes of supplies, including foods from grain to tinned giant wombat meat and medical supplies to logisitcal support vehicles are loaded onto a fleet of Z-130 transport aircraft to be shipped out to Costa in light of the recent fighting. This material, from both government and private donations will arrive as soon as possible.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

General Secretary Ashford's office, Royal Palace
Ashford City, Duchy of Langley

With Lelouch currently off in San Dorado taking in the sights and talking business with President Hank and the other NFT leaders, Milly had a lot on her plate, and the crisis in the Costa de las Cincos Muertes wasn't helping things either. She was currently on the phone with Shirley, getting debriefed on the current situation. "Just what has Lelouch been up to all this time, anyway?" she asked.

"He's been trying to negotiate the purchase of twenty retired Yak-141s from the SDAF for the Marines," Shirley replied. "He's also been asking around about foreign investment opportunities in Coilerburg and about the situation in Minoy and the CFR."

"Minoy, huh?" Milly said. "He's probably interested in what our old friend Gino's been up to ever since he ran off to Frequesque in '08. Anything else of interest?"

"Baerne's at war with the Costa, and Duke James is asking for humanitarian aid."

"We're already on it. We've loaded up our An-124s and C-17s with supplies and sent them over to Baerne as soon as we heard the news. If Duke James wants any more help, we'll gladly provide it."
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by DarthShady »

Live on ShroomSat TV
The Ceasefire

Just a few moments ago the hope for peace has been restored to Costa de las Cinquos Muertes when Duke James of Baerne declared a ceasefire and a stop to all further offensive operations by Baernish forces, The Duke also called upon the Costa Armed Forces to respect the ceasefire and continue the fight on the negotiating table. This statement was quickly followed by a statement from the UCSR President Shady, who called for a cessation of hostilities and demanded that all sides involved allow humanitarian aid to be delivered to the civilian population. The President also called upon the leaders of the warring parties to meet on neutral ground, to discuss a peaceful resolution to the crisis.
"I strongly believe that piece is not only the preferred option, but the only option. The people of the Costa de las Cinquos Muertes have suffered enough. This pointless conflict must end. I hereby call upon the leaders of the warring sides to meet in San Dorado, where the matter can be discussed in a civilized manner.", President Shady said in a televised speech just moments ago.The President also said that he would personally travel to San Dorado to help mediate the negotiations, he also invited the MESS alliance to send their own representatives to the peace talks.

Palace of the Soviets, Stasograd, UCSR
"Mr.President he have confirmation, the Costa Government has agreed to respect the ceasefire and will send representatives to the negotiations.", Yuri said on the phone.

"Good.", President Shady said, "Perhaps now we can end this pointless conflict."

Result: Peace, hopefully. This pointless conflict must end, so let's have a nice meeting and discuss things like Gentlemen. I'm sure peace is in everyone's best interest.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Beowulf »

Costa de las Cinco Muertos
reaction to Baernish counter attack

There were six different airbases that had contributed planes to the attack on Baerne the previous night. It wasn't a surprise that Baerne would be counter attacking that day. After rearming, the F-106 pilots slept next to their planes. Entire squadrons would be able to go up to defend against the dastardly Baernish.

The Su-30MKI squadron had plenty of rest, though again, on the ground next to their planes. The Embraer E-99 AEW aircraft had had quite a workout of late. One had been in the air continuously, with another on the runway on alert since combat had begun. It was bare minutes between the launch of the Baernish strike and the E-99 named Echo 6 picking them up inbound. Thus alerted, all six F-106 squadrons launched, along with the Su-30MKI squadron.

Thus, the 60 BDAF aircraft were matched against almost twice their number in opposition forces. It wasn't a fair fight in the slightest. The BDAF got mauled badly. Only a quarter of the MiG-31s launched in raid made it back. The bombers were worse off. Though they could take more damage, they were alot easier to kill. Only ten of B-1Bs made it to the targets to actually conduct their raid. Of those, only a pair made it back.

The damage was fairly brutal on the three FACCM air bases that got hit, at least at first glance. Runways were pock marked with bomb craters. A few downed bombers littered the fields. For all that though, it was relatively ineffective. The craters would be filled in, and covered with steel grating. The planes remained relatively safe in their individual revetments. A couple were gone, along with their crews, but the majority were safe. In a couple hours, they could take off to conduct their own strikes. They'd have to return to a different base, at least until the fuel farm was replaced or repaired, but the bases were overprovisioned for that eventuality.

The A-4s would be striking as soon as possible. They would be hitting the 1st and 5th divisions. Someone looking at the ECCM would have noted they were short on ADA. This was natural, due to the fact that the FACCM pilots didn't want to get shot down by their own side, and the FACCM got most of the funding. The same person looking at the BDA would see similar, and be utterly confused.

The A-4s had a field day. It would go down as the Autopista de la Muerte. They were able to attack with impunity, out of the range of the M6 Linebacker's MANPADs. Helicopters didn't help, even when they were armed with missiles more effective than Stingers. F-106Hs were able to look-down/shoot-down helicopters. Few survived to meet the A-4s, which were armed with Sidewinder missiles in self defense.


