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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-04 06:49pm
by Siege
Serafina wrote:But since you are our first regular customers, we would like to supply you with a free sample.
In fact, we will double its size: We are offering you 2000 General Enginering Series Masrk Two Droids for FREE, whether you sign the contract or not!
But if you are willing to sign within the next two days, we would glady adorn you with no less than THREE Heavy Construction Droids Mark Three as a most generous gift.
Ambassador Ax-de-Kuur turned to Has Ekkert, the human deputy secretary of the Dominion's Department of Commerce who accompanied him on the trip to the core. The reptilian's large eyes were black and glassy as always, betraying no hint of emotion, but Ekkert saw the ruffle pass through the crest of feathers atop the ambassador's head, his species' equivalent of raising an eyebrow. The business savvy Tiss'Shar realized just as Ekkert did that they'd just gotten exactly what they'd come for -- and they didn't even have to negotiate for it! Has Ekkert smiled at his reptilian compatriot and shrugged lightly. Sometimes diplomacy was just plain easier than it appeared...

Result: The Dominion agrees to the terms for a trade treaty that the Cultural Union proposed. Free droids for all! Also, embassy ideas PM'ed...

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-04 07:43pm
by Kartr_Kana
Vulpter capital of The Great Cultural Union of the Galactic Core

The message had been received shortly after the envoy's had first been sent out. SigInt was able to determine that it was a derivation of an old CIS format. Due to the memory of the Republic Civil War, as it was known in the Golden Republic, a different course was taken then had been with previous nations.

HCT-03 Iron Duke, HCV-06 Repulse and HCV-07 Resolution had been dispatched to escort an ambassador to Vulpter. They had just arrived with their shields up, but with their weapons powered down and TIE's racked. They had come in the hopes of establishing peace, but were ready for war. Old prejudices die hard especially amongst the military, still they were willing to make an attempt for the sake of the Galaxy.

Alsakan, Golden Republic

HCV-08 Ramillies had just be dispatched post-haste to deliver the ambassador to the Gordian Dominion. The ship's Captain had been ordered to get her there in the least amount of time. "If it means you need to replace your hyperdrive when you return, you'll replace your hyperdrive!" He'd been told and he took them at their word. According to his navigators it would take them six days to reach Tiss'sharl he told them that whomever could get him to Tiss'sharl in five days or less would receive a months leave. It had the desired effect and the final course had come out to four days and a few hours.

(OOC:Because 1 week = 1 month, 1 day ~ 4 days, so I'm going to go ahead and write the arrival of my ambassador.)
Tiss'sharl, Gordian Dominion

G.R.W.S Ramillies had pushed her engines to redline in order to get to Tiss'sharl in just under five days. It would be a much more leisurely return home and at the end the yard dogs would mutter and shake their heads at the stress that had been placed on the hyperdrive and the accountants would tear at their hair in dismay at how much hypermatter had been used. Still the crew of the Ramillies had had their orders and now they were almost complete.

Ambassador Zora Ionate stood on the bridge taking in the sight of Gordian fighters looping up around the ship taking their place as escorts. She could feel the mighty realspace thrusters kick to life as the Victory II-class Star Destroyer moved along the orbital path to the "parking spot" that Tiss'sharl space controllers had specified. She felt a thrill of anticipation as the planet grew closer and she could start picking out some of the landmarks noted in her briefing. With that anticipation was a flutter of nervousness. This was to be her first assignment where she would be the lead ambassador rather then an aide or junior ambassador.

"Madme Ambassador we are about to enter our orbital slot and your shuttle has been prepared for your descent." The Captain informed her as he came up behind her. "The crew and I have been honored to be your escort Gentle Fem and we all wish you the best of luck."

Zora smiled winningly at the young Captain, he had been quite pleasant company the last four days and she hoped she would get the chance to spend more time with him in the future. At this moment though her duty called so she bid him farewell. "My thanks to you and your crew Captain. You have all been quite wonderful!"

Blushing slightly the Captain replied "Thank you for your kind words ma'am it was my... our pleasure."

She laughed as she exited the bridge, calling out the old spacers farewell over her shoulder as she did "Clear Skies!"

"Happy planeting." replied the Captain though she was already gone.

A little later on Tiss'sharl

Her shuttle ride had been quite enjoyable. The city was so interesting, like and yet unlike Alsakan she could not wait to begin exploring it and the many wonders it doubtlessly held. Since her landing she'd been escorted by a very enthusiastic guide to the Governess's office where she'd been greeted again with much enthusiasm and excitement. She had exchanged the usual pleasantries and assured the Governess that she was in no way alarmed by the number of Imperial designed ships in orbit. The Golden Republic used almost entirely Imperial designs themselves she explained. They were the most common designs in the galaxy and as such it was no surprise so many different governments used them she and the Governess agreed.

Zora explained that the Golden Republic was looking for trading partners and had hoped to establish such a relationship with the Gordian Dominion. Such an agreement would also have to include an arrangement for the protection of convoys between the two states.

Results:Ambassadors have been sent to the Great Cultural Union and the Gordian Dominion. The Ambassador to the Great Cultural Union is being escorted by 1xTector and 2xVictory II-class Star Destroyers since we're not completely sure about dealing with former CIS.

Ambassador Zora Ionate arrived on another VSD II.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-05 01:49am
by Agent Sorchus
Skyhook; central hall
The Jensaarai Aiella had just about enough from all this rhetoric. The influence of the Yalsamiri was making her head ache as well and she still felt vaguely nauseous. As she was making her way to the food – on second revelation, she should better not eat something right now – she noticed another woman, wearing an unfamiliar uniform. This women looked somewhat affected as well.

She walked up to her and extended her hand. “Greetings. I represent the Jensaarai.”
Alicia had been dreading this moment, the first meeting of a fellow afflicted being had been guaranteed thanks to the sith state. Of course this meeting was happening who lot sooner than one would have expected. With the force however nothing should have been taken as an absolute. "Hello, TSAB Commodore Testorossa. I don't think I have ever heard of the Jensaarai before. Should I take it you're a force using sect of some kind?"

"If you have some experience dealing with force users could we talk some later? Chances are there are going to be interesting events surrounding the Sith, and knowing the other is half the battle."

Speech by Prime Minister Gaeriel Captison-Thanas, Head of the Bakuran Republic Question period.

Minister Ukaleq stood before the assembled, " Prime Minister what passes for Republican in your definition? Is there any differences between Neo-Republicans and Restorationists in difficulties in integration? Likewise is there any differences between Palpitinists and lesser Imperialists? And Lastly what do you see as the chances that neither ideology passes into the next age of the Galaxy, or in your opinion are the options only one dimensional?"

Speech by his Excellency, Lord Nahdonnis Praji, Head of House Praji, Governor-General of Kaikielius, Foerost and Ruan, Marshal of the Galactic Empire, Question Period

Commodore Testorrosa and Captain Neely had been passing notes along with their staff during the speech, now the Commodore rose.

"Good Afternoon your Excellency, it is an honor to have been invited to the Signing*. After comparing notes we have some questions to ask." (* read Marketing ploy)

First there is the note about automation of the fleet and how that affects the already low population to armed service beings ratio. The question here is do you plan on increasing that ratio by increasing the total fleet volume while decreasing the total bodies per ton of the fleet, or is this deemed a total non concern?

Second is the concern you shared about not being able to have the quantity to suffer slight breaks in quality, while also noting that the Remnant has both in the your heavy fleet elements. Is this due to Organizational undervaluation of the heavy vessels or is their another reasoning that we do not recognize?

Third, you lament the lack of vessels that operate behind enemy lines yet all the design studies you presented suffer in this area even more than do the current vessels of the Fleet. All of your proposals suffer in deployment times compared to contemporary designs. Is this due to limited oversight or were you untruthful when you stated the strategic situation the Remnant finds itself in?

Fourth; the Perditor battle carrier, um, you are trying to stuff more starfighters into it than even the CIS Carriers, while greater firepower and allowing no greater volume to care for the maned fighters or the development of new light fighters that have anywhere near the volume of the automated CIS fighters. Likewise, have you considered that the initial lifetime expectations of the Venator were closer to 130 years, and for it to be considered nigh obsolete after less than halve the expectations that if the trend caries unto the next generation carrier having it be a extra large investment is short sighted?

Next question, do you have any estimations of hull or design lifetimes for your studies?"

And finally, are there any present or future doctrinal and/or equipment changes over the Imperial Starfighter Corps planned?

Joint speech by the Lady Feena D'Asta, Baroness designate of Nez Peron and head of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps and Clan Leader the Rt. Hon. Kandon Secura, Representative of Ryloth

-no comments presently-

the present, TSAB Space
Two formations of Marauder and twin Corellian Gunships gathered in deep space awaiting the diplomats' shuttes to arrive. One to The Pragmatic League and one to the Federal Republic of Nysacia.

the Present, Ord Mirit; The TSAB capital
The Golden Republic envoy had been scheduled for a meeting with the Diplomatic Corps head soon after arriving. However it had been rather short, but at least not disappointing. The TSAB was more than willing to talk, after all it was cheap.

OOC: now I really need to sleep, but I think that covers most of what I need to get done.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-05 06:28am
by Siege
UNREAL TIME, this takes place just after the meeting on Dromund Kaas and was mostly written by Shady.

Imperial Palace, Koros Major


The Emperor had just returned from his trip and it was a fruitful trip indeed, the Triumvirate had been formed, the first steps in taking over the Galaxy were made. Everything was going as he had foreseen. Other things had to be done first, before the next move was made. Things like destabilizing and weakening the neighboring Imperial Remnant.

Darth Imperius had seen a great opportunity in the world of Ryloth, a Remnant protectorate besieged by slavers and pirates. It was the Emperors decision that he would assists the slavers by providing resources and other necessities. But the main destabilizing operation on the planet would be carried out by the Hands of the Emperor.

These Shadow Empire operatives would infiltrate the planet with the assistance of the slavers. Once there they would begin their mission of chaos and destruction. They would do anything that was necessary to destabilize the planet and weaken the Imperial Remnant, making the planet less valuable and a drain on resources. Then, the already overstretched Remnant could either stay, and bleed, or withdraw, and lose face. The Emperor's calculating grin widened. Either way the Remnant would lose, and the Empire would win. It was a plan befitting of the most cunning of Sith Lords.

Lord Terest entered the Emperors inner sanctum and bowed. "I hope your trip has been successful, Master."

"It was.” Under his black cowl Darth Imperius looked entirely too pleased with himself. “The Triumvirate has been reformed."

Terest smiled. That was excellent news. With many factions in the core banding together, the Empire was overmatched, Dark Side or no. The Empire needed allies – and now they had them. “What are your orders master?

"I have a target for your lackeys. The world of Ryloth must be destabilized.", The Emperor held out a datapad in his emaciated hand. Terest took it. It containing, in minute detail, the orders that were to be executed. "We shall deploy the Black Hand to this wretched world."

The Black Hands were the Shadow Empire's most skilled spies and infiltrators. They trained specifically for purpose of destabilizing enemy worlds and sowing chaos, weakening them from the inside until they were ripe for conquest. And the best and perhaps most feared aspect of the Black Hand was that they were never caught alive, they lived only to serve the Emperor and died in his name. Whenever caught in a situation where their capture was inevitable, they would commit suicide - with deadly pills, or through more explosive, alchemical means. "As you wish, my master - so it shall be done.", Terest bowed. "Am I to take it that the time has come?"

"Not yet my apprentice, we are not ready.", The Emperor steepled his long, white fingers, a calculating look dancing in his wide, livid scarlet eyes. "These are merely the preliminary operations with which we shall determine our enemies strengths and weaknesses, but most importantly - their resolve..."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-05 07:52am
by Thanas
Unreal Time
Core Conference, Skyhook, Coruscant

Alicia had been dreading this moment, the first meeting of a fellow afflicted being had been guaranteed thanks to the sith state. Of course this meeting was happening who lot sooner than one would have expected. With the force however nothing should have been taken as an absolute. "Hello, TSAB Commodore Testorossa. I don't think I have ever heard of the Jensaarai before. Should I take it you're a force using sect of some kind?"

"If you have some experience dealing with force users could we talk some later? Chances are there are going to be interesting events surrounding the Sith, and knowing the other is half the battle."
The Jensaarai nodded. “You might say that we have some experience with the sith.” As if the Sith armor I am wearing would not be a dead giveaway. “Though recently some of our perceptions of them have been called into question. I would be happy to answer some queries of yours. Maybe we shall talk during the state banquet?” Without giving too much away, though.

Commodore Testorossa nodded. “I noticed you following the Marshal Jir. Are you sure he will not take offense?”

“I am not his lapdog.” With that, the Jensaarai nodded and walked away, her long cape hugging the slender armour.

Speech by Prime Minister Gaeriel Captison-Thanas
Question period.

Minister Ukaleq stood before the assembled, " Prime Minister what passes for Republican in your definition? Is there any differences between Neo-Republicans and Restorationists in difficulties in integration? Likewise is there any differences between Palpitinists and lesser Imperialists? And Lastly what do you see as the chances that neither ideology passes into the next age of the Galaxy, or in your opinion are the options only one dimensional?"
Gaeriel Captison took a few seconds to compose herself.

“Minister Ukaleq, thank you for those questions. To answer your first question, a Republican according to my definition is someone who believes in the political system of the Old Republic or any republic political system. This is of course a very broad and very vague definition, but I find it more fitting than the definition offered by some political scientists, which defines a republican as one who is neither an Imperial nor a Seperatist.

To answer your second and third questions, I can only speak of Bakura. In my opinion, there is a division among radicals and moderates when it comes to integration. In that sense Bakura was lucky – we did not have a great many people who wished to go on a crusade from the Republican factions as we had won, and the Imperial factions were mollified by being included. More importantly, we gave them symbols that made sure both felt that their viewpoints were respected. As for the success of integration politics in the rest of the Remnant, we have had some terrorist incidents from both sides, but law enforcement seems to be able to keep them in check. The differences in integration on Bakura were non-noticeable, mostly because we had so few radicals to start out with. Those most radical left the planet with the Imperial Garrison and those left all had a stake in Bakura.

