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Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-07 04:48pm
by Thanas
Lascaris wrote:*Churchill's speech*
Sänger nodded. He had tried - and failed. Now there was only one thing left to do. It seems as if they think they did no wrong.

"I thank the Prime Minister for the preceding statement. His chutzpah certainly cannot be matched. Sir, my congratulations for this successful exercise in rhetoric. However, in all its bluntness, the statement lacked one important thing - a factual basis.

Herr Churchill charges that Germany violated the treaty when it invaded the Low Countries and neither informed nor consulted Great Britain. However, even a cursory look through the records of the Admiralty would show that Great Britain was informed about German Naval movements according to the terms of the treaty. Great Britain was also informed about the ultimatum and the start of the hostilities along with every other nation in the world. Was Germany under any other obligation to inform Great Britain? Certainly not. Great Britain was neither allied nor had any other formal pact with the Low Countries.

Even more damning is that the British Government never lodged an official protest, nor made its opinion known to any nation during the time of the conflict. Nor did it lodge any official protest against the division of territory. You speak of vital interests, Sir, yet when it was time to make the opinion of the British Empire known, Great Britain was silent. Qui tacet, consentire videtur.

Thus, I can only conclude that this is a smokescreen, conveniently raised to obscure the issue at hand. And Herr Churchill has much reason to obscure the disgraceful behaviour of his Government.

Herr Churchill charges that this was only an offer for a defensive alliance. He fails to explain why the French President is convinced this was a foolish attempt to split the unity between Germany and France. He fails to explain why the French President believes it to have been a secret war plan. Herr Churchill fails to explain why it was necessary to use secret attempts in order to gain such an alliance. He fails to explain why the talks only revolved around the possibility of matching and outproducing Germany. Herr Churchill fails to explain why such an alliance would be necessary for France in the first place, unless he believes Germany is plotting against France, an idea that is so ludicrous that it discussing it any further would be an insult to any right-thinking person.

Herr Churchill, your feeble attempts to paint Great Britain as the wronged party here will not convince anyone of your innocence. But they do a great deal towards convincing everyone with regards to your guilt. And you have convinced me of one fact - arguing with your Government is pointless.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I feared this result. I came here as a last resort, to prevent a rift between our people. Instead of an apology, which would be the proper thing to do in such an instance, or an explanation, I received recrimination. Instead of an honest effort at preventing such a rift, I received further insult.

Herr Churchill, today you have further insulted the great nations of France, Germany and her allies. You might think this a wise course of action or one that might bring you rewards. Very well.

On behalf of the French Republic, the Kingdom of Spain and the German Empire, I hereby proclaim that Britain is no longer considered a friend, nor an honored partner. From now it is just another nation. I cannot speak for Tuscany or for Portugal, but rest assured, they too will hear of this insult to their allies.

Britain stands alone.

You may find us at Madrid, Paris and Berlin if you have the desire to change this situation.

Good day."

Breaking Protocol, Sänger put on his hat and walked out of the Parliament chamber, not wanting to take any further part in this charade. When he received the impression that Churchill had no remorse about breaking the treaty and poisoning the well, any further discussion would have become too painful and too degrading. Churchill apparently was of the opinion that the German Empire was the one that had to make amends. Well, he would not kotau to that person. Not with all the dignity of his office attached.

Reaching the SMS von der Tann, he retreated to his cabin in a foul mood. Hans took care of ordering the Captain to sea, and while the lines were cast off, Sänger's wife tried to lift his mood.

- Talk breaks down, Sänger leaves.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-07 09:23pm
by Master_Baerne
Open Communique to All Interested Parties
FROM: French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Majesties, Excellencies, Sirs,

The French government supports in full the statements of His Excellency Reichskanzler Sänger, and wishes to add that it had hoped for better from a nation with as long and distinguished a history as Great Britain.

Alain Dupont, President
Honore Lashaille, Foreign Minister

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-07 11:37pm
by Lonestar
Altdorf Times

Grim tidings for conservatives in upcoming 1928 general election.
As the various political parties prepare for the early 1928 general election, one thing is clear: The Whigs and to a lesser degree the Christian democrats are expected to lose and lose big as the influx of women voters tilts towards Labor and the Social Democrats, the leftwing block that crammed through a new voting law extending the franchise. For the Whigs, a party where not a single member in the legislature voted in favor of extending the franchise, it’s now a matter of desperate damage control. The leftist parties are already anticipating a new governing coalition with the Christian Democrats, and there are rumors of a new economic plan that would increase financial industry oversight as well as new labor rules…

Germans and Anglos rattle sabers
The German Chancellor Sänger stormed out of a session of Parliament after Winston Churchill failed to show him the due deference worthy of the flag-bearer of global socialism. Sänger appeared outraged that the British government formally codified their opposition to the annexation of the Low Countries following the short war last year. A Dominion naval task force dispatched for peacekeeping operations off the Kenyan coast ended up engaging a Dutch destroyer squadron that acted aggressive towards the vessels.

Relations between the British and the Germans appear to be at low ebb, and as yet there has been no formal response from the foreign ministry…

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-08 07:22pm
by Lascaris
The Daily Mail

Outrageous German Behaviour in parliament

In front of both houses of parliament and his majesty the king, German chancellor demands earth and water from Britain accompanied with thinly veiled threats of war, accuses his majesty's government of supposedly planning to attack Germany and trying to recruit France in said attack, then departs parliament and the country in gross violation of all diplomatic protocol.

The Telegraph


The German chancellor after for one more time showing his complete disregard to the guarantees to Belgium both Prussia and Austria had signed, accuses Britain of secret diplomacy after he was the protagonist to secret diplomacy, conspiring and starting a war, dismantling a whole country as he saw fit and treating his own citizens in Alsace Lorraine as some many bargaining chips in his deals with France.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-08 07:25pm
by Lascaris
The Daily Mail

Diplomatic correspondence between France and Britain published, German accusations clearly shown to lack all basis

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-09 07:25am
by Thanas
Berliner Zeitung
April 20th, 1926

First Dominion SPG evaluation models arrive at Venice
A Dominion freighter today delivered the five SPG models for evaluation and testing. If successful, German armament companies are expected to purchase a license for adaptation to German guns. This is surprising considering the relationship between the Grand Dominion and Germany has been less than cordial...
Sänger put away the newspaper and nodded, noticing that Hans had arrived with a small package. "Thank you, Hans. There were no difficulties in procuring it?" "No, Herr Kanzler." The Reichskanzler smiled. Some good news.

He put the small box in his suit pocket and made himself ready to go. However, before he did so, he had two more diplomatic dispatches to sign.

From the German Empire to all Nations

Be it hereby known that the German Empire makes an open offer for the following Navy contracts for the Auxillary fleet of the Kaiserliche Marine:

No specific German design in existence, open offer to all design bureaus of all nations
Required Specifications:

Code: Select all

Displacement of 10.000 tons standard, excess of 16000 DWT total
Must be able to hold Oil, Water, Aviation Fuel, Fuel, Diesel
Maximum speed of 20 knots
No less than 10000 nm at cruising speed of 15 knots
Turbo-electric propulsion system, dual-shafted, must be compatible with German models. License of German engines preferred. 
Must have at least 2 gun mounts carrying either German 5"/38 or 4"/39 DP guns, as well as at least 4 mounts for dual or quad 40mm AA and at least six mounts for quad/sextuple/octuple 20mm AA guns. All weapons to be purchased from German manufacturers or license built.
Amount: 10 ships, to be split in no more than 3 separate contracting nations. Each Partner must commit to the building of at least 3 ships.