Seas off Baerne

The SSKs had quietly slipped out of harbor the night before. By the time the Baernish navy set sail, they were already slowly trolling over the seabed near the Baernish harbor. S-41 Santa Cruz heard them first. The sonar operator was good, though it wasn't hard to tell when a carrier passed over head.

"Captain, the fools just passed the Isabella over us," whispered the operator. "It's their entire 5th squadron!"

"Right, target 4 torpedos on the Isabella, two on each of the Kirovs. Match generated bearings and shoot."

A torpedo vomitted forth from each of the Santa Cruz's 8 tubes. Unfortunately, there wasn't much you could do to avoid a heavyweight torpedo. You could try to decoy them away, but better than even odds, it was still going to go after the target. And you needed much better than even odds that it would be decoyed to have good odds of beating two, let alone four coming towards you. Especially when they were wire guided, and had something much more intelligent than a computer running the show.

"Men, what we've just done will probably cost us our lives. But we knew that it might come to this when each of us signed up. It's been an honor working with each and every one of you. And we should just take a whole bunch of those Baernish assholes with us. Helmsmen, try to set her down on the sea floor. Hopefully that will confuse them long enough for them to go away."


104 nautical miles off the Costa coast

Task Force 4 had arrived on station. They were quite a ways away from shore. Open sea was the element of the carrier. They had already put a E-2D up, looking for any welcoming party. They got a nice view of the torpedo hits on the Isabella, and two of her escorts on radar. Also with the E-2D was a CAP made up of pair of F-14Es. They were armed for bear, and more aircraft waited to launch off the Vengeance and Invincible just in case. Snooping closer in, a pair of F-26As were looking to see if anyone else was sortieing.


Fortress Baerne
Duchy of Baerne

"I have come regarding peace between our peoples."

FACCM losses:
initial raid:
24 A-4SU
Baernish counter-attack:
5 A-4SU
9 F-106H
2 Su-30MKI

BDAF losses:
18 B-1B
30 Mig-31

BDA losses:
80% of 1st and 5th Divisions

BDN casualties:
HGS Isabella (Kitty-hawk CVN)
2 Kirov

TXN TF4 arrives on station:
TXNS Vengeance (CVN)
Invincible (CVL)
Genswick (CGN)
2 DGN-52
1 DGN-93
2 DG-51
2 FG-40
2 SSN-500

One SSN is patrolling between the TF and shore, the other roughly under it. No man's land between the two patrol boxes.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Ryan Thunder »

MAS Demon, off the Costan coast
"Conn, Sonar, new contact! Bearing; 280. Course; 090. She's dead in the water, sir. Designate Master 005. Sounds like a 214 out of Costa, commander."

"Shitty little boat. Weapons, ready tubes one through four in all respects for Master 005. Helm, make your course 280. All ahead thirty percent."

"Readying tubes one through four in all respects for Master 005, commander."

"Coming left to 280. All ahead thirty percent, commander."

"Weapons, inform me when you have a firing solution for Master 005."

"Yes, commander."

"Commander, we're at 30% and our course is now 280."

"Good. Where's that firing solution?"

"Conn, sonar, multiple torpedoes in the water bearing straight ahead! Course... not for us... course 090."

"Conn, tubes one through four are ready in all respects and we have a firing solution for Master 005."

"Range to the target?"

"5500 metres, commander."

"Weapons, open outer doors. Firing point procedures, tubes one through four, Master 005."

"Yes commander!"

"Conn, sonar; Outer doors are open, torpedoes are active."

"Conn, this is Weapons, torpedoes have acquired and are homing."

"Conn, sonar, they're going deep, sir."

"Target lost--torpedoes are searching--torpedoes have reacquired and are homing."

"Cut the wires."

"Conn, sonar, loud explosion bearing 000. Contact lost with Master 005."

"Good work. Reload tubes one through four and close the outer doors; remain silent."
Last edited by Ryan Thunder on 2009-04-07 11:03pm, edited 1 time in total.
SDN Worlds 5: Sanctum
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Karmic Knight »


You heard it hear first, CATO is trying to conquer the world, one nation at a time. They manufactured the Costa Crisis to allow their Baernish puppets to 'Prove their worth' to the organization, as they had with San Dorado's annexation of both Valeria and of Coilerburg.

Add this to the annexations by the SNC, and the secret CATO-Japanistani-Cannissian Axis (full post here), CATO will rule one continent and start making major inroads in another.

This is why we must march until the MESS accepts our petition, so the Kingdom can be saved from a future as part of an organization of Communist, Hypercapitalist, Militarist, and Xenophobic thugs.

Result: Some Nuttiness for your reading.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Lonestar »

Royal Palace
War Room

"General Cortes is on the line, Lord Fairfax."

"Thank you Jennifer." Lonestar said, he hit the speaker on the phone. The War Cabinet was assembled around the conference table. "General Cortes? This is Lord Fairfax. I..."

"I know who you are, Mr. Bouchier." Came the voice, screwing up the pronunciation of Lonestar's name. "I am only taking this as a courtesy, from one head of state to another."

Lonestar glanced around the conference room.

"Am I to take this to mean that Setzer is longer with us?"

"He is not. He hasn't for some years now."

"General, I am calling because of the situation in your home country. We are gravely concerned about the treatment of the legislature, and the thinly veiled threats, and actions, taken against your Sheppish, Japanistani, and Dominionite minorities."