As for your last question, with the current state of the galaxy I think it is a given that all political ideologies manage to survive. I don't think I can speculate on the future that much. Obviously we will all work on trying to have our ideologies prevail.”

Lord Praji's speech
Question time

Commodore Testorrosa and Captain Neely had been passing notes along with their staff during the speech, now the Commodore rose.

"Good Afternoon your Excellency, it is an honor to have been invited to the Signing*. After comparing notes we have some questions to ask." (* read Marketing ploy)

First there is the note about automation of the fleet and how that affects the already low population to armed service beings ratio. The question here is do you plan on increasing that ratio by increasing the total fleet volume while decreasing the total bodies per ton of the fleet, or is this deemed a total non concern?

Second is the concern you shared about not being able to have the quantity to suffer slight breaks in quality, while also noting that the Remnant has both in the your heavy fleet elements. Is this due to Organizational undervaluation of the heavy vessels or is their another reasoning that we do not recognize?

Third, you lament the lack of vessels that operate behind enemy lines yet all the design studies you presented suffer in this area even more than do the current vessels of the Fleet. All of your proposals suffer in deployment times compared to contemporary designs. Is this due to limited oversight or were you untruthful when you stated the strategic situation the Remnant finds itself in?

Fourth; the Perditor battle carrier, um, you are trying to stuff more starfighters into it than even the CIS Carriers, while greater firepower and allowing no greater volume to care for the maned fighters or the development of new light fighters that have anywhere near the volume of the automated CIS fighters. Likewise, have you considered that the initial lifetime expectations of the Venator were closer to 130 years, and for it to be considered nigh obsolete after less than halve the expectations that if the trend caries unto the next generation carrier having it be a extra large investment is short sighted?

Next question, do you have any estimations of hull or design lifetimes for your studies?"

And finally, are there any present or future doctrinal and/or equipment changes over the Imperial Starfighter Corps planned?

Praji had to admit the Commodore a grudging nod of respect. She seemed to know her business. No mincing of words, just hard talk. The way he liked it.

“Regarding automation. As I am sure you are all aware of, pure droid crews are inferior to human crews, while pure human crews wastes a lot of manpower on menial tasks such as waste extraction. We would like to think that we will find the perfect balance and are preparing some programs to fill that role. As for the ratio of population to armed services, we are not concerned about that. We have always been able to call upon enough patriots to serve, we don't think this will change substantially especially regarding the lack of employment on some planets. In fact, of our recruits for the next year, a disproportionately high amount comes from Coruscant and Anaxes. However, we are concerned about wasting talent on unimportant jobs when they could increase efficiency elsewhere. The main concern is how we can get the most efficient ships there are, the rest is secondary.

As for your second question, I am not sure I understand your meaning. Maybe you could rephrase?

For your third question. Never call me a liar again, Commodore. But I like your style, so I'll forgive you – this time. First of all, as I am sure you know, the ability to operate behind enemy lines is not contingent on deployment time alone. It is as much dependent on speed, firepower and sensors. Previously, the Imperial Remnant could field the Victory II class SD and be very much certain that it could either defeat or outrun any ships the enemy would field – save the heaviest fleet elements, of course. Now that the NR has developed the Nebula class SD, this advantage was lost as the Nebula SD can outfight the VSDII, although it cannot catch it. VSDs operating in pairs as hunter-killers would solve that problem, but it is very inefficient to have two ships do the job of one in terms of overall strategical balance. In short, this design came to pass out of a need to counter the Nebula SD while retaining the speed advantage of the VSDII. This design manages to do that. We do not feel that more than 6 months are needed for deployment time, especially considering the territory of potential enemies is so small that it is more important to get in, strike hard and get out fast. "

He smiled at the thought of that and brought up a display of the Lucrehulk class battleship.

"As for your questions about the Perditor class battle cruiser – you compare a true carrier design to an upgraded freighter. As I am sure you are aware of, in every freighter to merchant conversion space is lost. The lucrehulk is also a very old design. It suffers from a lot of spatial issues. For example, the entire center of it is not used. It is a ring around a core ship, with lots of empty space. Furthermore, in addition to the fighters, a lucrehulk also carries 1500 troop carriers, each of which use more than 12x the space of a freighter and 550 multi-troop transports. Meanwhile, our design also carries 20000 less passengers. A lucrehulk also carries three times the amount of consumables our design does. It services 1500 fighters for almost thrice as long, whereas our design services 1728- fighters for one third of the time of a lucrehulk, with a wartime deployment of 2529 fighters that is non-sustainable over longer periods. Finally, we have a much larger reactor, which results in the increased power for shielding and armaments. I hope that answers your concerns.

With regards to the Venator, it is not that the ships themselves are aged, it is that their capabilities are not longer enough to service all our needs.

As for lifetime expectancy studies, we aim for a standard lifetime of 150 years for the Perditor and ISDIII class, assuming standard deployments. With regards to the Procursator class, it will be subjected to much higher levels of stress due to its role and speed. Thus, we expect a lifetime of 60-120 years, again depending on how it will be used. Of course, as we all know, the real lifetime of designs is more shorter due to them being either upgraded or scrapped when newer designs become available.

As for the starfighter corps, I am afraid that I cannot go into it due to issues of national security. But I am sure you have all observed the announcement of the formation of our new Imperial starfighter units.”

Praji paused for a moment. “Any further questions?”

End unreal time

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-05 08:00am
by Thanas
Alsakan System
Chamber of Falling Waters

Kartr_Kana wrote:"It is for this goal that the Golden Republic wishes to enter into negotiations with the CORE Alliance. We feel that it is part of our destiny to see the galactic order rebuilt. After all Alsakan was there when the Republic was first founded and wishes to be there when the next twenty-five millenia government is formed. As a sign of our willingness to further the common good and this goal, we would like to host the Core Conference and the embassies of all members until such a time that Coruscant is rebuilt." [The mentor] paused to allow Lorth Trun to speak.
Lorth Trun was taken aback, both by the beauty of the place and the unexpected offer. His mind was a swirl with speculation, surprise and also the surprising thought Oh, I am soo gonna get promoted for this. It was only thanks to the Imperial training that he managed to conceal showing his feelings. Of course, as he quickly remembered, as he was in the presence of a force-user this was no good at all. Think. Five tools of diplomacy. They thought you this. Misdirection, assassination, bribery, freindship and manners. Five goals of every state. Survival, Expansion, well being of its citizens, alliances, influence. The number of datapads comprising the Imperial constitution is...and I am back.

“Honorable mentor, I must admit that this offer strikes me unprepared, but I am thankful of the spirit it is given in. I am of course, not empowered to answer it in any way, but will pass it on to my superiors.”

He took few steps towards the edge of the waterfall, noting the skilful way in which it had been set up. “I do however have to inform you that the terms of the Core treaty establish strict procedures for the seat of the Core conference. It specifically mandates that the seat of the conference is Coruscant and until it can be mandated it will rotate between the capital worlds of the presiding members. Your wish to continually host the core conference is contradictory to that treaty. If you wish, I can submit it as well, but I doubt the conference will agree to it.”

He paused for a moment, gazing over the natural beauty. “Before I go however, would you mind if I stay for a while and enjoy the beauty of this place? It has been a long time that I have seen such beauty ever since my planet Anaxes was destroyed.”

- reply to the offer made by Kartr Kana. Proposal forwarded to the Council.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-05 11:35am
by Thirdfain

"... I suppose a temporary cease-fire of an unofficial nature could be in order. How about one year, to be re-assessed at the end of that period? At which time either party can unilaterally withdraw with no loss of honor? As for your ships going inharmed, well, when you came striding in here with an entire squadron of heavy cruisers, we held our fire, no? Such discretion is of course possible in the future as well.

Please, go before your Prime Minister and make arrangements for an exchange of ambassadors. I see no reason why the public civilities should not be observed on matters of state and diplomacy."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-05 12:39pm
by Thanas
Unreal time

Lord Praji's Skyhook
Main landing bay

Medal ceremony

The “unofficial” speeches had finished and to the relief of Ragez D'Asta, the three hours of sleep he had been able to get had been reinvigorating. He still was pumped full of stims, but at least he was able to ignore the pain and walk as straight as he had this morning.

The landing bay itself had been redecorated as a parade ground. At both sides, Red Guards stood at attention, with Naval officers of all nations lining up in front of them. At a tribune overseeing the event, the honoured guests and Imperial councillors had been placed. Some had taken the offered seats, but most of them had chosen to stand at attention, as the troops did. He was particularly pleased that all delegations had either turned out in full or sent representatives.

Not all councillors had been placed on the Tribune, however. Among the officers below, Marshal Daine Jir and VADM Thanas were standing at attention, with their respective staffs standing in formation behind them.

(the two officers)

With strong steps, Baron D'Asta made his way into the middle of the honour guard, fully knowing that every second of this be broadcast live over the holonet and that knowledge of his impending death would cause enormous unrest. The old Baron of the Empire, this is what they call me.

Halting, he raised his voice, knowing that the amplifier disk built into his collars would carry his voice far while also keeping the illusion alive that he had a voice strong enough to cover such a wide ground.

“Your majesties, excellencies, people of the Imperial Remnant. We are gathered here to honour two soldiers who have done their duty. We are honouring their professionalism, their commitment and their success. The two officers are not only exemplary models, they are true heroes of the Remnant. Today, we honour them appropriately and hope many others will follow their examples.

Marshal Daine Jir and Vice-Admiral Thanas, please step forward.”

On command, both made two steps forward, turned, marched towards him, came to a stop two meters from him and saluted.

“Marshal Daine Jir. For planning a successful assault on a pirate base, the capture of the most dangerous pirate fleet to date and the liberation of a planet out of the clutches of said pirates, the Imperial Remnant bestows upon you the Medal of Order.”


He stepped forward and pinned the medal on the Marshal's chest, then walked over to VADM Thanas.

“Vice-Admiral Thanas. For planning and executing a successful trap against said pirate fleet, thereby allowing Marshal Jir to corner and defeat them, the Imperial Remnant bestows upon you the Medal of Order”.

After repeating the procedure, he stepped back. “These awards not only honour yourself, but also the many sacrifices the Bakuran Navy made in combating the pirates. The Imperial Remnant has therefore decided to award all vessels who took part in the battle of 5-32Dekka-9 a battle star for their gallant and valiant service. The Imperial Treasury has been directed to provide generously for the families of the fallen. The Imperial Remnant will not be prey to pirate forces. Instead, we will hunt them down and kill them wherever we find them. For the Glory of the Imperial Remnant.”

“FOR THE GLORY OF THE REMNANT”. The response from several hundreds of naval officers was thundering.”

D'Asta paused and then gathered his breath for a shout that had never before been uttered. “Long live the Core alliance.”

This time, the response was the slightest bit delayed as the troops had never heard this proclamation before, but after a split second they shouted it back in force. “LONG LIVE THE CORE ALLIANCE”.


The troops filed out and Baron D'Asta joined his fellow councillors on the way to the state banquet.


Banquet hall
Imperial State Dinner

An Imperial State Dinner was truly a beautiful thing to behold. Crystal light fixtures were illuminating the room, which had been plaited with numerous precious metals and jewels. A live orchestra was standing in wait behind a sound shield, ready to play whenever the dances would begin. The dancefloor was adjoining the banquet hall, decked with real, polished wood. The meals itself were luxurious enough to have even been served at one of Palpatine's private dinners and the wines and other spirits served were the finest of those that had been found intact in the ruins of the Imperial Praji, or at least that is where Praji had claimed they came from. The Republic of Bakura had contributed a large pile of Namana fruit, candy and liquor to the event. The worth of it on the open market would have been equivalent to the pay of an ISD crew for one month. Looking over the dignitaries, Ragez D'Asta had not seen such splendor and so many different styles of cloth since the fall of the empire.

As for himself, he still wore the unadorned red uniform of the D'Astan forces he had been wearing throughout the whole occasion. It did not seem fitting that he should wear anything more while Coruscant was in ruins. Looking around the table, he noticed that some councillors had followed his lead, though each in his own style. Clan leader Kandon Secura had donned ceremonial Twi'Lek garb. Gaeriel Captison-Thanas still wore the simple grey dress she had worn through the signing ceremony. Her husband of course was in Imperial dress uniform, as were all other councillors of Imperial military rank. That left few people who had any choice in their dress.

(OOC: Mahd Windcaller, Feena D'Asta and Mirith Sinn)

Mahd Windcaller had donned her usual grey uniform-like dress, allowing her maximum freedom of movement (something that was very important to the Echani master). Only a close look would reveal it to have been made of a cloth that cost several million credits. Mirith Sinn. As her rank of commander had been a New Republic creation (and she had refused any Imperial rank), the director of Imperial intelligence had chosen a black, skin-tight outfit that drew the looks of many a male human around the table. Only an intelligence professional would however recognize the sign of a stealth outfit. A fitting choice considering her personality as former alliance commando and insurrection leader – misdirection had always been one of her strengths. Currently she was embroiled in a dialogue with a Hutt merchant. As for his own daughter, Feena had chosen a well-tailored white dress which was almost unremarkable, but had also donned a golden cape with purple stripes, signifying her noble rank as Baroness-designate and daughter of head of state.

The Jensaarai was still wearing her armour and had apparently decided to spend some time with the Commodore of the TSAB, who had delivered some very sharp questions to Marshal Praji earlier. This one bears watching.

Ragez D'Asta approved of the choices made and decided to now focus on the task at hand.

“Majesties, excellencies, honoured guests. Please take your seats." After this had been accomplished, D'Asta continued.

