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Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-05 09:44pm
by White Haven
And as a semi-related point, can we try to avoid tacking on more and more systems now that the game's started? Strategy can't really be properly formed if the node-lines keep changing.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-05 09:46pm
by Master_Baerne
Right, then. We'll see what the traitorous rats do now. :)

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-05 11:08pm
by Karmic Knight
Darkevilme wrote:Hope ya dont mind being spread around a bit Karmic. I try to discourage 'all in one system' nations as they're bastard hard to successfully attack due to fleet concentration.
Alright, If Raj, you, and Beowulf Don't mind, I'll move my systems to these:


Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-05 11:09pm
by Nephtys
by the way folks, if you want to do anything clandesdine ever, you can make a post, and give it to me for posting. This way, any unforseen assassinations, bombings, who knows... won't be known to the general public, unless their own counter-intelligence figures it out. :P

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-05 11:11pm
by Darkevilme
I've already canonically moved a terraforming team to the southernmost of those nodes Karmic. Other than that i'm fine with you being on the others and you could have the dead north one instead.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-05 11:14pm
by Karmic Knight
Darkevilme wrote:I've already canonically moved a terraforming team to the southernmost of those nodes Karmic. Other than that i'm fine with you being on the others and you could have the dead north one instead.
Southernmost is the one with the small number about it, correct?

(In regards to the 'dead north one') You mean the one connected to the number '4' one?

Because that would work.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-05 11:15pm
by Raj Ahten
Karmic Knight wrote:
Darkevilme wrote:Hope ya dont mind being spread around a bit Karmic. I try to discourage 'all in one system' nations as they're bastard hard to successfully attack due to fleet concentration.
Alright, If Raj, you, and Beowulf Don't mind, I'll move my systems to these:

Well I don't foresee a problem, as long as you aren't playing a bunch of metamorphic invaders who want to eat my face :o . By the way, do you mind giving us some hints about what your faction is likely to look like?

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-05 11:16pm
by Darkevilme
Yes to both Karmic. The node between me and Tathessi i've nominally claimed for future colonization and have a fleet at.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-05 11:17pm
by Karmic Knight
Raj Ahten wrote:Well I don't foresee a problem, as long as you aren't playing a bunch of metamorphic invaders who want to eat my face :o . By the way, do you mind giving us some hints about what your faction is likely to look like?
My faction will be Unified Steelworks Incorporated, as soon as I get the OOB finished.
Darkevilme wrote:Yes to both Karmic. The node between me and Tathessi i've nominally claimed for future colonization and have a fleet at.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 12:19am
by Thirdfain
Not to bust your party, but I hasten to point out that your plan still leaves one channel none of you control exclusively...

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 12:48am
by White Haven
As is specifically stated in 'Smith's' briefing. After all, if there's NO way past without military action or good relations, then military action becomes inevitable. Think of it as valve. :twisted:

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 03:20am
by Tanasinn
If/when you choose to arrive in Network space, Ohma, I'll reply.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 09:52am
by Dahak
Though I think some here are forgetting that we are limited to light-speed communications. There should be a long delay until, for instance, Aly who is a bit away, gets to know about it....

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 11:11am
by Alyrium Denryle
Dahak wrote:Though I think some here are forgetting that we are limited to light-speed communications. There should be a long delay until, for instance, Aly who is a bit away, gets to know about it....
I am assuming that none of this is taking place in anything even remotely resembling real time. Even the kaeleer's transit times are going to be longer than the communication times in any case.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 01:17pm
by Rogue 9
Thirdfain, am I correct in guessing that there's no gravity on the Cluster?

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 01:23pm
by Darkevilme
Rogue 9 wrote:A question that's about to become relevant very quickly: What's everyone's positions on merchant vessels transiting the nodes in their territories?
Chamara is open to merchants but does enforce moderate shipping fees, Chamaran or government sanctioned trade vessels(IE the arranged trades from the diplomacy thread) are not subject to such fees.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 01:40pm
by Thirdfain
Rogue, you are correct. Zero-G all the way.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 01:47pm
by Beowulf
Rogue 9 wrote:Well then, it's fortunate you're on the opposite side of known space. :razz: Though given that the rules have no mechanism for discovering cloaked ships...
Cloaked ships are hard to detect, not impossible.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 01:59pm
by Rogue 9
Baerne, the invitation was to the embassies in the Clusters, not the representatives to the UN in spaaaaace. Just so you know.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 02:05pm
by Master_Baerne
Oh! Hang on...

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 03:26pm
by Ohma
Tanasinn wrote:If/when you choose to arrive in Network space, Ohma, I'll reply.
It's going to take a while, particularly since, as my next post will reveal, they're being extra careful and sneaky about it.

EDIT: OH, also, which systems on the map are the Yuuli systems?
EDIT2: Also, I would assume that unless all the nodes in Narmathar have been locked down AND HARD, that news about all this would still be getting around pretty fast, on the scale of one or two days at most for it to make its way across most of known space. I remember that we discussed that there are comm relays in most systems, and dedicated craft (probably unmanned) which travel through the nodes to transmit news and other important info to the relays on the other side. So long as the relays aren't like, on the other side of the system, it shouldn't take very long for the transmitted info to spread. Fleets on the other hand...

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 05:27pm
by Master_Baerne
We've only locked down Arceria Node and the one to Ouster territory, since they were the closest. There simply wasn't time to lock down every node.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 05:33pm
by Dahak
Master_Baerne wrote:We've only locked down Arceria Node and the one to Ouster territory, since they were the closest. There simply wasn't time to lock down every node.
Well, there's only two more. One to other Llaelar territory, which is open the other node is to my territory, and you'd have a bloodbath on your hand to try anything funny there...

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 06:00pm
by Rogue 9
Well, Hangrabi Freight Seven is going through the Ouster node, and if you try to stop it, you'll have a major international incident on your hands. One with a power that's not a neutral pushover.

Though I certainly don't see you locking down the Ouster node anywhere in the game thread. If you intend to do something, you need to post it.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-06 06:13pm
by Raj Ahten
BTW I got diplomatic feelers going out to Rogue 9's, Darth Raptor's and Beowulf's factions. (I don't want to push you, just making sure you all saw the post which is in the diplomacy thread.)