"Bah! And how much concern did you show the Astarians? Or the East Shepistanis? How much concern did you show my people when you let your killers into my country to loot it's wealth."

"Shepilov Solutions is a private company that was hired on by another private corporation. Considering the actions the Sirnoth government took to try to impede the movement of DMW assets out of the country, it was clearly a smart move..."

"Lies! Imperialistic Dogs! You listen to me, 'Lord Fairfax', you will not interfere with the internal workings of my country. Not you, nor your phoney-baloney OICAS."

There was a silence, then Lonestar cleared his throat...

"I'm going to have to insist that you step aside for OICAS monitored elections..."

There was a click and the phone hung up on the other end.

"Well, that went well." Lonestar said. "Thoughts?"

"We already have Firebees and F-34s with recon packages criss-crossing the country. 3 Firebees have been shot down so far, looks like they are unable to stop the F-34s." Air Marshal Shultz said. The Sirnoth Navy is gathering steam and getting ready for a surge, although not as many assets as we've expected."

"Maintenance has been piss poor in recent years." Fleet Admiral Saldana added. "But it's still a more potent force than the Shepistani Navy was. We could beat them by ourselves in a standup fight though. It'll be tougher than it could be..."

"We have a plan called ROCKFISH." LTG Sanders of GSC said. "We can pop a 10kt nuke at each end of the Nexus City Naval Station, and destroy the entire fleet before it leaves port."

Lonestar leaned back.

"How soon can you get the mission package ready?"

"The B-89s are sitting on the Tarmac ready."

Foriegn Minister Vladimir Berman was staring at Lonestar. "Matt, you can't seriously be thinking of...our fight is with Cortes, not the Sirnoth people."

"Vlad, I want you to get the Shinran and Tian Xia governments on the line. Let them know we're going to be establishing a Maritime Security Cordon around Sirnoth, as well as an aerial blockade. Any naval assets they have that could be of help would be appreciated, although I would understand if they cannot provide it. This is not, repeat, not an official MESS request."

"You don't want to put out a request through SHAPOD channels?"

"I'd rather not give Emperor Heraclitus a place for him to whine, and I don't want to put any undue stress on our democratic friends in Wilkonia and Canissa. Make it happen. Also, call an emergency meeting of the OICAS and get approval for action."

Berman got up and left the room.


Lonestar pursed his lips. "Admiral Saldana, sortie the fleet. Air Marshal Shultz, being staging our assets to aide in the blockade. We're going to need to draw up a plan for an intervention. I don't want to use nukes if I can help..."

A staff member burst into the room. "Sir, you need to see this. Canissan news Network has just started broadcasting from Württemberg, which is a city that is in the Dominionite part of Sirnoth." He turned on the TV. There were pictures of Sirnoth helicopters flying over the city throwing bombs out the sides. A sickly smoke was rising up...


"Mustard Gas." The camera moved to show children lying dead in the street.

Lonestar gritted his teeth. He turned to LTG Sanders, who was on the VTC.

"Do it"


En Route


Major Rita Bhatt gave a thin smile. She had, once upon a time, been a part of the Shepistani Strategic Air Command, no mean feat for a mere female, even in the nominally equal-opportunity country of Shepistan. She decided to join the newly formed OD Global Strike Command, after all, what else could she do wiht her life?, and found that she'd enjoyed it. Even marrying an ODAAF Fighter jock. Dad must be spinning in his mass grave, she thought.

"Coming up on target, nothing to indicate we're being challenged." Her copilot said.

Like going fishing with Dynamite She thought.

"Approaching release point." Her bombardier said. "I have a confirmed release order from GSC. Major?"

"Do it."

The two JASSM-ER-Ns were released, and headed off towards the Nexus City Naval Station, about 30 miles outside the city itself, so civilian casulties, at least, would be relatively light. The B-89 turned around and headed back to base.

"Woo-hoo! Look at those fuckers go!"


West Coast of Sirnoth

"Alrighty, there it is." LCDR Richardson of the VA-27 "Green Lizards" said. His flight of A-6Fs were inbound on a Sirnoth Frigate, the Neptune's Champion. "Tally-ho" Each of the two A-6Fs released two AGM-84Ds. The Harpoons slammed into the frigate. Soon afterwards there was an explosion as the magazine went up. The two A-6Fs returned to the Lord Fairfax


Farther North this was playing out with B-56Gs firing Missiles at a lone Sirnoth DDG.


Sirnoth Navy Virtually destroyed.
Maritime security Cordon established around Sirnoth.
Aerial Blockade established over Sirnoth.
he Waters around Sirnoth are declared a Warzone, and th Old Dominion will not be held responsible for any damages or deaths that occur with other nations.
Last edited by Lonestar on 2009-04-07 10:45pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by K. A. Pital »

- What sort of idiocy is that? - the former President laughed.
- The reports from Tian Xia...
- I've had it with their wet dreams. Costa doesn't have any ground IADS network to speak of. Their fighters, even the Sukhoi family, not speaking of the F-106s, would be outranged, and outclassed by the MiG-31's radar power and speed. There's no way they could have inflicted that many losses - typical inflation. Third World shitholes do it all the time in the real world. Costa doesn't have any nuclear SAMs. And neither are their pathetically small submarines capable of inflicting serious damage on an alert carrier battlegroup right next to their harbor.