"It has been long, far too long since we had an Imperial State Dinner. You all have heard enough speeches already, so I won't bore you much longer and keep you from your well-earned food.

Thank you for coming and a huge thank you to our allies. I think I speak for everyone today when I say this has been a glorious day. Today, the galaxy has become a much safer place.

Over the past two years, almost every nation has seen the need to stop fighting. Almost every nation has agreed that whatever our differences in the past, we are all sovereign nations in our own right. We have all agreed to stop this futile waste of lives and resources.

There are, however, those who would rather see more planets turn out like Coruscant. There are those who would rather see this futile struggle continue than work towards a new age of prosperity. There are those for whom the death toll of 1.1 quadrillion lives is not enough. In their bloodlust, they have lost all vestiges of civilization. We must stand against them.

And today we did. Thank you for your time, your patience and please enjoy your food.”

(OOC: If anyone wants to make a speech after this, please feel free to do so in unreal time).


Two hours later
“Gentlebeings, thank you for your time. The state dinner is now over, but please feel free to enjoy our hospitality. I believe there is some room for dancing prepared, please feel free to use it as you see fit. I however have lost my taste for dancing after the death of my wife, so please excuse me if I retire for the evening” And my stims have almost lost their power. I need to rest.

He rose, as did the other guests. He nodded at his daughter and then departed. It has been a good day.

As he entered his private sanctuary, he practically collapsed on the Bed, his strength leaving him. But instead of going to sleep, he activated a surveillance camera and observed his daughter. Apparently she was trying to convince a very unenthusiastic Moff Saenger to the dance floor. He activated his hearing implant and could caught a glimpse of their conversation. “Nothing bad happened today. You know what that means. First dance is mine, the next one is Mirith's and then you have to ask another one to dance.” “I'd say me losing a bet and having to dance counts as something bad. In fact, it should be a crime against civilization.”

And as Ragez D'Asta watched his daughter drag a very unenthusiastic Moff to the dancefloor, he couldn't help but smile. Yes, nothing bad happened today



The unmarked transport had just managed to slip by the Imperial patrols and had arrived in the nick of time before the newly assembled planetary shield had been activated. The Black Hand departed and set out for their chosen targets.

End unreal time

OOC: Results:
- Core conference is ending. Of course, speeches and dialogue etc. can and will be made during unreal time in further posts, but I wanted this to be wrapped up.
- OOB will be updated to show the medal bestowal.
- Nothing bad happened today – except Sith infiltrators looking to exploit a powderkeg.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-05 04:54pm
by Kartr_Kana
Agent Sorchus wrote:the Present, Ord Mirit; The TSAB capital
The Golden Republic envoy had been scheduled for a meeting with the Diplomatic Corps head soon after arriving. However it had been rather short, but at least not disappointing. The TSAB was more than willing to talk, after all it was cheap.
Ord Mirit
The Envoy to TSAB was in a hurry to reach his liaison in the Diplomatic Corps. He had just received a reply to the message he'd sent home. Having been informed of the state of affairs in TSAB, C.C. had made him full Ambassador and told him to secure a trade agreement that included mutual defense of convoys.

In particular C.C. was interested in obtaining the licensing rights to the SD-10 war droids so that they could start manufacturing them in the droid factories of Mechis III. In return they were willing to export medical supplies and advanced technology from Obroa-skai and Arkania. Also they were willing to lease certain droid factories on Mechis III to TSAB for their own droid production needs.

Lorth Trun aka Thanas wrote:“I do however have to inform you that the terms of the Core treaty establish strict procedures for the seat of the Core conference. It specifically mandates that the seat of the conference is Coruscant and until it can be mandated it will rotate between the capital worlds of the presiding members. Your wish to continually host the core conference is contradictory to that treaty. If you wish, I can submit it as well, but I doubt the conference will agree to it.”

He paused for a moment, gazing over the natural beauty. “Before I go however, would you mind if I stay for a while and enjoy the beauty of this place? It has been a long time that I have seen such beauty ever since my planet Anaxes was destroyed.”
Chamber of Falling Waters, Alsakan

Mentor Zicti smiled and replied "Of course I understand that the Core treaty has already been written and signed. All I ask is that you bring forward our offer, made in good faith as a sign of our commitment to galactic peace, to the conference members. We would consider it a great honor if they were to accept it in the same manner it was offered."

Pausing Zicti took a moment to look around him before he continued "Of course you may stay as long as you wish Lorth Trun of Anaxes and I hope that in the future we will be able to commit a portion of our knowledge and resources into aiding the rebuilding of your world and others like it."

With a short bow First Ambassador Zicti departed, waving off Ambassador Trun's reply and bidding him good day.

Results:TSAB has been offered a trade agreement and the First Ambassador left Lorth Trun to enjoy the beauty of Alsakan.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-06 01:58pm
by Serafina
*Outer Edge of the Vulpter System, abord the CUS Prosperity*

*The Perimeter Defense Fleet flanked the new arrivors. More than 1000 starfighters had been deployed - but the weapons were idle. High Admiral Amyria opened a channel to the leading Star Destroyer.*

Greetings, arrivors. On behalf of the Great Cultural Union of the Galactic Core, i welcome you to our territory.

However, i must inform you that foreign ships will only be allowed near the the planet Vulpter itself and on the following approach sectors *she pressed a button, relaying a bunch of navigational information*. We will escort you to the proper locations. Be informed that stray ships may be autotargeted by disabling ion cannons, until a proper IFF-signal is sent.
Please advise your technicians to adjust them to the following specifics *another button button was pressed, another information relayed.*

To compensate for your troubles, i would like to invite you to my ship, the CUS Prosperity.
On your behalf, i will also open a channel to Rina Fio, our foreing minister.

*Ten minutes later, legation of the Golden Republic arrives at the bridge tower of the Prosperity. Rina Fio is present as a high-detail hologram at the end of the table*

Ah, welcome, Ambassador - i am sorry, i did not get your name?

Anyway, i am happy that your Republic decided to engage in diplomatic contact with us. I trust that you got our trade broadcast? Well, i already see that you may be interested in some...unorthodox products. I guess i will arrange a meeting with Lady Serafina Morantor and Doktor Ross - both are heavily augmented, and Dr. Ross is our leading specialist in cybernetics. You might be highly interested in some of our products.

Anyway, there are more concerns to discuss, and i would like to get an general overview before you arrive.

*The conservation continues for another half hour. During this time, the Cultural Union is offering the Golden Republic both a trade treaty and a permanent ambassy*

-Trade offer to the Golden Republic, with focus on cybernetics.
-Offer of an permanent Ambassy to the Golden Republic. (again, please specify your architectural preferences).

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-06 03:02pm
by Thanas
Thirdfain wrote:Sullust

"... I suppose a temporary cease-fire of an unofficial nature could be in order. How about one year, to be re-assessed at the end of that period? At which time either party can unilaterally withdraw with no loss of honor? As for your ships going inharmed, well, when you came striding in here with an entire squadron of heavy cruisers, we held our fire, no? Such discretion is of course possible in the future as well.

Please, go before your Prime Minister and make arrangements for an exchange of ambassadors. I see no reason why the public civilities should not be observed on matters of state and diplomacy."
Ambassador Ossilege nodded. “I will agree to the terms of the ceasefire and I shall talk to my Prime Minister. I shall now take my leave.” She bowed, turned and left the room, boarding her shuttle to take her back to the Fealty.

As soon as she had arrived, the fleet jumped into hyperspace at the maximum speed possible.

The Imperial Times.
Newspaper for Coruscant, Anaxes and Axum.

The works on a massive droid factory has been started at Axum. The droid factory will be built as part of a technology exchange with the Neimoidian Skakoan Confederacy. In exchange for holonet technology the empire received the plans for a droid factory and droid technology. It was further reported that AI technology from the Cultural Union had been obtained as well. Moff Saenger stressed the importance of droids in the reconstruction effort and pointed out that manufacturing large numbers of construction droids was a necessity.
Free Democratic People's Republic of Haven
Imperial Remnant Embassy

The Remnant Ambassador handed the diplomatic liaison with the President's Palace a datapad. “On this page are the terms of the proposed arms deal.”
- The Imperial Remnant will buy one Vindicator class cruiser (standard configuration) from SFS, total cost 6 points (1 point profit) from the Republic of Haven.
- The shipyards of the Republic of Haven will carry out the following repair work/modification:
- The carrack cruiser Dominator has suffered total damage to its rear (engines and the last third of the ship are gone). Repair work of three months yardtime.
- The Assault frigate Fastblast needs to be converted from pirate/NR equipment to imperial equipment/standards. One month yardtime.
- The Bulk Cruiser Booty Full needs to be modernized and also converted to Imperial equipment/standards. One month yardtime.
- The CR-90 corvette Backstab is already heavily modified - we need Sienar to upgrade the shields and replace pirate equipment with imperial ones.

- The Remnant will pay 3 points for those repairs/modifications (1 point profit for the Republic)
- Sienar Fleet Systems will also produce the following fighters for the Remnant:
96 TIE Fighters
36 TIE Interceptors
36 TIE Bombers
4 TIE fighters in recon configuration
to replace recent losses/outfit the captured pirate ships. The recon TIEs should be sent right to the Dominator. These fighters are to be produced at cost for the Imperial Remnant by Sienar Fleet Systems for a total of 7 points.

Complete amount of the arms deal:
16 currency units (OOC: 16 points, two points profit for Beowulf)
“I hope you find the terms agreeable and mutually profitable.”

Ord Cantrell
Imperial Ruling Council

The days after the signing of the Core alliance treaty had been tumultuous ones for the Imperial Ruling Council. Following the signing, the Loyalty had taken them on a tour of Coruscant, Anaxes and Axum, where they had appeared at many a public function in order to show the people that yes, the Ruling Council did not just spent all time and tax money in luxury suites at Ord Cantrell. Eventually they had returned to Ord Cantrell, and Feena D'Asta desperately wished nothing more than to finally return to her luxury suite and immerse herself in a hot bath. Alas, business came first and so the Council once more gathered for a session.

Gaeriel Captison and Kandon Secura had sponsored a law that would allow aliens to serve in the Imperial military. The Remnant had abolished the Palpatinist human high culture laws immediately after it had been founded, but aliens had not been allowed to serve in the fleet. Gaeriel Captison delievered the closing argument in favor of the law. “It is high time that we allow citizens who want to serve to do so. While I recognize the impossibility to provide special quarters for aliens on Imperial ships, there is no reason not to allow those who can handle human conditions to serve. This law would allow us to widen our manpower base and also abolish the last vestige of anti-alien rascism. Furthermore, under the current law, our numerous Twi'Lek citizens would not be allowed to enter the Imperial military, while the honored Clan Leader Secura is allowed to serve on this council. I think that fact speaks volumes.”

Ragez D'Asta directed the meeting, as usual. “Thank you, Prime Minister. Any further opinions?”
Lord Praji stood. “I am in favor of anything that gets me more troops.” “Aptly put. Any further opinions? Excellent. May I see a show of hands in support of the bill?”

The law passed unanimously.

“Very well. Let us now proceed to the situation at Axum. Moff Saenger?” “Yes, Regent.” Saenger stood. “Councillors, as you all know we have been trying to look into automation procedures for our ships. The droid factory on Axum is going to be opened soon and our most proficient programmers and engineers have had a close look at the AI technology of the Cultural Union and the droid technology of the Neimoidians. Sadly, even the combined synthesis will not be enough to fulfil the requirements we set out.”

Mirith Sinn continued. “As you all know, Imperial Intelligence has been searching for the former head of droid research of the empire, but our search has been going on for the better part of a year now and we have nothing to show for it. We fear they may have been killed in the turmoil.”

This was grim news. “Our automation program depends on his skill as a programmer and his expertise.” Ragez D'Asta sat back. “Please keep trying. Now, to the diplomatic front. Feena?”

Feena D'Asta stood. “I am sure you have read the news. But the fanatics are not the first item on the list. Our ambassador to the People's Republic of Haven has relayed our offer to them. I am sure Marshal Praji will be pleased with the results. Our analysts think the Havenites will accept the terms of the deal.

Ambassador Lorth Trun has reported that not only has the Golden Republic signed all three treaties, it also wishes to enter the Core Alliance and offers to be the permanent seat of the Core alliance conference until Coruscant is completed. I would offer this up for discussion.”

Ragez D'Asta had to keep himself from grimacing. Here come the factions. “Fellow councillors, I shall call for an opinion from the voting members. Lord Praji?”

“More allies are a good thing and I would support a defensive alliance. Letting them into the Core alliance is another thing entirely. My three votes go against allowing another republic to intrude into our space and against allowing them to host the Core conference.”

D'Asta had expected as much. “3 against. Minister Captison?”

The Prime Minister shot Praji a withering look. “I do not need to remind the Marshal that there are representatives from republics right at this table. More democracy is a good thing. Bakura and Timora vote aye on letting them in.”

“2:3. Moff Saenger?”

The Moff folded his hands. “I need to have assurances that the position of Coruscant will not suffer as a result of this. Alsakia was always very keen on competing with Coruscant. So a cautious yes, providing that their offer to host the conference is rejected.”

“4:3 then. Baroness Windcaller?”

“I join my colleague Marshal Praji. I fear the dangers are too much.”

“4:4. Clan Leader Secura?”

“When faced with a heatstorm, it is better to have more than one hut to shelter in. Ryloth votes yes.”

“5:4. Marshal Jir?”

“I too join Lord Praji in his opinion.”

“5:5. This leaves me with the deciding vote.” Ragez D'Asta looked across the room. “My dear colleagues, as a so-called Republic Remnant is forming on Sullust, we should remind the galaxy that we are not the Empire anymore. We have to counter any accusation of the false Empire-rebel dichotomy. But that is not the only reason why I will cast my vote for having them enter the Core alliance. I am very much in favor of having our Imperial values preserved. But our values are not strong because we have shut ourselves off. They are strong because they have become so through constant competition. Let the Golden Republic in and let them prove their worth. We should not reject anyone just because they call themselves Republicans. Otherwise a lot of our colleagues would not be sitting here at this table.”

The matter was decided and Feena D'Asta instructed her diplomatic corps to sent a communique to other members of the Core Alliance endorsing the idea of adding another Core member, but speaking against allowing them to host the Core conference as it would infringe on the Core Alliance treaty itself.

“The Cultural Union has not only signed a treaty of mutual benefit, it has also invited Captain Hunt to be the primary ambassador and invited him to a fleet maneuver. Is there any objection to allowing this to go forward?”

Praji stood. “I would hate to see us lose such a capable captain, but I do not think we should squander goodwill with the Cultural Union. After all, they sent us a very generous gift in those construction units. But what of the Retaliator?”

Feena nodded. “We could recall it. But if you think the Core fleet can stand the loss of one ISD, I have prepared another alternative. The Cultural Union is woefully devoid of large starships. Maybe they would be interested in leasing it as their flagship? I have prepared a proposal, you find it in your databank under entry 18-376-CULT.”

Marshal Praji looked at the document and nodded. “Very well. Maybe, once they get a taste of Imperial quality, they would like to purchase more. And when the Invidious has finished her refit we can use her to fill the hole left by the Retaliator

Ragez D'Asta interjected. “Any objections? No? Then it is decided.”

Feena nodded. “The last item on the list is also the one most troubling. I shall play you a record that Ambassador Ossilege compiled from her meeting with the Pragmatic League.”

The holonet projector in the middle of the table lit up and an image of Ambassador Mara Ossilege appeared. With the aid of memory-enhancing drugs she recounted from her memory the words Fenbasmeline had said. When she had finished, she bowed and the recording ended.

To say that the councillors were shocked was an understatement. Feena continued. “I have absolved her of any blame in what happened. As you can see, clearly the Pragmatic League is anything but. The question - “

Marshal Praji rose abruptly, his chair crashing to the floor. “In Ossileges place I would have taken that arrogant fop and stuffed his words so far down his miserable throat he would have been shitting teeth for the rest of his life. No one insults a representative of the Remnant, even if she is a stinking Bakuran. Oh, I like that little shit. I didn't see them feeding the populace and re-establishing order. Kriff him and whatever slimy rock his ilk crawled out. Fenbasmeline – what a fop of a name. I know every noble house in existence and his is not among it. But it is just like them – fake nobles and fake legitimacy. I know just his type. That snivelling little coward and his so-called senators ran like scared little jawas before the Imperial fleet and now, after sitting in comfortable offices, that rebel rabble claims to have a rightful claim to Coruscant? After abandoning their posts in wartime? Kriff them. If they want it, they can try to take it. AND WE WILL SHOW THEM THEIR RIGHTFUL PLACE JUST LIKE THE LAST TIME.”

The Marshals fist came down crashing on the table, sending datapads flying everywhere. Feena had decided not to intervene. Better to let the Marshal rant instead of being the one his wrath would have focused on. With the fiststroke to the table he had apparently vented his ire, for when he spoke again his voice was composed, even if filled with enough ice to make a wampa shiver.

“Regent, I ask you for permission to take the Imperial fleet to Sullust and burn it to the ground.”

D'Asta had watched the display with a face of stone. His tone was emotionless, but final. “Denied.”
“Then I ask your permission to challenge that coward to a duel.” “Denied.”

The tone of D'Asta said that he would broke no more disturbance and after a short staring contest, Praji picked up his seat and sat down. Ragez D'Asta then spoke to his daughter. “Continue, Feena.”

“Like Ambassador Ossilege said, they have agreed to a mutual unofficial ceasefire. I would like to know the impact this has on the strategic situation and would like to hear Lord Praji's opinion on it as he is our foremost expert on warfare.”

Praji stood, this time more composed. “They are not really much of a threat at the moment. Our heavy units vastly outnumber his and we can easily strip away his outer worlds. They will only become a danger if he can either get allies or if both he and the Sith attack. The greatest threat is not to us, but to our Manticorean allies. I doubt he wants to attack Bakura. Still, I would advocate investing more in shipbuilding in order to increase our advantage.”

Gaeriel Captison stood as well. “I am not in favor of any increase in the military budget. Unless the threat increases, reconstruction has to be our top priority.”

Praji nodded. “I expected as much from you.” Vice-Admiral Thanas stood. “And what is that supposed to mean, Sir?”

Before Praji could reply, Feena D'Asta interceded. “I am sure that the Marshal meant no offence. I am sure that with our new trade agreements we can accommodate any change in military planning.” Before either could respond, Feena turned to Mirith Sinn. “Mirith, you are our highest-ranking former NR officer. Have you ever heard of anyone from the leadership of the Pragmatic League?”

Mirith Sinn shook her head. “No, never. They certainly were not among the inner circle of the NR. However, I shall redouble the effort of Imperial Intelligence to see what I can find up.” Feena nodded, then turned to her neighbour. “Baroness Windcaller, you are our foremost expert on Propaganda. Respectfully, what is your opinion? Can we take them in that department”

Mahd Windcaller smiled. “Don't worry. At the end the facts are on our side – we legitimately gained control of coruscant by every definition of legitimacy and we are the ones feeding the populace and rebuilding it. And their system of state is a far cry from a democracy. If they try anything, I will have a propaganda offensive ready that will make them look like a degenerate, illegitimate bunch of cowards. Oh and since we have the holonet, we can quickly counter any propaganda they try to serve our citizens. When the Regent gives me the go order, I shall flood the galaxy with so much dirt on them that they will look like the reincarnation of Jabba the Hutt. And if this does not work, we can always broadcast Ossilege's lovely little statement.”

Feena nodded, noticing that Praji and Thanas had sat back down and that by the looks of it, the tempers had cooled down to a more manageable level. “Very well. Fellow councillors, my recommendation is to keep a close watch on them, but not initiate hostilities against them yet. I would like to request a vote on this.”
The councillors agreed to this strategy with varying degrees of enthusiasm and Feena continued.

“We should also decide whether Bakura should be allowed to open an embassy for them. Under the terms of the Unification treaty, every planet can conduct his own foreign policy if the council signs off on it. Would Bakura be interested in this?”

Gaeriel Captison-Thanas stood. “Well, I certainly appreciate being called a member of an illegitimate cabal of kleptocrats. I fear there will be little use in dealing with them as they have the hallmarks of true fanatics. However, if this will even help ease tempers a little bit, Bakura is willing to give them space to open an embassy.” Captison looked across the table. “It deeply saddens me that there are nations who are even more bent on war than the Sith are.”

“Hear Hear.” Saenger voiced his agreement with this. “And I know this is not my purview, but if I may make the suggestion – I think I know the perfect ambassador for them.” As Regent D'Asta looked at the Moff, who had a satisfied smirk on his lips, he couldn't help but grin as well. “If you are thinking what I am thinking, then yes, I agree. Mara Ossilege would make an excellent ambassador. Well done, Feena. Are there any other issues?”

Kandon Secura nodded. “Some clans have voiced another protest at the Imperial decision to abolish slavery. But it is nothing I cannot deal with.”

Ragez D'Asta looked at him. “I have every faith in your abilities. Well then, that concludes the meeting. Admiral Thanas, thank you for coming and have a safe journey back to your fleet at Ryloth. I shall see the rest of you tomorrow. Good night.”

Inwardly, Baron D'Asta was smiling. Feena had defused that situation easily. She would make a good successor when he was gone – under her leadership, the Remnant would be in safe hands.

- unofficial ceasefire accepted
- arms deal proposed to the Havenites (already agreed to via PM, but not revealed IC)
- A communique is sent to the other members of the Core Alliance that the Remnant will endorse the entry of the Golden Republic into the Core Alliance, but does not endorse their idea of housing the core conference
- Marshal Praji's blood pressure went through the roof
- The Bakurans will appoint an ambassador to the Pragmatic League (Mara Ossilege)

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-06 03:14pm
by Thanas
Ord Cantrell.
Diplomatic quarters.

“Oh, you've got to be kidding....” Mara Ossilege swore as she received her new orders. Off to Bakura. Never thought I'd be dreading a visit.

The following communique was sent via long-range probe to the Pragmatic League:
To the Foreign Minister, the Rt. Honorable Fenbasmeline

The Republic of Bakura has decided to honour your request for an embassy and has readied a suitable facility in the capital city of Salis D'aar, Bakura.
The Bakuran liaison will be Ambassador Mara Ossilege.
We look forward to opening a new era of diplomacy between our two nations.

On behalf of the Republic of Bakura,
Gaeriel Captison – Thanas, Head of state of the Bakuran Republic and Imperial Ruling council member.
Salis D'aar.

Vulpter, Diplomatic Skyhook.

Captain Hunt walked into the office of Rina Fio. “Greetings, Minister. I am happy to inform you that the Imperial Ruling Council has decided to honour your request and appointed me the new permanent ambassador to the Cultural Union. I have also come with an offer for you.”
Offer of military lease
The Imperial Remnant will lend the Cultural Union the ISD-II Retaliator for full use. The terms are as follows:
1. The Imperial Remnant crew will continue to man the ship but will be provided a Cultural Union captain who shall have full authority over the ship.
2. The Imperial Remnant will provide replacement parts in case of damage.
3. In case of loss or damage, the Cultural Union will pay for the necessary repairs.
4. The complement of fighters stationed to the ship will be part of the deal.
5. The Cultural Union will pay for the full maintenance and operation cost (ooc: upkeep) of the ship. No further payments are necessary.
6. Each side can cancel the agreement annually. In case of a state of war, the ship may not be used against allies of the Imperial Remnant. If the Imperial Remnant is in a state of war, the ship may be recalled at any time.
Hunt handed over the datapad. “We hope this will help you with your system defence and will help you get a good impression of the capabilities of our ships. Our yards will be ready to take orders anytime.”

Hunt paused for a moment. “I also have been authorized to attend the fleet exercise. As I understand it, I am supposed to simulate an attack on your system. When shall I start?”

Ord Cantrell.
Feena D'Asta's suite

Feena D'Asta wished nothing more than to take a long, hot bath and then get a well deserved night of rest. She entered the suite and started discarding her clothes while making her way to the bathroom.

She did not see the two people in nightcloaks nor the stun bolt that hit her between her shoulders.

- Offers made to the Pragmatic League
- Lease offer of the ISD II Retaliator to the Cultural Union

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-06 03:59pm
by Serafina
Node 8, Primary Computing Node, below Hpaq City, Vulpter

"As you can see, Captain Hunt, we have a sophisticated system for simulated fleet engagements in place:
A large number of our intra-system ships have been outfitted with special simulators.
Both our combat fleet and the simulated fleet tie into the same network - and voila, an unarmed freighter can simulate a full-blown star destroyer.
Of course, this system is not perfect - it can only simulate common ship designs. Also, certain ships are very hard to simulate - such as carriers, cloakable ships and various others.
And regrettably, the system does not work if the opposing fleet does not tie into the network. Some scientists are working on that, but i doubt they will find a workable solution.

But overall, this system allows us to conduct regular fleet exercises against all kind of enemy fleets, at the expense of a little bit of intra-system trade.

Now, our technicians are still working on the Retaliator - it is mostly a software update. We estaminate that she will be ready within two days. At that time, we would be able to start our fleet exercise. You may configure the simulator ships under your command as you may see fit - we trust that you will find a good match for our fleet. Note that we will use various simulator ships on our own, simulating various prototypes."

Ok, whats this all about?
Thanas and me are going to play a battle between an virtual imperial fleet and my home defense fleet.
None of our assets will be harmed, no resources are going to be expended, no fleet will be moved.
Why am i doing this?
Well, its simple:
-I need to test my strategies.
-I need "combat experience" - i just need to know how an STGOD-battle is fought
-It's fun

Thanas, you may initiate the battle anytime you want from now on.

Good luck.


Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-06 04:01pm
by Kartr_Kana
Bridge tower of the Prosperity, Vulpter

"Foreign Minister this last half an hour has been quite enlightening and I'm sure our nations will be able to co-exist peacefully. However there is still much distrust amongst my people and I hope that this trade agreement and possibly the collaboration of our scientists and engineers will help prove such distrust unfounded." The ambassador shuffled his datapads around before continuing. "Some of the specifics we are interested in are as follows: Droid command and control via cybernetics, your labor droids and any advanced damage control and repair droids, and in return we are willing to offer you medical supplies and technology and our own advances in cybernetics. I'm sure that we can also find more commodities to trade, but let us leave that to the merchants and guild masters."

Results:Trade agreement signed with the Cultural Union

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-06 05:42pm
by Siege
Dominion Fasthold
Giedt, Tiss'Sharl


Four members of the Dominion's political elite. From left to right: Governor-General Harlan Starling, military governor of Yavin 4; Rensuke Fayn, Prefect of Khar Shian; Marlos Durell, Governess of the Gordian Dominion; and Hiram Daragon, Chancellor of the Parliament of the Dominion.

The Sovereign Council Chamber was an elegant, circular room close to the heart of the towering Fasthold. Soft lights were set in the red ceiling, and large viewscreens adorned the walls, allowing the councillors to view or display data and other visuals. In the middle of the chamber stood a round desk with six comfortable chairs, one for each of the five councillors and one for the chancellor of the Parliament of the Dominion. Currently four seats were taken. Chancellor Hiram Daragon was leading a special session of the Parliament on the developing situation on Mirial, and the occupant of the fifth was standing next to one of the screens, talking and gesticulating as rows of numbers illustrated with the occasional picture scrolled by. From the way the other five councillors were clearly zoning off it was possible to tell that the man had been talking for quite some time.

