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Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-07-16 01:03am
by Grif
Zor wrote:From: The Right Honorable Jun Smith, Prime Minister of the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds
To: All nations save the Byzantine Imperium, Bragulan Star Empire, Karlack Swarm, Orks and the Pfhor Empire

In the name of helping to promote the noble cause of Intersteller Peace, the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds has decided to hold a joint naval reveiw in the Nova Australia system in the begining of 3401
From: Jamalludin Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs
To: The Right Honorable Jun Smith, Prime Minister of the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds

The Federation of Argent, Dosolia and New Malaysia is pleased to announce that the Argenti Federation Navy will send a detachment to represent the federation.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-07-16 01:30am
by Shroom Man 777
Zor wrote:From: The Right Honorable Jun Smith, Prime Minister of the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds
To: All nations save the Byzantine Imperium, Bragulan Star Empire, Karlack Swarm, Orks and the Pfhor Empire

In the name of helping to promote the noble cause of Intersteller Peace, the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds has decided to hold a joint naval reveiw in the Nova Australia system in the begining of 3401
From the People's Department of Limited Foreign Interaction and Human Affairs

The great Imperator, in his benign beneviolence, has agreed to send a squadron of great magnificent warships from his swift Imperial navy's home to partake and observe this joint naval review - to better learn the ways of distant human nations and convey the Imperator's sincerest dedication to this noble cause of 'Intersteller' Peace.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-07-16 08:25am
by K. A. Pital
Akhlut wrote:To: Zero
From: Oaxtoatotol Łichíí of the Nenpanoliz-altuxl Kikialtignahwi

We simply wish to know if your nanorobots are safe for use in non-human species, as we do not wish for our citizens to be harmed by improper use of medical nanorobots. If they are rated for use in non-human species, do they require any specialized programming to differentiate between biologies?

Łichíí, Oaxtoatotol of the Atotolapan of the Nenpanoliz-altuxl Kikialtignahwi
From: Zero
To: Oaxtoatotol Łichíí of the Nenpanoliz-altuxl Kikialtignahwi

Nanorobots with special programming exists for several nonhuman species whose members inhabit the Commune. We can also consider a joint programming effort for some of them, if your government is willing to cooperate.

Supreme Soviet Communique #X-19191037.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-07-16 10:02am
by Master_Baerne
Zor wrote:From: The Right Honorable Jun Smith, Prime Minister of the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds
To: All nations save the Byzantine Imperium, Bragulan Star Empire, Karlack Swarm, Orks and the Pfhor Empire

In the name of helping to promote the noble cause of Intersteller Peace, the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds has decided to hold a joint naval reveiw in the Nova Australia system in the begining of 3401.
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Genevieve Proeliam, Her Ascendant Ladyship's Minister for Foreign Affairs
TO: The Right Honorable Jun Smith, Prime Minister of the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds

An Ascendant Navy detachment will attent the proposed naval review.

Countess Proeliam, etc.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-07-16 10:12am
by Force Lord
Zor wrote:From: The Right Honorable Jun Smith, Prime Minister of the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds
To: All nations save the Byzantine Imperium, Bragulan Star Empire, Karlack Swarm, Orks and the Pfhor Empire

In the name of helping to promote the noble cause of Interstellar Peace, the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds has decided to hold a joint naval review in the Nova Australia system in the beginning of 3401.
FROM: Tagdef Borlon, Foreign Secretary of the Centrality
TO: The Right Honorable Jun Smith, Prime Minister of the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds

We feel honored that our past troubles have not been an obstacle for our invitation for such an event. We will send a task group of the Central Fleet to represent our nation. We hope you will be impressed.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-07-17 09:42am
by Akhlut
Stas Bush wrote:Tightbeam
From: Zero
To: Oaxtoatotol Łichíí of the Nenpanoliz-altuxl Kikialtignahwi

Nanorobots with special programming exists for several nonhuman species whose members inhabit the Commune. We can also consider a joint programming effort for some of them, if your government is willing to cooperate.

Supreme Soviet Communique #X-19191037.
From: Oaxtoatotol Łichíí of the Nenpanoliz-altuxl Kikialtignahwi
To: Zero

The Nenpanoliz-altuxl Kikialtignahwi would be willing to cooperate with the Commune government for a project of this nature. Specifics would have to be discussed as the project moved forward, with the stipulation that the nanorobots would not be allowed to pass the blood-brain barrier.

Łichíí, Oaxtoatotol of the Atotolapan of the Nenpanoliz-altuxl Kikialtignahwi

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-07-22 02:50pm
by Coyote
TO: The Foreign Diplomatic Contacts Ministry of the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds
FROM: Office of the Foreign Minister, Representative Nisho Veena, of the Central Alliance

RE: Diplomatic Contact Team.

It is with sincere greetings and interests in peaceful contact that we contact your government with a request for the free passage of a diplomatic team to your chosen meeting place. A flight of four small ships containing a diplomatic advance team will be arriving soon at the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth --with your permission of course-- to initiate peaceful overtures of non-aggression and Ambassadorial exchange if mutually desired.

Representative Nisho Veena
Central Alliance Foreign Office

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-07-27 02:24pm
by Simon_Jester
[Quantum key exchange encrypted message transmitted via tightbeam to Umerian embassy on Zero, subsequently decrypted and passed to the Supreme Soviet through normal channels]

FROM: Maxim Chernov, Second for Foreign Affairs
TO: Zero

This note is a preliminary response by the Council of Technarchs to recent discussions between Commune officials and Ambassador Hrabowski and his staff, on the subject of a mutual defense pact.

We greatly appreciate the exceptional bonds of respect and friendship between our nations that underlie this offer. Your proposal presently has the highest priority for consideration at the top levels of the Umerian state.

However, the proposed defense pact raises questions with extraordinarily broad strategic implications, beyond the scope of anything the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had expected when Ambassador Hrabowski was dispatched to Zero. Therefore, the Council of Technarchs has chosen to send a special envoy to Zero to discuss this proposal, with expanded power to make binding agreements: Dr. Nancy Bowinger, Third Technarch for Foreign Affairs.

Ambassador Hrabowski retains full authority to make binding agreements on technical and economic issues, and on all routine embassy affairs. We maintain our full confidence in his abilities within that sphere; it is only the great astropolitical implications of the defense pact proposal that lead us to take such a step.

Third Technarch Bowinger will depart as soon as the preliminary round of Council discussions on Umeria's official stance on the defense pact is complete; a full set of instructions from the Council will await her on arrival on Zero in February, allowing her to begin negotiations immediately.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-05 11:44am
by Darkevilme
Zor wrote:From: The Right Honorable Jun Smith, Prime Minister of the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds
To: All nations save the Byzantine Imperium, Bragulan Star Empire, Karlack Swarm, Orks and the Pfhor Empire

In the name of helping to promote the noble cause of Interstellar Peace, the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds has decided to hold a joint naval review in the Nova Australia system in the beginning of 3401
After much deliberation the Hierarchy Council now declares the Chamarrans will participate in the naval review.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-07 02:41pm
by Lord_Of_Change 9
Zor wrote:From: The Right Honorable Jun Smith, Prime Minister of the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds
To: All nations save the Byzantine Imperium, Bragulan Star Empire, Karlack Swarm, Orks and the Pfhor Empire

In the name of helping to promote the noble cause of Interstellar Peace, the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds has decided to hold a joint naval review in the Nova Australia system in the beginning of 3401
The Prussian Star League is sending ships to the naval review.

From: Ludwig Gottlieb, Foreign Secretary of the Prussian Star League
To: The Shepistani Republic

The Prussian Star League humbly offers its aid in the bombardment, invasion and occupation of Pendleton.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-07 04:05pm
by Force Lord
From: Tagdef Borlon, Foreign Secretary of the Centrality
To: Coalition against Pendleton

Dear sirs,

Some of you may no doubt have detected a large force bound to the Outback. This is our 5th Fleet. I assure you that we are not attempting to instigate a war against all of you. We merely sought to reinforce the B-A Gap. Once your hostilities against Pendleton are over, our fleet will return to the Centrality.

My regards to all of you,
Foreign Secretary Tagdef Borlon
Center of Foreign Relations

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-07 06:08pm
by Force Lord
From: Aurora Shipbuilding Corporation
To: Iduran Confederation government

Given that around 540 Blitz-class frigates are either being scrapped or mothballed throughout the Centrality, and we do not want such fine ships to be condemmed to disuse, we are willing to sell you about 60 of these ships so your anti-pirate operations become smoother. We are waiting for your reply.

The CEO of ASC.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-12 01:21pm
by Shinn Langley Soryu
Zor wrote:From: The Right Honorable Jun Smith, Prime Minister of the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds
To: All nations save the Byzantine Imperium, Bragulan Star Empire, Karlack Swarm, Orks and the Pfhor Empire

In the name of helping to promote the noble cause of Interstellar Peace, the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds has decided to hold a joint naval review in the Nova Australia system in the beginning of 3401.
FROM: Fleet Admiral Josefina Aquino, Chief of Naval Operations, SOS Imperial Navy
TO: The Right Honorable Jun Smith, Prime Minister of the Nova Atlantean Commonwealth of Worlds
SUBJECT: Naval Review

Dear Prime Minister Smith,

The SOS Imperial Navy is honored that the oftentimes strained relations between our two nations have not impeded our invitation to this event. After some deliberation, the SOS Imperial Navy has decided to send the following ships to the planned naval review:
  • One (1) Bouken Desho Desho class battleship (HSS Super Driver)
  • Two (2) Nagaru Tanigawa class cruisers (HSS Nagaru Tanigawa, HSS Noizi Ito)
  • Four (4) Wendee Lee class destroyers (HSS Wendee Lee, HSS Michelle Ruff, HSS Kari Wahlgren, HSS Karen Strassman)
  • Four (4) Aya Hirano class frigates (HSS Aya Hirano, HSS Emiri Katou, HSS Kaori Fukuhara, HSS Aya Endo)
It is our hope that our presence at the naval review may mark the beginning of warmer relations between the Holy Empire and the Commonwealth.


FADM J. Aquino
Chief of Naval Operations, SOS Imperial Navy

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-15 12:07pm
by Shroom Man 777
From the People's Department of Limited Foreign Interaction and Human Affairs
(Transmitted from Montgomery branch, Republic of Shepistan)

The Bragulan Star Empire would like to call the attention of the Grand Dominion government regarding a sighting of a Dominionite vessel - identified as an M3189 Dominion Patriarchal Star Sloop-of-War - traveling in Bragulan space without authorization. Said vessel is suspected of performing illegal activities in Bragulan space, and is believed to be connected to the kidnapping of young Bragulan citizen Yivgny Chamski from the moon Spevik Ansils.

The Imperial Arbitrators of Justice Enforcement, together with the Imperial Bureau of Galactic Vigilance, is conducting an investigation of the kidnapping of young citizen Chamski as well as the territorial violations of the suspected Dominionite vessel. They have reason to believe that the perpetrators may have Dominionite origins, and should the case be so, then they may well be outside Bragulan territorial jurisdictions.

The Bragulan Star Empire thus requests the cooperation of the Grand Dominion government, in order to more swiftly carry out the process of judicial retribution on those guilty of these transgressions against galactic law.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-16 07:20pm
by Steve
Official Announcement of HM Government

The Kingdom of New Anglia is saddened by the passing of the French Emperor Jean-Baptiste IV. We stand with our neighboring Empire in mourning for the loss of one of the great sovereigns of our era, the embodiment of everything noble and good in the French Nation. His wisdom, compassion, and magnanimity shall be missed.

Stephen Penton, Prime Minister
Lord Prestwick, Foreign Secretary

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-17 06:33pm
by Master_Baerne
Commique wrote:FROM: Her Ascendant Ladyship Sikala II, Lady Ascendant, etc.
TO: His Imperial Majesty Louis-Napoleon, Emperor of the French, etc.

Your Majesty,

Please accept Our sincerest condolences on this most saddening occassion, and know that it is Our greatest wish that the history of peace between our two great nations may be continued and improved upon. Our respect for the late Emperor was great, and We believe that Your Majesty will prove a worthy successor.

With sympathy,
Sikala II

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-17 07:10pm
by Magister Militum
Master_Baerne wrote:
Commique wrote: FROM: Her Ascendant Ladyship Sikala II, Lady Ascendant, etc.
TO: His Imperial Majesty Louis-Napoleon, Emperor of the French, etc.

Your Majesty,

Please accept Our sincerest condolences on this most saddening occasion, and know that it is Our greatest wish that the history of peace between our two great nations may be continued and improved upon. Our respect for the late Emperor was great, and We believe that Your Majesty will prove a worthy successor.

With sympathy,
Sikala II
(OOC: Will write up the arrival of Louis-Napoleon II to Paris and outlook on neighbors tomorrow. For now, this will have to suffice. Assume that he has already arrived and taken up power.)
FROM: His Imperial Majesty Louis-Napoleon II, Emperor of the French, etc.
TO: Her Ascendant Ladyship Sikala II, Lady Ascendant, etc.

Your Ladyship,

I thank you for your deep sympathy to France and her people during this dark period. I realize that our star nations have not always been on the most pleasant terms, but the work of my father and grandmother in undoing the damage done will not be forgotten or thrown away. I hope both of our nations will be able to forge a permanent peace that will benefit all.

Louis-Napoleon II
Official Announcement from HIM Government

The French Empire would like to thank those nations who have joined us in our sorrow over the loss of our late emperor Jean-Baptiste IV. Your sympathy to France and her people is much appreciated during this dark time. The state funeral for the late Emperor will be held at the Nécropole Impériale on 17 February, 3400. It is hoped that you will be able to join us in our mourning over the passing of Jean-Baptiste IV.

His Imperial Majesty Louis-Napoleon II, Emperor of the French, etc.
Greet Boerboom, Comte de Lutetia, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-17 10:08pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
From: Emperor Heraclius XX Komnenos, Basileus, Autokrator and Imperator of the Imperium Romanum, the Roman Star Empire.
To: His Imperial Majesty Louis-Napoleon II, Emperor of the French, etc.