- Most likely their obsolete tech didn't even score any hits at all - most losses were due to Baerne's bad maintenance and the Su-30MKI, and the submarine's captain is simulating Lunin's "attack on the Tirpitz".

- You're refering to the Shadow ship...

- Nah, forget it, a remembrance from old times and nothing more. And get me a line with the President.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by CmdrWilkens »

Pegasus 8 returns safely, major announcement for Pegasus 10

Following more than 70 full orbits of Nova Terra and an extended docking manuever program designed to test all four astronauts aboard the Pegasus 8 mission has returned safely after their capsule splashed down in the Gulf of Shinra earlier this morning. The mission marks the first working demonstration of manned capsule mating with the actual equipment designed to one day send astronauts onward to the moon and beyond.

The mission commander, Commander Nathan Fellows of the Shinra Republic, has become the current record holder for the most number of individual orbital flights having achieved his first in the X-plane program before going on to make his second orbital mission with the Pegasus program. While he does not hold the record for total duration, the male and female records for which are still held by FASTA astronauts, he has been one of the leading faces of the MSA's push for the heavens.


Officials at the MSA's launch center in the Panam province of Wilkonia today welcomed the first two astronauts from the still fledgling Cascadian Space Agency. Maj. William Culling, Royal Cascadian Air Force, and Lt. Luo Xiao-Li, Royal Cascadian Nacy, were today accepted into a rapid training program designed to ready them for a role in the last of the Pegasus missions at the end of this year. Originally mission planners had intended to send a dummy payload aloft which would have been used for docking and orbital manuevering practice in an extension of what Pegasus 8 just accomplished. Instead planners have now, with a funding boost provided by the cascadians, upgraded the mission profile to include launching a fully active secondary payload. While the docking and orbital manuevers will still be carried out the payload will now be a fully operational lab setup allowing several experiements to be conducted during the additional man hours available to a 6 person crew vice a 4 person crew.

Many personnel at both the Panamanian Launch Complex and at Johnson Spaceflight Center in the Shinra Republic were hopeful that they coudl continue to incorporate Cascadian Pilots as the agency moves towards a goal of placing an astronaut on the moon before the end of the decade. Cascadian officals for their part have been enthusiastic about contributing in every way they can now that they stand a real chance of being able to accomplish President Garrett's stated mission of placing a man on the moon. Planners from all agencies have indicated that they expect little friction as both Major Culling and Lieutenant Luo have distinguished service records and have both been undergoing a training program modelled on the core points of both MSA and FASTA certification programs.


Results: Pegasus 8 goes off without a hitch (well actuall a small hitch as the docking itself expendeed 15% more fuel than anticipated but yeah) and the Cascadians come onboard with the MSA.

/OOC I'm still trying to work up who is going to be the exchange astronaut for FASTA but I'll do that when I work up rosters for the Daedalus Program this weekend.
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"I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. I have seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. "
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Beowulf wrote:Thus, the 60 BDAF aircraft were matched against almost twice their number in opposition forces. It wasn't a fair fight in the slightest.
The real fun started when the other two squadrons showed up on the radar. Lightnings, from Miratia. That on its own wasn't really much, but then the missiles started hitting home. And oh, the missiles. The rest didn't know what was going on until, seconds later, fifty three opposition aircraft exploded into superheated shrapnel.

The Lightnings, each hefting some twelve AAM-1 short-range missiles, hadn't fired a shot. It was the Falcon squadron, streaming intel from the forward fighters, that had locked on to nearly sixty aircraft before loosing as many missiles on their hapless foes. As one, the Lightnings peeled away and hit the afterburners. They would meet a few Echelon tankers somewhere over Baerne for refueling before heading back to the Northern Annex base for rearming.

OOC: Enough god-modding, Beowulf. Consider yourself interrupted.
Last edited by Ryan Thunder on 2009-04-08 12:25pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »

Official statement of the PeZookian Government

His Majesty's Government would like to deny any and all allegations suggesting that the recent conflict in Costa De Las Cincos Muertes was sponsored or encouraged by members of CATO. Such allegations are nothing but a conspiracy theory, especially in light of the recent ceasefire and negotiations undertaken by all involved parties, which was strictly demanded by Duchy of Baerne's CATO allies.

While other world powers, such as Tian Xia, felt content to let the carnage and suffering go on while standing idly by and condemning those who would intervene in hope of salvaging the situation, CATO managed to force the guns to fall silent for the first time in years. Despite an attack against Fortress Baerne and use of mustard gas by the Costa air force, members of CATO were capable of de-escalating the situation. While the outcome of negotiations between all involved parties is by no means certain, it is nevertheless a step in the correct direction.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »


King Arik Coyotus sighed as he read the morning intel folders. The Vinyards folder had gone from red to yellow, and replaced by the Costa folder, which hadn't even existed before and was now there in red. Up to this point, Costa de los Cincos Muertes had been, at best, a footnote in the general Frequesne folder overall, he noted with some distaste.

"Costa situation, dear?" Isabelle asked. "I can see the look on your face."
"Well, the good news is the other governments of the world finally agreed with my original call for a cease-fire and international arbitration," Arik said, "But they're all still squabbling over this and that..."

"We just nailed down the Vinyards situation," Isabelle said, "Are you thinking of going into Costa, too?"
"Well, I haven't been involved in Costa at all," Arik said, "And I was the first pebble to start the avalanche of calls for arbitration... and, we have a fleet in the area already," the King said. "I kinda feel like I should offer our services."

"The CATO countries will be unhappy with the idea," Isabelle warned, "They think the MESS is biased against them."
"Well, some in the MESS are biased," Arik said, "Their sudden expansion has people on edge. I can only wonder what Japanistan is thinking. Well, I'll offer my services as olive-branch dude; they don't have to take it. But at the risk of sounding arrogant, Canissia is probably the most open-minded of the MESS for this sort of thing. Us and Shinra, who just wrapped up a diplomatic victory in Vinyards."

"Maybe a compromise," Isabelle offered, bringing her husband coffee. "One MESS observer, one CATO, and one neutral third-party both agree to. Limit the number of troops on the ground for each faction."

"My dear, this is why you are more than just a pretty face..."


King Arik Coyotus of Canissia offers to provide peacekeeping and stability forces to Costa de los Cincos Muertes for the duration of time needed to hammer out a peace agreement. His Majesty is also willing to work with an appointed CATO nation that will agree to limit troops to the same level as Canissian involvement, a level to be determined, and a third, mutually agreeable third nation operating under the same level of force agreements.

In the meantime, Canissian Royal Navy vessels currently off the coast of the Vinyards shall reposition themselves to an area forty miles off the coast of Costa de los Cincos Muertes and await the agreement and announcement of welcome to the beleaguered nation.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »


Prime Minister Shroom of the Sovereignty of Shroomania has expressed his willingness to work with King Arik Coyotus of Canissia in providing peacekeeping forces to the Costa de los Cincos Muertes for the purpose of stabilizing the situation and facilitating the negotiations for a peace agreement. The Sovereignty would represent CATO in limiting troop levels to the same degree as the Canissian involvement, with a third party operating under the same agreement as well.

The Sovereign Navy's ship currently off the coast of Fortress Baerne, providing security for the Shroomanian Hospital Ships delivering humanitarian aid, will maintain their position in the meanwhile.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »



Mirakar, Miratia

Prime Minister Shroom sipped his Miratian Mushroom tea, savored its distinct taste, and enjoyed the view of the fine garden around him. It reminded him of good old Shroomanian tea, the steaming Miratian Mushroom extract did, and he wished for some scones to go with it. As for the garden, the red-leaved trees made for a striking sight as they shedded their leaves in concordance with the strange Frequesean seasons.

"How do you like it?" Mr. Gero asked proudly upon noticing the Prime Minister's expression.

"This is great tea," Shroom sipped approvingly. "And this garden, it's wonderful."

"Good," Mr. Gero smiled sincerely - for the first time perhaps. It seemed that here, he was at his own element, without the barely-concealed rage that had accompanied him for quite a while now. That, at least, was relieving to the Shroomanian PM. "The tea is my favorite, and this garden... well, not to be boastful, but I do my best to cultivate these fine floras."

"Gardening?" Shroom said in slight surprise. "Why, Mr. Gero, you didn't seem the type."

"Ah, but it is an excellent way to relieve oneself after a straining day of ruling this country. I love my country, but in this F-ing continent times are tough. Times are... interesting. Even you, a ruler of a nation in the Old Continent, can appreciate the situation here. I hope."

"I do," Shroom answered. "Or, at least I hope I do."

"Now, Prime Minister," Mr. Gero now said more firmly. "Tell me why you've come here. You didn't visit Miratia just to show off your fancy rotocopter. You didn't take all the trouble to detour here after your Sojourn, after your CATO meeting in Miratia, just to blow my cabinet away with sand in their eyes. Tell me, what is your purpose?"

"Well, Mr. Gero..."

"Just Gero will do, Shroom. Can I call you that?"

"Of course. Mr. Gero. I'm sorry, Gero." Shroom took a moment to prepare himself. President Hank had warned him, Mr. Gero was one tough basket case. But now he wasn't screaming or yelling or bawling as Sidney said he would. That was dangerous. "I've come here... I've come here to talk to you. About things. Some things. Very... important things."

"Get to the point," Gero said tersely.

"Alright. Mr. Gero, Gero. Take a look at the map of Frequesue, the F-ing continent. San Dorado, the Tanstaafl Raj and Coilerburg to the north are all CATO. So is Baerne. To the West. CATO. The North Frequesean Trust is CATO. Baerne is CATO. No longer FTO.

"Now down south, the Vineyards has become a MESS observer. Worse with Tian Jiao. It's outright MESS-owned, Tian Xian, with an utter sycophant of a leader. For all we know, the Klavostanis are MESS puppets too, no thanks to those damn dopplegangers! And in the middle lies Ford Prefect Country. In the middle lies Miratia. You. Below you are those puppet states, below and beside you, you have them establishing naval bases right at your doorstep, sending Foreign Legions, increasing their presence. You know who. Voldemort."


"Anyway. North above you are your fellow free non-puppet former FTO buddies who are now CATO. Sidney Hank is your good friend and is working with you in your various space projects - he's going to give you Space Fighters. He is CATO.

"Now, this MESS expansion, unlike CATO's, this expansion is one without respect of the already established Frequesean powers. You have proxy wars being funded, you have capitols being bombed. You have opium-addicted Emperors declaring nonsense about the Mandate of Heaven after said attack, and you see them outright involving themselves - militarily, no less - in a conflict between two Frequesean parties. You see them give support to third-world dictatorships in wartorn holes, just to ferment further disorder.

"Baerne, incidentally, is in danger of being PINCHED by MESS puppet nations. Costa to the north just struck him. Vineyards to the south, unstable, insane. Very precarious position and right now, the Baernish are PAYING for it.

"You're in danger too. If I were you, I'd be very worried. I know you're worried. I'm not you and I'm even worried for you," Shroom said worriedly. "I think it's time to drop nationalism for the sake of nationalism and it's time to realize that Frequesue is going to get carved up.

"You have CATO, which is making deals and agreements and mutually profitable alliances respectful of the stable Frequesean nations.

"You have the MESS, and they're turning formerly chaotic Frequesean nations into fucking puppet states. Exploiting the unrests to further their reach."

Mr. Gero nodded his head.

Prime Minister Shroom continued:

"Mister Gero, I am here in Miratia with you not to tell you all this - because you already know all of this, know it by heart and know it better than I can know it. I am here to extend CATO's hand of friendship. Now, in the interest of nationalism, Miratia may not wish to become a CATO member nation - but that is not what we are offering, for the current situation is also... not conducive to CATO's rapid expansion...

"But we are offering friendship, and I am here to give you a gentleman's agreement. Miratia has strong ties with San Dorado and the North Frequesean Trust. Sidney Hank, I believe, is one of your trusted friends. Both your nations depend on each other, trust each other. And through that trust, perhaps Miratia can also work with the Combined Alliance Treaty Organization - in the interest of aiding your nation, in helping Miratia as a friend and ally withstand whatever may come from these proxy-states and puppet regimes."

Mister Gero took this all in and after a moment of consideration, he gave his answer.

Last edited by Shroom Man 777 on 2009-04-08 01:11pm, edited 2 times in total.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

This is Worldwide One, news and entertainment straight from the heart of San Dorado!

Smoldering rubble in Fortress Baerne

Hostilities on the Costa de las Cinco Muertes came to an end yesterday evening when a unilaterally declared cease fire by the Duchy of Baerne was accepted by all warring parties. According to a Syndicate spokesperson a first round of peace talks will be held next week in San Dorado.

Although a quiet peace has now descended the last day of hostilities saw heavy fighting in the skies over the Costa as Baernish and Miratian aircraft, aided by Shroomanian mercenary aces, battled against fightercraft of the Ejercito de Costa de las Cinco Muertes. Witnesses interviewed by Worldwide One speak of cruise missile strikes and heavy artillery bombardment of loyalist Costa troops, as well as massive air raids against forward positions of the Ducal Army.

The aerial fighting was heavily monitored by the NFTAF from its bases in Buffer Zone North as well as AEW&C assets. At Camp Kittyhawk fighter aircraft could be seen coming and going all day yesterday, but a Paragon spokesperson confirmed that no shots were fired by NFAF or NFA troops.

As the air battle between ECCM and foreign troops raged on, so did the struggle of the revolutionaries against the central government. According to one source guerrilla troops were mere kilometers from the outskirts of the capital city when the cease-fire went into effect, but with all communications links to San Juan cut it is difficult to verify the truthfulness of these reports. In a satellite telephone conversation before this broadcast a WWO correspondent in San Juan reported that the capital is in disarray, a heavy presence of loyalist police and military on the streets apparently unable to prevent looting and rioting in the capital city.

The International Red Cross meanwhile has applauded the reaction of the world, as food, humanitarian aid and emergency supplies continue to stream into the Costa. However director Victor Pillay of the Red Cross warned that it is likely that only now the fighting has ceased we will see the full extent of the catastrophe and loss of life wrought by the short but vicious war.

Syndicate spokespersons have so far refused to comment on a proposition by Canissian King Arik Coyotus. King Coyotus proposed that a joint peace keeping force composed of MESS, CATO and neutral forces be to the Costa to maintain the fragile tranquility. “This is a matter that should be discussed at the peace conference, not in the press”, said Commissioner Charlie Duquesne of the Committee on Foreign Relations.

And in other news…

Silver Star Takes To The Sky

The San Dorado Rocket Forces conducted the first manned launch of the S-2 Silver Star orbiter today. Veteran astronaut Eddie Saddler piloted the craft, and was assisted by colonel Alphonse Jenn, the Coilerburger pilot who also rode on the first Silver Streak flight. The Silver Star completed three revolutions around the planet before landing successfully at Torberg Cosmodrome in Coilerburg, making Silver Star the first spacecraft to land at the budding Coilerburger spaceport.

Due to the heavy aerial fighting over the Costa at the time of the launch the circumstances of the flight were unusually militaristic, with four full NFAF squadrons patrolling the skies around Kittyhawk to ensure nothing could accidentally jeopardize the launch.

