SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by K. A. Pital »


It was a cold morning that greeted comrade Stanislav. He knew that it would be the last morning he saw.

The operation on his internal organs went badly. Oh, if only he had one percent of Fidel Castro's luck... Stanislav smiled through the pain. It mattered not. Too much work left, work which will fall to the young, to the new and enthusiastic citizens of his once again great nation. He knew they would cope.

With that knowledge the former president closed his eyes for all time.

Result: I was given a frail body and quite outlived my game time... time to leave.

...cold, empty streets...
Image is the funeral of the former Crimson Star Republic president...
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by MKSheppard »

Somewhere off the Cascadian Union Coastline

The aging supertanker Shepistan Maru plunged through the heavy waves off the Cascadian Coastline; this was to be her last voyage before she was sold to the shipbreakers, and for the last couple of years, routine maintenance had been deferred. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a freak wave came out of nowhere, and broke sideways over the long deck of the Shepistan Maru; placing enormous stresses onto a ship never built to withstand them.

Slowly, with the sound of screaming metal, the aging tanker split in two, and the New Sumatra Extra Sweet crude she was carrying flooded forth...

Results: An oil spill approximately six times that of the Exxon Valdez has hit the Cascadian Union.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by TimothyC »

Temporary PacUnion Unified Military Command Center, Rosario

Officially Pecker flight does not exist, or at least that was the line from both the old Alaskan Naval Aviation, and the new Pacific Union Naval Patrol Aviation. The Truth was that the Alaskan Naval Intelligence service had stolen the plans for the Dominion Hawk years ago, and built a clone. The mostly flew out of Elmendork AFB, but today they were off the Cascadian coast, counting whales. Or were counting whales, until one of the larger radar returns suddenly split in two. This Triggered an alert which went almost all the way to the President Garrett, but didn't because it made a swift Right Turn - Because VP Cizadlo was already up, and getting a briefing in the watch center.

In an unusually swift move, he ordered both Turbo-Catalina (some of which were going on 50 years old), and SV-142Bs out to start containment efforts. The old Alaskan Navy was trained for these things almost more than war-fighting, but with both the Transition, and the impending arrival of the Tian Xian Leader, they were stretched thin. The VP knew he would have to get Garrett up, but Cizadlo wanted him to get as much sleep as he could.

His Last order before heading off the the Presidential Residence to brief Garrett personally was to order the Five available Killik Class Patrol Craft (Killik, Kongakut, Kuparuk , Kukpuk, and Kobuk) to the disaster scene.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Lonestar »


Former CSR President dead.
The former president of the Crimson Star Republic, Comrade Stanislav, died yesterday. He was 89. The Old Dominion Foreign Ministry extends condolences to the "Family and friends of Comrade Stanislav, as well as the citizens of the UCSR."

Comrade Stanislav led the CSR through several decades of modernization, and continued to play a role as an unofficial advisor to UCSR President Shady. In recent years he was best known for his bombastic claims of the Old Dominion installing Al Sheppard as the Chief Executive of Sirnoth...[More]
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Siege »

TY Gardner Penthouse
360 5th Street, San Dorado City


“Dead?” Sidney slumped in the vaulted leather chair and stared out over the city. “Sweet Lady, he's actually dead?”

“That's the word from the UCSR sir” MacBride was unsure what to make of his boss' distress. But even though Stanislav had started out as an adversary, Sidney had come to respect the man and indeed in the end had considered him an ally and a friend. And now he was gone, the third of Q's game-players to die in quick succession. Shroom had been a shock, Sheppard's a relief – if he was actually dead, of course, because you could never trust a Domino. Stanislav's... His death had not come unexpectedly, the old communist's health had been deteriorating for some time, but the final announcement was still a surprise. The last time the two of them had met was only months ago, during Stanislav's stay in a Frequesuan sanatorium. He'd been frail, but in good spirits.

“I have to go to Stasograd for the funeral” the former president announced, a determined edge to his voice. “Get the jet ready.”
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by CmdrWilkens »

Wilkonian Coast Guard, Pacific Command
Statement for the record on operations of June 19th and continuing

Earlier today notice was given of universal maritime distress by an oil tanker off Pacific Union waters along the south central coast of the Cascadian province of the same state. Long range cutters on oceanic anti-pirate task force JASPER where within cruising range and began responding and initiated queries to Pacific Union authorities as to what help could be rendered. Upon advisement Coast Guard personnel were informed that the tanker had split open and posed an imminent hazard to navigation as well as potentially serious ecological consequences.

Under this situation the cutter, Legend continued onwards to assess and provide coordination for follow on forces. Pacific Command made the determination at 8:50 local to engage in support for containment measure and began steaming support assets to the scene while notifying Pacific Union of the intention to assist so long as the spill remained in non-territorial waters.Work is currently in progress for an agreement under which forces should operate if the spill enters Pacific Union territorial waters.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Lonestar »

Royal Palace

"So are you going to the funeral?" Chancellor of the Exchequer Chiu asked. Lonestar shook his head.

"Fuck no, I'll be murdered in the street. Vlad is going to get the chance to see whether or not Earth-prime Ukrainian Russian matches up at all with the dialect here." Chiu snorted. Lonestar continued. "What's the deal with this tanker? I thought that tankers were suppose to be double-hulled?"

"Uh...actually, no."


"While military tankers are double-hulled, there are no rules for commercial tankers to be..."

"Jesus Christ! I want those rules changed for the Old Dominion, ASAP!"

Results:Tankers entering the Old Dominion by 2025 must be double-hulled. The Old Dominion calls upon all nations to implement similiar rules.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by PeZook »


Orena, Royal Palace

The huge bedroom was empty and barely lit - the only light came from a small lamp standing next to a laptop on a desk, squeezed in the corner of the opulent room almost as an afterthought. The plush carpet bore the marks of a child living there - blocks scattered around, with various noisy and colorful toys between them. The bed wasn't made, there was dust slowly gathering on the ancient cupboards and other furniture.

Paul was sitting near that desk - the only clean one - working on his laptop. Lots of paperwork managed to accumulate itself during the time when he was worrying about his daughter and spending most of the day at the hospital with Agatha.

Not that doing the paperwork helped. Paul always seemed a calm man - some even thought unnaturally so. But in reality, he simply quashed anger and bottled it up, untill it could find a release of some sort.

The door opened slightly, letting in a sliver of light. A lithe silhouette of an aide slipped in.

"Sire?", she said cautiously. The King surprised her, by bolting upright from his chair.

"Did they find him? Did they find the bastard?!"

", sire. It's the former president of the USCR..."

Paul felt an icy spike grow inside his heart, "Yes?"

"He died an hour ago, sire. We just received a note from the embassy..."

Paul sighed, surprising his aide once again. He put the chair upright and sat down heavily, saying nothing.

"Sire?", the aide said, breaking the heavy silence.

Paul motioned heavily, "Draft a letter of condolence and send it to Stasograd. See to it that I attend the funeral..."

He turned back to his laptop, seemingly unmoved, "And leave me."

The aide closed the door and left. Paul opened another document, his hand shaking. The computer spit out an error message and hung up.

With a scream of rage, the King grabbed his computer and smashed it against the wall.


Cairo Regional Common Air Defence Control Centre

"Station one requesting supervisor, sir"

The officer of the watch nodded to his assistant and walked out into the floor. He found the correct station in the cavernous room, filled with Japanistani electronics equipment - and operators.

Station one was charged with monitoring a CATO carrier battlegroup performing excercises some two hundred miles off Egyptian shores.

"What is it, sergeant? Everything seems normal."

"Please see here...", the operator swiftly called up a replay of radar tracks, and pointed to a single airplane, identified early as a Shinra P-3C, "...two minutes ago..."

The contact enlarged slightly, then slowly returned to its former radar cross-section. The officer thought about it for a minute, then made a decision.

"Must've been a system error. Disregard it."

"Shouldn't we send a fighter in to check?"

The officer glared at his subordinate. He should've just confirmed the order.

"No. Enter a system glitch into the log."

"I still think..."

"What possible threat could a single P-3C be? Carry out the order, sergeant."


Three hours later, Nippon Telegraph And Telephone server hub #32, outside Cairo

"Hi.", the shadow said, after locking the man's arm behind his back. The knife's blade touched the victim's skin ever so lightly - just enough for the man to know it's there.

How come I didn't see the goggles?, thought Agio Arakida, NT&T maintenance technician - Fiszerski's first victim that night. He went out to the second floor balcony to have a smoke, and a little break from his shift supervisor - and somehow, the man managed to surprise him there.

Twenty metres above a heavily patrolled courtyard. What the hell?

"Uh...hi", he managed to groan in response when his tormentor applied pressure to a certain part of his hand, "What...what do you want?", he added, in Japanistani.

To his surprise, the man had no trouble answering in his own language, "If I wanted to get someone inside the building, how would I do that?"

"What?", Arakida spat, only to receive a spasm of pain in reward.

"I think that was a pretty straightforward question."

"'d need to...bypass the guards..."

"Okay. How do I do that?"

"There's a biometric check, and you need a photo ID..."

"Well, we won't need to bother with that. How many guards?"

"Three dozen on duty at any one time...they patrol the courtyard and perimeter fence."

"I see. The fence is probably loaded with sensors?"


"Where are they operated from?"

"They're routed through a separate internal network, ending in the main control room."

"Thank you. You've been very helpful."

Before he could reply, Arakida's world went black.


JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Condolences sent to the UCSR. Emperor Expected to visit the UCSR to attend funeral

The Byzantine Emperor sent his condolences to the UCSR upon hearing of the death of Comrade Stanislav. "Comrade Stanislav was a great friend of mine, and a great friend of the Byzantine Empire. We will all mourn his death." The Emperor is expected to attend the funeral.
Shinn Langley Soryu wrote:Langley Department of Defense Public Communique
FROM: Marchioness Cornelia Lamperouge, Secretary of Defense
TO: All interested defense contractors

To whom it may concern,

The Langley Armed Forces are officially declaring tenders for the following:
  • Refitting of the amphibious assault ship HMS Ashford with gas turbines and a hull extension to accomodate a larger hangar while retaining usage of the well deck, as with the Tian Xian Chatham Isle class.
  • At least one hundred (100) amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicles for the Langley Marine Corps, with possible adoption by the Langley Army. A factory is to be set up in Langley for licensed production of these vehicles.
  • AWACS and aerial refueling aircraft to replace existing E-3C Sentry and KC-135R Stratotanker aircraft. At least four (4) of each replacement are to be acquired, and it is preferable that they both be based on the same airframe in order to reduce maintenance and logistics.
  • High-altitude reconaissance aircraft to replace existing B-57F Canberras. At least eight (8) aircraft are to be acquired.
  • At least two (2) long-range VIP passenger aircraft to replace existing VC-137C Stratoliners.
  • An assortment of UAVs to fulfill various roles throughout the branches of the Langley Armed Forces. Exact numbers are to be determined.
BAM is willing to to offer A350 and A380 aircraft for the purpose of being tankers and AWAC aircraft. A380/A350AEW&CSI aircraft feature MP-RTIP AESA radars and ground radars that allow for high resolution tracking of targets, including cruise missiles.

A330 and A350 and A380 aircraft are also available as VIP passenger craft. BAM also offers helicopter drones of 3 sizes, and MiG SKAT, together with MiG, as well as the Hermes and Heron series of UAVs. A new Harpy 3 which is designed for SEAD missions is currently undergoing testing.

BAM is also willing to offer through MiG, the MiG-31TM aircraft which can be configured for high altitude reconnaissance. Other options are available, but that is pending negotiations.

Constantinople Shipyards is willing to lend its expertise in refitting the Amphibious Assault Vessel.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Zor »

Union Press

King Leighton-I Commemorates Premier Stanislav

Atlantica Palace, Port Victory-Today, his Majesty King Leighton-I has given a speach in rememberence of Premier Stanislav, calling the leader of the USCR "a noble and honorable world leader dedicated to the advancement of mankind."...

Zoria offers support in Cascadian oil cleanup

Oil Collection ship HZMS Seasweaper to be dispatched to Cascadia to assist in cleanup

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Port Victory-Today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has authorized the imediate dispatch of civilian assistance to Cascadia to help with containment and cleanup of oil. This will include supplying Cascadia with various specialist personnel (including many experts from the Hirohito institute) and resources, as well as the service of HZMS Seasweaper, an oil collection ship. At ths same time, the Hirohito Institute has spearheaded a campaign to collect funds for a non government assistance to deal with this disaster.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by RogueIce »

SRS Leviathan Enters Service

The Navy announced that the seventh active carrier and second of the Liberty-class, the SRS Leviathan (CVN-52), has entered service today. The new carrier will undergo a period of workups before joining the Fleet. The Navy also announced that construction has begun on one of the Old Dominion's new CVS type of carriers.

Shinra Republic Mourns Passing of former CSR President Stanislav

The former President of the Crimson Star Republic - now the Union of Crimson and Shadow Republics - has passed away, according to UCSR officials. President Rufus Shinra has declared an official period of mourning and ordered that flags be flown at half staff. No word yet has been given as to whether President Shinra will attend the funeral.

The Navy continues on with its construction, and the Shinra Republic acknowledges the death of Comrade Stanislav. Since I don't know the ultimate fate of Princess Lena nothing can be said about that.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
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And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by PeZook »

Orena Evening News

Day Of Mourning declared for late President Stanislav

Surprising both supporters and opponents of PeZookia's close ties to the communist nation of the USCR, King Paul declared a national day of mourning for the country's former president, who passed away yesterday in his mountain dacha.

His Majesty's opposition voiced their concern about this decision, however.

"Former president Stanislav was a man who created a cult of personality for himself, and ruled a brutal totalitarian dictatorship. Even after the sham "election", he continued to pull the strings from the shadows. Frankly, we find it offensive that the administration would find it necessary to honor this man, who stands against every value our nation holds dear."

The ruling party, however, claims that whatever past tensions and unease existed between PeZookia and the USCR, the communist nation remains a steadfast and reliable ally, and Stanislav himself was widely regarded as a respected statesman, and thus deserves rememberance.

Several anti-communist groups have already warned they will stage protests against any state-sponsored displays of remembrance for the late president.

Other headlines:

Princess Lena's fate still unknown: kidnappers release no statement

Border Guard bodies recovered: missing cutter located

Vulkan Launch Pad 8 completed at Comona Island ; Mass production of rockets begins

FASTA promises more manned lunar launches

PeZookian-ordered Colosus-class carrier laid down in Farbanti, Shroomania

Prime Minister Shroom: Not dead yet?

Fringe group claims ninjas work for government ; Royal Office denies allegations
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by DarthShady »

Palace of the Soviets, Stasograd
"I assume the funeral arrangements have been made." President Shady asked as he stared out of his office window, his hands firmly behind his back, his voice filled with an almost palatable sense of loss. A half empty bottle of Vodka stood on his desk, several other empty bottles lay on the floor - shards of glass spread out across the floor. It was clear that the President was not taking the loss of another friend easily.

"My people have taken care of everything, Comrade President. We are expecting many national leaders to attend the funeral. Comrade Stanislav was..." Yuri paused for a moment. No matter how emotionless and coldhearted he seemed to others, he still considered Stanislav to be one of his closest friends. "...a great man."

"That he was." Shady said and sat at his desk. "We have been losing too many great men recently." His thoughts were with Shroom, that was another loss the President found hard to accept.

"Indeed Comrade President." Yuri said and got up to leave the room. "Too many."

President Shady poured himself another drink. Shroom was dead, Paul's life was in shambles, and now Stanislav - where will it end? He did not lose just a friend, but a mentor - a man he could always count on to be there in his time of need. With the death of Stanislav, the burden was placed entirely on his back - he would lead the Union alone, without the guiding hand of Stas.