Your Majesty,

We are saddened by your loss and express our deepest sympathy to France and her people. We will send a representative to the state funeral and to express the Imperial Romanum's condolences in person.

Emperor Heraclius XX Komnenos, Basileus, Autokrator and Imperator of the Imperium Romanum, the Roman Star Empire.
Julius Ikonos, Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-19 01:37pm
by Lord_Of_Change 9
From: Reichskanzler Franz Josef Hoffman
To: His Imperial Majesty Louis-Napoleon II, Emperor of the French, etc.

Although our relations were not the best they could have been, we are deeply saddened by your loss and will send an ambassador to the funeral to express our condolences in person.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-19 04:59pm
by Beowulf
Magister Militum wrote:Official Announcement from HIM Government

The French Empire would like to thank those nations who have joined us in our sorrow over the loss of our late emperor Jean-Baptiste IV. Your sympathy to France and her people is much appreciated during this dark time. The state funeral for the late Emperor will be held at the Nécropole Impériale on 17 February, 3400. It is hoped that you will be able to join us in our mourning over the passing of Jean-Baptiste IV.

His Imperial Majesty Louis-Napoleon II, Emperor of the French, etc.
Greet Boerboom, Comte de Lutetia, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
FROM: Tian Guo Foreign Office
To: Comte de Lutetia, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

I am deeply saddened by the loss of one the galaxy's greatest rulers, and will be personally attending the late Emperor's funeral.

// SIGNED //
Gwen Xu

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-20 07:48am
by Darkevilme
To: Star Kingdom of New Anglia
From: House Kithandra, Chamarran Hierarchy.

Due to your recent encounter with the Collectors and Pendleton who pose a continueing threat to our citizenry we would like to request all sensor data regarding the vessel designated collector Monolith particularly during the latter half of the battle.

To: Bragulan Star Empire
From: House Kithandra, Chamarran Hierarchy.

Mighty people of Bragule, the Hierarchy requests sensor information from your historical archive regarding the Collector Monolith your fleet defeated some years ago so we might marvel at your triumph.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-20 08:12am
by Shroom Man 777
Darkevilme wrote:\ To: Bragulan Star Empire
From: House Kithandra, Chamarran Hierarchy.

Mighty people of Bragule, the Hierarchy requests sensor information from your historical archive regarding the Collector Monolith your fleet defeated some years ago so we might marvel at your triumph.
From the People's Department of Limited Foreign Interaction and Human Affairs
(Transmitted from Pfhor Empire branch)

The Chamarran Hierarchy does not need for any sensor information from our historical archives regarding the Collector Monolith our fleet defeated in order to marvel at our triumph. The triumph of the mighty people of Bragule is self-evident.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-20 12:01pm
by Siege
[swept-to-tightbeam, hypercast on primary diplomatic frequency, received @ n6.21.872.3400+]
(Signal sequence #t248696/3747, relay:)

TO: Fourth French Empire

Your Excellencies,

We are suitably saddened by the final personality-death of HIM Jean-Baptiste IV. With your permission, his funeral will be attended by the Right Honourable Sidney L. Hank IV, ambassador extraordinaire for the United Solarian Sovereignty.


Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-20 03:54pm
by Simon_Jester
FROM: Maxim Chernov, Second Technarch for Foreign Affairs
TO: Ludwig Gottlieb, Foreign Secretary of the Prussian Star League

In light of the Prussian Star League's interstellar press release accusing the Volksland system government of sponsoring the recent "Black Sunday" terrorist attacks, and your sudden military offensive against the Volksland system, the Council of Technarchs would like to request clarification of certain points affecting our interests in the region.

We emphasize that no security arrangements of any kind exist between Umeria and Volksland. However, we do note with some small alarm that the star is relatively close to the Grand Coreward Trunk, the Technocracy's primary trade route to the rimward portions of human space. The portion of the Grand Trunk passing through Sector T-10 is established as neutral space by longstanding international agreements which both the Prussian Star League and the Technocracy are party to.

Thus, we ask that you clarify your nation's position on the rightful control of the Volksland system and the surrounding space. Are your intentions in the system purely punitive, or do you have long-range political or territorial objectives?

Moreover, given the close proximity of our national borders, and the risk for misunderstandings in neutral systems not claimed by either nation, we ask whether the attack on Volksland reflects a general shift in the military policy of the Star League, or whether it is purely an isolated incident.

Re: SDNW4 Diplomatic Communications Thread

Posted: 2010-08-20 04:07pm
by Simon_Jester
From: Maxim Chernov, Second Technarch for Foreign Affairs
To: Greet Boerboom, Comte de Lutetia, Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Council of Technarchs expresses their condolences at your nation's loss; the Technocracy owes Emperor Jean-Baptiste a considerable debt of gratitude for his tireless dedication to growth, progress, and stability in the region.

First Technarch Dr. Michael O'Connell will be attending the late emperor's state funeral.