“... and of course our casualties remain within acceptable parameters”, droned the voice of the military governor of Yavin 4, Governor-General Harlan Starling. “Two hundred and thirty engineers and troops died in this week's Sithspawn attacks. That brings the monthly total to 642. We've lost another 97 people to jungle fever. Twelve more are hospitalized from drinking contaminated water. Three workers fell into a pitcher plant. Animals have killed our wounded 17, most serious injuries stemming from piranha beetle attacks. We-”

“Thank you general, I think we get the picture” the governess smiled to take the sting out of the interruption. Starling was a very capable commander, but his briefings were exhaustingly boring in their unending minutiae. “Whilst this is all very interesting, what I think we are all more interested in is how the reconstruction is faring.”

“Ah, well-” it took the general a brief moment to organize his thoughts on the matter. “They fare well. The Massassi Temple and the old Praxeum have been mostly cleared of wildlife. We have expanded the old Imperial mining outposts and our archaeologists believe they have a bead on the Lost City-”

“As I recall they believed so last month as well” interrupted Rensuke Fayn, the Prefect of Khar Shian.

“And the month before that,” added the dry voice Ord Radama's Burgomaster, Elaine Desange.


Elaine Desange, Burgomaster of Ord Radama.

“If you think you have a better way of searching for a lost city obscured by who knows what ancient sorcery” Starling bit back, “please feel free to come down and enlighten us.”

“Ladies, gentlemen” the governess cut through the quarrel before it had a chance to escalate. “Please, no fighting on the council floor. General, do continue.”

Harlan Starling nodded, having swiftly regained his composure. He manipulated the remote control in his hand and brought up a picture of a city under construction. “This is Starloft City, future capital of our moon. Current population is modest, several hundred thousand beings, most of them labourers, and several times that number again in construction droids. At the rate construction and immigration are currently progressing however the city should be finished in three years. I believe that will be the moment Yavin 4 can be represented in this council by a civilian representative.”

The underlying meaning of Starling's words wasn't lost on Marlos Durell: Starling did quite the exemplary job leading the colonization effort of the Yavin's fourth moon, but he was a military man at heart and it was easy to see he felt like a glorified babysitter for a bunch of civilians, a job that was beneath him. The governess nodded and rewarded the general with another pleasant smile. “Thank you general, I believe I speak for the entire council when I say you're doing an exemplary job.” Her silky voice smoothed over what resentment the Starling might have felt over his job and the previous interruptions – she had a way with words like that. It came natural to her, and it made her ideally suited for the job of holding together the four disparate worlds of the Dominion.

“Moving on...” She swivelled her head and looked at the blonde, short-haired Burgomaster. “How goes things on Ord Radama?”

Elaine Desange shrugged lightly. Located in the Radama Void, Ord Radama was a planet coated with cities and streets. Unlike ecumenopolises like Coruscant or Empress Teta however the cityscape on Ord Radama was relatively low, and as such the population only just exceeded the two hundred billion mark. That was still enough to make it the most populous planet in the Dominion, but its location slightly off-axis from the major trade routes and hyperlanes, and its lack of key industries relegated it to a status of the Dominion's second world, after the capitol of Tiss'Sharl. The planet was a regional hub, and home to several large mining, smelting and hypermatter generation operations, but not much else. Desange's reports usually reflected her world's status as a somewhat sleepy planet of little excitement. She talked briefly about refined ore output and hypermatter production, and how they were sufficient to supply the yards with whatever they needed to finish the vessels currently under production as well as those whose construction was projected by the Department of External Security. She then yielded the floor to her primary political ally on the council, Rensuke Fayn.

The Prefect of Khar Shian, the moon of the icy world of Khar Delba, was a moustachioed, slightly rotund man who always maintained a careful veneer of jovial civility. The governess knew however that Fayn was a shrewd, cut-throat politician who did not feel less sanguine tactics like intimidation, bribery or even assassination were beneath him. Because his world's small population it had only two votes on the council he usually needed the aid of other councillors to push his motions through, and he had long since formed an alliance of political convenience with the much younger Desange. Durell still wasn't sure whether he was simply taking her under his wing as an ad-hoc mentor or whether there was something more going on there. Either way she did not like the man at all.

“Over the course of the last two months our system patrol had repeated run-ins with a band of commerce raiding brigands. Of course they did not have the punch required to pose a threat to all but the very smallest of Admiral Persayne's fleet” Fayn began, referring to the commanding officer of Sector Fleet Ord Radama, “but his Star Destroyers appeared unable to apprehend the miscreants either, and the losses in revenue caused by this piracy were annoying enough for us to petition for additional assistance.”

The governess knew all about this, as the request had passed her desk. In fact it had passed the desks of all the councillors, as they had to sign off on the deployment of additional fleet assets to Ord Radama. She wondered where Fayn was going with this.

“I am pleased to inform you that the problem has since been adequately dealt with.” Rensuke Fayn looked inordinately pleased with himself as he worked the controls and brought up a rather spectacular bit of footage, showing two Vindicator-class cruisers and a wave of TIE fighters hammer a rosette of Marauder-class corvettes with laser and turbolaser fire. In slow-motion one of the corvettes went up in a spectacular conflagration as its hypermatter reactor exploded; another simply disintegrated under a withering barrage of turbolaser bolts. “The people of Khar Shian thank the ever so efficient Commodore Liz Theron and her Flying Squadron”, Fayn continued as on the screens one more corvette exploded. The last ship tried to turn and run, only for a TIE bomber to put a concussion missile up its tailpipe. A series of secondary explosions ripped the small craft apart from the inside. “And also the people of Ord Radama for their continued political support” Fayn added and threw Desange a knowing glance.

The governess struggled not to roll her eyes. The entire council had almost unanimously voted for the deployment of the Flying Squadron to Khar Shian; why the Prefect felt it necessary to single out Desange for some extra praise was beyond her. Then she realized that Commodore Theron was an Ord Radama native who had only recently been promoted to command of the Spacy's mobile flotilla, after being specifically recommended for the job by Fleet Admiral Cloudesley Showell – who hailed from Khar Shian.

Had this been Desange's way of repaying the favour? She mentally filed that possibility away for further investigation. A degree of political nepotism was to be expected, but when it had the potential to compromise the fighting effectiveness of the Spacy it became another matter entirely. Theron seemed to do a good enough job so far, but that might not be the case for any future appointments made on such a basis.

The footage ended and Fayn sat down. “If that is all from Khar Shian” Marlos Durell spoke up, “there is one more matter to discuss – we have received a large number of advanced droids from the Cultural Union, and have to decide where to deploy them to.”

“We do not need them” hissed President Si-De-Sid of Tiss'Sharl, an undercurrent of disdain apparent in his voice. The governess knew that come hell or high water he'd never agree to the deployment of construction droids that weren't made by Oshanna Industries to his world. The industrial giant made its own droids and was owned by a powerful ally of the President's clan. To allow foreign competition of Oshanna would constitute a base betrayal of that alliance. Tiss'Shar presidents had been assassinated for far less.


From left to right: President Si-De-Sid of Tiss'Shar; and Astre-Dan-Theu, secretary of the Department of Galactic Affairs of the Gordian Dominion.

“Yavin has all the droids it can handle, and then some” General Starling added his estimation. “More would just get in the way.”

“If I may make a suggestion?” Elaine Desange spoke. “Rather than handing these droids over to any particular member world, why don't we keep them under control of the Council? I'm sure the Bureau will find a place to get some use out of them.” The 'Bureau' Desange referred to was the Bureau for Operations & Technology. Run by Mercia Tagge-Chiu, a member of the infamous Tagge family, it was the 'ministry of science' of the Dominion, and controlled anything from shipyards to automated mining outposts in the icy halos that surrounded the four systems of the Dominion.

Only Marlos Durell noticed how Rensuke Fayn briefly made a face as if he'd just swallowed a bug. Were you looking to snatch them for yourself? the governess mused. As a gift to one of your campaign contributors in the Khar Dalba mining guilds perhaps?

Well, if she could use this to drive a wedge between Fayn and Desange, all the better. The governess ruthlessly suppressed a smile. Instead she nodded enthusiastically. “That's an excellent idea. Delivery of these droids to the Bureau will demonstrate one of the core values of our Dominion: that by sharing our economical, military, or technological wealth, we all grow stronger-” She looked at Fayn. Let's pour some more salt in that wound. “A value whose truth Rensuke just so aptly demonstrated by showing us the footage of the deployment of our Flying Squadron. Wouldn't you agree?”

For a split second the mask of joviality fell from Fayn's face and he simply glared at the governess with a look that could kill. It lasted only a moment; then he was his old urbane self again. “Of course.” The prefect inclined his head and smiled, although Durell noticed the smile didn't reach his eyes.

“If there is nothing else? Then this meeting is over. Next holo-meeting will be in one week. As is usual the physical council will reconvene in one month. That will be all, ladies and gentlemen; thank you for your attention.”

Result: Random bits that serve mostly to illustrate some of the political workings of the Gordian Dominion.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-07 01:09pm
by Thanas
Ord Cantrell

The Assasins Nakia Yoru and Sint Yoru did not care about the Imperial Remnant. They had lived through times when the very notion of an empire was centuries away and they would live on for centuries after the current leaders would be long forgotten. They were Anzati and this was the way it was supposed to be. All they cared about were each other, the soup of their victims and a challenge.
The two assassins.

And the security system of the Remnant had been a great challenge indeed. It had taken them one month and all of their experience to even attach their cloaked shuttle to the outer hull of the luxury suite. Had the Imperial Council not departed, they would not even have gotten near the suites. But with the council at the Core alliance signing, air patrols and security personnel had been reassigned to the Skyhook, with Ord Cantrell security being rather diminished. Taken advantage of that fact, their shuttle had managed to sneak near the luxury complex housing the Ruling council.

Attaching their shuttle to the outer hull had been another challenge. For the hull was clustered with contact sensors and beams of light swept the building in a seemingly irregular pattern, destroying everything in their path. It had taken them another month of observation before they finally managed to break the computer pattern that set up the light beams and managed to program their shuttle to avoid them. The contact sensors had then been put out of commission by placing small forcefields around them, making sure that no thing would come in contact with them.

Breaking into the suite had been another challenge. The suite was clustered with sensors that monitored even the slightest change in air and inner pressure. Only by setting up a precise anti-pressure field had they been able to make sure their cutting into the hull would not be recognized. To prevent any change in air, they breathed through breathing apparatus. The motion sensors inside the suite had been another problem, but as Anzati they could stand perfectly still for hours and days. When the council had finally returned and the Baroness-designate entered the suite, they made perfectly clear they only moved after she had entered the suite, thereby disabling the motion sensors. Feena D'Asta's sense of privacy had played into their hand – for the audio and camera sensors had been shut off as she did not appreciate being watched or recorded in her private rooms. Of course, there were sensors listening for a specific number of sounds – like a blaster being fired – but the Anzati assassin stun blaster was soundproof.

All of this had combined into the very unconscious bundle of flesh that was Feena D'Asta being carried off by two Anzati assassins into their shuttle. Getting off the planet was surprisingly easy for them – the system after all was designed to keep spacecrafts out, not in. It only took them four hours of precision flying to get into a major spacelane, attach themselves to a container transport carrying holonet parts and detaching as soon as the transport had cleared the atmosphere.

(a container transport)

Only then did they devote some attention to their prey. “Sint, her soup....I can smell it from here. It is delicious.” If Nakia had one weakness, it was to kill a target instead of capturing it alive. Sint knew this, but he did not particularly care about it. “I want it.”

Nakia had almost invaded Feena's brain with her proboscises when her husband knocked her away. Before she could say anything, Sint produced a scanner. “Be careful, my darling. These Imperials are devious people...I heard something about a special security system against us which all high-ranking Remnants had been implanted with. Let me check....”

He ran the scanner over the head of the still unconscious baroness. After a while, the scanner beeped. “There, you see? A single lining of outer brain cells have been modified...most likely now carrying a poison engineered to only affect us. If you had even touched her brain....” He did not need to finish the thought. Nakia composed herself. “I owe you my life once more, husband of mine.” She hugged him, which he returned. “I suppose I shall have to restrain myself. What a pity.”

Sint smiled at her expression of misely, looking like a young child whose favorite pet had just died. “Don't pity yourself, my love. From our reward, I shall buy you a nice slave to drain.” “You are too good for me, darling.”

About half an hour later, they met at the Rendezvous point and handed the still unconscious Feena D'Asta wrapped in a holding blanket over to the Marauder corvette of Sol Mon, which then raced to Smarck at top speed, where Grappa and Macus Kayniph were anxiously waiting to meet their prisoner.

(Sol Mon, leader of Grappa the Hutt's pirate gang.)

Ord Cantrell
Outside Feena D'Astas suite
two hours later

Moff Saenger and Mirith Sinn were pacing outside. “Are you sure she did not go out already?” Saenger asked the guards once more. If they were bored and rolling their eyes at his admittedly dumb question, it didn't show for they were wearing their helmets. “Yes, Sir. Lady D'Asta entered the suite seven standard hours ago and has not exited it since.”

Strange, Saenger thought. For about six years now, he and Feena had always had breakfast together and since two years, this breakfast had been expanded to include Feena's childhood friend Mirith Sinn. And not once had Feena missed a breakfast without calling to reschedule.

“Are you sure she is alright, Mirith?” “Yes, Jurang. I checked with security and the audio sensors were clear of any alarming noises.” “Wait, audio only?” Mirith looked at him incredulously. “Tell me you did deactivate the visual sensors in your suite.” “No. Should I have?” “Unless you want to give a third-rate technician a free show every morning, then yeah, you should have.” Saenger looked her over. “I think he'd rather watch you than me.” “True, which is why I did deactivate them. And unless you do too, I am not going to be take part in any of your late-night meets anymore.”

Said meets usually consisted of large amounts of drinks, ancient opera and assorted drink-induced behaviour of usually at least one member of the trio. “Ah, c'mon. Even sensor techs need some enjoyment.” Mirith glared at him. “Well, they can get it from someone else. And kriff this, I am going in.”