No specific German design in existence, open offer to all design bureaus of all nations.
Required specifications:

Code: Select all

Displacement of 10000 tons standard
Must be able to carry supplies to German Naval bases as well as normal harbors. A large cargo capacity for shells, torpedoes and bombs is required. Security and safety are of the utmost importance. 
Same armament and propulsion as CONTRACT A
Amount: 5 ships, if possible to be handled by a single contracting nation.

No specific German design in existence, open offer to all design bureaus of all nations.
Required specifications:

Code: Select all

Displacement of 5000 tons standard
Must be able to supply and repair smaller ships as well as being able to carry supplies to German Naval bases. A swallow draft is required. 
Propulsion: Turbo or turbo-electric, single or dual shafted. 20 knots max speed, at least 5000nm range @ 15 knots
Armament: 2 single mounts for German 5"/38 or 4"/39 DP guns, as well as at least 2 mounts for dual 40mm AA and at least 4 mounts for quad or sextuple 20mm AA guns.
Amount: 5 ships, if possible to be built by a single contracting nation.

CONTRACT D - TROOP TRANSPORT, SMALL (replacement for Bremen class)
Ships to be built to a specific German design.
Displacement: ~4000 tons standard.
Other design details to be kept secret until offers arrive.
Engine and armament must be imported from Germany.
Contract is for 12 ships and may be split.

CONTRACT E - TROOP TRANSPORT, MEDIUM (replacement for Bremen class)
Ships to be built to a specific German design.
Displacement: ~6000 tons standard.
Other design details to be kept secret until offers arrive.
Engine and armament must be imported from Germany.
Contract is for 36 ships and may be split.

The German Navy is willing to pay above market price.
All Offers are subject to approval by the Chancellery.
Deadline for offers is July 1st, 1926. At that time, contracts will be handed out between competing nations.
All contracting nations must agree to let German Navy Engineers from the Reichsmarineamt to oversee the building process and must adhere to German Navy quality standards.
All armament and (if used in the design) armor must be purchased from German firms to ensure compatibility with German equipment.
In case where German designs will be used, Germany will not allow any further ships built to those designs unless explicitly agreed upon.

The Chancellery eagerly awaits your offers.

Großadmiral Scheer, Oberbefehlshaber Kaiserliche Marine
Sänger, Reichskanzler

This offer was a result of the German shipyards finding themselves unable to meet the demands of the Kaiserliche Marine, as most of them were busy producing either capital ships or ships for the Merchant Marine.

The other offer was of a more joyous nature.
From the Imperial Chancellery of His Imperial Majesty, Wilhelm II., von Gottes Gnaden Deutscher Kaiser, König von Preußen, Reichsverweser von Österreich und Ungarn, etc., to the Head of the Royal House of Spain, Her Royal Highness Queen Marian of Spain (snip titles)*


Your Royal Majesty.*

We hope this message finds your Majesty in good health. Without a doubt you have heard of the tragic loss of the wife of the Crown Prince to the German Empire and King of the Netherlands and of the Belgians. We are inquiring if your Majesty would consent to a union between our Houses and if that were the case, if your Majesty would be so kind as to allow a delegation of our embassy to visit the prospective candidate and/or sent the relevant information. The House of Hohenzollern would be grateful to receive information about the age, education, religion and (if applicable) previous marriages/issue of the prospective candidate.

Your ever faithful servant,
Johannes Sänger, Reichskanzler.
*OOC: Every other nation that has a Royal House will receive a similar message. Simply replace Royal Majesty with "Imperial Majesty" or other appropriate title if necessary.

His duties for the day complete, Sänger left to head home.

As the car neared the house, Sänger looked out the window. But as hard as he tried, he could not make out the precautions taken. After the attempt on the Queen of the Netherlands, Sänger had taken steps to ensure the safety of his family. Upon the recommendation of the General staff, he had enlistened the help of a promising young Oberstleutnant named Model, who had somewhat gathered a reputation for being one of the best defense tacticians there were. It was primarily Model who had drafted the plans for securing the House. Now, the House had its own battery of eight 88mm/52 AA cannons, which also could act as anti-tank cannons if necessary. More 40mm and 20mm emplacements had been set up around the vicinity of the house, well concealed. The only obvious sign of increased security was a guard post controlling the road, but it was far away from the main house, leaving enough time for an early warning if somebody tried anything. All in all, the house was now defended by over four companies of Gardesoldaten, including three mounted squadrons who patrolled the grounds and guarded Natasha during her frequent riding trips. The soldiers were exchanged every month and housed in a makeshift barracks about 2 km away from the main house.

All in all, the Kanzler felt quite safe.

April 21st

"Happy Birthday." Natasha, now 21, smiled as she received the first present of the day from her husband. It was a shawl made of chinese silk, embroidered stitched with her initials. "Thank you." She leaned over and kissed her husband. After a few minutes of contended silence, she added: "You know, in about six months you'll have to remember another birthday besides mine."

- The German Empire looks for new auxiliary ships
- The German Empire looks for a new future Queen
- Natasha is pregnant

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-09 05:51pm
by Siege
Approaching Rotterdam


The upper deck of the Egyptian battleship Sayf ad-Din the Lawgiver was crowded with officers and sailors as the massive vessel slowly cruised toward the coast and the Dutch port of Rotterdam. This was only the second time an Egyptian battleship had ventured this far out into the world in recent times, and for the sailors it was a great adventure.

An adventure also because they had attracted quite the attention on their way -- on their voyage through the English Channel a number British warships had approached to within firing range, presumably to take a closer look at the approaching vessel. The Sayf ad-Din was a German-built warship of the Baden class and several British battleships had approached aggressively until they had spotted the golden eagle on the field of green and white that was the flag of the Sultanate. After that they had each promptly rendered the proper honours... But it was quite clear the tensions between the United Kingdom and German Empire was far from a thing of the past.

That was hardly a matter that overly concerned the officers now watching the approaching port however. Colonel Anwar Abu Taleb of the Army of Egypt watched as the great Dutch port slowly resolved into view. A flight of Fokker monoplanes buzzed overhead, possibly some of the very aircraft the Sultanate had sold the Germans months before. In a way that deal was the reason Abu Taleb was headed for the Empire now. The Germans had expressed an interest in acquiring certain military technologies the Sultanate had pioneered in Sudan, and the Colonel was here to make that happen. Abu Taleb smiled a little. No doubt one of the reasons for the sudden interest from Germany were the recent visit by Von Schenk, the exiled -- or not so exiled anymore -- Germany count. The Colonel had heard a great deal about that: supposedly Von Schenk had made a small fortune buying into the German shipbuilder Vulcan Stettin... Shortly after talking to the Chancellor, the Crown Prince and the Emperor himself. Abu Taleb could respect the devious talent for wheeling and dealing the foreigner appeared to possess. It remained to be seen if he himself was cut from a similar cloth.