He poured himself another drink. "Here's to you, the dearest of all my friends..."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Raj Ahten »


President Ahten read the headlines dispassionately. So another old lion of of world politics had died with the passing of Stanislav. The President couldn't say he was sorry to see him go. The man had been a schemer who had been a decisive factor in the Imperial Powers return to Frequesue. A power politician of the old school. There were many more like him still on the world stage and President Ahten himself had moved back to such politics out of necessity. At least, that's how he saw it. Perhaps the world would be a better place once the current batch died off. As many were kings and emperors that ruled for life, a lasting peace would likely only be possible with the next generation. President Ahten just hoped he could lay the groundwork before he faded from the scene.

An aide said intruding on the President's thoughts,
"Should we send condolences to the Soviets due to the death of ex-President Stanislav?"
"No. In fact release no statement of any kind on the matter."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Lonestar »

Ares Blog

Details trickle out about new ODN CVS vessels
As work commences on the two "ASW" carriers that the ODN has ordered, details on the design have begun to trickle out into the public.

(1)The design is likely to be substantially larger than the 40,000tons previously quoted. The two vessels are more likely to be in the neighborhood of 50,000 tons.
(2)Concept models have shown AV-35s on the flight deck. It seems that the planned "ASW" air group will only have 6 strike/air defense aircraft, and they are likely to be AV-35s rather than F/A-18Hs.
(3)The two carriers will be using the Combat Optics SPY-5 phased array radar, with a "STAR-LITE" combat systems suite. A VLS launcher is located forward of the bridge, and will be able to operate either 8 Standard family missiles or 32 ESSMs(or a mix).
(4)The carriers will be using azimuth thrusters, making them the largest warships to use them. The carriers are expected to have a top speed of 28kts.

Virginia Pilot

Tony Roark smashes employee Shroomphone
Tony Roark, CEO of Roark Instruments, smashed a shroomphone that an employee was using to take a picture with at an employee event. Roark Instruments is a major smartphone maker, and the Shroomphone is current the dominant consumer smart phone on the market...[More]
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Siege »

City of Mdobe
Bissauru, Velaria


The city of Mdobe was tranquil in the light of the early morning. Peace had finally returned after the brief but violent civil war and the even shorter infighting between Shroomvez' lieutenants in the wake of his fatal poisoning. The bodies of Macias' militiamen and the lieutenants on the losing side of the struggle for power had been disposed, bulldozed into impromptu mass graves. The winners now patrolled the streets, by foot and in technicals, brand-new camouflage uniforms contrasting vividly with the eclectic, worn outfits the now-gone militias used to wear.

But there were new faces also. Black helicopters that buzzed the city, heavy SUVs and armored military vehicles, adorned with gray-on-black badges underneath which it read 'Risc Paramilitary Solutions'. The mercenaries had been hired by the fledgling new regime of Bissauru to secure key installations in the country: oil wells, airfields, mines and rail lines. Most of the mercenaries themselves were ethnic Velarians, but they didn't come from Bissauru – they were North Velarians, from Paradise Island mostly.

The official word was that they had been hired merely to assist the guerillas in securing the capital and the north of the country. But rumors on the street of Mdobe would tell you that they often conducted most of the fighting themselves. Unlike the militias the mercenaries had air support, had even brought mobile artillery. What little remained of Macias' security forces and fanatical paramilitaries had no real chance against the well-equipped and well-trained mercenaries. The situation in the old capital was still volatile, and as such the fledgling new government had set up shop in Mdobe. But from the look of it, all Bissauru would soon be under new management.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Steve »

Not up to writing a story post, suffice to say the PacUnion is using considerable Alaskan expertise in dealing with oil spills to mitigate the disaster. A few conspiracy mongers are claiming that it wasn't an accident but an intentional Japanistani economic-warfare attack because the Caymans normally gets oil from closer sources but nobody's really paying any heed to that (especially since the Caymans have enough corruption that buying a ship load of Japanistani oil was likely the term in some corrupt bargain by one local official or another).

