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Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-19 06:48am
by Siege
Several days after the Dominion had sent its message concerning their plans to improve the fortifications of what they called the 'Crusader's Gate', a reply arrived from the Sultan's court. And from the Balkan Confederacy, and the Byzantines, for that matter:
Priority telegram sent to the government of the Grand Dominion of the Indies:


The Egyptian Sultanate, Balkan Confederacy and Eastern Roman Empire hereby jointly express their extreme concern over and condemnation of your stated intention to further enhance the fortifications on the Perim island in the Bab el-Mandeb.

The Bab el-Mandeb waterway is of vital importance to world trade and of the utmost strategic importance to the alliance of Aegean powers. Our three nations find your plans redundant, restrictive, a threat to the freedom of the seas, and a clear sign that you intend to hold hostage the Suez Canal and all shipping that passes through it.

Any attempt to further fortify your positions in the Bab el-Mandeb area will be considered an attempt at intimidation of the Aegean Axis and a grave threat to the peace and stability of Arabia. Should you decide to continue this extremely provocative course of action, you may rest assured that the Aegean Axis will respond appropriately.


Abbas ibn Kareem al-Filisteeni
Wazir ud-Daula for the Sultan of Egypt

Ivo Kosor
Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Balkan Confederacy

Michael Kantakouzene
Chartoularios tou kanikleiou of the Eastern Roman Empire
The three nations had agreed to give the Dominion several days to respond, before releasing the message to the press.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-20 06:03am
by Lonestar
Admiralty Row

"Well it was worth a shot. Tell them fine, the guns will be used to reinforce the port of Aden instead." Lord Fairfax said.

"Just like that? 'Fine'?" Marshal Piper scowled. "You can't be serious..."

"Marshal, the worst case scenario is that we don't have those two 16/45s there. We still have other fortifications, and we can still raise merry hell if the situation calls for it. I understand the Joint Coast Defense Committee even drew up plans where the guns were used for the defense of Aden instead, correct?"

"Yes." Piper said. "That doesn't mean I don't like it."

Lord Fairfax stood up and walked over the global map on the wall. "I don't like it either, but it isn't a scenario we can pull a victory out of. We'll have the guns reinforce Aden instead. If the argument is that they are afraid we'll close off sea traffic, then they shouldn't care about augmenting the defenses of the main population center in Dominion Araby. If they complain about that, well, then I guess we know it's a case of the Egyptians just not wanting the Dominion to take steps to secure it's possessions in Araby. But I think the Greeks will be less inclined to go to war in order to help the Egyptians expand. I will further propose that a neutral third party, such as the Manchus, the Mexicans or Americans, can permanently station an observer mission at Fortress William if they are so worried about us sneaking around and under the cover of darkness pouring several thousand tons of concrete and fitting the guns. The Germans already agreed to send an observer mission, which means they are willing to take our claims at face value(publically), so we can offer to redirect the mission to the Aden Fort Complex instead."

"I still don't like it."

"Is that going to be a problem?"

Marshal Piper exhaled through his mustachios. "No sir."

"Alright." Lord Fairfax sat back down, picked up the phone, and had the switchboard operator connect to the foreign ministry. "Vladimir, here is what I want you to tell the Aegean Axis...."

-Message sent to Aegean Axis
-Defenses at Fortress William will not be significantly upgraded beyond routine refurbishment and renovation
-The two guns originally set for Fortress William will instead be installed at a new three-singlegun turret fort complex at the guns can operate both out to sea and towards the interior.
-Offer a neutral third party, such as the Manchus, Americans, Madagascarns, Mexicans, to have a mission to Fortress William to confirm that we are not installing two new large caliber guns.
-The military observer mission for the installation remains open to Germany, which had already expressed an interest. If Germany wants their mission to observe the construction of the new fort complex in Aden, then can.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-21 11:55am
by DarthShady
Outskirts of Sarajevo, The Balkan Confederacy


Trains. Everywhere the eye could see, there were trains. They were being loaded up with military equipment, men, supplies. It seemed like the entire Confederate army was on the move, at least to the civilians watching from a distance. In truth it was just a small portion of the army being relocated. The 4th and 5th Army Corps were moving out, and they were bringing all of their equipment with them, artillery, vehicles, everything.

Their destination, Tehranopolis in the Byzantine Empire.


- The 4th and 5th Army Corps is being relocated to Tehranopolis.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-21 04:51pm
by Thanas
Note: major fluff post. If you do not want to read through it, just skip it. It is a lot of technical stuff with no effect on game performance.

German General Staff,

General Staff Study about German guns, prepared by the Außerordentliche Kaiserliche Artilleriekommission.

According to the new directive of standardization and optimization, the Außerordentliche Kaiserliche Artilleriekommission has prepared this report about the status of German guns.

The ultimate and utmost goal is to keep the German Artillery the supreme force in Europe. The secondary goal is the modernization of the German Artillery force. The tertiary goal is the further standardization of the German Artillery pieces and to ensure cross-capability with the German Navy.



It is to be noticed that the incorporation of the Austrian and Dutch Armies has presented the German Army with some problems. Many Austrian pieces were outdated and the Dutch pieces (most of them having been produced in England) are incapable to be fired with standard German projectiles. Nor are German companies allowed to continue production of those guns or ammunition due to lack of licenses from Britain. This means the Dutch guns have to be replaced by German guns.

Currently, the following guns are found in the inventory of the German Army:


Light infantry mortar:
7.58 cm Minenwerfer n.A (Rheinmetall, standard light infantry mortar)
9 cm Minenwerfer M 17 (Hungarian Gun Factory, standard for Austrian and Hungarian troops)
Comments: The 9 cm Minenwerfer M17 shall no longer be ordered due to its inferior performance to the 7.58 cm Minenwerfer n.A. However, due to its large numbers already in stocks, it shall not be replaced outright.

Medium infantry mortar:

12 cm Luftminenwerfer M 16 (Austria Metal Works)
17 cm mittlerer Minenwerfer (Rheinmetall)
Comments: The 12 cm Luftminenwerfer M 16 sucessfully replaced the earlier 10.5 cm Luftminenwerfer M 15 and 15 cm Luftminenwerfer M 15 M. E. in use by the German Army and is one of the few examples were an Austrian design was superior.
The Rheinmetall 17 cm has proven its worth in the trenches of Italy.

Heavy infantry Mortar:
20 cm Luftminenwerfer M 16 ( Austria Metal Works)
25 cm schwerer Minenwerfer (Rheinmetall)
26 cm Minenwerfer M 17 (Skoda)
38 cm calibre sehr schwerer Minenwerfer (ssMW) (Rheinmetall)
Comments: The Austrian mortars are too heavy and offer little advantages to the Rheinmetall weapons. Thus, the 25 cm schwerer Minenwerfer will continue to be the mainstay heavy infantry mortar, with the 38cm ssMV supplementing it. The Austrian guns will be phased out.

There shall only be three types of infantry mortars purchased in the future:
7.58 cm Minenwerfer n.A (Rheinmetall) - as light infantry mortar
12 cm Luftminenwerfer M 16 (Austria Metal Works) - as medium infantry mortar
17 cm mittlerer Minenwerfer (Rheinmetall) - as medium infantry mortar
25 cm schwerer Minenwerfer (Rheinmetall) - as heavy infantry mortar
38 cm calibre sehr schwerer Minenwerfer (ssMW) (Rheinmetall) - as superheavy infantry mortar

A new 5 cm mortar shall be ordered for 2-man portability and produced as soon as possible, to replace the older 9cm Minenwerfer and the 7.58 cm Minenwerfer.


Currently in Service:
- 7.7 cm Infanteriegeschütz L/27 (Krupp)

Currently testing:
- 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 (Rheinmetall)
- 15 cm sIG 27 (sIG 33) (Rheinmetall)

The 7.5cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 seems promising and will replace the 7.7 cm version. The 15cm should not be adapted due to its weight unless light-alloy carriages can be found.


Currently in Service:
Skoda 7.5 cm Gebirgskanone M. 15
Skoda 100 mm Model 1916
Skoda 10 cm M. 14 Feldhaubitze

Currently testing:
- 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 (Rheinmetall) (mountain)

The 7.5cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 seems promising and will replace the 7.5 cm Skoda gun, as that gun's muzzle velocity is lacking. The other guns are tested and true, there is currently no reason for replacing them.


Currently in service:

- 7.7 cm FK 16 (Krupp)
- 8 cm FK M 18 (Skoda)

Proposed modification:
- 7.5 cm FK 16 nA (Rheinmetall)

Currently, the Skoda 8cm FK M 18 is the highest-performing light field gun in service. The proposed modification by Rheinmetall would result in the same performance of the 7.7 cm FK 16. Thus, it shall be implemented as soon as possible. There is currently no reason to design a new light field gun.


