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Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-22 01:28pm
by Skywalker_T-65
I don't see why a Bank of Bastet couldn't work...after all, you kind of went for a Space Switzerland route with all those trade routes. And what I mean by that, is that a lot of people have a lot of money tied up in Bastian.

Arcadia though...we have a bank, just not one that announces itself. It runs more in the background to be honest...

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-22 01:45pm
by Panzersharkcat
No, it does exist. It's just that I don't want to make an ad for it. I'd probably have a huge banking sector. We are supposed to be a kind of corrupted libertopia domestically.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-22 01:50pm
by Scottish Ninja
The average Volsci has no trust in banks. Certainly far safer to just keep your cash under your mattress, if you can afford a mattress. The Volscians lead the galaxy in production of affordable mattresses!

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-22 02:18pm
by OmegaChief
Do they come compelte with handy money storage compartment?

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-22 04:38pm
by Akhlut
Scumdogia's banks are a con-job designed to funnel money to the Scumdogs of the Universe.

They are not necessarily very convincing, but there are still plenty of idiots in the universe...

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-22 04:46pm
by Imperial528
OmegaChief wrote:Do they come compelte with handy money storage compartment?
Ah, but who would use that? That's just telling the thieves where the money is! Clearly, it is a trap that is only labeled as a money storage compartment.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 02:24am
by The Romulan Republic
Well, I've put up the beginning of my nation description. I'm still working out the numbers and such for my military.

By the way, anyone want a trade route with my little Romulan micronation?

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 02:26am
by Simon_Jester
Guys, I'm sorry, I didn't get to a map redraft this weekend. I'll do it when I can, but the busy phase of the week is coming back up- if anyone wants to push ahead and put something out there for people to critique in loco parentis, please go ahead.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 08:08am
by Force Lord
Hmm, in loco parentis? My latin is ephimeral, so what does it mean?

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 08:14am
by Imperial528
I'm guessing it is "in place of parent(s)*" as in a player made map as a temporary replacement for a moderator made map.

*Usage appears to be singular but IIRC -is is always a plural ending, although it might be singular in the neuter declension, which I remember least.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 09:44am
by Skywalker_T-65
I would do a map myself, but I have no idea on how exactly to modify the base one (note, I'm using a Mac, so stuff like Microsoft Paint is out of the question). I'm perfectly fine waiting though, but if anyone wants to make a map themselves and slap Arcadia down, the sectors should be ordered like this:

Arcadia: H12
Reach: H11
Kursk: I 12
Miyazaki: I 11
London: I 10
Berlin: H13
Nome: G11
SPACE VIKINGS (micronation): J10

(That goes for Simon too, that way he doesn't have to guess where to put things when the Mod Map is done).

And I can accept a trade route from the Romulans. That is assuming they want to send one my way considering I don't have any left to send back. Also, a question for the Elder Races (TM)...I was thinking of having one of my planets be a neutral meeting ground in the Cold War. What I mean by that is this...back when the Furling Empire was still around, they used one of their planets as a neutral meeting ground, and that has transferred over to Arcadia now that the Furlings are weak. That way we can keep the Hyperbazooka from being used if at all possible.

(And if anyone asks, this is another idea I'm carrying over from my SW/SG crossover, namely that the Furling Empire in that story had a planet that was a meeting ground for the Four Great Races Alliance. Which has sort of happened here...Furlings=...well Furlings, Grays= Loki style Asgard, Krypton=Ancients, and Bastian=Nox...though the giant space cats are not Space Hippies like the Nox.)