She keyed in her intelligence override code and walked in, with Saenger in tow. And as soon as they saw the discarded clothing on the floor, their moods went from amusement to worry. It was not like Feena at all to leave anything lying around on her floor, whether it be an item of clothing, a datapad or a drunk friend of hers.

“Feena?” Mirith Sinn drew her holdout blaster and motioned for the guards to follow, while Saenger studied the room. They both noticed that a section of the wall had been cut and reinserted about the same time. Saenger froze, his mind assaulted with memories, whereas Mirith sprung into action. “Guards. Sound the alert. Systemwide grounding of all spacecraft. The planetary shield is not to be lowered. All ships to be searched immediately. GO.”

As the guards raced away and fulfilled her orders, Mirith tugged at the sleeve of Moff Saenger, who had gone ashen. “C'mon, we have got to tell the Baron.” As she was about to half-guide, half-drag him to the exit, the Moff snapped out of it. “I have to tell you a story that only the Baron, Feena and I know about....”
Coruscant, Imperial Palace
Year 7 ABY

As she looked over the nightlife of Coruscant, Feena D'Asta always felt a sense of wonder. To her, coming from a world of farming collective whose only other exports were starships, Coruscant was a miracle of Imperial might and civilization. A planet that never slept, a planet that spent more energy on lights than entire fleets did expend in a battle.

However, another miracle of Imperial might awaited her. And this one was definitely not one of civilization. Instead, it was exactly the sort of dishonourable things the current ruler of Coruscant, Ysanne Isard, was famous for. Feena had survived so far by forming a tentative alliance with Isard and not giving her an excuse to sieze the D'Astan shipyards, something the ship-hungry dictator desperately wished to do as she wasted aways the Imperial fleet in hopeless strategic blunders. And now she had to prevent giving her that excuse. And by prevent, she meant neutralising the person who might have given her that excuse.

She nodded at the D'Astan guard stationed next to the entry. “Bring in my...guest.” The guard saluted and within seconds, her problem stood before her.

It had been all too easy to give Isard an excuse. All it took was a research grant. From the vast fortune he owned, her father had seen it fit to grant the university of Charmath's historical facility – the best of its kind in the galaxy – a small sum to finance historical studies in military strategy. One of those studies had been made by one Jurang Saenger, who had chosen to analyze the military studies of ancient empires long gone. The only problem had been that somehow, in the 4500 page work he had handed in, he had described the situation of an empire without its head, being slowly ruined by the workings of the insane mistress of the former Imperator. Which apparently had caused a jealous person who had not received the grant to denounce him as insulting Isard. The charge was without any proof, but in these times one did not need proof.

None of this would have involved her if she had not signed off on it. Of course the study had been submitted to her as acting head of the house for review and usually her father would read the lengthy work and then comment on it, but he had to have another operation and she simply did not have the time.

Which meant that her signature was on a work that – if read with the eyes of a paranoid madwoman, which Isard certainly was – insulted her and accused her of dereliction of duty. So Feena had to fix it, even if it meant destroying every record of this ever existing. Which also meant having the good doctor disappear. Which resulted in the good doctor being "invited" to join her for the purposes of discussing his work. But Feena was not the kind of person who would force someone to be shipped off to a remote outpost on her whim. Of course she would do it, but her conscience told her she should at least talk to him and explain why she was destroying his life.

Which is why Jurang Saenger was now standing in front of her. “Doctor.” “Mylady.” The greeting was polite, if only Feena thought she detected a trace of venom in it. “You know why you are here?” Saenger shrugged. “I can imagine.”

Feena slammed down the datapad containing the work. “What in the name of all that is good possessed you to write it?” “I never thought some individuals were so literacy-challenged that they would think I was making a disguised personal insult on your behalf.” He grinned. “Usually my insults are more direct. And I am guessing you did not read it that way either because you signed off on it.”

Feena's reply was blunt. “I did not read it.” Saenger's smile vanished. “Oh.” “Do you think I would have the time for reading a work that large? Do you think I have that much time of leisure.” Saenger demured. “No, I suppose not.” The two looked into each other's eyes for a while.

“Now, here is what will happen. You will be taken to - “ “Forgive me, mylady.”

This interruption came from a member of the Coruscant guard.
(The Coruscant guard, elite stormtroopers dedicated to defending the Imperial Palace.)

“Yes, trooper.” Feena's voice was straight, but inside she cursed herself. Isard has already found out. The trooper entered and then stood at attention. “Forgive me, mylady, but you have to come with us. Sources indicate that the rebels will stage an attack on Coruscant and we have orders to escort you to a safer place.”

Relief and doubt flooded Feena's mind. Can it be that this is a ruse? Is Isard toying with me? Or have I dodged the blow?. “Very well, I shall come with you. Doctor, I am sorry.” Strangely, Saenger nodded and gave a bow at the waist. A bow so deep that he could have almost kissed her feet. “Will you mind if I escort you to the shuttle?”

To say that Feena was confused would have been the understatement of the year. Is he trying to get me killed? But before she could respond, Saenger had already taken her arm and the two had reached the door, where they were joined by five more guard troopers. Her D'Astan guard was nowhere to be seen.

Just by accident, Burr Nolyds, a wealthy noble who had bribed his way to the heart of power on Coruscant, turned the corner with his cadre of bodyguards. And as he passed the two of them, Saenger suddenly yanked the arm he was holding, causing her to lose her balance and the two of them crashed to the floor in a split second, him covering her, with Saenger yelling “Imposters” from the top of his lungs.

Both parties froze. Then suddenly, as if on command, the corridor lit up with blasterbolts.

The next time Saenger opened his eyes, he noticed three things. 1 – he was in a hospital bed covered with bacta patches, 2 – his shoulder ached and 3 – the Lady D'Asta was reading what appeared to be his study. He smiled and tried to say “fascinating read?” but due to his sore throat he croaked more than actually said the words. This however was enough for her to reach over and give him some water to drink through a straw.

“You are awake. Good.”

“What happened?” “You were right and I owe you my life.” “Might I trade it in for mine?” Feena laughed.

After a short, but comfortable period of silence, she asked: “How did you know they were imposters?” “I am a student of history and I once read that the protocol of the Coruscant guard was derived from the guard protocol of the Empress Theta. Which says that when entering a room, the guard has to keep an honour guard both inside and outside the doorway. They did do so from the outside, but only one trooper went into the room. I am guessing they either did not have the manpower or were to busy making your guards disappear.” “So you were gambling on something that you once read and you were willing to commit assault on the person of an Imperial Council member?” “That and the guardsman had the tiniest bit of blood on his left shoe, which is why I bowed so very low to verify that it was not a simple colouring mistake of the armour.” “Impressive.” “And they say men don't look at shoes.” Another smile by the Baroness-designate. “Can you fill me in what happened after I dragged you to the floor? I blacked out.”

Feena nodded. “Apparently the kidnappers were better shots than Nolyds and his bodyguards, who all perished. But the sound of the blaster shots alarmed the real Imperial guards, who showed up just in time to see you get vibroknifed in the shoulder as the kidnappers were trying to pull you off me. Suffice to say their aim was a lot better.”

“That explains why my shoulder hurts so much. Why didn't they blast me and who were those guys?” "Whoah. Slow down." Feena laughed. "As for your first question, they apparently wanted me alive and therefore couldn't blast you, as you were lying on top of me. As for your second, we do not know. They were professionals, that one is for sure. Their ship got away – we do not know who was on board. And two days after this the Rebels conquered Coruscant, so we will likely never know." "Coruscant – but how..." Feena pointed at the study. "Ah. The insane mistress who ruins the empire." "Exactly." "If we are not on Coruscant, then were are we?" "We are on the way to Nez Peron, in my private marauder corvette."

Saenger nodded then remembered something. “Why Nez Peron?” Feena nodded. “Because my father wants to meet you and he wants to personally give you a crash course in politics. Not that you probably need it, judging from your work, but that is his way of showing gratitude, shower you with more work – and he likes to talk to a fellow student of history.”

Saenger smiled. “So you did eventually read my work?” “I did. And I liked it, even though the prose is repetitive, too analytical and filled with obscure references of which I only get half, never mind my general ignorance about the subject.” “So you like it.” “I love it.” The two smiled at each other, then Feena squeezed his hand, her eyes silently saying thanks, and then left. As she was almost at the door, Saenger remembered that she had mentioned something else. “But why do I need a crash course in politics?”

Feena did not even pause but called out over her shoulder: “Because you have been drafted to serve as my new aide.”
Saenger stopped as they had reached the suite of Baron D'Asta. “Intelligence later suspected that Black Sun was behind it, but the evidence was not conlcusive – and most of it was lost when Coruscant fell, anyway.”

And then they went in to tell a father that his daughter was missing.

Ord Cantrell
Imperial Ruling Council
Emergency session

The council had convened as soon as the Baron had composed himself. Most of the councillors had been awakened when the Red Guard had stormed their suites or when the Security forces had suddenly appeared at their workstations. There had been no incidents except when Mahd Windcaller had thought a coup would take place and dropped the first three guards who had entered her suite with her Echani skill. Consequently, the guards had no other alternative than to stun her before she could get to a blaster. Now she was nursing a few bruises and glaring at the commanding General of Ord Cantrell forces, who was sweating nervously enough. Being summoned by the council was bad enough, but being summoned after such a spectacular failure was worse.

Instead of the Regent, Mirith Sinn opened the meeting. This was unusual enough as she was a non-voting member and usual did not even speak unless spoken too.
“At approximately 07:10 hours, Moff Saenger and I discovered that the Lady D'Asta was not in her suits. Security forces were immediately notified, but a search has been unsuccesful so far.” Sinn paused before coming to her conclusion. “There is no other possibility than an abduction or assassination.”

The council was shocked. Several voices started at once: “What do you mean, abducted?” “Where was security?” “Are we at war?”

Sinn continued, her command voice cutting through the fray. “For the moment, I have ordered extra security for every other councillor. That is all.”

Moff Saenger started to speak, but Ragez D'Asta motioned him to be quiet. When he spoke, the room immediately was silent. “Commander Sinn will use all methods of Imperial Intelligence at her disposal and lead the search and rescue effort. Everybody will extend the deepest cooperation to her. Anything she wants from either of you, she gets. Lord Praji.”

Marshal Praji rose and stood to attention. “Regent?” “The Imperial military is hereby ordered to go to combat alert. All Imperial units not detached to other duties are to be ready for an immediate strike.”

Praji's spine stiffened. “Yes, Regent. Any particular target?” “Your target will be whoever Commander Sinn determines to be responsible.” Praji nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Marshal Jir.” “Sir.” “You will review the security arrangements for Ord Cantrell and determine whether General Eidone has failed in his duty.” “Yes, Sir.” The general, who commanded the red guard, almost sighed with relief until D'Asta announced. “If he did fail, he is to be punished as a traitor to the Remnant.” “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Any questions?”

“What about our allies? Shall we tell them?” Saenger raised the question nobody dared to answer. “I mean, obviously we have to keep this a secret, but what about our allies?”

The Baron nodded. “Very well. Communiques to the CORE leaders, for their eyes only. Tell them what happened. We may go to war, but urge them to keep this secret.”
“Mahd Windcaller. You are our holonet expert. You will create a holoimage of my daughter, to be used in diplomatic broadcasts. Nobody should find out what happened. Use family holos if needed.”

The Regent paused. “As for the rest, continue fulfilling your duties. Thank you for your service. Meeting dismissed.”

Without pause, the Baron walked out, followed by Saenger and Sinn. Gaeriel Captison started to go after the Baron, but was stopped by Marshal Praji's hand. “Don't, Prime minister.” His touch was soft and for once completely non-threatening. “You were about to go and offer your support, weren't you? Do you have children, Prime Minister?” Gaeriel shook her head. “I do, Prime Minister. And while I do not know if I had his nerves, I sure as hell would not wish to hear empty words of comfort if something like this had happened to my Tyla. Let his friends handle it and let us do our duty the best we can so that he does not have to worry about that, at least.”

After looking into his eyes and finding no hidden meaning, Gaeriel nodded.

- More exposition and fluff regarding the abduction. Also an explanation for why Gaeriel was not abducted in 7 ABY, as in the OTL.
- The Imperial military prepares for war
- communique sent to the current members of the Core Alliance:
To: His Imperial Manticoran Majesty Emperor James I Manticore, Emperor of the Star Empire of Manticore, His Imperial Majesty, Aeron Bell, Emperor of the Second Corellian Empire and Supreme Commander, Imperial Corellian military, His Excellency Admiral Rowan, Head of State and Commander in chief of the Core Protectorate


From: The Imperial Ruling Council, Imperial Remnant.

It is our sad duty to inform you since this morning, Baroness-designate Feena D'Asta has been missing. An abduction or assassination cannot be ruled out. Imperial Intelligence has been assigned to the case. We would be grateful for any assistance that can be made in secret, such as datafiles and dossiers on known asassins.

We request that you keep the contents of this message secret and do not share it with anyone.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-07 01:29pm
by Thanas
Four days later
Cultural Union simulation ship

Captain Hunt looked at the simulation display. On it, his fleet arrangement had been depicted. He had decided to chose a standard Imperial Remnant invasion group.

At the heart of his formation, an Allegiance class command ship was flanked by two Tector class ships. Behind this battleline, which could concentrate the firepower of more than ten ISDs on any given target stood the most valuable ships of the formation – two doomgiver assault carriers and two Venator class SDs. Still behind them two long-range broadside missile class cruisers had been drawn up. One interdictor cruiser was hanging back behind the Venator carriers, its gravity generator turned on and ensuring nobody could attack the formation from behind – or at least give the formation enough time to regroup and meet that attacker. All those ships would keep their distance and be covered by the first battleline.

Surrounding the Allegiance-Tector battleline were eight Vindicator class cruisers. These would provide most of the defensive and counterbattery firepower, allowing the heavier units to concentrate on offensive battery fire.

Further ahead of the Vindicators were four lancer-class frigates. These anti-starfighter units would engage any attacking fighter forces and fall back behind the main line if threatened by heavier units.

Surrounding this formation with a fair bit of distance between them were four hunter-killer groups, each comprised of 1 ISD-II, 1 interdictor class cruiser and 4 Carrack class cruisers. These groups covered the formation from above and below, as well as the left and right flanks. Their gravity generators made sure that anybody trying to attack the formation would be pulled out of hyperspace far away from the formation itself and would be immediately met with precise fire by the hunter killers.

Further away and in front of the lancers, 16 Assassin class corvettes were chasing across space. They did not bother to slow down, instead running at high velocities. This ensured no sudden fighter attack caught them unprepared, while their sensor suites sought out hidden mines and traps.

Finally, he had kept 2 ISDs and 8 Assassin class corvettes in reserve. They were situated in the adjunct system, with their hyperdrive engines spooled up and them being able to appear at any place in the system nearly immediately. All in all, he had 116 fighter squadrons for a total of 1392 fighters under his command.

He nodded at his simulated second-in command. “Signal the main fleet. We move towards Orbital I-2.” Orbital I-2 was one of the most outlying orbitals there were. “Medium speed, sensors to full, shield recharge full, all energy banks fully loaded. Fighters of the main formation - assume tight patrol screen alongside main battleline. Fighters of the hunter-killer groups, the same. Fighters of the Reserve stay in hangar, but be ready for immediate deployment.”

Ord Cantrell
Mirith Sinn's office

Imperial Intelligence had always kept a close tab on assassins. Which was why Commander Sinn and her analysts were now drowning in data. Marshal Jir had filed a report exonerating a very thankful General Eidone from any wrongdoing, which meant that the assassins did not get in due to Imperial ineptitude, but rather through their own skill.

This had eliminated about 95% of all assassins and bounty hunters out there as they did not posses anything near the skill level needed to pull something off. Especially considering that the report said that the intruders most likely got in while the majority of security forces had been assigned to Lord Praji's skyhook during the Core conference. Which meant the intruders had spent a great deal of time to defeat the security system.

Mirith Sinn had also crossed off all Bounty hunters. The Remnant had threatened the Bounty Hunter guild with complete and total destruction if any bounty was placed on any Councillor. And nobody defied the guild – and those who could were all accounted for.

This left members of those ancient guilds that were beyond Imperial influence and free-lance assassins. Of course, those were the hardest to track down. Two leads alone had turned out false over the last half-hour. A common rule of investigations was that the longer a trail went cold, the harder it was to pursue the criminals. And the Remnant had long passed that mark.

What was worse, the Baron was not doing well. The sight of Windcallers masterful work on a holo-imitation of Feena had hit him hard. Saenger was doing the best he could, but even the most elaborate discussion about military history could not heal a broken spirit. The latest report from the Baron's doctor, which Mirith wisely chose to keep to herself, had indicated that his health had deteriorated.

Which only caused her to throw herself back into the work, but a nagging suspicion told her that she might as well try to charge an Imperial battalion all by herself.

- Mirith is getting nowhere and the Baron is getting sicker
- First round of simulated battle has been started.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-07 04:15pm
by Serafina
*Admiral Amyria stood at the bridge of the Prosperity, closely watching the approaching fleet of simulated ships*

"Hail the fleet. Keep all starfighters ready to launch, and maneuver all ships to perimeter Alpha-1. Let them come in closer."

Perimeter Alpha-1 was just inside weapons range inwards from Colonies 1+2, between the space stations and Vulpter.
Since this was a defensive operation, Amyria intended to bring the stationary defenses to full effect.

OOC explanation of the Vulpter system:

Imagine this:
is the Vulpter system. Vulpter is Earth. Four Space habitats are on the orbit of Venus.
Six are on the orbit of mars (but closer to Vulpters Orbit).
The eight Colonies are clustered in pairs above and below the disk, between the Mars&Earth orbit (on an Equilateral triangle).

Admiral Amyria studied the map of the Vulpter system. There was more than enough room for the attackers to bypass all defenses and go straight for the planet Vulpter itself.
With the exception of the colony stations, no space station could cover another one.

But they still offered one distinctive advantage. They offered a safe haven for her fleet.
The enemy could either attack her, facing both her fleet and the defenses - or he could attack another station - which would give her the opportunity to attack him from behind.

All she had to do was to wait for Captain Hunts first move.

Conclusion: My fleet is moving into position against the simulated attack, but is not yet engaging.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-07 06:22pm
by Siege
Imperial Palace, Koros Major


Alarm lights flared in the depths of the Imperial Palace, rendering the ancient catacombs in crimson light and blackest shadows. Lord Masiff Terest, Baron of Rendilli and second in command of the Empire, stalked into the war room.

"Report!" his voice brooked no dissent as the sith lord entered the heavily shielded room, his black cape fluttering behind him as the massive armasteel doors rumbled shut again. The war room was in a state of barely contained chaos. Officers in dark blue uniforms hustled back and forth whilst their minions clattered commands into keypads. Flickering holoscreens showed warship after warship of the Shadow Empire's mighty battlefleet power out of orbit to take up combat positions deeper in-system.

"Lord Terest" one of the intelligence drones saluted, and seemed to shrink under the withering glare with which Terest inspected him. To his credit, the man didn't lose his nerve. "Our spies report, the military of the Imperial Remnant has gone to combat alert. The planetary shields of Ord Cantrell have been raised, and we are getting scattered reports of strike units being readied."

"Why." The word was spat out like a blaster bolt from an E-11 rifle.

"We're not currently sure, Lord" the man hesitated. "However Admiral Peron has seen fit to order a pre-emptive strike against Remnant forces orbiting Foerost under the presumption that-"

"That idiot!" Terest snarled, not waiting for the remainder of the officer's explanation. The sith lord stalked to the nearest console and punched in a code on the highest override level. The screens of the war room jumped to a live feed, projected from a camera on the bridge of the Allegiance-class command star destroyer Revenant. A small gaggle of officers was conferring in front of a window through which a field of stars could be seen.

One of the starship officers clearly realized what was happening and pointed at the unseen camera. Quickly a single man in the dark gray navy uniform detached himself from the group.

"Lord Terest" admiral Luz Peron frowned ever so slightly. "What an unexpected surprise." The six red squares on his chest gleamed in the artificial light, as did the medals strapped immediately beneath them. The damned fool had obviously taken the time to polish them.

"What in the name of the Force do you think you're doing?" Terest's voice was cold as ice, and to the men and women assembled in the war room it seemed the temperature was dropping by the second. The few who noticed the sith lord's hand edge toward the black lightsaber strapped to his belt had the good sense to back away - slowly.

Admiral Peron however seemed oblivious to Terest's rage. The slight frown on his face turned to an indignant look. "Carrying out the Emperor's will, of course. The Remnant is obviously preparing a surprise attack, we must strike first or-"

"You presume to act without the Emperor's consent." It was spoken like a sentencing, not a question, but Peron once more failed to notice the distinction.

"You may have the Emperor's ear, boy" the admiral fumed. "But don't think you can just lecture me on how to handle my flee-"

"Silence!" Terest held up his hand and the admiral's voice was abruptly cut short. A weird noise escaped from Peron's mouth. Behind him, the other officers on the bridge gasped and edged away from the admiral, who was clawing at his collar. They all realized what was happening. The gruesome, sorcerous deaths of Admiral Kendal Ozzel and Captain Lorth Needa at the hands of Darth Vader were legendary among the scattered remnants of the Imperial Navy.

There was one difference between those legendary acts of cruelty and this. The long-dead sith lord would have slowly choked those who had failed him, to give his victims a little time to reflect upon the error of their ways before their inevitable deaths. Masiff Terest was not that patient. He simply clenched his gloved hand. On the screen, the neck of the unfortunate admiral broke with a sickening snap. His dead body collapsed to the floor of the bridge, his neck bent at an unnatural angle.

"Captain Tyrus" Terest addressed the captain of the Revenant, his voice suddenly deceptively calm. The lips of the sith lord twitched slightly as he saw Tyrus look at the corpse of his erstwhile superior, a look of immense distaste etched on his face. "You have the fleet. Your ships will stay within thi system, but shall remain at high alert whilst we find out what those blasted bootheels at Ord Cantrell are doing." The sith lord turned away from the screen, paused, then turned back and smiled grimly. "Oh- and congratulations on your promotion."

Result: Lord Terest does what he does best: it's back to the good old days with the Shadow Empire!

Also, the Empire goes to high alert because its neighbor appears to be going apeshit for some unknown reason. Expect the ambassador at Ord Cantrell to make some polite inquiries...

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-07 06:52pm
by Thanas
Cultural Union
Fleet exercise

Captain Hunt looked at the display and noted with surprise that the enemy had grouped its entire fleet behind two colonies. Odd choice – instead of using the corvettes in slashing attacks, she has stationed them with the fleet. All they do is provide more targets for our guns.

What was even more important was that the Colonies themselves were open to attack to a long-range broadside class cruiser missile attack. He decided to focus on the Colony to his left.

“HKS 1-4, keep your stations.”

Without any ships to bolster their defense, the colonies had a distinct disadvantage when it came to long-range firepowers. The two outposts were bristling with a combined total of 40 turbolaser batteries and 22 ion batteries. Of course, as he was only attacking from one direction, this meant that roughly half of them could not face them. (OOC: As the outposts and planetary weapons face in all dimensions, there is a limit to how many can be concentrated on one target. Half should be a good rule of thumb). Which meant that he faced about 20 turbolaser batteries and 11 ion batteries. As they were planetary turbolasers, they were heavy HTL batteries. A quick rule of thumb they had taught in the academy was that 5 planetary turbolaser batteries were enough to check an ISD, which meant that if he would face the two of them, they would have about 4/5 of his firepower, but no counterbattery fire. Which meant that he could fire at them at will.

If the enemy fleet would surge forward to meet his attack, then they would be pinned down. The 3 Recusants and the 3 Providences had the firepower of four VSDs. The main strength of the Union fleet was concentrated in the five VSDs – it was strange that the Union placed so much stock in the Vic-I for their entire OOB did not mention VSDII at all. Hunt did not believe that the Munificent class frigates would be employed in an offensive role as that would pretty much destroy the enemies ability of counterbattery fire. The hardcell corvettes were negligible – one real hit and they would be gone. The Hexatedral class was an unknown and would be designated priority targets if they would come to close range.

Still, Captain Hunt did not understand what could have posessed the Cultural Union to make a deployment like this. Had he been in charge, he would have not defended the outposts at all, but split the forces and tried to pick of his fleet one by one. By chosing this arrangement, they had bereft themselves of their tactical mobility. Something that was going to bite them in the behind sooner than later because a lot of their ships depended on close range to have fully effective weapons. Their entire VSD line depended on concussion missiles, who were only effective close range. Same with the Hexatedral class. Of all the ships, only the Recusant and the Providence had true long-range firepower. Which left the fleet with a paltry long-range firing capability of 3 ISDs – less than a third of what his main battleline could provide. Heck, his flagship alone provided twice the long-range firing capabilities with its HTL.

And if he moved to attack the one colony at a specific vector so that the other one was behind it, this meant that he would only face half the turbolasers of one colony, not two. Which meant that for every HTL shot that colony fired, he could respond with three in kind.

“Fleet, execute tactical maneuver Alpha. Fighters keep close formation. Interdictor cruiser, project hyperspace interdiction field directly in front of us, so that they cannot microjump on top of us. Broadsides, do not open fire yet. Venators, protect the Interdictor cruiser. Lancers and corvettes, fall back to main battleline. We shall move into long-range firing range alongside the following vector.”

His main battleline moved forward, ready to slowly blast away the theater shield of the station. Due to them only having to face 10 turbolaser and 5 ion cannon batteries – and those bolts could easily be handled by the Vindicator class cruisers – while responding with five times that fire – he was pretty confident they could handle it. The only problem were the ion cannons as their blasts could not be intercepted by counterbattery fire. But due to his fleet using overlapping shields, this should be no real concern.


- Hunt makes his first move

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-07 07:00pm
by Serafina
Perimeter Alpha-1, Vulpter System

"Admiral, Captain Hunts fleet is moving. They are turning around the colonies, keeping their formation." the bridges Protocol Droid reported.

"Excellent. Move deeper into the permimeter and assume Delta formation"

"Acknowledged. Fleet assumes Delta formation!"

*The formerly loose mass of ships started to move into a tight formation, providing the smaller vessels with overlapping shield coverage and counterbattery fire*

"The fleet is in position, Admiral" the protocoll droid anounced.

"All small vessels: Launch fighters. All fighters are to hide between the superstructure of Providence and Recusant-class destroyers.
Fleet, counter the enemies move and circle around the colony".

*The delta-shaped formation moved around the colonies. It came to a relative rest, the tip of the triangle pointing slightly towards the colonies*

"Lets wait for his next move. And inform the Colonies: Set all turbolasers to maximum flak bursts"

Conclusion: Still no weapons fire, my fleet takes formation and moves a little bit.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-07 07:34pm
by Darth Raptor
Presidential Palace, Capital District
Nysacia Prime, Federal Republic of Nysacia

Ambassador Shen thought that President Kade was taking a terribly long time to read what was a very brief and straightforward document. Shifting his specs, playing with his hair, Shen was uncomfortable, if not exactly nervous. Finally, he set the datapad down on his desk and rose. "How would you like to go for a short walk, Ambassador?"

"That would be fine, Your Excellency."

Kade led her out of his office and down a strangely deserted hallway. "I don't forsee a problem with reaching a mutually profitable trade arrangement. We've had a hard time getting repulsors since the war, and Bakuran repulsors are the best in the galaxy. As for what we can offer in return, well, that depends... How much do you know about our system of government?"

"I have been fully briefed, Your Excellency."

"Wonderful; then you know that, while I am in fact Head of State, I must act on the wishes of the people and their representatives in Parliament." He pushed his glasses up. "Even against my better judgment."

Ambassador Shen said nothing to that, and Kade continued walking.

"My people are unaccustomed to power. For the first time since before the Golden Age of the Old Republic, Nysacia is a regional hegemon and a galactic power. I fear that most of my constituents have found it intoxicating. Tillean Mel'embertin, my counterpart in Parliament, has taken a hard line against the Separatist holdouts and dynamistic theocracies. I warn you, Ambassador, she will whip her ministers until she gets her great socialist revanche for the atrocities of the Clone War. Literally, if necessary."

Shen wasn't sure where he was going with this.

"The Imperial remnants aligned with you have been quick to recognize the threat posed by the Sith. However I wonder if you will be in any position to act when necessary. For her part, Mel'embertin overestimates the resolve of our people. Most of our Armed Forces are NRDF deserters, and the civilian population doesn't have as much of a stomach for war as they think they do. I must acquiesce to the demands of the Interventionist Parliament, because that is the spirit of representative democracy. However, I must also do everything I can to prevent any needless death and destruction, because my sense of honor and justice demands it. If that takes my undermining the political process then I am prepared to do it. I am afraid... that if I do not act, that foolish girl will lead our nation headlong into a pointless war over scars that have all but healed."

The pair walked in silence for a time before he brought her before a large transparisteel viewport. The window offered a breathtaking view of the world-spanning city. "I remember the Clone War," Kade began quietly. "Tilly does not. Hers is a cynical ploy to harness the anger and pain of that great massacre to ride a tide of revanchist fervor upward and onward. On the other hand, because I saw the destruction first hand, I have sworn to myself a most solemn oath: Never again."

He turned to Ambassador Shen and smiled. "Two decades ago, the Galactic Empire rebuilt this planet, feeding its starving people until we were back on our feet. I won't pretend that the Empire under Palpatine was a positive or even neutral development, but we were fortunate. Our people hold generosity to be among the highest of all virtues, and we abhor debt. It is time for Nysacia to return the favor."

"Your Exellency?"

He turned to her and grinned. "Coruscant! Or do you still prefer Imperial Center? Political or not, your people prevented the mass starvation of mine. I will now do the same for you... political or not. I think I can get away with contributing half of what the Empire is spending to support the old galactic capital. The not-insignificant cost of the gesture should shorten Tilly's leash quite nicely. You can't fight a war on political capital alone; you need the real kind. Consider it my apology for not being able to reign in Mel'embertin when the time comes. And for not signing your non-aggression treaty."

Ambassador Shen couldn't help but frown at that.

"I am not authorized to make any binding commitments of a military nature. You have my personal assurances that the Empire is not our enemy, but I cannot guarantee that whatever allies you might have rallied will not draw her ire. I would be especially cautious of any faction with Separatist sympathies--real or perceived. Until further notice, however, you are free to move your assets through our space. And we'll support you directly in whatever anti-Sith crusades you may or may not have planned."


Summary: President Kade has agreed to a trade deal with the Imperial Remnant. Furthermore, he has offered to go halfsies on the Coruscanti support and reconstruction costs, in an effort to cut the legs out from under Premier Mel'embertin's war plans and for other reasons. The Imperial Remnant is allowed to move through and resupply in Nysacian space, but a formal alliance or non-aggression pact is not on the table ATM.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-07 08:33pm
by Master_Baerne
Manticoran Ministry of Information
News Broadcast 010709

Imperial Navy To Expand Heavy Forces: His Imperial Manticoran Majesty's Navy announced today that conceptual work has started on at least one new class of Star Destroyer or larger warship to supplement the Imperator-class ships. The exact nature of these units is undetermined, but is expected to focus on replacing older heavy-combat designs in the Fleet.

Holonet Transmitter Station To Be Purchased: Starting next year, the Ministry of Information will be able to provide realtime coverage of news within and outside the Empire by means of restored Holonet capability, soon to be purchased from Imperial Remnant sources.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-08 05:17am
by Thanas
OOC: Every part of this exercise has been agreed to in PM between me and Serafina. Just incase you were wondering. Also, both this and the negotiations with the Federal Republic of Nysacia are taking place at the time the initial offers were made, which means that while the main story progresses, this still takes time in the "past". I did not want to invoke unreal time for that as this is normal story flow, but just wanted to let you know about it.

Also, in case you did not yet get it: every damage in the fleet exercise is simulated. Nothing is destroyed. [/OOC]

Cultural Union
Fleet exercise

While the space was filling with Turbolaser bolts from the Imperial ships slamming into the shields of the colony, Captain Hunt frowned as he studied long-range holos from the Union maneuver. Looks like she is gearing up for one massive charge. "Advise HK 1-3 to keep their distance. HK-4, ready to execute maneuver Alpha 1. Interdictor cruiser, keep the interdiction field firmly between us and the enemy fleet."

To his surprise, the turbolasers of the colonies had responded with flakbursts to his long-range HTL fires. Which prevented the starfighter/missile attack he had originally planned, but on the other hand did nothing to stop HTL fire. But then again, the shields of the colony were strong enough to survive the fire from his main battleline, which was already crashing against the shields of the outpost.

Luckily, this was not all he could call upon. "HK-4, execute maneuver Alpha."

The design of Theater shields was to pump enough energy into a shield to prevent gaps in the shield. Unlike planetary shields, they used not a network of generators, but one single generator for this purpose. At the moment, the entire output was directed against his main battleline, making it possible for the shield shrug off the attack that would have eliminated any starship short of a dreadnought.

When HK-4 - coonsisting of one ISD-II, four Carrack Cruisers and one Interdictor made a microjump close to the gravity well of the station and focused its firepower on a section of the shield that had not been stressed before, the culture techs were able to redirect enough energy to stop it, though it stressed the shield to the maximum and depleted the emergency reserves.

It was at that time that Captain Hunt exploited the three superheavy ball turrets of the Allegiance-class Command ship. Each of those ball turrets could deliver 720 teratons on a single target. And they now focused on another shield section that had not been attacked before, while the fleet was intensifying its fire against its previous target.

The Culture Union techs were capable, but even they could not deliver miracles – or at least their single shield generator could not. So it was that the first superheavy turbolaser bolt impacted on the shield and shattered harmlessly, the second blew a small hole into it and the third one punched through to impact on the hull. Even in a simulation, the impact was impressive. Armour plates disintegrated under the assault, entire sections were annihilated in flame and the space colony vented atmosphere.

Of course, the Union techs shifted energy to that area immediately and emergency systems soon prevented the damage from being critical. But the damage had been done and several power lines had been affected - severely limiting their ability to redirect energy to face an attack on three points. Soon, the front of the shield collapsed under a concentrated volley and the stations side facing the Imperial main battleline received a full HTL volley against its surface. This time, there was no single impact. The entire side of the orbitat simply glowed and then flamed up. With a flicker, the theater shield died.

To their credit, the union techs directing the station did not panic. Or at least their simulated selfs did not. Instead they disregarded the order to flakburst only by their commanding Admiral and switched their remaining turbolasers to heavy fire. The nearest target was HK-4, which suddenly was targeted by over 12 batteries, as well as 8 batteries from the second outpost as its microjump had carriet it within weapons range of it. The simulated commander reacted textbook-like. The Carracks raced forward and laid down counterfire, while the ISD and the Interdictor turned around and prepared for another microjump.

It was not enough. The superior firepower coming from two directions burned down the shields of the Carracks and reduced them to flaming hulks. Then the ISD became the target of the batteries. As it was presenting its stern to them, the amount of counterfire it could lay down was almost nonexisting. Twelve bolts slammed against its shields, fragmenting them while two heavy ion bursts disabled the system. Then, four turbolaser burned through it from stern to bow. Only the interdictor cruiser narrowly escaped destruction by making another microjump.

All of this did not save the outpost though, as Imperial turbolaser fire now impacted on it without facing any opposition. Within a matter of seconds, green fire had burned through the armor and impacted on the hypermatter reactor, turning the outpost into a miniature supernova.

As soon as the blinding flash had subsided, Hunt looked at the changed tactical situation. The enemy had effectively destroyed his left flank HK group, but now there was nothing standing beside him and the enemy fleet. And he was free to maneuver against an almost stationary target.

“Have the suriviving interdictor focus its gravity field against our left flank. Don't give them the chance to make a microjump into our flank.”

The first obstacle is removed – now the real fight starts. Let's see how they respond to this.

Federal Republic of Nysacia
Nysacia Prime, Capital District
Presidential Palace

Ambassador Shen bowed to the President. "Excellency, your generosity is humbling. Rest assured that this will not be forgotten."

Shen rumbled through her uniform pockets until she found a datapad and started scrolling through it. "Although it would pale in comparison to your grand gesture, maybe the Imperial Remnant can offer you something in return. Would you be interested in holonet technology? It would allow you the advantage of realtime communications with other states who have gained it. I am sure Windcaller corporation will be happy to provide you with the technology."

The ambassador paused, having found the treaty form on her datapad. "Although you cannot sign treaties for the entirety of the Republic, maybe you can sign a secret one for yourself?"
1. The Imperial Remnant recognizes his Excellency, President Gehtrim Kade as the rightful head of state of the Federal Republic of Nysacia. (OOC: superfluous, as already covered by the sovereignty accords)
2. Should he be deposed by any illegal means, the Imperial Remnant will be committed to come to his aid.
3. Should President Kade chose not to challenge a coup, the Imperial Remnant will grant him political asylum on the luxury planet of Ord Cantrell free of charge.
4. Should President Kade be harmed in any way, the Imperial Remnant will bring the perpetrators to justice by any means necessary.
5. Should President Kade feel the need to declare a civil war, the Imperial Remnnant will support his side unless and until he engages in war crimes.
6. The Privileges 1-5 extend to his immediate family, Privilege 3 extends to members of his extended family and political allies.
Shen handed over the datapad, making sure to do it at an angle that security cameras could not see.

- The first phase of the fleet exercise battle has started
- The Imperial Remnant offers some things to Gethrim Kade and to the Republic of Nysacia.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-09-08 07:32am
by Darth Raptor
Presidential Palace, Capital District
Nysacia Prime, Federal Republic of Nysacia

"Yes, access to the HoloNet would be most appreciated." President Kade took the datapad and studied it briefly. "Oh my, that's quite generous of you, Ambassador! A little alarmist, really, but much appreciated! I sincerely hope that such a catastrophe can be avoided, but it never hurts to have insurance." Apparently self-incrimination was not a problem he was worried about. "Since I don't need Parliament to ratify a personal agreement, consider it accepted." He drew the stylus and signed, then handed it back to her. "I haven't lost faith in our highly educated electorate just yet, but I see that you're not taking any chances. How very Imperial of you!" He drew a comlink from his jacket. "Henry, I need you to arrange an emergency press conference. Positive, very positive. Thank you." He clicked it off. "I must make the aid agreement public before Tilly finds out," he explained. "The rank and file of the Interventionist Caucus will be too busy congratulating themselves to see that this throws a spanner into their war plans. Hawks like Tilly will be incensed, but they have constituencies to worry about as well. The smart thing for her to do is act like it was her idea. It'll be fine, you have nothing to worry about. Now, if we have no further business, I have headline news to make."

Conning Tower, FNNS Rathian
Nysac System, Federal Republic of Nysacia

Marshall Langard had no love for the old Moff governor during the best of times, but now she was staring down the business end of two Star Destroyers from some Republican state he'd gone and pissed off. They called themselves the Golden Republic, and from what little information she had available they seemed agreeable enough. Their first ambassador had been sent very modestly, but they made the mistake of taking Moff Jandrell seriously and got all offended. Now they came brandishing heavy turbolasers. Powered down, of course, but an Allegiance heavy destroyer and a Venator fleet carrier were more than a match for her MC90.

Kriffing Imp, she thought bitterly, the real insult was getting sent to talk to that geriatric parasite. "Open a channel. This is Sky Marshall Kendra Langard of the Federal Nysacian Armed Forces to all ships of the Golden Republic: The Federal Republic of Nysacia recognizes you is prepared to receive any envoys." Talk about gunboat diplomacy.

Jandrell Manor, Oured Countryside
Oured, Federal Republic of Nysacia

The ambassador from the Temporary Stellar Authority of Balmorra was brought to idyllic Oured, not cosmopolitan Nysacia Prime. Rather than meet with the President, who was said to be very busy at the moment, the TSAB envoy was brought to a palatial estate in the country to meet with the former governor of Nysac Sector--both under the Galactic Empire AND the New Republic. That was rare. Not unheard of, but pretty rare.

It was a large, stuffy, and mostly empty mansion. Apart from the Twi'lek butler, the TSAB envoy saw no one on the way to an old-fashioned study. Standing by the window (more leaning on a cane, really) was an elderly fop who was once a Moff of the Empire. Technically still was, since no legitimate Imperial authority had ever revoked the title that one typically enjoys for life. Now that there was no devolved government for the defunct Nysac Sector, the ex-governor served as a sort of Plenipotentiary for the Nysacian Federal Government.

He turned to regard the new arrival. "Ah, you're right on time. I like that." He hobbled over to envoy and offered a hand. "I am Moff Einham Jandrell, former Governor in and over Nysac Sector. Assume that I speak on behalf of His Excellency the President, because I do. What would you like to discuss?"


Summary: The Imperial Remnant will be connecting Nysacia to the HoloNet in exchange for shipments of food and medical supplies worth 50% of what the Remnant is spending to keep Coruscant alive. Under the table, the Remnant will support Kade in the unlikely event of a civil war or coup d'etat. Also, dialogue is now open with the Temporary Stellar Authority of Balmorra and the Golden Republic.