- An Egyptian colonel arrives in the Reich to conduct some business with the Germans.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-09 09:15pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Großadmiral Scheer, Oberbefehlshaber Kaiserliche Marine
Sänger, Reichskanzler

Georgi Patrokos
President of Constantinople Shipyards Pte. Ltd.

Dear Mr Chancellor,

Constantinople Shipyards is prepared to furnish the entirety of the order over the course of a 3 to 4 year period with appropriate scheduling. We are prepared to offer the following terms:
  • Ships requiring a full design process would require a year of design and appropriate manpower charge at a negotiable rate.
  • Ship cost would be calculated based on base cost plus an additional up to 40% of the base cost as company profit.
  • Complete adherence to Kaiserliche Marine requirements with regular bimonthly meetings between designers and relevant Kaiserliche Marine authorities
  • Allowance of regular inspections of ships under construction by relevant Kaiserliche Marine authorities
  • Complete adherence to German Navy quality control and standards of construction
  • ... <Other miscellaneous terms>
All terms are negotiable, but you can be certain that Constantinople Shipyards Pte. Ltd. is a shipyard backed by the Byzantine Imperial Government, and has hundreds of years of ship construction experience, and is heavily involved in the Byzantine Imperial Navy's ship construction projects. We offer excellent quality control and standards, and we always meet and exceed the exacting requirements of the Byzantine Imperial Navy.

Yours sincerely,
Georgi Patrokos
President of Constantinople Shipyards Pte. Ltd.

<The letter obviously includes other offers including potential ship designs and drafts as such.>

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-11 10:45am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Großadmiral Scheer, Oberbefehlshaber Kaiserliche Marine
Sänger, Reichskanzler

Nika Phoros
Parakoimomenos of the Byzantine Imperial Palace

Your Excellency,

I read with interest of your desire to wed the Crown Prince to a woman of royal birth. The Princess Alexandria Komnenos is at this moment unwed, though she is considered to be a fairly learned and career minded woman and pursues a career working in Constantinople Shipping Pte. Ltd. The Basilleus is open for possible marriage negotiations, and I and the Exarch Ignatius Korolev, Minister for Foreign Affairs, would travel to Berlin can travel with the Princess at your convenience to discuss matters.

Yours Sincerely,
Nika Phoros,
Parakoimomenos of the Byzantine Imperial Palace.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-12 12:26am
by Lonestar
Admiralty Row

The Lady Katherine Phyllis Pardeep Madhuvanthi Bucher Sheremetev strolled into Lord Fairfax’s office. Only a year older than Lord Fairfax, her marriage to a White Russian exile had come to an abrupt end when the chemist died of cancer. Vasily had been a capital fellow, Lord Fairfax thought, and after his death the Lady Katherine had thrown herself into her academic work in archeology, supervising digs throughout the country, and even getting an invite by the Shepistani Federal Museum of Natural Sciences to study some of the Indus Valley sites.

“Kate, so good to see you. How goes the archeology business?”

“It isn’t a business. Why did you recall me to the capital, cousin?”

Fairfax sighed. “I am dispatching a goodwill mission to the German Empire, and I want you on it.”

Katherine looked up at the ceiling. “Victoria,” her assistant, “was right. You’re going to try to set me up with some Hohenzollern princeling…”

“Not just any. The Crown Prince himself.” When Katherine raised an eyebrow Fairfax continued. “You haven’t heard? The Crown Princess was assassinated.”

“How awful! No, I haven’t heard, I’ve been schlepping around the Indus for the past 6 months, specifically to get away from court life.”

“Court Life, or Vasily’s ghost?”

“Watch it.” Katherine paused. “European royalty is an odd lot, I mean, they don’t even recognize Sanskrit as the preeminent classical language. As for the Hohenzollerns themselves, if the Crown Prince has the same taste in women as his father it certainly wouldn’t work. I am not some dumb cow from Denmark who blindly follows the every order of her husband, with no independent thought.”

“No, you certainly are not. You’re a Fairfax.” Fairfax scratched his chin. “I would never barter away family members like so many trade goods. That’s why I’m sending you on this mission, to meet the man and draw your own conclusions. The worst case scenario? Nothing happens and you spend some time talking to your German counterparts in Academia, which would be the cover anyway. I, uh, do think you should probably refrain from referring to his mother as a ‘dumb cow from Denmark’ while you’re there.”

“Of course.”

Results: Lady Katherine departs a board the Enrico Dandalo for the German Empire. She is 30, had a previous marriage, no children.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-15 02:20am
by Lonestar

The Enrico Dandalo eased into the Venetian Lagoon with the men not at Sea and Anchor manning the rails. Lady Katherine and her assistant Victoria stood on the Port bridge wing looking at the city. A small customs boat carrying the City Fathers was puttering on its way out to the Dominion cruiser.

Katherine sniffed. “Lord, this place stinks. It’s like an open air sewer!” Which it was, after a fashion. The Kingdom of Italy hadn’t done a whole lot to rectify the situation and the federal nature of the German Empire meant that improvement efforts had been relatively slow moving. To Katherine it was hard to imagine that the vessel’s namesake came from such a misbegotten place.

Victoria remained silent. Katherine had spent the entire trip grousing, which is what she did whenever she was nervous. For her part she hoped everything went well, after Vasily died Katherine had become a virtual shut-in…except, of course, she spent time at dig sites rather than cloistered away in a palace somewhere. As the silence stretched Victoria spoke.

“The city is kind of lovely milady.”

“A little bit.” Katherine conceded. “And I am looking forward to exploring the city before heading to Germany proper. I hope the Hohenzollerns are more affable in private than they are in public. And that Kaiser Bill doesn’t get a hang-up over a large dowry; my cousin would never surrender land.”

“Any man that you could imagine yourself spending the rest of your life with wouldn’t insist on it, milady.”

“No, I suppose not. Well, here they are.” The boat full of officials was coming along side. “Let’s go.”

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-15 09:30am
by Akhlut

Roman Ungern von Sternberg fumed yet again.

Damned Jewish-Communists!

Yet again, the vile menace of the Hebrew-Bolsheviks had made itself very well known, as they had shot the beautiful, wonderful queen of the Low Countries. They had lain low the Tulip of Amsterdam to further their own, despicable ways.

This cannot - no, will not - stand.

He immediately sent a letter to the publishers in Munich and asked them to distribute free copies of Der Große Kampf to as many people as possible, especially in Belgium and the Netherlands, and with a hastily written new preface to the book about the efforts of the Jews in this latest tragedy and offense against the world. He hoped that the Germans, Dutch, and Belgians would take his words to heart and eliminate the Jewish-Communist parasites from their presence and cleanse their nation of such filth.