Ground Broken On CATO Radars
Archive footage of SSS Murderous von Schrom pulling into the CATO naval base of Coil Cove, mere kilometers from Fallston Naval base

In a festive atmosphere ground was broken today on the sites of two future CATO radar emplacements. Simultaneously excavators ceremoniously dug a first trench in Fallston Naval Station, Coilerburg and in Valley Forge, San Dorado. In the near future the two sites will become home to so-called ‘over-the-horizon radars’, which can spot targets many thousands of kilometers away. The stations, tentatively named Steel Yard and Steel Yard-B, will be manned by multi-national crew from all CATO member nations.

Congratulations For Royal Father!
Have some cake, Mr. King!

A spokeswoman for President Sidney Hank has confirmed that the President has congratulated His Royal Highness the King Paul of PeZookia with his wife’s pregnancy. The pregnancy was discovered during the King’s visit to San Dorado, prompting His Worshipfulness to return with best speed to Orena. We at Worldwide One would like to congratulate the couple with their soon to be bundle of joy!

Worldwide One To Aid Mr. Rodger
Mr. Rodger in happier days

Your favorite news and entertainment station Worldwide One is coming to the aid of popular Baernish children’s entertainment icon Mr. Rodgers by fashioning him a new studio and giving him a early-afternoon slot in WWO programming. The daily BDBC show Mr. Rodger’s Fascinating Dinosaur World has gone off the air since the indiscriminate bombing attack on Fortress Baerne by Costa Troops. During the attack the studios of the Baerne Ducal Broadcasting Corporation were hit by ECCM fighter-bombers. At the time, one of Mr. Rodger’s popular shows was being taped. Several children were killed, and Mr. Rodgers himself was injured. WWO will air repeats of earlier shows until such time as Mr. Rodger is released from the hospital.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

LIVE on ShroomSat/StratTV
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel


"They have the nerve and the gall to call CATO expansionistic, to smear the respectable nations of the Old Continent with their ludicrous lies! Their blatant ludicrous media propaganda is despicable and insidious and must be countermanded!" protested Phil O'Liely, prominent commentator of the Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel's Auxiliary News (AUX News) program. "Look at the television, look at the pictures of mangled Baernish boys, of horrendous chemical attacks, of poor Mr. Rodgers getting struck down by bunker busting bombs in the middle of broadcasting his beloved Fantastic Dinosaur World.

"What was once a Frequesean conflict, one of so many wars in that F-ing continent, is now being threatened to be escalated. While the CATO nations send humanitarian aid, the MESS on the other hand sends warships to intervene in the conflict and give military assistance to the Costans! To aid the Costans who bombarded Baernish peacekeepers, who flew in and tried to murder Mr. Rodgers and Rodgerosaurus Rex!

"Did you ever notice how NONE of the MESS nations have sent ANY humanitarian aid? Those Tian Xian nemoidians go on about their 'Mandate of Heaven' and opium-hallucinations and send their warships to intervene in the conflict, those Canissians call for 'diplomatic solutions' and send their own warships too, and yet none of them have sent humanitarian aid, none of them have sent hospital ships. Yet they have the gallbladders to call CATO expansionistic, and militant. These snivelling sods slander the Sovereignty of Shroomania! The ludicrous media of theirs, lying and lying and lying! They lie so much that by now, they're probably infested by Quarter Pounder Baby Jeebus-knows how many venereal diseases!

"THEY distort and deride!. WE report and you decide! Fair and balanced! AUX News is where its at! This is Phil O'Liely, reporting live on ShroomSat/StratTV! AND NOW A WORD FROM OUR SPONSORS!"


Phalafel Phil O'Liely calls it as he sees it!

None of the MESS nations have given humanitarian aid!

Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:"But we are offering friendship, and I am here to give you a gentleman's agreement. Miratia has strong ties with San Dorado and the North Frequesean Trust. Sidney Hank, I believe, is one of your trusted friends. Both your nations depend on each other, trust each other. And through that trust, perhaps Miratia can also work with the Combined Alliance Treaty Organization - in the interest of aiding your nation, in helping Miratia as a friend and ally withstand whatever may come from these proxy-states and puppet regimes."

Mister Gero took this all in and after a moment of consideration, he gave his answer.
"Well," Gero said slowly, as he held his chin in one hand, "That's... certainly quite appealing." The hand lowered, and a wide grin spread across his lined face, "You know," he started, "I consider myself to be a nationalist. That was part of the platform I ran on; I would keep other nations, and especially those from outside Frequesue, at arms length for the benefit of the citizenry."

Shroom nodded. Perhaps he won't go for it after all... he thought.

"But the recent events in Frequesue, the dismantlement of the Frequesuan Treaty Organization for all useful intent, and a whole host of other shit," Gero made a sweeping guesture of disgust with his arm, "have led me to conclude that keeping you at arms length will quickly become to the detriment of those very people I presented that platform to. You've heard the saying, 'Desperate times call for desperate measures,' right?"

Progress! Shroom thought.

"So, in short; yes. The Assembly will take some convincing, but they'll come around, eventually. I have political capital to spare for that..."

With that, the two leaders shook hands. "So, allies, then?" Shroom asked finally.

"Yes, allies."

Result: Miratia accepts CATO's proposal.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Raj Ahten »

The last few years had not been good to Indhopal. They had been marked by political deadlock, economic stagnation and foreign policy disasters. The political deadlock had been the biggest problem. Governments had risen in fallen almost every month and almost nothing had been agreed upon. For several years the government didn’t even have an official budget.