In service:
10 cm M. 14 Feldhaubitze (Skoda)
10.5 cm Feldhaubitze 98/09 (Krupp)
10.5 cm leichte Feldhaubitze 16 (Krupp)

proposed new gun:
10.5 cm leFH 18 (Rheinmetall)

The new 10.5 cm leFH 18 sounds promising and shall be adopted as soon as possible. The 10 cm M.14 Feldhaubitze shall be phased out due to its different caliber, the 10.5 cm Feldhaubitze 98/09 shall be phased out due to its inferior performance to its successor gun, the 10.5 cm leichte Feldhaubitze 16.


in service:
10.4 cm Feldkanone M. 15 (Skoda)
10 cm K 14 (Krupp)
10 cm K 17 (Krupp)

10 cm schwere Kanone 18 (Krupp)

The 10cm K 17 and the 10.4cm Feldkanone M. 15 are the best guns fielded, equivalent in performance. The 10 cm K 14 shall be gradually phased out. The 10cm schwere Kanone 18, while in testing, has not shown as much promise as was hoped for and may be too heavy for normal usage.


in service:
15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze M 14 (Skoda)
15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze M. 15 (Skoda)
15 cm sFH 02 (Krupp)
15 cm sFH 13 (Krupp)
21 cm Mörser 16 (Krupp)

Proposed new design:
15 cm sFH 18 (Krupp)

The 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze M 14 (Skoda) and the 15 cm sFH 02 shall be withdrawn as soon as possible. The 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze M. 15 and the 15 cm sFH 13 are adequate, but necessitate a replacement in the future, which shall be the proposed new Krupp design, the 15 cm sFH 18. The 21 cm Mörser 16 shall be continued to be purchased.


in service:
15 cm Autokanone M. 15/16 (Skoda)
15 cm Kanone 16 (Krupp)

Neither gun necessitates replacement yet. However, in 1934, a new gun should enter service to replace the aging ones. As neither gun is superior, both shall be continued to be purchased.



in service:
21 cm Mörser M. 16/18 (Skoda)
21 cm Mörser 16 (Krupp)
28 cm Haubitze L/12 (Krupp)
305 mm Model 1911 (Skoda)
38 cm Belagerungshaubitze M 16 (Skoda)
42 cm Autohaubitze (Motorized Howitzer) M. 16. (Skoda)
L/12 42-cm Type M-Gerät 14 Kurze Marine-Kanone(Big Bertha) (Krupp)

Due to their high cost, no gun shall be directly replaced. However, for the future it is recommended to concentrate on the following models:
21 cm Mörser 16 (Krupp) - due to its superior performance to the Skoda 21 cm Mortar and its lower weight which saves about 5000 pounds
305 mm Model 1911 (Skoda) - due to its lower weight (and equal performance) to the 28cm Krupp, which has a weight of 20t (Krupp 28cm: 50t).
L/12 42-cm Type M-Gerät 14 Kurze Marine-Kanone(Big Bertha) (Krupp) - due to higher rate of fire, superior performance and lesser weight than the 38 and 42 cm Skoda designs.

A new gun should enter service in about 1934.


in service:
24 cm Kanone M. 16 (Skoda)

The 24 cm Kanone M. 16 is an excellent design and shall continue to be purchased.


in service:
15 cm SK L/45 "Nathan" (Krupp)
17 cm SK L/40 i.R.L. auf Eisenbahnwagen (Krupp)
21 cm SK "Peter Adalbert" (Krupp)
24 cm SK L/30 "Theodor Otto" (Krupp)
24 cm SK L/40 "Theodor Karl" (Krupp)
28 cm SK L/40 "Bruno" (Krupp)
28 cm K L/40 "Kurfürst" (Krupp)
35 cm Marinekanone L/45 M. 16 (Skoda)
38 cm SK L/45 "Max" (Krupp)

Design studies:
80 cm K (E) (Krupp)
21 cm K 12 (E) (Krupp)

Railroad guns seem to be a thing of the past. With most motorized heavy field guns delivering the same or better performance without being constrained to railroads, most Railroad guns are outdated and shall not be replaced once they are worn out. However, most of them have the advantage of having longer range, so they can still serve as siege guns.
Guns who have neither range or performance advantage, shall be retired or relegated to the reserves immediately. These are: 15 cm SK L/45 "Nathan"; 24 cm SK L/30 "Theodor Otto"; 28 cm K L/40 "Kurfürst".
The only guns who shall be considered for purchase in future railroad artillery brigades, shall they be formed, will be:
- 21 cm SK "Peter Adalbert" (Krupp)
- 38 cm SK L/45 "Max" (Krupp) due to having the longest range and heaviest shell of any of them
Both guns are compatible with their naval versions and therefore will help standardizations.
Krupp has submitted two initial design studies and funds for testing have been approved. However, it is unclear how much value either of the designs will have.


in service
20mm (Becker, Spandau Arsenal, MAN)
40mm (Spandau Arsenal under license from Swedish Bofors)
88/L56 (Krupp)

The Flak is the area where the best results of standardizations have come into play. The same guns are used by the Navy, Army and Air Force. No new guns are deemed necessary to be developed. However, it is recommended looking into adopting the Naval 4" dual purpose gun for FLAK service with the Heer, but there is currently no need for that.


In service:
Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr (Mauser)
40mm (Spandau Arsenal)
7.5 cm (Rheinmetall)
88/L56 (Krupp)

The Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr has too little stopping power against new tank models and shall be discontinued. The 40mm is currently sufficient, but may need upgrades in the future. The 7.5 cm and the 88/L56 guns are currently overkill, but shall be readied for rapid purchase in the future if the face of warfare changes


New cannons shall be purchased and put into service as soon as possible. However, the German Army faces a major problem. Due to the Dutch armies using mainly British cannons and the companies lacking the licenses to continue production of them and their ammunition, all weapons the formerly Dutch Army used have to be phased out. This means continued usage of older guns for the German Army as new guns will first have to go to the Dutch Army. We expect the situation to be remedied by 1929, at which time German brigades will receive upgrades.

Newly formed brigades shall have the following artillery complement:

- 21 cm SK "Peter Adalbert" (Krupp)
- 38 cm SK L/45 "Max" (Krupp)

21 cm Mörser 16
305 mm Model 1911 (Skoda)
L/12 42-cm Type M-Gerät 14 Kurze Marine-Kanone(Big Bertha) (Krupp) - due to higher rate of
24 cm Kanone M. 16 (Skoda)

10.5 cm leichte Feldhaubitze 16 (Krupp) as howitzer
- possible future replacement : 10.5 cm leFH 18 (Rheinmetall) -
10.4 cm Feldkanone M. 15 (Skoda) or 10 cm K 17 (Krupp) as field guns
- possible future replacement 10 cm schwere Kanone 18 (Krupp) -
15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze M. 15 (Skoda) or 15 cm sFH 13 (Krupp) as heavy howitzer
- future replacement: 15 cm sFH 18 (Krupp) -
21 cm Mörser 16 (Krupp) as heavy howitzer
15 cm Autokanone M. 15/16 (Skoda) or 15 cm Kanone 16 (Krupp) as heavy field gun

7.58 cm Minenwerfer n.A (Rheinmetall) as light infantry mortar
- to be replaced with 5 cm infantry mortar -
7.7 cm Infanteriegeschütz L/27 (Krupp) as infantry support gun
- to be replaced with: 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 (Rheinmetall) -
7.5 cm FK 16 nA (Rheinmetall) or Skoda 8cm FK M 18 as light field gun
10.5 cm leichte Feldhaubitze 16 (Krupp) as howitzer
- future replacement : 10.5 cm leFH 18 (Rheinmetall) -
10.4 cm Feldkanone M. 15 (Skoda) or 10 cm K 17 (Krupp) as field guns
- possible future replacement: 10 cm schwere Kanone 18 (Krupp) -
15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze M. 15 (Skoda) or 15 cm sFH 13 (Krupp) as heavy howitzer
- future replacement: 15 cm sFH 18 (Krupp) -
21 cm Mörser 16 (Krupp) as heavy howitzer
15 cm Autokanone M. 15/16 (Skoda) or 15 cm Kanone 16 (Krupp) as heavy field gun

INFANTRY BRIGADE, STURMTRUPPEN or INFANTRY BRIGADE, PIONIERE (difference in number of guns, Sturmtruppen being specialized assault troops, Pioniere being combat engineers)
7.58 cm Minenwerfer n.A (Rheinmetall) - as light infantry mortar
- to be replaced with 5 cm infantry mortar -
12 cm Luftminenwerfer M 16 (Austria Metal Works) - as medium infantry mortar
17 cm mittlerer Minenwerfer (Rheinmetall) - as medium infantry mortar
25 cm schwerer Minenwerfer (Rheinmetall) - as heavy infantry mortar
38 cm calibre sehr schwerer Minenwerfer (ssMW) (Rheinmetall) - as superheavy infantry mortar
7.7 cm Infanteriegeschütz L/27 (Krupp) as infantry support gun
- to be replaced with: 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 (Rheinmetall) -
7.5 cm FK 16 nA (Rheinmetall) or Skoda 8cm FK M 18 as light field gun
10.5 cm leichte Feldhaubitze 16 (Krupp) as howitzer

7.58 cm Minenwerfer n.A (Rheinmetall) - as light infantry mortar
- to be replaced with 5 cm infantry mortar -
12 cm Luftminenwerfer M 16 (Austria Metal Works) - as medium infantry mortar
Skoda 7.5 cm Gebirgskanone M. 15
- to be replaced with 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 (Rheinmetall) (mountain) -
Skoda 100 mm Model 1916
Skoda 10 cm M. 14 Feldhaubitze

7.58 cm Minenwerfer n.A (Rheinmetall) - as light infantry mortar
- to be replaced with 5 cm infantry mortar -
12 cm Luftminenwerfer M 16 (Austria Metal Works) - as medium infantry mortar
17 cm mittlerer Minenwerfer (Rheinmetall) - as medium infantry mortar
25 cm schwerer Minenwerfer (Rheinmetall) - as heavy infantry mortar
7.7 cm Infanteriegeschütz L/27 (Krupp) as infantry support gun
- to be replaced with: 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 (Rheinmetall) -
7.5 cm FK 16 nA (Rheinmetall) or Skoda 8cm FK M 18 as light field gun
10.5 cm leichte Feldhaubitze 16 (Krupp) as howitzer

7.58 cm Minenwerfer n.A (Rheinmetall) - as light infantry mortar
- to be replaced with 5 cm infantry mortar -
7.7 cm Infanteriegeschütz L/27 (Krupp) as infantry support gun
- to be replaced with: 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 (Rheinmetall) -
12 cm Luftminenwerfer M 16 (Austria Metal Works)
25 cm schwerer Minenwerfer (Rheinmetall)

NOTE: PAK and FLAK being shared by all units.

The Deutsche Artilleriekommission requests that resources are to be expended for the procurement or research of self-propelled gun chassis, as it allows for unprecedented mobility and protection of the gun and its crew.

Georg Bruchmüller, Generalmajor der Artillerie, Kommandant Gardeartillerie
Oberst Fritz Lindemann, 1st Guard Field Artillery Brigade
Oberst Max Hermann Bauer, 3rd Heavy Artillery Brigade

The recommendations were enacted by Order of His Imperial Majesty, Wilhelm II, von Gottes Gnaden Deutscher Kaiser, König von Preußen, Reichsverweser von Österreich und Ungarn, etc. and by Order of Reichskanzler Sänger.

Of specific note was the lack of a self-propelled gun chassis. The Dominion had recently announced that they had succesfully produced such a model, perhaps they could be persuaded to share their knowledge?

- German artillery update, no relation to real game events. Keep tuned for a real storypost update.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-21 05:16pm
by Beowulf
Busan Daily

Lujun continues post-war expansion
Despite the end of hostilities between the Soviet Union and our country, the Lujun continues it's modernization and expansion. Daily, factories turn out new tanks for the new armor regiments that are to be assigned to each of the Lujun's infantry corps. Many of these tanks are destined to go directly to the reserves, incase of another invasion, by the Soviets, or another power. Additionally, the Lujun is testing a new corps formation, that incorporates many more tanks than even the one that is requiring the numerous tanks now being built. It is to be much more mobile as well, with all of it's infantry and artillery being motorized.

Additionally, the Lujun has contracted with a Dominion company for construction of a division's worth of self propelled guns. They are slated to be part of the motorization of a significant portion of the active arm of the Lujun.

Germany reveals extent of spy network in Grand Dominion
Public statements by the Reichmarine as to the thickness of armor on the new Dominion battlecruiser design indicate that they have managed to penetrate GD security of this project. Of course, it's always possible that they don't have a clue what they're talking about.

Haijun celebrates commissioning of newest scout cruiser squadron
The four strong squadron completed trials early this year. The ships are armed with eighteen 4 tsun guns, along with numerous 1.3 tsun autocannon for anti-aircraft defense, and are capable of speeds up to 35 knots.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-21 07:35pm
by MKSheppard
Somewhere between the Sheppish Afganistan Border

"So, all attempts to seize the Monastery of Shapp have failed?"

"Yessir. Last attempt with a brigade of troops failed completely. Restricting us to small arms and infantry weapons only is ensuing defeat. I could take that place if I could use my 105s."

"You will do NOTHING of the kind! Under no conditions can the Monaster of Shapp be destroyed -- it's where our anecestors began their journey into the indian subcontinent many years ago, and it's of immense, incalculable historic and cultural value to us."


"So I guess there's nothing else to do but begin negotiations witht he goddamn afghan savages over recovering that place."

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-21 09:25pm
by Thanas
Stettin, Vulcan AG
February 12, 1926

The last of the Hamburg class cruisers ordered by the German Navy rumbled down the slipway. Now the process of fitting out the six ships could start. However, the future of the shipyard was far from certain. After the decision to focus on cruisers, carriers and smaller ships had been announced, some analysts had slammed the company, suggesting that they had dug their own grave. But the Direktor was not worried. After all, the German Empire was in dire need of cruisers and carriers.

Berliner Zeitung

New Ocean liners challenge Cunard duo, HAPAG

Today, the Norddeutsche Lloyd announced that it would built three large Ocean liners of 52000 tons each. Each Ocean liner would be capable of a top speed of 32 knots and a cruise speed of 27-28 knots. The new ships will be the first commercial ships to incorporate the bulbous bow and use new turbine designs.

These news are bad for NDLs main competitors, the HAPAG line of Hamburg and the British Cunard Line. The HAPAG was seen as being on a winning streak, with its ships still being the largest on the transatlantic service and also succeeding in getting the more prosperous contract for passenger shipments to the Netherlands. However, it seems now as if that win was more a result of strategic planning by the NDL, which focused its resources on new ships. Currently, the Hapag has a 45.000 tons liner being built in Antwerpen. In contrast, the NDL has a 43.000 tons liner built in Rotterdam - and now the three 52000 ton liners.

In a statement, HAPAG's director Albert Ballin stated that the new ships would not take away much business from the HAPAG, as the HAPAG would still have the largest passenger ships afloat. Analysts disagreed in part, stating that most of the revenue of the new ships would indeed not come from HAPAG, but that this nevertheless marked a black day in HAPAG history for it signifies that HAPAG has lost the technological race.

It is however considered to be a bad day for Cunard. If the British lose their hold on the transatlantic passenger trade, their economy will suffer. As one analyst put it: "The British currently have neither the most luxurious, nor the largest ships. They do however have the fastest, the Lusitania and the Mauretania. Now, what do you think will happen once they lose that advantage as well? The transatlantic passenger trade will be absolutely dominated by Germany."

The day is also considered another step in the long and friendly rivalry between the Free Hanseatic cities of Bremen and Hamburg. It also reinforces the advantage of German shipping companies - no other nation has currently plans for building passenger ships. In fact, over the last two years, no nation has announced new passenger ships being built.

The three ships will be built by Germaniawerft, Kiel, Blohm&Voss, Hamburg, and Schichau, Danzig, using the slipways currently occupied by 2 Scharnhorst class battlecruisers and 1 Imperator class battleship. The ships are scheduled to launch in March, with construction of the passenger liners starting then.

Reichskanzler Sänger states "new ships are significant commitment"
Speaking on the subject of the new passenger ships, Reichskanzler Dr. mult Sänger has stated that the new ships signify Germany's technological advancement. He further said that the usage of three slipways, which had formally been reserved for military use, for the building of passenger liners "is a fundamental sign that Germany is not interested in war, for why would we allow three of our largest slipways to be occupied by passenger liners otherwise?"

When asked whether this was merely a way of waging economic warfare against the British and whether NDL planned to drive the largest British passenger line into bankruptcy, the chancellor got visibly agitated. "Not everything is a way to destroy the British Empire. This is merely standard competition. The British are more than welcome to built their own ships."

Of course, considering the current British budget, which does not leave any room for ocean liner construction, one has to wonder if the British military will drive their merchant marine to extinction.

Sänger put away the newspaper and scoffed. The way the newspaper sounded, it looked like the NDL was keen set on bankrupting Cunard. Of course, the NDL could not care less where the revenue came from - whether it came from Hapag or Cunard did not really matter to them. But there were other matters to attend to, matters more pressing than the recent newspaper articles.
From the German Empire to the Grand Dominion of the Indies

Your Excellency,
good health to you and your nation.

The German Empire thanks you for making the offer to observe the construction of the new coastal fortresses at Aden. We shall send four men from the Gardepioniere. The German Empire feels reassured about your intentions due to this most gracious offer.

The German Empire would like to inquire whether the Grand Dominion of the Indies would be willing to sell Krupp, Rheinmetall and Skoda working prototypes of the self-propelled gun chassis. Our Artilleriekommission was very much taken by the early reports. In the event of the chassis being able to handle the weight of German guns of at least 70, but up to 150cm caliber, Germany would like to enquire about the possibilities of buying a license for manufacture in Germany, as your factories would be unable to fulfill the needs of the German Army.

I have also been instructed to ask on behalf of the NDL and the HAPAG whether there are any plans to expand passenger service from your nation to the Americas or to Europe. Both shipping companies would be eager to expand their very meager share of your market and are able to offer your citizens the services of a neutral company which would of course take advantage of the Allied convoy protection system to deliver your citizens safely and comfortably to their destination.

Sänger, Reichskanzler

- 6 new Hamburg class light cruisers are launched
- Germany announces construction of three new revolutionary passenger ships.
- message to the Grand Dominion is being sent. Germany would like to purchase SPG technology and a chance for the Dominion passenger market, guaranteeing free passage of citizens via the convoy system.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-22 12:56am
by Lonestar
(I sincerely hope you meant 150mm Thanas)

Admiralty Row

"Hmm..." Lord Fairfax looked at the rather odd request. The Germans were notorious about having a Teutonic-centric view on military equipment, so there were faint alarms going off in the back of his head. Still, if there was one thing the Grand Dominion was always in need of, it was hard currency, and this might allow the Dominion's arms industry get their foot in the door. He lifted his phone and had the switchboard operator call Blitzschalg of the SIG.

"Good afternoon Doctor Blitzschlag. I just recieved an interesting wire from the German goverment."

"Ja? What is it?"

Lord Fairfax explained, and after a few moments Blitzschlag came back. "It shouldn't be a problem to make the adjustments, obviously the suspension and transmission would wear out quicker with a 150mm gun on it, and they would need more ammo carriers. The M1926 is built off of a modified Magliozzi MH2E1 chasis. I do not think we would need to worry about technology transfer too much. If the Germans really wanted to they could design something of similiar performance themselves. Besides, playing nice with them may pay off if the Mohemmedans try some funny business."

"My thoughts exactly. Than you Doctor Blitzschlag."
To the German Empire, from the Grand Dominion of the Indies

Reichskanzler Sänger,

I wish your Emperor good health,

I have spoken to the Foreign Ministry and the Dominion Trade Commission, and I believe that if Krupp, Skoda, and Rheinmetall desire to purchase demonstration models of the M1926-105SPG they can speak to Magliozzi Motor Works with an expectation of minimal interference from customs. Likewise I believe a licensing agreement could be worked out, if the program is approved by the Imperial German Army.

The Grand Dominion has very tight passenger agreements with Manchu lines in regards to traveling throughout Asia. Travel to the Americas is minimal, as most of our trade with the Cascadians is through their colonies in the East Indies and Australia. If NDL and HAPAG wish to have vessels on the European-Dominion lanes, there is nothing stopping them.

Yours in Christ,

M.B. Bucher
Lord Fairfax
Lord Protector of the Grand Dominion of the Indies.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-22 02:25am
by MKSheppard
A dusty tavern near the Sheppish/Dominionite Boarder

The man coughed into his handerchief, leaving a trail of bloody spittle behind, as he waited for his counterpart from the Dominion to show up. These semi-clandestine meetings between the Shepistani and Dominion intelligence services were one of the few official contacts their countries had, other than the annual Crusader's Day ceremony.

Finally, he spotted a tall man weaving through the crowd, wearing the previously agreed upon signal, a green cockade in his fedora.

"About time you're here."

"Don't blame me, I got slowed down by one of your goddamn retards at the border control post. Didn't believe I was visiting a family friend in Shitland, I'm sorry, Shepland."

"It's not my fault that we must protect ourselves from contamination from your goddamn librul ideas. Giving women the franchise? What the christ is the world coming to?"

"You didn't call me over here to talk about politics."

"Fuck no, if I wanted to, we'd be discussing ways to assassinate Gandhi and those other agitators who pose a threat to both our countries. No, what I called you here for is to discuss the rather...worrying situation on our western boarder. The Egyptians are moving troops into Kuwait, and the Balkans shitheads are moving their own troops into the western parts of Persia, just beyond our border. From where the Shepistani General Staff Stands, this looks like a joint landgrab coming up by them to seize our western holdings."

"So why the hell are you crying in your beer to me about it instead of being up with those damn savages in Afghanistan to sign a peace treaty so you can reorient your military west?"

"We're working on a treaty with Afghanistan even as we speak. One of the major sticking points is their goddamn desire for a port of some kind, to give them access to the ocean. As if we'd surrender that to them, but you never know with the gutless leaders we have currently."

"That's nice. See me care?"

"It's nice to see you care about your fellow Crusader state. No, I'm here to extract an agreement from the Grand informal agreement, if you will, that you will under no circumstances export your anti-chemical expertise, in particular the various gadgets you have come up with for your men in Yemen to fight in chemical environments without dropping dead from heatstroke a minute later."

Results[/b:] Sheppos try to extract limitations on Goddamn Chemical Corps Protective Expertise in advance of any hippothetical western campaign.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-22 03:51pm
by Thanas
Berliner Zeitung

Navy announces end of the Barbarossa-class transports
The Kaiserliche Marine announced that by the end of next year, the nine Barbarossa-class troop transports will have to be scrapped due to the advanced age of the ships. The nine ships, built between 1899 and 1902, were taken over by the Marine in 1917 and converted into troopships. Being the only ships for that purpose, they have been subjected to tremendous amounts of stress over the years, stress that even an engine upgrade in 1917 could not mitigate. There is no word yet on whether the Navy will ask the Reichstag for purpose-built troopships or once more purchase old liners.

Originally being composed of ten ships, the class was reduced to nine when the SS Bremen had to be scrapped after a terrorist attack which caused great loss of life.

German Arm manufacturers to purchase trial chassis from the Dominion
The Heer and a consortium of Krupp, Rheinmetall and Skoda have ordered six chassis for self-propelled guns from the Dominion Magliozzi Motor Works for trial and evaluation purpose, with the understanding that the chassis will be returned if they are found to be unfit for service with the German Army. If the German Army finds the chassis appropriate, a licensing deal might be in the works.

Some nationalist clubs have started to mount a campaign against such a possible deal, citing the Dominion behavior regarding the Krupp coastal guns bid.

The Heer also announced that the retraining of Korps I-IV is proceeding, with the motorization having already been finished last year. However, due to the extensive retraining necessary, the Korps are not expected to be combat-ready until Oktober or December 1928.

Novara-class cruisers to be scrapped
The Reichsmarineamt announced today that the two Novara-class Rapidkreuzer would either be scrapped or put up for sale. The Novara-class cruisers were constructed in 1912 to offer fast scout cruisers for the Austro-Hungarian Navy. However, more than 15 years later, their maximum speed of 27 knots and their small main armament of 9 4" guns means that they are outdated.

The same argument was used by the Navy to order the scrapping or sale of the remaining two Tatra class destroyers.
Completed in 1912, these ships are armed with 2 4" guns and have a top speed of 32.5 knots. They too are considered outdated. The Navy announced that failing a foreign sale materializing, all ships would be scrapped at the discretion of the Reichsmarineamt. This would leave only the SMS Tegetthoff, currently serving as a gunnery-training ship, as the last remaining Austrian-built ship in service.

Former Italian, Austrian and Hungarian yards to get first Government contract since 1915
The Navy announced that Cantieri Ansaldo, Genua, CNT, Trieste and Danubia, Fiume, had been awarded a contract for the construction of 2 Rapidkreuzer each to replace the Novara class cruisers as well as to provide the German Navy with a reliable AA&Scout cruiser. This will mark the first Government construction in over 10 years at those shipyards. The six ships will be built to a 3500 tons design, with their main armament likely being either 6" or 5"/38 guns.
Construction will start in April 1927.

Navy signs new contract with Vulcan Stettin
The gamble seems to have paid off with Vulcan Stettin when the company received contracts for 3 of the new Utrecht-class cruisers. The Utrecht-class design is a new cruiser design based on a modified Hamburg-class hull. A total of nine ships are planned to start construction in April 1927, with the Government having an option for nine more. Vulcan Stettin will build three of the ships, being the only private yard taking part in this program. The other six ships will be split between the Rijkswerft, Rotterdam, the State Naval Shipyard at Antwerpen and the Naval Shipyard at Bremerhaven.

New carrier contract signed
Starting in April 1927, construction of a new carrier will start at the Kaiserliche Werft, Wilhelmshaven. The new carrier is expected to displace 25000 tons. When completed, it will raise the carrier strength of the Kaiserliche Marine to six aircraft carriers.

German companies to start Dominion service
The NDL announced today that the SS Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, a passenger liner of 17.000 tons and 17 knots top speed will commence regular service from and to the Dominion with European ports. The HAPAG announced that it would fill the second slot set aside by the German Government in the convoy system with the passenger liner SS Cleveland (17kt, 16 knots). Both companies stated that due to the slow speed of the convoys, using ocean liners for the transit would be a waste, especially as it is not known whether the routes would be profitable. Due to the risks, additional lifeboats and rafts will be carried by both ships.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-22 04:13pm
by Thanas
Outside Royal Palace,

Tomas de Vries had waited long for the opportunity. Training with the rifle had taken several weeks, not to mention procuring an apartment that offered both access and easy means of escape. But now everything was in place and he could already see the Royal carriage departing. As usual, the Royal couple was taking a trip to the countryside, to oversee the modernization efforts and the new construction taking place.

It puzzled Tomas how quickly the new king had become accepted. Sure, the food and the prosperity had a part of it - and of course he had learned dutch very fast - but that still did not explain to him why so many of the same people who had cheered for Comrade Hammer were now cheering the foreign king. Yet after today, the king - or what would remain of him - would hardly matter anymore.

Calming himself, he looked through the scope of his rifle and targeted the crowned head inside the open carriage. As usual, the King and his wife were sitting side by side. Targeting Friedrich, Tomas waited until he was sure he had the shot, then squeezed the trigger.

And the guardsmen riding the closest to the carriage found himself sprayed with a pink and grey mist.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-23 11:36am
by Doomriser
Raesene wrote:Ostia, November 1926

„Your ticket and passport, please.“
The customs official checked the passport and the ticket number against his list of passengers about to travel aboard the MS Santa Anna, put a stamp into the passport and handed everything back to the seatraveller to be.

“Everything in order, Mr. Hawker. Have a pleasant trip.”

Ernesto Hawker already had an unhealthy greenish tinge in his face, anticipating seasickness, but managed to thank the customs official and step into the boat that would ferry him to his home for the next weeks. Hew didn’t look forward to sea travel, especially such a long trip to the Bolivarian Union, but the Aviazione Navale-officer had been very clear: travel and ensure that the aircraft worked – or face charges of negligence at best, treason at worst. So he chose to travel and hoped that the Bolivarian workers were up to the task of mass producing his latest design - his own countrymen weren't.
Huancayo, Bolivarian Union

Assembly Test Center

Ernesto Hawker stumbled into the shed housing the lined-up parts of dozens of Horsely aircraft. His factory guide from Llamushin hurried to keep up with him. Hawker was still seasick from his sea voyage, flown hastily on the back of a Fairey III to arrive at the assembly test centre. The quiet mountain capital of Huancayo served as a prototype development center, and had been a busy site ever since the introduction of the Vimy bomber around 1920.

Hawker looked from side to side, and steadied his posture enough to nod approvingly. The wing assemblies were laid out along the side of the shed, and he could see that they had been built to specification. It almost made him forget about the rolling, dark waves that tossed his ship in a vast plain of grey for the past five weeks, thanks to detention by a Chiletine naval patrol. He turned to look at the engines.

"How many are they?"

"We have fifty constructed already, I must say, ahead of schedule," replied the factory representative. "The other Lion engines will be ready in several weeks."
"Lion engines! You are supposed to build the Condor engine!"
The factory representative swallowed. He took a moment to check his clipboard.
"You are right. It looks as if the engine plants mistakenly received an order-" he was interrupted when Hawker vomited.

As two janitors came over to clean up the vomit, Hawker staggered back to the corrugated shed wall.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Hawker. We are well on our way to the development of the aircraft. You've seen the production prototype. I am sure this crisis can be overcome."
He walked over to the main office, and telephoned the Air Ministry.


Result: The Llamushin factory can fix the problem, but it is going to cost the Bolivarian government 10 IBP to ready the engines in time for the Tuscan order.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-23 08:14pm
by Lascaris

Cunard outbids Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, takes over White Star Line. White Star Line to be merged into Cunard as Cunard-White Star. New company announces construction of 4 new ocean liners to supplement the White Star trio of RMS Olympic, Britannic and Homeric [1] and Cunard trio of RMS Lusitania, Mauritania and Aquitania. The first pair of ships named RMS Oceanic and RMS Queen Victoria to be built at Harland and Wolff yard and John Brown yard respectively to displace 60,000 tons each and according to Cunard official will have a service speed well in advance of current blue ribband holder RMS Mauritania.

Chancellor of the exchequer Keynes dismisses German press claims of the new NDL line ships constituting a threat the the British economy and of British shipbuilding industry's inability to match both civilian and military needs. "The transatlantic passenger lines are only a small part of the widespread economic activity of the British merchant marine which is the largest of the world. As for the capacity of the British shipbuilding industry we may not control over half the world's shipbuilding capacity as in 1914 but British shipyards have only increased in size since then. Unlike these of certain other countries ours are not dependent on military projects either. Case in point the recent Cunard order of RMS Oceanic from Harland and Wolff who have no involvement on RN construction.

[1] No WW1 for Britain hence no reason for the 4th Olympic not to get built

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-23 11:44pm
by MKSheppard
Diplomatic Communique to those Nations which share a border with Shepistan in the West and then Some

SDNW3 Map for reference

Salutations to all. We find the recent buildup of forces in Kuwait and in Persia to be especially worrying; considering that major combat operations are underway on the Sheppish-Afghanistan Border. In response to these buildups, as a precautionary measure, we have begun shipment of our standardized munitions units to the threatened areas.

(SHROOMISH DEFENSE WEEKLY definition of Standard Munitions Unit in Sheppoland: 1,000~ tons of mustard gas, mixed in with 200 tons of "other' gases (phosgene etc)).

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-25 09:24pm
by Thanas
Reichskanzlei, Berlin
March 4th, 1927
Early afternoon

It was not common for Hans to burst into the chambers of the Reichskanzler. Nor was it common to see him being accompanied by men of the Gardekorps. He first thought of a coup - but dismissed it instantly, for there were no guns pointed at him, but instead the men quickly closed the windows and pulled the drapes.

"Hans. What is the meaning of this?" "There has been an assassination." Seeing the chancellor's eyes widening in fear, his valet quickly added: "Your wife is fine. News just came from Amsterdam."

Sänger's hands tightened. "The Crown Prince?" Hans shook his head. "His wife. Bullet to the head. Apparently destined for His Majesty, but in the last second he ducked to recover his wife's handkerchief that had fallen to the floor of the carriage." Gottverdammt. "The assassin?" "Not found, Herr Kanzler. Police are still searching."

Sänger looked over the three telephones on his desk. The one left had a direct line to Alain Dupont, the french president. The one in the middle was a standard line. There would be another one added, this one going to their home once the line was completed. However, the one he reached for was the special line to the General Staff, only to be used in emergencies or in time of war.

"Sänger. You know about the assassination attempt? Good. All Government buildings are to be secured immediately. All forces are to be placed on alert. Close the borders and notify the foreign consulates. All weekend leave is cancelled. Prepare to enact a general mobilization on my notice. You got all that? Good."

Hanging up, the chancellor turned to the Lieutenant commanding the Gardesoldaten that had surrounded him in his office. "I want you to sent a squadron of hussars and guard my wife. Take my secretary with you to tell her about the situation. And ready my plane for immediate departure."

Within the hour, Sänger was in the air, listening to early radio reports on his plane. While he was doing so, a communique was sent to the foreign nations.
From the German Empire to all nations
Your Excellencies.

Her Royal Majesty, Sophia Charlotte, Queen of the Netherlands and of the Belgians, has fallen victim to an assassination attempt. No other information is currently available.

Stresemann, Vorsteher des Auswärtigen Amtes


Amsterdam was dark at night, as if the city itself was in morning. Policemen and the members of the Dutch Gardekorps patrolled the streets. The latter seemed to be ashamed and furious, which was no small wonder considering they just lost their queen. As Sänger was driven to the palace in an armored car, he could not help but reminisce on the marriage that had just ended.

They had not been a good match. The marriage had not produced any issue and there had been some rumours of infidelity on both sides. However, when having gotten caught up in a court case in 1920, both had declared that they had never been unfaithful to each other. And in recent years they had seemed quite happy. And no matter the shape of the marriage, it should not have ended this way.

The initial report had been gruesome enough. The bullet had nearly exploded her skull, with blood and brain matter being dispensed all over the persons nearest to the carriage. She had died instantaneously. For a quick moment, Sänger contemplated whether this might be a better death than dying slowly of a sickness, then banished those thoughts. Having reached the palace, the Reichskanzler was quickly led inside. Servants they encountered were either sobbing or withdrawn. Yes, the queen had been popular.

The King himself was sitting in his private study, playing with his wedding ring when Sänger was announced. Not being looked at and his existence barely acknowledged by his Majesty, Sänger walked into the room, waiting to be addressed. But the king did not call on him and after waiting for over an hour, Sänger turned and walked out.

Outside the door, Hans and the rest of the court were waiting on him. Before any could ask a question, the Reichskanzler began firing off orders. "Who is in charge of the Guard?" A tall man in the uniform of a dutch general stepped forward. "I am, your excellency." "Herr Kanzler will suffice. What of the search?" The general shuffled his feet. "I regret, your excellency, that we have not found him." Sänger nodded. It was no wonder. The city of Amsterdam was old and offered many opportunities for escape.

"We have however found his appartment and are questioning the landlady for a description right now", a stocky men in a grey suit added. "And you are?" "The police general, Herr Kanzler." Sänger nodded. "I would like to remind all of you that we have a constitution. If anything is done that is not in accordance of it, I shall take it as a personal insult." Sänger looked around and made sure everyone got his message. One by one, the assembled men nodded. "Good. What has happened to the queen?"

"The body has been washed and the morticians are readying it for burial." "Closed gasket?" "Yes, Herr Kanzler." Sänger walked around the room. "Very well. Keep looking and announce that his Majesty the King will make a full statement tomorrow. If nobody is found until 9 am, reduce Guard presence to extended patrols, but let law enforcement take over the investigation."

"But his majesty told us -" "I am the Chancellor of the German Empire. Only his Imperial Majesty outranks me and I do not see him around. Do as I say." When the courtiers did not immediately act, Sänger looked at them, challenging them to say something. "Do as I say. NOW." After a look at the private study, whose door remained closed, the General of the Guard saluted briskly and went on his way.

"I need a line to Berlin. First I have to talk to his Imperial Majesty and then to my wife. And then...." Sänger broke off. And then I have to do something cruel.

- assassinations are a messy thing.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-26 06:25pm
by Siege
From the Egyptian Sultanate to the German Empire

Your Excellencies,

It is with great alarm, sorrow and regret that we have learned of the assassination of Her Royal Majesty, Sophia Charlotte, Queen of the Netherlands and of the Belgians. News of this most reprehensible and unsanctioned assassination has shocked the court and indeed all of Egypt.

It is the wish of Sultan Abu Khalid Musa'ed Hashim al-Din bin Abdulmuin, Sultan es-Salatin, Padshah-i-Ghazi, Al-Malik An-Nasir, etc. to convey his condolences to His Majesty Eitel Friedrich, King of the Netherlands and of the Belgians. Caliph Haydar Suleiman of Cairo has further personally assured me that he will pray that Allah may grant the Queen peace and access to His perfumed halls.

Allahu Ackbar,

Aly Dessaix Pasha
Wazir al-Istishara
(OOC: Presumably this is sent after it's become public knowledge that the Queen has in fact been killed.)

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-28 04:26pm
by Thanas

The telephone conversation with Wilhelm II. went as expected. The Kaiser was enraged, concerned about his son and also seeing conspiracies (and communists) at every corner. The conversation with Natasha went entirely different. He tried to assure her by telling her that he had the situation in hand. Of course, she had caught him on that lie. And after having him admit to her that the situation was a mess, she had asked him the question that cut to the heart of the issue: "Will there be war?"

Sänger had tried to answer that with a reassuring comment, but eventually decided to tell the truth. "I do not know." There had been a long silence on both ends after that. Eventually, Natasha had restarted the conversation. "When will the funeral be?" "Probably in a few days. I am sorry, I do not know more." Hearing Hans return, Sänger ended the conversation. "I have to go. You are in my thoughts." "As you are in mine."

Having ended the call, Sänger confirmed that the arrangements were being met. The funeral of the unlucky queen would be on Tuesday. Now there was the matter of how to deal with the king. Sänger entered the study again. The king had not moved.

The Reichskanzler cleared his throat. After receiving no reaction, he spoke. "Your Majesty, you have my heartfelt condolences."

Receiving no reply, the Reichskanzler exited again and tried to get some sleep, but soon abandoned that for writing a speech. It was 9am when he went into the study of the King of the Netherlands and of the Belgians again.

"Your Majesty, I have come with matters of state. First, arrangements for the funeral are being made. Second, I have drafted a statement for you to read in three hours. I suggest your majesty get dressed and drink some coffee."

Slowly, the king looked at the Reichskanzler and nodded. "Very well. Any news? Are communists behind this?" The Reichskanzler shook his head. "It could very well be anyone. Anarchists, communists, foreign agents...We do not know."
The king nodded and went into his bath, starting to shave. While he did so, he shouted from the bathroom. "You mentioned something about a speech?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. The Manuscript is on your coffee table." Sänger waited for the king to finish getting dressed. Then His Majesty walked over to the room and started reading. Sänger steadied himself for the inevitable explosion.

He did not have to wait long. "GENERAL AMNESTY? WHAT KIND OF TRAITOR ARE YOU?" The King shot out of his seat and walked towards the Kanzler, his body shaking with rage. Sänger wished to take a step back - Eitel Friedrich was a massive person, dwarfing him in mass and size. But he held on and refused to budge. "The kind of traitor that wishes to stop a general revolution. If we do not appear as conciliatory, but crack down hard - it may very well swing public opinion against us. I have also written something to that effect later on. Your Majesty, please read it."

As the king continued reading, he seemed more and more displeased. "My wife was not pregnant." Sänger nodded. "Given that there was no autopsy performed, who is to say the opposite?" The king frowned, while Sänger chose to remain silent.

When the king had finished reading, he rubbed his eyes. "One is not supposed to speak ill of the dead. But I am sure you know the rumours? That we were going to be divorced?" The Chancellor nodded. "Yes, your majesty. However, for the sake of our country, we have to bury whatever ill feelings we had. As far as the populace will be concerned, you have to have been very much in love with your wife. Public -" "Yes, yes. Public opinion and the necessity of the state....very well." The king put down the papers. "I shall say what you want. But I want your guarantee, Chancellor, that when I am Emperor - and I will be Emperor - I make my own speeches. Not you, not anybody else. I am my own man." Sänger nodded, his face not betraying any feeling. "Of course, your majesty."

At 12AM, Eitel Friedrich delivered an impassioned speech about his "beloved late wife", who had fallen victim to a most terrorist attack. The King also went on to declare a General amnesty for any terrorist who would come forward and surrender (in the name of his late wife, of course, who had loved her people dearly and would not want any more bloodshed to occur).

And while the mood of the crowd was hard to guess, of course, Sänger's instincts told him the resistance had just committed a terrible blunder.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-28 06:15pm
by Thanas
March 28th, 1927

As Thomas de Vries wandered down to the docks, he could not help but remember the events from the past two weeks passed him by.

If only the fop had not ducked....if only. Following the King's message, the resistance had taken a major loss in prestige. Undecided moderates had mostly swung towards the side of the king, especially when he had announced a general amnesty and furthermore announced that there would be no extraordinary measures and no martial law.

Which in turn had led to one resistance cell in Eindhoven shooting up two cars of policemen, which had led to a further loss of public opinion when it became known the policemen were just headed for a trip to the countryside and not planning to arrest resistance members. An even greater hit in public opinion had happened when the churches of the Netherlands and of Belgiums, protestants and catholics alike, had spoken out against the resistance, preaching that murder was a sin and the killing of defenseless women and children (for apparently, the queen had been pregnant) was against God.

And when it became known that the King would keep his word with regards to an amnesty, most of the resistance cells had crumbled. Even his own resistance cell had taken a loss when one member announced that he had not "signed up for murder". Of course, said person was soon found drifting in the channel without a face and hands.

Still, the main problem of the resistance remained the same. There was just not enough popular support for an insurrection. Which left the resistance with a more precarious problem - either they would become even more radical, which would cost them public support - or they continued on and would eventually wither into nothingness. Still, Thomas had come up with one last plan - and his friend Marteen was currently busy with procuring the necessary ingredients.

He entered the harbour pub, the meeting place they had earlier agreed on. He was about to sit down on the corner table when he noticed two men in grey trenchcoats. Something about them made his hair rise. Trying not to attract any attention, he left the pub. As soon as he was out, he sprinted about 100 yards and then pressed himself against the corner of the next alley. Sure enough, two dark figures emerged from the pub. And a second later, the tell-tale whistle of a police officer could be heard. Answered immediately with the sound of galloping horses.

Thomas cursed. There was no real way out now - except one. Discarding his clothes, he took a deep breath and jumped into the water. The water was cold and dirty, but the former Dutch navy frogman had no trouble adjusting. Unlike the police, which had not prepared itself for this possibility and was still busy searching for him on land.

After a half-hour swim, he reached a motor boat moored near the pier and borded it. The lock on the cabin door was no obstacle for him. Finding some spare clothes left by the owner, he considered his options while drying himself and dressing. Somebody else must have talked - but not somebody from the inner circle. Otherwise there would have been more policemen already waiting for him.

He spent a few minutes guessing the identity of the snitch before coming back to his real problem - what was he to do? He could not go back, at least not immediately. Nor could he stay on board the boat, for sooner or later they would search it and of course the owner could come back anytime.

Which left only one way to go. After darkening the cabin, he cut loose the rope and under cover of darkness, allowed the launch to be carried outwards to sea by the drift.

A few hours later, dawn was breaking and Tomas was about to turn north, hoping to make landfall. Then he remembered that the German Marines were conducting fleet maneuvers up north of Rotterdam and that would not be an option. Nor would simply returning to any other port - for the German e-boat flotillas were conducting searches on any ship - and besides, he did not have the papers to satisfy the harbormaster.

Which left only one option. Starting the motor, he turned the ship towards Great Britain.

German Destroyer ZD-14 Borkum

It was a beatiful day, especially for newly promoted Kapitän zur See Karl Dönitz, as he led his four Destroyers on their usual patrol. The new ZD-class destroyers were a marvel in his eyes - well armed, capable of reaching speeds up to 38 knots and able to cruise for over 5000 nautical miles. Unlike many of his colleagues of the U-Bootwaffe, he had transferred to the Überwasserstreitkräfte, when it became clear that this would be the fastest way to make a career out of it. With the new U-boots being commissioned, he wondered if it had been the right move, but the years had been kind to him. He had made Korvettenkapitän commanding an old V-116 class destroyer, then becoming an instructor at the Torpedoschule in Flensburg, before being promoted to Fregattenkapitän and XO of a destroyer squadron. And when the new destroyers entered service, he had been on the list for commanding a full squadron, the colloquially-called Islands squadron, for each of the new ZD class destroyers in it was named after an Island.

He had drilled the men - many of them new recruits - hard and run his squadron as if they already were at war. War was inevitable in his opinion, if not against Britain, then against Poland or the Dominion. It was this mindset that made him both despise Sänger (for being a spineless pacifist) and like him, for he knew that the expansion of the Navy was primarily due to him. So there he was, making a high-speed run with four of his twelve destroyers (the other being maintained, refueled, restocked or just training elsewhere) and critically noting how the captains of the Baltrum, Norderney and Sylt were keeping up.

Satisfied, he was about to give the order to slow to standard speed when he received word that a small boat had been sighted. Strange, he thought. Usually small boats did not venture into the shipping lanes - and if they did, it was by mistake. "Signal to the other ships - well done and return to base. Slow to one-third speed, alter course....."

As the destroyer slowed down and easily matched the speed of the boat, he noticed through his binoculars that the skipper of the boat had donned a rain coat obscuring his face, although it was excellent weather. And what was even more alarming was that the boat - a dutch one, registered in Rotterdam - was heading for Britain.

"Keep a machine gun trained on him. 1WO, you speak dutch, don't you? Ask him where he is heading."

As the two ships came closer, the WO walked out of the bridge and exchanged words with the unknown skipper. After this was done, he came back in and reported that the boat was just of course. Dönitz frowned. "That doesn't make sense. None of that makes sense. Tell him we'll take him in tow." The WO nodded and ducked back out. Words were exchanged and then a gunshot rang out. Silence followed.

When Dönitz walked out to the Conning tower, he noticed that the WO was white as a sheet. "He's killed himself, Herr Kapitän." Dönitz nodded grimly. "Board the ship. Then report we have intercepted an agent headed for Britain."

April 3rd, 1927

As Reichskanzler Sänger watched the anker being hauled up, he was wondering about the last week. The recent revelation about the prime suspect in the shooting of the Queen being intercepted while trying to escape to Britain had been withheld and not become public knowledge yet. After all, Sänger already had his fair share of bad news regarding Britain to break to the public, but so far he had managed to withhold most of that from the public as well. The Kaiser had agreed to his plan and would keep quiet during the trip - and that was all Sänger could stop from keeping him from outright accusing the British from trying to murder his son.

The trip itself to Britain was rife with Symbolism as well. He traveled on the first battlecruiser the German Navy had, hoping it would signal to the British that the German Empire meant business. A newer ship had been turned down by him, fearing the British press would paint it as a sign of arrogance, by flaunting the larger German ships in service in the face of the British. After all, his briefcase contained many a troubling fact if he should choose to use it - but with the recent British attempts at diplomacy Sänger feared that it would rather be a question of "when" instead of "if". In many regards, this was a hail-mary pass and he deeply hoped the British would be willing to compromise. Otherwise.....

"Hey". He was stopped from his musing by the sound of Natasha's voice. "Hey." Taking her arm, he proceeded to make small talk until the sun set and they were asked to join the captain for dinner.

The trip would be a short one - the SMS von der Tann would arrive in British waters soon.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-28 07:32pm
by Lascaris
Von Der Tann had been escorted by HMS Renown and HMS Queen Mary as soon as she had reached British waters and then Sanger had reached London on a special train. There he would address the parliament in addition to any number of private and public meetings with Lloyd George, the cabinet and the Royal family...

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-28 11:48pm
by Lonestar
Admiralty Row

“Damn shame, damn shame this is.” Lord Fairfax said. “Double shame that Sänger decided to do this. General Amnesty? He must be mad.”

“There is a precedent for this in Grand Dominion history.” Dr. J. Henry Eden from the SIG said. “After the 1840 Compliance War the Lord Coucy government issued a general amnesty…”

“Which was needed after eradicating the last independent hindoo and moslem statelets in India.” Fairfax responded. “And there were partial amnesties after that. But issuing a general amnesty in the vain hope of securing a handful of rebels is a bad idea. If you execute enough of the natives the rest get the idea.”

Eden raised an eyebrow at Fairfax referring to the Dutch as “natives” but said nothing. There was an awkward silence around the table. Every now and again, despite “progressive” social views, the Lord Protector showed himself as a true arch-conservative.

“Where’s Blitzschlag?” asked Lord Wythe.

“Dr. Blitzschlag is away at a spa. Health concerns.” In truth Eden hadn’t a clue as to Blitzschlag’s location, and had been told simply that he would be “out.”

Grand Admiral Saldana coughed, then spoke. “ONI is very concerned about the information trickling out of the Aegean Axis, of late. It appears as if they are preparing to go to war, either with the Schismatics or us…or both. We know that the Mohemmedans in Egypt have longed to eject us from out holdings in Araby, and the recent troop movements as well as they dictating that no new guns be installed at Fortress William are troubling.”

“Agreed, recommendations?”

“Increase the number of small craft in Araby, both at Aden Harbor and at the Fortress William complex. If war breaks out we can quickly move to…”



“No, Grand Admiral. What we have on location will have to suffice. I will not grant those monkeys even the tiniest of excuses to wage war on us. Is that clear?”

“Yes.” Saldana said, although it was clear to everyone in the room this would not be the end of it.

Results: The naval staff proposes increasing the number of small craft in the Gulf of Aden, the proposal is rejected.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-29 02:52am
by MKSheppard
Negotiating Tent between the Sheppo/Afghan Lines

It had taken more than a month to begin to hammer out the basics of negotiations, such as where people would sit, during which 15,000 people on both sides died.

Another month it had taken for advanced negotiations over the fate of the borders, during which another 10,000 had died.

Finally, the proposal was hammered out and sent to both Shepistan and Afghani representatives.

In exchange for Afghanistan relinquishing the territory it had taken during it's offensives early on int the war, including the famed monastery of Sheppur; Shepistan would cede a 25-30 mile strip of land on it's border running from Afghanistan to the Gulf of Oman.

Left, prewar, right, postwar.

Army House Shepistan

Markus von Shapp read the report on the final settlement offered to the Mohammedian Savages to the north, and looked across his desk at Colonel Autumn, the head of the Shepistani War Planning Staff.

"Excellent idea you put forth my dear Colonel. Offering up a worthless 25-30 mile strip of land on our border with the Greeks to the Afghans as a way for them to achieve their desire of direct access to the ocean, and thus getting them out of our hair for the next decade or two. Additionally, now if the Greeks want to attack us, they'll have to go through the Afghans."

"Yessir. Also, we have tendered a very one sided contract for the development of a harbor and rail line in the newly turned over areas through the firm of Shroomburton, with 75% of the costs to be paid for by us, rather than the Mohammedians."

"Why the fuck are we paying 75% of the damn cost?"

"So we can get this done with faster, and also so we can cleverly build the rail line embankments and such in a way that they form natural barriers to any attacking army."

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-30 01:11am
by loomer
Afghan-Sheppo Conflict Area, Southern Region

The response had been delayed by two major factors - a breakdown in the only working telegraph machine still owned by the Afghani government, and heavy debate throughout the entire Ministerial Palace. The eventual response though, was entirely positive - and unsurprising, once the panting, exhausted rider had finished his twenty mile run over the front line to get to the tent.

There were only two relatively minor stipulations - one, the rider explained, was that the railroad and harbour construction would have to be available for open bidding, even though few offers would likely be made that could approach the apparent generosity of the Shepistanis. The second was simple - the temple they had taken was to be made available to Afghani pilgrims at all times, but would be returned to Shepistan in the condition in which it was found.

In Kabul, the peace came at an awkward time. The women's revolt had been silenced with the judicious application of firepower, but now they continued their peaceful protests and changed their goal to peacetime independence. A further, aggressive response might be needed...

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-03-30 01:02pm
by Akhlut
Niislel Khüree

The Afghans are apparently going to get a port out of their treaty with Shepistan, thought Angarag. Good, maybe for our defense efforts we can get something out of it.

Angarag sent a telegram to General Sükhbataar.


The General read Angarag's telegram, deep in thought.

He turned to an aide-de-camp.

"See if I can talk to the President."

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-06 11:44am
by Thanas
Unreal time

Lascaris wrote:Von Der Tann had been escorted by HMS Renown and HMS Queen Mary as soon as she had reached British waters and then Sanger had reached London on a special train. There he would address the parliament in addition to any number of private and public meetings with Lloyd George, the cabinet and the Royal family...

Great Britain
April 5th

Sänger steeled himself as the door were opened and he was announced as "His Excellency, Doctor Johannes Sänger, Chancellor of the German Empire." Dressed in an English-made suit, with the three hanseatic crosses being the only awards displayed on it, he slowly walked towards the speaker's podium, taking care not to stumble or do anything else embarrassing. After all he had come here with an objective to achieve.

"Your excellencies, Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen of the Houses of Parliament. Today I stand before you as a friend of England and as a friend of the English culture. Indeed I and many other Germans have reasons to be grateful to Great Britain. I myself studied at Oxford. Grand Admiral von Tirpitz's daughters have studied at English schools. My beloved Emperor is a cousin to the King of Britain.

The friendship between Germany and the Empire of Great Britain however transcends such personal bounds. For several hundred years, our nations have been bound together by friendship. It was British gold that secured the army of Frederick the Great, and it was Frederick who guaranteed British supremacy with his victories against the French, Austrians and Russians. Likewise, in the war against Napoleon, Prussia and England stood together once more, with German and Prussian troops being decisive in the battle of Waterloo.

Despite some problems, I believe that Germany and the British Empire always had a cordial and friendly relationship and today I am here, trying to preserve that relationship.

With both the start of German shipbuilding as well as the alliance with Spain, France and the defense pact with the Kingdom of Tuscany, the British Press has erupted in Germanophobia, mirrored by continental press. It is the prevailing opinion in both Germany and Britain that the German fleet only exists to attack Britain and that the British fleet only exists to starve Germany into submission and rob her of her commerce.

To stop this perception, the previous Government and mine acted in good faith towards each other. Our proud navies cooperated against the threat of Dominion piracy and presented a united diplomatic front. This goodwill culminated in the signing of the English-German Treaty of 1925. The treaty, among other things, stipulated that neither side would infringe on the possessions of each other, nor try to join an alliance formed against each other. In short, it was a pledge towards perpetual neutrality against each other.

However, since the new Government has come into power, this goodwill has all but evaporated on the British side. An official British representative insulted the Emperor and me, by insinuating I was a communist in disguise and my lord was to stupid to notice it. Since the new Government came into power, Britain has also engaged in an unprecedented buildup of Naval power. That could be written off as flukes. The Germanophobia and scaremongering in the British press could be ignored. And who is to begrudge the British the right to built ships, seeing the fine tradition of shipbuilding they have? More serious is the case of the British having no anti-piracy patrol in the Indian Ocean, leaving the Kingdom of Tuscany and the German Empire to do the work."

Sänger strengthened his back even further to deliver the following news. This was the piece de resistance.

"And nothing can excuse the grave breach of the treaty that was made by her Majesty's Government, when they tried, through secret diplomacy, to convince the French Republic to join with Britain in an alliance against Germany."

Sänger held up an affidavit. "In my hands I hold a signed affidavit by the French President and several members of the diplomatic staff of the French Republic. It affirms that last winter, the British Government tried to convince him to break the alliance with Germany, to join Britain and to backstab Germany. France was offered several territorial concessions of German territory in the event of a victory. The honorable nation of France declined, for it values the honorable word of Germany more than the words of a nation that signs a treaty one week and breaks it in the most flagrant way possible as soon as the ink has dried up.

The British Government has not honoured the treaty, which explicitly states that
- Britain will formally stipulate that it has no design to infringe on any way on German possessions
- Britain will not enter into any pact that has the stated objective of destroying German Naval power or destroying German influence
and in doing so has rendered it null and void."

Sänger waited for a few moments to give the Parliamentarians the opportunity to digest the news. The French had been breathing fire at that attempt, while the Kaiser had all but declared war then. Sänger had convinced both to back off, to give peace a chance.

"If any other nation had attempted this and so thoroughly insulted the honour of both France and Germany, the answer would have been a joint declaration of war. However, due to strong ties between our nations, I was able to persuade His Excellency, President Alain Dupont, to not embark upon such a course. Instead, I have come here in order to try to repair the relationship between our nations.

I therefore implore the British Government to apologize for its actions and to take a step towards reconciliation. I ask this not for myself. Though the ridicule Britain has done me by first signing and then immediately breaking a treaty I engineered is large, it is nothing compared to the insult made against the national honour of France and Germany.

Let us return to the time when our two nations where known as friends. Let us not forget the amiciable greeting of brothers-in-arms between Wellington and Blücher at Waterloo. Let us not forget the blood shed by German soldiers in the service of the Empire. Let us instead put this episode behind us.

I am now asking the British Government to explain its actions and to show what they intend to do to remedy the situation. For the alternative is a standoff and continued mistrust, a cold war between our nations that would serve nobody but the arms industry."

Sänger finished, realizing he had become more agitated than he had intended. "Your Excellencies, honorable Ladies and Gentlemen, I now yield the floor for questions and an answer by His Majesty's Government."

- Sänger makes a little speech, stirs things up by revealing the British broke the Non-aggression treaty and tried to get the French to stab its ally Germany in the back.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-04-06 06:56pm
by Lascaris
Thanas wrote:

I am now asking the British Government to explain its actions and to show what they intend to do to remedy the situation. For the alternative is a standoff and continued mistrust, a cold war between our nations that would serve nobody but the arms industry."

Sänger finished, realizing he had become more agitated than he had intended. "Your Excellencies, honorable Ladies and Gentlemen, I now yield the floor for questions and an answer by His Majesty's Government."

- Sänger makes a little speech, stirs things up by revealing the British broke the Non-aggression treaty and tried to get the French to stab its ally Germany in the back.
And it was Churchill's time.

"There are times to be eloquent and times to be blunt. His excellency the chancellor has accused his majesty's government of violating the treaty our predecessors in this office had signed with the imperial German government on the grounds of His Majesty's government making overtures to the French government over the establishment of a defensive alliance between Britain and France. I will leave to his excellency to answer why a defensive alliance between Paris and London would be considered to infringe of German possessions unless said possessions have come to include France itself. I will also leave to his excellency to explain how a defensive alliance could have the objective of destroying German naval power and influence since a defensive alliance by its very nature would require Germany to invade either France or Britain in order to be activated. But his excellency has assured us that Germany has no such intention. So how could a defensive alliance constitute a threat?

But nevertheless the Anglo-German treaty and particularly its spirit have been violated. The interest of the United Kingdom to the status of the Low Countries is well known and dates back to the middle ages. The reason for this interest is a most simple one. The Low Countries can serve as a springboard to readily attack the British Isles. Time and again hostile powers whether it was the Hapsburg kings or the first Napoleon have tried doing so. This vital British security interest and its place as one of the cornerstores of British foreign policy is well known. And yet before the ink in the Anglo-German treaty could dry itself German armies were marching into the Low Countries.

His excellency will certainly tell us, not without some justification, that Germany's actions were required to free the Dutch from the yoke of a totalitarian police state, and thet the Dutch people are better off as part of the Reich. One can readily concede both points. His Majesty's Government also roundly condemns the dastardly acts of terrorism that have recently taken part in Holland. If any of the terrorists is under the idiotic idea that he might find refugee across the sea he can rest assured that the only thing that awaits him here is the wrath of law.

But none of these can change the fact that Germany singularly failed to address British security concerns in the Low Countries in any way. Britain was neither informed nor consulted while the Low Countries were being invaded and their overseas possessions divided up. Given this it's hardly surprising that majority opinion in Britain and the dominions is than Germany was violating and taking advantage the Anglo-German treaty to invade the Low Countries. His Majesty's government is not interested to interfere in any way with the wishes of the Dutch people, as freely expressed in recent elections to be part of the Reich. It's up to Germany to prove to the British people that they should have no reason to fear its military presence in the Low Countries and that indeed the time may have come for the two countries to put aside the differences of the last generation and resume the close ties of older days.