And, then, he started writing speeches for his own candidacy for election to the seat of the Khan. Elections were only about 2 years, after all, and he needed to get his name out before that miserable Commie-Sympathizer Angarag got reelected.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-15 04:41pm
by Thanas

The guns of the newly installed 16"/50 battery had thundered out a welcome to the Enrico Dandalo, followed by the guns of the SMS Radetzky, the gunnery training ship of the Kaiserliche Marine. Radetzky was the last dreadnought still "in service" of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, her sisters having either been sent to the breakers or sold. And with the sale of the Navaro-class cruisers and the Tatra-class destroyers to the USA it was the only Austrian ship left.

The Lady Katherine was welcomed by the City Fathers and the various officials, including the German Naval attache. She was given a tour of the city, including the newly built infrastructure improvements. This was especially true in the Grand Station, where the Lady and her entourage boarded a train to Berlin.

The men of the Enrico Dandalo were given opportunity for shore leave. The trainees of the Radetzky had been reminded to not give in to temptation and start fights, with the police been given authorization to deal swiftly with any troublemakers. After all, the visit should not be marred by any incident.

Reichskanzlei, Berlin
June 12th, 1927

From her Royal Majesty, Marian, Queen of Spain etc., to Dr. jur et phil Johannes Sänger
- Private -

My dear Johannes.

I have received your letter from the 8th with great joy and only regret that the demands of the state prevent me from writing as often as I would like.

Thank you for inquiring about my health, I am quite fit. I still ride and exercise daily and it does not come hard to me. I hope this letter finds you in great spirits as well. Over here the apricot trees have started to blossom and I enjoy the walks through the garden just as much as I did when I was younger.

Speaking of blossoms, my dear friend, please convey my congratulations to your lovely wife, who I hope to see in person soon. I have sent her a gift which I hope will be of much joy to you as well. My heart swills at the thought of your fortune.

I hope to make a small contribution to that fortune - and indeed the fortune of the whole of Germany - as well. My niece, Infanta Maria Elisa, of Spain, the eldest child of my late sister Maria, has indicated her interest in visiting Berlin and the court at Amsterdam. I support her decision and hope you do as well.

Dear Johannes, do you remember the discussion we had about the divine right of kings and queens? At that time you declined to take a stand, saying that it very much depended on the quality of the house in question. You have given that answer with regards to the Royal House of Hohenzollern with the new constitution. However, I hope the same judgment does not apply towards my house, but even if it does, my dear friend, I hope it may be swayed after you met Maria, for she is the very picture of loveliness. I can only hope that she will find in you as good-natured a friend as I have.

I happened to read the newest article of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut - the excavations at the visigothic churches in Andalusia seem to confirm your theory of a massive use of pagan spolia in christian churches. I congratulate you on your victory in this regard, as I recall we had a heavy discussion about this when you were at the university in Madrid.

I am afraid my chief minister has arrived, so I'll have to cut this letter short. My council has agreed with your modifications to the plan of President Dupont. The relevant orders have been issued. I pray to God we shall succeed in this endeavour.

I hope you will receive my niece favorably and that your wife and you will take great joy in my present to you both. After all, it is from my dearest companion over the years.

With warm regards,
your friend Marian.
Sänger winced as he put the letter away. She really is putting the thumbscrews on me this time. Of course, besides the various personal things mentioned in the letter, there was the underlying political context, which of course was not visible in the letter, but which was there nevertheless. Queen Marian was not married and from what Sänger could tell she had no real aspiration to get married.

He smiled as he remembered the Queen. Julia and he had found her quite disagreeable, for the future Queen was very much a firebrand those times, accepting her viewpoint as absolute. Of course, nobody knew back then that she was the crown princess, which also was the reason neither Julia nor he had held back in discussions. Which, given that their viewpoints were often contradictory, had resulted in many an occasion where the parties involved had stormed out, usually muttering some kind of insult while doing so.

It was only later, after Julia's death, that Marian and he had found common ground, when she had written him a condolence note. Still, they had found it hard to be in the same room for a long period of time, because each had a tendency to argue and view him/herself as the intellectual superior. So they communicated mostly from afar, an arrangement both found preferable. Of course, both had become very fond of each other.

That however did not mean that Sänger wanted to support Marian's niece. After all, if she was anything like her aunt, he'd rather not deal with her in person at all. But as alyways, political realities had to be considered. The Queen of Spain was not married and had no designated successor. In fact, the Assembly of Spain had studiously avoided the issue. Of course, if her niece would bear a child....

That line of thinking however brought its own problems. The future ruler of Spain would have to be reared catholic - something Prussia would never swallow. And as usual, there would be the divisive Spanish society. The Navy (which used almost exclusively German ships, was taught according to German Doctrine and trained with the Kaiserliche Marine) would back it, as would the majority of the partially German-owned industrial sector. The conservative elements in the Spanish society and the far-left would hate it, and although in the minority, they were quite powerful.

All in all, these questions weighed heavily on Sänger's mind - nevermind the Spanish approval of the French plans - when he decided to put off answering the letter immediately. There were other things to be done first, things that were far easier to deal with in comparison.
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:From:
Nika Phoros
Parakoimomenos of the Byzantine Imperial Palace

Your Excellency,

I read with interest of your desire to wed the Crown Prince to a woman of royal birth. The Princess Alexandria Komnenos is at this moment unwed, though she is considered to be a fairly learned and career minded woman and pursues a career working in Constantinople Shipping Pte. Ltd. The Basilleus is open for possible marriage negotiations, and I and the Exarch Ignatius Korolev, Minister for Foreign Affairs, would travel to Berlin can travel with the Princess at your convenience to discuss matters.

Yours Sincerely,
Nika Phoros,
Parakoimomenos of the Byzantine Imperial Palace.
From the Chancellor of the German Empire to the Parakoimomenos of the Byzantine Imperial Palace

Your Excellency,

his Majesty the Kaiser has received your missive with much joy and anticipation. We hereby invite you and the Exarch Korolev to attend the signing ceremony of the new naval contract on June 26th. If time constraints are not too prohibitive, I would welcome an audience with her Royal Highness, the Princess Alexandra Komnenos. To avoid public embarrassment in the regrettable event of a union not coming to pass, I would suggest her Royal Highness accompany the delegation of Constantinople Shipping Pte. Ltd. in her capacity as an employee of that company. The Kaiser and the Crown Prince will both attend the contract signing, as shall I. A reception will be held at the Stadtschloss afterwards.

Sänger, Reichskanzler
Then, of course there was the matter of the Dominion Princess and her visit. The lady had already boarded the train for Berlin and was scheduled to meet both with him and the Hohenzollern in two days.

Which left the Egyptians. About that, there should have been a report....

Reaching into the newest status report of the Netherlands, he flipped the pages. Ah, yes....paratrooper training....wait, what? He immediately reached for the phone. "Field Marshal von Mackensen. Yes. Yes, I'll wait." A few minutes later, the phone rang. "Field Marshal. I am sorry to disturb you at such a late time, but do you mind explaining to me how we lost close to a hundred tons of military explosives?"

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-16 05:00pm
by Siege
Contract between the German Navy and KTW Aegyptischer Marine KGaA.

The present contract is to be signed between the Kaiserliche Marine (in the following referred to as KM) and KTW Aegyptischer Marine KGaA. (in the following referred to as KTW Egypt).

For the purposes of the present contract, the following expressions are to be understood in the sense hereafter defined.

1. Standard Displacement
The standard displacement is the displacement of the vessel, complete, fully manned, engined, and equipped ready for sea, including all armament and ammunition, equipment, outfit, provisions and fresh water for crew, miscellaneous stores and implements of every description that are intended to be carried in war, but without fuel or reserve feed water on board.

2. Ton
The word "ton" denotes the ton of 2,240 lb. (1,016 kilos).

(rest snipped)


1. Primary duties
Under the terms of this treaty, KTW Egypt will built 12 6000ton and 12 4000ton transports according to a design submitted by the German Navy. In return the German Navy will pay a sum not less than .....

2. Construction of the ships
Construction is to start at the shipyards of KTW Egypt no later than July 10th, 1927. The ships shall be launched no later than June 1928 (in the case of the 4000t transports April 1928) and be turned over to the German Navy for final fitting out or complete the fitting out phase at KTW Egypt. In case of the latter option being chosen by the KM, the KM will pay a sum not less than....

3. Materials used by KTW Egypt
KTW Egypt shall have a choice of either using steel provided by German companies or equivalent Egyptian products. This option shall equally apply to all other materials used by KTW Egypt.

4. Materials to be imported from Germany
Notwithstanding previous clauses, Armor plating has to be purchased from Krupp industries. KTW Egypt may substitute this with Egyptian armor plating of equal quality, providing it passes muster at the KM proving grounds.
All weapon systems have to be purchased from German Armament companies.
The Engine of the ships has to be imported from Germany.

5. Standards
All components as well as the ship have to confirm to German quality standards. KM shall be allowed to conduct regular tests. All ships have to pass inspection and sea trials before final payment is made.

6. Exceptions to the above clauses
Should extraordinary circumstances prohibit an Egyptian adherence to Article 4, Egyptian companies shall be allowed to license-produce the components needed. Design plans of all parts mentioned in Article 4 will be delivered to the German embassy at Cairo to be turned over to Egyptian industries in such a case. This license only applies to the amount of parts needed.

7. Disputes
In case of any dispute as well as the adjudication of damages to be paid by any party a neutral panel composed of the Republic of Cascadia and the Byzantine Empire shall render final judgment.

8. Cancellation
Either party may cancel without any damage incurred until August 1st, 1927. After that period, no party may cancel until a replacement for the canceling party has been found.

*snip rest*

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-16 05:16pm
by Thanas
Magazin der Deutschen Kriegsindustrie

SPG finish trials, to be purchased from the Dominion

The German Army announced today that the SPG prototypes bought from the Dominion have succesfully completed the last test - carrying the 15 cm Kanone 16 by Krupp and the 15 cm Autokanone M. 15/16 by Skoda. The Chassis were able to handle the weight in an excellent manner. Funds have been allocated to replace the guns from the currently motorized artillery (using tractors) with SPGs, whereas those guns will be used to replace dutch guns. Skoda has received the majority of the contracts and will manufacture the guns in Plzeň.

Standardization process deemed a success, Krupp, Rheinmetall, Thyssen, Mauser, Becker, Spandau Arsenal, MAN, Sennheiser to expand further
The Standardization process started by the German Army and Navy is deemed to be a success as nearly all companies report that production lines have been set to manufacture standard sizes while production lines for older guns have been mothballed or modified for new guns.

Due to the ongoing process of standardization and modernization all companies mentioned above aim to expand. Most of the expansion is actually not expansion in the truest sense of the word, but merely the completed conversion of the former dutch defence industry.

Current state of naval gun orders
The German Naval department today released figures of orders not yet completed:

Heavy guns:
Order 1: 42 18" guns from Krupp, delivery date January 1929
Order 2: 72 8"/60 guns from Krupp, delivery date September 1927

Medium guns:
Order 1: 72 5"/38 DP guns from Krupp, delivery date September 1927
Order 2: 96 5"/38 DP guns from Skoda, delivery date December 1928
Order 3: 48 5"/38 DP guns from Krupp, delivery date January 1928
Order 4: 92 5"/38 DP guns from Krupp, delivery date June 1928
Order 5: 48 4"/39 DP guns from Krupp, delivery date December 1928

AA guns:
Order 1: 144 40mm AA guns from Spandau Arsenal, delivery date September 1927
Order 2: 384 40mm AA guns from Spandau Arsenal/Rheinemetall, delivery date December 1928
Order 3: 240 40mm AA guns from Spandau Arsenal, delivery date January 1928
Order 4: 616 40mm AA guns from Spandau Arsenal, delivery date June 1928

Order 5: 288 20mm AA guns from Becker/MAN, delivery date September 1927
Order 6: 528 20mm AA guns from Becker, delivery date December 1928
Order 7: 288 20mm AA guns from MAN/Rheinmetall, delivery date January 1928
Order 8: 944 20mm AA guns from Becker, delivery date June 1928

Current options held by the German Government:
504 5"/50 DP guns from Krupp, delivery date January 1928
432 5"/38 DP guns from Krupp/Rheinmetall, delivery date January 1928
40 5"/38 DP guns from Krupp, delivery date January 1928
12 150mm/45 DP guns from Skoda, delivery date January 1928
12 105 mm/45 DP guns from Rheinmetall, delivery date January 1928
720 4"/39 DP guns from Krupp/Rheinmetall/Skoda - delivery date January 1928
132 88mm/56 DP guns from Rheinmetall/Krupp, delivery date January 1928

1824 40mm AA guns from Becker/Spandau Arsenal/Rheinmetall, delivery date January 1928
280 40mm AA guns from Spandau Arsenal, delivery date June 1928
3792 20mm AA guns from Becker/Spandau Arsenal/Rheinmetall/MAN, delivery date January 1928
840 20mm AA guns from Becker/MAN, delivery date June 1928

Land guns/infantry weapons:
The current replacement program attempts to shift out of service all british-produced guns from the former dutch army. This necessitates equipping over 800.000 active and over 3 million reservists. The current program is scheduled to be completed within 6 years, unless war necessitates a faster replacement. Weapons to be taken out of service are to stored, with a gradual scrapping process being started with the oldest guns. The scrapping process will be finished within 16 years. The replacements are made according to the new guidelines for the future state of the German Artillery laid out in the recent study by the Artilleriekommission....
Berliner Nachrichten
June 12th, 1927
Late edition

New cases challenge German society
It has been little over a year since the passing of the new constitution, and already the Reichsgericht has made a number of landmark rulings.

In one such ruling, a women was denied entry into the Heer combat units. The court stated that while being possibly discriminatory, the fitness standards for combat units and unit cohesion prevented women from serving in combat arms. The court however decided to leave open the possibility for women joining non-combat services and said that a new law passed by the Reichstag might change the situation. Already, leading feminists have called upon the Reichstag and Reichskanzler Sänger to address this problem. In a short statement, the Reichskanzler said that the issue was under review, but that he would leave the final decision up to the Heer.