The political crisis was at is heart caused by disagreements on how to proceed against an ever threatening world as Frequesue burned. An economic crisis brought about by the collapse of regional trade due to all the local conflicts exacerbated matters. The fact that thousands of refugees from the CFR flooded the nation didn’t help either.

Indhopal became increasingly concerned with its own internal problems. Due to the budget mess, the military and intelligence services barely managed to function and the diplomatic service, getting multiple different signals from Fenraven, ceased to be at all useful. For all real purposes Indhopal had ceased to be an actor on the world stage.

Salvation came from an odd place: the office of the President. Throughout most of the crises, President Raj Ahten had barely been holding on. In a shocking move in 2014 he broke from the MDC party and formed a new party; the People’s Congress. Amazingly, he was able to actually get a working coalition government and for the first time in 5 years the nation passed a budget.

Matters were helped by the hard work of the civil service and army who managed to stabilize the border situation after years of hard work. A recovering economy also didn’t hurt.

The new People’s Congress coalition certainly had its work cut out for it. The FTO was essentially dead and Indhopal’s foreign policy was in shambles. But there was a new sense of optimism in the air. No problem seemed too big to tackle.
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Shroom Man 777
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »


Mirakar, Miratia


"Yes, allies." Mr. Gero said. The man, with his greying hair and statuesque moustache, looked nothing less than an institution in and around himself - the very strongman who single-handedly led the nation of Miratia, the very heart of the most turbulent Frequesean continent. His grip was strong and firm, his eyes' gaze steely with resolve, yet under his curious moustache the smile beneath it was enshrouded by the bristles of his whiskers.

"That has a nice ring to it, Mister Gero." the Prime Minister grinned as they concluded their handshake. He wondered what that smile truly was, underneath the moustache. "The Combine earnestly works together with its friends and allies, and I firmly believe that cooperation is vital in ensuring peace and stability - regionally, continentally and globally.

"However, with the recent antagonistic and actively adversarial approach of certain... outside powers," the Prime Minister said, coyly indicating the MESS. "I would advice discretion and caution, especially in approaching matters up north and around yonder. If subtlety is needed, then our allied nations can liaise with one another discretely through our mutual friend - Sidney Hank and his North Frequesean Trust."

"That is acceptable," Mr. Gero agreed. "Sidney Hank has proven himself to be a reliable ally and, dare I say it, a trustworthy friend. The man has, so far, not gone back on any of his words. I hope that in time I can say the same with you, Prime Minister."

"I firmly believe in, and try to act by, the conduct of decency without stepping on the toes of others and with the aim of fairness and mutual benefit," Shroom explained himself. "I've tried my best to do my Sovereignty right, my Shroomania, and also my friends and allies in the Old Continent and elsewhere, everywhere - now including Miratia, too. I'll do my best, Mr. Gero."

"I don't doubt that, Prime Minister," Mr. Gero replied as both of them stood up. "I don't doubt that at all."

"Thank you for your time and your generosity, Mr. Gero." the Prime Minister nodded curtly. "And thank you for Miratia's hospitality, yours is a great nation. But alas, now I must continue my Sojourn."

"Good luck with that, Prime Minister." Mr. Gero said, and then the both of them parted ways.

The Prime Minister made his exit with a skip to his step. Despite everything - despite what was going on north in the Costa and Baerne - he had won himself a small victory. Not just for himself, but for CATO. A new ally, not an official member but an ally nonetheless. He did this not with ostentatious proclamations or through superior force of arms, nor through intimidation. But through words, by speaking to his fellow men with respect and by treating them as equals - be they masters of monarchies, premiers of presidiums, or presidents of principalities.

Shroom remembered his old life, his old world. How he had brought so many people together in a union of nations, of how he had achieved so much in such a short time.

How he had watched his achievements crumble and watched the whole world burn.

"Never again," he said to himself.

Never agaim.

Alison met him outside Mr. Gero's residence. She saw the bittersweet expression on his face, and even though he had told her of how things had gone swimmingly with Gero, she was still worried.

"You alright?" Alison asked Shroom.

"Yeah, meeting with Gero went well. Better than I could've ever thought."

"But you look kind of... tired. Worried?" Alison pressed.

"It's nothing," Shroom shrugged. "Czechmate was just being a total whore in the OOB thread."

"Yeah," Alison agreed. "Czechmate is a total whore."

She held his arm and walked him towards the steel stairs of their awaiting aerocraft.


With four mighty propellers, the great Ka-22 departed Miratia and headed back to San Dorado - where the Prime Minister would await news on further Frequesean fermenting developments.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Shinn Langley Soryu
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Ashford Times Headlines in Brief

HMS Asuka Langley Soryu Officially Commissioned
Carrier capability restored to Langley Navy after nearly three decades

All Langley Navy Fast Attack Craft, Patrol Boats to be Retired by End of Year
Boats to be passed on to Coast Guard or sold to foreign users

Humanitarian Aid to Baerne Packaged with NBC Gear, ADA
Langley Army soldiers wary of further Costan attacks on Fortress Baerne

Kyoto Aviation Unveils OH-1 Scout Helicopter
Intended as supplement for AH-1Z Vipers; possible future replacement for OH-58D Kiowa Warriors

I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]