Naturally we have also extended our condolences for Stanislav's death. President Garrett's presence at the funeral is expected. Though he wasn't as close to Stanislav as others, Stanislav was an excellent host during the 2010 Old Continent Tour and under his leadership and then Shady's ties between Cascadia/the PacUnion and the CSR/UCSR have been at their most friendly in history. Naturally this will cost him brownie points among the anti-Communists of the PacUnion.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Raj Ahten »

Inside Indhopal

The defense chiefs inside Indhopal were never really happy these days, but many of the projects they were undertaking were going quite well. The first 12 Griffin's and F-111X's to be produced on Indhopali assembly lines had now been integrated into the air force and the rest of the production run was on schedule. Japanistani contractors had also come though with the completion of numerous sub pens and air force bases scattered around the country.

The sub program was meanwhile a total mess. When the government decided to go into crash production of nuclear subs the whole program had been thrown out of whack. They had one new "improved" Vigilant and a new Barracuda but both were plagued with software problems and a host of other teething problems owing to their quick builds. Meanwhile the new type 212 missile variant was running yeas behind schedule. The only bright spot for the navy was the on time completion of four new type 212's, but that part of the program was practically on auto pilot anyway.

Crucially though the air defense system had just finished going through its biggest upgrade in decades. Huge new over the horizon radars and redundant command and control systems were now in place, among other upgrades. The designers considered a weakness to be the use of somewhat older missile technology in its interceptors. This had been mitigated by placing nuke tipped SAM's throughout the country. Even hypersonic bombers would have a hell of a time with that. The ISIA had thrown a conniption about the security ramifications of placing nukes all over the country but the strategic planners and more importantly the president considered it to be worth the risk.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Beowulf »

Summer Palace

"Comrade Stas is dead?" asked Beowulf.

"Yes, sir."

"Good Riddance."

"I don't think we can get away with not having someone at the funeral."

"You're probably right. Any volunteers?"

Crown Princess Meiling looked at the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. "I don't think I should go. They've got a bit of an anti-monarchy complex there. Eric, I think that means you."

"Bah. In other news, we've got a bit of a settlement going on around Port Nike."


"Well, when the guys on Port Nike want stuff, and don't want to necessarily go through on-base channels... That's when they meet those who supply such things. It's your standard settlement pattern: you setup a military base, and other people settle nearby. Typically they maintain order themselves, for a while, but then a higher authority is sometimes necessary."

"How long do you think that will take?"

"Couple more years. It's a bit different since the base is basically staffed with cops."

"Right. How's the weapon sales to Langley going?"

"Bunch of contractors put in bids, and we've offered the use of our Navy Yards for rebuilding the Ashford. No news quite yet on their selection."

"So what's this I hear about an oil spill?"

"Japanistani tanker broke it's back from a rogue wave. Happens every so often. We've already got some cutters heading out from Ya'an to help contain the spill, before it reaches territorial waters. Some people are fretting over the fact that it wasn't double hulled. It doesn't really matter, the wave would still have killed it regardless. Your grandfather mandated that any oil tanker visiting our ports needed to have a double hull, anyway."

"Good. Anything else need to be taken care of?"

"Not today."

"Alright folks, I'll see most of your tomorrow then."
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Mirakar Informer Netcast Tickertape:
National: Comrade Stanislav, former Premier of the UCSR, dies after unsuccessful surgery; -MI- Supreme Leader Ryan Thunder will be attending the funeral; -MI- Massive oil spill off the Cascadian coast shatters historical records; -MI- Ecology experts say oil spill off the Cascadian coast is "The worst ecological disaster since the biowar."; -MI- ...
Local: Keep it in your pants, goddamnit! Streakers in government offices will be prosecuted; -ULE- Trouble finding parking space? Mirakar Transit Authority buses offer nearly 100% coverage of the city streets and easy access to walkways. We'll get you from A to B in no time; -MTA- ...
Weather and Traffic: Time: 0935; -MI- Your local air quality: Excellent; -MI- Temperature: 25 C; -MI- Humidity: 55%; -MI- ...
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Bluewolf »

Cialan, Stanton, Hound Square, 20/9/09:

A lot of things had changed in the new year. In fact, the political landscape that Michael Thomason had once observed was being eroded and reshaped. It was being converted into something far uglier than he had intended. Something that had he had anticipated for a while yet had grown like a Cancer into something far worse than his predictions. The opposition parties were gaining more and more ground and it was a very real question to if that trend would stop. To make matters worse the bombing and chemicals that went off in PeZookia had caused Cialan to gain a paranoid streak than before. With such horrific terrorist attacks it could be said that this reaction was an understandable if undesired consequence.

Yet it was being played into people’s hearts. It was being drilled into their heads that potential threats that could rise and destroy Cialan like monsters under the bed. The collective fear of the country in a burning ruin was imagery that was pathetically easy to chisel into people’s hearts and minds and Michael knew all this. However there was little he could do to stop it and as he sat back in his office he wondered if anyone could now.

Of course he knew that some good had come so far. The Cialan-Shroomanian fishing project was bringing in lot of money and the harbours were said to have not been so busy in 15 years. To further such success the transport reformation was going smoothly (well as smoothly as one would expect from such a scheme). New road and rail networks were being constructed and Michael hoped that it would be the sign of a new, modern Cialan. The military expansion was doing well too with new planes and ships being admitted into Cialan ranks. Yet this was all overshadowed by one simple event.

That vote. That failed vote.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

CATO Defence Journal

High Power 150KW and 300KW Liquid Laser laser demonstrated

In a feat of engineering, Byzantine Heavy Industries demonstrated a high power 150KW and 300KW Liquid Laser. The laser has many notable advantages over existing lasers, in that it is far more compact and the 150KW laser can be mounted on vehicles as small as the Eagle Multipurpose vehicle. Trials are underway to deploy multiple lasers on platforms such as the A400M and it is expected that the Byzantine Defence Ministry will begin mass procurement of airbourne laser platforms by the end of this year.

(OOC: Essentially, HELLADS)


The Emperor of Byzantium arrived in Stasograd by train, and was met by an honour guard. President Shady was there to meet him, and the two men hugged, as it is in the manner of Slavs. "I grief for the loss of President Stanislav, Shady. But we have much to talk, especially on matters of especial interest."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Siege »


Underneath a sunny sky today the first train rolled over the Eastern Spur of the Trans-Frequesuan Railroad. Recently completed, the railway link connects Kruger Peak in Sabika to Witfontein in Omago, before heading east to the capital of Pietersburg and connecting with the Trans-Frequesuan.

The TRFR is the largest rail network of the continent, connecting the eastern and western continental seaboards. It connects Coilerburg, Sabika, Omago, Indhopal, Eastern Occidental, Fimbulwinter, Miratia, Tanstaafl, San Dorado and the Costa de las Cinco Muertes. Its total line length exceeds 9,000 kilometers.

The Eastern Spur was created primarily to cater to the growing demand for mass freight transportation capacity between the industries of northern Sabika and Omago. Demand for NFT goods continue to rise in Omago, increasing the pace of economic entanglement taking place in the East Frequesuan country.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Zor »

Union Press

Royal Zordinance begins negotiations for laser weapons

Today Royal Zordinance has announced that it has begun negotiations with Byzantine Heavy Industries on the matter of procuring Byzantine Laser Technology. "We desire to meet the challanges and dangers of this world head on", Royal Zordinance president Anderman told the press "and it will be an honor to work with some of the most talented engineers in the world."

Stasograd USCR

King Leighton-I's personnal Jet Liner arrived without incident with the King disembarking around 10:00, along with his personnal entorage and one Susan Shinoda, a Zorian Nobleman's daughter that he has been courting for the past few months. Soon after his arrival he met with President Shaddy and had a brief friendly exchange about the fallen leader.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Master_Baerne »

Baernish Minitry of Transportation
TO: Board of Directors, Trans-Frequesquan Railroad Corp.
FROM: His Excellency Count Adad, Minister for Transportation


As His Grace the Duke's Minister for Transportation, it is my duty to ensure that the Duchy remains connected to the rest of the continent by whatever means possible. Therefore, we would like your permission to construct a spur of the Trans-Frequesquan Railroad leading into the Duchy, with your own inspectors, of course, to make certain that grade, safety standards, and other concerns are uniform throughout.

Count Adad
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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