The court also ruled that while the constitution did not apply directly between two private individuals, certain situations require a direct influence of them to private law. In another recent case, it was declared that it was illegal to refuse to rent an apartment to somebody of a different skin colour. The situation arose when the plaintiffs, a couple from the German colony of Ghana, were refused an apartment with the words "We do not rent to n*****". Conservatives lamented this decision as a loss of private autonomy.

In another case, the court ruled that the right of the press to publish information overrides a need for security except in such cases where such information directly threatens the national defence. In the specific case, a reporter was accused of espionage after publicizing several details about German Naval maneuvers without clearing it with the Marineamt. The court ruled that information that was freely obtainable by legal means (e.g.: watching maneuvers with binoculars) could be published without fear of reprisal.

German conservatives deplored the latter two decisions as "extremist socialist attack on the foundations of our society" and noted that the deciding votes came from four new judges appointed in this year, who were confirmed by the votes of the catholic Centrum, the liberal bloc, the SPD and the socialists.

Reichskanzler Sänger offered no comment other than that he respected the independence of the judiciary.

Dominion Princess visits Germany
The Lady Katherine, next in line to the throne of the Grand Dominion, is scheduled to visit several places in Germany, including a private dinner with Kaiser Wilhelm and Reichskanzler Sänger (more)....

Mongol radical finds publisher, sparks discussion
In the wake of the assassination of the Queen of the Netherlands and of the Belgians, the Mongol radical Baron Roman Ungern von Sternberg has found a publishing house for his book Der Große Kampf. The publishing house in question is primarily owned by Russian Exiles, with a secondary share held by the publishing house of prominent conservative politician Alfred Hugenberg. The book is distributed free of charge on German streets. It's main premise is that an international alliance of Jews and Communists plan to take over the Reich (and by extension, the world) and that the recent assassination was just the first step in such a takeover.

Prominent jewish politicians, including Walther Rathenau, former Secretary of Foreign affairs and among other Honours the recipient of the Order of the Red Eagle (Knight First Class), have called upon the Government to ban the book. Herr Rathenau recently served as the Reich's special envoy in the Kenyan crisis.

The Staatsanwaltschaft confirmed that a lawyer, Moses Korn, has reported the Baron for "attempting to incite violence" and for "libel". An investigation is ongoing. However, the Staatsanwaltschaft also stated that as the Baron is a foreign national, the chances of indictment are very slim. However, an investigation has also launched into the book itself, which allegedly bears resemblence to the banned works of one Adolf Hitler, who was hanged for organizing the Munich coup two months before the new constitution banned the death penalty in all cases except in the time of war. The King of Bavaria and the Emperor had refused to pardon Hitler.

Export ships finish fitting out
The Battlecruiser and battleships destined for the nations of Spain and China have finished fitting out and are now starting their six-months sea trial period. They are joined by the four Lexington-class carriers, of which two are destined for the French Navy. Unlike the carriers destined for France, the German carriers will start trials with a full complement of aircraft. The sea trials will take place in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.

The Navy also announced that the six Hamburg-class light cruisers and the four Störtebeker class cruisers have finished the first two thirds of their sea trials, all ships are going to be commissioned into the Navy in August.

Novara-class cruisers, Tatra class destroyers to be sold to the USN
The Reichsmarineamt announced today that the two Novara-class Rapidkreuzer and the two Tatra class destroyers were sold to the US Navy for use as target ships. The ships have already been handed to American crews.

Grand Duchy of Oldenburg honours Sänger
The Grand Duke of Oldenburg has honored the Reichskanzler with the Grand Cross of the House and Merit Order of Duke Peter Frederick Louis and decorated several Dutch policemen as well as Kapitän zur See Karl Dönitz with the Knights Cross of the same order for "excellent leadership in a time of crisis" and the quick resolution to the assassination of his daughter. As always, the Reichskanzler accepted the honour as dictated by his office, but declined to wear the honour.

June 12th,
9:00 PM

When Sänger came home, he could not help but wonder what the Queen of Spain had meant with her message. A gift coming from the dearest companion of hers.... He quickly discarded his coat and walked up to the room he shared with Natasha. As usual, she was still up, reading a book. Unusually however, her favorite hunting dog, a German Shepherd called Clara, was curled up at her feet. When Sänger entered, the dog got up and greeted him. Smiling, Sänger bent down and petted her. "Hey there, girl."

Yet when Sänger got closer to Natasha, he heard a growl. Though it did definitely sound like Clara. When he stepped even more closer, the growl intensified. The Chancellor stopped and looked at his smiling wife, who lifted the book to reveal a Rottweiler puppy sitting in her lap. "Isn't he adorable?" Natasha calmed the dog with one hand and took the hand of her husband in the other. The dog sniffed Sänger's hand, then licked it. "We must write to the Queen to thank her. Clara finally has someone to look after."

Sänger looked over to the German Shephard, who was looking at the puppy with something he thought was disapproval. And then he remembered the large Rottweiler the Queen had taken with her from a visit to Germany a few years ago. I hated that beast. Seeing that Natasha however was absolutely taken with the little thing, Sänger nodded. "Yes. We must." I really hope this is just the instinct for mothering every little child that pregnant women get.

As if to affirm his impression of its parentage, the puppy chose that moment to take a little playful bite. Unfortunately for the Chancellor, the teeth were already fully in place.

The next morning, Sänger was greeted with odd looks at the Chancellery as he sported a bandage on the index finger of his right hand.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-16 05:30pm
by Thanas
The Egyptian colonel had been shown around in the factory and had delivered his cargo of blueprints. Soon, the factory started churning out parachutes. The Colonel was then lead to an airfield where a company of infantry had been set up. These men would be the instructors for the rest of the parachutists the German Empire wanted to train - an endeavor which the Egyptian Sultanate had decided to support - for a price, of course.

Rotterdam harbor
The Dutch resistance cell - or what was left of it - had finished loading the river barge with over fifty tons of explosives. The other fifty tons were to be employed elsewhere. Jan Mertens, the new leader, thanked the spirits of Marx and Lenin for the godsend of the German Army deciding to replace the Dutch weapons. With several hundred artillery pieces moved each month, there had always been the chance of bureaucratic mistakes and even the highly efficient German Army made mistakes.

One such mistake had been approving an order sending nearly 100 tons of explosives to an unguarded depot that was originally due to be abandoned. The order had been formulated by a clerk with resistance sympathies and passed to the desk of an overworked German Major with an alcohol problem, who, after being supplied with the right spirits, had signed off on it. As soon as the Germans had left, those explosives had been taken by the resistance.

Of course, the "mistake" had been discovered and the Major was immediately removed after he could not explain the disappearance. From what Mertens had heard, the head of the German Army had personally intervened in it.

But of course, the Germans need not worry. Mertens had already devised a plan to deliver the explosives right back to them.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-16 06:04pm
by Siege
Villa Von Schenk
Muizz Street, Old Cairo


A small, satisfied smile played around the lips of Count Siegfried von Schenk as he briefly scanned his latest bid for obscene riches. The papers laid out on the elegant garden table in front of him spelled out the details of a deal between the Imperial German navy and a subsidiary of his massive and ever-growing business empire, KTW Aegyptischer Marine KGaA. A deal that would see no less than twenty-four troop transports built for a sum of money that would make the eyes of even the richest Sheiks water. Between this, his stakes in the Vulcan-Stettin wharves, his myriad investments (some under different names) in the Dutch and Belgian economies his diversification into Europe was going well.

The Sultan, of course, didn't like it. Or rather, his court didn't. What the Sultan thought (or whether he even cared in the first place) was ever a mystery. But there was little the Diwan could do to the Count without courting disaster -- by some estimates he already owned 0.60% of the entire Egyptian economy. There were people on the planet richer than Von Schenk: the American Rockefeller certainly had more funds at his disposal. But there weren't many, and unless you counted princes and kings there certainly weren't many in Europe or Africa. Despite his exile (or perhaps because of it), despite everything that had happened to him, he Count was quite preposterously rich, and he stood to become even moreso if his plans for the future paid off.

"My master says to congratulate you on your exceptional success," a voice said. This time, for the first time, the Count managed not to jump out of his skin, although it took all his willpower not to do so. Not a single leaf had stirred in the garden as the man had seemingly materialized out of thin air just a few centimetres behind the Count, a testament to the assassin's training.

The man appeared almost offensively non-threatening. At five foot, maybe five foot four he was much smaller than Siegfried, and both his face and body posture were so bland one could look at him and instantly forget about him a moment later. Of course, that was the point -- the assassins were not chosen for their formidable looks, quite the opposite in fact. But there could be no mistaken the message the Sultan had once again sent him: the man had appeared in the middle of the Cairo garden without even so much as disrupting the song of a single bird, and in the time he had taken to speak ten simple words he could also have put a poisoned dagger in the Count's back.

"Again you have defeated my guards," Siegfried concluded. He looked over his shoulder and did his best to look as bored and unsurprised as possible. "As exceptional as my success may be, your skills appear even moreso... Dhul Fiqar." It had taken the combined effort of nearly all of his sources within the Citadel of Saladin and a not-inconsiderable amount of bribes to track down the name of the assassin, and even that was probably not the real name.

Dhul Fiqar thought the Count, and he scowled inwardly. The name of the Prophet's blade. Who is this guy kidding? He's pretty good as far as stone killers go, but he's nothing more. But then instead of the expected surprise he saw the man's small smile, and his train of thought stopped in its tracks. Sudden realization dawned. They wanted me to know he instantly knew with startling clarity. I didn't track it down at all. He gave it to me. The Sultan gave me that name as another message, a message-within-a-message. And as far as Abu Khalid Musa'ed Hashim al-Din bin Abdulmuin, the Great Sultan, was concerned, it wasn't a very subtle one: however high you might ascend, as long as you are within my realm I can strike you down whenever I please, for the sword of the Prophet is at my side.

"That's just entirely too theatrical," the Count murmured. He shook his head and looked back at the assassin to find the man had gone again, exactly the way he'd come. That was not entirely unexpected. Siegfried had been visited by the assassin at least once every month, and despite all the bodyguards he had posted around the house and all the sharpened security measures -- he had even imported a South American expert on 'moving pictures equipment' to see if that could help -- the Hashshasheen still penetrated the four layers of security of his villa with supernatural ease. The Count rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the papers on the table. "Maybe I should move to Europe," he said to no-one in particular. "See if you can work your crazy disappearing act as easily there as you can do it here..."

He didn't really mean it though. As much as he loathed the idea of an assassin being able to get to him this easily, there was an odd comfort in knowing the Sultan was really this all-powerful within his own domains. And Dhul Fiqar's monthly visits had become something of a real life game of chess, an attempt by the Count to evade with modern security the centuries of experience the Assassin Cult had with infiltrating the most secure of locations. Sooner or later I'll get it right he thought, and then abruptly stopped and frowned. And what when I do? he wondered. How will the Sultan react then?

He scowled again, this time outwardly, grabbed a pen and scribbled a quick note telling the workers he had contracted to renovate his old estate in Germany that if they finished the work in less than the allotted time they would receive double the pay. Someday soon, I might need a bolt hole after all...

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-17 02:29am
by Akhlut
Thanas wrote:Image
Mongol radical finds publisher, sparks discussion
In the wake of the assassination of the Queen of the Netherlands and of the Belgians, the Mongol radical Baron Roman Ungern von Sternberg has found a publishing house for his book Der Große Kampf. The publishing house in question is primarily owned by Russian Exiles, with a secondary share held by the publishing house of prominent conservative politician Alfred Hugenberg. The book is distributed free of charge on German streets. It's main premise is that an international alliance of Jews and Communists plan to take over the Reich (and by extension, the world) and that the recent assassination was just the first step in such a takeover.

Prominent jewish politicians, including Walther Rathenau, former Secretary of Foreign affairs and among other Honours the recipient of the Order of the Red Eagle (Knight First Class), have called upon the Government to ban the book. Herr Rathenau recently served as the Reich's special envoy in the Kenyan crisis.

The Staatsanwaltschaft confirmed that a lawyer, Moses Korn, has reported the Baron for "attempting to incite violence" and for "libel". An investigation is ongoing. However, the Staatsanwaltschaft also stated that as the Baron is a foreign national, the chances of indictment are very slim. However, an investigation has also launched into the book itself, which allegedly bears resemblence to the banned works of one Adolf Hitler, who was hanged for organizing the Munich coup two months before the new constitution banned the death penalty in all cases except in the time of war. The King of Bavaria and the Emperor had refused to pardon Hitler.
Commie-Jew bastards!, thought the Baron. They'll try every duplicitous measure they can to get to me! I better get some of my cavalry friends together to start helping to defend me from their claws...

He soon picked up a pen and sheet of paper to mail to the Berliner Nachrichten.
Letter to the Editor wrote:
Dearest Editor,

It has come to my attention that several of your nation's Jewish Cabal are involved in an attempt to smear my good name and try to eliminate my hue-and-cry about the dangers that they represent to the German people in particular, and all good people the world over in general. Due to the sizable German presence in my fair Mongolia, I have access to your wonderful broadsheet, and I must say that the news that a number of Jewish persons would attempt to silence my works and attempt to indict me for a crime is disheartening and frightening. I shudder to imagine what they would do to Martin Luther and his luminary text On Jews and Their Lies.

I also wonder what crimes they speak of? If I incite violence, it is only towards those Reds responsible for the murder of an innocent and pregnant woman. Who do I libel if I speak the truth? These men seek only to repress the truth itself and hide their perfidious ways. So, I say to the fine people of Berlin and the world over: awaken and see the truth! These snakes are seeking your freedom and your life! Don't let the awful alliance of Hebrews and Communists destroy the foundations of the world you live in!

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-17 09:17pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Imperial Chronicles

"Is this my father's express wish, or his order, Nika?" asked Alexandria Komnenos.

Nika Phoros paused and thought for a while what he ought to say. The two were in the residential wing of the Imperial Palace, where the Imperial family stayed. "M'lady, you know your father's stance on this. He dotes on his children that much, and he believes ultimately it's your personal choice. The days of... marriage alliances mattering much has dimmed considerably."