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 10:15am
by The Romulan Republic
Well, from what I've read of your nation description I think our factions have a lot in common, so you make a logical trading partner. I think my guys would get on well with yours'.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 10:19am
by Skywalker_T-65
Yeah, they probably would. Space Sweden and Romulans...who would have thought? That being said, you can go ahead and send that TR my way if you want.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 10:54am
by Esquire
The Romulans have two billion people and three star systems? That seems... really thinly spread, but I suppose it would make sense - if they're all descended from the crew of a very lost warbird, they'd have FTL well before crowding became an issue on the initial planet and might just be trying to avoid it in the first place.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 10:56am
by Skywalker_T-65
Well my colonies have 1 billion people spread through 3 systems. Then again, I was going for the freshly settled look, so that would be why.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 11:11am
by The Romulan Republic
Esquire wrote:The Romulans have two billion people and three star systems? That seems... really thinly spread, but I suppose it would make sense - if they're all descended from the crew of a very lost warbird, they'd have FTL well before crowding became an issue on the initial planet and might just be trying to avoid it in the first place.
Only one system is heavily populated. That's New Romulus, which is where the capitol is located. The other two are small colonies, one for mining and one for scientific research. They're more outposts than established worlds.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 11:46am
by Simon_Jester
Also... Romulans.

[raises eyebrow]

Imperial528 wrote:I'm guessing it is "in place of parent(s)*" as in a player made map as a temporary replacement for a moderator made map.

*Usage appears to be singular but IIRC -is is always a plural ending, although it might be singular in the neuter declension, which I remember least.
School term. Yes, it means "in place of a parent," and formally it's used in the context of actions taken by teachers and other officials regarding children, when their parents are not available.

It's a stock phrase, I'm secretly a barbarian.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 11:52am
by Imperial528
Simon_Jester wrote:It's a stock phrase, I'm secretly a barbarian.
Simon_Jester wrote:I'm secretly a barbarian.
Simon_Jester wrote:barbarian
*Stands with mouth gaping in horror, the sort of horror only a True Roman™ can appreciate*

By the gods, bearded savages! Quick my fellow compatriots, we must flee to Space Rome to appeal to the Space Emperor for his Space Legions' support!

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 11:57am
by Simon_Jester
Sigh, you do know the origin of the word "barbarian," right?

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 11:59am
by Rabid
People who baber and are incapable of speaking the One True Language, Latin.

Today's barbarians are those who can't speak 'Murcan.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 12:07pm
by Imperial528
Simon_Jester wrote:Sigh, you do know the origin of the word "barbarian," right?
I had been told it was derived from the Latin for beard, but honestly my Latin class didn't get that far and I never really felt inclined to ask the instructor since it seemed like relatively useless trivia to me.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 02:14pm
by Skywalker_T-65
SPACE VIKING description is up. Its very tentative though, so I may or may not change it at some point. If anyone notices any glaring errors let me know please.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 02:41pm
by Shinn Langley Soryu
I personally find it amusing how you've poached Halo designs for your light combatants, seeing as the SOS Imperial Navy back in SDNW4 also used the UNSC frigate and destroyer designs for the Hirano class frigates and the Lee class family of ships, respectively. I intend for that to remain the case in SDNW5, though the existence of visually similar Arcadian ships would make life a bit more difficult for naval intelligence agencies. Convergent evolution, perhaps.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 03:03pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Hey, I wasn't around in SDNW4 to know that remember? :)

On a serious note, weren't we discussing WAY back in the thread about Arcadia being partially formed from dissidents that fled the Holy Empire? If we went with that, it would be easy enough to say they took the ideas with them (if not the designs, depending on how old they are). Or just go with convergent evolution. Though with Arcadia First using the destroyer...that could get real interesting real quick.

(Plus, the Halo designs are in the minority...most of them are Stargate or SW inspired copied.)

EDIT: Also, the question to the Elder Races (TM) from an earlier post still stands (the meeting planet). Another thing...I used my new found GDP from the Romulans to put in a 900 point supership (sacrificed a couple of Battlecruisers too). It is the only one though, so don't worry about a bunch of super ships. And one last thing...what do you all use to modify the map drafts and insert your nations? Just wondering so I can insert Arcadia and put a little less strain on our friendly neighborhood mod.

Re: SDNW5 Preliminary Discussion Thread

Posted: 2012-04-23 03:53pm
by Rabid
Skywalker_T-65 wrote:And one last thing...what do you all use to modify the map drafts and insert your nations? Just wondering so I can insert Arcadia and put a little less strain on our friendly neighborhood mod.
Good old Paint Shop Pro X2 as far as I'm concerned. But you can try to use Gimp if you dare... :lol: