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Posted: 2008-05-12 06:08pm
by Sea Skimmer
Lonestar wrote: The LSRN and TXN uses SM-3 equipped AEGIS vessels. :)
SM-3 is still only designed to intercept medium to intermediate range ballistic missiles, and the SPY-1 radar certainly does not have sufficient performance to support anti ICBM engagements. It’s a pretty marginal defense at best, same for THAAD, though it could knock down my rather more numerous SS-20 class IRBMs pretty well. This is why the USN wants to put a way bigger radar, scaled down from that absurdly huge Sea Based X-Band radar, on CG-21 and to start equipping ships with blocks of 26-30inch diameter VLS silos which could accommodate a sufficiently large missile for the job.

Posted: 2008-05-12 06:10pm
by Lonestar
We have sufficient number of vessels right off the Saddamistani coast to shoot them down as they launch. :P

Posted: 2008-05-12 06:27pm
by Sea Skimmer
Lonestar wrote:We have sufficient number of vessels right off the Saddamistani coast to shoot them down as they launch. :P
I can easily launch from 200 miles inland, all of my missiles except those at my remote island are are mobile, and SM-3 has a maximum range of 270 miles, which is beyond the range of SPY-1 radar. Boost phase interception is sure as shit not going to work given that situation, that’s why in real life work is being done on a sea based version of KEI. Seriously now, ABM isn’t terribly difficult to pull off, but you need weapons and sensors which match the scale of the missile you want to shoot down. Let me know when you develop a sea based hit to kill version of SPARTAN, because that’s what you need.

Anyway, any ship close enough to shore to even think about doing this with SM-3 would have its hands full with cruise missiles, not to mention hoards of MRLs firing as anti ship weapons and the approximately eighty nine billion trillion electronic jammers Saddamistan has in the best Soviet traditions.

Posted: 2008-05-12 06:35pm
by Lonestar
Sea Skimmer wrote:and the approximately eighty nine billion trillion electronic jammers Saddamistan has in the best Soviet traditions.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm going on a business trip. Try not to kill me while I'm gone.

Posted: 2008-05-12 06:36pm
by RogueIce
Of course, all of this could be avoided if you'd just listen to reason. :wink:

Anyway Shep, you know how bad of an idea bombing the Sultan would be right now? Oh you might be able to get your planes in claiming them to be recon or whatever, but as soon as you dropped the ordnance what do you think the MESS would do? We're out there trying to stop any foreign power from bombing or otherwise attacking Terra Libertia. We can't just make an exception because you took the Jihad against the LSR personally.

Something to consider. As well as the rest of the OMSK SC as they decide whether to support Shep's plan or not.

As I said before, there are other ways to deal with this Jihad. It looks like ProTec and the FUN are close to such a solution. Your bombs would only send that to the shitter and make things worse. As well as force the MESS to do something. Or else what? We block Saddamistan from bombing Terra Libertia, give recognition to the Sultan and the others...then let Shepnukistan bomb them?

Posted: 2008-05-12 06:37pm
by RogueIce
phongn wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:I feel like point out to all your folks shifting around S-300 firing batteries, that a missile of that class cannot stop an ICBM warhead, and that since Saddmistan has rocket launch pads on an island on the far side of the world it can hit even the most closely collocated nations with that sort of weapon.
Fortunately for me, I actually have heavy ABMs :D
If you have some to spare and ready to go, we'll pay good money for the fastest possible transport, installation and setup. :)

EDIT: Assuming the various ABM ships, PAC-3s, and the three THAAD batteries I have aren't enough.

Posted: 2008-05-12 06:38pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
I would prefer we don't tip the balance of power any more than Saddamistan has.

And Bean, can I have some of those ASAT bateries?

Posted: 2008-05-12 06:42pm
by phongn
RogueIce wrote:If you have some to spare and ready to go, we'll pay good money for the fastest possible transport, installation and setup. :)

EDIT: Assuming the various ABM ships, PAC-3s, and the three THAAD batteries I have aren't enough.
The main problem is that the big radars and C4ISR stuff will take time to emplace, even if we do major airlifts of the missiles themselves.

Posted: 2008-05-12 06:48pm
by RogueIce
phongn wrote:
RogueIce wrote:If you have some to spare and ready to go, we'll pay good money for the fastest possible transport, installation and setup. :)

EDIT: Assuming the various ABM ships, PAC-3s, and the three THAAD batteries I have aren't enough.
The main problem is that the big radars and C4ISR stuff will take time to emplace, even if we do major airlifts of the missiles themselves.
In that case we shall have to go with the normal procurement cycle thing then.

And for now, hope that Saddamistan doesn't want to commit suicide over Terra Libertia.

Unless he's magically been able to build up his nuclear weapons stockpile and send out enough warheads between his land based and SSBN forces (of which he'd also have to build from scratch) to somehow pose a serious threat to everybody in the MESS, OMSK, and FUN. And whether he had those SSBNs already disperesed before we moved all those ships into place or whether they somehow managed to slip through.

I dunno. This is usually when the more technicaly-savvy people start to come in and wrangle over whether what someone did was possible or not. I leave it to them. :)

Posted: 2008-05-12 06:50pm
by Lonestar
500nm would cover quite a bit of other countries' territorial waters, so the LSR is calling bullshit on this one.

Okay, THIS TIME I'm leaving for the week.

Posted: 2008-05-12 07:23pm
by Raj Ahten
Shep, I got a question for you. Would you be willing to sell your Blackbeard missiles and the new SAMS you are developing to a neutral country such as mine, Indhopal?

Posted: 2008-05-12 07:29pm
by MKSheppard
Raj Ahten wrote:Shep, I got a question for you. Would you be willing to sell your Blackbeard missiles and the new SAMS you are developing to a neutral country such as mine, Indhopal?
Production line is filled out to Q4 2010 and Q1 2011, man.

Posted: 2008-05-12 07:36pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
MKSheppard wrote:Production line is filled out to Q4 2010 and Q1 2011, man.
Erm.. is there any chance I could license produce or something? I'm willing to invest in some factory.

Posted: 2008-05-12 07:45pm
by DarthShady
MKSheppard wrote:
Raj Ahten wrote:Shep, I got a question for you. Would you be willing to sell your Blackbeard missiles and the new SAMS you are developing to a neutral country such as mine, Indhopal?
Production line is filled out to Q4 2010 and Q1 2011, man.
I am also interested in buying, but i guess the FUN can share. :wink:

Also: THE END IS NIGH! :lol:

Posted: 2008-05-12 08:10pm
by Mr Bean

The idea for building my own S-400's to provide dedicated ABM support started around "six" months ago. I procured the plans, bought a full set from Sheppard got them second hand from Stas. Enough Engineers and set about getting the tooling needed from Stas.

So here we are six months later, I have build five separate facility for construction of the S-400. I have a single full launcher/radar unit I've been qualifying Soldiers on, and I'm just about ready to kick off production assuming I have all the right machine tools and assemblies needed.

Now I don't have three assembly lines to put in those three factories. That's a year off minimum. What I do have is one single working assembly line which is being used to train three shifts of workers. Actual assembly and QA of a full system is again, minimum of a year off. More like a year and a half.

Duplicating the assembly line is going to be my issue, once I've done it once fully it becomes ten times easier. And once I have done it once that first built assembly line is going to Byzantium, the first assembly line again is being used for training and making needed parts.

Which means sometime in 2012, Byzantium should kick the first missile off the assembly line and by the end of 2012 I should be ready to kick off some serious production.

One thing we love to do in the UKB is throw manpower at it until we have a plant running four shifts 7 days a week 365 days a year. Run it for four months, then cut it back to 20h/5d and use the left-over but trained people to train new people and get them working in freshly built factories. If it's one thing I have enough of, it's construction crews.

Should I ever run out of crash programs that need doing, I am sure as heck building my own personal Maginot Line around Mountainhome.

Edit:Which mean's if the shit hits the fan I'll be faced with using SM-2's, SM-3's and my single S-400 near NNY.

On the plus side unlike the rest of the world my ships have acutally conducted limited actual test firing ABM drills.

Time for more.

Posted: 2008-05-12 08:32pm
by MKSheppard
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Erm.. is there any chance I could license produce or something? I'm willing to invest in some factory.
Um, setting up the factory to produce them and getting the first ones from it won't happen until well after the present crisis is over.