"Well that is obvious, especially when the worth of royalty has diminished considerably, with the communists and all. These days, my father justifies his worth by his general efficient administering and running of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence. I wonder if future heirs of the Empire will be just as good."

"M'lady, he ensures everyone of you gets an excellent education, and ensures no favouritism is shown, as a vanguard against that. There are indeed bad Emperors, but the efficient running of the state machinery ensures that things do run smoothly regardless."

"That indeed. I do not intend to give up my career just because I marry a prince."

"So I have figured. Will you at least give this matter a chance?"

The princess thought for a while, and then replied, "I guess I will. Make ready for departure then."

"I will do so, m'lady. Exarch Ignatius Korolev will accompany us as well."

"Ah Ignatius, I haven't spoken to him for a while. I guess this will be good company."

"Indeed, m'lady."

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-18 07:16am
by Siege

The director of the Kom Al-Dikka theater of Alexandria has announced that his theater intends to perform a remake of the famous 1913 futurist opera Victory Over the Sun. The futurist opera, written by Mikhail Matyushin and Aleksei Kruchenykh, has been a smash hit in the USSR ever since in 1920 it was reworked into a suprematist ballet by Viktor Malevich and El Lissitsky. Both Malevich and Lissitsky are members of UNOVIS, a group of Soviet Russian artists based out of Vitebsk and considered some of the chief cultural propagandists of the Soviet government.

El Lissitzky 'Neuer [New man]' 1923 colour lithograph

The decision by the Alexandrian theater to bring the play to the Sultanate has met a mixed reception. Workers unions from the Yishuv and Alexandria regions have reacted with enthusiasm, but many anti-communist and Islamic organizations have expressed outrage. "The decision by the Kom Al-Dikka theater makes clear that communist sympathies have been allowed to fester for far too long in the heart of our glorious Sultanate," reads a press release by the traditional Islamic theater group Wahdah Islamiyah, famous for a series of plays depicting eras of the Prophet's life. "We beseethe our Sultan and his most wise government to put a stop to this absolutely despicable play before it is allowed to pollute the hearts and minds of the people."

Lissitzky's designs for a mechanically staged futurist opera tells the story of a man of the future who challenges nature, captures the sun and subdues it as a rival source of power. The 'new man' is brave, arrogant, heedless, optimistic, in love with arms, technology and progress. The play requires a massive, and highly expensive, electro-mechanically powered stage. It is unclear whether the Al-Dikka will build its own version of the stage or import an existing one from the USSR. Certain is however that the opera will be translated from Russian into Arabic so that it will be easier to understand for the average theater-goer. "That is, after all," says Al-Dikka director Qasseem al-Hudari, "the intent of the play: to simultaneously enlighten and entertain the working classes".

Opponents of the play have already announced they will picket the gates of the theater should the play ever go into production in the Sultanate. Also a lawsuit against the theater has been filed with the Kamooz Legal Court in Alexandria, citing "anti-government and anti-Islamic propaganda" as the reason why the play ought to be banned. A counter-suit has been filed by the Ashkelon Worker's Council on behalf of the Comintern, citing freedom of artistic expression as a fundamental right of all people. In response to anonymous threats made against the Al-Dikka theater communist organizations have threatened to form armed mobs to protect the theater, actors and artistic director if the authorities will not provide adequate protection.

The issue has so far failed to elicit a response from the Greater Diwan or the Caliph of Cairo. The Emir of Alexandria has released a brief statement citing that all disruptions of day-to-day life in his city and emirate will be dealt with most harshly and decisively.

El Lissitzky 'Victory Over The Sun - The Machinery (1923, colour lithograph)

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-18 10:23pm
by CmdrWilkens
Headlines from Cuidad de Mexico:

* Socialist Party wins big in provincial elections, Conservatives sweep northern territories
* Parliamentary elections still "too close to call"
* Next generation radio equipment set to debut on the newest Battlecruisers
* Monoplanes: Safe or tools of self-destruction?

/OOC yeah just little filler stuff, the parliamentary elections at the end of this week should be a big story-post.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-19 01:00am
by MKSheppard
Shepistani Naval Enquirer

Today, the Shepistani Naval Ministry issued a request for proposals for offers for the manufacture of no less than 500,000 naval mines of various types in use by the Shepistani Navy.

Proposals shall be in by the close of business next week...

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-19 05:26pm
by Master_Baerne
Le Monde

Simonist Party Majority Shaken: In a startling upset, five seats in the Parliamentary Senate thought to be solidly Simonist have gone instead to members of the minor parties. Two seats, both from Le Havre, are now in the hands of the Conservative Union, Messrs. Phillippe Marceau and Pierre Fenetre having been elected with slim majorities. Two more, from Orleans, now belong to the Bonapartists, as does a seat from Brest - these elections came out more solidly anti-Simonist. In a poll conducted in three major cities, Le Monde found that Simonist Party support is at its lowest levels in two decades among the working-class, especially those without current need of medical care, while support remains high among professionals and military personnel. Small though the change may seem to be, it may well signify a change in the winds of French politics. See Elections, page 6...

Armee de 'Air Seeks New Bomber Design: In a move that many in Paris are calling 'Detrimental to French industry,' Colonel Lemonte of the Ministry of War announced today that the AdlA will hold an open competition for its new bomber design. French designs will be given all due consideration, says Lemonte, "But care must be taken not to develop a fatal case of tunnel vision. French martial pride will permit nothing less than the best for our men in uniform." See Planes, Page 2...

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-21 01:28am
by Lonestar
Altdorf Times

Dominion firms forbidden to bid on Kaiserliche Marine vessels
Dominion firms are not authorized to bid on the recent tender for the Kaiserliche Marine, the Altdorf Times has learned. According to sources in the foreign ministry, there are concerns that any conflict with the Germans will be a naval one, and so "we shouldn't do anything to help them." This is in sharp contrast to the recent sale and licensing of SPGs to German firms...

BBs, BCs launch
The first 4 capital vessels of the 1925 naval program, the 2-Centurion BBs and 2 Mercury BCs have launched and are currently being fitted out. The remaining 4 vessels were laid down within hours of the drydocks being cleared...

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-21 04:36pm
by Thanas
June 15th, 1927

The Klaus Störtebeker drew out of the harbor, her consorts Gödeke Michels, Hennig Wichmann and Magister Wigbold following. Having finished fitting out and completed preliminary sea trials, now it came to put the ships to the test. Fully stocked and crewed, they would make a run to Iceland on their cruising speed of 21 knots and then conduct a more leisurely tour to Spain and France before returning.


The trains that had arrived in the morning disgorged more and more men until there were over 6000 men assembled. These were a strange, yet well-known sight in German ports. For they wore Spanish uniforms and the Spanish Navy was well known as the little brother of Germany's own. Without wasting a moment, the Spanish sailors boarded the two battleships and one battlecruiser that were destined for Spain. Meanwhile, the German trial crews were removed from those ships and amalgated with those of the aircraft carriers and chinese export battlecruisers. These too would deport for a small cruise in the north sea - now with fully formed crews - but unlike the ships leaving Kiel, these would only cruise to Helgioland and back. After all, unlike the Kieler ships, these had just started sea trials.