Posted: 2008-05-12 09:04pm
by Mr Bean
Re:All OMSK Memebers
Your going to have to trust me on this one people

Re:Sea skimmer
Your going to have to trust me period.

Posted: 2008-05-12 09:17pm
by Mr Bean
Byzantium has acknowledged and stands with me Sea-Skimmer.

Again, trust is an issue.

Posted: 2008-05-12 09:21pm
by K. A. Pital
500 nautical miles? He's insane. My ships aren't even in the area, so far, but seriously, this is fucking ridiculous. I could've probably gone with Operation Coward (sorry, but that's what it is) until Saddam spewed that but no longer. :P Anyway, my ships are still out there in the Central Sea and Western Ocean.

Posted: 2008-05-12 09:32pm
by Mr Bean
Stas the 500 nautical miles are a bargaining position, he came up with to begin with, ye-old definition of national waters was how far you could fire you biggest cannon, he's basing it off a missile rather than a cannon.

Which is why we say 22 NMI's and he says 500.

Stick with the plan Stas.

Posted: 2008-05-12 09:46pm
by CmdrWilkens
Sea Skimmer wrote:the submarines of our fleet have already dispersed around the globe armed with these new weapons, and the deployment and testing of additional nuclear arms will proceed with all possible urgency.”
I'm curious how you got SSBNs or SSBKs since the OP did not allow a DDBN/K substitution which means you would have had to declare them as being under construction...whcih also would be a full set of trial runs and class tests...which means that 2.5yrs into this new world you should not be fielding more than MAYBE two SSBN/Ks. Now if they are cruise missile launched then that you could carry on an SSN/K but then our existing air defenses are more than adequate for taking down you launch (aside from the ASW patrols that everyone has out there).

So basicly I'm wondering if you are declaring you've got a dozen or so SSN/Ks with cruise missiles that are nuke tipped or do you have one or two of a preiviously undeclared SSBN/K? Moreover if you have an SSBN then how the heck did you manage to get an operational SLB without any of us (who are certainly watching closely) noticing?

I'm not saying it can't be done but I am saying that if it can be done either we should have had some tinkle of warning (in the form of rocket or ship tests)or its being done by jury-rigged conventional forces that we should be able to stop almost at will given everyone's heightened state of alert.

Posted: 2008-05-12 10:18pm
by Raj Ahten
MKSheppard wrote:
Raj Ahten wrote:Shep, I got a question for you. Would you be willing to sell your Blackbeard missiles and the new SAMS you are developing to a neutral country such as mine, Indhopal?
Production line is filled out to Q4 2010 and Q1 2011, man.
Could I sign up for Q2 2011 shipments then? (asuming no one gets glassed anyway.) It would give me some time to get the payments in order.

In other news, being a small country not part of an alliance is looking pretty good right now, until someone were to spoil my day with a conventional invasion or even one nuke.....

By the way, why are the dealings of the alliances being kept secret? Couldn't that lead to horrible misunderstandings?

Posted: 2008-05-12 10:20pm
by Mr Bean
Raj Ahten wrote:
MKSheppard wrote:
Raj Ahten wrote:Shep, I got a question for you. Would you be willing to sell your Blackbeard missiles and the new SAMS you are developing to a neutral country such as mine, Indhopal?
Production line is filled out to Q4 2010 and Q1 2011, man.
Could I sign up for Q2 2011 shipments then? It would give me some time to get the payments in order anyway.

In other news, being a small country not part of an alliance is looking pretty good right now, until someone were to spoil my day with a conventional invasion or even one nuke.....
Don't say those kind of things around Sheppard. You might as well be running back and forth atop your largest hill holding up a giant sign saying "Nuke Here for a Good time".

Posted: 2008-05-12 10:31pm
by phongn
I have SAMs and AShMs ready to sell!

Posted: 2008-05-12 10:35pm
by Raj Ahten
phongn wrote:I have SAMs and AShMs ready to sell!
Interesting. How do they compare with Shep's hardware? Essentially I want a deterrant against ship borne invasion and an intigrated air defense network that can be upgraded over time.

I am very interested in acquiring your systems, if they truly are availible right now.